metro moments – metro health, wyoming, mi

metro moments

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Post on 29-Mar-2016




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Metro Health patients and visitors often say "thanks," but many people are so touched by care that goes beyond meeting their medical needs, they feel compelled to write a heartfelt note to tell us their story and share their gratitude. This book is a very small sample of those actual letters. We call them "Metro Moments."


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Copyright © 2013 Metro Health

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Published by Metro Health 5900 Byron Center Avenue SWWyoming, Michigan, USA(616) 252-7200metrohealth.netemail: [email protected]

Design & Editing by Metro Health Marketing & CommunicationsPrinted in Grand Rapids, Michigan

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Metro Health patients

The physicians and clinicians who provide care to our community

The support departments who provide behind-the-scenes services to our patients and clinicians

dedicated to

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Could there be a greater stress than the stress of an illness or injury for

either yourself or someone you love?

As the President and CEO of Metro Health, I regularly receive letters,

phone calls and emails from our patients and their loved ones. Over and

over, I hear stories of the compassion, care and kindness Metro team

members provided to patients, their families and friends.

Each time I hear one of these stories, I’m filled with pride – not for myself – but for the

incredible team with whom I am privileged to serve our community and patients.

It would be easy to define Metro Health as a hospital building, physician offices and

clinics. But, that wouldn’t be right. No. Instead, Metro Health is the team of people who

provide care – whether directly or indirectly – to our patients and community. Metro

is the physician who comes in on Saturday to care for a patient, the registration person

who treats someone without financial resources in the same way as he or she treats our

richest patient. Metro is the cafeteria worker who makes every patient and visitor meal

as special as a meal at home or a fine restaurant. It is the nurse who holds the hand of

someone scared until a test is complete. Metro is a hundred small gestures of kindness

that happen every day throughout the organization.

With this book, I want to share those messages I receive from our

patients and their family members. Here you’ll find just a sampling of

them. Personal information has been edited so that patient privacy is

protected. My colleagues from around the country tell me that when

they see a patient letter or email in their mailbox or they talk with

someone at church or a community meeting, too often they hear or read

a troubling story to which they don’t know how to respond. At Metro,

it’s just the opposite. I almost always hear or read about how a Metro team member

made all the difference in the world at just the right time.

I am so proud of the Metro team. Please enjoy the stories of our patients and their

families. If you are a patient or community member, you can rest assured that should

you ever need us, you’ll encounter the same great care described in these pages. If you are

a member of the Metro team, thank you. You are present at many of our patients’ most

vulnerable moments, and you make a profound impact on our patients, our community

and each other. I am humbled to work with you.


Michael D. Faas President & CEO Metro Health


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There’s a great tradition at Metro Health that helps set the tone for how every member

of the organization works and serves patients and our community. At the beginning

of every meeting, the first agenda item is to share a “Metro Moment.” These moments

are opportunities to recognize fellow team members, other departments or anyone in

the organization for providing the best experience to a patient, family member or our

community. It’s not uncommon to hear multiple people say they have something to

share. And with each story told there’s a moment of celebration. I hope you will find

much to celebrate within the pages of this book. I am proud to serve our community as

the Chairman of the Metro Health Corporation Board of Directors, but I am prouder

still of the great care the Metro Health team provides to our patients.


Doyle A. Hayes Board Chair, Metro Health


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After about six weeks of declining health, a couple of doctor office visit/tests and a couple of

outpatient tests at Metro Health, I was admitted in December with blood clots in my lungs.

I spent the next 10 days in transition from your 5th and 6th floors as my first chemo treatment was

conducted and my body was protected from the blood clots.

Through all of this your nurses and entire medical staff were exemplary. They were competent and

empathetic. I can think of certain ones and actions, but if I name any of them, I am sure I will be

leaving others out. I recognize that without the medical care I received at Metro I would have died,

and I am very grateful for another chance at health.

I have 5 to 6 months of chemo ahead of me, but I am ready to continue the battle with a goal of

remission and cure. My faith has given me a “peace that passes understanding,” but I do want to be

healthy again.

Thank you for hiring and training such a wonderful staff. These accolades also go out to the fine

doctors and other staff members who served me during my time of hospitalization.






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I am the daughter of a heart and vascular patient that

recently passed away at Metro. I wanted to thank

everyone involved with her illness and passing.

It meant so much to me to see such heartfelt staff at your

facility. I know mom would really appreciate everything as

much as I did. Also, please send out a special thank you to

our PA. My mother just thought he was the sweetest man.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.


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Spent the night here last night... best hospital I have ever been in. Couldn't

ask for better attention or more caring nurses. Thanks to all of you!! :)


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Ingrid Cheslek,

I’ve been an employee at Metro Health for 10 years and recently my son, Jacob, needed surgery.

Dr. Beane was my surgeon of choice because of his gentle, kind and caring attitude. Following

the pre-surgical visit, my son was scheduled for surgery on his birthday.

On the day of Jake’s surgery, he was very nervous and did not know what to expect. The nurse

assigned to Jake’s care prior to surgery was Ann May. She was very nice and did a great job of

explaining what would be happening while Jake was in her care. She was also quite humorous,

which put us all at ease. Ann teased Jake about having surgery on his birthday and mentioned

that she had a plan for him.

Jake made it through the event like a trooper. He told us that if he ever needed surgery again he

would definitely want to be at Metro. After Jake came out of his haze of anesthesia, there was a

birthday cake waiting for him on his bedside table.

I can’t begin to tell you how special that made Jake feel. It is just another example of the excellent

care and compassion that Metro’s physicians and employees perform on a daily basis. It proved to

me to be the best patient, physician, and employee experience due to the skill, compassion, and

teamwork that was dedicated to my son on his birthday.

This letter was written to recognize and thank Dr. Beane, Ann May, and all the other employees

that were involved with my son’s treatment on that day.


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I must tell you how pleased I was with everything about the tenth Metro Health Grand Rapids

Marathon. I wish that Detroit and GR continued to be held on separate weekends. Having said

that, I'm soooooo glad that I decided to make a road trip of it on a “kinder, gentler” course...

Two hundred yards from the finish, I fell. Kind spectators helped me up, a volunteer (I think she said

her name was Cheryl) and a very nice policeman stayed on either side of me without touching me to

the finish. I was thrilled to finish 4 seconds under 4 hours. I now have 138 [marathons] under 4 and

11 over.

As a result of my fall, after showering at the lovely YMCA (please thank them for their hospitality),

I went to the medical tent in search of ice for my aching elbow on the trip home. A splendid team

of doctors and nurses examined my elbow, cleaned it, sutured it, and wrapped me up in ice. They

were wonderful! In particular, a surgical nurse asked me at least three times to have an X-ray when I

arrived home. I'm so grateful she did. I wouldn't have otherwise.

As a result of the X-ray, I know that I have an open fracture to my elbow and will have surgery

next Tuesday to repair it. Otherwise, it would have eventually healed but I'd never be able again to

straighten my left arm, and I wouldn't be able to swim (which I do daily to counteract the pounding

of running). I hope you will let her know how much I appreciate her insistence. I apologize for not

asking her name.

Thanks so much!supp




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Greetings and Happy New Year,

I know this email is late but I just wanted to let someone know we

had a great dinner in December that was put out by your cafeteria

staff. We had turkey, mashed potatoes and pie. It was hot, fresh and

delicious. I spoke to the manager and let him know how great it was.

