
Document No.: NCN RF08 Page 1 of 75 Revision: 6 Issue Date: 15/04/2013 Meter Box Location Handbook Document Code: NCN RF08

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Document No.: NCN RF08 Page 1 of 75 Revision: 6

Issue Date: 15/04/2013

Meter Box Location Handbook

DDooccuummeenntt CCooddee:: NCN RF08

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Meter Box Location Handbook

Document No.: NCN RF08 Page 2 of 75 Revision: 6

Issue Date: 15/04/2013

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Meter Box Location Handbook

Document No.: NCN RF08 Page 3 of 75 Revision: 6

Issue Date: 15/04/2013

Table of Contents

1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Background .......................................................................................................................... 5

1.2 Purpose ................................................................................................................................. 5

1.3 Key Benefits ......................................................................................................................... 5

1.4 Glossary ................................................................................................................................ 6

1.5 Contact Information ............................................................................................................. 6

1.6 Additional Information ......................................................................................................... 6

2 Gas Availability and Meter Box Accessibility ..................................................................... 7

2.1 Determining Gas Availability ............................................................................................... 7

2.2 Accessibility ......................................................................................................................... 9

2.3 Pre-Laid Services with Retaining Walls .............................................................................. 9

3 Meter Box Locations .......................................................................................................... 11

3.1 Principal Frontage - Definition .......................................................................................... 11

3.2 Principal Frontage - Examples .......................................................................................... 12

3.2.1 Standard L-Shape House ..................................................................................................... 12 3.2.2 Standard L-Shape House with Corner Window .................................................................... 13 3.2.3 Narrow Cottage Block .......................................................................................................... 14 3.2.4 Rear Laneway (Must Determine Gas Availability) ................................................................. 15 3.2.5 Pre-Laid at Top of Stairs....................................................................................................... 16 3.2.6 Elevated Lot with Retaining Walls ........................................................................................ 18 3.2.7 Carport ................................................................................................................................. 19 3.2.8 House with Perimeter Fence and Locked Gate .................................................................... 20 3.2.9 House with Swimming Pool .................................................................................................. 21 3.2.10 Property without Street Frontage or Gas Availability ............................................................. 22

3.3 Designated Boundary Connection Areas ......................................................................... 24

3.3.1 Gas Services to Large Rural or Semi-Rural Lots .................................................................. 24

4 Meter Box Installation Requirements ................................................................................ 25

4.1 Meter Box Dimensions ....................................................................................................... 25

4.2 Security for Gas Meter Box and Enclosure ...................................................................... 27

4.2.1 Viewing Apertures for Locked Enclosures ............................................................................ 27 4.2.2 Mandatory Lock Requirements ............................................................................................. 27

4.3 Recessed Gas Meter Box ................................................................................................... 28

4.3.1 AL8 Meter Box (Partially Recessed) ..................................................................................... 28 4.3.2 AL12 Meter Box (Partially Recessed) ................................................................................... 28 4.3.3 AL8 Dual Gas and Electric Meter Box (Partially Recessed) .................................................. 29 4.3.4 AL12 Dual Gas and Electric Meter Box (Partially Recessed) ................................................ 29 4.3.5 Meter Box (Fully Recessed) ................................................................................................. 30

4.4 Locating a Gas Meter Box Away from Openings into a Building .................................... 31

4.4.1 Window Within Meter Box Exclusion Zone ........................................................................... 31

4.5 Meter Boxes on NIB Walls (Recommended Alternate Meter Box Position).................... 32

4.6 Gas Meter Boxes Mounted on Free Standing Walls ......................................................... 33

4.6.1 Protection for Gas Meters ..................................................................................................... 35 4.6.2 Gas Meter Boxes Mounted adjacent to Electrical Power Domes .......................................... 37 4.6.3 Gas Service Riser and Footing Requirements ...................................................................... 38

4.7 Connection to Commercial Properties (AL8, AL12 or AL18 Gas Meters) ....................... 39

4.8 Meter Boxes Installed Inside a Commercial Building ...................................................... 39

4.9 Vent Line Requirements .................................................................................................... 40

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5 Meter Box Restrictions and Installation Responsibilities................................................ 41

5.1 Requirements of the Responsible Person ........................................................................ 41

5.1.1 Avoiding Delays in Gas Service Installation .......................................................................... 42 5.1.2 Internal Property Reinstatement ........................................................................................... 42

5.2 Meter Box Location Restrictions (AS/NZS 4645) .............................................................. 43

5.3 Other Location Restrictions .............................................................................................. 43

5.3.1 Service Regulator Installation Restrictions (AS/NZS 4645) ................................................... 43 5.3.2 Meter Box on Exterior Wall ................................................................................................... 44 5.3.3 Meter Box Restrictions in Other Localities ............................................................................ 44

5.4 Obstructions (When Meter Boxes Cannot be Installed on Dwellings) ............................ 45

6 Connections to Residential Strata Titled Developments ................................................. 47

6.1 Open Trench Booking Process ......................................................................................... 47

6.1.1 AGA Minimum Plan Criteria .................................................................................................. 48

6.2 Open Trench Prerequisites ................................................................................................ 51

6.3 Open Trench Criteria .......................................................................................................... 51

6.4 Backfilling Open Trench .................................................................................................... 52

6.5 Substandard Open Trench................................................................................................. 53

7 Meter Banks and Enclosures............................................................................................. 55

7.1 Banks of Meter Boxes ........................................................................................................ 55

7.2 Meters in Recesses (Enclosures) ...................................................................................... 57

7.3 Banks of Meters Mounted on AGA Approved Brackets in Building Recesses .............. 59

7.3.1 Depth and Height of Recesses ............................................................................................. 60 7.3.2 Inside the Recess ................................................................................................................. 60

7.4 Doors and Ventilation ........................................................................................................ 61

7.5 Floor Finishes ..................................................................................................................... 62

7.5.1 Security Access .................................................................................................................... 62 7.5.2 Signage ................................................................................................................................ 62

8 Related Documents ............................................................................................................ 63

9 Disclaimer ........................................................................................................................... 65

Appendices ...................................................................................................................................... 67

Gas Connection Checklist ............................................................................................................... 69

Gas Service Installation On Hold Form .......................................................................................... 71

SafetyGram ....................................................................................................................................... 73

Feedback Form ................................................................................................................................ 75

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Meter Box Location Handbook

Document No.: NCN RF08 Page 5 of 75 Revision: 6

Issue Date: 15/04/2013

1 Introduction

This Handbook provides guidance for installing your natural gas meter box and service for safe, reliable and efficient connection to ATCO Gas Australia’s (AGA) natural gas distribution network. It is not to be used for guidance when referring to AGA’s Albany Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) network due to specific issues with heavier than air LPG and allowable meter box positions.

