methods - fundraising

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  • 8/3/2019 Methods - Fundraising



    Unit- IV

    Methods - Fundraising

    Organisations, over the period of time, have discovered and adopted different methods for

    raising resources. New methodologies are being evolved. One can categorise the methods

    either according to the target audience like Individuals, companies, funding agencies,

    Government or sources of incomeSelf Generated, National and International.

    Some Methods of Raising Funds are:

    1. To Raise Funds from Individuals, one can adopt any/ some/ all the methods

    1. Face to face interaction2. Through mailsnail and email3. Through telephonic conversation4. Using social networking like orkut, face book, Linkedin5. Mobile

    2. One can engage with companies through following approaches:

    1. Through CSR/ Profits2. Through marketing function

    a. Cause related marketingb. Sponsorship events

    3. Through employees

    a. Payroll givingb. One time givingc. In Kindd. Volunteeringe. Getting grants from grant making agency/ funding agency.

    3.Solicitating grants from grant making agencies/funding agencies

    4. Government grants Local and national Government bodies makes grants tovoluntary organisations and also sub-contracts its development work with the voluntary


  • 8/3/2019 Methods - Fundraising


    Meaning of Public Relations

    The institute of Public Relations of England defines sustained effort to establish and maintain

    mutual understanding between an organization and its public. The definition implies a two-

    way flow of information, the public offer providing the necessary channel. Relations may be

    between a board of company and its shareholders, between management and employees or awell-known personality and his public.

    Because so many journalists are employed in public relations practice, Public relations is

    often thought as press relations but it is much more than that. It covers the whole field of

    communications using any media written, spoken or visual. "Space-grabbing" as many

    newspapermen acidly term, publicity is still the prime mission of some entertainment world.

    A more comprehensive definition of Public Relations is responsibility and function of

    management, which 1) Analyses Public interest and determines public attitudes; 2) Identifies

    and interprets policies and programs of an organization; and 3) Executes a program of action

    to merit acceptance and goodwill".

    Public Relations people seek to solve problems, which may impede good relations or cause

    misunderstanding and use the technique of organized persuasion to influence peoples

    behaviour and thinking. This may work like magic or confidence trick, but public relations

    officer has to adhere to strict code of professional conduct. They must not for instance, try to

    affect business unfairly, or determine false or misleading information. All these causes add

    up to one basic rule, which is "not to deceive".

    Role of Public Relations

    An organization has to keep relations with several groups to create and maintain a favorable

    image about the organization in the minds of the people. The people are divided into

    following groups or categories as per the company's or organizations relations.

    1. The consumers.

    2. The dealers.

    3. The employees.

    4. The shareholders or Proprietors.

    5. The community.

    1) Consumer Relations:

    Most important thing for the company is a consumer as they are the people who decide the

    business for the company. Keeping good relations with the consumers is very necessary for

    the company. Though the company usually has no direct contact with the consumers but

    certainly through the middlemen, like the wholesalers, dealers and retailers are there in

    between the company and consumer to strike the chord between the consumers and the

    company. Once a good repo is struck between all the chains of the company, then the

    relations are kept by the following ways.

    Before launching a product in the market a survey is done and according to the needs and

    wants of the people, the product is designed, structured and calibrated. The price of thecommodity is also decided by taking in account general public opinion and obviously general

    market strategies and combinations. This is also one type of public relations.

  • 8/3/2019 Methods - Fundraising


    Now, second part of public relations start. Proper information about the product, company

    history & background, and policies are explained to the consumer. The information may be

    given by the dealer or by public relations during garnishing of public complaints and


    A Public Relations Department should ideally receive complaints and suggestions from the

    people or customers who are directly coming to the company. In this way consumer relations

    are kept and organized by the company.

    2) Dealer Relations:

    Dealers are working as a bridge between manufacturers and consumers. A product from

    manufacturer is first sold to the dealer and then it reaches to the consumer. Therefore, it is

    essential for manufactures to keep good relations with dealers as they are taking the product

    in bulk and also interested in maximizing the profits. A good dealer relations can only be

    promoted if the manufacturer is fair in his relations in following fronts; By giving credit

    facility, by giving delivery of product on time, by doing his advertisement, which makes

    good relations. To appreciate the dealers work and to inspire him to sell are the main things,

    which are to be done by manufacturers to make strong relations.

    3) Employee Relations:

    A Company gives many facilities to the employees who are working for the company. For

    their excellent performance in work, awards are given to the employees. Bonuses and

    incentives are also provided to the workers but along with this more things are given to

    employees to make good relations with them. An employee should not get bossing but he

    must be working under control. Because bossing is the thing, which earns a bad reputation for

    the company in workers minds and naturally affects his work. To avoid loss to company it is

    necessary for a manager to look upon this bossing matter from the initial stages itself. If

    employee's relations are good then company will always be in good profit and no disputeswill arise in the workers and managerial staff.

    4) Shareholder Relationship:

    A shareholder or proprietor is a person who has invested money in the organization. He could

    have invested this money outside in Banks or in government securities. He therefore naturally

    expects a reasonable return on his investment keeping in view the risk he is taking by

    investing his money in the organization involved. Thus good shareholder relations cannot be

    built up if the company is not fair to them in the declaration of dividends in particular. The

    amount of dividend also affects the price of the share in the market. Shareholders naturally

    expect the prices of their shares to rise in the market as then only they can make a capitalprofit when they decide to sell the shares.

    5) Community Relations:

    There are many members of community like shareholders, consumers, dealers, employee, etc.

    and similarly there are many types of public relation activities that are done, which are named

    as Community Relations. A Company building a meeting hall for general public, a well for

    general villagers or school for students; such are the community activities done by a

    company. Thus community relations activities must be geared to actually satisfy the needs of

    the needy and not just be triggered to procure glorification for the company or perpetuation of

    the owner's name.