message from mr benson - international school of monaco · and so we come to the end of another...

And so we come to the end of another very busy school year and all look forward to a much needed and well-deserved summer break. There have been many highlights to this school year but for me the outstanding achievement has been with the children’s reading. A good education is comprised of many things, however I can think of nothing more crucial than developing a love of reading in our students. The level of participation from the students in the A.R. and Rallye Lecture independent reading programmes has been outstanding. To see the Learning Hub full of students and parents every morning as students eagerly take their latest quiz, is a sight that gives me great satisfaction, for when students, teachers and parents come together in this way to support children’s learning there can only be one outcome: success!! The amount of quizzes that the students have successfully passed has more than doubled in just two years, and next year we will once again set out to beat all records. Primary Newsletter June 2016 Message from Mr Benson

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And so we come to the end of another very busy school year and all look forward to a much needed and well-deserved summer break. There have been many highlights to this school year but for me the outstanding achievement has been with the children’s reading. A good education is comprised of many things, however I can think of nothing more crucial than developing a love of reading in our students. The level of participation from the students in the A.R. and Rallye Lecture independent reading programmes has been outstanding. To see the Learning Hub full of students and parents every morning as students eagerly take their latest quiz, is a sight that gives me great satisfaction, for when students, teachers and parents come together in this way to support children’s learning there can only be one outcome: success!!

The amount of quizzes that the students have successfully passed has more than doubled in just two years, and next year we will once again set out to beat all records.

Primary Newsletter June 2016

Message from Mr Benson

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Primary School teachers for their hard work, professionalism and dedication to our students’ learning throughout the year. I would also like to thank you, the Primary School parents, for your continued support and positive participation. This is greatly appreciated by the teaching staff. Last, but not least, I would like to thank all the Primary School students. Every day when I visit the classrooms I see hard working students who are happy to be in school and eager to learn. Everywhere that we take our students they are complimented for their excellent behavior. They have really been a credit to both ISM and you, their parents, during this school year. I wish you all a very relaxing and enjoyable summer break with family and friends and look forward to welcoming you back to ISM on Wednesday 31st August. Warmest Regards, Chris Benson (Head of Primary)

Please note that Primary  School  Students  return  to  school  on  Wednesday  31st  August.

Every term children are set goals based on the numbers of books they are expected to read and quizzes they are expected to take and pass in both English (Accelerated Reader) and French (Rallye Lecture). Congratulations to all of the following students who achieved either one (A.R. or Rallye Lecture) or both (A.R. and Rallye Lecture) of their goals.


A.R. & Rallye Lecture Alexandra

Mila Alba

Daniela Gregory

Lily-Rose Giorgia Audrey

A.R. Only

Isayah Anais Emily

Rallye Lecture Only



A.R. & Rallye Lecture Jessika Michelle

Lina Gigi

Gian Carlo Katarina Jasmin

A.R. Only

Matvey Konstantin Ludovica

Rallye Lecture Only



A.R. & Rallye Lecture Sophia

Angelica Filippo Mikolaj Flavia Sofia

A.R. Only

Yason Richard


Rallye Lecture Only Margot


A.R. & Rallye Lecture Fanny Amani

A.R. Only

Laetitia Elena

Ayame Alexandra

Katie Colt



A.R. & Rallye Lecture James Michael Georgy Zlata


A.R. Only Giorgio Chloe

Caroline Clara Grace Tiffany Sofia Maria Savva

Rallye Lecture Only



A.R. & Rallye Lecture Laura

Angelica Anna

Andrey Iakov Erika

Vladimir François Helena


A.R. Only Varvara

Cruz Stephanie


A.R. & Rallye Lecture India

Raphael Cristina


A.R. Only Amy

Lauren Thibault

Rallye Lecture Only Samppa Kristina


A.R. & Rallye Lecture Nora

A.R. Only

Arman Allan

Marina Oliver Milosz Ava

Sophie Emily

Rallye Lecture Only

Jacqueline Letizia


A.R. & Rallye Lecture Anne Louise

Nikolay Emanuele

Basya-Nicole Anastasia Elizabeth

A.R. Only

Martina Evelyn

Raphael Alexandra Riccardo

Alexei Antonina


Rallye Lecture Only Kenan

Year 4

Year 4 have been learning about the water cycle! We created our own mini water cycle in the class using some glass bowls, hot water, cling film and ice cubes. We could see the 4 different stages of the water cycle: evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection. We talked though the stages as they were happening and we were especially excited when precipitation occurred (the rain drops started to fall!).