AGA aims to continuously improve its new connections process by outlining the installation process and compliant meter positions to streamline the connection process and help avoid delays or further additional work and costs being incurred by the requestor.

The Feedback Form, which is located in the Appendices at the end of this Handbook, can be used to provide improvement suggestions to AGA.

This Handbook must be considered a ‘live’ document and is therefore subject to change.

1.1 Background

The design and construction of developments in Western Australia has provided the gas industry with many challenges in maintaining compliance with Australian Standards when positioning customer gas meters. AGA wishes to work proactively with industry to find resolutions and avoid confusion about gas services and metering apparatus.

New developments typically have buildings that occupy a larger portion of the block and there are an increasing number of developments located in elevated positions. The changing designs of these developments can compromise standard meter box locations. AGA wishes to avoid delays by providing information to the industry at a design stage, eliminating costly alterations and variations during construction.

1.2 Purpose

This Handbook will reduce the confusion and inefficiencies that may be experienced by providing a clear point of reference for developers and the construction industry. It will also assist the construction industry in designing the layout of buildings to accommodate a compliant gas connection.

1.3 Key Benefits

Key benefits to the construction industry are:

Provision of clear information surrounding AGA connection processes

Readily available information at design stage, eliminating costly alterations and variations during construction

Improved line of communications with AGA

Reduction in connection time

Reduction in jobs placed ‘on hold’ due to obstructions or non-conforming meter box positions

Inclusion of Gas Service Installation On Hold Form to provide permission to lift paved

surfaces when required.

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1.4 Glossary

Term Reference

AGA ATCO Gas Australia

Responsible Person Developer, Builder, Gas Fitter, Owner or Customer

PLS Pre-Laid Service

PLSS Pre-Laid Service Under Stairs

1.5 Contact Information

Contact Information

ATCO Gas Australia enquiries: Phone: 13 13 56

ATCO Gas Australia website:

Dial Before You Dig (DBYD): Phone: 1100 or

Section Phone Email

Scheduling Centre: 13 13 56

[email protected]

Engineering Services: [email protected]

1.6 Additional Information

Refer to the Related Documents section (page 63) for a list of standards and legislation

Refer to the Appendices section (page 67) for the printable forms, checklists and other


Refer to the Connection Process Handbook for a step-by-step guide to connecting customers to the AGA’s reticulated natural gas network

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2 Gas Availability and Meter Box Accessibility

This section provides information on meter box accessibility, gas availability and pre-laid services.

2.1 Determining Gas Availability

The gas network connection point is normally pre-determined by the location of a PLS or PLSS, prior to selecting an approved meter box location.

Gas Connections without PLS

Where there is no PLS such as in established subdivisions/ developments, the proposed gas network connection point in the main roadway (or rear lane in some cases) must be

determined and pre-approved by AGA. Never assume that a gas network connection can be provided to a specific location without prior approval.

Gas Connection using PLS

In the majority of new subdivisions a PLS or PLSS is installed in a common trench to the

boundary line of a property when the subdivision is constructed.

Figure 1 shows a plan from the AGA Gas Network Information System, (available through DBYD) and an example of a new subdivision where gas mains have been installed in road reserves, including rear laneways, to both typical flat lots and elevated lots. The PLS symbol indicates the side of the lot where the service has been installed with one PLS normally supplying two lots. The meter position must allow direct (straight) access to the PLS ensuring no part of the gas service is covered by a future building structure, (e.g. a carport or garage).

Figure 1 Plan Showing Gas Mains and Pre-Laid Service Locations

Note: Please be aware that unless there are measurements shown on the DBYD plans, the PLS or PLSS will be installed as shown in Figure 2 Standard Lot Service

Locations (Flat Lots) – Plan View and Figure 5 Pre-Laid Gas Services Installed Under Stairways.

Please ensure consideration is given when installing the meter box in a position where it is possible to connect the gas service.

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Figure 2 Standard Lot Service Locations (Flat Lots) – Plan View

Figure 3 Typical Connection to a Pre-Laid Service

When the service is to be connected to a PLS, (generally in new subdivisions) the service is laid in a straight line from the PLS or PLSS to the meter box position at a depth of 600mm.

Where a gas service is to run from the PLS under a driveway, it is advisable that the service

installation is scheduled and completed prior to the construction of the driveway. If this is not achievable, permission to lift the driveway will be sought prior to proceeding.

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2.2 Accessibility

Accessibility to gas meter boxes must be maintained for the provision of:

Gas service pipe installation

Emergency shut-off


Meter reading


A minimum 600mm clearance must be maintained in front of the gas meter box at all times.

2.3 Pre-Laid Services with Retaining Walls

With the introduction of retaining walls into subdivisions, gas services have been catered for in a variety of methods.

Established Subdivisions with Retaining Walls

The typical PLS alignment method had the gas service installed beneath the retaining wall and looped back to service alignment. This method is no longer approved for use and will not be accepted.

New Subdivisions with Retaining Walls

The PLSS method has the gas service installed beneath the retaining wall stairs, terminating at top of stairs. Refer to figures in section 3.2.5 Pre-Laid at Top of Stairs.

The rear laneway method has the gas service installed from the rear laneway to the typical PLS alignment.

The Responsible Person should determine the PLS or PLSS location on the lot being

developed when determining the meter box position on a new dwelling.

The AGA will only connect to the PLS or PLSS (if installed) located inside the lot boundary as per the PLS or PLSS design which was installed to that lot at development stage.

The Responsible Person must ascertain the PLS or PLSS location and ensure accessibility for gas service pipe installation to the meter box position.

If a gas meter box is located in a position which may become inaccessible, then the AGA will not approve the connection to proceed.

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Figure 4 Stairways at Front of Properties

Figure 5 Pre-Laid Gas Services Installed Under Stairways

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3 Meter Box Locations

This section sets out requirements to facilitate your connection to the gas network.

3.1 Principal Frontage - Definition

Principal frontage is defined as being the most forward portion, point or corner of the elevation where gas is available and/or catered to the block.

The Responsible Person must determine where gas is available along the principal frontage (i.e. straight connection or PLS).

Note: The line of service between the gas meter box and the gas connection point is to be considered, ensuring the route is free from hazards/obstructions and is straight.

