messiah · 1 the...

1 The Mission of this church is to glorify God by providing worship, learning, witness, service, and support to all people. Messiah Messenger Published by Messiah Lutheran Church Volume 18, Issue 5 May 2018 Church Life is looking for new members!! Contact Cindy Anderson at 881-2161 S UNDAY S OCIAL M INISTRY Teams of 2 people each are needed for September and November Sign up in the Narthex or Contact the Church Office at 899-6386 or [email protected] Ladies’ Breakfast Saturday, May 21 at 9:00AM At Bob Evans on Buffalo Road An opportunity for our ladies to gather for fellowship, food, and fun A freewill offering goes toward our May 2nd Mile Giving beneficiary: VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL VBS will take place July 9-13 This year’s theme by Group is “Maker Fun Factory: Created by God. Built for Purpose.SUNDAY, MAY 6 9:30-10:45am In the Fellowship Hall Your generosity is appreciated!

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The Mission of this church is to glor i fy God by prov iding worship, learning, witness, service, and support to al l


Messiah Messenger Published by Messiah Lutheran Church

Volume 18, Issue 5 May 2018

Church Life is looking for new

members!! Contact Cindy

Anderson at 881-2161

SUNDAY SOCIAL MINISTRY Teams of 2 people each are needed for

September and November

Sign up in the Narthex or Contact the Church Office at

899-6386 or [email protected]

Ladies’ Breakfast

Saturday, May 21 at 9:00AM

At Bob Evans on Buffalo Road

An opportunity for our ladies to gather for

fellowship, food, and fun

A freewill offering goes toward our May 2nd Mile Giving beneficiary:


VBS will take place July 9-13 This year’s theme by Group is

“Maker Fun Factory: Created by God. Built for Purpose.”



In the Fellowship Hall

Your generosity is appreciated!


Messiah Lutheran Church

Spaghetti Lunch Benefit

Sunday, May 20 12:00-4:00pm

in Fellowship Hall

2025 Eastern Avenue Wesleyville

Cost: Free Will Offering (Suggested Offering of $5/person)

Take Out will be available

Also available:

Bake Sale

Gift Raffle

50/50 Raffle

Dinner includes: spaghetti, meatballs, salad and beverage




The goal of our Stewardship/Finance Ministry is to help God’s people grow in their relationship with Jesus through the use of the time, talents, and finances

that God has entrusted to them.

Wesleyville Food Pantry

May Item of the Month:


Bring your donations to the church by May 20 or make a financial contribution designated for

the Food Pantry anytime during the month.

Food Pantry Distribution:

May 16 at 10:00am At Wesley UMC

Through April 22, 26 boxes of cake mix

have been donated. Thank you for your generosity!

Counter Ministry

Become part of the team of people who count the weekly

of fer ings and take them to the bank.

T ime commitment is about 30 minutes af ter worship.

Training wil l be provided! Contact the Church Off ice i f interested.

Are YOU shopping on line?

Use your Amazon purchases to help Messiah!

Follow the link on our webpage or go to: Choose Messiah Lutheran Church as your charity and

AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to Messiah!

DID YOU KNOW… that your offerings to Messiah Lutheran Church can be made electronically while you’re on vacation or if you prefer the convenience of scheduling a monthly/weekly

automatic withdrawal from your account?

It’s easy to set up the following option: Electronic transfer from your bank account

For more information, call the Church Office, 899-6386.

Yes, There is a God

I look forward to May each year. For one

thing, the snow is (hopefully) over, the

perennial pond in our backyard has (hopefully)

dried up and flowers are springing up

everywhere. It is still too early for the hornets

and the songbirds are returning. Nights are

still cool, but the days are filled with glorious

sunshine. How does anyone still believe that

our earth and its creatures are because of some

primordial soup?

