michtfeang mirror march of dimes our dem >5-t by mat i...

Volume 64 **• n» Pi Michtg fean Mirror State News Newt tad aad Henpeaiaa* of the Tettitf Tald froai Lansing March of Dimes The itata nowa pays 55 percent of iti total fiasal tax nvwun back to the cities, counties, town* and aehooli of the state in vary. ing forms of stateeid.The payment of such a largo share of state coll- ected Jmvenue back to localities can not continue to grow.* 1 The above) speech was made by Oof. Georga Dewey in his inauger apeech in New York Jan, 6,1947. Although conditions ard similar OUR DEM m i ..i— I, Um Lavey Will Act As Local Chairman. Robert Squires J* the County Chairman .,». la New York and Michigan there is difference. New (YorJI state has a surplus of $518,.000'00a which Gov. Dewey' would use for postwar construction but would wait nntil the inflation period is over. He admits that a aubstantial am< ount of state aid is necessary for schools otherwise children in poor- er districts would not be afforded equal .educational opportunities with other district*. It is also nee essary in less wealthy communitiies to make possible health and social welfare services which shonki be equally available to all the people. In Michigan last year the state paid back 59 percent of its tax revenue to the local units. The st t* surplus waa only $103,000000 and now under the sales tax div- rsion it would pay back 71 percent The legislatune is still up in the air on the tax situation. Some re- commend repealing the tax diver alon amendment. It is not certain that this can be done and then there is a threat of court action if an attempt is made to place it on tha April ballot Others would with hold revenue from local units such as liquor taxes >ut the legality of this is doubtful* , GREGORY The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Bess Marshall Thursda.AU the old office** were releeted. Mrs. Inez Bowdish and Mrs. Ger- trude Crosman spent Sunday in De- troit. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Poole spent Wednesday with Mrs Etta Ahrens Sn (Howell. ( Mrs. Mary Oockett was in St. John* last week. Mm, Ray Lavey was in Jackson Monday. f M Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Beauchamp were in Jackson and Stockbridge Sunday. Mrs. Frank Ovitt and Mrs. Don KcCorney were called to Fowler, villa last week by the death of their brothejr, Frank 'Plummer. Walter Barbour and wife of Stockbridge called at the Ray Lav vey home Sunday. ' Mrs. Alio Worden, Mrs. T. J The March of Dimes campaign to aid infantile paralysis aufferens is now on and extends from Jan # 16 to SO. being climaxed by the'ann- ual president's ball at St. Joseph's hall, Howell on the night of Jan. 31 at which 'Barney McCardel's 5 piece orchestra from Lansing will 1 play. Robert Squires* Howell chick hatchery man is county chairman and there are numerous local chair men. Lee Lavey is the chairman for Putnam. March of Dimes con. 4ribution boxes have beetn placed ia local stores /here y~u may leave contributions* The coupon may be detached from the adv. in this pap or which you may mail with your contribution to local headquarters. Cure and prevention of Infantile paralysis is a worthy cause and while some progress has been made much remains, to be done. There are 24,000 cases of polio tieated in the United States each year with 1100 in Michigan. Last year there wene 2 cases in Livingston county # Mrs. Wiley Brewer died last October and Miss Estella PI ess is in an iron lung at the University of Michigan hos- pital. Through funds raised in former drives Ralph Peckens of Fowlerville was sent to the Warm Springs Foundation in Georgia several years ago which place was donated to the cause by the late President Frank lin Roosvelt, himself a victim of polio and through whose efforts the yearly campaign was started. Dispatch Wednesday Jan 22- 1947 No 4 >5-T ^**i by Mat I Basketball Scores Current Comment Zona ttdUd *IDEALS,ENERGY,TrfRIFT. DEFEAT HOWELL MOTORS The Pinckney VFW team won from the Howell Motors last Wed- nesday night 50 to 17.Pinckney led 29 to 9 at the half. Pinckney Kuhn, F .... ; 15 P. Young, F 14 Gentile, C 4 Reynolds, G Lavey, G - Mielnik, G 2 9 o 0 Howell Motors R. Benedict, F 2 D. Benedict, F 7 FuUcerson, C - . _-, 2 Smith, G.__- . 4 .Garland, G .-- O DEFEAT HARTLAND 27 to 29 The Pinckney VFW team beat Hartland there Mon. eve 27.22. Pinckney VFW Kuhn, F ._ 7 P. Young, F --. 3 Gentile, C * Lavey, G . 7 Aschenbrenner,G 2 Melnik G 0 HartLand .* ...... . * 8 Austin, F - 2 Mageria, C -- * ^Sneath, G -_...- 2 7 Bad luck still pursued th.« I'inckney team last Friday nigni as tney <irop- i ped two out of three games to the J lowly-rated U-itlatid team. The girls' , «m lost us opener to Once aguin the Ford Motor Com- pany U-uds the held. At a time when automobile manufacturers are annuiim-ihg price increases, the Ford Murur Company has announced price 'J hi.-' ac.j.jii is expected to have wide- hit c;ni re > orberation.s in the automo- h'je world. In the old days ihe Ford ( umpany n.^.k: many move.: of this mure, H was the first company to c;<' ilie price to around $o()ij in the u de.i days, thus placing the car with- in reach of ihe multitude when prev- i- jsly only ihe rich could ali'ord one. 'ih">n it OLMJII upset the auio world vhcM it -el the minimum wage at i'> \" i' day. Ivventually all the com- i any'> competitors had to follow suit. 'i lie w< i Id will watch with interest \ hai ihur action will he in tiiis case. it U'ii ^- a superintendent of schools a touv.li jui>, not only in i'inckney 01111) 1 piace.s as well. In High- - ALL MUST BE STRONG /N EACH OF OS TO&AY- TO WIN THE WAR AN0 TO PRESERVE OifG DEMOCRACY. the Hartland gals, 20 to 15, with |;< - ,,itl,ll, " i '' I'' 1 "™ $l- r > to $50 per car. Mary Gentile garnering all of the Pinckney points. The i'inckney girls just couldn't hit the hoops while Hartland showed a couple of good sharp shooters. r- In the second contest thy Pinck- ney quintet had a walk-away'with thi- ll art land reserves, whining ,'3;i to 10. Pinckney used all fifteen men. Jerry Clark was high man for Pinckne> with 14 points and Don Clark gut 7. In the last contest the two varsity teams staged the roughest contest seen on the local floor in years with fouls galore and Hartland managed to nose Pinckney out, lib to 1!). Pinck- ney made 21 fouls and Hartland had 11 called on them. Hartland made enough points on foul goals to win the game. Jim Meyer led the Pinck- ney scorers with 7 points and the Lyons brothers each got (J for Hart- land. The refereeing was not very high- class as the oilicials allowed the irame to get out of control and the argu- ments were many and numerous. I'INCKNKY RKSEKVKS J. Clark ( f 11 Amburgey, f . 2 D. Clark, c 7 li. Harrow, g Jeifrey, g HARTLAND HI SFRVHS Hoose, f Strong, i' ttycolf, v lano the l.e i ir i -ji 'l in P ! he superintend, nt is in pio\erbial "dog house" because '•rmaud '.he girls in the clemen- gi'ades im swimmin.' in the in the -;'!,. o! swimmi.ig pool. ri"ii!ier. a:'.' i in a m i •; and a d" ! :> 1 I i 4 iormed a meet- l>.'aid .•: education there i! wnii ihe snpef mtendent P>M,I!I.| ^111 t i n t i.ie buy- na\e swum in >• i" de l.,i v-ar-; and that the .-w ;iniiiin.-j poo! i. tniiivly pri\ - ate. The mo i.hers aie ,-,... -pn ion.- and U/l.satis- lied. Circuit Court News Judge Collins held a one-day court session at Howell last week. Clifford Hath pleaded guilty to breaking into a gaa station in Fowlerville and will be sentenced Friday. Divorces were granted to Lavon from Wayne Ward* George irom Shaw anTthlane from Frances Ris- don. ^ The lawsuit of the Village of Pinck- fiey vs. W. H. Meyer started last No- vember was resumed at Howell last week. Friday it was settled out of court. The village agrees to move the gasoline tanks from under the side- walk in front of the Meyer garage on West Main Street and build a v. Ptmnds Mtrpftf, paster Masses lit 8 and 11 a, m, No vena Friday J2.-20 noon and 8.CV0 p. m- Preparation tor Holy Common fca each Saturday « to 9 p, ra. m* Sunday 7:00 to 7*80 a. m. Sunday, January 26, 3rd Sundayi after Epiphany, 5th week o"f '152' Novenna. Prayers are requested for John McCIeer who ditad in Jackson Fii i) 0 Wilson, g 4 Combs, g I) Substitutions: I'inclney: S ini .n, Singer 2, Burroughs, V. < mer, J. Dariow, if-jiid,,. Bid well 2, Millott 2, (b i pi\( KM:> MTyer,' f Young, f Ktini.s, c Harrow, g .,. T. Clai-k, g .'. .-'.tie H I e i \ ij gia where a man I { el roi'.-ii i \) b\' Jon-t. militia to he who .served I he pa only I r.ni) the >i.u <,';u\ ei'ni. r'.--. b> m.^e a.- culiai . ark 1, II a n ; ••. . »lo- ir exists in Geor- - :• ej/i-d the gov- and i.- u s i n g the ep om (lovernor Arnall , t^'o years not lapilol but the a well. It is a pe- Cover: or Talmadge wa j'oie h( 1 o',.Oil aiK'e elect ed ( <i ; he t,ii, -i but died be- lonbUbe in. tali d. The Lieu- tovei'llol -elect a, not yet in- i ej a a I !. 