mexico comercio mexico canada enero febrero 2010 … · enero –febrero 2010 comercio entre los...

MEXICO CANADA TRADE JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2010 Trade Among NAFTA Partners By the end of the second month of 2010, trade in the NAFTA Region recorded a value of USD$127.6 billion, equivalent to a growth of 24.3%, compared to the previous year's same period. In spite of this recovery, regional trade is still below the trade flows registered in 2008 (USD$152.4 billion), the year before the crisis. By February 2010, the Mexico-Canada trade increased by 51.9% compared to last year, resulting in USD$4.2 billion. This value represents a trade increase of more than 7 times during the NAFTA era, which also translates as an average annual growth rate of 13.2% between 1993 and 2010. Comparing trade with Canada in February 2010 with the same month in 2008 (USD$3.9 billion), one can see that trade with Canada has not only recovered, but it has increased even further away the levels observed before the crisis of 2009. As for the Bilateral Trade between Mexico and United States, this indicator increased by 28.7%, amounting USD$52.5 billion. Mexico Canada Trade During the first two months of the year, Mexico kept a trade surplus with Canada for USD$1.7 billion, amount USD$933 million higher than the number registered back in 2009. Mexico kept its position as Canada’s 3rd greatest trade partner in the world, covering the Canadian market with 3.8%, after the United States (62.8%) and China (6.3%). Canadian Exports to Mexico At the beginning of 2010, Mexico kept its position as Canada’s 4th largest export market with 2.2% of Canadian sales, and was only exceeded by imports from the United States, United Kingdom, and China. W W W . N A F T A M E X I C O . O R G 1 COMERCIO MEXICO CANADA ENERO FEBRERO 2010 Comercio entre los países del TLCAN Durante el primer bimestre de 2010, el comercio en la región del TLCAN registró un valor de US$127,640 mdd (millones de dólares estadounidenses), equivalente a un crecimiento de 24.3% respecto al mismo período del año anterior. No obstante esta recuperación, el comercio regional aún se ubica por debajo de los flujos comerciales registrados en 2008 (US$152,409 mdd), año anterior a la crisis. A febrero de 2010, el comercio México Canadá creció 51.9% comparado con el año anterior, ubicándose en US$4,236 mdd. Este valor representa un crecimiento del comercio de más de 7 veces durante la era del TLCAN, lo que además se traduce en una tasa de crecimiento anual promedio de 13.2% entre 1993 y 2010. Comparando el comercio con Canadá en febrero de 2010 con el mismo mes de 2008 (US$3,953), se observa que el comercio con Canadá no sólo se ha recuperado, sino que ha crecido incluso más allá de los niveles observados antes de la crisis de 2009. En relación al Comercio Bilateral México-EE.UU., este indicador creció 28.7%, registrando un valor de $52,519 mdd. Comercio México Canadá Durante los dos primeros meses del año, México mantuvo un superávit comercial con Canadá por US$1,709, monto US$933 mdd superior al registro de 2009. A nivel mundial, México se ubicó como el tercer socio comercial de Canadá con el 3.8% del mercado canadiense, por debajo de EE.UU. (62.8%) y China (6.3%). Exportaciones de Canadá a México Al inicio de 2010, México se ubicó como cuarto mercado de exportación para los productos canadienses (2.2% del total), por debajo de EE.UU, Reino Unido y China.

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Trade Among NAFTA Partners

● By the end of the second month of 2010, trade in theNAFTA Region recorded a value of USD$127.6 billion,equivalent to a growth of 24.3%, compared to theprevious year's same period.

●In spite of this recovery, regional trade is still belowthe trade flows registered in 2008 (USD$152.4 billion),the year before the crisis.

●By February 2010, the Mexico-Canada trade increasedby 51.9% compared to last year, resulting in USD$4.2billion. This value represents a trade increase of morethan 7 times during the NAFTA era, which alsotranslates as an average annual growth rate of 13.2%between 1993 and 2010.

●Comparing trade with Canada in February 2010 withthe same month in 2008 (USD$3.9 billion), one can seethat trade with Canada has not only recovered, but ithas increased even further away the levels observedbefore the crisis of 2009.

●As for the Bilateral Trade between Mexico and UnitedStates, this indicator increased by 28.7%, amountingUSD$52.5 billion.

Mexico – Canada Trade

● During the first two months of the year, Mexico kepta trade surplus with Canada for USD$1.7 billion,amount USD$933 million higher than the numberregistered back in 2009.

●Mexico kept its position as Canada’s 3rd greatest tradepartner in the world, covering the Canadian market with3.8%, after the United States (62.8%) and China(6.3%).

Canadian Exports to Mexico

● At the beginning of 2010, Mexico kept its position asCanada’s 4th largest export market with 2.2% ofCanadian sales, and was only exceeded by imports fromthe United States, United Kingdom, and China.