It is important that gas meter boxes are installed in a location on or within 1m of the principal

frontage of a property.

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3.2 Principal Frontage - Examples

This section provides diagram examples of several typical house designs indicating the principal frontage on each. The diagram legend below provides information on symbols and colours used.

3.2.1 Standard L-Shape House

Figure 6 L-Shape Standard

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3.2.2 Standard L-Shape House with Corner Window

Figure 7 L-Shape Standard (with corner window)

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3.2.3 Narrow Cottage Block

Figure 8 Narrow Cottage Block

Installation and accessibility of the gas service must be taken into consideration with regards

to distance between the meter box and the boundary fences and walls.

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3.2.4 Rear Laneway (Must Determine Gas Availability)

Position ‘B’ in diagram above

Position ‘E’ in diagram above

Figure 9 Rear Laneway

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3.2.5 Pre-Laid at Top of Stairs

Figure 10 Pre-Laid at Top of Stairs (Double Stairway)

1.5m is the minimum house front wall setback distance required to physically install a gas

service, avoiding retaining wall backing blocks and ensuring safe separation from the house slab is maintained.

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Figure 11 Pre-Laid at Top of Stairs (Straight On Single Stairway)

Figure 12 Pre-Laid at Top of Stairs (Parallel Single Stairway)

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3.2.6 Elevated Lot with Retaining Walls

Figure 13 Elevated Lot with Retaining Walls

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3.2.7 Carport

Figure 14 Carport

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3.2.8 House with Perimeter Fence and Locked Gate



Figure 15 House with Perimeter Fence and Locked Gate (Position ‘F’ in diagrams above)

Note: Meter boxes are not permitted behind a perimeter fence. If a perimeter gate is to be installed and locked, preventing access, position ‘F’ is the only option available.

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3.2.9 House with Swimming Pool

Figure 16 House with Swimming Pool

Note: A gas service line must not travel through any part of a pool enclosure. Should any

future works position the gas service inside the pool area, the Responsible Person must complete an Alter Gas Meter/Service Position – Request Form.

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3.2.10 Property without Street Frontage or Gas Availability

Where a gas connection cannot readily be made because there is no street frontage or gas availability in a rear laneway, the following conditions apply:

The meter box must be located on the boundary line or as close as reasonably practical to where gas is available up to a maximum distance of 1m from the boundary line

Meter box position must remain readily accessible for emergency and maintenance


Obstructions and site conditions are to be taken into account as the above may not be applicable in all scenarios

A ‘Green Title’ subdivided block must have direct access to a gas main via direct street

frontage. Access via an easement or across another property is not acceptable

For a strata property requiring a gas connection in or through common property, written approval from the Strata Company (Body Corporate) is required

For a strata property requiring a gas connection in or through an adjoining lot (in the same strata scheme), an appropriate easement must be available and approval from

the Strata Company (Body Corporate) is required

If a gas mains extension is required, it will only be installed within public dedicated roads or public dedicated right-of-ways. Installations will not be permitted within private roads or private or right-of-ways. As a general rule, gas mains will not be installed within existing roads or right-of-ways less than 6.01m wide unless there is no alternative route

or means of obtaining safe access as determined at the discretion of the AGA.

Figure 17 Property without Street Frontage or Gas Availability

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The AGA will not install a new gas service line which crosses through an adjoining lot in order to provide a service to subdivided property. However in some circumstances the AGA may, at its absolute discretion, determine that a new gas service line can be installed where it crosses another property.

Examples of factors that may be taken into consideration by the AGA:

There is an existing gas service line or meter that needs to be relocated

Written agreement has been obtained from all affected Responsible Persons in relation to the location of the service line

In an existing strata scheme, written agreement has been obtained from all affected land owners in relation to the location of the gas service line

Whether easements have been obtained

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3.3 Designated Boundary Connection Areas

Some areas in the Perth hills are designated as boundary connection areas. In these areas, the standard meter box should be located on the main fronting boundary line of the Responsible Person’s property or in an open trench provided to the meter box position. Refer to Figure 18.

3.3.1 Gas Services to Large Rural or Semi-Rural Lots

The meter box should be mounted on the main fronting boundary line of the Responsible Person’s property. Alternatively, it may be mounted on the building at a maximum distance of 30m from the boundary (measured in a straight line). This also applies to house-behind-

house or battle-axe block connections.

All the following conditions must be met:

A suitable straight and direct trench is to be provided from the boundary to the meter location by the Responsible Person

The route shall, as far as practicable, be at right angles to the gas main or as directed by the AGA

The bed of the trench shall be soil that is free from rock or other sharp formation that may cause damage to the Polyethylene (PE) gas service pipe

The minimum depth of cover is 600mm

Figure 18 Meter Box Mounted on Building (Maximum 30m Set Back)

A front boundary connection is the preferred option when the principal frontage is greater than 20m from the boundary line.

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4 Meter Box Installation Requirements

This section provides general information for gas meter boxes which must meet all ATCO Gas Australia design (dimension, ventilation, security, material) and mounting requirements.

4.1 Meter Box Dimensions

AL8 gas meter boxes are most commonly

fitted to residential homes or small businesses. The box is two standard bricks

wide by six courses high.

Figure 19 AL8 Single Gas Meter Box

AL12 meter boxes are fitted to small

commercial installations or larger homes where many appliances are installed.

Figure 20 AL12 Single Gas Meter Box

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AL8 dual gas and electricity meter boxes

are commonly fitted to new residential installations. A separate single box may

also be installed if required.

Figure 21 AL8 Dual Gas and Electricity Meter Boxes

An AL12 dual gas and electricity meter

boxes may be fitted to small commercial installations or larger homes where many appliances are installed. A separate single

box may also be installed if required.

Figure 22 AL12 Dual Gas and Electricity Meter Boxes

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4.2 Security for Gas Meter Box and Enclosure

4.2.1 Viewing Apertures for Locked Enclosures

Approved viewing apertures are mandatory on gas meter boxes that are to be fitted with locks. The viewing aperture must be placed so that the meter index can be read without

having to unlock the gas meter box door; and verified by the relevant utility (gas/electricity) AGA.

Figure 23 Meter Box Viewing Apertures

4.2.2 Mandatory Lock Requirements

The following mandatory lock requirements ensure prompt access for the AGA (to any compartment, enclosure or meter box) for maintenance and emergency purposes. Locks not meeting these requirements or otherwise restricting AGA access will be removed. Locks must be fitted prior to the gas connection taking place.