He was a taller gentleman with salt and pepper hair who was working

extremely hard that night. I saw a chef, too, so my compliments to

him. It was great to have a fine meal at your hospital while visiting a

sick relative.

Bless you.


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I went to the ER Sunday with extreme abdominal pain. I choose Metro because

my Dr. is affiliated with them. I was seen by an ER Doc within 3 minutes of

getting a room in the ER (which only took about 5 minutes with triage etc.) and

within 15 minutes was getting a CAT scan of my abdomen. They determined

that my appendix needed to come out immediately. Not what I was planning on

for Mother’s Day afternoon! Dr. Green did the surgery, and was awesome! My

recovery on the 6th floor was a great experience as well. Metro has in my opinion

the best care available in West Michigan. Thank you everyone who helped me

with my Mother’s Day emergency.


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Dear Metro Birthing Center Staff,

Too often in this world, we do not take time to express our appreciation for a job well done,

for kindness and caring, and for presence at significant moments in our life. We wish to take

a moment to express how grateful we are for each and every nurse, doctor, resident, intern and

lactation consultant with whom we interacted at Metro during and after the birth of our daughter.

Our baby girl turns 1 today. She was delivered at Metro by the capable and compassionate Dr.

Megan Looby. Dr. Looby was assisted by a slew of kind and competent professionals. The care

that was provided to us, and especially to our daughter, was beyond exemplary in every way. We

feel so blessed to live in such close proximity to an amazing hospital, and we are so grateful for

the experience we had there. Each and every person who came through the doors of our labor and

delivery or postpartum rooms made us feel at ease, comfortable and confident. Even when delivery

took an unexpected turn and plans changed, we were able to remain calm and focused thanks to

the demeanor and competence of the staff. We heard many wonderful comments from family and

friends who came to visit as well and we wanted you to know. Thank you, a million times over, for

such a marvelous experience! When it's time - we'll be back :) God bless you all.

I almost lost 3 of my left hand fingers to a table saw accident and thought that my musical career

was over. I went to the Metro ER, got stitched up, saw Metro specialists for follow up and did

Occupational Therapy at Metro as well. Now I am back playing and gigging out again. Thanks to

Metro for helping me to keep the gift of music in my life!!!


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I'm calling to tell you about the great experience my Mother had yesterday having

her blood drawn. Mom has several medical issues. Phlebotomist Latashia not only

went above and beyond in her care for Mom, but she was phenomenal. She even

made Mom smile. I know it's more often people who want to complain who call, but

I wanted to tell you what a great job Latashia did for my Mom.

Brianne & Jason in x-ray were friendly, helpful and efficient. Please let them

know I appreciate it. Also, the one that did my blood test was great

(painless, too). I didn't catch her name.

Your staff is great! My wife and I have had both of our sons delivered there and

couldn't ask for a better experience. Rooms are spacious, love the big screen

TVs and movies. Thank you.


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We moved to the GR area earlier this year and began visiting

the Metro Health clinic on Cascade for our routine medical

requirements. I’ve been in there now 4 or 5 times in the past 6

months for various non-emergency reasons and I’d like to take

this opportunity to tell you that, in my opinion, the staff there is

topnotch. The front office is the most organized and courteous group

of people I have ever seen in a medical office and the back office

treatment staff is very efficient and thorough.

When you get a chance, please tell all of the folks at your facility that

we really appreciate their professionalism, their organized approach

to business and their no-nonsense way of taking care of patients. Not

that any of us love coming to the doctor, but the staff at your facility

goes out of their way to make it a good experience.


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Adear friend of mine was taken to Metro via the Emergency entrance

this week. He has Alzheimer's and was having kidney/bladder

problems. Needless to say he was scared and confused. From the minute we

entered the hospital my friend was treated kindly, gently and with caring

compassion. He was admitted to this gorgeous hospital where the same

wonderful care has continued. The building is just beautiful!! The private

rooms are SOOO nice!! And the doctors, nurses and support staff are

honestly the best I have ever encountered in a hospital setting. I cannot thank

you all enough for your professionalism, patience and lovely kindness. I wish

my dear friend could stay with you until his end days. God bless you Metro

Hospital Employees!! Job well done!!!

This is a LETTER OF APPRECIATION for your assistance.

There cannot be found enough words of thanks to express our

gratitude and appreciation for the financial assistance being received. A

million thanks to you all!


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Aquick word of great thanks to your wonderful staff during our brief

stay at Metro during our son’s emergency.

First, thank you Allison, the wonderful ER nurse who did a FABULOUS job

in giving our 8-year-old son his IV…you are his new hero and made needles

not such a scary thing anymore.

And to Katie, the most AWESOME Child Life Specialist, who made all of

our stay better. Through all of the drugs and pain, our son will remember you

for life. On that note, thanks Metro for looking out for all the parents and

providing Katie’s service to all of us.

And Rebecca, the cutest pregnant recovery nurse who took care of us! More

thanks from me, since I was probably more difficult to take care of than the

actual patient.

Even though our stay was short, we would also like to thank the two gals who

let us come back and be with our son as he was waking up from surgery. We

know that this is not typical, but sure put us at ease.

It was very difficult to leave Metro when the patients and their parents are

taken care of so well! It is truly your entire staff that deserves the recognition.

Keep up the great work. Thanks for making our stay great!


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On Tuesday evening, May 1st, I called your gift shop in the hospital to get some gifts for my

grandson David who was just admitted there in Metro. He is a little boy only age 11. David

is a young age 11 and he was scared, even though his parents, doctors and I were being upbeat. As

a grandma I needed to send him some gifts to make him feel special and give him something else to

focus on. I couldn't be there and I am in Hastings, MI. I want you to know that the very nice lady

that answered the gift shop phone was wonderful! She put a very nice gift bag together for David

and got it up to his room right away for me. It may sound like a simple thing, but truly it was a

labor of true caring. She was very careful in picking out things for David and she was so very kind

and patient with me on the phone as I was a very worried grandma at that moment. I did just call

to thank her again, but she wasn't there this evening and the nice person I talked to said she'd gladly

relay the message for me. I just want to say thank you for being a caring hospital and for kindness

you've shown my family and me. I was also told that David got a doll from your hospital that he

named Bob. It even wears a hospital gown. I do sew professionally and I make custom decor items

now for a living. But I would gladly help make these dolls for your hospital or any other items for

free that you may need. If there is a place to call to volunteer my services please just let me know.

Thank you surgery staff for taking such good care of me during my hip surgery! Dr. K, I

appreciate you finding the cause of my pain and taking your time to make sure I received the

best care.




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I just wanted to let you know how impressed

my wife and I were with your facility and staff

during our visit this past weekend delivering our

daughter. Everyone was very efficient and polite.

They were always checking in with my wife and

the baby throughout our stay and when she

needed help they were there for her. Thank you so

much for such a wonderful experience at Metro

Health. This is our first child and we know where

we're going for our next!

I just wanted to say thank you for the

outstanding care and service that I received. It

was fast and the people were so kind and helpful

(in all departments from ER to Billing). I am very

impressed and grateful. Thank you.


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Dear Dr. Cunningham,

I am writing to say thank you for the two wonderful doctor references you gave me within

this past year…Dr. Howard and Dr. Friedl. I have fully recovered from two surgeries and I

am truly grateful to you for directing me to such competent and kind experts to care for my

ailments. I am excited to start my summer pain-free with restored good health and strength.