W W W . N A F T A – M E X I C O . O R G 1


Comercio entre los países del TLCAN

● Durante el primer bimestre de 2010, el comercio en laregión del TLCAN registró un valor de US$127,640 mdd(millones de dólares estadounidenses), equivalente a uncrecimiento de 24.3% respecto al mismo período del añoanterior.

● No obstante esta recuperación, el comercio regional aúnse ubica por debajo de los flujos comerciales registradosen 2008 (US$152,409 mdd), año anterior a la crisis.

●A febrero de 2010, el comercio México – Canadá creció51.9% comparado con el año anterior, ubicándose enUS$4,236 mdd. Este valor representa un crecimiento delcomercio de más de 7 veces durante la era del TLCAN, loque además se traduce en una tasa de crecimiento anualpromedio de 13.2% entre 1993 y 2010.

●Comparando el comercio con Canadá en febrero de 2010con el mismo mes de 2008 (US$3,953), se observa que elcomercio con Canadá no sólo se ha recuperado, sino queha crecido incluso más allá de los niveles observadosantes de la crisis de 2009.

●En relación al Comercio Bilateral México-EE.UU., esteindicador creció 28.7%, registrando un valor de $52,519mdd.

Comercio México – Canadá

● Durante los dos primeros meses del año, Méxicomantuvo un superávit comercial con Canadá porUS$1,709, monto US$933 mdd superior al registro de2009.

●A nivel mundial, México se ubicó como el tercer sociocomercial de Canadá con el 3.8% del mercadocanadiense, por debajo de EE.UU. (62.8%) y China(6.3%).

Exportaciones de Canadá a México

● Al inicio de 2010, México se ubicó como cuarto mercadode exportación para los productos canadienses (2.2% deltotal), por debajo de EE.UU, Reino Unido y China.

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W W W . N A F T A – M E X I C O . O R G 2

● In terms of value, exports from Canada to Mexicoreached USD$1.2 billion, 776% higher than salescarried out in 1993. In spite of the recovery achievedregarding 2009, this value is still below the levels pre-crisis (USD$1.5 billion in 2008).

●The average annual growth rate of exports fromCanada into Mexico between 1993 and 2010 is 13.6%.

Mexican Exports to Canada

● During February 2010, Mexico kept its position as thethird greatest supplier for the Canadian market (5.4%),only exceeded by imports from the United States andChina.

●Exports of Mexican products to Canada in Februarytotalled USD$2.9 billion, amount 7 times higher thanthe value registered in 1993 (USD$371 million). Theaverage annual growth rate of exports from Mexico toCanada for the period from February 1993 to February2010 was 13.0%.

● Among the main Mexican products exported toCanada, the goods that showed a greater increase inFebruary 2010 were: trucks with less than five-tonsweight, automobiles with engine between 1500 and3000cc, auto-parts (seats and ignition cables), andelectronic products (telephone kits for cellular networksand computers).

● En términos de valor, las exportaciones de Canadá aMéxico se ubicaron en US$1,263 mdd, monto 776%superior al monto registrado en 1993. A pesar de larecuperación alcanzada respecto a 2009, este indicador aúnse encuentra por debajo de los niveles previos a la crisis(US$1,533 mdd en 2008)

●La tasa de crecimiento anual promedio de lasexportaciones de Canadá a México entre 1993 y 2010 seubica en 13.6%.

Exportaciones de México a Canadá

● Durante febrero de 2010, México mantuvo su posicióncomo tercer proveedor de Canadá (5.4%), participaciónsuperada por las importaciones provenientes de EE.UU. yChina.

●Las exportaciones de productos mexicanos a Canadá enfebrero sumaron US$2,972 mdd, monto 7 veces superiorrespecto a 1993 (US$371 mdd). La tasa de crecimientoanual promedio de las exportaciones de México a Canadáentre los meses de febrero de 1993 y 2010 se ubicó en13.0%.

● Entre los principales productos mexicanos de exportacióna Canadá, los bienes que mostraron un mayor crecimientoen febrero de 2010 fueron: camiones de carga inferior a 5toneladas, automóviles con motor entre 1500 y 3000 cc,autopartes (asientos y cables para encendido), y productoselectrónicos (celulares y computadoras).

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Investment from Canada in Mexico

During the last fifteen years, Canadian foreign directinvestment (FDI) has been a key factor for theintegration of our productive sectors:

From January 1994 to June 2009, Canada’s cumulativeFDI in Mexico reached $9.8 billion USD, becoming thefifth largest foreign investor in Mexico.

According to the Ministry of Economy, on June 2009,2,290 firms were registered in Mexico as havingCanadian capital.

These results demonstrate the high confidence that theNAFTA’s legal framework has granted to Canadianinvestors to operate in Mexico.