Look at anyone's body. Who but God could

create such intricate details? We come in every

size, shape and color, yet our organs are

interchangeable. We all have different gifts,

yet there are so many different kinds of talent

that they can be put together for everyone's

benefit. I could never be a doctor or nurse; I

would never want to be a carpenter or

plumber. Think about it--what would we do in

a society where no one wanted to be a farmer?

Or pick up your trash? Or teach your children

how to read?

God in his infinite wisdom has bestowed each

of us with a gift (or talent, if you prefer)

because we are meant to use it for the

Continued on Page 5


May Sponsors 8:30 WA 11:00 WA Flower (1) Flower (2) Vigil Candle

05/06 Donna Sedelmyer

05/13 Candy Sprouse Linda Voigt Doug Wolf Linda Voigt

05/20 Martucci Helen Allen Martucci Sandy Hough

05/27 Cunningham’s Edwards Sandy Hough

Please consider sponsoring the Worship Aids and/or Vigil Candle during the year. Every sponsorship helps to defray the cost to the congregation. Thank you!

2018 Sponsorships

The completed form, and payment, are due prior to date of sponsorship

Altar Flowers: $25/1 vase $40/2 vases (same weekend) Vigil Candle: $3/week Worship Aids: $10/service/week

Pentecost Geraniums

Please consider sponsoring one or more 4 1/2”pots to decorate the Sanctuary for Pentecost Sunday!

Each pot is $4.00 Use the order forms in the pews at church

or the one we email to you!

Orders/payment are needed by May 13. Please only one dedication per pot. Thank you


2nd Mile Giving is that support we offer above and beyond our regular giving.

Our 2nd Mile Giving recipient for May is:


You may contribute at the Sunday Social or by using the yellow envelopes in the pews at

church, marking them for this month’s second mile giving recipient.

Through April 22, $247 has been donated for Lutheran Disaster Response

Thank you for your generosity!

Attention Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Members…

Thrivent Members can designate Messiah

Lutheran Church as a recipient of the charitable giving that Thrivent offers through Choice Dollars.

Visit their website,, or call your Thrivent representative, for more

information. To those that have designated Messiah as a

recipient of Thrivent Choice Dollars, we gratefully thank you!

As of March 18, we have received $41.00 for 2018 through your designating Messiah as the

recipient of your shares.

For more information about Thrivent Financial for Lutherans contact Vince Kremer, Financial

Associate, at 814-878-5727 or visit


Continued from Page 3

harmony of humankind. Whether you are a

gifted professional or a talented tradesman

doesn't matter. Perhaps you can make someone

laugh. Maybe your words can connect with

someone's heart. Perhaps you have a way to

preach without being "preachy".

Whatever your gift, no matter how

insignificant you may believe, it was given to

you by your Creator for a reason. It was given

to you to share.

When you look at the bright blue skies of

May, and you see the crops and flowers coming

out of their sleep, well, it's time to remember

that all of this plus whatever talent you

possess, was a gift to be used for the glory of

God and the welfare of God’s people.

Your servant in Christ,

Marilyn DiLuzio Rizzo

We love because God first loved us.

~ John 4:19

2018 PENTECOST GERANIUMS Members and friends of Messiah are invited to place a Red Geranium in our Church for

Pentecost Sunday on May 27 To ensure that a complete commemorative list is placed in the worship aids

please fill out the following form. Enclose the form with your full payment in an envelope and place it in the

offering plate or return i t to the Church Office no later than Sunday, May 13. I would like to purchase (please specify quantity on line)

Geraniums in 4 1/2” pot @ $4.00 each Total Amount Due: $

Only one Dedication per plant please!

To the Glory of God and in Memory [deceased] of

To the Glory of God and in Honor [living] of ________

To the Glory of God and in Celebration [event] of

To the Glory of God and in Thanksgiving [event] for

By: Name of Donor:

Plants may be picked up after the 11:00 AM Service on Pentecost Sunday. Please do not take the plastic trays under the plants.

They can be used again. Thank you!


