mgt systems

MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS: OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY Environmental Regulations for Managers November 21, 2003 Presented by: Paul Amyotte, P. Eng. Prepared by: William Erving and Paul Amyotte, P.Eng.

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Environmental Regulations for Managers

November 21, 2003Presented by:

Paul Amyotte, P. Eng.Prepared by:

William Erving and Paul Amyotte, P.Eng.

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History of Occupational Health and Safety Vancouver Shipyards Case Study Management Functions Example OH&S Management System NS OH&S Act Management Systems

- CSChE PSM- AIHA OH&SMS- BS 8800, BSI 18001, OHSAS 18001, (ISO 18001)- ISO 14001

Implementing an OH&S Program Additional Resources Conclusion

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“It is the sum of our contributions to safety management that determines whether the people we work with live or die.”- Piper Alpha inquiry report

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What is an OH&SManagement System?

“Part of the overall management system that facilitates the management of the OH&S risks associated with the business of the organization. This includes the organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the organization’s OH&S policy.”

- BSI/OHSAS 18001:1999

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History of OH&S

1760 BC- Hammurabi Code is established; considered by many to be first OH&S act

Middle Ages- Effects of workplace hazards begin to be identified, but because of the nature of industry at the time standards are not put in place

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History of OH&S

Industrial Revolution- As the factory system was introduced to industry, workers faced new hazards. The concern of industry was profit above all else; injuries and deaths were acceptable losses when labour was plentiful and cheap. Virtually no compensation existed for the untrained workers of these facilities. Ramazinni, considered the father of occupational medicine, publishes “Discourse on the Diseases of Workers”.

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History of OH&S

1908- Theodore Roosevelt states “The number of accidents which result in the death or crippling of wage earners is appalling.” Soon after, worker’s compensation was established as well as the National Safety Council in US.

1931- H.W. Heinrich publishes “Industrial Accident Prevention” proposing the idea that actions of people cause more accidents than workplace conditions. This concept still influences OH&SMS today. Also postulated that accident prevention was the responsibility of management.

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History of OH&S

1970- The Occupational Safety and Health Act passes (OSHA in US)

1978- Dan Petersen publishes “Techniques of Safety Management” further building upon the concepts of Heinrich. Theorizes “An unsafe act, an unsafe condition and an accident are all symptoms of something wrong in the management system.”

1981- OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Program established

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Present OH&S Policy

In the modern workplace today’s employee faces new hazards and dangers unlike anything seen before. Accompanying these new risks is the realization by management that OH&S policy is needed to compete in today’s marketplace. The need for comprehensive OH&S management policy in the workplace has never been greater.

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Vancouver ShipyardsCase Study

Company Background Main services include the design, construction,

maintenance and repair of all types of ocean-going vessels

Employs 300 people represented by the Marine and Shipbuilders Local 506

40% of employees are skilled tradespersons such as welders, fitters, and electricians

Canadian Labour and Business Centre (

[twelve case studies]

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Vancouver ShipyardsCase Study

Impetus for Healthy Workplace Initiatives High levels of accidents and injuries Costs of unsafe work practices Mid 1990’s to late 1990’s: injury rates and claims

higher than industry average Numerous Workers Compensation Board fines in

excess of $10,000 Situation described as “poor management

systems, a lack of commitment to health and safety by management and employees, sloppy practices, and little or no accountability”

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Vancouver ShipyardsCase Study

Impetus for Healthy Workplace InitiativesSix-month review found: Approach to health and safety was

reactive rather than proactive Low morale and lack of trust between

management and employees Misconception among employees that

WCB claims are an entitlement paid for by the WCB, rather than an insurance policy paid for by the company

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Vancouver ShipyardsCase Study

Impetus for Healthy Workplace InitiativesSix-month review found: Management did not understand the

complexities of safety, including the regulatory environment, safety staffing requirements and expertise, and the true costs of accidents

Decaying infrastructure, with much of the mobile and fixed equipment failing to meet safety standards

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Vancouver ShipyardsCase Study