W W W . N A F T A – M E X I C O . O R G 3

Inversión de Canadá en México

Durante los últimos quince años la inversión extranjeradirecta (IED) de Canadá ha sido un elemento clavepara la integración de los sectores productivos deambos países:

En el período enero de 1994 – septiembre de 2009, laIED acumulada de Canadá en México alcanzó losUS$9,825 millones de dólares, lo que lo ubicó como elcuarto país inversionista en México

En septiembre de 2009, 2,290 empresas seencontraban operando en México con participación decapital canadiense.

Estos indicadores comprueban el alto grado deconfianza que el marco legal del TLCAN ofrece a losinversionistas canadienses para operar en México.




241 215





555443 540















1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

IED anual

IED acumulada

IED de Canadá en México a Septiembre 2009

Millones de US dólares

Fuente: Secretaría de Economía

Promedio anual

1994-2009(sep) = 614 mdd




241 215




555 443 540















1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Annual FDI

Cumulative FDI

FDI annual average

1994-2009 (sep) = 614 md

Canada’s FDI in Mexico September 2009

Millions of US dollars

Source: Ministry of Economy

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1. Trade between NAFTA partners1.1 Trilateral trade 1

2. Mexico - Canada Trade2.1 Monthly trends 22.2 Main products imported by Canada from Mexico 3

3. Canada's Total Trade3.1 Trade by country 43.2 Canada - Mexico trade by province 5

Mexico - Canada Trade StatisticsJanuary - February 2010

Table of Contents

The NAFTA Office of Mexico in Canada - Embassy of Mexico

May, 2010

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Trilateral Trade between the NAFTA Partners

January - February, 2010 (millions of US dollars)*AAGR *AAGR

09/93 09/08 09/93 10/93 10/09 10/931993 2008 2009 % % % 1993 2009 2010 % % %

NAFTA partnersTotal trilateral trade 288,742 942,271 699,240 142.2 -25.8 5.7 42,460 102,658 127,640 200.6 24.3 6.7

Growth rateYear Growth rateJanuary - February

US imports from NAFTA partnersMexico 39,917 215,915 176,537 342.3 -18.2 9.7 5,800 24,846 32,519 460.7 30.9 10.7Canada 111,216 335,555 224,911 102.2 -33.0 4.5 16,407 34,695 42,401 158.4 22.2 5.7

Mexico's imports from NAFTA partnersUS 45,295 151,335 112,434 148.2 -25.7 5.8 6,938 15,964 20,000 188.3 25.3 6.4

Canada 1,175 9,442 7,304 521.4 -22.7 12.1 144 1,006 1,263 776.2 25.5 13.6Canada's imports from NAFTA partners

Mexico 2,876 16,808 14,475 403.3 -13.9 10.6 371 1,782 2,972 702.1 66.8 13.0US 88,263 213,216 163,579 85.3 -23.3 3.9 12,800 24,364 28,485 122.5 16.9 4.8, , , , , ,

Mexico-Canada tradeMexico's imports from Canada 1,175 9,442 7,304 521.4 -22.7 12.1 144 1,006 1,263 776.2 25.5 13.6Canada's imports from Mexico 2,876 16,808 14,475 403.3 -13.9 10.6 371 1,782 2,972 702.1 66.8 13.0

Total 4,051 26,250 21,779 437.6 -17.0 11.1 515 2,789 4,236 722.9 51.9 13.2Mexico-US trade

Mexico's imports from US 45,295 151,335 112,434 148.2 -25.7 5.8 6,938 15,964 20,000 188.3 25.3 6.4US imports from Mexico 39,917 215,915 176,537 342.3 -18.2 9.7 5,800 24,846 32,519 460.7 30.9 10.7

Total 85,212 367,250 288,971 239.1 -21.3 7.9 12,738 40,810 52,519 312.3 28.7 8.7Canada-US trade

Canada's imports from US 88,263 213,216 163,579 85.3 -23.3 3.9 12,800 24,364 28,485 122.5 16.9 4.8Canada s imports from US 88,263 213,216 163,579 85.3 -23.3 3.9 12,800 24,364 28,485 122.5 16.9 4.8US imports from Canada 111,216 335,555 224,911 102.2 -33.0 4.5 16,407 34,695 42,401 158.4 22.2 5.7

Total 199,479 548,771 388,490 94.8 -29.2 4.3 29,207 59,059 70,886 142.7 20.0 5.4*Annual average growth rate.