The Worship Committee will next meet on May 1 in the Conference Room

Wednesday, May 2

a t 12:00-Noon

in the Church

What are the Blue Holy Communion Cards for? They help us track how many different

individuals receive communion each year. Please fill one out the next time you receive

communion and place it in the offering plate. We only need one per year, per person.

May 6 Acts 10:44-48

Psalm 98 1 John 5:1-6 John 15:9-17

May 13 Acts 1:15-17,21-26

Psalm 1 1 John 5:9-13 John 17:6-19

May 20 Acts 2:1-21

Psalm 104:24-34,35b Romans 8:22-27

John 15:26-27;16:4b-15

May 27 Isaiah 6:1-8

Psalm 29 Romans 8:12-17

John 3:1-17

Scripture Readings for

the Month of May


Lectors are needed for both Worship Services!

Don’t wait to be asked personally, contact Pr. Jeff if interested! Training will be provided.

We welcome Jean Parker to this Ministry!

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is a very important “behind the scenes” ministry!

The people in this ministry make sure that our worship space is properly prepared for Sunday Worship and other

special services. To be part of this welcoming ministry please contact:

Linda Voigt at 899-8618 We welcome Mary Rush to this Ministry!

Assisting Ministers are needed for both Worship


Contact Pr. Jeff if interested! Training will be provided.

Usher Ministry

Ushers are DESPERATELY needed for both Services!!!

If you would like to be part of this

welcoming ministry please contact the Church Office - 899-6386

or [email protected]

Share your instrumental/vocal talent in leading our

11:00 Worship Service in praising God!

Team practice is at 9:45am in the church every Sunday!

Just show up or

contact Sheryl Williams at: [email protected]

Assisting Ministers and Lectors

The blank schedule for June will be in the Narthex through May 20

Please schedule yourself.

If you do not indicate your availability it will

be presumed that you ARE available.

Want to help at worship and not be seen?

Volunteer to operate the Sound System!

Contact the Church Office if you are interested.

Training will be provided.

Compliments of

DUSCKAS Funeral Home, Inc.

Main Branch 2607 Buffalo Rd. 536 West 10th St. 899-7656 452-2456 Nancy E. Dusckas, FD Gary J. Cumming, FD Supervisor Supervisor


CYFM will meet on Thursday, May 3 at 12:00noon in the Finance Room.

Contact Candy Sprouse if interested in helping or being part of the committee at [email protected]

During the 11:00 am Worship Service Leader Schedule:

May 06 Brian and Debbie Rogala

May 13 Sandy Hough, Candy Sprouse

May 20 Tammy Johnson, Shirley Case

May 27 Bonnie Magee, Gabby Piccirilli


Wednesday, May 2 at 1:30pm in the Study Lounge.

Our May book is: Wonder - R.J. Palacio

Bound Together will return in the fall!!


The Grateful Prayer Group

Contact Charlotte Fitch (824-5035) to participate in this wonderful

ministry or just show up!

We meet in the Study Lounge on Thursdays at 10:00am.

Only a six week commitment at a time!

Care Group #4 Bible Study Monday,

May 14 & 28 at 1:00PM

Looking for a daytime bible study? All are welcome to join the group!

We are currently studying the book of Hebrews.

Contact Linda Fryer or Jean Parker with questions.

In order to make a Prayer Chain request, please email or call the Church Office

In the event of emergency situations, contact Pr. Jeff and he will pass on the information!

Thank You for your cooperation!

Guided Meditation


430 E Grandview Blvd. Apt. 216 AND

THURSDAYS AT 11:00AM in the Study Lounge

ALL are welcome! Contact Charlotte Fitch 824-5035 with any questions

Men of Faith, Rise Up!

Monday, May 21 at 7:00pm

In the Study Lounge

We are called to be men of God’s Word. Join us on the journey


Fa mi ly Movie N ight

Satu rday, May 19 At 6 :00PM

In fe l lows hip hal l

Featu re d Attra ct io n is

F ree t o a l l !