Overhaul of Health and Safety New corporate safety manager recruited Sought the assistance of the WCB of BC through

its Focus Form Strategy which provides in-depth assistance

Committed to written strategy to reduce workplace injuries

Invested own resources in developing and maintaining an effective health & safety program

Health and safety given equal consideration with operational, economic and personnel issues

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Vancouver ShipyardsCase Study

A New Health and Safety Management System Policy: health and safety policy and

commitment statements to be produced and signed by senior management and brought to the attention of all employees

Organization: outlines roles, responsibilities and lines of accountability among employers, committees, and management at all levels. Also addresses the need for two-way communication, labour/management cooperation and adequate health and safety training

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Vancouver ShipyardsCase Study

A New Health and Safety Management System Planning and Implementation: provides guidelines

for proactive health and safety planning, setting of objectives, and internal inspections and risk assessments

Measuring Performance: guidelines to determine whether and to what extent health and safety plans have been implemented and stated objectives achieved

Audit and Review: outlines procedures for annual assessment of the health and safety management system

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Vancouver ShipyardsCase Study

Wellness Initiatives at Vancouver Shipyards Employee health and lifestyle training

pilot project On-site gymnasium and steam room Musculo-skeletal injury prevention

program North American Occupational Health and

Safety Week (NAOSH) activities

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Vancouver ShipyardsCase Study

Impacts and Analysis 70% reduction in the number of

disability claims from 1998 to 2001 Claims costs fell from $2.2 million in

1998 to a projected $500,000 in 2001

Won 2001’s North American Occupational Safety and Health General Industry Award

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Vancouver Shipyards Case Study

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Management Functions

“The first dusty of business is to survive and the guiding principle of business economics is not the maximization of profit – it is the avoidance of loss.”

Peter Drucker Manager: One who attains organizational

objectives through others by performing the specialized functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling

“Practical Loss Control Leadership”by Bird and Germain (ILCI, now part of DNV)

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Management Functions

PLANNING: predetermining a course of action

ORGANIZING: arranging and relating the work to be done so that it can be done most effectively

LEADING: creating the climate that causes people to take effective action

CONTROLLING: measuring and relating performance and results

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Management Functions

Four essential management SYSTEM functions:


Done with an ATTITUDE that reflects a positive corporate culture toward health and safety.

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Example OH&S Management System

From the mid-1980’s (perhaps earlier) Based on the principles that accidents

arise from multiple causes, and that the vast majority of accidents have their root causes in management system deficiencies

“Practical Loss Control Leadership”by Bird and Germain (ILCI, now part of DNV)

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Is there a need for an ATTITUDE with respect to OH&S? Internal Responsibility System (IRS)

Everyone shares responsibility for health and safety in workplace

Primary responsibility for creating and maintaining safe and healthy workplace depends on authority and ability to do so

OH&S Policy Must express employer’s commitment to


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Is there a need for a SYSTEM of PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACT with respect to OH&S? Program (among other requirements)

Training Procedures JOSH Committee Hazard Identification Inspections Monitoring/Follow-up/Control of Hazards Incident Investigation Maintenance of Records and Documentation Monitoring of implementation and

effectiveness of the program

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CSChE PSM Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering;

Process Safety Management AIHA OH&SMS

American Industrial Hygiene Association; Occupational Health and Safety Management System

BS 8800, BSI/OHSAS 18001 (ISO 18001) British Standard; British Standards Institute;

Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series

ISO 14001

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Free resource available at Provides an overview of process safety

management for facilities handling hazardous materials

Based on the tools developed by the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)

Presentation here courtesy of Graham Creedy of Canadian Chemical Producers’ Association (CCPA)

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History of safety philosophy in the chemical industry

We can consider in four phases: Late 19th – early 20th century

Origin of much of basic safety thinking in the explosives industry (protection of capital assets)

Second world war through 50s and 60s Concepts of loss prevention and investment in

people (often rule-based) 70s and 80s (Process Safety Management)

Recognition of seriousness of consequences and mechanisms of causation lead to focus on the process rather than the individual worker

90s and beyond Realization of significance of sociocultural factors

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Process safety management


Process safety is the operation of facilities that handle, use, process or store hazardous materials in a manner free from episodic or catastrophic incidents

Process safety management is the application of management systems to the identification, understanding and control of process hazards to prevent process-related injuries and incidents

CCPS: Guidelines for Technical Management of Chemical Process Safety

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What is meant by “Process”?