Trade Between NAFTA Partners(NAFTA trilateral trade growth January - February 10/93 = 201%)

2010(Total trilateral trade of US$127,640 million) Millions of US dollars

Trade Between NAFTA Partners(NAFTA trilateral trade growth January - February 10/93 = 201%)




Canada-US trade55.5%

2010(Total trilateral trade of US$127,640 million)




Millions of US dollars

Trade Between NAFTA Partners(NAFTA trilateral trade growth January - February 10/93 = 201%)


1993(Total trilateral trade of US$42,460 million)



Mexico-US trade41.1%

Canada-US trade55.5%

2010(Total trilateral trade of US$127,640 million)








Millions of US dollars

Source: The Ministry of the Economy with import data from Statistics Canada, BANXICO and USDOC

Trade Between NAFTA Partners(NAFTA trilateral trade growth January - February 10/93 = 201%)



Mexico-US trade30.0%

Canada-US trade68.8%

1993(Total trilateral trade of US$42,460 million)



Mexico-US trade41.1%

Canada-US trade55.5%

2010(Total trilateral trade of US$127,640 million)










Millions of US dollars

The NAFTA Office of Mexico in Canada 1

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Mexico-Canada Trade (1993-2010) January - February (millions of US dollars)

Total Growth % Mexico Growth

% Total Growth % Mexico 1/ Growth

% Total Growth % Mexico Growth % Total Growth % Mexico Growth %

1993 131,763 -- 2,876 -- 145,381 -- 1,175 -- 277,144 -- 4,051 -- 13,618 -- -1,701 --2008 407,113 7.4 16,808 5.2 453,646 8.3 9,442 18.7 860,759 7.9 26,250 9.6 46,533 15.9 -7,366 -8.22009 319,763 -21.5 14,475 -13.9 314,990 -30.6 7,304 -22.7 634,753 -26.3 21,779 -17.0 -4,773 -110.3 -7,171 -2.6

*AAGR 09/93

2008 407,113 7.4 16,808 5.2 453,646 8.3 9,442 18.7 860,759 7.9 26,250 9.6 46,533 15.9 -7,366 -8.2Jan 31,868 -- 1,117 -- 36,112 -- 746 -- 67,980 -- 1,863 -- 4,244 -- -371 --Feb 32,548 2.1 1,314 17.7 36,691 1.6 786 5.4 69,239 1.9 2,101 12.8 4,142 -2.4 -528 42.3Mar 35,092 7.8 1,358 3.4 39,580 7.9 743 -5.6 74,672 7.8 2,101 0.0 4,488 8.3 -616 16.7Apr 35,388 0.8 1,317 -3.1 40,787 3.1 818 10.1 76,175 2.0 2,134 1.6 5,400 20.3 -499 -18.9

May 37,428 5.8 1,507 14.4 41,882 2.7 783 -4.2 79,310 4.1 2,290 7.3 4,454 -17.5 -723 44.9Jun 37,534 0.3 1,468 -2.6 41,859 -0.1 816 4.2 79,393 0.1 2,284 -0.3 4,326 -2.9 -652 -9.9Jul 36,858 -1.8 1,266 -13.8 43,010 2.7 771 -5.5 79,867 0.6 2,037 -10.8 6,152 42.2 -495 -24.1

Aug 34,095 -7.5 1,475 16.5 39,693 -7.7 775 0.6 73,788 -7.6 2,250 10.5 5,598 -9.0 -700 41.4Sep 36,084 5.8 1,504 2.0 39,700 0.0 769 -0.8 75,783 2.7 2,273 1.0 3,616 -35.4 -735 5.1Oct 34,736 -3.7 1,527 1.5 37,537 -5.4 943 22.6 72,274 -4.6 2,470 8.6 2,801 -22.5 -584 -20.5Nov 29,663 -14.6 1,638 7.3 31,744 -15.4 706 -25.1 61,407 -15.0 2,344 -5.1 2,082 -25.7 -932 59.6Dec 27,298 -8.0 1,252 -23.6 27,873 -12.2 787 11.4 55,171 -10.2 2,038 -13.1 575 -72.4 -465 -50.1

2009 319,763 -21.7 14,475 -13.5 314,990 -31.0 7,304 -22.7 634,753 -26.6 21,779 -16.8 -4,773 -110.0 -7,171 -1.8Jan 23,823 -12.7 848 -32.3 24,108 -13.5 473 -39.9 47,931 -13.1 1,320 -35.2 285 -50.4 -375 -19.3Feb 23,777 -0.2 935 10.2 23,953 -0.6 534 13.0 47,729 -0.4 1,468 11.2 176 -38.3 -401 6.8Mar 25,389 6.8 1,057 13.1 25,914 8.2 541 1.3 51,303 7.5 1,598 8.8 525 198.6 -516 37.6Abr 25,116 -1.1 1,083 2.5 24,321 -6.1 602 11.2 49,437 -3.6 1,685 5.4 -795 -251.4 -482 20.2