The lock (barrel or pad-lock) must have the ability to be accessed by the following two keys:

1. Y07 Profile Master Key.

2. Western Australia Services (Lock) Master Key.

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4.3 Recessed Gas Meter Box

A gas meter box may be surface mounted or semi-recessed and must satisfy the location

requirements set out below when mounting on the principal frontage of a building.

4.3.1 AL8 Meter Box (Partially Recessed)

Dimension A - Must be no less than 200mm and no greater than 1500mm

Dimension B - Must not exceed 1000mm

Dimension C - The front of the box must be no less than 125mm from the face brickwork if the box is partially recessed into a wall

Figure 24 AL8 Meter Box (Partially Recessed)

4.3.2 AL12 Meter Box (Partially Recessed)

Dimension A - Must be not less than 300mm and no greater than 1m

Dimension B - Must not exceed 1m

Dimension C - The front of the box must be no less than 260mm from the

face brickwork if the box is partially recessed into a wall

Figure 25 AL12 Meter Box (Partially Recessed)

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4.3.3 AL8 Dual Gas and Electric Meter Box (Partially Recessed)

Dimension A - Should be no less than 600mm and no greater than 760mm

Dimension B - Must not exceed 1m

Dimension C - The front of the box must be no less than 125mm from the

face brickwork if the box is partially recessed into a wall

Figure 26 AL8 Dual Gas and Electric Meter Box (Partially Recessed)

4.3.4 AL12 Dual Gas and Electric Meter Box (Partially Recessed)

Dimension A - Should be no less than 600mm and no greater than 760mm

Dimension B - Must not exceed 1m

Dimension C - The front of the box must be no less than 260mm from the

face brickwork if the box is partially recessed into a wall

Figure 27 AL12 Combined Gas and Electric Meter Box (Partially Recessed)

Dual Gas and Electric Meter Boxes – Dimension A height is set by the relevant power


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4.3.5 Meter Box (Fully Recessed)

Fully recessed gas meter boxes are not recommended due difficulties with gas service pipe connections. Specific conditions must be met where failure to comply will result in delays and mandatory solutions being applied.

Meter box must not be acting as a

support for brickwork

A recess, the full width of the meter box, must be created. This recess must be continued below ground level.

The recess must have all cavities


The recess must have full finish applied (i.e. render face brick) prior to installing gas

No panel is permitted over the recess

Provision for securing the service riser must be provided on the left hand side

of the meter box (bolts to be installed prior to installing box).

Full separation must be provided from

the electric installation

Conforming Installation (recess sealed from cavity)

Non-Conforming Installation (other services installed)

Figure 28 Meter Box (Fully Recessed)

In all locations, the gas service riser (on left hand side of gas meter box) must not be

recessed into a wall and shall be left outside of the face of the wall for maintenance purposes.

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4.4 Locating a Gas Meter Box Away from Openings into a Building

Gas meter positions (including meter boxes) must have a minimum clearance of one (1)

metre to any door, opening window, mechanical air inlet (including air conditioners) or any other opening into a building. Refer to AS/NZS 4645.1:2008 Gas Distribution Networks, Appendix K - Consumer Billing Meters.

Figure 29 Distances from Openings into the Building

4.4.1 Window Within Meter Box Exclusion Zone

Windows within the exclusion zone must be permanently fixed so they cannot open. Refer to

Figure 30. Permissible compliance methods are as follows:

Reversing the openable portion of the window

Permanently fixing the window closed with a minimum of two (2) rivets or non-retractable screws in three (3) sides of the openable window portion. There must be a minimum quantity of six (6) permanent fixtures.

Note: A signed approval must be granted by the AGA before proceeding with any meter

positions within 1m of altered building windows or openings. Approval of acceptable window fixing is at the discretion of the AGA.

Figure 30 Permanently Fixing Window within Exclusion Zone

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4.5 Meter Boxes on NIB Walls (Recommended Alternate Meter Box Position)

A NIB wall is a term used in construction processes for a short section of wall that protrudes out at 90 degrees and adjoins the main building.

NIB walls are the preferred installation design where no other acceptable meter box

locations exist or where the line of service cannot be connected.

Figure 31 NIB Wall

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4.6 Gas Meter Boxes Mounted on Free Standing Walls

Figure 32 is only to be used to assess brick wall pillars with a view to reducing safety risks for the AGA’s employees and contractors (AGA personnel) when working on or near such pillars (including in relation to laying, connecting, disconnecting, repairing or maintaining gas service pipes, meters or other service apparatus). AGA personnel are generally instructed not to work on or near brick wall pillars that do not meet the minimum requirements in this diagram. Figure 32 is not for any other use.

Where possible free standing walls should be avoided and NIB walls used. Refer to section 4.5 Meter Boxes on NIB Walls (Recommended Alternate Meter Box Position).

Figure 32 Free Standing Wall Housing Gas Meter Box (reference only – not for construction)

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As noted in section 9 of this document, due care and caution should be exercised by anyone working on or in the vicinity of walls, pillars and other constructions. Safe work instructions and procedures should be followed at all times.

You should conduct your own independent due diligence checks and verifications, and obtain your own independent design advice from relevant competent engineering experts and other professionals. This includes ensuring the stability, structural integrity, support, durability, performance, drainage, safety, quality, adequacy, fitness for any purpose and compliance with all relevant laws, standards and codes. It applies to all Responsible Person constructions including any wall or pillar location, footings, foundations, protections, materials and any equipment, fittings, wires, cabling, pipes, conduits or apparatus (including any meter-box) to be used, applied or installed in relation to those construction; and for maintenance, upkeep, repair, monitoring and checking on an ongoing basis of any such constructions.

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4.6.1 Protection for Gas Meters

Gas meter (and meter box) location safety is the first priority and will be enforced prior to any meter protection options being considered. Always locate your meter box away from traffic areas.

If the gas meter or box is not situated in a protective recess and there is likelihood of vehicular damage (e.g. adjacent to a driveway), then the meter box must be protected by

bollards as shown in Figure 34.

Recommended Bollard Protection

Figure 33 Meter Box Protection (Bollard Photos)

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Figure 34 Meter Box Protection (Bollard Diagrams)

Note: The definition of adequate protection for meter installations is determined by the AGA in all instances.

Caution should be exercised when installing bollards near existing underground utilities. Always call Dial Before You Dig (phone1100) prior to any excavation works

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4.6.2 Gas Meter Boxes Mounted adjacent to Electrical Power Domes

For safety reasons you must always ensure a minimum 600mm clearance from electrical

power domes.

