method.. improve library condition

I. List of Figures Figure 1 Bar chart of answers to Question 1 Page 6 Figure 2 Bar chart of answers to Question 2 Page 6 Figure 3 Bar chart of answers to Question 3 Page 7 Figure 4 Bar chart of answers to Question 4 Page 7 Figure 5 Bar chart of answers to Question 5 Page 8 Figure 6 Bar chart of answers to Question 6 Page 8 Figure 7 Bar chart of answers to Question 7 Page 9 Figure 8 Bar chart of answers to Question 8 Page 9 Figure 9 Bar chart of answers to Question 9 Page 10 Figure 10 Bar chart of answers to Question 10 Page 10 Figure 11 Bar chart of answers to Question 11 Page 11 Figure 12 Bar chart of answers to Question 12 Page 11 Figure 13 Bar chart of answers to Question 13 Page 12 Figure 14 Bar chart of answers to Question 14 Page 12 Figure 15 Bar chart of answers to Question 15 Page 13 Figure 16 Bar chart of answers to Question 16 Page 13 Figure 17 Bar chart of answers to Question 17 Page 14 1

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Page 1: Method.. Improve Library Condition

I. List of Figures

Figure 1 Bar chart of answers to Question 1 Page 6

Figure 2 Bar chart of answers to Question 2 Page 6

Figure 3 Bar chart of answers to Question 3 Page 7

Figure 4 Bar chart of answers to Question 4 Page 7

Figure 5 Bar chart of answers to Question 5 Page 8

Figure 6 Bar chart of answers to Question 6 Page 8

Figure 7 Bar chart of answers to Question 7 Page 9

Figure 8 Bar chart of answers to Question 8 Page 9

Figure 9 Bar chart of answers to Question 9 Page 10

Figure 10 Bar chart of answers to Question 10 Page 10

Figure 11 Bar chart of answers to Question 11 Page 11

Figure 12 Bar chart of answers to Question 12 Page 11

Figure 13 Bar chart of answers to Question 13 Page 12

Figure 14 Bar chart of answers to Question 14 Page 12

Figure 15 Bar chart of answers to Question 15 Page 13

Figure 16 Bar chart of answers to Question 16 Page 13

Figure 17 Bar chart of answers to Question 17 Page 14


Page 2: Method.. Improve Library Condition

II. Abstract

Student Satisfaction Survey of Limkokwing University Library Services

Muhammad Hariz

Zurhain Binti Yunos

Joanna Loura Anak Jimbun

Wang Yong

Zhang Yiqun

This study was to improve library condition including the services. It was requested on 2 May 2014. The investigation was done by our group. The main findings were that most of the students are not satisfied with the library condition and services. It was conclude that the library should improve more their quality. The recommendations are that the library should satisfied the student by improving their quality, and service. The quality meaning here are provide more photocopy machine, add more books for the references, improve the services, and provide more discussion room.


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1.0 Introduction

The library is the one of an essential facility in every university. Almost all of the libraries provide assistance in terms of learning and service learning session. Library was introduced as a collection of books for reading or learning, or a building or room in which knowledge resources are stored (Miao & Bassham, 2006). Library also expanded the definition of a record storage civilization to build a body of information sources and services in the 20th century. The services of library play an important role especially the services in the field of education, particularly university students who use the library as a reference and learning. Quality management in the service sector should also be available to increase students' comfort level when in the library (Lagrosen & Lagrosen 2003).

Each library is prepared to be equipped with all necessary facilities. In terms of learning, the library needs to have reading materials such as books, journals, articles, newspapers including internet. Whereas, for the convenience of learning is also a library should have a computer, printer, scanner, discussion rooms, presentation rooms, projectors and others. Additionally, library should have an environment that is suitable for classes only but are clean and conducive environment. Therefore, this study was undertaken to review the level of provision and services offered at the library LUCT.

This information obtained from the students at Limkokwing University in order to improve the library condition including the services. This survey will help you as a student to get better service and facilities during you study at Limkokwing University.


