mesurement and scaling in marketing research

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  • 7/26/2019 Mesurement and Scaling in Marketing Research




    Prof M. R. Suresh

  • 7/26/2019 Mesurement and Scaling in Marketing Research


    Measurement: dened as astandardied !ro"ess of assi#nin#

    num$ers or other s%m$o&s to "ertain"hara"teristi"s of o$'e"ts of interesta""ordin# to !res!e"ied ru&es.

    im!ortant as statisti"a& ana&%ses "an $edone

    on a!!ro!riate s"a&es

    t(o "hara"teristi"s:

    one)to)one "orres!onden"e $et(een the

    s%m$o& and the "hara"teristi" *in theo$'e"t+

    $ein# measured

  • 7/26/2019 Mesurement and Scaling in Marketing Research


    S"a&in# is a !ro"ess of "reatin# a"ontinuum on (hi"h o$'e"ts are &o"ated

    a""ordin# to the amount of measured"hara"teristi" the% !ossess

    T%!e of S"a&e Statisti"a& Tests

    Nomina& Per"enta#e- mode- "hi)suare

    /rdina& Per"enti&e- median Ran0)/rderCorre&ation 1riedman2s


    Inter,a& Mean- - t)test- AN/3A-

    Re#ression ana&%sis


  • 7/26/2019 Mesurement and Scaling in Marketing Research


    Nomina& S"a&e

    o$'e"ts are assi#ned to mutua&&%

    e6"&usi,e- &a$e&ed "ate#oriesE.#. Ma&e- fema&e-Geo#ra!hi"a& area

    if one entit% is assi#ned the same num$eras another- the% are identi"a& (ithres!e"t to a nomina& ,aria$&e

    /rdina& S"a&e

    o$tained $% ran0in# o$'e"ts or arran#in#

    them in order (ith res!e"t to some"ommon ,aria$&e

    E.#. Ran0s of students- seniors- 'uniors ina "o&&e#e

  • 7/26/2019 Mesurement and Scaling in Marketing Research


    Inter,a& S"a&ein this the num$ers used to ran0 the o$'e"ts

    re!resent eua& in"rements of attri$ute$ein#


    di7eren"es "an $e "om!ared

    di7eren"e $et(een 8 9 same as ; 9 . ?a&an"in#

  • 7/26/2019 Mesurement and Scaling in Marketing Research


    Sin#&e Item S"a&es

    on&% one item to measure a "onstru"t

    @. Itemied "ate#or% s"a&e

    Satisfa"tion (ith !resent hea&thinsuran"e !&an

    ) ,er% satised

    ) uite satised

    ) some(hat satised

    ) not at a&& satised

    3er% satised 3er%dissatised

    8 @ B )@ )8

  • 7/26/2019 Mesurement and Scaling in Marketing Research


    8. Com!arati,e s"a&es


    Ran0)/rder S"a&es

    reuire res!ondents to arran#e aset of o$'e"ts (ith res!e"t to

    "ommon "riterionT(o !ro$&ems = for"ed to ma0e a"hoi"e- undi7erentiated midd&e

    Constant sum s"a&eLimitation = on&% a fe( "ate#ories

    = sort s"a&in#

    Paired = "om!arison

  • 7/26/2019 Mesurement and Scaling in Marketing Research


    Mu&ti!&e Item S"a&es

    /$'e"ts ha,e man% fa"ets

    Likert scale a&so 0no(n as summateds"a&e de#ree of a#reementdisa#reementon a ,ariet% of statements

    t(o !arts : item !art- e,a&uati,e !art

    im!ortant assum!tion: sin#&e "ommonfa"tor

    Thurstone scale a&so "a&&ed eua&

    a!!earin# inter,a&s #rou! of 'ud#es are#i,en to @BB items de#ree offa,oura$&eness *@@ "ate#or% $i!o&ar+

    s"a&e ,a&ue of ea"h items is the median

    ,a&ue assi#ned $% 'ud#es "om!&i"ated

  • 7/26/2019 Mesurement and Scaling in Marketing Research


    Semantic Diferential widely used

    e.#. ima#es of "om!etin# $rands !referen"e of

    $i!o&ar s"a&es !airs of o$'e"ts!hrases"orres!ond to !rodu"tser,i"e attri$utes ),e orunfa,ora$&e !o&e rotated treated as inter,a&s"a&es- #rou! mean ,a&ues "a&"u&ated

    s!e"i" information "an $e &ost

    Prole analysis a ,ariation

    Stapel scales

    Uni!o&ar 8 @

    Tan#% )@ )@ )@

    Associative scaling

    A!!ro!riate for "hoi"e situation in aseuentia& de"ision !ro"ess trade = o7s not"a!tured redu"ed ,a&idit%