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Just wanted to say thank you Metro for making my birthing experience there wonderful!!

I gave birth on Saturday the 22nd and had so much help and information as a first time

mom. All of the nurses were supportive and informative. I left the hospital feeling confident

about breast feeding and caring for my little one. The informational videos, car seat checks,

and information packet all made me feel prepared. Things are still going so well a week

later, and little Hunter is healthy as can be. A special thanks to RN Laura who supported

me through the birth, and encouraged me to keep up with the vaginal delivery. Please keep

up the excellent help for all new moms coming through your hospital. I will definitely

recommend Metro to anyone having a baby.

I just spent seven days in the last two months in the hospital. I truly hate hospitals but I

have to say at your hospital everyone treated me like gold! Wow! All your nurses were

awesome! I had stent work done and all the people on the first floor were fantastic including

the nurses in the lab. I was on floor three for four days, those nurses were tremendous! I was

on floor two for two days; again those nurses were awesome as well! All of those nurses on all

three floors are very knowledgeable, understanding and very well trained! Metro is the best

hospital in the city! Thank you so much! You people make a difference!


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Last night my son had to go to your emergency

department for a cut that required stitches. This

was the first time anyone in our family had been

to Metro and it was a great experience. Although

I did not accompany him, he came home and was

raving about the care he received from your staff. I

apologize that I don’t have names to give you, but

he said everyone, from the person who greeted him

to the person who escorted him, was fabulous. Very

warm and genuine. We definitely will be visiting your

hospital again (but hopefully not too soon)!


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I apologize it has taken so long but I really have a big thank you to your health care.

In January 2011, I had a really bad bladder infection and suffered quite severely from it. I also have diabetes, but had

lost my insurance and income and had to quit taking my meds because they were too expensive. I found your web site,

made an appointment and began the Metro Health process. Today, I see Dr. Bargwell. The receptionists and the nurses

have been equally compassionate. They have treated me with nothing less than respect. Dr. Bargwell does an outstanding

job helping me control my diabetes and helped me obtain my meds and supplies, informing me of all the things I could

look into with the cost. I have been a patient on a regular basis for a year now and have so much to be thankful for

because of your team at Cedar Springs.

In April 2011, my husband had to go to the ER at Metro. They were outstanding! He left feeling assured he was going

to heal and they helped him with the severity of his wound. They thoroughly explained what was going on and despite

the pain, he felt very satisfied. He is not much of a patient and would die in his chair before going to a hospital but

because of the outstanding care they performed on that day, he would go to Metro anytime!! Since we have no insurance

and can only pay with what we have they helped us get in contact with the Care Payment Plan. The ladies in billing do

a great job of not making you feel like less of a person because you need financial help. They make you feel like someone

special and are ready and eager to help you in any way, shape or form – Kudos to you!

I know these are just small issues, but to us and our family they were HUGE!! We thank you from the bottom of our

heart and to this day we are Metro fans through and through!! Keep up the outstanding job and hats off to you all.

From a new loyal fan


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Over the past six weeks, I have been going through the process of a

complicated miscarriage that has required two surgical procedures and

many, many lab tests. It would never have been my choice to go through this

difficult personal situation, but I wanted to tell you that the people I have

encountered as result of my care at Metro have been some of the truly bright

spots in a tough time for me. I especially want to thank Denise, the nurse

who cared for me before and after surgery. She went above and beyond what

I would have expected from a nurse, providing not only competent medical

care, but also compassion that touched me deeply and made me feel as

though she really cared about me. Also, in the course of many draws in your

outpatient lab, I have come to know the phlebotomists who work at Metro,

and you have a very excellent team. Many times I had the “pleasure” of having

Lisa to take care of me there, and she is truly a shining star and deserves heaps

of thanks for making a really hard time for me just a little more bearable with

her ready smile, excellent skills, and even a box of Kleenex for me one time

when it all got to be too much and I broke down crying at the lab. I won't

miss having to have my blood drawn every few days, but I can easily say that I

will miss Lisa!

Thank you for delivering these comments to the people who will have the

ability to thank Denise and Lisa for me better than I can. I so appreciate the

care I've received at Metro, and I will certainly be recommending you to any

friends I have who need medical care.


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Mike Faas, CEO,

I had the good fortune of having an outpatient procedure done at your hospital. From the time

I walked in the front door until I was wheeled out to my car that evening, I did not see anyone

that was not smiling and wanting to help.

Your facility looks more like a Hyatt hotel than a hospital. The building is impressive to say the

least. No detail was missed in the design and construction of the beautiful facility.

Your staff is absolutely outstanding. The entire experience was very positive because of the attitude

of the people. You can have the best building with the nicest accouterments but if the people don’t

have a servant mindset none of that will matter. Clearly, you were very selective in your choice of


Please let your staff know they made a very positive impact on me during my stay. Let them know

that I appreciate everything they did for me and please thank them on my behalf.

Very grateful for The Cancer Center at Metro Health. By far the best part of the day is going

there for treatments. The most positive, supportive people I know. Fellow survivors, techs,

workers and the best doctors from U of M!!! Thank you for everything!


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Metro Hospital in Byron Center is amazing. Jessica's grandmother was there for a few days

and her last request was to see us get married. So in an hour and a half, we had a wedding

with a lot of help from Pastor Jim, the nurses in the ICU, and a woman from the front desk. They all

went so far above and beyond what they had to do to make the wedding special for us and Jessica's

grandmother. We can never thank everyone at Metro for their help with this and the care they gave

to Pauline. Please share this so hopefully it can make it back to them. They are incredible!

Here today with my fiancé because he had surgery on his thumb... his doctor is Joseph Looby. I

want to say that Dr. Looby is an amazing and caring man. He explains things to you in plain

language and makes sure we understand what he's saying... not many doctors do that today!


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I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the

treatment my wife and me and my family received

the weekend she passed. I feel she got the best care

possible. While we as a family wish the outcome had

been different, it just wasn’t meant to be. The whole

staff at the hospital was so good to us. They gave us

everything we needed and were very comforting.

All the nurses, and especially the doctor (should

have gotten his name), that were there on Saturday

and Sunday went above and beyond in keeping

us informed and helped us in making the tough

decisions that we had to make. Thank you again from

me and my whole family.


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To The Nursing Staff for Room 433

We would like to express our sincere thanks for the

excellent care and consideration you extended to our

mother and ourselves during her stay on your floor. You worked

with us to keep mother as comfortable as possible and gave us

comfort and constant support in our time of need until the very


Every shift was fantastic. They were ever ready and eager to help

us. I am a nurse, my daughter, my daughter-in-law and my

niece are nurses and I will tell you all that we are very proud of

you. Thanks again to each and every one of you!

P.S. A special thanks to Holly (7p-7a) for helping me get

through Tuesday night with your support, care, concern, and

expert nursing.

You’re the best! Thank you for forgiving our medical debt

through financial assistance. This is one more step towards

taking care of our debt and we appreciate it greatly.


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Thanks to the nursing staff on level 3, especially Dorothy and Munevera. I was comforted and

reassured by their care after my surgery. I work at a hospital where we take pride in personal

care given to patients, and I will say that your facility can be equally proud.

Dr. Susan Johnson,

Thank you for your thoroughness and expertise during my children’s first check-up with you.