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The methodology used in this study was a questionnaire. 40 respondents were selected to answer the survey questions provided. Selection of respondents was randomly where each respondent in the questionnaire while in the vicinity of the study area LUCT library. Each respondent have to answer 17 different questions in order to achieve the goals of this study. The questions posed to the respondents was divided into two parts, and the profile of the respondents to a survey related questions such as the level of employee service and satisfaction library facilities available at the library such as printers , computers , projectors , discussion rooms, presentation rooms and others. From these questionnaires, there will be an analysed to obtain the output will be finding in this study. From finding that could be released as there are some problems that are identified from the survey.

The methodology used in this study was a questionnaire. 40 respondents were selected to answer the survey questions provided. Selection of respondents was randomly where each respondent in the questionnaire while in the vicinity of the study in LUCT library. Each respondent should have an answer for 17 different questions in order to achieve the goals of this study. The questions posed to the respondents was divided into two parts, and the profile of the respondents to a survey related questions such as the level of employee service and satisfaction library facilities available at the library such as printers , computers , projectors , discussion rooms, presentation rooms and others. As we mention early, from these questionnaires, there will be analysed to obtain the output will be finding in this study. From the finding that could be released as there are some problems that are identified from the survey. Lastly, from the finding will be outlined several proposals to address the problem in order to enhance the provision of services and facilities at the library LUCT. These will be able to produce a comfortable, clean and conducive environment in LUCT library.


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Please tick ( ) Strongly

AgreeAgree Neutral Disagree

Strongly Disagree

1. Library staffs treat me fairly and without discrimination. 26 10 4 0 0

2. Library staffs are professional in their dealings with me. 28 4 8 0 0

3. Library staffs are friendly. 24 10 3 1 2

4. Library staffs give my enquiries appropriate time and attention. 15 18 5 1 1

5. Library staffs provide accurate answers. 14 15 6 2 3

6. Library staffs are easy to approach. 25 8 2 3 2

7. Library staffs keep me informed about new services and collections. 5 9 19 7

8. I am able to access computer workstations in the library. 30 5 5 0 0

9. Student computer room is adequate. 6 7 9 13 5

10. Computer facilities and electronic equipment are accessible. 4 8 10 12 6

11. Library space is adequate. 10 11 7 6 6

12. Study space in the library is adequate. 12 12 8 3 5

13. Group study facilities are adequate. 6 5 14 10 3

14. Printing facilities are adequate. 2 2 5 14 17

15. The collection in the library meets my research needs. 2 5 28 3 2

16. Opening hours are adequate. 14 6 15 4 1

17. Photocopy machine are adequate. 3 5 12 11 9


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No.1: Library staffs treat me fairly and without discrimination.

The first matter is about whether the library staff treated student fairly or not. In other words, there is no discrimination. Referring to the graph, we can see that there were 26 respondents out of 40 respondents are strongly agreed that library staff treated students fairly. In the meantime, there were 10 respondents are only agree that library staff treated students fairly. While there were only 4 respondents are think that library staff treated students fairly as neutral. On the contrary, there were no respondents are disagree and strongly disagree about this statement. We can conclude that the library staff obviously did a little discrimination towards LUCT’s students.

No.2: Library staffs are professional in their dealings with me.

The second statement is whether the library staffs are professionally dealing with the students or not. There were 28 respondents are strongly agree in this statement which is the highest number based on the graph. On the other hand, there were only 4 respondents are agreed regarding this statement. Meanwhile, there were 8 respondents give a neutral as an answer towards this statement. Overall, the lowest numbers of respondents are agreed that library staff deal with students professionally.


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No. 3: Library staffs are friendly.

Third statement is regarding how warm is library staff when handling students. According to the indicated graph, there were 24 respondents hit strongly agree. It is dominated among 5 ranks. At the same time, there are 10 respondents agreed in this statement. Which mean, the library staff is friendly towards student. While there are 3 respondents out of 40 respondents are hit neutral in this statement. On the contrary, there were only 1 respondent disagree regarding this statement. The library staff either not welcome he/she nicely. Simple say that the library staff is not friendly towards those respondent. While the rest of respondents are strongly disagree contingent to the graph.

No.4: Library staffs give my enquiries appropriate time and attention.

Based on the pointed graph, the highest number is dominated by agreed respondents. Which are 18 respondents in the fourth matter. The fourth statement is explains about whether the library staff give an appropriate time and attention within regarding student’s enquiries. The second rank is pointed at strongly agree, 15 respondents. At the same time, there were disagreed and strongly disagree respondents regarding this matter. There were both 1 respondent and the rest is neutral.