May 24,630 -1.9 1,089 0.5 23,914 -1.7 479 -20.3 48,543 -1.8 1,569 -6.9 -716 -10.0 -610 18.1Jun 26,380 7.1 1,101 1.1 25,988 8.7 607 26.5 52,368 7.9 1,708 8.9 -392 -45.2 -495 2.7Jul 27,104 2.7 1,185 7.6 26,528 2.1 639 5.3 53,633 2.4 1,824 6.8 -576 46.9 -547 -10.4

Aug 27,671 2.1 1,530 29.0 26,301 -0.9 718 12.5 53,972 0.6 2,248 23.2 -1,370 137.7 -811 64.0Sep 28,814 4.1 1,343 -12.2 27,647 5.1 616 -14.3 56,462 4.6 1,959 -12.9 -1,167 -14.8 -727 33.1Oct 29,923 3.8 1,353 0.7 29,573 7.0 751 22.0 59,496 5.4 2,104 7.4 -351 -69.9 -602 -25.8Nov 29,543 -1.3 1,616 19.4 28,818 -2.6 596 -20.7 58,361 -1.9 2,212 5.1 -725 106.8 -1,020 40.2Dic 29,263 -0.9 1,501 -7.1 29,351 1.9 748 25.6 58,614 0.4 2,249 1.7 88 -112.1 -752 25.1

2010 55,197 16.0 2,972 66.8 57,627 19.9 7,304 625.8 112,824 17.9 10,276 268.5 2,430 427.1 4,331 -658.1Jan 27,017 -7.7 1,397 -6.9 28,665 -2.3 602 -19.6 55,682 -5.0 1,999 -11.1 1,648 1771.9 -795 5.7Feb 28,180 4.3 1,575 12.8 28,962 1.0 662 9.9 57,142 2.6 2,237 11.9 782 -52.5 -914 14.9

*Annual average growth rate, 1993-20091/ Due to export transhipment or indirect trade between Mexico and Canada through the US, the use of each country’s import data from official sources– Banxico and Statistics Canada– yields the most accurate trade figures. In this particular case, Canada’s exports to Mexico are based on the value of goods imported by Mexico from Canada as reported by BANXICO.

7.3% 11.7% 7.4% 13.9%

Canada's Trade BalanceCanada's Total TradeCanada's Imports Canada's Exports

7.3% 12.4% 8.0% 9.6%

(C di M i )

Mexico-Canada Trade: Monthly trends from January 1993 to February 2010( illi f US d ll )

Source: The Ministry of the Economy with data from Statistics Canada and BANXICO



Mexican imports from Canada (MIC)

Canadian imports from Mexico (CIM)

CIMSA seasonally adjusted

MICSA seasonally adjusted

(C di M i )

Mexico-Canada Trade: Monthly trends from January 1993 to February 2010(millions of US dollars)

The NAFTA Office of Mexico in Canada 2

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Canada's Top 25 Imports from Mexico by HTS Subheading January - February (millions of US dollars)

HTS Descriptions Growth rate Growth rate09/08 09/08 2009 2010

2009 % 2010 % % 2009 % 2010 % % % %870431 - Trucks - spark ignition - load not exceeding 5 tonnes 82.5 4.6 212.7 7.2 157.8 464.3 1.0 1,344.5 2.4 189.6 17.8 15.8852872 - Television receivers,colour,w/n incorp radio-broad rece/sound/vid rec/repro app

107.7 6.0 156.0 5.2 44.8 148.3 0.3 185.5 0.3 25.1 72.6 84.1

870323 - Motor vehicles - spark ignition - cylinder capacity 1501-3000 cc 68.9 3.9 156.0 5.2 126.4 1,064.4 2.2 1,895.2 3.4 78.1 6.5 8.2851712 - Telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks 101.8 5.7 138.8 4.7 36.4 233.8 0.5 311.5 0.6 33.2 43.5 44.6270900 - Crude petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals 0.0 0.0 97.0 3.3 N.C. 2,354.4 4.9 3,439.7 6.2 46.1 0.0 2.8

940190 - Parts for seats 37.6 2.1 93.2 3.1 147.8 119.4 0.3 212.3 0.4 77.7 31.5 43.9847150 - Process units o/t 8471.41/.49, w/n cntg in same hsng: storage/input/output units

49.9 2.8 81.5 2.7 63.2 213.3 0.4 203.8 0.4 -4.4 23.4 40.0

854430 - Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets used for vehicles, aircraft or ships

50.2 2.8 81.1 2.7 61.6 108.9 0.2 183.0 0.3 68.0 46.1 44.3

840991 - Parts solely for spark-ignition internal combustion type engines nes 20.6 1.2 75.8 2.6 268.7 183.8 0.4 314.5 0.6 71.1 11.2 24.1