In vi te fr ien ds and ne ig hb ors

Aluminum Can Recycling

Please bring in YOUR Aluminum cans to the garage at the church. They will be taken to the recycling center and the money will go

toward 2018 National Youth Gathering Trip.

Thank you for your support!

2018 ELCA National Youth Gathering

Please pray for the following who will be attending the National Youth Gathering at the end of June: Savanna Conner, Hannah Piccirilli, Abby Van Horn, Gabriella Piccirilli, Carol Brigham, Pam Van Horn and Pr. Jeff

The support of the congregation is very much

appreciated in these efforts!

We look forward to preparing for the experience of a lifetime!

Attention Graduates

If you will graduate this Spring from high school or college please contact the church

office so we can include you when we honor our graduates on Sunday, June 10, 2018.


Knitting & Crocheting Group

May 12 10am-12pm in Study Lounge

Come join us!

If you don't know how and want to learn, come along, we will teach you. This is not a

committee, it is a fellowship get together. If you have friends who are not members of the

church, feel free to bring them.

Prayer Shawl


To be part of the Prayer Shawl Ministry, please contact Shirley Damon at 899-8805.

Prayer shawls are for the taking. They are a gift. They can go to anyone, even if they are not a member of our

or any church.

If you would like to gift someone a prayer shawl, please contact the Church Office.

Sewing Circ le

The Sewing Circle needs your help!

May 14

Morning - 9:30am / Evening - 6:00pm

In the sewing room (across from the nursery)

We are looking for people who like to sew or who can help hand-tie quilts.

The quilts from the morning group are currently being donated to the City Mission.

The quilts from the evening group are currently being made for Project Linus.

If you don't know how to quilt, but would like to learn, we can teach you.

For more info:

Contact Bernice Fryer at 899-6899 for AM,

Joyce Hauser at 825-3919 for PM,

If you would like to help with a Wellness Event or an Outreach Event, please contact:

Anna Mae Van Dyne at 899-5778

I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I will heal you. 2 Kings 20:5

Blood Pressure Screenings

Sunday, May 6 in Fellowship Hall

during the Sunday Social

Please be assured that the results of your monitoring will not be shared with anyone

other than you!

Men’s Sock Collection

Please help us fill in the giant stocking hanging in the Narthex

with Men’s socks.

The collection runs from May 6—20

Donations will benefit

Bethany Outreach.


High blood pressure is often called the “silent killer” because there are no symptoms, so knowing and

managing your blood pressure is one of the best things you can do for your overall health.

Messiah is partnering with the American Heart Association to offer an evidence-based wellness and

blood pressure management program called Check. Change. Control.

All adults are encouraged to sign up regardless of whether you have high blood pressure or not!

Join Parish Health Ministry as we manage our blood pressure together, sign up for Check. Change. Control.

Sunday, May 20 in the Study Lounge

at 9:45am

to kick off this life saving event and to get your blood pressure checked !

Signup sheets will be available in Church April 29 - May 10

In the meantime you can participate by simply registering on line at or contacting

the Church Office.

Messiah Lutheran Church Campaign Code: MLUTH

Women’s Health

“Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me!” Luke 10:40 NLT

Are you a Mary who is eager to sit back and learn new things or a Martha who worries about the details of a job and is upset when others can’t multitask? Throughout the ages women have been taught to be organizers, nurturers, and caretakers for others while neglecting their own needs and desires. Even today you are expected to be superwomen and excel in the roles of wife, mother, daughter, volunteer, employee, caretaker, protector, and businesswoman. Unfortunately while accomplishing these tasks, women forget the most important tasks of a healthy life - balance and self-care.

You probably intellectually understand the importance of annual checkups and health screenings but often find excuses to ignore health issues because of the belief that caring for others is more important. In order to have the energy to care for others, it is important that you practice wholistic self-care. This means taking the time to rest, enjoy friends, and care for self.

