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Message from the O�ce of Careers and Placement Services 2-3

Success Stories REN Qi 4 BSc (Hons) Chemical Technology

SIT Wan Yee 5 BSc (Hons) Building Management in Engineering

MAK Chi Kuen, Jerry 6 BBA (Hons) Marketing & BEng (Hons) Industrial Engineering

ZHANG Yating, Renee 7 BBA(Hons) Major in Global Supply Chain & Minor in Finance

CHEUNG Kai Cheong, Desmond 8 BEng (Hons) Industrial and Systems Engineering

MA Tsz Hin, Matthew 9 BEng (Hons) Transportation Systems Engineering

MAK Wai Keung & LAU Po Ki Vicky 10-11 BA (Hons) Interactive Design

CHUNG Hoi Ting, Karry 12 BA(Hons) English Studies for the Profession

WONG Siqi, Luna 13 BSc (Hons) Tourism Management

Students’ Feedback 14-15

Snapshot of CAPS programmes 2014-15 16-17

About the O�ce of Careers and Placement Services 18

Statistics of Work- Intergrated Education (WIE) 2015 19

Contact us 20





Shaping their Future Success



Recognizing that career development is a life-long process, The O�ce of Careers and Placement Services (CAPS)

have been striving to engage PolyU students in exploring and pursuing their career aspirations. This booklet

showcases 9 individual students’ stories of their journeys from their university lives to �nding their �rst career. This

collection is also about how our students developed a roadmap for achieving their career goals successfully.

Some of them found their career interests beyond their major of studies, while another chose to embark upon a

career outside Hong Kong. No matter what path they are choosing, we aim to empower them in their pursuit of

meaningful professional opportunities and enhance their professional competence.

I hope you enjoy reading these stories and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the sta� at CAPS who has

dedicatedly devoted their time and e�orts to provide guidance to students.

Message from the O�ce of Careers andPlacement Services

Melina Lai (Ms)Director of Careers and Placement Services The Hong Kong Polytechnic University






REN Qi BSc (Hons) Chemical Technology

I was beyond excitement when I found out that I

had the chance to go to Glasgow, Scotland for my

internship. I was recruited to be a research assistant

in the School of Chemistry in

the University of Glasgow. Our research team focused on

synthesizing pharmaceutical compounds to cure various types

of cancer. I was also responsible for presenting data and results

in the forms of publishable scienti�c reports to my supervisors

so I spent a great amount of time researching using numerous

science databases. As a student with little experience in

advanced research methods, I came across many challenges at

�rst. Initially, I was shy and it took me a while to approach my

colleagues for help. Fortunately, my colleagues were very

friendly and helpful. They lent me some materials and urged me

to study the theories on my own. Overtime, I became more

curious and eager to try new things.

Upon graduation, I realized that I wanted to work in the �eld of food trading and

merchandising even though I had majored in Chemical Technology. My WIE experience

taught me to be always willing to try something new and think out of the box. The skills I

developed during my WIE were bene�cial for my future job hunting. I tapped into several

reliable resources with comprehensive employment information. With a great acumen for

new information, I could always locate an interesting and useful job. Whenever I had a job

interview, I would rehearse with the sta� from CAPS beforehand and they were always

willing to help. In the end, I landed a job as a management trainee in Angliss Food Service

Ltd – I believe this is an invaluable experience for me as a science student to learn how to

run a company and develop an entrepreneurial mindset.

Experiment YourCareer Interest withan Open Mind

2014 Management Trainee Angliss Food Service Limited

2013 Summer Intern - Research Assistant School of Chemistry, University of


2011 Summer Intern - Sales Representative Six Flags Over Texas, USA



Although I was hired as an assistant building engineer in Hsin

Chong Construction Limited for my WIE placement, I was

fortunate to be o�ered many di�erent responsibilities. The

construction site I worked on was a new academic building in

the HKUST. Over 8 weeks, I learnt a lot about the terminology,

site logistics and work-�ow of a construction site. I also drafted

the shop drawing with AutoCAD. I was even once asked by the

project manager to go to Guangzhou to monitor the progress

of an aluminum spraying company. My WIE was an

eye-opening experience as I managed to learn a lot about the

gist of a construction site – something I would never learn in

classroom. However, during my internship, I noticed that I

su�ered a bad allergic reaction to dust, thus pushing me to

think about other career options.