We were very impressed, relieved and comfortable with your knowledge and demeanor. It’s

great to have such professional and trustworthy people helping our kids – and so close to home too!

Just wanted to say, this is a great hospital and everyone here understands and is always nice and

wonderful. I would and have told many people about Metro and how great it is. Thanks.


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onal Dr. Peter Goebel, Metro Health, Cedar Springs Plaza,

Thank you for taking the time to do my six month physical, blood pressure and blood testing.

I appreciated your concern about my sister's medical condition, showing that you take into

account the complete family's health during the patient's current physical review.

Although I am currently unemployed, your actions show you're truly a professional, caring and

concerned doctor with the patient's priorities and concerns always put first. Truly a professional in

the community of Cedar Springs. Metro Health should be extremely lucky to have you as part of

their (professional) staff at the Cedar Springs Metro Health Plaza. Thanks again.

My husband was a recent surgery patient at Metro Health and I wanted to commend you

on the wonderful care he received. The entire staff was very efficient and friendly, we all

appreciate the kindness. Thank you.


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I was admitted to your hospital, via your Emergency Room, on December 26, 2011,

with a kidney stone. I believe my room number was 504. I was discharged on

December 28th and had out-patient surgery on December 29th.

During the discharge process an office employee (I believe her name was Mary) came to

my room to inquire about my physician in Florida (where I reside). She later returned

to my room to inform me that she had faxed all my information from Metro Health

to my Florida physician and had also made an appointment for me to see him after my

return to Florida. Whether or not this is the standard procedure at Metro Health, I want

to thank her for that service! My doctor was absolutely delighted that he had all that

information! In fact, he said (with a big smile), “That makes my day!!” The follow-up

calls that I received after arriving home were comforting as well.

Please accept my thanks and that of a busy physician who probably doesn't see a whole

lot to smile about during his stressful days.


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To Metro Heart and Vascular,

My husband was experiencing chest pain when we arrived at

Metro Emergency. The attention he received was so swift

and so professionally executed that within fifteen minutes, it was

confirmed he was having a heart attack. Dr. Walchak returned to

us to report my husband's pain was relieved - plus other details we

were eager to hear. Amazing! Under great pressure, working against

time, everyone performed flawlessly, accurately. One more invaluable

aspect of his care was the kind, personal, considerate, compassionate

manner all of this was carried out. Everyone who cared for us from


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the gentleman at the Emergency entrance to the lady who wheeled my husband out to our car the day of

discharge, treated us in a like manner.

We visited in 2007 due to similar issues and since it was winter, we made the choice to go in to Metro

ER, a much more convenient location than driving downtown. In the following weeks, my husband made

a complete changeover to the Metro Health system - Dr. Key, Dr. Wolfe, Dr. Miyamoto. He has had

appointments and ensuing care with each doctor. Everyone at Metro functions so professionally and with

heart, paying attention to the patient as if we were the most important person in the world.

Just one of many examples - Dr. Mustapha came into my husband's room around 6 pm on the end of his

busy day in the hospital to give us discharge instructions. When he had finished, he asked if we had any

questions. We said yes, and he promptly seated himself on our couch and said, “what would you like to talk

about?” If you have ever been on the receiving end of such considerate compassion from a (busy) doctor, you

can understand how much this meant to us.

We have tried to say proper thank you’s all along the way. Needing to come to Metro unexpectedly two

separate times now and experiencing the high level of care(ing), has been a feeling of being welcomed

home. Thank you from two very grateful people – add to that; our family members who stood around us as

witnesses in the process! God bless as you continue to minister healing not only physically but mentally and

emotionally as well!


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rtWe have been to the E.R. for my son's croup probably 18 times in his life at a

wide range of hospitals and outpatient clinics. Our previous experience at Metro

Health was by far the best we have ever encountered. The staff was helpful, friendly and

understanding. The service was faster than I have ever seen. The doctor had excellent bedside

manner: clear, matter of fact and humorous. The registration and billing tech chatted with

me like we were old friends. Even the security guard was quick to give us directions without

even having to ask. We will definitely be back as Metro Health has just become our first


I want to thank and recognize Judy in the MRI department. I was there for an MRI a few

days ago and struggled during the test. I coughed and coughed and even got sick during

it. The whole time, Judy was nice to me. She comforted me by placing her hand on my leg

and reassuring me. Metro Health is the only place I go for healthcare because I can trust

Metro. Thanks to Judy for helping me through my MRI.


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To the Lab at Metro Health Hospital,

My husband had blood drawn by Lisa. Also, I had blood drawn (last week)

again by Jamie. We have had these 2 girls draw blood (for our tests) multiple

times during 2009. We wish you could know the stress, the anticipation and misery

previous blood draws have caused each of us. Thank God we have found these 2

ladies - they are exceptional in their professional behavior and ability! Thank You!

A Patient

P.S. May God bless Metro Hospital (which we prefer) and staff - my husband and

I have been Metro patients since 1972. We always ask any surgery for either of us

(before we accept) be done at Metro. We always prefer Metro as well as our doctors

be DOs. Metro is the only hospital we truly appreciate and accept.


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Dr. Hollander.

I am not sure if you remember me, but I came into

your office last spring because I had a nosebleed.

Even though you were booked up with patients for

the day, you and your staff made the time to squeeze

me into your hectic day so that you could cauterize

my nose.

After you fixed up my nose, you felt under my neck

and jaw and found a lump. I had gotten the lump

checked out 4 years prior and the doctors had told

me that it was just a “bum” lymph node and I had

no reason to worry about it. You kept feeling around

my neck and took some measurements and then

proceeded to tell me that I should really get it checked

out again when I went home from GVSU for the


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summer. I remember thinking to myself that it really wasn’t a big deal, but decided to go with your

word and get it looked at when I went home.

The reason that I am writing to you today is to thank you for insisting that I get it looked at. Sure

enough, I went home and went to a specialist who found that it was a tumor the size of a golf ball in

my neck, not just a lymph node. After a CAT scan, a sixteen-needle biopsy, and eventually surgery,

I had the tumor removed from my neck and it was diagnosed as benign. I can’t even begin to thank

you enough for taking the time out of your chaotic day last spring just to cauterize my nose and tell

me to get my neck looked at. I thank God every day that the tumor was benign but in the end if it

wasn’t for you, my doctor at home told me that the tumor would’ve kept growing and could have

eventually turned into cancer. I know I was only in your office one time for a couple of hours, but

I am so beyond thankful for what you did for me that day and I will be thankful for the rest of my

life. It may not seem like a huge deal to you, but to me it was an entire experience that will never be

forgotten. I truly cannot thank you enough for what you did for me that day, and what you continue

to do for other patients as well. You truly changed my life.


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eDr. Matthew Sevensma,

Ahuge thank you to Dr. Matthew Sevensma who came running out of the

Heart Center when he heard “distress” in the front lobby. A patient from

level 4 was out of control. Security was not there. Dr. Sevensma calmed the patient

down and got things under control. He's extremely professional, yet very caring and

personal, thank you.

A Metro Health Volunteer

The best hospital in West Michigan!!! You have a fabulous staff from top to

bottom! I was admitted to Metro Saturday evening and scheduled for surgery

Sunday morning. The entire stay was marked with staff making sure both me and

my wife were completely taken care of. No request was too small. Thank you all very

much. See you soon for what I hope will be my last.