Caring for the mind, spirit, and relationships through hobbies, meditation, morning devotions, lunch with friends, date or family night with a spouse or family will establish balance and stability. These activities will result in lower blood pressure, peace of mind, greater enjoyment of family, and renewed energy to tackle the difficulties of life and are just as important as medical appointments and screenings where health issues can be found before they become serious issues.

Being too involved in your work allows very little time for other things in life so take a look at how your day is spent and ask yourself how you can re-prioritize your activities. Plan ways to add personal time to your day and practice those changes. By balancing the work and fun in your life, you will experience immediate benefits of greater joy and fewer headaches.

(Source: National Women’s’ Health Resource Center

“A Walk with Paul” Now through September 30

Record your miles or walk time. Look for charts in the Narthex and a description of each

month’s journey! A map of Paul’s journeys is in the Narthex to help.

Turn in your first “A Walk with Paul” sheet for April 15-May 15 by May 22. Be sure to pick up the May 15-

June 15 sheet before that walk begins!

If you would like any information on “A Walk with Paul” please contact Anna Mae Van Dyne!


2018 Great Lakes Hospice Bereavement Support Groups

May 3 & 17 1700 Peach Street, Suite 244

Erie, PA 16501

May 24 St. Paul’s Lutheran Church

3108 Sterrettania Road Erie, PA 16506

Meetings are free and open to the public. Doors open at 5:00pm; meeting starts promptly at

5:30pm and ends at 6:30pm. Peach Street Location ONLY: Dinner will be

served, courtesy of Hamot Health Foundation, promptly from 5:00pm-5:30pm the first meeting every month.

Snacks will be provided at both locations. Please RSVP by calling Cathy McKenzie at 814-

877-6527 no later than the day before the scheduled meeting.

Anniversary Honor for Pastor Ronald Garrett Pastor Garrett served at Messiah Lutheran Church from 1986 to 1996. He will be celebrating his 50th Anniversary of Ordination this year, and will be invited to speak at our synod assembly. Our synod has determined to honor all of our 50-year pastors together (we have nine this year!) with contributions toward a scholarship at United Lutheran Seminary, which is the seminary our synod relates to, and to add to the scholarship funds each year, as that year’s anniversary pastors are honored at our assembly. Congratulatory greetings and/or a scholarship contribution that will in time help a new generation of faithful servants of the Gospel, may be directed to:

Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod, 9625 Perry Highway Pittsburgh, PA 15237

Please note in the memo line “50th Anniversary Scholarship Fund”.

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of the Gospel.

With you in Christ, Kurt F. Kusserow, Bishop

Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

K oinonia:

Special Needs Weekend will be

June 2, 8:15am

Contact Pastor Jeff or any Koinonian if interested. Sight & Sound Theater’s


June 5-6, 2018 Trip includes:

Round trip deluxe motor coach transportation One night lodging 3 meals

Trip is being hosted by St. Mark’s Catholic Church in Lawrence Park

For more info contact Marion Armstrong - 897-7707


The Property Committee will meet Tuesday, May 1 at 7:00pm in Fellowship Hall.

Contact Rich Alaniz at 403-8212 if interested in being part of this ministry.

What We Are Up To…

The Property Committee will be looking for your help on a number of small projects throughout the next 5 months. Keep your eyes open for the opportunity to help with painting, yard work, cleaning, and fixing projects!

We Celebrate the Birth of...

Henry Ryan Brooks: born April 15, 2018 6 pounds 3 ounces, 20 inches long

Son of Mark & Tiffany Brooks, Grandson of Brian & Debbie Rogala, Great Grandson of Rich Ragen, Nephew of Brian Rogala, Jr. and Ashley Rogala

Please keep the church office informed of any changes in your mailing address, phone number, and email address.