870120 - Road tractors for semi-trailers (truck tractors) 10.7 0.6 75.0 2.5 602.9 112.0 0.2 214.9 0.4 91.9 9.5 34.9840734 - Reciprocating piston engines for road or off-highway motor vehicles - displacing over 1,000 cc

14.5 0.8 74.3 2.5 411.7 308.0 0.6 596.7 1.1 93.7 4.7 12.5

870422 - Trucks - compression ignition - load 5-20 tonnes 6.2 0.4 61.6 2.1 886.5 83.3 0.2 146.7 0.3 76.2 7.5 42.0070200 - Tomatoes - fresh or chilled 38.5 2.2 57.1 1.9 48.4 55.9 0.1 77.3 0.1 38.3 68.8 73.9870324 - Motor vehicles - spark ignition - cylinder capacity more than 3000 cc 8.4 0.5 56.8 1.9 572.9 443.7 0.9 1,119.8 2.0 152.4 1.9 5.1

870421 - Trucks - compression ignition - load not exceeding 5 tonnes 7.0 0.4 49.8 1.7 608.2 73.5 0.2 156.8 0.3 113.3 9.6 31.7870332 - Motor vehicles - compression ignition - cylinder capacity 1501-2500 cc 28.3 1.6 44.0 1.5 55.4 29.4 0.1 48.2 0.1 63.9 96.3 91.3

710812 Gold in unwrought form (non monetary) 14 6 0 8 43 9 1 5 200 6 479 0 1 0 739 4 1 3 54 3 3 0 5 9

Canada's imports from MexicoJanuary - February

Canada's total importsJanuary - February

Mexico's share in total imports

NAFTA Office of Mexico in Canada 3

710812 - Gold in unwrought form (non-monetary) 14.6 0.8 43.9 1.5 200.6 479.0 1.0 739.4 1.3 54.3 3.0 5.9070960 - Peppers of the genus capsicum or of the genus pimenta - fresh or chilled

32.3 1.8 41.0 1.4 26.7 48.2 0.1 55.3 0.1 14.7 67.0 74.1

870895 - Safety airbags with inflater system, for motor vehicles; parts thereof 14.2 0.8 34.5 1.2 143.3 40.2 0.1 79.7 0.1 98.1 35.2 43.3

851762 - Machines f r/c/t or rege of voice,images or data, incl switching and routing app

23.5 1.3 28.9 1.0 23.0 232.0 0.5 286.0 0.5 23.3 10.1 10.1

870829 - Parts and accessories of motor vehicle bodies nes 15.1 0.8 28.8 1.0 91.0 414.3 0.9 719.4 1.3 73.6 3.6 4.0852871 - Tv rece,w/o vid disp/screen,w/n w radio-broad rece or snd/vid rec/reprod app

4.8 0.3 26.9 0.9 454.6 44.2 0.1 83.3 0.2 88.6 11.0 32.3

870840 - Gear boxes (transmissions), for motor vehicles and parts thereof 14.1 0.8 25.3 0.9 80.2 239.8 0.5 487.3 0.9 103.2 5.9 5.2

841810 - Combined refrigerator-freezers, fitted with separate external doors 12.3 0.7 24.0 0.8 95.6 46.6 0.1 68.5 0.1 47.1 26.3 35.0

903289 - Automatic regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus nes 11.5 0.6 21.2 0.7 84.0 122.5 0.3 140.6 0.3 14.8 9.4 15.1

775.3 43.5 1,785.0 60.1 130.2 7,663.2 16.1 13,109.8 23.8 71.1 10.1 13.6Others 1,007.2 56.5 1,187.3 39.9 17.9 39,936.4 83.9 42,087.2 76.2 5.4 2.5 2.8

Total 1,782.4 100 2,972.3 100 66.8 47,599.6 100 55,196.9 100 16.0 3.7 5.4Source: The Ministry of the Economy with data from Statistics CanadaRanked by Canada's imports from Mexico in 2010

NAFTA Office of Mexico in Canada 3

Page 8: MEXICO COMERCIO MEXICO CANADA ENERO FEBRERO 2010 … · ENERO –FEBRERO 2010 Comercio entre los países del TLCAN Durante el primer bimestre de 2010, el comercio en la ... 2000 3000

Canada's Trade by Country: Top 10 Trading Partners, (1993 - 2010) (millions of US dollars)

Total USA 1/ China Mexico 1/ UK Japan GermanyTrade

1993 41,040.3 29,207.2 549.7 514.7 874.4 2,264.3 767.82009 95,660.1 59,058.9 6,916.4 2,788.8 2,702.4 2,860.2 1,885.12010 112,823.6 70,885.6 7,129.2 4,235.7 3,342.3 3,146.2 2,037.2

Growth rates10-09 17.9% 20.0% 3.1% 51.9% 23.7% 10.0% 8.1%10-93 174.9% 142.7% 1196.9% 722.9% 282.2% 38.9% 165.3%