"Process" means any activity involving a highly hazardous chemical including any use, storage, manufacturing, handling, or the on-site movement of such chemicals, or combination of these activities US OSHA 1910.119 Process Safety Management Rule, definitions

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Difference between PSM and traditional health & safety

Traditional workplace health and safety Focuses on the individual actions while considering

interaction with equipment Occupational health exposures Significant legal and regulatory mandateObjective: to eliminate injuries and illnesses to personnel

Process safety management Focuses on process: materials, equipment and systems Individuals and procedures are considered part of the

systemObjective: to eliminate process-related incidents

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Functions of management system

Planning Organizing


Controlling Implementing






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Features and characteristics of a management system for process safety

PlanningExplicit goals and objectives Well-defined scopeClear-cut desired outputsConsideration of alternative achievement mechanismsWell-defined inputs and resource requirementsIdentification of needed tools and training

OrganizingStrong sponsorshipClear lines of authority Explicit assignments of roles and responsibilitiesFormal proceduresInternal coordination and communication

ImplementingDetailed work plansSpecific milestones for accomplishmentsInitiating mechanisms

ControllingPerformance standards and measurement methodsChecks and balancesPerformance measurement and reportingInternal reviewsVariance proceduresAudit mechanismsCorrective action mechanismsProcedure renewal and reauthorization

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Examples of PSM management system concerns at different organizational levels

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Scope (PSM elements)

1. Accountability2. Process Knowledge and Documentation3. Capital Project Review and Design Procedures4. Process Risk Management5. Management of Change6. Process and Equipment Integrity7. Human Factors8. Training and Performance9. Incident Investigation10. Company Standards, Codes and Regulations11. Audits and Corrective Actions12. Enhancement of Process Safety Knowledge

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Overlaps among safety, health and environmental areas


Safety & Health

Process Safety

Environmental Control

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1. Accountability

Management commitment at all levels Status of process safety compared to other

organizational objectives (e.g. output, quality, cost) Objectives must be supported by appropriate resources Plan for continuity in operations, systems, organization Be ready for exceptions Where freedom is allowed, make sure alternatives are

acceptable Be accessible for guidance Communicate and lead

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4. Process Risk Management

Know what the hazards are

Understand the risks

Decide what is acceptable, and meet it

Control it there (or, better still, improve)

Be ready if it happens

If you can't do any of the above, get out of the business!

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Hazard and risk

Process hazard A physical situation with potential to cause

harm to people, property or the environment

Risk (acute) probability x consequences of an undesired

event occurring

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Pre-screening using a list

The first screen is usually a list of materials, either by Name (chlorine, gasoline) or Property (flash point, LC50 )

plus Threshold quantity on site at any one time

Usually specified by regulation (Canadian Environmental Protection Act, Section 200)

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The Canadian Environmental Protection Act and control of major accident hazards

Part 8 of the Act deals with environmental emergencies

Regulation under Section 200 effective December 9, 2003

If a site has any of 174 listed substances in more than threshold quantity, must notify EC by March 2004

If largest container of a listed substance also exceeds threshold, must: develop emergency plan by June 2004 (plan must address

prevention, preparedness, response and recovery) implement plan, including testing, by December 2004

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5. Management of Change

Change of process technology Change of facility Organizational changes Variance procedures Permanent changes Temporary changes Note that none of the above cover latent


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Active and latent failures

Active Immediately adverse effect Similar to “unsafe act”

Latent Effect may not be noticeable for some time, if

at all Similar to “resident pathogen”. Unforeseen

trigger conditions could activate the pathogens and defences could be undermined or unexpectedly outflanked

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Case study: Flixborough (1974)(Courtesy of Jessica Shinkle/2001)

Vapor cloud explosion - fueled by release of 30 tons of cyclohexane

Largest single loss by fire or explosion in the United Kingdom killed 28 people injured 89 others $63 million in property damage

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Temporary modification





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Why did the bypass piping fail?