It is important for us to keep our database up-to-date.

We are saddened by the passing

away of…

Friend of Messiah:

Beverly Jean (Wahl) Bolam (03/31/2018): Aunt to David Bolam, Great-Aunt to Sherry Brinager

Olive Pifer (04/07/2018): Mother of Sally Zill, Grandmother of Carol Brigham

Thank you to Pam Van Horn for all of your time spent creating the Acolyte Schedule every month.

Your support of this ministry is very much appreciated!

Dear Rev. Piccirilli,

Inter-Church Ministries of Erie County gratefully acknowledges receipt of your congregation’s contribution in the amount of $156 given in support of Inter-Church Ministries of Erie County and representing a part of your congregation’s Second Mile Giving Stewardship for January.

We thank you for your generous support of ecumenical ministry in the area and our efforts to minister to God’s people in need. We pledge to use your gifts wisely as good stewards in our efforts to build up the Body of Christ in our community. We remain in constant need of your prayers and support.

Again, our deepest gratitude.

Yours in Christ,

Johnny C. Johnson

President, Inter-Church Ministries

Dear Messiah Lutheran Church: Our family had the pleasure of attending the inaugu-ral Lifetime Achievement dinner honoring five mem-bers of Messiah, one of whom was our father, for their longstanding devotion to the church and their church family. Not one of these members did what they did for the recognition. Instead, they served with a deep sense of commitment to their Christian faith. It was a wonder-ful evening filled with many warm memories, laughs, and genuine fellowship. We would like to thank the members of Messiah and those who attended for making the night so special, and for their warm remembrances of dad. We cannot forget to thank all those who were involved in planning and executing the dinner as well. This same selfless giving of their time and talents is really what the dinner was in celebration of, and so the circle of stewardship contin-ues. Messiah has so many wonderful and deserving members in the congregation. We would hope this be-comes an annual tradition so that others can be recog-nized for their devotion and stewardship.

The Family of Howie Hennell

Boiler Update The boilers needed to be cleaned out due to a buildup of

residue from the gaswell gas. The Gaswell line and regulator have been cleaned out by Landis Well Service.

The boilers are being serviced by Wm T Spaeder.


Church Leadership Council: Art Anderson-Pres. (3) Craig Cunningham-V-P(1) Gerrie Elias (2) Geoff Groce-Sec.(2) Tammy Johnson (3) Michele Klein (1) Mike Mikotowicz (2) Jean Parker (1) Brian Rogala, Jr. (3) Tim Smock (3) Doug Wolf (2) Kimberly Young (1)

Cluster Board Reps: Brian Rogala Art Anderson

Committee Chairpeople: Church Life:

Cindy Anderson CYFM: Candy Sprouse Mutual Ministry:

Craig Cunningham Property: Rich Alaniz Servant Outreach:

Anna Mae Van Dyne Stewardship/Finance: Brian Rogala, Jr., Doug Wolf Worship:

Craig Cunningham

Unofficial Highlights Discussed a suggestion to organize a fundraising luncheon for the Baers and

Cunninghams; decide to have said fundraiser on Sunday, May 20 Addressed a recommendation from the Stewardship/Finance Committee to set up a

PayPal account in order to give our members the ability to make their contributions electronically

Addressed a recommendation from the Worship Committee to seek a replacement of the electronic keyboard that is in the church with an upgrade, moving the existing instrument to the music room; Council sent this recommendation back to the Worship Committee to get an estimate of cost

Received an update on the Lifetime Achievement dinner from Gerrie Elias Noted that the Summer Council Picnic would be moved to the residence of Gerrie

Elias Pr. Jeff asked Council for permission to purchase a new color printer for the office;

Council approved of this purchase up to $400. Pr. Jeff gave Council an update on the boiler situation Craig Cunningham asked Council for a representative to Worship Committee

while he deals with his health issues; Art Anderson agreed to fill this role

Church Office Hours Mon. Closed

Tues. 10:00am-5:00pm

Wed. Closed

Thurs. 10:00am-5:00pm

Fri. 10:00am-5:00pm

Messiah Lutheran Church Contact Information

Church Office: (814) 899-6386 [email protected] Pastor: Rev. Jeffrey J. Piccirilli [email protected]

In the event of a pastoral emergency, please call Pastor Jeff at 431-5879


Make it easy to read Scripture every day: “Like” us on Facebook at We post a Scripture verse every day that will

then show up on your Facebook page!