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No.5: Library staffs provide accurate answers.

The fifth statement is concerning about how accurate the information is provided by library staff. The lowest rank is at disagreed level, which is 2 respondents. While the highest rank is at agree level concerning how accurate the information is given. There are 15 respondents agree that library staff is provide an accurate information for student. While there are 14 respondents, 6 respondents, and 3 respondents are strongly agree, neutral, and strongly disagree about this matter.

No.6: Library staffs are easy to approach

The sixth statement is in the matter of how easy the library staff is approach. Graph above explains that there are 25 respondents strongly agree concerning this statement. Besides, it is the highest number among the other rank in this statement. In the meantime, there are 8 respondents and 3 respondents are agreed and disagree regarding this statement. And the rest are both 2 respondents in neutral and strongly disagree.


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No.7: Library staffs keep me informed about new services and collections.

The graph indicated about how well the students are informs regarding the new services and collections. The graph noted that 19 respondents are disagreed. This means that library staff is not well in keeping the students know about the new services and collections. There were also 7 respondents are strongly disagree about this matter. We can see that library staff are not handling well in keeping students know about the latest news. On the other hand, there were 5 respondents are keep informed about the new services and collections. At the same time, there are 9 respondents are neutral regarding this matter.

No.8: I am able to access computer workstations in the library.

The graph is concerning whether the students have an access computer stations in the library. There were 30 respondents strongly agree regarding this matter. Which mean, the students have an access to computer in the library. While there were both 5 respondents are agree and neutral concerning this matter and there is no respondent disagree concerning this matter.


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No.9: Student computer room is adequate.

The ninth graph is related to whether the computer room is adequate or not. The graph indicated that most respondents are disagreed regarding this statement. the library clearly not providing an adequate computer room for LUCT’s students. While there were only 5 respondents are strongly disagree. On the contrary, there were 6 respondents and 7 respondents are strongly agree and agree regarding this statement.

No.10: Computer facilities and electronic equipment are accessible.

The graph above is concerning about how accessible are computer facilities and electronic equipment. The graph noted that there were 12 respondents are disagreed about this matter. On the other words, the computer facilities and electronic equipment are not accessible for students. This is the highest rank among the other rank. While the lowest rank is dominated by 4 respondents which are strongly agree about this matter. The rest are 8 respondents, 10 respondents, and 6 respondents are agreed, neutral, and strongly disagree regarding this matter.


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No.11: Library space is adequate.

The eleventh graph is regarding whether the space in library is enough or not. Based on the graph, we can see that most of the respondents are agreed concerning this matter which is 11 respondents. While there were both 6 respondents are disagree and strongly disagree regarding this matter and also the lowest number. Not mention the 10 respondents are strongly agreed. And the rest is 7 respondents are choose neutral to be their answer. We can conclude that the space in library is quite enough.

No.12: Study space in the library is adequate.

The twelfth graph is concerning about whether the study space in the library is adequate or not. The graph referring there were both 12 respondents are strongly agree and agree regarding this matter. While there were 3 respondents are strongly disagree concerning this matter which is also the lowest number. In the meantime, there were 8 respondents and 5 respondents are neutral and strongly disagree about this matter.


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No.13: Group study facilities are adequate.

The graph referring how adequate is the group study facilities in the library. The highest number is dominated by neutral respondents, 14 respondents. On the contrary, there were 6 respondents and 5 respondents are strongly agreed and agree about this matter. Which mean the group study facilities is almost enough since there were only 3 respondents strongly disagree regarding this matter. And the rest respondent were chose disagree as their answer.

No.14: Printing facilities are adequate.

Above is the graph that concerning regarding whether the printing facilities are adequate or not. The graph indicated that there were both 2 respondents are chose strongly agree and agree regarding this matter which is also the lowest number. On the other hand, there were 17 respondents are chose strongly disagree as their answer. In this situation, most of the students are not satisfied with the printing facilities. Other than that, there were 5 respondents and 14 respondents are chose neutral and disagree in this matter.


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No.15: The collection in the library meets my research needs.

The fifthteen graph is concerning regarding the research needs are meet or not. According to the graph, neutral is dominate the most. There were 28 respondents choose this answer. While dominated the less are strongly agree and strongly disagree which is only 2 respondents. These were followed by disagree, 3 respondents and agree, 3 respondents.