A 600mm minimum distance exclusion zone applies above ground to any part of the gas installation

A 500mm minimum distance exclusion zone applies below ground to any part of the

gas service including the service riser

Conforming Installation (600mm distance between dome and gas meter box)

Non-Conforming Installation (dome too close to gas meter box)

Figure 35 Gas Meter Boxes Mounted adjacent to Electrical Power Domes

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4.6.3 Gas Service Riser and Footing Requirements

Building footings must be cut and removed to allow for installation of the gas service riser.

Figure 36 Footing Cut Away

Engineered Footing

Meter boxes should not be designed or located above engineered footings unless the following criteria are met:

They can be cut and chased to accommodate the service riser

The top of the footing is a minimum of 400mm below ground level, allowing offset of the service riser on top of the footing

Specific attention must be given to the line of a service installation passing close to load

bearing structures or piers that could compromise structural integrity.

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4.7 Connection to Commercial Properties (AL8, AL12 or AL18 Gas Meters)

For a new gas connection to a commercial property requiring an AL8, AL12 or AL18 gas meter refer to the Connection Process Handbook.

The siting of gas meters for commercial properties is subject to the conditions detailed in this document. Where possible, meter boxes for commercial properties should be mounted on the boundary in a protected location.

Approval for commercial meter locations will be subject to site inspection and assessment by the AGA Construction Department. Contact 13 13 56 with any enquiries.

4.8 Meter Boxes Installed Inside a Commercial Building

Approval must be sought from the AGA prior to designing or installing a meter box inside a building. It will only be entertained where no other options exist and all safety issues are met. The gas regulator and meter box must be vented to a safe area outside.

Internal meter locations will be subject to site inspection and assessment by the AGA Construction Department. Contact 13 13 56 with any enquiries.

A vent line will be installed by the gas fitter to the regulations indicated in section 4.9. AGA will then connect the vent line to the regulator during service installation.

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4.9 Vent Line Requirements

Separate gas regulator vent lines are required where the relief position may constitute a hazard if discharged.

The AGA will determine the safe vent line outlet location which shall not discharge closer than one (1) metre from any building opening.

Figure 37 Vent Line Requirements

Vent Line Notes:

Refer to AS/NZS 5601 for regulatory information

Regulators must be vented when locating a meter box in a position that would affect the

installation’s operation or where a gas discharge would constitute a hazard. Vent line to be minimum DN15mm, but larger diameter may be required depending on length and

creating no flow restriction to relief discharge.

Vent line to terminate downward facing with appropriate mesh to required standards

Vent line outlet must be 1m from opening, 3m from mechanical air intake, 1m from

source of ignition

Vent line outlet must not terminate under any roof, portico or veranda

Vent line to be level with bottom corner of meter box for connection to regulator

Vent line outlet to be minimum of 2.1m above ground level and terminating in a safe


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5 Meter Box Restrictions and Installation Responsibilities

This section provides information on the restrictions and conditions placed on gas meter box locations. Graphics in section 3.2 are provided to illustrate both correct and incorrect installations.

5.1 Requirements of the Responsible Person

It is recommended that the Responsible Person complete the Gas Connection Checklist

contained in the Appendices.

It is the responsibility of the person requesting a gas service to ensure they are fully aware of the following:

The connection process as detailed in the Connection Process Handbook

Their responsibilities and obligations to achieve a prompt, efficient service connection as outlined in this document.

Specific responsibilities are as follows:

Locate the gas meter box in conforming position

Provide information and plans for any known location of soak wells, reticulation pipes or other services

Arrange any reinstatement inside the property line including associated costs

Provide signed consent for any excavation inside the property line required to complete the gas connection (i.e. Notice of Acceptance or Gas Service Installation On Hold Form)

Ensure line of service is free from hazards or obstructions (e.g. building material and vegetation)

Ensure gas meter box is installed entirely within the property boundary for the property requiring the gas connection, unless other written arrangements have been accepted by the AGA

After the AGA gas service is installed, a gas meter assembly will be fitted with a security disc in the meter outlet. The consumers’ gas fitter is responsible to commission (introduce gas into) their supply piping downstream of the gas meter.

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5.1.1 Avoiding Delays in Gas Service Installation

Gas service installation may be delayed for a number of reasons and gas service installation may be put on hold until the reason for the delay is rectified.

Figure 38 displays the Gas Service Installation On Hold Form contained in the Appendices that will be left in the gas meter box (for new dwellings) or in the consumer letter box, if existing premises.

Examples of situations where delays may occur:

The gas meter box is installed in a non-compliant position

Paving or driveway is installed under meter boxes and permission is required in order to remove or lift paving

Rubble or debris is on the line of service route preventing access

Click here to go to

full size form

Figure 38 Gas Service On Hold Form

5.1.2 Internal Property Reinstatement

Internal property reinstatement refers to any reinstatement inside the property boundary, including but not limited to, paving, driveway and lawns.

If paving or other finished surface must be lifted or removed to install the gas service, then the Responsible Person is responsible for the reinstatement.

For an established premise, it is the gasfitter’s responsibility to obtain the Responsible Person’s signature in the last paragraph of the Gas Service Installation On Hold Form, confirming that they agree to the conditions of the installation. The form must be left in the

customer’s letter box.

For new connections, the permission letter must be left in the gas meter box.

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5.2 Meter Box Location Restrictions (AS/NZS 4645)

The gas meter shall not be installed in any of the following locations in accordance with AS/NZS 4645.1:2008 (Appendix K):

A bedroom

A lift shaft or lift motor room

A room specifically intended for electrical switchgear

A fire-isolated stairway or passage

A fire hydrant duct or hose reel cabinet

Sprinkler or hydrant pump room

Gas meter boxes must not be located closer than one (1) meter from a source of

ignition. Sources of ignition include electrical devices such as the external unit of a split system air conditioner, pool pumps, external power points, etc.

Where egress from a building would be obstructed

Where excessive temperatures or sudden excessive changes in temperature may occur

In a cavity wall, unless installed in an approved ventilated enclosure which is sealed from the cavity

Where access for reading or maintenance is restricted

In an unventilated position

On or in the ground

On a floor which contains material which may corrode the meter

Where subject to physical damage unless the meter is adequately protected. The definition of adequate protection shall be determined by the AGA in all instances

5.3 Other Location Restrictions

This section identifies other restrictions that must be considered when locating a meter box.