  • 7/26/2019 Mesurement and Scaling in Marketing Research


    Guide&ines for de,e&o!in# mu&ti)items"a&e

    @. Determine (hat %ou (ant tomeasure

    8. Generate as man% items as !ossi$&e

    . E6!erts e,a&uation of initia& !oo& ofitems

    . Determine t%!e of attitudina& s"a&eto $e


    >. In"&ude ,a&idation items

    ;. Administer items to an initia&


  • 7/26/2019 Mesurement and Scaling in Marketing Research


    Choi"e of an attitudina&s"a&e

    s!e"i" info reuired tosatisf% resear"h o$'e"ti,es

    ada!ta$i&it% of s"a&e to data"o&&e"tion method- $ud#et

    "om!ati$i&it% to res!ondent

  • 7/26/2019 Mesurement and Scaling in Marketing Research


    A""ura"% of attitude

    measurementsTrue S"ore Mode&

    / H T S *a7e"ts in a "onstant

    (a%+ R *transient fa"torsituationa&J+


    Contentfa"e ,a&idit%: su$'e"ti,e$ut s%stemati" e,a&uation of ho((e&& the "ontent of a s"a&ere!resents the measurement tas0

  • 7/26/2019 Mesurement and Scaling in Marketing Research


    Different types of validity

    Content validity: Also called face validity. Measures all the relevant


    Criterion validity: examines whether measurement scale performs as

    expected in relation to other variables selected as meaningful criteria

    Predicted and actual behaviour should be same

    Concurrent validity is a measure of how well a particular test correlates with a

    previously validated measure.

    This is the degree to which a test corresponds to an external criterion that is known

    concurrently (i.e. occurring at the same time). If the new test is validated by a

    comparison with a currently existing criterion (benchmark test), we have

    concurrent validity. Very often, a new ! or personality test might be compared

    with an older but similar test "nown to have good validity already.

    Predictive validity: Pertains to #$ow best a researcher can guess the future

    performance from the "nowledge of the attitude measurement score% An example

    say there is a &uestionnaire that measures demand for a product. 'irst measure the

    attitude to purchase a product and then predict future behaviour. (his is followed by

    measurement of future behaviour at an appropriate time. )ompare the two results

    *past and future+. f the two scores are closely associated then the scale is supposed

    to have predictive validity.

  • 7/26/2019 Mesurement and Scaling in Marketing Research


    Validity contd..

    Construct validity: A sales manager believes that there is clear relationbetween -ob satisfaction for a person and the degree to which a person is an

    extrovert and the wor" performance *of his sales force+. (herefore those who

    en-oy high -ob satisfaction and have extrovert personalities should exhibit high

    performance. f they do not then we can &uestion the construct validity of the


    Convergent validity: xtent to which scale correlates positively with other

    measures of the same construct.For e.g to show the convergent validity of a

    test of arithmetic skills, we might correlate the scores on our test with scores

    on other tests that purport to measure basic maths ability, where high

    correlations would be evidence of convergent validity. )oncurrent validity

    differs from convergent validity in that it focuses on the power of the focal test

    to predict outcomes on another test or some outcome variable.

  • 7/26/2019 Mesurement and Scaling in Marketing Research


    Discriminant validity: xtent to which a measure does not correlate with

    other constructs from which it is supposed to differ. 'or example, an

    operationalisation of anxiety should be able to distinguish between people

    who are anxious and those who are depressed or suicidal

    Nomological validity: xtent to which scale correlates in theoretically

    predicted ways with measures of different but related constructs. type of

    validity in which a measure correlates positively in the theoretically predicted

    way with measures of different but related constructs.

    'or example, the tendency to purchase prestige brands should show a

    high correlation with a person!s need for status and materialism and anegative correlation with price sensitivity

  • 7/26/2019 Mesurement and Scaling in Marketing Research



    test = retests!&it ha&f

    Sensiti,it%: a$i&it% to

    dis"riminate amon# meanin#fu&di7eren"es in attitudes


    Re&e,an"%Re&e,an"e H re&ia$i&it%


    Internationa& MR