Page 41: Metro Moments – Metro Health, Wyoming, MI

I had severe stomach pains Sunday night. I went to bed

thinking it was a stomach ache. I woke up at 2 am with

unbearable pain. My wife took me to the ER at Metro on

Byron Center. I just wanted to say thank you. Every person,

from the guy at security who let me in at 3 am, to the surgeon

who removed my appendix, the nurses, the anesthesiologist,

and the guy who brought me down to go home, everyone

was absolutely wonderful. I'm a 22 year old and thankfully

haven't needed much medical care over my life, but I was

very impressed with all the staff there. The ER doc was

also very nice and gave me some pain medication to keep

me comfortable before my surgery. Also, my ER nurse was

extremely nice and comforting. I don't remember the names

of everybody that helped me, but you were all fantastic. I

want to thank you for your quick response to my pain and I

will use Metro for all my other medical needs. (Hopefully not

much!!). If you could please pass this along to the people who

treated me, I would appreciate it.

Thank you again.


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Dear Dr. Maes,

This letter is long overdue but nonetheless is written to

convey our sincere thanks to you for your gentle and

supportive care of our dad throughout his numerous, especially

in his last, hospitalizations at Metro Health Hospital. As you may

know, Dad died just 1 week after he left Metro Health. He died

at a facility, up north, where he wished to be and was, thanks to

your help. Dad was our hero and taught us throughout his life and

especially during his last 6 months of dealing with his disease and

his eventual death, about strength, commitment, love, courage,

and faith. We miss him dearly, but he left us an even stronger


In reflecting through this past 6 months of Dad’s story, we count

you among our greatest blessings. As far as our family is concerned

you were a point of pride for the Metro Health Hospital Team.

You made a positive difference in Dad’s care and listened to us at


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a time when we needed it the most. We will always remember the day you extended us your support

with our discussion of Dad’s final wishes for care and above all how you intervened in helping us

make Dad’s final wish to go to the facility up north a reality.

You listened and really connected with us when the social worker would not. You “heard” and

respected your patient and with your understanding and gentle caring support, reignited our faith in

the credibility of medical professionals as caring human beings.

Your qualities conveyed to us were your astute sense of patient empathy, your unquestioning belief

in patient advocacy, your appreciation and respect for the essential role of the physicians who cared

for him, and your personal touch all helped him face the challenges of end of life issues with courage.

We will always remember you with great fondness.

Again, thank you for becoming a physician and for upholding your profession to the highest

standard of care and above all, thank you for your caring touch with Dad and our family.


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Metro Health Emergency Department,

I am an employee here at Metro and wanted to pass along comments from a dear friend of mine

who was admitted through the ED a few days ago about how she was treated during her visit,

surgery and subsequent overnight stay.

She couldn't believe how nice everyone was to her. She is Vietnamese and, although her English is

fairly good, her understanding of English is not so good. A translator was requested by the ED and

was there at her side a short time later.

Everyone, from those in the ED, the secretary to the attending doctor, nurses, OB doctor, to the

anesthesiologist and surgeon (Dr Irving), to the nurses on the 6th floor, provided outstanding care to

my friend. Thank you for continuing to be patient-centered, caring, and friendly. I am proud to be

an employee of Metro!

Dear Caledonia Staff,

I can't say enough about the wonderful, friendly staff you have in Caledonia... from the front

desk gals all the way to the PAs and doctors. I have never had a bad experience getting treatment

there and I thought you should know... they are to be commended at their excellent patient services.



Page 45: Metro Moments – Metro Health, Wyoming, MI

I'm emailing about a recent visit I had to your hospital

after experiencing chest and jaw pain as well as shortness

of breath. The quality of care I received was exceptional. It

started in the E.R. with my nurse Steve. He couldn't have

done a better job keeping me informed and assured. He was

very knowledgeable and professional and I think he is a real

asset to your hospital. From the E.R. I was transferred to

the 5th floor and the same kind of care continued with my

nurses, Stephanie on 3rd shift and then Michelle on 1st shift.

The nurse aides, Sarah and Deb, were so friendly and helpful.

Their love of patient care was obvious. None of them could

have made me feel more at home. Dr. Matt Sevensma and

the PA I saw, took the time to talk to me in language I could

understand and I could tell they really cared about me as a

person and my continued health. I can't thank you enough

for the kindness and caring during a stressful time for me and

my family. It's reassuring to know we can count on Metro!


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Dear Dr. Kosiur, associates, nurses and attending

medical people at the Joint Replacement Camp

on the 3rd floor at Metro Hospital,

I wish to thank you for the extraordinary care

offered me this past week. I appreciate Dr.

Kosiur’s visits post-surgery, the dedication and

thoughtfulness of all the team. When you are

lying in bed but can hear the muffled nurse’s

voices across the hall it leaves for a reassuring

connection and peaceful sleep.

It’s never a good time to be down, but when

being down is necessary, there can be no better

place to recover than Metro Health Hospital.


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I am writing to complement the staff that put on the anniversary award ceremony that was held a

while back at Frederik Meijer Gardens. I went as a guest of my daughter. I would especially like

to point out how impressed I was with the gentleman who made a point of going from table to table

introducing himself and welcoming all of the guests. I can’t remember his name but I think he was

the head of Human Resources. It was a very nice event and I apologize for sending this notice so late

but I did want to let your organization know what a great event this was!

I would like to take the time to share with you the fact I had a wonderful relaxing meal in your

cafe while visiting a friend who had surgery. It was made all the better by my quick but pleasant

interaction with the manager Ken (not sure of his last name) who was helpful and attentive even

though it was busy. Your hospital is beautiful and all the staff friendly and professional but in a small

way Ken made my day.


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ulSue Kampfert,

First, allow me to express a heartfelt thank you for the past weeks I’ve worked in the ICU.

Prior to beginning my leadership nursing position I often wondered what experience I

would encounter in, this, my final clinical rotation. I frequently imagined how I’d feel and

what I’d learn in the process. I always hoped for friendly staff, who would allow me to be

an intricate part of the nursing team, and I also desired a great learning experience with lots

of hands-on experience. What I didn’t anticipate was the caliber, the extent of knowledge,

commitment, and caring routinely demonstrated by the Metro ICU staff… I’m simply

blown away; the reality surpassed my anticipations.

From day one I was given respect (no one turned a cold shoulder to the ‘lowly student’), I

was given opportunity to learn, grow, give feedback, and also be challenged. Ultimately I was

allowed to be a part of a great nursing team, a team who delivers top notch care in everything

they do. I’ve witnessed nurses routinely demonstrate how to go above and beyond normal

duties and also regularly implement actions which carry forth the Metro mission of “Best”.

Specifically, I’d like to acknowledge Sheri, who was hands-down the best preceptor I could’ve

asked for. She’s intelligent, compassionate, approachable, and eager to teach. She uses critical


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thinking skills in everything she does. I thoroughly enjoyed the times

when she would “quiz” me or say “I’ll let you think about that…” Sheri

is a valuable resource not only for future nursing students but also for

Metro Health. In addition, many of the ICU team members displayed

actions which, I feel are noteworthy. I was frequently approached to assist

with interesting procedures, be it an arterial line removal or TLC being

placed. These simple gestures were thoughtful, and equally appreciated

from the perspective of the student; I learned a lot.