5.3.1 Service Regulator Installation Restrictions (AS/NZS 4645)

The gas service regulator shall not be installed in any of the following locations in accordance with AS/NZS 4645.1:2008 (Appendix J3):

(i) A lift shaft.

(ii) A lift motor room.

(iii) A room specifically intended for electrical switch gear.

(iv) A position that would obstruct egress from the building in the event of an emergency.

(v) A bedroom.

(vi) A fire-isolated stairway or passage.

(vii) A fire hydrant duct or hose reel cabinet.

(viii) Sprinkler or hydrant pump room.

(ix) Near a source of ignition.

(x) In a position that would obstruct egress from a building.

(xi) In the foundation area under a building.

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(xii) In a cavity wall, unless installed in an adequately ventilated enclosure and the cavity is sealed.

(xiii) On the ground.

(xiv) On a floor which is frequently wetted.

(xv) On a floor which contains material which may corrode the service regulator.

A service regulator may be installed in an enclosure adjoining but not directly communicating with a location referred to in the last paragraph above, providing the walls, doors or access to such an enclosure are not within the path of egress from a fire exit. The walls and door of the enclosure shall have a fire resistance rating acceptable to the statutory authority responsible for building regulations.

The location of a service regulator shall provide ready and safe access for authorised persons carrying out maintenance.

5.3.2 Meter Box on Exterior Wall

A gas meter box may be fixed to an exterior wall which is:

Constructed of masonry

Clad, provided it is suitably fixed to framework underneath the cladding

5.3.3 Meter Box Restrictions in Other Localities

A gas meter box must not be installed in the following locations:

On a fence, unless the fence is constructed of masonry (refer to section 5.3.2 above) Note: Local council by-laws prohibit fixing meter boxes to a neighbouring boundary fence

On, or recessed into, limestone walls Note: This does not apply to reconstituted limestone walls

In a carport or any other location where it may be struck by vehicular traffic

In a situation where there is an obstruction to installing the gas service, maintaining or reading the meter or accessing the meter box in an emergency

In a position where any part of the gas service to supply the meter box has to pass under any part of a building (i.e. carport, garage, etc.)

Where excavation alongside an unsupported wall or structure will compromise that wall or structure

Ensure that the gas meter box is installed within the property boundary for the property requiring the gas connection, unless other arrangements have been accepted by the AGA in writing.

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5.4 Obstructions (When Meter Boxes Cannot be Installed on Dwellings)

There are circumstances that require a meter box to be placed at a location other than on the dwelling (e.g. on the property boundary).

In these instances, to avoid delays contact the AGA or Construction Inspector on 13 13 56.

The following are examples of obstructions necessitating an alternate installation location:

Steep site levels

Soil conditions that may include limestone or rock

Tiered or terraced gardens

Trees or dense vegetation

Retaining walls

On or above elevated ground

Meter boxes must remain readily accessible (e.g. not behind fencing)

On or above stairs or steps

Figure 39 Meter Box Installed Above Flight of Stairs (Unacceptable Positions)

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6 Connections to Residential Strata Titled Developments

For the connection process to new or established residential strata titled developments, refer to the Connection Process Handbook.

An open trench must be provided by the Responsible Person for the installation of a gas service to a strata development. The AGA will connect gas to existing strata titled

developments as per the single titled connection process, however charges may apply to existing strata’s depending on site circumstances.

Most unit developments (low rise) have individual master meters housed in gas meter boxes installed on each unit.

A gas service will be installed free of charge to residential strata titled unit developments if the following criteria are met:

An open trench is provided by the Responsible Person

All units are connected to natural gas

Each unit has a gas hot water system installed (confirmation in writing must be given in

the Open Trench Booking form before installation of the gas service)

Project plans must be provided by the Responsible Person and all high rise installations must be subject to consultation, and when required, a AGA on-site assessment for meter


6.1 Open Trench Booking Process

The open trench booking process requires the following criteria be met:

There must be a minimum of 10 days’ notice given before the planned date of


The trench must be open for the time and date specified

The gas service installer will endeavour to attend site and complete the service within the four (4) hour time frame stated on the Open Trench Booking form

The four (4) hour time frame can be scheduled during normal business hours (8am-4pm).

State at time of booking, any occupational safety and health requirements to be met on-site (i.e. inductions, permit to dig)

Provide the on-site contact number of the builder or developer’s supervisor

Contact 13 13 56 and submit Plans to the AGA’s requirements

Note: If a plan is posted, emailed or faxed, the Responsible Person or responsible organisation for opening the trench must still telephone 13 13 56 to make the

booking. Plans are to be sent to the Scheduling Centre via email to [email protected].

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6.1.1 AGA Minimum Plan Criteria

The AGA requires that Plans must meet the following criteria:

House Behind House – Submit clear and legible building site plan (minimum size A4) - dimensions to permanent landmarks or boundaries must be included

Multiple Unit Site (2-15 units) – Submit clear and legible building site plan (minimum size A3) - dimensions to permanent landmarks or boundaries must be


Multiple Unit Site (16+ units) – Contact Engineering Services to confirm requirements via email to [email protected] Note: The AGA requires that a licensed surveyor must complete a site survey in GDA 94 projection format. A digital copy of the survey with recorded survey points must be forwarded to the AGA’s Drawing Office via [email protected]. Any questions about specific requirements of the GDA 94 survey must be directed to [email protected].

Plans must:

Provide meter box locations

Indicate the intended line of service

Confirm that meter boxes are on or within 1m of the principal frontage

Confirm that meter boxes are a minimum of 1m away from an opening to a building

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Figure 40 Connections to Residential Strata Titled Developments

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Figure 41 Example of Site Plan (showing gas service and meter box locations)

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6.2 Open Trench Prerequisites

The AGA requires the following criteria be met to ensure compliance to all relevant Australian Standards, while striving to provide efficient connections to meet the requirements of the Responsible Person:

1. Trenches must be provided with sufficient width to ensure the required minimum

separation of all utilities (gas/power/water/telco) is maintained OR

2. Trenches must be of sufficient depth to allow all other utilities to be installed first,

allowing the gas to be installed above them and ensuring access is maintained for gas main and emergency purposes

3. Alternatively, where the above cannot be guaranteed, a separate trench will be


In 1 and 2 above, all other utilities must be installed prior to installing the gas service thereby

ensuring the gas service will:

Be installed to the required distribution standards

Provide the AGA unrestricted and unobstructed access to the gas infrastructure for emergency and maintenance purposes for the lifetime of the asset

6.3 Open Trench Criteria

It is not acceptable to use drainage trenches to install the gas service where the gas service

may be required to deviate around pits.