11' -i man 'I'riiinad/'e, , the goV- , on, bad run on the ballots n-\ IT eandidah and gotten 000 The !;••, i ,;ii in e niet and elected ; o . m i mi. ' nivn i noi A if ia.ll re- io y:t\c ui) office. However HAKTI.ANJ) Can\eron, f .. .:'... Stevens, )' S, Lyons, e Havell, g H. Lyons, g Substitution,- : Pind. t ey : H: Sto/f'er, R. rimU 2; 11.n :1am! lU'C. mad' and ' i i L.it- Yoim'-r. r I al • capit.td at jngiit session, (jovci nor. A the L i e u t e n a n t ,'i .,• come goverJioK. < ill JT )' a'i'y pus- o C: ud- new sidewalk to r e p l a c e d one which | day and ^ Cope, a former r e v e r t will have to be torn up without any cost to Mr. Meyer. There seems to have been a slip-up somewhere as Mr. Meyer claims he did not receive any notice the trial was to be re- sumed Thursday and he went to De- troit that day, s Poola were in Jackson Thursday. Burgess, F Tom Anderson and family of Royal Oak, spent week end with Mr*. Nellie McCIeer. Mr. and Mr*. Cliford Larned of Holmes, G Laasjaf *p«nt the week end withi Mr. and Mi. B. RoekweU. i Mrs. Tho* Hewlett entertained CUTOW- SWARTHOUT Iter bridge dub Monday. ' The marriage of Louis Swarthout Walter Barbour and wife were son of Mr. and Mrs. LJ. Swarthout Sunday eopper guests of the Roland of Portage Lake and Mias Jennie £toffen Gutow of Detroit took place at the Mrs. Belle Leach is isiting her Com Cong'L church Sunday evening tiaugfater in Pontiac. B>CT. Allard officiating-^ They were Mrs. Orfa Olin ha* double pneu- attended by Gerald Swarthout. ft / "^ J brother of the groom, and Helen Mr*. Perd Bowdish and Mr* G.\M*mberg of Detroit. Following « lUttmam were Tueaday dinneri^^Ption at the Swarthout home eete of Mrs. Pearl Marshall. J the couple left on a wedding trip Mrs. Hamy James, Mrs, James] aw* on their return will reside at; -nd Joan were in Ann Ar-j Pinckney. bor Friday NEW UNDERGROUND CABLE who died in Iowa Friday. Among the intentions am Sun., Sunday Frederick Curr. Mon.,]ate John Sullivan, Tues #f late Neil McClaer, req. by lirs. Richard Greiner, Wed., late Phillip Boileau.' Thur., late Eva Bolen, Fri. Joha Dunkas, Sat. late Blanche Sholer- man, Sun. Anniversary high mass «- for late Mary and John Fitch.broth The Michigan Bell Telephone Co. e r s a n d pisters and Clarence Dixon, is now using a new type of under-1 ^ by Mrs.EUa Clara Dixon. ground cable td serve rural subscribers. This cable is buried deep in the ground by a plow and j by means of it 11000 families in the rural areas got service last year. The company now has 107,000 ru- ral subscribers in Michigan and ex- pects t add 20,000 mora this "year. The new cable is lightning proof and withstands severe weather con- ditions. Scores of other Kanie wen lows: iiritfhton .'J.">, D e x t e r 2'J Manchester 'J2, Little. 1'ioneers St. Augustine .'{0, St. Thonm> Milford X'J, Farmintfton :\U Fowlerville 42, Jx'sJie '8 Willium.ston 4;i, Danville 2d Holt 40, Stockbridge 2~> E v e r e t t .'17, H o w e i l ;jo University Hi>h 27, Saline 22 Iiornulus 50, Chelsea '.'M The I!ej)uhlicnn.s I, (known a-> a j>arty \veli-to-do v in Con^ii I hey will retain the i (yields approximately a,- fol- 1,111 jon dollars per y 12 2'J COM. CON L. CHURCH •**. AKrerf Allartf, Mrs.Florenc4 BaugtafOrgaaist and Choir Director Sun. School Supt. -Herman Vedder Morning Worship « _ _ _ 10*0 Sunday Schinbl - _ _ . . U40 CSoit practisa. Wad- MAKKiAGE LU&di 3E» C05PEI, Pastor . . „ „. r ,., t _ S. SC Supt* .«»..•••• Morning Worship liaonard Jones, 24, Pinckney. Bernidine Dohn, 20, Ann Arbor; Louis Swarthout, 24, PinckneyJenn I Evening Wenbip ie Gutow. 23. Detroit; Robert Dun-i Prayer Service, Wed. ^. £sra Beacaa mt . Marvin Shire —-. 10.-0 JOHN McCLEER John McCk-er, 7K. died at Jark- son Saturday.. The funeral wa^ held at the Queen's church there Monday with burial there.His wjl'e was-for mer Nettie Keithmiller of Stof];- bridge who died a nuniher of ye..:^ ago. Surviving' are a dauenu - ( Mrs Iiuth Ewiyrs of Jackson, I'OTT- ^grandchiidren and 2 hrothers, L< o of Brighton and Ernest of Ro^..I Oak. The deceased was a veUercin of the Spanish-Ajnerjca/i war and a j carpenter and contractor who did considerable work in this section, ret into the •lov/ in poa- , r<in i ei.iiiendu that ; i.oulil be- nnie court (jiiestion. :. always been the rich and We I'e.ul t ' .:i iry i . ••,'. ' . i e 111:(] (;• , I.' . I;!!' ' " I H oj)ie tUX. S>) •' i e income taxes i i lie very much ; '•ohotnieement to i lear the way <luc: mi:.-, other- 1 hn\'e been un- til it. would cut the cost of state tfo*w i nments by reduc- ine; the nunrihei el -nators and leg- islators and consolidating the dis- tricts. Let's see them do it! Once an oflice tfets on the ballot it stays forever. The townships are still elect- litf highway commissioners, con- ..liiMes and justicr •- of the peace be- cati'i* the ie^'it-l.'itiire will not repeal •i (• law electing them. Time and again .n-n l-iiis are introduced -but they are ::!.'.ays killed. Counties still elect cor- o,.cj-s wiio.i duties are more or less . ynthetie. (Jakland county has led the way here, where the board of super* \isors alK>lished the office and ap- pointed twenty county doctors to handle the work. ell'orts to reduce the t he rich pay most ol and this reduction w to their benefit. Th: on the luxury tax - for income tax ;• wise C'on^re^s v> :l< willing to tanipei. v i The Detroit .Wv.s Sunday School . * . - . , . _ _ Young People's Meeting ffct Roland Stoffer family vis»ed[^ D£XTER * lT & TURWED W W N | ^gyj^^ Birely2l H fidreth,19, I He was also a member of the old Anderson base bail team when it ,. ,,^ , . ... , _ ' A ... ^ *u i> u A i national lottery and legalized gamb composed entirely of the ifoche ana|,. ,, ._ L * ^ . * j McCIeer boys the Walter Berbours in Stockbridge, 1 (HoweU; Ernest Lindbergh,' 47, De.i TAX NOTICE Ann Arbor and Dexter, who h*4}troit- Ceiia Beach, 87 , Brighton; I will receive taxes at my home every Saturday from 1:00 p. m. to 5:00 p. m 0 until further notice. Doy Fisher, 21, Howell, Anida Car- Stanley^ Dinkel, Treas. penter, 21, Howell; Don Allen, 19^ Brighton, Shirley Beam, 18, Brigh ton; John Scully,**. HoveU, Vivian Nelson, 56, Lansing; John Freder- ickaon, 23, HowelLElaine Leider, 19, HoweU; George Teeter, 22,Bow- jell, Mary Jane Pradenhaugh, 17,)and nine daj's Depi Caslcev and Ralph Reid were visioned the location of the Boys' In-lWm. Clandenning, M Fowlervi]|e, jn fsyj-iwn Saturday j dustrial Home, or reform school, which J ^ ¾ ^ stratton, 41 Fowlerville; Mr. and Mr*, Harry James wera]» *> *• m*w* {rom l***ta*' n*^ " "* " — - - •• ^ - ^ Sunday dinner guest* U Mrs. Dorajt^^ **" ***** ^^ week wa€n **• p >B> j t Y~~~* joint legislative committee turned Mr*. Ernestine Ulrica «f Howell ^thumbs down on Loch Alpine, a de- Ss fltafteg at the Lawwnesi Owen(<«»ct country dub located on ta«Hu- besae while Mm Owen is at thel'on River between the two aties. Their UiisaUlf | reasons were it does not eome up to MraArlo Worsen and sons **&*•****<*&*** i*** **?*t?** ** * im Jbdven Sunday nu« square and contain fifty percent M* HoBoway and family and •gricuiturnl land. A apedal commit^ W4m$ teeoaa and family spec* tee had once approved the arte. A ttTssad Mr*. O B. Arnold atUm4<year ago a alte »^ w ^f^ ~ U fta* funeral of bar sister, Mn.$P^^r **"* **** •J^ ~ ftiJeW te Teiede .reacsnded on the grounds that it was MiW Msaes m Perry Tueadar. not en » mam la^wny and hssl no «*. m *m.**lmU Oaafcey and ^ ^ hfltmm JiowA ^ r<rt ^ «rvfile under cooakieratkm, and on* St John's to view. People are at Tames Ce*. "IN MEMORY OP' Phillip David McKinley,son of Mr.&nd Mrs.LJ.4|cKinley departed Again the outcry is heard for a itiunal lottery and legalized gamb- ling. Kxperience shows that it does not work. In 1810 France established a national lottery which yielded the cut fhribery and corruption became MURRAY KENNEDY RESIGNS J „„ _,_ TT Murray Kennedy of •Pin«'k!iry> r ° v< " r,n "'" t »2,400,000. However, deputy sheriff for the past 10 years at tho county jail, has'nvign ed to take immedate effect. At pre- sent he has no definite plant-; for the future. so prevalent the law was repealed in J82^ and the next year the poor people, the principal customers of the lottery ncreaaed their bank deposit* by §110,000 # FRANK PLUMMER | Frank Plummer,a former resident Howell. Mr. iV»cear e / U**ag celled, « At begmniag to testate the home may re- widg« and Marcmn Cecil G. Vincent aeoeived word last Wedneadar of the deatii of his Atffaer Oeotms JL Vmemst Me left for Cambridge, Sunday callers at the wife, Kevin Lsawia#s. Mr. Wylie Mr*. WBL •e»ac—^ *• «^-J this life Jan p 14, 1947 at the ten-jdied a t his home in Fowlerville der age of 'nine years, nine months Monday. He leaves a wife and sev- eral children,including a son.Emory of Pinckney He was born in Waldron, Mich, and came to Pinckney with his par- ents 18 month* ago. Surviving to^CARD OF THANK* jnourn his loss ane his parents, one, • We desire to thank sister, and two brothers and a host! am i neighbors for th* many acts of other relatives and fritnds. ) ^ kindness show /rtf the time of The funeral wae held from the the death of our belowsd son and Comm. Cong 4 !, church Tuesday af- brothers, to Rev.Allard ior his com. smt ternoofL Rev. AUard officiating.Hi* f or ting- words, to the singers and aad daesmates attended in a body and ^ aU wbo ^gigted in any way in "Jesus Lover of My SouP*.^,. 1,^^ ^ 9Wrom , in Mis* Fftgrffc of Detroit smdj Interment wae in Pinckney earn.. |«teryi -,-n^ Mr. and Mrs. L. J. McKintey smd and Family. -*\ The Washtenaw Tribune pans the Ypsilanti City Council, and rightly so, for refusing to ban the sale of unpasteurized milk in that city. |n/ 1900 the days of unpasteurized milk and impure drinking water there were j 5,122 cases of typhoid f ever^in MiehA- our friends £* n - 1° J 946 in the entire state were only 88 and tha< in places the sale of unpasteurized milk is J mit ted. In 191T cheese made from pasteurised milk was shipped Lansing, Bath and Ypsilanti typhoid outbreak resulted. We der if Ypsilanti will have to epidemic'before they come to :<2 "Ji- *M^\ -**' ^1^