As I prepare for graduation and my nursing future I can say with

confidence that of all the clinical experiences I’ve been privileged to

be a part of, Metro ICU has been the greatest. Thank you for allowing

nursing students to get a glimpse of the ICU world of nursing, it’s greatly

appreciated. Keep up the good work!


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Today I took my daughter for an ultrasound in your radiology department. I just wanted to take the chance to say that I was very

impressed with the way the experience went. The staff was very professional, kind and understanding. It is a scary thing for a parent

to take a little baby in for any kind of medical procedure or test, and I thought they handled it exceptionally well. I was especially pleased

that the radiologist came in at the end of our appointment to look at the pictures himself. He was able to give me the results right there,

thus saving me days of worrying and wondering. I really appreciate the professionalism of the staff and the way that the whole experience

was clearly designed with patient (and in this case, parent) comfort in mind. Thank you!


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Dear Mr. Faas:

I am writing this letter on behalf of our family and particularly my mother, who received

splendid care at Metro Hospital at the Byron Center site.

Talk about a caring hospital and you’ll find it at 5900 Byron Center Avenue. Whether it’s

housekeeping, maintenance, food service, information desk, nurses, wound clinic, PAs, MAs

or the medical staff, you won’t find a better medical team.

In particular I’d like to single out Doctors Larry Diaz and Jihad Mustapha of the Heart and

Vascular Clinic. The Professional Golf Association has a by-line that states, “These guys

are good.” This certainly applies to these physicians. They were very caring, thoughtful,

courteous, sincere and professional. Let’s not forget MA Natasha who was the first one to

greet my mother. Natasha has a warm and caring personality that put my mother at ease.

Natasha was very thoughtful as she went about the caring process.

Many thanks to you and your entire medical team for their caring medical service.


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te Hello, I was a patient on Level 4 and I wanted to say that you have the most wonderful staff

that it is possible to have. I appreciated your nurse's ability make me laugh and it was an

inspiration to be a patient here. I was also a patient on Level 5 and received exceptional care there as

well. I especially enjoyed Brenda and Colleen, and found them to be compassionate and professional.

I am going to contact a Metro Health Board Member, because I want to write something to be read

at a Board Meeting about the healing and wonderful experience I had at Metro Health, and the

exceptional nursing staff that you employ.

Cannot say enough wonderful things about Dr. Saab and Metro Heart and Vascular. The

hospital is great too. Such truly caring and wonderful staff.

Metro Health is definitely the place to have a baby! And Dr. Lown rocks!


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Almost 3 years ago, I was admitted to the ICU in Metro,

and newly diagnosed as a T1 diabetic. At the time, I was

so weak, I could barely sit up in a chair. My A1C was about

11.5. I know it's been a long time, but I just wanted to say

thank you to Dr. David Albrecht, who was very compassionate

and understanding. He seemed to know what I was thinking.

I was so incredibly exhausted after minor tasks, even after

being stabilized, that I just thought this was what it was like

to be diabetic. I never said anything to him about it, and Dr.

Albrecht told me not to worry, that it would not always be this

way. I also want to thank Susi and the dietitian at the 44th St.

office for helping me to understand and treat myself accordingly

with insulin. With their help, the highest A1C I have had has

been 6.8% (that was 2 months after discharge) and since that,

the highest has been 6.0%. I should have sent this a long time

ago, but I guess later is better than never. So, thank you to Dr.

Albrecht and to the diabetes team! :)


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Our daughter was brought to your hospital and I can't thank you

enough for the exceptional treatment that she received while in your

care. The doctors (there were several) and all the nurses were very interested

in seeing that she receive the care and testing that she needed. Everyone we

came in contact with was both professional and informative, they were very

patient with the family and our concerns by answering our questions and

explaining the results of the testing sometimes more than once. Again, thank

you very much.

I would like to express my thanks to Drs. Mustapha and Walchak and

all the nurses and staff for the wonderful care given to my mother. My

mother and entire family are grateful to you all.


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To the Staff at Metro Health Southwest,

I visited the Metro Health Southwest Plaza for strep throat. I came in frustrated… having no insurance

and stressed, I was close to tears. The secretary greeted me warmly and inquired about my personal

information to verify it.

When the time came to talk about insurance I had to explain that I didn't have any. The secretary explained

the policy that I had to pay it up front and at the time I had no money. I was about to leave when Brandi

looked more into the case. She determined by my previous bill statements that I could be seen now and

billed later. All of the staff there seemed to show sympathy with how I was feeling, something that I felt was

above and beyond their job. Brandi while in the room not only showed sympathy but also seemed to actually

care about me as a person, her nice conversation helped me to feel relaxed and calm in a time of panic. It was

nice to be at a place that I felt more as a person then as another patient. The care that I received that day will

not be taken lightly, it will result in a patient for life.

Thanks to the three wonderful staff at Metro Health who helped me that day!

Your methods, physical layout of hospital, personal machinery, etc., are exceptional! We in mid-

Michigan are lucky God gave us you people. You are the very best! Thank you!


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Dear Mike Faas,

I wish to take a moment here to extend my gratitude for the professional care and courtesy

extended to me by both the doctors and nursing staff of Metro Health. I was admitted early in the

morning and during the following week I witnessed, first hand, medical care unprecedented in this

day and age of impersonal, mass medications.

Drs. Friend, Morris, Taylor, and VandenBerg stood out as dedicated healers of the 1st order. Their

warmth and compassion was only exceeded by their dedication to healing and my recovery.

In closing I want to extend my heart felt appreciation to the marvelous support staff of both RNs

and PCTs. The last names escape me, but I shall never forget their fidelity to duty, professionalism,

humor and love.

• RNs: Coleen, Karen, Brenda, Lynn, Aidna, and Shelly

• PCTs: Paul, Wendy, Claudia, John, Olivia, and Brenda

• OTs & PTs: Kristen, Jeff and Maria

• Social Worker: Jim

As a result of my experience, I have elected to make Metro Health the center of my health care.

Thank you.dedi




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~ 57 ~

I would like to thank the whole team at Metro Hospital for saving my mom's life, all

the people in ER from the doctors, nurses and even security were great. Dr. Diaz is a

great person and he and his team did a superb job. I feel that I would have lost my mom

if I would have brought her anywhere else. Words cannot express the way my family and

I feel, other than to thank all the great people at Metro for a job well done. Thanks again.

Dr. Kelly Hansul is the best!!! Love her!!!


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I'm writing to commend your staff and to tell you how

pleased I was with my experience at your hospital. We

brought my elderly mother to your ER. The moment

we arrived at the door a security officer brought out a

wheelchair. We didn't even have to go in and ask for one.

We got registered and returned to the waiting area. The

staff in the ER was genuine and caring.

The doctor came in for assessment and history. She was

so understanding and compassionate. She never made us

feel uncomfortable for bringing a [more than 89] year

old with a current DNR1 to the hospital. She listened

patiently while we explained our efforts to get mom

placed into LTC. She ordered all the appropriate tests

to diagnose and determine admission eligibility. The

admitting physician was consulted and agreed to admit


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her overnight and give us the resources of Metro MSW to help with her placement.