*AAGR 10-93 6.1% 5.4% 16.3% 13.2% 8.2% 2.0% 5.9%

Imports1993 19,340.3 12,800.2 358.4 370.6 540.9 1,307.1 384.02009 47,599.6 24,363.9 5,502.1 1,782.4 1,181.0 1,745.9 1,448.02010 55,196.9 28,484.6 5,645.9 2,972.3 1,432.1 1,918.9 1,478.3

Growth rates10-09 16.0% 16.9% 2.6% 66.8% 21.3% 9.9% 2.1%10-93 185.4% 122.5% 1475.4% 702.1% 164.7% 46.8% 285.0%

*AAGR 10-93 6.4% 4.8% 17.6% 13.0% 5.9% 2.3% 8.3%

Exports1993 21,700.0 16,407.0 191.3 144.2 333.5 957.3 383.92009 48,060.5 34,695.0 1,414.2 1,006.3 1,521.4 1,114.3 437.12010 57,626.7 42,401.0 1,483.3 1,263.3 1,910.3 1,227.3 558.9

Growth rates10-09 19.9% 22.2% 4.9% 25.5% 25.6% 10.1% 27.9%10-93 165.6% 158.4% 675.3% 776.2% 472.8% 28.2% 45.6%

*AAGR 10-93 5.9% 5.7% 12.8% 13.6% 10.8% 1.5% 2.2%*Annual average growth rate, 1993-20081/ Trade values between Mexico, United States and Canada have been calculated using import data from official sources in each country. Source: The Ministry of the Economy with data from Statistics Canada, BANXICO and USDOC

January - February







Canada's main trading partners (Total Trade January - February 2010:

112.8 billion of US dollars)

Canada's top foreign suppliers (T t l I t J F b 2010

Canada's main export markets (T t l t J F b 2010







Canada's main trading partners (Total Trade January - February 2010:

112.8 billion of US dollars)







Canada's top foreign suppliers (Total Imports January - February 2010:

55.2 billion of US dollars)







Canada's main export markets (Total exports January - February 2010:

57.6 billion of US dollars)

The NAFTA Office of Mexico in Canada 4

Page 9: MEXICO COMERCIO MEXICO CANADA ENERO FEBRERO 2010 … · ENERO –FEBRERO 2010 Comercio entre los países del TLCAN Durante el primer bimestre de 2010, el comercio en la ... 2000 3000

Canada-Mexico Trade by Province, (1993 - 2010) (millions of US dollars)Provinces and Territories

1993 % 2009 % 2010 % 10-09 10-93 *AAGR 10-93Total Trade 468.7 2,337.8 3,736.4 59.8 697.2 13.0

Ontario 328.5 70.1 1,627.8 69.6 2,710.6 72.5 66.5 725.3 13.2Quebec 63.7 13.6 168.1 7.2 331.0 8.9 96.8 419.9 10.2Alberta 16.0 3.4 232.7 10.0 253.1 6.8 8.8 1,481.7 17.6British Columbia 37.0 7.9 156.5 6.7 208.7 5.6 33.4 463.5 10.7Manitoba 7.1 1.5 79.8 3.4 105.8 2.8 32.7 1,380.7 17.2Saskatchewan 11.4 2.4 54.7 2.3 89.3 2.4 63.3 680.9 12.9New Brunswick 1.1 0.2 7.8 0.3 32.0 0.9 307.6 2,684.4 21.6Nova Scotia 0.5 0.1 5.5 0.2 4.9 0.1 -9.5 829.3 14.0Prince Edward Island 0.1 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.0 -69.0 86.4 3.7Newfoundland 3.2 0.7 4.5 0.2 0.0 0.0 -100.0 -100.0 -38.0Territories 1/ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 6,026.1 N.C. N.C.

Imports 370.6 1,782.4 2,972.3 66.8 702.1 13.0Ontario 275.5 74.3 1,346.1 75.5 2,351.1 79.1 74.7 753.5 13.4Quebec 58.1 15.7 102.8 5.8 210.5 7.1 104.8 261.9 7.9Alberta 6.4 1.7 111.3 6.2 129.8 4.4 16.7 1,922.2 19.3British Columbia 25.6 6.9 141.4 7.9 178.8 6.0 26.5 599.4 12.1Manitoba 2.4 0.6 50.6 2.8 56.9 1.9 12.4 2,307.7 20.6Saskatchewan 1.0 0.3 18.7 1.1 19.2 0.6 2.5 1,780.0 18.8New Brunswick 1.1 0.3 6.3 0.4 23.9 0.8 280.2 2,059.5 19.8Nova Scotia 0.4 0.1 0.9 0.0 2.2 0.1 158.6 412.2 10.1Prince Edward Island 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N.C. N.C. N.C.Newfoundland 0.0 0.0 4.5 0.3 0.0 0.0 -100.0 -100.0 -100.0Territories 1/ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N.C. N.C. N.C.