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Page 1: Michtfeang Mirror March of Dimes OUR DEM >5-T by Mat I ...pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1947-01-22.pdf · March of Dimes The itata nowa pays 55 percent of iti total fiasal tax

Volume 64 * * •

n» Pi

Michtg fean Mirror State News

Newt tad aad Henpeaiaa* of the Tettitf Tald froai Lansing

March of Dimes

The itata nowa pays 55 percent of iti total fiasal tax n v w u n back to the cities, counties, town* and aehooli of the state in vary. ing forms of stateeid.The payment of such a largo share of state coll­ected Jmvenue back to localities can not continue to grow.*1

The above) speech was made by Oof. Georga Dewey in his inauger apeech in New York Jan, 6,1947.

Although conditions ard similar

OUR DEM m — • — i . . i — I, • •

Um Lavey Will Act As Local Chairman. Robert Squires J* the

County Chairman

. , » .

la New York and Michigan there is difference. New (YorJI state has a surplus of $518,.000'00a which Gov. Dewey' would use for postwar construction but would wait nntil the inflation period is over.

He admits that a aubstantial am< ount of state aid is necessary for schools otherwise children in poor­er districts would not be afforded equal .educational opportunities

with other district*. It is also nee essary in less wealthy communitiies to make possible health and social welfare services which shonki be equally available to all the people.

In Michigan last year the state paid back 59 percent of its tax revenue to the local units. The s t t* surplus waa only $103,000000 and now under the sales tax div-rsion it would pay back 71 percent

The legislatune is still up in the air on the tax situation. Some re­commend repealing the tax diver alon amendment. It is not certain that this can be done and then there is a threat of court action if an attempt is made to place it on tha April ballot Others would with hold revenue from local units such as liquor taxes >ut the legality of this is doubtful*

, GREGORY The Ladies Aid met with Mrs.

Bess Marshall Thursda.AU the old office** were releeted.

Mrs. Inez Bowdish and Mrs. Ger­trude Crosman spent Sunday in De­troit.

Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Poole spent Wednesday with Mrs Etta Ahrens Sn (Howell. (

Mrs. Mary Oockett was in St. John* last week.

Mm, Ray Lavey was in Jackson Monday. f M

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Beauchamp were in Jackson and Stockbridge Sunday.

Mrs. Frank Ovitt and Mrs. Don KcCorney were called to Fowler, villa last week by the death of their brothejr, Frank 'Plummer.

Walter Barbour and wife of Stockbridge called at the Ray Lav vey home Sunday.

' Mrs. Alio Worden, Mrs. T. J

The March of Dimes campaign to aid infantile paralysis aufferens is now on and extends from Jan# 16 to SO. being climaxed by the'ann­ual president's ball at St. Joseph's hall, Howell on the night of Jan. 31 at which 'Barney McCardel's 5 piece orchestra from Lansing will1

play. Robert Squires* Howell chick

hatchery man is county chairman and there are numerous local chair men. Lee Lavey is the chairman for Putnam. March of Dimes con. 4ribution boxes have beetn placed ia local stores /here y~u may leave contributions* The coupon may be detached from the adv. in this pap or which you may mail with your contribution to local headquarters.

Cure and prevention of Infantile paralysis is a worthy cause and while some progress has been made much remains, to be done. There are 24,000 cases of polio tieated in the United States each year with 1100 in Michigan. Last year there wene 2 cases in Livingston county # Mrs. Wiley Brewer died last October and Miss Estella PI ess is in an iron lung at the University of Michigan hos­pital.

Through funds raised in former drives Ralph Peckens of Fowlerville was sent to the Warm Springs Foundation in Georgia several years ago which place was donated to the cause by the late President Frank lin Roosvelt, himself a victim of polio and through whose efforts the yearly campaign was started.

Dispatch Wednesday Jan 22- 1947 No 4 > 5 - T ^ * * i

by Mat I Basketball Scores Current Comment



The Pinckney VFW team won from the Howell Motors last Wed­nesday night 50 to 17.Pinckney led 29 to 9 at the half. Pinckney Kuhn, F ....; 15 P. Young, F 14 Gentile, C 4

Reynolds, G Lavey, G -Mielnik, G •

2 9 o 0

Howell Motors R. Benedict, F 2 D. Benedict, F 7 FuUcerson, C - . _- , 2 Smith, G.__- . 4 .Garland, G . - - O


The Pinckney VFW team beat Hartland there Mon. eve 27.22. Pinckney VFW Kuhn, F ._ 7 P. Young, F - - . 3 Gentile, C * Lavey, G . 7 Aschenbrenner,G 2 Melnik G 0 Hart Land

. * . . . . . . .* 8 Austin, F - 2 Mageria, C - - *

^Sneath, G -_.. .- 2 7

Bad luck still pursued th.« I ' inckney t e a m l a s t F r i d a y n i g n i a s tney <irop- i ped two ou t of t h r e e g a m e s to t h e J " ° lowly- ra ted U - i t l a t i d t e a m .

The g i r l s ' , «m lost u s opener to

Once aguin t h e Fo rd Moto r Com­pany U-uds the held. A t a t i m e when

au tomobi le m a n u f a c t u r e r s are annuiim-ihg price inc reases , t he Ford Murur Company has announced pr ice

'J hi.-' ac.j.jii is expected to have wide-h i t c;ni re > orberation.s in the a u t o m o -h'je world. In the old days ihe Ford ( u m p a n y n.^.k: many move.: of this m u r e , H was the first company to c;<' ilie pr ice to a round $o()ij in the u de.i d a y s , t hus p lac ing the ca r w i t h ­in reach of ihe mul t i tude when prev-i- j s ly only ihe rich could ali'ord one . 'ih">n it OLMJII upse t the a u i o wor ld vhcM it -el the min imum wage a t i'> \" i' day . Ivventually all the com-i any'> compe t i t o r s had to follow su i t . 'i lie w< i Id will wa tch wi th i n t e r e s t \ hai i h u r act ion will he in tiiis case .


U'ii - a supe r in t enden t of schools a touv.li jui>, not only in i ' inckney

01111)1 piace.s as well. In H i g h -


t h e H a r t l a n d ga l s , 20 to 15, wi th | ; <- , , i t l , l l ," i ' ' I''1"™ $l-r> to $50 pe r car .

M a r y Gent i le g a r n e r i n g all of t h e P inckney po in t s . The i ' i nckney g i r l s j u s t couldn ' t hi t the hoops while H a r t l a n d showed a couple of good s h a r p shoo t e r s . r-

In t h e second contes t thy Pinck­ney qu in t e t had a w a l k - a w a y ' w i t h thi­l l a r t land r e se rves , wh in ing ,'3;i to 10. P inckney used all fifteen men . J e r r y C la rk w a s h igh man for Pinckne> wi th 14 po in t s and Don Clark gu t 7.

In t h e l a s t con tes t t he two va r s i ty t e a m s s t a g e d the r o u g h e s t contest seen on the local floor in y e a r s wi th fouls g a l o r e a n d H a r t l a n d m a n a g e d to nose P inckney out , lib to 1!). Pinck­ney made 21 fouls and H a r t l a n d had 11 called on them. H a r t l a n d made enough po in t s on foul goa l s to win the g a m e . J i m Meyer led the Pinck­ney score r s wi th 7 poin ts and the Lyons b r o t h e r s each g o t (J for Har t ­land.

The r e f e r ee ing was not very high-class as the oilicials allowed the irame to g e t out of control and the a r g u ­m e n t s w e r e m a n y and n u m e r o u s .