No safety review and inadequate supervision

Job was beyond professional capabilities of the workers

Only drawing was a full-size sketch in chalk on the workshop floor

No one understood the forces that would be imposed on the pressurized piping

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Management of Change Program

Question: Do you see the four essential management system functions at work?

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Overall Requirements The establishment of an OH&SMS The establishment of policy, responsibility,

authority reviews and resources A documented OH&SMS with procedures,

planning and performance measures Determination of conformance with laws,

policies and goals with continuous improvement

Design control for workplace situations by qualified personnel with safety reviews

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Overall Requirements Procedures for establishing and controlling

OH&S documents and changes Review of OH&S aspects of purchased goods

and contractors Effective and relevant OH&S communications,

exposures and documents Hazard trace for feedstock used in other

processes back to point of manufacture Process control to measure and monitor

hazards to minimize or eliminate hazards to employees

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Overall Requirements Inspection of OH&S activities and of records,

resulting in corrective actions Inspection, maintenance and calibration of test

equipment Sampling data and reporting mechanisms

explicitly documented Communicate nonconforming situations to

management and employees until acceptable state can be achieved

Procedures for implementing corrective and preventive OH&S actions

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Overall Requirements Procedures for handling hazardous

materials Procedures for documenting, securing,

storing and disposing of OH&S records Plan and implement OH&SMS audits Identify needs and provide for relevant

OH&S training Ensure outside contractors are included in

OH&S activities

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BS 8800

Established in 1996 this guide to OH&SMS is similar to ISO 14001 and the AIHA OH&SMS

Stresses root cause analysis Guidance annexes allow the user to

implement the standard requirements in a practical way

Basis for BSI 18001/OHSAS 18001 (ISO 18001)

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BSI/OHSAS 18001 Overview

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OH&S Policy Planning Implementation and Operation Checking and Corrective Action Management Review

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OH&S POLICY Complies to at least minimum legislated

regulations Appropriate policy must be created and

implemented specifically for an organization’s need

Available to all parties and communicated to staff

Documented, implemented & maintained Periodic reviews are necessary to establish

continued appropriateness and effectiveness Continual improvement

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PLANNING Planning for hazard identification,

risk assessment and risk control Legal and other requirements Objectives OH&S management programs

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Planning for Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control

Be proactive rather than reactive Provide for the classification of risks Monitor risk assessment to ensure

effectiveness and timelines of required actions are met

Use the results of the assessments when setting objectives

Keep the information up-to-date

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BSI/OHSAS 18001 Risk Matrix (eg)

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BSI/OHSAS 18001 Risk Matrix (eg)

H – High – Should be mitigated with engineering and/or administrative controls to a a risk ranking of L or VL within a specified time frame such as 6 months.

M - Medium – Should be mitigated with engineering and/or administrative controls to a a risk ranking of L or VL within a specified time frame such as 12 months.

L – Low - Should be verified on a continuous basis that procedures or controls are in place.

VL – Very Low – No mitigation required.

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Legal and Other Requirements Ensure all legislated regulations are met

Objectives Establish OH&S objectives and be certain

they are metOH&S Management Programs

Periodically review and update OH&S programs

Assign responsibility, authority, and time scales to OH&S programs

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IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION Structure and responsibility Training, awareness and competence Consultation and communication Documentation and data control Operational control Emergency preparedness and


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Structure and Responsibility Define, document and communicate

responsibility and authority Provide essential resources Demonstrate commitment to OH&S

programTraining, Awareness and Competence

Ensure that education and training are in place for tasks that impact OH&S

Establish and maintain training programs

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Consultation and Communication Procedures to communicate changes in

OH&S policy must be put in place Employee input to be documented

Documentation and Data Control Maintain information on OH&S policies as

well as providing other relevant standards Periodically revise and review OH&S policy

information Ensure documents are available where


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Operational Control Establish control measures where needed Stipulate and document operating procedures