Trenches must comply with the Western Australia Excavation Code of Practice 2005, and as a minimum, comply with the following:

Trench excavation to provide a depth of cover between 600-750mm from finished

ground level

Excavation to provide a minimum lateral separation of 250mm between all utilities

Excavation to be provided in a straight line at right angles to the box where possible or directed by the AGA

Trench must be arranged to ensure that other utilities and services will not be laid or installed on top of gas service

If no open trench is provided, the gas meter connection will be installed on the front boundary line

Where finished ground level cannot be determined, the AGA reserves the right to

request survey pegs be installed to determine such levels

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6.4 Backfilling Open Trench

It is the Responsible Person’s duty to backfill and compact the open trench with a minimum of 300mm clean fill or sand

Marker tape must be installed 300mm above the gas service

Ground level must not be altered to a degree that would render the gas service a non-

conforming depth

Figure 42 Acceptable Open Trench

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6.5 Substandard Open Trench

Should any part of the open trench not conform to the outlined criteria, the AGA will refuse to install the gas infrastructure until such time as the minimum standards are met

Should any part of the gas service not conform to the minimum standards after installation, the AGA reserves the right to isolate the gas supply until provision has been made to correct any defect(s)

Note: The Responsible Person shall ensure gas services remain free from damage and ground levels do not significantly alter to affect the depth of cover of gas services.

It is important to commission gas services as soon as possible following a successful pressure test to reduce the potential of undetected damaged gas services.

Figure 43 Unacceptable Open Trench (encroaching utilities)

Figure 44 Unacceptable Open Trench

(trench too deep)

Figure 43 shows an instance where other services have been placed on top of the gas service. This is not acceptable. The service layer will refuse to install the gas service if the

trench is not wide enough to adequately separate the adjacent utility services.

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7 Meter Banks and Enclosures

This section provides installation guidance and restrictions that must be followed when

designing meter banks and enclosures.

7.1 Banks of Meter Boxes

When typical individual unit meter box positions are not available, an alternative method of connection is to install a bank of meters in single or numerous positions in a conforming location throughout the development.

Figure 45 AL8 Standard Meter Bank Layout – Meter Boxes (Preferred) – No Charge

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Figure 46 AL8 Non Standard Meter Bank Layout – Meter Boxes - Charged

Manifold connections for bank of meters in meter boxes are recommended when supply pipework cannot maintain underground separation distances from service pipework.

These are non-standard connections. Connection charges apply to install a manifold connection and will be quoted on a project-by-project basis by the AGA. The following criteria apply:

Meters may be installed in gas meter boxes on outside walls (if protected from vehicular traffic)

Gas meter boxes must be supplied and installed by the Responsible Person and

mounted in accordance with dimensions as shown in Figure 45 and Figure 46

Each lateral branch must be controlled by a valve (greater than three (3) gas meters)

In all meter bank and enclosures, unit numbers are to be indicated in or on each meter box or bracket prior to the gas connection taking place

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7.2 Meters in Recesses (Enclosures)

Meters may be installed in banks, either in gas meter boxes or mounted on approved brackets, in a recess that is ventilated to open air.

Note: Approval for meter recess location will be subject to final assessment and determination by the AGA.

The location of the recess must provide clear unhindered access to the gas meter set,

provision of natural light and ventilation to the enclosure, and prevent:

Unauthorised access

Third party damage


Recess and enclosures in a building external wall must:

Provide full access to the gas service riser pipework

Be fully sealed and constructed of materials that are of at least 2 hours fire rating

Have a secure fire retardant material seal between any openings adjoining a meter room attached to the main building, (which is of cavity wall construction)

Be located on external building facade

Not to be located in undercrofts, portico, building roof, etc.

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See enclosure layout close-up below

Note: There must be one (1) metre of unrestricted space in front of meter recess and the edge of the recess must be two (2) metres away from an opening into a building.

Figure 47 Acceptable and Unacceptable Recess or Enclosure

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7.3 Banks of Meters Mounted on AGA Approved Brackets in Building Recesses

Enclosure width is to be determined from the number of meters to be situated in the enclosure.

Figure 48 AL8 Gas Meter Groupings

Note: Where multiple meters are installed, the Responsible Person must clearly mark each meter box or bracket with permanent marker to indicate unit being supplied prior to the gas connection taking place.

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7.3.1 Depth and Height of Recesses

The depth and height of a recess must meet the following criteria:

Minimum depth of the recess is to be 600mm

Maximum depth of the recess is to be 1m

Height of the fully sealed recess opening is to be a minimum of 2.1m

7.3.2 Inside the Recess

The inside of the recess must meet the following criteria:

Inside of meter recesses must be painted white to reflect light

No electric lighting or switches may be located inside the recess or enclosure

There must be unrestricted access in front of the gas meter recess

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7.4 Doors and Ventilation

If a recess is to have doors fitted (to prevent unauthorized access) then the recess must


Doors covering the full opening width to facilitate maintenance access

Doors constructed of fire retardant material

Direct and adequate ventilation to outside atmosphere - maximum ventilation must be

achieved, preferably by the use of appropriately sized high and low ventilation to outside atmosphere to achieve air circulation

Ventilation openings located so that adequate ventilation is achieved in all parts of the enclosure (i.e. from floor to roof level)

Figure 49 Recess or Enclosure with Fully Louvered Doors

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7.5 Floor Finishes

Floor finishes shall be of 15mm blue metal (minimum 100mm thick) over plastic sheeting,

except where the meter set is located in a position where the floor of the recess is part of the building. In this case, the meter riser shall be installed in a manner that will provide future access to the gas service riser pipework both above and below ground.

7.5.1 Security Access

All meter enclosures must have approved Western Australian Services (WAS) locks installed for maintenance and emergency access. For more information refer to section 4.2.2 Mandatory Lock Requirements.

7.5.2 Signage

Recesses enclosed with doors must have appropriate signage on the outside to indicate gas

meters are located inside.

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8 Related Documents

The following standards and legislation must also be referred to when positioning gas meter


Standards and Legislation

AS/NZS 4645.1:2008 Gas Distribution Networks, Part 1 - Network Management

AS/NZS 4645.1:2008 Gas Distribution Networks, Appendix K - Consumer Billing Meters

AS/NZS 4130:2009 Polyethylene (PE) Pipes for Pressure Applications

AS/NZS 5601.1:2010 Gas Installations - Current Version

ATCO Gas Australia Policies and Procedure (SWIs)

Energy Coordination Act 1994

Environmental Protection Act 1986

Gas Standard Act 1972

Gas Standards [Gas Fitting and Consumer Gas Installations] Regulations 1999

Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994

Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996

Utility Providers Code of Practice for Western Australia

Western Australia Excavation Code of Practice 2005

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9 Disclaimer

1. The diagrams provided in this document are not intended to be used as advice of any kind or a design for any construction or other purpose and must not be used or relied upon as such.