I ' I N C K N K Y R K S E K V K S J . Clark (f 11 A m b u r g e y , f . 2 D. Clark , c 7 li. Har row, g Je i f rey , g

H A R T L A N D HI S F R V H S Hoose , f S t r o n g , i' ttycolf, v

lano the l.e

i i r

i -ji

'l in

P ! he super in tend , nt is in p i o \ e r b i a l "dog house" because ' • r m a u d '.he g i r l s in the c lemen-

gi 'ades im swimmin. ' in the in the -;'!,. o! swimmi . ig pool.

ri"ii!ier. a:'.' i in a m i •; and a d" ! :> 1

I i


iormed a mee t -l>.'aid .•: educat ion t h e r e

i! wnii ihe snpef m t e n d e n t P>M,I!I . | 111 t i n t i.ie buy- n a \ e s w u m in • >• i" de l.,i v-ar-; and t h a t t he .-w ;iniiiin.-j poo! i. t n i i i v ly pr i \ - ate . The mo i.hers a i e ,-,... -pn ion.- and U/l.satis-lied.

Circuit Court News Judge Collins held a one-day c o u r t

sess ion at Howel l last week. Clifford H a t h pleaded gui l ty t o b r e a k i n g in to a gaa s tat ion in Fowlervi l le and will be sentenced Friday.

Divorces were granted to Lavon from Wayne Ward* G e o r g e i r o m S h a w a n T t h l a n e from Frances Ris -don. ^

The lawsui t of the Vil lage of Pinck-fiey vs. W. H. Meyer started last N o ­vember w a s resumed a t Howell l a s t week. Friday i t w a s sett led out of court. The vi l lage agrees to move the gasol ine tanks from under the side­walk in front of the Meyer g a r a g e on W e s t Main Stree t and build a

v. Ptmnds Mtrpftf, paster Masses lit 8 a n d 11 a, m, No vena Friday J2.-20 noon and

8.CV0 p. m-Preparation tor Holy Common

fca each Saturday « t o 9 p, ra. m* Sunday 7 :00 t o 7 * 8 0 a. m.

S u n d a y , J a n u a r y 26, 3 rd S u n d a y i a f t e r E p i p h a n y , 5 th week o"f '152' N o v e n n a .

P r a y e r s a r e r e q u e s t e d fo r J o h n McCIeer w h o ditad in J a c k s o n F i i

i) 0

Wilson, g 4 Combs, g I)

S u b s t i t u t i o n s : I ' i n c l n e y : S in i . n , S i n g e r 2, B u r r o u g h s , V. < mer , J . D a r i o w , if-jiid,,. Bid well 2, Millott 2, (b i

p i \ ( K M : >

MTyer, ' f Young, f Ktini.s, c H a r r o w , g . , . T. Clai-k, g

. ' . . - ' . t i e H I e i \ ij

gia where a man I { el roi'.-ii i \) b\' Jon-t.

mili t ia to he who .served I he pa only I r.ni) the >i.u

<,';u\ ei'ni. r'.--. b> m.^e a.-culiai .

a rk 1, II a n ;

••. . » l o ­

ir exis ts in Geor-- :• ej/i-d the gov-

and i.- us ing the ep om ( lovernor Arna l l

, t^'o y e a r s no t l ap i lo l but the

a well. It is a pe-Cover: or T a l m a d g e

wa j ' o i e h(

1 o ' , . O i l

a i K ' e

elect ed (<i ; he t,ii, -i but died be-l o n b U b e in. tali d. The Lieu-t o v e i ' l l o l - e l e c t a, not ye t in-


e j


a I !. 11' -i man 'I'riiinad/'e, , the goV-, on, bad run on the bal lots

• n-\ I T eandidah and go t ten 000 The !;••, i ,;ii in e niet and elected

; o . m i mi. ' nivn i noi A if ia.ll r e -io y:t\c ui) office. H o w e v e r

H A K T I . A N J ) Can\eron, f . . . : ' . . . S t evens , )' S, Lyons , e Havel l , g H. Lyons, g

Subst i tut ion,- : P ind . t ey : H: Sto/f'er, R. rimU 2; 11.n :1am! lU 'C .

mad' and

' i

i L.it- Yoim'-r. r I al • capit.td a t jngiit

session, (jovci nor. A the L ieu tenan t ,'i .,• come goverJioK. <

ill J T )' a ' i 'y p u s - o

C: ud -

new sidewalk to replaced one which | d a y a n d ^ Cope, a former rever t will have to be torn up without any cost to Mr. Meyer. There seems to have been a slip-up somewhere as Mr. Meyer claims he did not receive any notice the trial was to be re­sumed Thursday and he went to De­troit that day, s

Poola were in Jackson Thursday. Burgess, F Tom Anderson and family of

Royal Oak, spent week end with Mr*. Nellie McCIeer.

Mr. and Mr*. Cliford Larned of Holmes, G Laasjaf *p«nt the week end withi „ Mr. and Mi. B. RoekweU. i

Mrs. Tho* Hewlett entertained CUTOW- SWARTHOUT Iter bridge dub Monday. ' The marriage of Louis Swarthout

Walter Barbour and wife were son of Mr. and Mrs. LJ. Swarthout Sunday eopper guests of the Roland of Portage Lake and Mias Jennie £toffen Gutow of Detroit took place at the

Mrs. Belle Leach is isiting her Com Cong'L church Sunday evening tiaugfater in Pontiac. B>CT. Allard officiating-^ They were

Mrs. Orfa Olin ha* double pneu- attended by Gerald Swarthout. ft / "^ J brother of the groom, and Helen

Mr*. Perd Bowdish and Mr* G.\M*mberg of Detroit. Following « lUttmam were Tueaday dinneri^^Ption at the Swarthout home

eete of Mrs. Pearl Marshall. J the couple left on a wedding trip Mrs. Hamy James, Mrs, James] aw* on their return will reside at; • -nd Joan were in Ann Ar-j Pinckney.

bor Friday


who died in Iowa Friday. Among the intentions am Sun.,

Sunday Frederick Curr. Mon.,]ate John Sullivan, Tues#f late Neil McClaer, req. by lirs. Richard Greiner, Wed., late Phillip Boileau.' Thur., late Eva Bolen, Fri. Joha Dunkas, Sat. late Blanche Sholer-man, Sun. Anniversary high mass

«- for late Mary and John Fitch.broth The Michigan Bell Telephone Co. e r s a n d p i s t e r s a n d Clarence Dixon,

is now using a new type of under-1 ^ b y Mrs.EUa Clara Dixon. ground cable td serve rural subscribers. This cable is buried deep in the ground by a plow and

j by means of it 11000 families in the rural areas got service last year. The company now has 107,000 ru­ral subscribers in Michigan and ex­pects t add 20,000 mora this "year.

The new cable is lightning proof and withstands severe weather con­ditions.

Scores of o the r Kanie w e n l o w s :

i ir i tfhton .'J.">, Dex te r 2'J Manches te r 'J2, Little. 1'ioneers S t . A u g u s t i n e .'{0, St . Thonm> Milford X'J, Farmin t f ton :\U Fowlerv i l le 42, Jx'sJie '8 Willium.ston 4;i, D a n v i l l e 2d Hol t 40, S tockb r idge 2~> E v e r e t t .'17, Howeil ;jo Un ive r s i t y Hi>h 27, Sal ine 22 I iornulus 50, Chelsea '.'M

The I!ej)uhlicnn.s I, (known a-> a j>arty

\veli-to-dov i n Con^i i I hey will r e t a i n the i

(y ie lds a p p r o x i m a t e l y a,- fol- 1,111 jon do l la r s pe r y

12 2'J

COM. CON L. CHURCH •**. AKrerf Allartf,

Mrs.Florenc4 BaugtafOrgaaist and Choir Director Sun. School Supt. -Herman Vedder Morning Worship « _ _ _ 10*0 Sunday Schinbl - _ _ . „ . U 4 0

CSoit practisa. Wad-

M A K K i A G E LU&di 3 E »

C05PEI, Pastor . . „ „.r,.,t_ S. SC Supt* . « » . . • • • • Morning Worship

liaonard Jones, 24, Pinckney. Bernidine Dohn, 20, Ann Arbor; Louis Swarthout, 24, PinckneyJenn I Evening Wenbip ie Gutow. 23. Detroit; Robert Dun-i Prayer Service, Wed.

^. £sra Beacaa mt. Marvin Shire

—-. 10.-0


J o h n McCk-er , 7K. died a t J a r k -son S a t u r d a y . . T h e funera l wa^ held a t t h e Q u e e n ' s c h u r c h t h e r e Monday wi th bur ia l t h e r e . H i s wjl'e w a s - f o r m e r Ne t t i e Ke i thmi l l e r of S tof ] ; -

b r i d g e who died a nun ihe r of ye . . :^ a g o . Surv iv ing ' a r e a d a u e n u - (

M r s I iu th Ewiyrs of J a c k s o n , I'OTT-

^grandch i id ren a n d 2 h r o t h e r s , L< o of B r i g h t o n a n d E r n e s t of Ro^..I O a k .

T h e deceased was a veUercin of the Spanish-Ajner jca/ i w a r a n d a j c a r p e n t e r a n d c o n t r a c t o r who did cons ide rab le w o r k in this sec t ion ,

r e t into the •lov/ in poa- ,

r<ini ei.iiiendu that ; i.oulil be-

n n i e c o u r t (jiiestion.

:. a l w a y s been the rich and We I'e.ul t ' . : i

i r y i . ••,'. ' . i

e 111:(] (;• , I.'

