michael rivera edac 634 project demonstration

Embodied Learning Michael Rivera EDAC 634 Ball State University

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Post on 29-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Embodied Learning Michael Rivera EDAC 634 Ball State University

2. What is Embodied Learning? According to Learning in Adulthood: A Comprehensive Guide, embodied learning is: learning in an experience as it occurs, rather than from reflection on the experience after it occurs. Which means Embodied learning is using your body to learn. Everything from physically performing as task to a gut reaction to an event is embodied learning. 3. Embodied Learning through Cheerleading I am a Ball State University Cheerleader and I wanted to investigate Embodied Learning through my own experiences with Cheerleading I did not start cheering until the age of 20, and had no experience with the physical skills required by the sport Cheerleading requires many muscles in order to execute the different stunts, pyramids, and basket tosses You have to learn all of the skills during the experience, which makes Cheerleading a great candidate to research Embodied Learning. 4. Findings from the Literature Review There is a link between science and Embodied Learning: There are mirror neurons that help apply yourself to an activity Being able to see someone perform a cheerleading stunt can help your brain put you into that stunt Physical performing a task can enhance learning: While mirror neurons help you apply yourself to a cheer stunt, actually being able to perform that stunt will have optimal results Provide time for bonding to enhance embodied learning: In a sport like cheerleading, team bonding is crucial to form trust and relationships in order to perform stunts 5. Findings from Program Investigations Self-Awareness Provide trainings to help teach cheerleaders what to put on social media Cheerleaders represent schools, Universities, and various gyms and need to keep a sense of professionalism The public will start to especially recognize collegiate cheerleaders outside of athletic eventsLead Cheers/Crowd Involvement Cheerleaders need to learn motions for cheers on top of the different stunts required for the sport Each motion has a specific arm placement and needs to be executed correctly Cheerleaders also need to learn how to interact with the crowd to hype up the crowd 6. Findings from Program Investigations Stunts, pyramids, and basket tossesWeightlifting You need to teach the basics! Conditioning is key to cheerleading Mastering the basic skills will help you learn more advanced stunting skills. Men and women need to be in shape in order to advance with skills The basics will also help teach pyramids and how to properly throw basket tosses Having a regular work out schedule will help keep the cheerleaders in shape 7. Application Stunting The main part of my program focused on stunting. You need to learn the basic skill which is a toss to hands in order to advance to harder stunts Partner stunting (one male and one female) is my area of expertise and is what I used to develop my stunting progression 8. Application- Stunting After a toss to hands comes an extensionThe next stunt in the progression is a liberty 9. Application Stunting The next step in the stunting progression is a cupie. Both of the females feet are in one hand of the male After this skill is masters, you can start working on toss extensions, toss liberties, and toss cupies 10. Application - Stunting The last progression in partner stunting are the most advanced stunts. These can include rewinds, full up stuns, and hand in hands A rewind is shown in the video to the right All of the stunts build off of each other. You need to master the basic skill in order to execute a hard skill like in the video 11. Application Pyramids My program has one class devoted to pyramids. The class can be split up into skill level Simple pyramids that can be taught are 2-21 pyramids and A-Frame pyramids The A-Frame pyramid is shown to the right 12. Application - Pyramids More advanced pyramids can be taught once the simple pyramids are mastered. The pyramid in the video requires all people involved to be focused, and ready to execute their job in the stunt in order for it to be performed properly 13. Application Basket Tosses There is a class offered on how to properly throw a basket toss. The class will teach the women being thrown how to execute the skill needed for the basket toss The class will teach the bases throwing the basket how finish their toss so that the flyer can get optimal height 14. Application - Motions My program contains a class on how to execute motions for cheers, dances, and spiriting The class will also cover how to use signs in get the crowd involved in an athletic event 15. Evaluations The first evaluator is an instructor at Ball State University From her comments I would like: Shorten my introduction Eliminate the repetition between the introduction and rationale Break the different training components into paragraphs 16. Evaluations Janette Stanley was the second evaluator for my program. She is a preschool teacher and a former cheerleader From her evaluation I would change: Repetition throughout the syllabus How to change my courses for the size of the group in the course 17. Implications I believe my study can show how embodied learning in adulthood can be utilized I had to learn the basic skills my first year cheering, and I am just now able to perform advanced stunts Once I learned how to perform a toss to hands, I was able to build up to an extension. Once I figured out how to smoothly build an extension over my head, I was able to try a liberty All of the skills build off of each other and when they are executed correctly, the easier stunting will become Cheerleading is a great sport to examine embodied learning because you need to use your body and all of your muscles to learn the skills needed for the sport 18. References Merriam, S. B., Caffarella, R. S., & Baumgartner, L. M. (2007). Embodied, Spiritual, and Narrative Learning. Learning in Adulthood: A comprehensive Guide (Third ed.,pp. 189-190). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.