I met my mentor Dr. James Lau, a lawyer and a structural

engineer, through the OPAA Mentorship Programme. Dr. Lau

o�ered me a lot of invaluable advices and urged me to

become a quantity surveyor: a path that allows me to work in o�ce environment while contributing to the construction industry. He

shared with me much of his past experience in working in the �eld and suggested me starting my career in a larger �rm as an

assistant quantity surveyor in order to gain more experience. I was very fortunate that I landed my dream job as an assistant quantity

surveyor in Landon & Seah which is my �rst job application. I believe that to get a good job, it is crucial to ace your interview: to arrive

early, be eager, be precise, keep smiling and maintain eye contact with the interviewer. I learnt these interview skills via CAPS. CAPS

o�ers a wide range of workshops and networking opportunities with employers such as career fairs. My current company has also

delivered a recruitment talk in PolyU. I recommend everyone to join these activities to understand the company background, culture

and your career path.

2014 Assistant Quantity Surveyor Langdon & Seah

2013 Summer Intern Hsin Chong Construction Limited Assistant Quantity Surveyor Trainee

(part-time) TLS & Associates Limited


SIT Wan Yee BSc (Hons) BuildingManagement in Engineering


Finding a Guiding Light forCareer Development




2015 Graduate Trainee Dah Sing Bank

2014 Summer Intern China Minsheng Banking Corporation


2013 Customer Service Representative (part-time)

Hang Seng Bank

Sales Services Assistant (part-time) Cheung Kong Holdings Limited


MAK Chi Kuen JerryBBA (Hons) Marketing & BEng (Hons) Industrial Engineering

I have already been to Shanghai for my exchange program

before accepting my internship in the China Minsheng Banking

Corporation. However, living there as an exchange student was very

di�erent from working in a bank while speaking Mandarin. I was

responsible for providing customer services and �nancial advices to

clients in the BinJiang branch. At �rst, I was a bit worried about my

level of Mandarin. But after sharing my concern with my colleagues,

they o�ered their help in strengthening my communication and

interpersonal skills. I am proud to say I can now speak Mandarin

con�dently and �uently. Apart from that, I now have a much stronger

grasp of the di�erences between the banking industry in Hong Kong

and mainland China.

This internship has helped me to discover myself in an

immeasurable degree. I never realized that I am so interested in a

career in the banking industry. Through talking to di�erent clients, I learnt that �rst impression is crucial and that’s why I always

attempt to look presentable and be engaged in job interviews. When I had a job interview, I would practise individual and group

interviews with CAPS’ sta� and my friends. Furthermore, attending career fairs will help since you get to meet potential

employers. I would suggest marking deadlines of job openings on your

calendar and never submit your job applications right before the

deadline since HR will arrange interviews much earlier than the deadline.

Practise answers for questions that tend to show up in job interviews,

such as: why do you think you are suitable for this position? I often

consult the sta� from CAPS even before submitting my resume to

di�erent companies. The preparation has made my dream come true


Start Your Career withEarly Preparations




Some might say it is daunting to choose a job completely

di�erent from what you studied at the University, but after

completing two WIEs I discovered myself more than I ever have

had before. Although I majored in Global Supply Chain

Management under the BBA stream, both the internships I did

were related to banking.

I �rst went to San Francisco in USA as an intern for the Hong

Kong Economic and Trade O�ce. Before I set o� to America,

CAPS o�ered useful advice regarding internship application

and even helped set up the board and lodging arrangements.

I enjoyed my internship tremendously and a year later, I applied

for internship position of FP Marine Risks in Hong Kong. Since I

was working in the Corporate Development Team, I was mainly

responsible for research on information related to blooming

business opportunities in China and South America. My

colleagues allowed me to rotate among di�erent function

teams and shared their incredible work experience with me. My internships helped me to

identify my interests, my strengths and my weaknesses – things I never re�ected myself when

I was only studying.