2. The diagrams and drawings provided are not to scale.

3. Diagrams provided in this document cannot be used to ensure the stability, structural integrity, support, durability, performance, drainage, safety, quality, adequacy, fitness for purpose or compliance with any law, standard or code of any wall, pillar or other construction or its location, footings, foundations, protections, materials or any equipment, fittings, wires, cabling, pipes, conduits or apparatus (including any meter-box) used, applied or installed in relation to any construction.

4. Due care and caution should be exercised by anyone working on or near walls, pillars and other constructions. Safe work instructions and procedures should be followed at all times.

5. To the maximum extent allowed by law, no warranty or representation is given or made concerning the diagrams provided in this document (including as to quality, completeness, accuracy or fitness for any purpose or that it complies with any applicable laws, standards or codes).

6. You should conduct your own independent due diligence checks and verifications and obtain your own independent design and advice from relevant competent engineering experts and other professionals (including to ensure the stability, structural integrity, support, durability, performance, drainage, safety, quality, adequacy, fitness for any purpose and compliance with all relevant laws, standards and codes) for your own constructions (including for any wall or pillar), their location, footings, foundations, protections, materials and any equipment, fittings, wires, cabling, pipes, conduits or apparatus (including any meter-box) to be used, applied or installed in relation to those constructions; and for the maintenance, upkeep, repair, monitoring and checking on an ongoing basis of any such constructions.

7. To the maximum extent allowed by law, ATCO Gas Australia, its related bodies corporate and officers, employees, agents or contractors are not liable in any way whatsoever (including for negligence, recklessness or breach of any statutory duty) for any loss, liability, cost or claim of any kind whatsoever (including any direct loss, indirect loss, consequential loss, economic loss, loss of profit, loss of opportunity, death, illness, injury or damage to reputation or goodwill) arising from or in relation to the use of or reliance on diagrams in this document.

8. ATCO Gas Australia reserves the right at any time (without giving any notice) modify, supplement or withdraw diagrams or any other part of this document.

9. In this document, ‘including’ means ‘including, but not limited to’. Reference to ‘this diagram’ includes any part of it (including any information or drawing in it).

10. ATCO Gas Australia owns the copyright in the diagram referred to as ‘Figure 32’ and does not give any license to copy or reproduce this diagram.

11. This Important Notice may not be altered, omitted, hidden or removed, except by ATCO Gas Australia.

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The Appendices contains printable forms, checklists and other information referred to throughout this document.

List of Appendices

Gas Connection Checklist

Gas Service Installation On Hold Form


Feedback Form

Page 68: Meter-box-Location-Handbook

Meter Box Location Handbook

Document No.: NCN RF08 Page 68 of 75 Revision: 6

Issue Date: 15/04/2013

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Page 69: Meter-box-Location-Handbook

Gas Connection Checklist

Gas Connection Checklist Yes No

Have you referred to the ATCO Gas Australia Meter Box Location Handbook?

Has gas availability been confirmed? If Yes, where? ___________________________________________________

Is the correct meter box fitted?

Is meter box at the correct recess depth?

If not, has fully recessed box guide been followed?

Has meter box been positioned within 1m of the principal frontage?

Does the meter box require bollard protection?

Is the meter box 1m from opening doors and windows?

Is the meter box 1m from any source of ignition?

Have footings been cut?

Is site clear between meter box and gas connection (Is sand, rubbish and building materials blocking access?)

Is a temporary power pole obstructing access to the meter box?

Check to ensure that no reinstatement paving has been laid (i.e. driveway under meter box)



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Gas Service Installation On Hold Form

Your Gas Service Installation Has Been Put


An ATCO Gas Australia Service laying contractor visited this site to connect the new gas service Date:


ATCO Gas Australia job Notification number:

This service line is to be connected to the gas pre-laid service (adjacent to the water meter). Connected in a straight line out to the boundary. The gas service must be installed before the driveway and cross over is installed. The gas pre-laid service (PLSS) is under the stairs, terminating at the top of the stairs.

Your gas service installation from the street to the meter box has been put on HOLD because: This is a Designated Area: The meter box must be installed on boundary or an open trench provided. There are building materials etc. on the line of service. Scaffolding is in the way. The meter box is in non-complying position. Meter box recessed too far. Meter box set too high / Low. Footings protrude too far and need to be cut out from under meter box. Permission is required to remove paving under the meter box. (Please sign below)

Please note: it is the builder’s or owner’s responsibility to replace any paving under the meter box or driveway that may have to be lifted. The section at the bottom of this form can be used to grant permission to lift paving or break out concrete. Please sign and leave in meter box.


When the above conditions have been rectified, and to reschedule the gas service installation: please contact this number (Contractor mobile phone) between 8am and 4pm or the ATCO Gas Australia Call Centre on 13 13 56 between 7am and 6pm and quote the address, job notification number and the reason (on this form) that was given for the service being put on hold. Note: One call plans may need to be re-applied for. Allow 7 to 10 days for the installation of the gas service from the date of contact to re-schedule the gas service installation. Line of service route to remain free from obstruction for this period. Permission to remove paved surfaces under meter box I (Printed name in full) grant permission to the above request and take responsibility for repairs and reinstatements required in the installation of the gas service. Signature:

Date (dd/mm/yyyy):

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When you Hear, See or Smell Gas or when you have Damaged a Gas Asset


Hear – See – Smell Gas – STOP! and Contact 13 13 52

Broken Service or Gas Main – STOP! and Contact 13 13 52

Determine gas locations in verge or inside property (DBYD, meter box sticker)

Determine pothole locations by excavating

Report damage immediately

Open and vent gas if gas is smelled inside

Close windows and doors to prevent gas entering building if gas is smelled outside


Enter a gas cloud or gaseous atmosphere

Attempt to stop the gas

Turn on or off anything electrical

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Publication Information

Title: NCN RF 08 Meter Box Location Handbook

Revision: Issue Date:

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Name: Phone: (daytime)


Signature: Date:

Please return completed form to:

ATCO Gas Australia Construction Service Delivery

PO Box 3006 Success WA 6964