. I ; ! ! ' ' " I H

o j ) i e t U X . S>) •'

i e income taxes i i lie very much

; '•ohotnieement to i lear the w a y <luc: mi:.-, o the r -1 hn\'e been u n ­til it.

would c u t the cost of s t a t e tfo*w i nmen t s by reduc-ine; the nunrihei el -nators a n d l e g ­is la tors and conso l ida t ing t h e d i s ­t r i c t s . Le t ' s see t hem do i t ! Once an oflice tfets on the ballot i t s t a y s forever. The townsh ips a r e s t i l l e lect-litf h i g h w a y commiss ione r s , con-..liiMes and justicr •- of the peace be-cati'i* the ie^'it-l.'itiire will no t repeal •i (• law e lec t ing them. T ime and aga in . n - n l-iiis a r e in t roduced -but they are ::!.'.ays killed. Coun t i e s sti l l elect cor-o,.cj-s wiio.i du t ies a r e m o r e o r less . yn the t i e . ( Jakland coun ty has led the way here , w h e r e t h e board of super* \ i so r s alK>lished the office a n d a p ­pointed t w e n t y coun ty doc to r s to handle t h e work .

ell 'orts to reduce the t he rich p a y mos t ol and th is reduct ion w to the i r benefit. Th: on the luxury tax -for income tax ;• wise C'on^re^s v> :l< willing to tanipei . v i

The D e t r o i t .Wv.s

Sunday School . * . - . , . _ _ Young People's Meeting

ffct Roland Stoffer family v i s»ed[^ D £ X T E R *lT& TURWED W W N | ^ g y j ^ ^ B i r e l y 2 l Hfidreth,19,

IH e w a s a l so a m e m b e r of t h e old A n d e r s o n base bail t eam when it , . , , ^ , . . . . ,

„ _ ' A . . . ^ *u i> u A i nat ional l o t t e r y and legal ized gamb composed e n t i r e l y of t h e ifoche a n a | , . ,, ._ L * ^ . * j McCIee r b o y s

the Walter Berbours in Stockbridge,1 (HoweU; Ernest Lindbergh,' 47, De.i TAX NOTICE Ann Arbor and Dexter, who h*4}troit- Ceiia Beach, 87 , Brighton; I will receive taxes at my home

every Saturday from 1:00 p. m. to 5:00 p. m0 until further notice.

Doy Fisher, 21, Howell, Anida Car- Stanley^ Dinkel, Treas. penter, 21, Howell; Don Allen, 19^ Brighton, Shirley Beam, 18, Brigh ton; John Scully,**. HoveU, Vivian Nelson, 56, Lansing; John Freder-ickaon, 23, HowelLElaine Leider, 19, HoweU; George Teeter, 22,Bow-jell, Mary Jane Pradenhaugh, 17,)and nine daj's

Depi Caslcev and Ralph Reid were visioned the location of the Boys' In-lWm. Clandenning, M Fowlervi]|e, jn fsyj-iwn Saturday j dustrial Home, or reform school, which J ¾ ^ stratton, 41 Fowlerville;

Mr. and Mr*, Harry James wera]» *> *• m*w* {rom l***ta*' n*^ " "* " — - - •• ^ - ^ Sunday dinner guest* U Mrs. Dorajt^^ **" ***** ^ ^ week w a € n **• p > B > j t • Y~~~* joint legislative committee turned

Mr*. Ernestine Ulrica «f Howell thumbs down on Loch Alpine, a de-Ss fltafteg at the Lawwnesi Owen(<«»ct country dub located on ta«Hu-besae while Mm Owen is at thel'on River between the two aties. Their UiisaUlf | reasons were it does not eome up to

MraArlo Worsen and sons **&*•****<*&*** i*** **?*t?** ** * im Jbdven Sunday nu« square and contain fifty percent

M * HoBoway and family and •gricuiturnl land. A apedal commit^ W4m$ teeoaa and family spec* tee had once approved the arte. A

ttTssad Mr*. O B. Arnold atUm4<year ago a alte » ^ w ^ f ^ ~ U fta* funeral of bar sister, Mn.$P^^r **"* **** • J ^ ~ ftiJeW te Teiede .reacsnded on the grounds that it was MiW Msaes m Perry Tueadar. not en » mam la^wny and hssl no

« * . m *m.**lmU Oaafcey and ^ ^ hfltmm JiowA ^ r<rt^

«rvfile under cooakieratkm, and on* St John's to view. People are

at Tames Ce*.

"IN M E M O R Y O P ' Phil l ip David McKinley,son o f

Mr.&nd M r s . L J . 4 | c K i n l e y departed

Again the o u t c r y is heard for a i t iuna l l o t t e r y and legal ized g a m b ­

ling. Kxper i ence shows that i t does not work. In 1810 F r a n c e e s t a b l i s h e d a na t iona l l o t t e r y which yie lded t h e

cut fh r ibery and c o r r u p t i o n became

M U R R A Y K E N N E D Y R E S I G N S J „„ _ , _ TT

• Murray Kennedy of •Pin«'k! iry> r ° v < " r , n "'" t »2,400,000. H o w e v e r , deputy sheriff f o r the p a s t 10 y e a r s a t t ho c o u n t y ja i l , h a s ' n v i g n ed t o take immedate effect . A t p re ­s e n t he has n o de f in i t e plant-; fo r the future.

so preva len t t h e law w a s repealed in J 8 2 ^ and t h e next year the poor people, t h e p r i n c i p a l c u s t o m e r s of t h e lo t t e ry n c r e a a e d the ir bank deposit* by § 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 #

F R A N K P L U M M E R | Frank P l u m m e r , a f o r m e r r e s iden t


Mr. iV»cear e / U**ag celled,

« At begmniag to testate the home may re- widg« and Marcmn

Cecil G. Vincent aeoeived word last Wedneadar of the deatii of his Atffaer Oeotms JL Vmemst Me left for Cambridge,

Sunday callers at the wife, Kevin Lsawia#s. Mr. Wylie Mr*. WBL • e » a c — ^ * • « ^ - J

this life Janp 14, 1947 at the ten-jdied a t his home in Fowlerville der age of 'nine years, nine months Monday. He leaves a wife and sev­

eral children,including a son.Emory of Pinckney He was born in Waldron, Mich,

and came to Pinckney with his par­ents 18 month* ago. Surviving to^CARD OF THANK* jnourn his loss ane his parents, one, • We desire to thank sister, and two brothers and a host! a m i neighbors for th* many acts of other relatives and fritnds. ) ^ kindness show /rtf the time of

The funeral wae held from the the death of our belowsd son and Comm. Cong4!, church Tuesday af- brothers, to Rev.Allard ior his com.

smt ternoofL Rev. AUard officiating.Hi* forting- words, to the singers and aad daesmates attended in a body and ^ a U w b o ^gigted in any way in

"Jesus Lover of My SouP*.^, . 1,^^ ^ 9Wrom,

in Mis* Fftgrffc of Detroit smdj Interment wae in Pinckney earn..

|«teryi -,-n^ Mr. and Mrs. L. J. McKintey smd

and Family. -*\

T h e W a s h t e n a w T r i b u n e pans the Ypsi lan t i City Council, and r ight ly so, for re fus ing t o ban t h e sale o f unpasteurized milk in that c i ty . | n / 1900 the days of unpasteurized mi lk and impure drinking w a t e r there were

j 5,122 c a se s o f t ypho id fever^in MiehA-our fr iends £* n - 1° J 946 in t h e ent i re state

were only 88 and tha< in places t h e sale of unpasteurized milk i s J mit ted. In 191T cheese made from pasteurised milk was shipped Lansing, Bath and Ypsilanti typhoid outbreak resulted. We der if Ypsi lanti will have to e p i d e m i c ' b e f o r e they come t o


"Ji- *M^\ - * * ' ^ 1 ^

Page 2: Michtfeang Mirror March of Dimes OUR DEM >5-T by Mat I ...pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1947-01-22.pdf · March of Dimes The itata nowa pays 55 percent of iti total fiasal tax

U «* /* « Y DISPATCH WaldMMk* J w 22. 1947 Wmr+k

\ Neighboring News i d t A « £ Or MICHIGAN


Ta» Probate Court for the County ol Livingston ! x

Mr*. Helen Monks Berry is the chairman of the March of Dimes earn- «*, « *s^.uu w* IMU v etu %, nua tu paign at Stoekbridge this year. UM» fry***** uUkm in uu civy ei

Howell defeated Fowlerville in their v.*/ u* jivw«u w »*tu cuuut>,ua cne annual basketball gams, 48 to 86. lorn oayot January A. v., iy47.

Representative Tharber Cornell of i-^reMii^uono^uie ftiuig i-i-Vw~«, Howell has been named chairman of «tuug« ex rrouace, the Michigan State College committee* *u m» auuu* U the Eatoe vt in the legislature. *-otue * arreU, UeceaseecL

The cost of government in Living- ( Jay K Sweeney naving filed in ston County last year was $1,579 per , awa Court his linai adnurustra. capita. The state average WM $12.36. uou account, and his peUUon pray-Genesee had the lowest coat ($427),ting lor toe allowance thereof and and Oscoda the highest, $36.68. |*er the assignment and distribution

The state conservation department ef the residue of said estate. has purchased eleven more acres of' It is Ordered, That the 17th day land in the Brighton area and 860 February^D.,1947 at ten oclock in

NOT ON YOUR TINTYPE! Grandma looks calm and collected as she poMt for posterity, but she wasn't—not on your tintype I Getting her family ready for this picture was a long, weary business.

The day this photo was snapped, Grandma W M «p at dawn, wrestling with the old wood stove* roaring the kettle to boil, cooking breakfast And the day be­fore, she ironed the mountain of clothes that had needed such hard scrubbing. The day before that—

But that was Grandma's life. She didn't know any other kind. Her way of housekeeping took .lota of time, lots of elbow grease. In Grandma's gayest dreams she never imagined the time would come when a woman would have dozens of electric servant! daily for the cost of a bar of soap.

Electric service—ready and willing around the clock and calendar—is a modern miracle Grandma missed by beins bom too soon. But electrical dependability (and cheapness, too) didn't happen by accident. Not on your tintype! They're the result of V. ty of hard work and practical experience on the

:t of your neighbors who operate this com. iny.

