message from the president a newsletter from pflag lincoln hapter message from the president volume...

1 A Newsleer from PFLAG Lincoln Chapter Message from the President Volume 29, No. 12 February 2015 PFLAG NEBRASKA CHAPTERS LINCOLN Meets 4th Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m., Saint Paul United Methodist Church, 11 & M Sts. PRESIDENT Thia Hartley, 402.476.7401 VICE PRESIDENT • Rosemary Woodman TREASURER • Kristin Grosskopf SECRETARY • Linda Delgado LEGAL ADVISOR • Amy Miller LPD LIAISON • Captain Martin Fehringer OMAHA Meets 2nd Thursday of the month, 6:45 p.m., Countryside Community Church, 8787 Pacific Street, Memorial Hall (use Truhlsen Community Center entrance) KEARNEY Meets 3rd Friday of the month, 7 p.m., Faith United Methodist Church. [email protected] [email protected] SOUTH CENTRAL NE (HASTINGS) Meets third Monday of the month at 7 p.m., First Congregational United Church of Christ, 2810 W. 7th, Hastings JUDY • 402.462.2961 • [email protected] ANDREW • [email protected] A loving month yet challenging times... I remain amazed at how far we have come to make strident advances in technology, medicine, education, apparel, food, housing, automobiles, airplanes and so much more, yet we still seem to lag behind when it comes to engaging with each other on a basic level of our common humanity. Unfortunately we can even find ourselves closeted and comfortable with social media or advancing personal agendas rather than communicating in person. Why is it still difficult for those with various colors of skin and mul- tiple identities to stand with each other. Why is there still pronounced demarcation lines for gender, color, race, class, sexual orientation and religion? It does take a lot of effort to be intentional and inclusive but it is much easier than harboring hate and recycling the rhetoric of ignorance that seems to be systemic. As an organization of advocacy, PFLAG faces great challenges in remaining relevant and current at times. How- ever what keeps this organization vibrant and what spares those who have been perpetually hurt because of being different is knowing that there is love that is unconditional from all those who serve on this Thia Hartley, President PFLAG Lincoln PFLAG board and other advocacy entities in this city of Lincoln. At best we have to find ways to em- body love an encourage each other so that we may not grow weary in well doing. If for no other time during the year we show and share love, February 14 is a constant reminder. You are loved!!!

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A Newsletter from PFLAG Lincoln Chapter

Message from the President

Volume 29, No. 12

February 2015



Meets 4th Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m., Saint

Paul United Methodist Church, 11 & M Sts.

PRESIDENT • Thia Har tley, 402.476.7401

VICE PRESIDENT • Rosemary Woodman

TREASURER • Kr istin Grosskopf

SECRETARY • Linda Delgado


LPD LIAISON • Captain Mar tin Fehr inger


Meets 2nd Thursday of the month, 6:45 p.m.,

Countryside Community Church, 8787 Pacific

Street, Memorial Hall (use Truhlsen

Community Center entrance)


Meets 3rd Friday of the month, 7 p.m., Faith

United Methodist Church.

[email protected]

[email protected]


Meets third Monday of the month at 7 p.m.,

First Congregational United Church of Christ,

2810 W. 7th, Hastings

JUDY • 402.462.2961 •

[email protected]

ANDREW • [email protected]

A loving month yet challenging times...

I remain amazed at how far we have

come to make strident advances in

technology, medicine, education,

apparel, food, housing, automobiles,

airplanes and so much more, yet we

still seem to lag behind when it

comes to engaging with each other

on a basic level of our common

humanity. Unfortunately we can

even find ourselves closeted and

comfortable with social media or

advancing personal agendas rather

than communicating in person.