Emergency Preparedness and Response Establish plans and procedures to mitigate

injuries and illness associated with emergency

Periodically test procedures where practicable

Review plans and procedures

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CHECKING AND CORRECTIVE ACTION Performance monitoring and

measurement Accidents, incidents, non-

conformances and corrective and preventative action

Records and records management Audit

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Performance Monitoring and Measurement Qualitative and quantitative measure Achievement of objectives Proactive measures that monitor

compliance with the OH&S programs, operational criteria and legal requirements

Reactive measures to monitor accidents, incidents, ill health and other evidence of deficient performance

Calibrate monitoring equipment and document it

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Accidents, Incidents, Non-conformances and Corrective and Preventive Action

Define responsibility for investigating accidents Take action to mitigate consequences Initiate and complete corrective and

preventative actions Confirm effectiveness of actions taken Implement and record needed changes to

documented proceduresQuestion: Do you see the four essential management system functions at work?

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Records and Records Management Establish procedures for handling

OH&S records Conformance dictates that records

be Legible and identifiable Traceable to the activity Readily retrievable Protected from deterioration

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Audit Maintain a program to

Determine whether OH&SMS conforms to BSI/OHSAS 18001 guidelines and other initiatives

Review the results of previous audits Provide information to management

Audits must be conducted by an independent source

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suitability, adequacy and effectiveness

Documentation of the review must be collected

Changes to the OH&SMS are to be identified by the audit system

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ISO 14001

Policy and Planning Environmental policy Environmental aspects Legal and other requirements Objectives and targets Environmental management


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ISO 14001

Top Management Shall Define the Organization’s Environmental Policy and Ensure That It

Is appropriate to the nature, scale and environmental impacts of its activities, products and services

Includes a commitment to continual improvement and prevention of pollution

Includes a commitment to comply with relevant environmental regulations and legislation

Provides environmental objectives and targets Is documented and communicated to all


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ISO 14001

Environmental Aspects Establish and maintain procedures for

identifying environmental impacts which can be controlled

Determine which activities have a significant impact on the environment

Consider these activities in setting environmental objectives

Ensure information is updated on environmental impact of company activities

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ISO 14001

Legal and Other Requirements The organization shall establish and

maintain a procedure to identify and have access to legal and other requirements to which the organization subscribes, that are applicable to the environmental aspects of its activities, products or services.

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ISO 14001

Objectives and Targets Establish and maintain documented

environmental objectives and targets at each function and level within the organization

Environmental aspects, technological options, the views of interested parties and financial, legal, operational, and business requirements shall be taken into consideration when setting targets

Objectives and targets shall be consistent with the environmental policy, including the commitment to reduce pollution

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ISO 14001

Environmental Management Program Designation of responsibility within the

company substructure to achieve goals and objectives

Ensure resources and a timeframe are provided to ensure completion of objectives

Existing management programs shall be amended to ensure environmental management applies to all new projects

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ISO 14001

Implementation and Operation Structure and responsibility Training, awareness & competence Communication Environmental system documentation Document control Operational control Emergency preparedness & response

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ISO 14001

Structure and Responsibility Roles, responsibility and authorities shall be

defined, documented and communicated Resources essential to the environmental

management system shall be provided Management shall appoint individuals to

Ensure that environmental management system requirements are maintained according to ISO 14001

Report on performance of the environmental management system so that necessary revisions to company policy may be made

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ISO 14001

Training, Awareness and Competence All personnel whose work may create a

significant impact upon the environment shall receive training

Employees shall be made aware of the Environmental impact they can have Importance of conformance with the EMS Dangers associated with departure from

specified operating procedures

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ISO 14001

Communication Establish and maintain procedures for

Internal communication between the various levels and functions of the organization

Receiving, documenting and responding to relevant communication from external parties

The organization shall consider processes for external communication on its significant environmental aspects and record its decision