I in the Pinckney area. The Reverend J. M. McLucas of

Brighton attended the Ann Arbor Dis­trict Ministerial meeting at Midland last week.

Elton Hewitt of Ann Arbor will start a lumber yard at Hamburg.

C. J. Nelson and wife of Howell have sold their picture studio to Du-ane Zemper, a war veteran from Brighton.

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brigham, former­ly of Ghubbs Corners* are spendirg the winter in California.

President Truman has sent the nar.ie ot Robert Beid to the senate to be approved as postmaster of Gregory.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Catrell of Howell announce the engagement of their daughter, Martha, to A. A. Meier of Ames, Iowa.

Mrs. La Vera Davis, 89, of Howell, arrested for not sending her son to school, pleaded guilty and was sent to Jail, not being able to furnish the $100 bond asked. Later she was fined $6.25 and the bojr sent to school.

Roland Essehherg, 19, of Howell, arrested for taking the receipts of the Hamburg dance from its hiding place, was fined $60 and costs.

Xorenoon, said tune and place being hereby appointed for the examinat­ion and allowing said account and hearing said petition. , H

It is Further Ordered, That pub- "°;, lie notice thereof be given by publi- J cation of a copy of this order, for

AVON THEATER ^gtockbrfdgo, Mich,

Fri., 3«t7~a4-a5~— " * A Double Future

Ao Outdoor Drama


with ROY AGUFF.ADELE MARA Music and Comedy



A Musical Western with KEN CURTIS, JEFF DONNEL


three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing, in the Pinck-ney Dispatch, a newspaper printed r i u t r>*w* and circulated in said County. Willis L. Lyons, Judge of Probate

A true Copy. Celestia Parshall Register of Probate

Sun,, TIMS., JAB 2 * . 2 S Stuff for Adult Audiences



- 4

QDrainff^Periliou* Holiday Pinnoo cchi. Return of Ruity.



I First National %

R M t n *


Frt. Sat , Jan. 24-16-27






/lews Comedy

Sun,. Moo.. Tues^ Jan. 26-27-38

^ ' * bLUE In Technicolor

A Musical with 201NU CROSBY,FRED ASTA1RB


Cartoon "Fefcstag .I'areeV'

Notes of 25 Years Ago


Bob is making the rounds JCAnj j Howe), rlrst it Merlyn to the. Greg g ory dance, then Betty P. to Don's £ party and Louise Z. to the show.Au 5 in the course of a vacation. "

•Is Joe C. in the habit oi breaking dates then balancing it on some­one else. Ask Shirley.

Joe B. was much interested in Cecil H. the night of Don's party but that was a long time ago.

Didn't iDick Gallup feel out ot j place New Years eve with Vic* Y. i n d D e t t y and Raymond and Jane


i* Hawaii

M 1 f ^ • ' • J Superihloa MeiUer Federal Deposit 1«. •uranee Corporation. All Do

•*ch DapeeH**,

f * ^ 1 EDISOtf Co.

The Philathea class met with Mrs. Mary Pick January 11th.

The high school boys are raising [money to buy baseball uniforms.

The seniors will sponsor a lecture course another year.

The tenth grade won the spelling match. The following did not miss a word: Reatha Cook, Calvin Hooker, Drusdlle Murphy, Ethel Gardner, Viola Shipley, Blanche Hendee, Hasel Richardson, Florence Murphy, Anna

f Clark, Grace Tupper, Velma Hall, Pauline Reason, Francis Kraft, and Erma Read.

Chelsea may have a murder on its hands. Monday the dead' body of Mrs. Alma White, 22, colored, was found with a jacknife in her heart at the

| negro settlement at the Four Mile I Lake cement factory. Albert White

is in jail charged with the crime. | The South Lyon Herald has been

sold by Mrs. Addis Pierce to L. E. Lucas of Lansing.

The Fowlerville Light plant has been sold to the Detroit Edison Co. for 112,500.

The Toledo Ice Company has started Ailing their ice house at Zukey Lake. They are paying 23J0 a day.

) Saint Mary's Church has bought two i acres of land to add to their come* Jury of William Collier. I The board of supervisors has auth* I orixed the county road commission to purchase gravel pits.

in "Hhe It must have been crowded back seat!

We understand June A. and Bar­bara H. make swell pals. They like the same thing even the same man.

Norma Should learn to hold what she catches in Geometry class.

Mary W. has been visiting the dentlrt. Gan it. HA she is only inter­r e d in ride fcome fnom Howell?

We don*t want to be quoted on this but we hear Joe B. and Carl Z went th the New Years eve show, When did Marion step in?

We hear Mr. Reader needs an adding machine to help him with 1,.. income tax. **< s'-'ould have more exemptions.


Let Us Give that Note$^^j^tA8° They May Walk




Frank Wright and wife are visit­ing in New York.

Last year Ja4He«sssjKtr there were 176 msrrtsgs Mmmn issued, *M births, 2s* deaths, and » divorces

t%e rainsslae II Dramatie Crab will take their play "Caprice" to Dexter

IfttL Nellie Gardner, Edward and Lincoln Smith will sine.

F. L. Andrews attended the ing oi the Mirhigen Pratt in Detroit Friday. Thai night the body

/ i


3ll ST

• • " • • » • • * • • • — • • • • - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

• • • • • > . .

\m*** «* *• D- ft** •* * showing * t 4 h » ****** Before Christmas" at

.. JUse Whstney Theatre. I The county aeeoeialiesi of Fensors*

— Clubs assets in Pmckney eei J igetlL Those on the

~ XL W. Tesflt, WHiasm BaB, and Ben

• ^ f

WAifsX you


- T



Uviagstoa boutnwest Soil Center-vasjoa Distrivt

To occupieiB of lands lying wiux-in tne bouanaxiesot Manon, LQ&CQ. rucuam a*** onaoiua wwuajups oi Livingstott county, Micnogan, notice u hereby given that on the ttutn day of January iy47, between the hours of IW) p. in. and 2iM p.m. in the Gregory Town Hall in Greg, oryu Micnigansn annual meetuig and directors election will be held.

All occunters of land who hold title to or are in possession of three or more] acres of any lands lying within tht district are eigible to at­tend aad to participate in the dir­ector's election, A "land occupier*' or "occupier o'f land" includes any person, firm or corporation who shall hold title to, or shall be in in poyosirioB ox>ny land three acres or store £a ertent lieini with in a district organized under the previsions of the Districts Act whe­ther as owaer, fcssee. renter, tenn-nant or otherwise. Willerd Wfltat, Chairman, Board of Direttort, Livingston Southwest

8ofl Coneervation JDastiict


i i § i i s 2 It's an old axiom that anyone •• s can make money, but it takes a g

special kind of ability to put a -few dollars away regularly for the future. A well known busi­ness leader once said. "If you want to know whether you,are likely to succeed in life ask

yourself this question, 'Can I save money ?"If you can't the J seed of success is not in you." ! The reason is simple. Money f management calls for good £ judgeme*it,piscipltne, wisdom % thrift and determination—the £ qualities that help a man sue- " ceed at any task.If you haven't a saving account with us, we invite you to open one. If you already have an account here, conns in and make a deposit every pay day.


Wed., Thur.. Jan. 29*30

* VALLEY OF THE Starring





Coming- CrackUp, Till the End of lime, Holiday in Meiieo


Tues„ Wed. Thurs: Jam GARY COOPER




s; Fri., S*t., Jan 24-21

Mat. Sat. 2 p. m. Cont.




* T H E FRENCH KEY The Ad««nrurea of Detective

Johnny Huher with




Sun., Mon/ Jan. 26 27 Sun. Mat. 2 P. M. Cont

•CLAUDIA AND.-'DAVftf' Starring


Selected RborU Has*. Tues., Wed., Thui^. Jan. 28-29-30

la Technicolor DANNY KAYE



FOR SALE-One Bedroom suite witn bureau, has long mirror. Phone 125

WANTED -Butchering to do on farm. L W. Umstaad, phone 64F13 FOR F*.LE-Ga* Range and Reguia* tor for boctle gas. $40.00. 3580 Rush Lake Rd., Pinckney.





FOB SALE> Potatoes, carrota, and • Li. W. Umstead

FOR SALE-Dry limb and body wood! i f ^ f a cord delivered at Pfmckner aad Schafer Roads,

Ho«fi 7118F14

Waah Bowl Joe Simons

r WCm HalJUItfol Burr Fe«d Grinder

f « r t KajOrffl witfc bear-






Furnace*, Gee, Oil or Coal Air Conditioning Type,




1. 1*47 T b SUB9OUPTI0K PRiCE OP

DISPATCH WILL WL i * ~ ' * m n Cat asitfM lat mi

C.JL H-t*t*WU East of Pinckney WANTED-A girl or wosnan for

ima Ca«

1.50 a Year

-: . /^

Page 3: Michtfeang Mirror March of Dimes OUR DEM >5-T by Mat I ...pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1947-01-22.pdf · March of Dimes The itata nowa pays 55 percent of iti total fiasal tax

r ""

7MI .££ HGC .v*b^ob»WJi3tA! YJWajHIH

^ ^ W » r — T 4 » -


PINCKNLY DISPATCH Wednesday J an- 22* 1947

Aid Infantile

Paralysis Sufferers

NNCKNEY DISPATCH i m m, Enttred » Flnka*?. Mick

iubjcriptioii $Ufi a j m j Paid in Adtaaea. '






Join the



Give Liberally

Ke nnedy'e Gen. Store • « • • • • • • •

F. iiuunimwiiuuiiiitMiAiuHnifiumi <mi»iiiiitiiiiiiiuiUH«

C. Reickhoff Sr LOCAL







IWIUHtl^»Hllftm^lHU*te«S** *


Weekly Trips to Made to Detroit

Lloyd Hendee Phone 64F14





Jh» Original Company To Pay for DEAD STOCK ~



WiHlain Brash PHOME PlNCKNEr 1M

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hester of Yp-silanti were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Nesbitt.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nesbitt spent \ Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. I Nay lor of Eaton Rapids.