Why is it still difficult for those

with various colors of skin and mul-

tiple identities to stand with each

other. Why is there still pronounced

demarcation lines for gender, color,

race, class, sexual orientation and


It does take a lot of effort to be

intentional and inclusive but it is

much easier than harboring hate and

recycling the rhetoric of ignorance

that seems to be systemic. As an

organization of advocacy, PFLAG

faces great challenges in remaining

relevant and current at times. How-

ever what keeps this organization

vibrant and what spares those who

have been perpetually hurt because

of being different is knowing that

there is love that is unconditional

from all those who serve on this

Thia Hartley, President PFLAG Lincoln

PFLAG board and other advocacy

entities in this city of Lincoln. At

best we have to find ways to em-

body love an encourage each other

so that we may not grow weary in

well doing. If for no other time

during the year we show and share

love, February 14 is a constant


You are loved!!!


The following message is being sent

on behalf of Danielle Conrad, ACLU

of Nebraska Executive Director.

Dear Friends-

The ACLU of Nebraska is working

hard in advance of our first court hear-

ing this Thursday (2-19-15) on our

Freedom to Marry case. There has

been a great deal of excitement and

speculation surrounding this case. We

are grateful for the goodwill and sup-

port our work has generated on this

important issue. We also want to take

this opportunity to share some ideas

for how you can help, logistical up-

dates about the hearing, and infor-

mation to ensure clarity for all part-

ners as this process unfolds.

As with any legal matter, we will not

speculate as to what a court might do

or when they are inclined to rule.

Please note there is no timeline that

governs judicial decision-making in

this case. That being said as customary

and appropriate our legal team and our

organization is making preparations to

analyze and establish next steps when

a ruling is issued. We will do our best

to keep you in the loop but things

could happen quickly and our first

concern will be to move things for-

ward in the courts. Thus, please watch

our social media accounts for breaking

news and official statements.

Please be assured that no matter what

happens the ACLU of Nebraska, along

with our partners at the ACLU nation-

al LGBT Rights Project and the Oma-

ha law firm of Koenig | Dunne will

continue fighting for the Freedom to

marry for all Nebraskans.

HOW YOU CAN HELP Your help is needed to advocate for

the Freedom to Marry and other criti-

cal matters in our Equality Agenda by

building support for workplace protec-

tions, ending discrimination in the fos-

ter care system, and for other policy


1) Donate to the ACLU to sup-

port the Freedom to Marry and our

Equality agen-


2) Write a letter to your newspa-

per expressing your support for the

Freedom to Marry and workplace

protections.Contact Tyler Richard,

Communications Director, for sample


3) Sign and share the Equality

Agenda petition to express support

for equality policies at the Legisla-





) Watch for updates and

FAQs. The ACLU website and our

social media pages will share infor-

mation on the case and forthcoming

FAQ sheets to understand implemen-

tation issues when a ruling is issued.

5) Reporting & Implementation

Issues. As some media reports have

indicated and as we have seen in other

states, there may be some county

clerks who refuse to grant marriage

licenses. We are making arrangements

to provide oversight and support for

this issue. If you learn of anyone who

has encountered difficulty getting a

marriage license should a favorable

court ruling be issued, contact

us 1.855.557.ACLU (2258)

[email protected]

6) Help spread the Word. To help

educate Nebraskans about the Free-

dom to Marry and other issues facing

LGBT Nebraskans, we are doing a

public education tour in Scottsbluff,

Kearney and Hastings next week.

Please help us promote these events.

Scottsbluff – Monday, Feb 23



Kearney – Tuesday, Feb 24



Hastings – Wednesday, Feb 25



7) Learn more about Faith Lead-

ers Supporting the Freedom to Mar-

ry in Nebraska. Thanks to Scott

Jones, Stephen Griffith and many oth-

ers there is a pool of supportive clergy

ready to marry same-sex couples. To

learn more please visit: http://



HEARING-Logistical Details Seating is limited in the courtroom

and we are making arrangements to

ensure our clients have seating. Over-

flow seating is at the discretion of the

court. If you wish to enter the federal

courthouse, their rules require photo

ID and do not permit entry with any

type of camera--that includes your cell

phone or tablet with camera capability.

No signs of any sort are permitted in

the courtroom. Formal rules of deco-

rum apply in and around the court-

house--no commentary, outbursts or

audible reactions are permitted: spec-

tators must remain silent and respect-

ful of the court and all parties in-

volved. No exceptions. Hearings are

not broadcast or available online.