Working in two rather di�erent internships, I realized the true calling in my life is to get into the

accounting or �nance industry. Eventually, I got a job as a consultant associate in PwC

Management Consulting based in Shenzhen. When I �rst found out I was to conduct my job

interview which included three rounds of interviews, I was extremely nervous. Luckily, I was

well prepared for my presentation skills and with the help from CAPS, I rewrote my CV. I am

grateful for all the support I got from my colleagues in my WIE experiences and sta� from

CAPS. I believe my position in PwC Management Consulting is the perfect start for my career.

2015 Consultant Associate – Consulting Finance Group

PricewaterhouseCooper Management Consulting

2014- Research Helper2015 School of Accounting and Finance,


2014 Summer Intern - Corporate Development Team

FP Marine Risks

2013 Summer Intern Hong Kong Economic and

Trade O�ce at San Francisco


Please give mehigh-res photo

Paint a Clear Picture of Your Future throughWIE

ZHANG, Yating ReneeBBA(Hons) Major in Global Supply Chain & Minor in Finance





CHEUNG Kai Cheong, DesmondBEng (Hons) Industrial and Systems Engineering

I have always considered myself adventurous and open-minded so I was

thrilled when I was o�ered to work as a student analyst in both the back and

front o�ce in the HR department in the Bank of China (Hong Kong division).

I had great satisfaction from my internship since I have successfully

incorporated knowledge of both the academic and industrial �elds into an

internship project. Before my WIE, I did not have a clear career

path but I had aspired to be a consultant. After landing on

di�erent internships, I noticed a trend – IT resources are readily

and widely available but many companies fail to realize or utilize

these resources to their fullest potential. With this mindset, I

went and spoke to sta� from CAPS about IT consulting careers.

The career advisors from CAPS guided me in the future of the

industry, analyzed my suitability as a consultant, reviewed my

applications and ultimately, I was accepted in the MACH at

Microsoft. My WIE experience con�rmed my preference in

client-facing jobs and now I aspired to be a consultant despite

having studied in Industrial and Systems Engineering.

Now I believe in a very true principle when it comes to landing

on internship and job opportunities – you have to know

yourself, the company and why you are �t for the position.

Prepare a strong and con�dent self-introduction and illustrate

your values to give others a more concrete idea about you. Read

up on the company before the interview and most importantly

demonstrate your understanding of their values, missions and

achievements and how you will apply yourself to the position.


Know Yourself,Uncover Your TruePotentials




2015 Technical Account Manager Microsoft

2014 Student Analyst HR Services Centre, Human Resources

Department, Bank of China (HK)

Marketing Assistant O�ce of Careers and Placement

Services, PolyU

2013 Founder & Committee Member Wealth in Mind Limited

2012 Event Assistant Hong Kong Trade Development Council

2010 Summer Itern, Henry Lam & Associates Solicitors




MA Tsz Hin, MatthewBEng (Hons) Transportation Systems Engineering



2015 Management Trainee Jardine Engieering Corporation

2014 Student Helper (part-time) The O�ce of Careers and Placement

Services, PolyU

Student Helper (part-time) Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, PolyU

Summer Internship Brodarski Institute Limited

2014 Customer Service Assistant (part-time) Wilson Parking

Summer Trainee Gammon Construction Limited


I have developed my interest speci�cally in Transport Systems

since I was small when my father drove me around di�erent

places in Hong Kong and China. It aroused my interest in tra�c

and road design. I am glad that I was o�ered the chance to

develop my engineering skillsets in 2 internships in Gammon

Construction Limited in Hong Kong and Broadarski Institute in

Croatia in 2013 and 2014 respectively. Not only have I developed

my Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering skills during WIE,

I could also put my engineering knowledge into practice, while

improving my interpersonal skills tremendously when I was

exposed to di�erent cultures. Since the two WIEs were closely

related to my major, I have a clearer direction in developing my

career path.

Past experience is of paramount importance when it comes to

graduation. The time I spent with CAPS really helped me a lot. I

was once the student helper supporting administrative and

marketing tasks with CAPS. I engaged in the setup of the

website of IAESTE HK which helped polish my web

programming techniques. Besides, I participated in the Career

Fair 2014 and 2015. They o�ered precious exposures of the

career options available in the employment market.

In a general sense, diversifying your skillsets as well as your

exposures is the key to one’s success. During my WIE, I acquired

techniques from various engineering �elds. To give myself an

edge and increase my competitiveness, I was eager to join di�erent volunteer activities and met with people from various cultural

backgrounds to improve my global vision. The cross-cultural exposure helped me to understand the world better and was fundamental for

my personal development.