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bird and fam­ily of Wayne spent the week-end at

; the Earl Baughn home. I Mrs. Virginia Baughn Carver va« ) guest soloist in the Brighton Metho-1 dist Episcopal church Sunday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seefeld spent Sunday in Ann Arbor. ""* _

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Seefeld (May Jane Gallagher) were Saturday din­ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seefeld.

Sunday guests of Mr. and-Mrs. W. C. AtLee were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin P<otts and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keef-er of Detroit.

] Mrs. Gladys Lee was in St. Joe hospital, Ann Arbor, two days last week for sinus treatment.

Jack Roberts and wife of Detroit were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Carr.

Lynn Hendee attended the meeting of the board of supervisors at Howell

last week. The board voted to hire a woman extension leader with duties similar to those of the agriculture agent only in the home.

Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wylie were Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ledwidge and two children of Royal Oak and Frits Wylie of Howell.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Henry, Miss Beatrice Lamborn and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whitehead called on Mrs. Ellen Harford of Iosco Sunday. Mrs. | Harford recently suffered a broken leg.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Madock and Mr*. Mary Brandio of Detroit called on Mrs. Emma Brandio Sunday.

Mrs. Andrew Campbell entered S t Joe hospital, Ann Arbor, Saturday for treatment.

1 Kenneth Reason and family and Mrs. Mame Farrell of Ann Arbor called at the home of Mrs. Edna Reason Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark were in Howell Sunday.

Floyd Haines and family of '.ans-jing called on the Able! Haines fs.mily I Saturday. He was recently a patient

- Mr. and Mrs. William Beard and son of Aim Arbor called at the John Bell home Sunday.

IMesdam.es Alta Meyer, Winifred

Aberdeen' and Anna Reason were guests of Mrs. Ida Richards at the Wayne County Eastern Star conven­tion in Detroit last Wednesday.,

Arthur Shehan, Francis Shehan, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Van Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nash were* among thosei who attended the Soil Conservation! banquet near Brighton last T^eek. Mr.'f and Mrs., Claytonfcarpenter^ere" also present, ,' \r~"^y '• "

C. W. Hooker of Ami Arbor l caHea^ on Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hooker Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Glover of" Fowlervijle called at the Edward Spears' home Sunday.

Nineteen from here"' attended the Eastern Star Friendship night at Fowlerville last Wednesday.

Private First Class Daryl Shirley, I Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shirley, on duty in Germany, left for Amer­ica last week.

Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dinkel were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Murdock and Mrs/ Mary Brandle of

[Detroit. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Lloyd Hendee were Mr. and -Mrs. Ed Nuoffer and Mr» and Mrs. Russell

. Nuoffer and family of Ann Arbor, j Mrs. Eulalie Buttleman of Korton called tfn Mt*s. Wektha Vail and Miss Jessie Green last week.

Mr. lind Mrs. Ben' White ehterV tained William Roche, Fred Evers, and son, Jerry, and Louis Stackable at cards last Tuesday' nirfht. '- .'«

Mr. and Mrs. Ben White werePr^-^ day dinner gue'sts b? Mr. an* Mrs. toorman White/ •"" *'

Mrs. Ellen Newman1 of Aim Arbor was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ben \ White last Monday.

Ji.rmie Nash of Coldwater spent last we/jk 'with his grSmdparentsyftirrj-and Mrs* Lynn Hendee* '•<•••

Jack'-J^Pardon,' Mr. imd M**.;iBract" McDfrnsIT, .* Mr* i * T ; JJnE^lrfT^*} Smith of Detrdit and Wray 'Hinckley j and wife) were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs,^Clifford VanHoirft.

Mr. arf" -Meg. Joe Gargola and Mr. and Mrs.' Joe SteKar of Detroit called on Mr. and Mrs. Myron Hughes Sun­day.

Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Meabon, Jr., were Leon Mea-bon and family of l5exter arid Mr! and Mrs.. David Hawley of Jackson, been sold to the. Detroit Edison Com­pany for; $12,5001 -

M U M l N l , - > OU1CK I Y * 3 f t f t ' M | M V '

VlCKS .. • VA^R0-N«

CM 'W»d*w*



, •





* i


i-, \ From where I sit...//Joe ivu-rsfi

Willie Goes *$ School at 23

Everybody's joshing Will ie \\ ' |bout going back to school. They

1 Remember when Willie would hide ffbnt in the woodshed—scared to r bring his report card home to Pa.

But under the G.I. Bill of Rights, Willie (who has a wife and

I baby) is getting a free chica-' tion at the Agricultural College. ' And Uncle Sam is giving him a

_ f t i e _rej)ort: ''Deportment, exc I-lerit; Progress, above average."

That goes for all those undor-•~ graduate veterans. Like Willie, the:. -••predate an education more thai

v.cll-bphavc —t1" ;: iavuiuc lev­erage is milk, or a temperate gla s ci beer. For them the "three lis" hccm to mean: Responsibility! Re-bourtcfulness, Restraint.

From where I .sit, cynical folks > thought veterans wouldn't

1 . return to school—wouldn't to steady habits of work and ntnn—have the.r answer

j'!uU'Lri'uduatei>" like Willie.



Qoe, 4tL. n

' / '

Mr.' and Mrs. Horace Hat,-on • Ann Ai'bor were »Sunday KUI^IS oi' Mr.-aftd Mrs, Dale Miller.

•While at the Kastern Star Fiii-MJ-s-bip'-night at Fowlerville last 1'iiday flight, Mrs. Mat' Daller suffered a bad spell and was -brought home b it improved now.

Copyritd 194.. I nited Stale* Brtwers I •>< ^ > • >>\

i M u y




Dr. Walter Mercer and Last Lansing were Sunday .vlr. and Mrs. William Men

Mrs. Asher Wylie called o Mrs. Leland Grant in Ann .• Friday. Mrs. Grant was Yh lie. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W ylu called there that day.


bor last nia Wy-




TlM Dexter Dairy Bar a*


oral TO i * r

*,. 4;

in Sparrow hospital, Lansing, for six days' treatment.

jfn. Emma Brogan of Stoekbridce spent Sunday with Mr. and Stanley DinkeL

S h e kibitzed their ^ 1 ¾ and snorted:

'Are you going to talk ALL DAY!"

{Yet PeiULope's calls were long-winded -

"But I pay for the privilege," she'd say.


frost S t Joe hospital, Ann Arbor, for the week end.

DtMwe and Oweneta Oa stayis* wtta Xra. Ersaa Lewis for a

n*4<ok**e on Ws le< at Si. ioe

tal« Ana Arws*, facMoe it oosad be

aad Mrs. Feed

'g calls were in series

lltat lasted from nine until nine. £he*<d£orfet to nana; up the receiver

And tie up the whole rural line.

G<>o4«tral4ine neirhbors are thougWfid For it's better to snare, tiiey agree;

e€ them get better aervice — they need it the line is left free.

1¾¾ VUf^!-

:?^\»r$W!mr* -> \ - v

Page 4: Michtfeang Mirror March of Dimes OUR DEM >5-T by Mat I ...pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1947-01-22.pdf · March of Dimes The itata nowa pays 55 percent of iti total fiasal tax

TV •

- I

> * TvC* * . ' " •


it* W*4MMWT- J W 22- 1S47 ' « ; • ' • • :

Now Avaiable






Classified .W ant Ad J?QR SALE-OB buminf c4rouk*ting heater and an Estate Ueatrol* coal stove,, ooib in good condition,

vvubur Leidig, 479 Futom S t Phone Pinckney 50F2 WANlT^Some^one to help wRn cookins^in home with aU the mod­em cpnteniencnj* temporary or perraaften\ ho washing

Mrs, Iva Gardner fell on the ice last week and broke her arm.

Nelson Buasard is cutting down the aead poplar trees on the square. He will have them sawed into lum­ber.

Norman Weaver of Detroit spent |the week-end at his home %t Patter­

son Lake.

Phone \Pe i LOT

Ceroid Allen, 4141




iv** o4|0£-4u iamoa and 20 Also wood toVut on shares

John % n 18F1S FOR SALE-Ho&qy ehos skates, size, boys, aixe 9, girl*. N* Reason

WooT stove 3800 £




*UK S chest wit! shelves a:


capeci M-36,

CSaTTeaOni Nick Xoluser

Phone 65F18 leWBSSBSJSBaSSSJ I 7& 3 roomy dWwers,

hgnrh to w*»*^h Brash, Phone 149


in ITEMS •


Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Longmate and daughter, Gale, of Detroit, spent the weak-end at their home at Portage Lake.

Tritt * f ^ i ftey at D e a f * s i T l V

Daily 11:00 A. 14. to a tOO P. M Except Wodeeidhy

Mon., Tu**.,FrL, Sat, 7tOO-*tOO n.sa.


W'.'Vea Claries JL

AMeraegs at Lav fteet State and tevsngs Beat



"• f t "WW0""* ' ^ I q O f g i ^ a U*H N. Miekifaa *•***» i • •wn

Offica 94« ReaUtaee « 4 . Eiesuag* at n p s s i n l w i



«%WNs» V V S T ^ I W S ^ 6VIPS^S1SM^SSHB)

HAROLD D. CHUBB Howell, Miebige*.


Roche attended the funeral of John MoCtear at Jackson Monday,

A shower waa given Friday ttite for Mrs. Lucile Shirey by Mesdames Dorothy Aschenbrenner and Janet Shirey with 20 guests present The guest of honor received many nice gift*.