While we are making arrangements to

speak with the media, we are inten-

tionally not planning any sort of rally

or public event and we ask supporters

to respect this decision to ensure ap-

propriate decorum.

Roman L. Hruska Federal Courthouse,

Courtroom #3

111 S 18th Plz # 1152

Omaha, NE 68102

Thursday, February 19


In freedom and friendship,

Danielle Conrad

Executive Director


January 2015 Meeting Recapitulation The January general meeting of PFLAG Lincoln

featured Danielle Conrad, Executive Director of

ACLU Nebraska.

Before beginning her present position in Novem-

ber, Conrad served two terms as a Nebraska State

Senator service District 46. She also worked for Ne-

braska Appleseed.

Conrad talked on the present status of marriage equali-

ty in the US, and the lawsuit filed on behalf of several

couples challenging the Nebraska marriage ban. She

also discussed legislation introduced in the Unicameral

on employment nondiscrimination (LB586), foster care

placement (LB647) and second parent adoption (LB


PFLAG-Lincoln President Thia Hartley, Wes Staley and Scott Schneider presented information on LGBT issues to a monthly leadership class on 2/12/2015 for Lincoln Police Department (LPD) officers and sergeants who are wanting to be pro-

moted. LPD Assistant Chief Jackson, PFLAG liaison Captain Fehringer and about 40 officers and ser-geants were in attendance. Everyone learned something new. The officer's and sergeant's com-ments and questions were thoughtful and appro-

priate. PFLAG has a good relationship with the LPD. If you have questions, issues or concerns about the LPD, contact Captain Fehringer

Scott Schneider (left) and Wes Staley


PFLAG Lincoln Confidentiality Pledge

Each person who attends our meetings has the right to expect the following protections and also has the responsibility of ex-

tending them to everyone else present. What is said at our meetings, as well as the identities of persons attending, is to be kept

strictly confidential. No cameras or tape recorders are allowed at our meetings without written consent from the Board of Direc-

tors. Presence at our meetings does not indicate any particular sexual orientation or gender identity.






The New


documentary that tells the story of

how the African-American

community is grappling with the gay

rights issue in light of the recent gay

marriage movement and the fight

over civil rights.

Unitarian Church

6300 A Street .

Socializing at 6:30 p.m.; program

at 7 p.m.; support groups at 8



P.O. Box 82034

Lincoln, NE 68501-2034


PFLAG-Lincoln News

Editor: Karla Cooper

[email protected]


PFLAG General Meeting

Presentation: Self Defense Us-

ing Taekwondo.



6300 A Street .

Socializing at 6:30 p.m.;

program at 7 p.m.; support

groups at 8 p.m.

Support Fairness and Equality for All Nebraskans

Nebraska is surrounded by states that protect the Freedom to Marry for

same-sex couples. In Nebraska, it is still legal to fire someone because of

their sexual orientation or gender identity. And loving gay and lesbian

foster parents are still being discriminated against.

Join the ACLU in asking Nebraska state senators to support fairness and

equality for all Nebraskans


You Are Not Alone: Suicide Prevention Resources

The Trevor Project offers accredited life-saving, life-

affirming programs and services to LGBTQ youth

that create safe, accepting and inclusive

environments over the phone, online and through


Crisis Interventions

Trevor Lifeline - The only national 24/7 crisis

intervention and suicide prevention lifeline for

LGBTQ young people (ages 13-24), available at 1-866


TrevorChat - A free, confidential, secure instant

messaging service for LGBTQ youth that provides

live help from trained volunteer counselors, open

daily from 3:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. ET / 12:00 p.m. -

6:00 p.m. PT.

TrevorText - A free, confidential, secure service in

which LGBTQ young people can text a trained Trevor

counselor for support and crisis intervention,

available Fridays from 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. ET / 1:00

p.m. - 5:00 p.m. PT at 202-304-1200.

You can find local and national suicide prevention

resources via the UNL LGBTQA Resource Center website:



In partnership with PFLAG Cornhusker [email protected] & Outlinc