Exports 98.2 555.4 764.0 37.6 678.4 12.8Ontario 53.0 54.0 281.7 50.7 359.5 47.1 27.6 578.4 11.9Quebec 5.5 5.6 65.4 11.8 120.5 15.8 84.4 2,088.8 19.9Alberta 9.6 9.8 121.4 21.9 123.3 16.1 1.6 1,186.6 16.2British Columbia 11.5 11.7 15.1 2.7 29.9 3.9 97.7 160.8 5.8Manitoba 4.8 4.9 29.2 5.2 48.9 6.4 67.9 922.9 14.7Saskatchewan 10.4 10.6 36.0 6.5 70.1 9.2 95.0 573.1 11.9New Brunswick 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.3 8.0 1.1 418.8 19,766.3 36.5Nova Scotia 0 1 0 1 4 6 0 8 2 7 0 4 40 6 2 606 7 21 4

Growth rates %January - February

Nova Scotia 0.1 0.1 4.6 0.8 2.7 0.4 -40.6 2,606.7 21.4Prince Edward Island 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.0 -69.0 86.4 3.7Newfoundland 3.2 3.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N.C. -100.0 -38.0Territories 1/ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.1 6,026.1 N.C. N.C.Note: Canada's export values by province are based on data from Statistics Canada. Therefore, this information is not comparablewith the other set of data (from BANXICO) used on this report to calculate Canada's total exports to Mexico.1/ Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon.Source: The Ministry of the Economy with data from Statistics Canada

*Yukon 0.1%


{ 2.1% }( 7.2% )[ 0.6% ]


{ 72.6% }(5.7% )[79.1% ]


{ 3.1% }(7.9% )[ 1.7% ]


{ 9.1% }( 13.4% )[7.8% ]


*Prince Edward Island 0.4%

*New Brunswick 2.3%

*Northwest Territories 0.1%

*Nunavut0.1%British Columbia

13.2%{5.6% }( 3.9% )[ 6.0% ]


{ 6.8% }( 14.9% )[ 4.4% ]

Share %: 1 Population{ Trade }( Exports to Mexico )[ Imports from Mexico ]

*Nova Scotia 2.9%

Share %: 1Population{ Trade }( Exports to Mexico )[ Imports from Mexico ]

Canada – Mexico trade by provinceJanuary – February 2010

*Yukon 0.1%


{ 2.4% }( 9.2% )[ 0.6% ]


{ 72.5% }(47.1% )[79.1% ]


{ 2.8% }(6.4% )[ 1.9% ]


{8.9 % }( 15.8% )[7.1% ]


*Prince Edward Island 0.4%

*New Brunswick 2.2%

*Northwest Territories 0.1%



{ 6.8% }( 16.1% )[ 4.4% ]

Share %: 1 Population{ Trade }( Exports to Mexico )[ Imports from Mexico ]

* Altogether represent 1.0% of total trade

1: Population: preliminary post censal estimates. July 1, 2009

Source: Ministry of the Economy with data from Statistics Canada

*Nova Scotia 2.8%


*Yukon 0.1%


{ 2.1% }( 7.2% )[ 0.6% ]


{ 72.6% }(5.7% )[79.1% ]


{ 3.1% }(7.9% )[ 1.7% ]


{ 9.1% }( 13.4% )[7.8% ]


*Prince Edward Island 0.4%

*New Brunswick 2.3%

*Northwest Territories 0.1%

*Nunavut0.1%British Columbia

13.2%{5.6% }( 3.9% )[ 6.0% ]


{ 6.8% }( 14.9% )[ 4.4% ]

Share %: 1 Population{ Trade }( Exports to Mexico )[ Imports from Mexico ]

*Nova Scotia 2.9%

Share %: 1Population{ Trade }( Exports to Mexico )[ Imports from Mexico ]

Canada – Mexico trade by provinceJanuary – February 2010

*Yukon 0.1%


{ 2.4% }( 9.2% )[ 0.6% ]


{ 72.5% }(47.1% )[79.1% ]


{ 2.8% }(6.4% )[ 1.9% ]


{8.9 % }( 15.8% )[7.1% ]


*Prince Edward Island 0.4%

*New Brunswick 2.2%

*Northwest Territories 0.1%



{ 6.8% }( 16.1% )[ 4.4% ]

Share %: 1 Population{ Trade }( Exports to Mexico )[ Imports from Mexico ]

* Altogether represent 1.0% of total trade

1: Population: preliminary post censal estimates. July 1, 2009

Source: Ministry of the Economy with data from Statistics Canada

*Nova Scotia 2.8%

The NAFTA Office of Mexico in Canada