Phone 6 MARION JAKViS»Owaer


Pinckney, Miehifaa

acres wRS • room house, plaster walls, oil boat* mum, attached garage, wired for * n | 8Up meeting at Fowlerville last Fri eleci-ric stove, 16x20 shed, chicken J e iiningt

Mr. and Mrsv John Martin, Mrs.1

G Idle Bowmman and Mrs. Asher Wvlie attended the O. E.S. Friend-


» /

Meal $4.25 cwt.

coop, only 4 miles fsesa Pinckney. f**i>o, terms. Fred J. Tesple 708 frW.Gd. River, HoweH,phono 675 Futj bAufci-me iumDeSTlT^t long,

, 1x6 inches. F, E. Hinchey A Sons W i l l Dexter Town Hall Road

FOR MLS I g Second*growih W&f Wdck-

Wf^Ws^ss*1 SM^rS*f^sWt> ss sVspOg p AMwPJFwB^lr



Erdley VanSickJe nouse complete with Win and furn-ace. Call or see Howard Bead, Pinckney, Mich. Phono, Pinckney 91P4 FOR SALE -Oak Block Wood.

William Ptammof

Lemuel Martin and wife of Ypsi lanti spent Sunday at the John Martin home,

Mrs. O.ii. f'oulson was in Lansing Friday attending a chief operator*

Iconferenre, Elaine Johnson spent the week

end with Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Poul-i soft.

Mr. and Mrs. L. M. O'Dell of F^nton were Sunday dinner at the N. J. Buzzard home,

HERB Phone 1*3 2 0 7 * JL i*re*d Me%

Howell, MJettgea Real letate, imerenee, sVaheni

City, Lake and FOSB PsSfMKf A Speeialitf

l u t You» Property Witt) Me


Pheae »9*^1 Pinckney - • Miehifaa

MARTIN J LAVAK Aises«es/ e* Vaw

Pkoa* 13 BHt«sea «e< <re Phone r43«W Repair if"

State Lleense

«717 LefceaMe D it Rash Lake-


I Aaabalaaee 8si lies Phta* 39 Pkenkaey, Mleh.f*




> * • Farmer's Feed Supply Cc PHONE 1Q.4 , MAX RUSSELL.M«r

WANTED TO BUYwLnlckens Jl aU kinds, also ducks. Will pay Detroit prices . <C. U. Iloyd 9119 Cedar Lake Rd Phone 18*22 WANTED- Paper* of afiTrnds, Iron, Rags » - i Copper. Barry Prtsk WAth«D CtAkkShlij. UJgneet pr'ces paid for all k&fda of pa&tr

Tyler Brogan. Howell, Mtca. Helena Rubinstein desmefics ex-

elusive in Livingston Ceunly al Howell. Ruth's Shop for Wi FOR SA^E-SlabwoooTKuf' 'fttvV

STAl t OF MICHIGAN l he Probate Court for the Couutj

of Livingston At a session ot said Court, held at

the i'robate Office in the City of iHowell in said 'County on the 10th day of January A. i>., 1947.

guests, Prosent: Hon. Willis L. Lyons, { Judge of Probate.

In the Matter of the Estate of May H. Girard, Deceased.

Cyril E Girard, having iiled his petition praying that an instrue.. ment iilf-'d in said Court be admitt-

Mrs. N. J. Buzzard and Mrs. M. I ed to Probate as the last will and G.Robinson visited their cousiris,Mr.' testament of said deceased and that

Dr. and Mrs Clare Skinner and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ropes of De­troit spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mas. N. J. Blzzard and J Mrs. M. G. Robinson.



HAROLD RADY 35d0 RUbrt LAKE RO., PINCKNEY Photie 136FU Pinckney

CLAUDE F. KIRSCHKE Ounsrai Contractor aad Builder

251 Portage St. Pleckner,Mick

and Mrs, Rodney Street in iHowell Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. M, Et Darrow visit­ed Mr^nd Mrs. Herbbert Allen in Larking Sunday.

Ted Adseh and wife, Francis

administratin of said estate be grant»FARM ed to Cyril E.Girard or some other suitable person.

It is Ordered, That the 10 th dayl ofFfcbruary A.Di,11^47 at ten A. M. in the T*»renoon, ac said Probate



Krupa and wife of Detroit and i office be an* is hereby appointed

Thurson Lumber Co,, Hotwell, Mien.

Aw'• *U

Housewives!!! SAV E TOUR


Mrs. Eunice Schuchart of Howell were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mite Wm. Shehan

Pfc, Charles Clark writes that he IB now in Yokhomnia .Japan,

Mr. and Mrs. Boss Read were in Ann Arbor Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs Ona Campbell, Leona, and MaxJne Atchinson at*

for hearing said petition. It is Further Ordered, 1 hat p iblic

notice thereof be given by publica­tion 'A a copy of this orlu. for three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the Pinckney Dis­patch, a newspaper printed and cir­culated in said County.

Willis L. Lyons, Judge of Probate

Phone Pinckney 147F4 MARTIN R1TTER JR

512 Mam Street, Pinskaey, Mich* fttproaeriting

Mutual Benefit Health ft Ac. las. United Benefit Life lasarane* Co,

tended the Al Joson show in Detroit A true r V t>.„fc^ last Thursday. Celestia Parshail,Register of Pmb>*'

Lieona Campbell and Rita Kenn­edy spent Saturday with Barbara Tinchr in HowelL

Kollis Wyli* «nd family spent ' Sunday with Paul Ramsdell and .family in Stockhridge. j Ona Camj/hell and family called on Mr. and Mrs. George Gardner of Lakeland Sunday.

Joseph Baaydlo and family spent) (Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bryan MeCluekey of Parry.

Overcome Soap

LUX Shortage

FOR SALE-Automatic EIrctric 15 gallon Water H/aters, Oil Burning Circulating iHeafcrs, Oil Buring Tank Heaters. Modern Upright Home Freezer. Complete Shallow Well Water Systems.Milk Coolers.. Briggs &Straton & Wisconsin Gas. I oline Engines. Elmer's Garage \

lOak Grove. 9hom Howell 715«F4i

I Mrs. P. J.Letaon gave a prenup-|or 7 Z ^ " tlal shower at her horns on Darwin rod Saturday nite in honor of Miss _^„ Jennie Gutow. I *?* SALE:

The Lester McAfee and HaroM B a b y C a i cks from blood tested Raidy families spent Sunday in s to*k' B a r e d *n<i White Rocks and Flint I l*rz* Type English White Leg-

C.*D. Sterling who owned the ^orns Order Now. I George VanHom farm died in De- o u



trit recently. P h o n e 305 W Howell. Miss LUtiaa Bobont has baen se-!

Msted by the Pinckney school a their representative in th? statt- L>-A. £. contest /

MODERN AND OLD TIME 33S East J*(Uru>* Street

DAN BURKETT -Phone 6202 Ann Arher, Mieth






k world wide shdrtageof aii

I] .All 25 members of the senior j4aaa wrote the examiioation Tuesday .the V. F W. 160# actoiarship. \ Son Stadcable was a Lansing week ender.

Mrs. Andrew natonked home from Si. Joe hospital; Ann Arbor Tues-4lay.

FOR SALE-Fuei Oil Tanks 276 gals. HQWLETT BROS, Gregeory Mich. Phone 19F1




your 36c back. F. Q. is a fermen­tation. ..kail this gera> you kfll the odor. Get this POWERFUL gem killer. TE-OL frem any drugiist, Apply FULL STRENGTH for F.O* sweaty or itching feet Locati? at

CORY DRUG STORE; rt s» •SSSa^BfcSBlSS'y p W s ^ B V s l

fJSSr, Osje

Anknal Fats and Vegetable Oils, 'Last year Soap Makers only

tit* of what they used in 1941. This else affects paints, textiles, Jeatfcer goeda, * « .

otC Without the help of the American Housewives tfcere would have been little *e*f> fcfc

out oi «very nine cakes of soap made last-

Bejgalns Gatess at the ANNUAL KfWANIS RUMMAGH SALE at tU 8. Main St. Ann Arbor, Jan-

kitchens, yer was made from waste £ate

your grocer if be he. no soap but save every ounce of fat you can and soil it to your

We Need them Leave Them at this Bfrm

**n*. cmg anxaa MEATS AI


FOR SALE JEntire bend of Umilk heiser, cafvee. ssj^a. 5 young

2 unit electric milter, fen* machinery , apartment six* tm refiiisMsloi sad sts»ve.

George rharbonaessi «040 Farley Rd. Pinckney Mkhu Phccie 35F11


What happned to a pnatty newly, wed, last seen by her husband while on a honeymoon hunting trip? Her disappearance prompted one of the West's greatest searches.Read about this baffling real life mystery

McPbersoo State Bank

WHAT ABOUT 1*47 »»

in J

Farmers in 1947 will have the same needs as they bad im 1946.

The tractor, cultivator,) barrow, "Lost Ladies-Where AnT They{ P l o w o r b i n d e r ^ ^ n e e d ^°^ **w

Now?" b^rinning in the American P*** o r P^^^Ps *«*«*! overiiaal-Weekly with this Sunday's (Jan- i n * T h e f e n c e s ^ **** a o , B e v**4

uar>- 26) issue of The Detroit Sun-) ^ . S o m e o f t h c buiWings will need day Times j repair. Livestock will have to be fad

to bring the best price in the mar. Let

Mcpherson State Bank is prepared to serve the farmers in these winter months when cash revenue is at its low point a/Ml time eaa be sjssi i s advantage in maintenance

INCOME TA^ KSU-tfSTc* Income Tax Reports Made Out av sir home at 446 East Gfsmd Over in » feats,, s. M. •" Brighton. Pfceoe -97tl

Clarks or Alive


II LP, 8S, fimckmey

sVftetss Sbk tost Jpterest paid on Sbtm Certificated of

sspsiiM e » »»

|BOR &ALC-1M1 has laises

|Hews .¾

*#!•• '-y- iF'"

. T m \: . A

d s ^ . ^ * ^ ' - ^ - • - * * ' • > •