Morning arrived. Mom refused any tests or treatment. We connected with Jim, MSW, and

explained we were in touch with In House Hospice. The LTC facility we were considering did not

have a contract with that hospice. Jim, however, is skilled and experienced. He worked his magic

and by 4:30 p.m. mom was accepted into hospice and had a bed waiting at Heritage Nursing

and Rehabilitation Center in Zeeland. In less than twenty four hours, we went from anxiety and

uncertainty to relief and assurance.

Truly, from the moment we drove up to the ER door until the next day when the transport aide

wheeled her to my car we received top notch quality care. Absolutely every employee we had contact

with was friendly, helpful and sincere. Each knew his job, met or exceeded our expectations and

made our journey easier.

Mom passed away just one month after our visit to Metro ER. Please pass on my heartfelt thanks to

everyone who was involved in her care. Keep up the good work!


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I apologize for the delay in sending this big thank you to Metro and all of your staff. My daughter

was in your Emergency Room on January 25th with acute appendicitis and was admitted for

surgery. While it may be a common occurrence for you, it was the first time she had ever been to the

emergency room since she was a baby and she had definitely never been admitted for anything. As

an adult college student she was apprehensive to say the least and as her parent I was even more so. It

wasn't a routine event for us at all.

Everyone in the Emergency room was great. The nurse joked with Stephanie that she was his oldest

first time patient for an IV. He was great about keeping us informed about timelines and what was

going on. It was a very long night for us and I really appreciate the kindness from everyone there.

When I found out she was going to have surgery, I was very concerned. I didn't know anything

about your hospital or any of your surgeons. I really wanted to take her back home but that is not

what was best for her. Dr. Anderson said Dr. Friedl was a great surgeon and that he would let Dr.





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Friedl do surgery on him if he needed it. That one little sentence made me feel so much better. She

was moved up to the sixth floor where I spent the night with her and she continued to receive great

care. They managed her pain and responded to her call light when she needed it. I wouldn't have left

her there the second night if I didn't think she was going to be well cared for.

I have worked in healthcare my entire career and currently work in Human Resources where we

orientate our new hires about the importance of good customer care so I know good care when I see

it. We could have gone to any number of hospitals in Grand Rapids but we chose Metro and I am so

glad we did. I made a point to tell everyone who asked about her what great care she received at your

facility. Dr. Friedl was great as well and was very reassuring about her recovery. It wasn't the most

serious thing you see there by far but you made us feel she was just as important as anyone else in the

hospital. Please be sure to let the staff know what a great job they do and how much we appreciate it.


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I was at your hospital over Labor Day

weekend and wanted to inform you of

the great experience I had with one of your

workers. I came in through the ER with a

friend we were all very nervous and worried.

When he went for his x-rays the worker,

Jamie, was very attentive to not only his needs

but ours as well. She was kind and had a smile

the whole time. When they came back to our

room he had nothing but good things to say

about her patient care skills. We appreciate

people like that in this world to help others in

times of need.


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Thank you for helping me thru a difficult financial crisis. Also, thanks to Sandy, case worker, for

her advice regarding Medicaid. Thank you for your good service in the ER & medication that was

provided. I highly recommend Metro Health Hospital. God Bless You.

I had surgery with Dr. Crocker and I could not let this opportunity go by without saying thank you for all

those who helped me and worked on me pre and post surgery. I have had 9 surgeries in my life and I have

never felt that I had the type of care that I received during this last surgery.

All staff members were very professional and personable at the same time. I never felt the anxiety that I

normally feel prior to having surgery. The staff, pre-op Kathy, post-op, Barb R.N. and Denise L.P.N. were

wonderful. I am a firm believer in giving KUDOS to people who have done an exceptional job.

I would also like to say that the building is great! Everywhere I went the building was spotless.

Thank you to you and your staff for making me feel comfortable.


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Dear Mr. Faas,

I would like to share with you the extraordinary care my husband received from staff members at

Metro Health Hospital recently. He had an appointment with Dr. Kovack on Friday... to receive

results of a Holter monitor test. After confirming the need for a pacemaker, Dr. Kovack said it would

be “his pleasure” to come in on Saturday morning and perform the procedure. That this very busy

doctor would give up his holiday weekend and Saturday morning to do this was just amazing to us!

From the moment Michelle greeted us in the emergency room very early on that Saturday morning

until she wheeled my husband to the exit many hours later, the care he received from her along with

Kim and Susan was so impressive.

We have shared this extraordinary experience with many people since then and the typical response

has been “WOW”.

We both wanted you to be aware of our incredible experience too.

For the first time I was in your facility and I must say it is very impressive. We experienced

responsive, smiling, caring staff from all departments. Nursing kindness was appreciated by the

family and patient. It appears everyone enjoys their job and working at Metro Health. This is a goal

[other facilities are] striving for, but you have already obtained; Kudos.


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Dear Mr. Faas,

I have just recently returned from a

procedure done in your hospital. This is

my second time in a month. I just wanted

to compliment you on your employees and

entire staff for providing a pleasurable hospital

experience. Everyone was helpful, friendly,

and really cared… what a pleasure.

They are to be complimented on doing a fine

job... keep it up!


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I brought my son in for an ultrasound of his lymph nodes,

today, Jan 4, at 11:15. I didn't catch the name of the

ultrasound tech that helped us, but I wanted to let you know

that she did an amazing job. My son has had swollen and

lumpy lymph nodes for about a month now, and I was very

worried about the results of the ultrasound. Our tech – a

younger woman (in her early twenties?) with reddish-brown

hair, and a small/slender build- was very sweet and had a

very calming effect. She also went the extra step to go find

the radiologist so he could take a look at my son's images

earlier than usual, because I had expressed some anxiety about

waiting for the results. The radiologist was also very kind to

take the time to come in and speak with me and was also

very reassuring. He even went so far as to stand back, so he

wouldn't get us sick with the cold he was getting over. I really

appreciated our experience, and I just want to make sure that

whoever is in charge of that department of the hospital is

aware of the staff's excellent work. Thanks so much!


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Dear Mr. Faas,

My husband and I arrived early in the morning for my scheduled c-section. From first arrival in the

triage room we were treated with kindness, love and respect. During our long stay, that treatment

remained consistent through each shift change. Two years ago I gave birth to my first son at Metro and had

a wonderful experience. What made this experience even better than the first was that some of our nurses

actually remembered us. That feeling, that we weren't just a number, was so special.

Although every employee we encountered during our stay was great, I wanted to mention three nurses I felt

went above and beyond; Deb, Susan and Lynne. These three ladies stopped at nothing to make sure we were

satisfied. I felt each of them truly cared about me, my husband and my baby.

Please let them know how grateful we are for such wonderful care.

You have done a super job staffing your childbirth center!


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gDear President Faas:

On Saturday... our son collapsed carrying a water cooler to the dugout for his son's baseball

team. We were so fortunate to have three people standing right there who immediately

performed CPR... until the first responders arrived to take over. The EMT ambulance arrived and

decided that Metro Health was the closest and best hospital to take him. How right they were, and

how lucky our son was that they did so!