Engineering is an indispensable profession to our daily lives. The professional and specialized knowledge I have gained while I was still at

university de�nitely make my job-searching more successful. Again, being diversi�ed and dynamic can really enhance your career prospect!

Get Diversi�ed,Expand YourWorld View

I started my design career early with various projects

internationally before I graduate from PolyU. Therefore I realize

that no one will really know about the real working culture

before you start your role there. So each time when you join a

new company, �tting in and understanding the expectations

could be a challenge.

I am lucky to join as an intern in Alibaba Inc. Someone asked me

why I chose a Chinese company as the starting point of my

career. Personally I think the open culture and the room for idea

creation are ideal for young designers. The working culture here

is fully re�ected in the entire operation management and the personal growth and

advancement of my colleagues here.

A strong cooperation mindset is your powerful weapon and we can always accumulate

more knowledge and experiences by taking the initiative to communicate with others. You

cannot complete the entire project by yourself and by working with so many di�erent

departments to tackle various problems in a project, you get to understand the entire work

process, and what other departments need to make things work. This is a question on how

much you are willing to give before gaining more for a successful outcome.

Creative Minds Thrive Anywhere

Pro�le2015 User Experience Design Intern Alibaba Inc., Hangzhou Headquarter

2014 Instructor of Information Technology AIESEC Programme




MAK Wai KeungBA (Hons) Interactive Design



LAU Po Ki, VickyBA (Hons) Interactive Design

Creative Minds Thrive Anywhere

Working in such a large and non-local corporation is an unforgettable experience for me. As a

designer, having a multidimensional mindset plays an integral part in our career. I have improved my

communication skills tremendously here in Hangzhou as I am interacting with people from various

cultural and professional backgrounds every day. Exploring a di�erent culture can de�nitely be

bene�cial to our career in the long run, especially in design industry which requires a lot of

brainstorming. It also provided me an opportunity to become more independent.

We found that at Alibaba, they really emphasize the design thinking

process and treat design seriously. Therefore, working here allow us

to apply what we have learnt in class, and we also learn enormously

from our professional colleagues. Moreover, I think CAPS makes the

whole thing of working outside Hong Kong easier with their

on-going support so we

could focus on our

learning as an intern and

experience life here fully.

Pro�le2015 User Experience Design Intern Alibaba Inc., Hangzhou Headquarter

2014 Interactive Designer Paul Design Limited

Interactive Design Intern On-O�: Design and Technology

Graphic and Web Designer Lolli Media Limited







CHUNG Hoi Ting, KarryBA(Hons) English Studies for the Profession

There is always a cliché that student studying languages would probably become a teacher in

the future. However, I don't think this applies to me and I believe that we could all choose our

future by determination and hard work.

Since year 2, I have cultivated a strong interest in event planning and marketing during my

project experiences with YMCA. Therefore, I started to seek practical work experience in both

the government and private PR �rms. When I got in touch with the �eld of PR, I found myself

a clearer and brighter pathway. My experience as an intern in a PR �rm and a summer intern

in the Hong Kong Competition Commission is the major motivation for me to pursue my

career in the marketing �eld after graduation. More importantly,

I would like to have a job in a statutory body like the

Competition Commission that put Hong Kong’s wellbeing as

their priority, which is di�erent than that of pro�t-making

business entities. Thus, I am very glad that I �nally become an

Executive Trainee at HKTDC now.

My experience with CAPS is my key to success in job-hunting.

For a better career preparation, I have joined quite a number of

CAPS activities before. I have joined the recruitment talks, mock

interview, Career Fair and Career Lab before graduation. Joining

these activities allows me to understand myself better and

further con�rm my career passion. My WIE experience also gave

me an eye-opening opportunity to understand the workplace

in reality including the interpersonal skills and the social manner


My motto is: No pain no gain! Step beyond your comfort zones,

and take corresponding actions to sharpen your strengths while

polishing your weaknesses. We can all make a di�erence if we

have faith in ourselves!