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ISO 14001

Environmental Management System Documentation

Establish and maintain information to Describe the core elements of the

environmental management system and their interaction

Provide direction to related documents

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ISO 14001

Document Control Ensure that documents

Are easy to locate Are periodically reviewed and revised Are available at all locations necessary Which are obsolete are promptly

removed from points of issue and use Retained for legal and or knowledge

preservation are identified as such

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ISO 14001

Operational Control Establish and maintain documented

procedures to cover situations where their absence could lead to deviations from environmental goals and objectives

Stipulate operating criteria for procedures

Establish and maintain procedures for communicating requirements to suppliers and contractors

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ISO 14001

Emergency Preparedness Establish and maintain procedures to

identify potential for and respond to accidents and emergency situations, and for preventing and mitigating the environmental impact of accidents

Review and revise emergency preparedness and response procedures

Test such procedures where practicable

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ISO 14001

Checking and Corrective Action Monitoring and measurement Nonconformance and corrective and

preventative action Records Environmental management system

audit Management review

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ISO 14001

Monitoring and Measurement Establish and maintain documented

procedures to monitor and measure, on a regular basis, the key characteristics of operations and activities that can have a significant impact on the environment

Monitoring equipment shall be calibrated and records of this process shall be kept

Establish and maintain a documented procedure for periodically evaluating compliance with relevant environmental legislation

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ISO 14001

Nonconformance & Corrective & Preventative Action Establish and maintain procedures for defining

responsibility and authority for handling and investigating nonconformance, taking action to mitigate any impacts caused and for initiating and completing corrective and preventative action

Corrective and preventative action shall be appropriate to the magnitude of problems and commensurate with the environmental impact encountered

Record all changes in the documented procedures resulting from corrective and preventative action

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ISO 14001

Records Establish and maintain procedures for the

identification, maintenance and disposal of environmental records

Environmental records shall be legible, identifiable and traceable to the activity involved

Environmental records shall be stored and maintained in such a way that they are easily retrievable and protected against damage

Records shall be maintained to demonstrate conformance to the requirements of ISO 14001

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ISO 14001

Environmental Management System Audits Provide information on whether or not the

environmental management system meets the Requirements of ISO 14001

Allow the company to determine if the environmental management system has been properly implemented and maintained

Scheduling shall be based on the environmental importance of the activity involved and the results of previous audits

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ISO 14001

Management Review Top Management shall at intervals

review the environmental management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness

All reviews shall be documented The management review will address

the need for changes to the environmental management system

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Implementing an OH&S Program

Four Keys to aSuccessful OH&S Program

Management Commitment and Employee Involvement

Worksite Hazard Analysis Hazard Prevention and Control Safety and Health Training

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Implementing an OH&S Program

Management Commitmentand Employee Involvement

Company safety policy must be a priority equal to that of development, production and sales

Incorporate safety activities into employee performance evaluations

Provide training to all employees in OH&S Provide adequate resources for the OH&S

program Require management audits of the OH&S


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Implementing an OH&S Program

Worksite Hazard Analysis Identify all worksite hazards Address all worksite hazards in

documented company OH&S policy Use tools such as a risk matrix to

evaluate worksite hazards

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Implementing an OH&S Program

Hazard Prevention and Control Define safe work procedures for

employees Control and eliminate hazards Justify purchase of employee personal

protective equipment Perform employee safety and health

training Conduct accident investigations

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Implementing an OH&S Program

Safety and Health Training Senior management must be taught about

basic safety program activities Middle management's role in OH&S must be

defined Supervisors should be trained in the same

areas as their employees and have OH&S goals and objectives

Employee training consists of how to avoid accidents and injuries to themselves and others

Evaluate the training program

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Additional Resources

PowerPoint presentations Application of a Loss Causation Model to the Westray Mine

Explosion (Amyotte & Oehmen) Risk Assessment or Hazard Management? (Dalzell)

OHS Canada (magazine) Managing Health and Safety (November 2003)

Industrial Accident Prevention Association

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety


Texts Handbook of Occupational Safety and Health, 2nd ed, L.J.

DiBerardinis (editor), Wiley, NY (1999) Industrial Safety and Risk Management, L. Wilson and D.

McCutcheon, University of Alberta Press, Edmonton, AB (2003)

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RISK BASISwith the aim of