The emergency team at Metro Health stabilized his vital signs and started cooling him down and

then moved him to ICU. Dr. Larry Diaz was called in, evaluated our son's condition, and then

took decisive action to treat him. There are no words adequate enough to express our thanks to

him. In a sensitive and caring manner he presented a frank and sobering assessment of our son's

conditions. He explained that since [he] had received immediate and continuing CPR, his excellent

general health prior to this episode, and relative youthful age, and other indicators, he felt a new

aggressive protocol was appropriate in this case: immediate heart catheterization. Our daughter-

in-law supported his recommendation and the catheterization proceeded. Dr. Diaz found that [a

major vessel] was 95% occluded and put in a stent. For the first six hours of this episode our son's

life was in doubt but subsequent to the catheterization procedure he made continuous and rapid


We truly believe Dr. Diaz's thoughtful and decisive action saved our son's life, as well as his


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brain functions. For us he is a living example of the

apothegm, “We are in need of models, not critics.”

Your ICU nurses were absolutely wonderful -

efficient, warm and compassionate. They not only

took excellent care of our son but went a long way to

reassuring all of us.

On Tuesday he was moved to a regular room where,

again, he received outstanding care. On Thursday he

went home with normal test results and feeling great.

We are writing this letter to commend Dr. Diaz, as

well as your wonderful hospital staff and to thank all

of you.


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Checking into Metro hospital was like checking

into a resort. The staff care was amazing! Not

just one person but everyone stood out. They should

give like a total hospital staff award.

I just read the Sunday Press and found Dr. Bott-

Kothari's picture and welcome to Metro Health.

Dr. Bott has been my radiation oncologist for 3

years and the description of her competence being

matched by her compassion is 100% true. I love,

admire, and respect Dr. Bott and will be following her

to the Metro Health Village for my next follow-up

appointment. Just thought you would want to know

that you've indeed made an excellent choice!


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I have been here at Metro Health for two days now, I had a hysterectomy and they could not do it


I don't believe I have ever been treated this nice before, everyone is so patient with me and helpful

and kind. Doctors, nurses, kitchen staff, all are unbelievably nice and considerate. I've never really

recommended a hospital before but if anyone I know needs to go to one I will recommend this one.

Please let your staff know I really appreciate their care and kindness. I came in June 2011 for surgery

and was placed in room 618, and the room is beautiful and comfortable also! I cannot say enough

nice about the people here. Thank you.

I don’t want this to fall on deaf ears! We took my 82-year-old mother to ER Sunday. I want

someone to please commend every single person in the ER for the FANTASTIC job they do

in there. I have been to other ER's and they do not hold a candle to how we were treated and the

attention given to my Mom. Thank You.


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Dear Mike Faas,

So very often people are quick to complain and get upset about local companies and

businesses. They tell all their friends and write angry letters (I have to admit I'm guilty of

this) but so rarely do people take the time to tell a company about positive experiences. I am

doing just that.

I have to admit that I did not give Metro Health much thought. I remember, vaguely, info

about their new buildings and I think some advertising. I also admit that I only switched to

your Metro Health doctor’s office (Georgetown Dr in Jenison) because it was close to my

work. I did not expect to have any different “service” than I had with various doctors through

the years. I was surprised.

I was not surprised by the knowledge and friendliness of my doctor (Dillman) because I

expected that level of quality. However, the technology she used did surprise me and made

my life so much easier. She was able to see my full chart from a computer (so I know she saw

everything). She offered to send my scripts electronically to anywhere. (I couldn't believe

that! It saved me A LOT of time and hassle.) Then she told me about the e-mail service

for her through your website. Again, I could not believe it was finally available! I signed up

immediately and it has been great!

I thought that was fabulous enough but then I had another positive experience at your

new hospital off M6. I went for a mammogram at the hospital and immediately walked in

without a sense of where to go. I was again surprised to have a volunteer come to me asking


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if I needed direction. (She must have seen the confusion on my face.) The service by Cindy

(the mammogram technician) was so friendly and genuine. I truly left feeling yet again

impressed with your company.

I think the icing on the cake was an e-mail THE NEXT DAY telling me the results were

available through the internet website. Ok – maybe my expectations for medical care has

been severely downgraded over the years or maybe your team is just that good.

Either way, I wanted to make sure I passed on these great experiences and ensure to you I will

pass it on to my friends, co workers and customers.


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I wanted to contact you regarding my experience

recently at Metro Health Village. I was scheduled

for surgery and I arrived at 7:30 a.m. I was admitted

within 15 minutes. The quality of care I received was

by far the best I had ever received, including my three

previous procedures.

The nursing staff was exceptional as was the level

of attention from Dr. Beane, my surgeon, the

anesthesiologist, and the rep from Medtronic. My

surgery began at 9:40 a.m., was over by 11 a.m. and I

was on my way home by noon.

Thank you and your staff for the care, concern and

attention to my needs that made this such an easy

process for me!

Michelle at Registration and Kelly in radiology

were both amazing! Very pleasant and really

made our day – that’s why we love Metro!


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Our family would like to thank Dr. El Mortada for the excellent care given to my daughter.

[She] was hospitalized in June at Metro for probable Acute Rheumatic Fever. Dr. El

Mortada’s dedication to researching this now rare infectious disease and confirming the diagnosis

gave us confidence in his knowledge in both treating and minimizing further complications of

this disease. With the development of skin nodules, joint inflammation and high nightly fevers,

Dr. El Mortada went the extra mile by giving us his personal cell number, responding promptly

to any concerns or changes in [her] condition and continues to coordinate her care with her

primary doctor and other specialists as needed.

We would like to express our family’s sincere appreciation to Metro Health for having such an

excellent physician, who showed such dedication and compassion, on staff at your clinic. Our

family will highly recommend him to others that may need a specialist with his expertise.

I had a MRI at the hospital and wanted to pass along what a great experience I had. Metro

has a gorgeous imaging center and everyone was pleasant and friendly. Darcy, Judy, and Deb

are an outstanding team and made me feel very welcome at Metro. You guys are great!!!! We

will always use Metro Health for all of our health care needs because of the outstanding care we

receive. Keep up the good work!


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Please pass this to the CEO and Board of Directors. I had a colonoscopy

performed today by Dr. Serini. The nurse, CJ, who prepared me for the

procedure and Keith and Chris, who assisted Dr. Serini, were professional, extremely

helpful, and reassuring. They explained everything about the procedure and what to

expect in recovery and the days following the procedure. I want the Metro Health

leadership to know about these people, as they have done a tremendous job of

representing Metro Health. Thank you.

J ust wanted to thank your staff for the fantastic care I have received during my

surgery stay at Metro. I am going home today and am blessed by the caring staff,

from housekeeping to the surgical teams the past 4 days.

I want to especially recognize Stacey, my RN today, and Denise in Nutrition who

went above and beyond to take care of me.

Even though I live 3 miles from ZCH Spectrum, I will travel the extra 20 miles to be

at Metro where quality, compassionate care is given for [my] future medical needs.

Thanks, again.


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To the crew at Metro Hospital, warmest thanks, grateful hearts, and deep appreciation for your

thoughtfulness. I just wanted to say “thank you” to each and every one of you. My son had

surgery and I was worried about how he would be. He has special needs but each one of you moved

us along quickly. And I could not believe how nice everyone was. Thank you so much! I decided that

your hospital is the place that I would like to go.

I was an emergency room patient this weekend and just wanted to say that I have never had a better

experience with an E-room visit. The thought of going to the hospital for any ailing reason is

never on the top of anyone’s list but the professional, courteous, clean and friendly environment of

the Metro Health organization quickly put my mind and body at ease.

This is a note of commendation for the friendly and helpful reception I received last Friday

during registration. Kathy was especially sweet and made my check-in as pleasant as humanly

possible. Thank you for her!