A Language DegreeCan Get You Far

2015 Management Trainee Hong Kong Trade Development Council PR and Marketing Executive Anaiss Bridal

2014 PR o�cer PR 4Good Summer Intern (Law Department and

Public A�airs Department) Hong Kong Competition Commission

Exhibition Assistant Sotheby’s Hong Kong Limited

2013 Teaching Assistants British Council

2013 Survey Assistant AC Nielsen



Travel industry has always been one of the four pillar industries

in Hong Kong. I foresee a great future in this industry and I

decided to devote my e�orts to improve myself in order to

survive in this industry.

I once worked as the Corporate Travel O�cer of Swire Travel

and the Research Analyst of Horwath HTL Consulting

Company. From the two WIEs, I learnt that communication skill

is crucial in order to be successful in this industry. Since I am not

a native speaker of Cantonese, to bolster the bond with

colleagues, I started to learn Cantonese to communicate with them in order that I could also understand the local culture of Hong Kong

more. I also improved my communication and presentation skills to deal with business clients. Flexibility and working beyond colleagues’

expectation allow you to gain their trust with ease. To summarize my two WIE tips, I would say stepping out of our comfort zones is

imperative and it also helps shape our future.

Above all, I explored myself and found that I would like to work as a generalist that can rotate to

di�erent departments. Therefore, I targeted for the position of Management Trainee when

applying for jobs. Though I have realized the bright future of tourism, I am an open-minded person

who would not limit myself in speci�c industry. Therefore I would like to explore areas that enable

me to learn more and unleash my potential, especially when it comes to my graduation job.

During job hunting, I was very thankful to CAPS for their help. I sought help from Career Lab and

the Mock Interviews also helped polish my interviewing skills. Since working in a prosperous

business hub really requires a bit of network, joining recruitment talks and alumni sharing could

help in this sense.

Enrich your personal experience by exploring uncharted areas! Realize your strengths and

weaknesses could secure you a success in the future!

Aim High &Go BeyondYour Major

2015 Management Trainee John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Ltd.

2014 Research Analyst Horwath HTL Consulting Company

2013 Corporate Travel O�cer Swire Travel


WANG Siqi, LunaBSc (Hons) Tourism Management

2015 User Experience Design Intern Alibaba Inc., Hangzhou Headquarter

2014 Interactive Designer Paul Design Limited

Interactive Design Intern On-O�: Design and Technology

Graphic and Web Designer Lolli Media Limited

ZHAO Yi Ting BBA(Hons) Marketing

Current job: Management Trainee, Unilever

I think it is important to have the passion for the career

you are applying for and the full understanding of the

company. Understanding yourself through an internship

is the most important step. Faking yourself in an

interview can never get you the dream job. After �nding

your passion, you should do a thorough research on the


CHEUNG Kai Cheong, Desmond BEng (Hons) Industrial and Systems Engineering

Current job:Technical Account Manager, Microsoft

There are three 'knows' I prepare myself for before every

interview – To know yourself, to know the company, and to

know why you are a �t for the company.

Jacky Chung BBA (Hons) Accounting

Current job: Associate in Risk Assurance, PWC

First and foremost, it is always about attitude. To be

honest, employers are not expecting fresh graduates

to provide immediate business impacts to the

company. Instead, it is an investment for the company.

Second, learning by trying also prepares you for the

next interview.

What were the key factors contributingto your success in the recruitmentselection processes?

CHAN Ka Yee, Christine BBA (Hons) Major in Management, Minor in Japanese

Current job: Management Trainee, South China Group

There are three prime factors that can help me to

outperform other candidates in the selection process,

including a positive attitude, a truthful presentation and

su�cient preparation.


14 THE CLASS OF 2015

CHOI Kai Ming Double degree in Business Administration and Engineering

Current job: Graduate Trainee, Hong Kong Broadband

I’ve joined Career Lab and I found it very useful. Career

advisors in CAPS have helped me learn more about my

own job preference and helped me customize a CV that

suits me. The CV has helped me get quite a lot interviews.

I also joined several Recruitment Talks and learnt a lot

about di�erent industries and positions. I strongly

recommend my fellow students to join career lab and sit

in di�erent Recruitment Talks.