Special Note Cards Available

These 45/8 x 73/4 in note cards feature the stained glass windows in our church

Cost is ONLY $6 per package of 8

There are only a few packages remaining!

Note Cards May be purchased in the Narthex of Church. Place your payment in a pew envelope and mark the

outside of it as “notecards”

Find out what is going on in the ELCA:

Church-wide -

NWPA Synod -


If we missed your Birth, Baptism, or Marriage Anniversary we apologize.

Please contact the church office to provide us with that information.

01 Alyssa Bresee Tyler Fitch 02 Jean Parker 03 John Czuwara 06 Arnold Conner 07 Ryan Shatzer

15 Linda Fryer 17 Wendi Proper 27 Dave Hauser Mary Elizabeth Jacobs 28 Marty McShane

happy Birthdays

01 David Bolam Ethelynne Cunningham Fran Sayre 02 Joseph Orlando 03 Katie Conners 11 Jim Van Dyne 12 Tammy Kuhn

13 James Proper 15 Joyce Hauser 23 Cynthia Lee 24 Ethel Kochel 26 Jennifer Miller 28 Kira Brown 30 Joshua Conner

“Through baptism you have been received into the

household of God, entrusted with the good news of Jesus

Christ, and strengthened to serve by the holy and life-

giving Spirit.”

Baptismal Anniversaries

03 David and Brenda Wilson 04 Clinton and Adrienne Logue 12 Craig and Kimberly Fitch 15 Doug and Gail Wolf 20 Dave and Joyce Hauser 28 James and Michele Klein 31 Dennis and Dawn Juliano

“Bless them so that all may see in their lives

together within the community of your people a

vision of your kingdom on earth.”

From the Nuptial Blessing in the Marriage ceremony

Marriage Anniversaries

Daily Bible Readings For MAY

1 Psalms 51-54 2 Exodus 36 3 4 Exodus 37 5 Exodus 38 6 Exodus 39 7 Proverbs 12:22-13:9 8 Psalms 55-57 9 Exodus 40 10 Leviticus 1 11 Leviticus 2 12 Leviticus 3 13 Leviticus 4 14 Proverbs 13:10-25 15 Psalms 58-60 16 Leviticus 5 17 Leviticus 6

18 Leviticus 7 19 Leviticus 8 20 Leviticus 9 21 Proverbs 14:1-17 22 Psalms 61-64 23 Leviticus 10 24 Leviticus 11 25 Leviticus 12 26 Leviticus 13 27 Leviticus 14 28 Proverbs 14:18-35 29 Psalms 65-67 30 Leviticus 15 31 Leviticus 16


MESSIAH LUTHERAN CHURCH 2025 Eastern Avenue Wesleyville, PA 16510

Address Service Requested Dated Material

Newsletter Deadline All items for the monthly Newsletter must be submitted in writing no later than the Monday after the

second Sunday of the month and are subject to editing. No exceptions.

Church Life Pg 1 Stewardship/Finance Pg 3 Worship Pg 6 CYFM Pg 8 Youth Ministry Pg 9 Servant Outreach Pg 10 Parish Health Ministry Pg 10 Around the Community Pg 12

Property Pg 13 About Our Members Pg 13 Notes of Thanks Pg 13 Church Council Pg 14 Contact Information Pg 14 May Celebrations Pg 15 Daily Bible Readings Pg 15


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