No. 16: Opening hours are adequate.

The graph above is regarding whether the opening hours are enough or not. From the graph, we can see that neutral also dominated other than any rank. There were 15 respondents chose neutral to be their answer. Which mean, the opening hours mostly is fair enough for them. However, there were 1 respondent and 4 respondents is strongly disagree and disagree regarding this matter. In the other words, the opening hours are not enough. In the meantime, there were 6 respondents are agree and 14 respondents are strongly agree. Which means, the opening hours are enough for these categories.


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No.17: Photocopy machine are adequate.

Last but not least, this graph is regarding how is the photocopy machine is adequate for LUCT student. From the graph which is reflected from the survey, the most rank are dominated by neutral, followed by disagree and strongly disagree. The number of respondent that chose these to be their answer is 12 respondents, 11 respondents, and 9 respondents. In the meantime, there were 3 respondents are strongly agree and 5 respondents are agree regarding this matter.


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4.0 Conclusion

From the entire study, there are several problems that arise:

1) Remind about new services and collection

Items such as books, journals, and articles that are available in the library are very limited and insufficient. The LUCT should provide more books and numerous scholarly stuff and use as a reference for students. Moreover, the services available in the library LUCT, somewhat less than satisfactory, so the LUCT should take action so that the services available in the library to get the comfort of the students to learn

2) Provide more computer room

Lack of computers and computer rooms in LUCT is among the problems found in the library. It makes it difficult for students to work and learn. The students had to take turns to use the computer because there are only 30 computers in the computer room library only. The average computer room space causes the students feel uncomfortable.

3) Make computer facilities and electronic equipment are more easier to accessible and user friendly

LUCT libraries should improve and upgrade items such as computers and electronics to be able to accommodate the number of students who use these products. LUCT party should also ensure the use of computers and other electronic items such as printers, scanners etc., are at a satisfactory level so as not to cause problems to the students.

4) Provide more discussion room

A discussion room is an important facility in the current lesson outside of campus learning. Therefore, each involving a group study facilities such as a room, projector, tables and chairs, white screen etc should be monitored by the LUCT to all amenities and is quite satisfactory in terms of the level of comfort, privacy, clean and others.

5) Provide more printing facilities

Printing machine is one of the facilities that are important to a student in the print study notes and assignment. Typically, printers shortage, students must take turns with time. Sometimes machine with good services that do not cause the machine is not on a satisfactory level. Hence, the LUCT should provide adequate machines and systems that is more efficient in providing essentially printing.

6) Improve the collection especially in research material

Students who are conducting research requires adequate materials to help for referrals. Usually they are more likely to find the material in the library. Therefore, the LUCT have to ensure that research studies of the past, article, journal, news, and other are enough and up to date.


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5.0 References List

Lagrosen, S. & Lagrosen, Y. 2003 Management of service quality-differences in values,

Practices and outcomes. Managing Service Quality 13 (5): 370-381

Miao, H. & Vance, C. 2001. Cross-national assessment of service in libraries. Library Management 28: 53-61

Ladhari, R. & Morales, M.2008. Perceived value and recommendation A study Canadian public library users. Library Management 29(4/5) 352-366


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6.0 Appendices


Please complete the following questions to reflect your opinion and answer factual questions to the best of your knowledge. Your information will be kept strictly confidential.

1. Your gender.



2. Your age.

18 years old and below

19 years old - 21 years old

22 years old - 24 years old

25 years old and above

3. Nationality.


Page 18: Method.. Improve Library Condition

Strongly Agree

Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

1. Library staffs treat me fairly and without discrimination.

2. Library staffs are professional in their dealings with me.

3. Library staffs are friendly.

4. Library staffs give my enquiries appropriate time and attention.

5. Library staffs provide accurate answers.

6. Library staffs are easy to approach.

7. Library staffs keep me informed about new services and collections.

8. I am able to access computer workstations in the library.

9. Student computer room is adequate.

10. Computer facilities and electronic equipment are accessible.

11. Library space is adequate.

12. Study space in the library is adequate.

13. Group study facilities are adequate.

14. Printing facilities are adequate.

15. The collection in the library meets my research needs.

16. Opening hours are adequate.

17. Photocopy machine are adequate.