HING Li Ying, Tracy BSc (Hons) Hotel Management

Current job: Room Dining Trainee, Singapore Fullerton Hotel

While I was planning to apply for an oversea placement, CAPS

o�cer, Ms. Ponny Lam was very helpful and provided lots of useful

information to me. Besides, I also visited PolyU Job Portal

website to look for overseas WIE opportunities. The

o�shore placement pre-departure brie�ng also helped

me to understand clearly about my 6-month WIE

program and how I could transfer my skills from

university to future workplace.

CHAN Ka Yee, Christine BBA (Hons) Major in Management, Minor in Japanese

Current job: Management Trainee, South China Group

I joined Career Talks, Alumni Sharing and Career

Consultations before, which could support my job

hunting process greatly.

Career Talks provided me with the updated information

on job openings provided by di�erent companies, and a

chance to get to know the company more and meet

with their people. This could bene�t my initial stage of

job hunting.

Alumni sharing surely are eye opening events, with

plentiful information ranging from industrial prospects to

company cultures and job openings. This helps me to

look at a company or a position from another


Career Consultations provided me with constructive

suggestions for interviews and reinforced con�dence.

This certainly helps me in my later stage of job hunting.

How did CAPS’ Services helpsupport your career development?



Snapshot ofCAPS programmes2014-15




• Valuable WIE Opportunities outside Hong Kong• Pre-WIE Trainings and Pre-departure Trainings

• 1-on-1 Career Coaching• Recruitment Talks & Annual Career Fairs• Job Platforms and e-Resume Builder



CAPSServices at




• Networking with Industry Experts• Market knowledge in new industry sectors• Mentorship Programme

Opportunities /Exposures

OutsideYour Discipline




About The O�ce ofCareers and PlacementServices

• To provide valuable opportunities for students to apply classroom learning in the real-life work environment

• To provide various services and support to students’ career planning and development

• To train and nurture students to become “preferred graduates” for employment

The Office of Careers and Placement Services (CAPS) aim to provide a link between employers and students to

optimize students’ career plans. We offer comprehensive career guidance, resources and services to PolyU students,

including the following:

• Career development and training programmes to help students identify career interests, prepare for workplace

requirements and hone their job searching skills

• Personal and small group career coaching and guidance to optimize students’ career plans

• Local, China and International internship opportunities for the fulfilment of Work-Integrated Education


• Meeting and networking with prospective employers to learn about graduate job opportunities at recruitment

talks, career fairs and industry seminars

• Various internship opportunities, graduate permanent placements and career information to be posted on the

PolyU Job Board and Joint Institutions Job Information System

Our Mission

Our Services

Faculty of Applied Science & Textiles 15

Faculty of Business 100

Faculty of Construction and Environment 60

Faculty of Engineering 99

Faculty of Humanities 8

Faculty of Health and Social Sciences 5

School of Design 5

School of Hotel & Tourism Management 5

Total 297*

2015 WIE Hong Kong by Faculty

Faculty of Applied Science & Textiles 56

Faculty of Business 256

Faculty of Construction and Environment 45

Faculty of Engineering 154

Faculty of Humanities 32

Faculty of Health and Social Sciences 5

School of Design 7

School of Hotel & Tourism Management 19


Total 599

2015 WIE mainland China by Faculty

Faculty of Applied Science & Textiles 12

Faculty of Business 27

Faculty of Construction and Environment 12

Faculty of Engineering 37

Faculty of Humanities 14

Faculty of Health and Social Sciences 1

School of Design 3

School of Hotel & Tourism Management 8

Total 114

2015 WIE International by Faculty

Hong Kong

Mainland China


*As of 31 August 2015

2015 WIE Hong Kong by Industries

2015 WIE International by Regions

2015 WIE Mainland China by Cities

Accounting, Banking and FinanceBuilding, Construction and Property

Consumer Products & Retailing,Hospitality, Catering and Tourism

Enducation, Health Services,Hopitals and Community Services


IT, Engineering, Industrail & Manufacturing

Logistics, Supply Chain andProcuremen

Public Utilities and Transportationt












9% 6%5%













Middle East33%


9%3% 2% 2%




Contact us TU308, 3/F, Yip Kit Chuen BuildingThe Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityHung Hom, [email protected]/caps COPYRIGHT©2015, Office of Careers and Placement Services. All Rights Reserved.