Les classes 4 en visite historique Mardi 26 avril, les élèves des classes 4 sont allés visiter à La Turbie, l’incroyable vestige romain que nous avions auparavant étudié à partir de documents : le Trophée d’Auguste.

Le trophée d’Auguste célèbre la victoire de l’empereur Auguste sur les tribus gauloises des Alpes soumises entre 25 et 14 avant Jésus-Christ.

Grâce aux commentaires du guide, nous avons appris qu’il y a 2000 ans, passait au col de La Turbie la via Julia. Il s’agissait d’une route très fréquentée : ainsi, chaque voyageur pouvait

contempler par cet imposant Trophée, la puissance de l’empire Romain.

Une incroyable exploration architecturale et véritable plongeon dans l’histoire: rien de tel que de rencontrer “pour de vrai” les traces des temps passés !

Dans le musée : la statue d’Auguste et la maquette

du Trophée.

Musee d’Art Classique de Mougins

Year 4 had a day trip to this local museum. The museum’s large and diverse collection of antiquities includes Roman, Greek and Egyptian sculpture, vases, coins, and jewellery, and also the world’s largest private collection of ancient arms and armour. These ancient artworks are interspersed with a hundred classically inspired paintings, drawings, and sculptures by artists such as Picasso, Matisse, Chagall, Dufy, Cézanne, Rodin, Dali, Andy Warhol, Marc Quinn, Antony Gormley, and Damien Hirst.

Class 4 spent a fabulous week in the mountains on Classe Verte. We had a great time and it was non-stop fun from Monday to Friday. We did lots of activities such as tree climbing, horse riding, rafting on the Ubaye river, bowling and we learned lots too!

Year 5

Explorers This term’s learning unit has taken Year 5 on a voyage of discovery. We have been looking at the reasons why man has always been such an insatiable explorer, from Pre-history to Marco Polo and then on to the Golden Age of Discovery in the 15th and 16th centuries. We have studied the changing face of the world, how it was mapped by cartographers and the effects of these discoveries on society. We have looked, in particular, at two great explorers from very different periods; Christopher Columbus and Robert Falcon Scott. Pupils have also researched an explorer of their choice.

Des élèves ont raconté leur plus belle journée…

« Ma plus belle journée de classe c’est la visite du zoo de la Barben. J’ai vu plein d’animaux que je n ‘avais jamais vus auparavant. Par exemple un rhinocéros, un loup et des girafes. On a vu un spectacle sur les oiseaux comme les aigles, les vautours qui s’approchaient de nous. C’était magnifique. » Grace

« Ma plus belle journée c’était quand nous avons fait de l’acrobranche. Je me suis bien amusée avec les tyroliennes. On pouvait voir les animaux en liberté dans le parc. J’ai vu un lama quand j’étais sur un palier. Je suis arrivée jusqu’au niveau rouge. » Evelyn

Notre belle aventure à Vinon Sur Verdon.

Year 6

Class 6C This has been a most enjoyable and successful

year for me and, I hope, for all 6C students! We have made amazing progress in our learning and

have had great fun along the way. Some of the highlights include Science in the laboratory, Sports Day, Monacology, the Year 6 Exhibition, Book Week and, of course, Verbier! I will miss the students next year, but look forward to following their progress next year. I wish them all the very best as they leave the Primary School and hope they make an excellent start to Middle School in September.

Happy Summer Holidays to you


Théâtre des Muses « Foutue guerre »

Les classes 6 ont eu la chance d’assister à un spectacle formidable, au Théâtre des Muses, à Monaco au mois d’Avril, sur le thème de la première guerre mondiale. C’était une véritable aubaine pour ces élèves, car hormis la très grande qualité du jeu théâtral et de la mise en scène, le sujet correspondait à merveille avec le programme étudié en classe, en Unités de recherches. Ils ont tous été séduits et émus par cette représentation qui retrace la bataille du Fort de Vaux, près de Verdun. Elle raconte comment une poignée d’hommes, épris de patriotisme, a pu faire douter, pendant quelques jours, la grande armée allemande. L’auteure précise au sujet du scénario « qu’il ne se veut pas moralisateur, il se veut seulement un hommage à de grands hommes, et un remède contre l’oubli. » Un grand plaisir pour nous tous de voir les enfants émus et conquis par de si beaux textes en Français…

Notre sortie au théâtre des Muses à Monaco

Year 6 Exhibition

Parents  were  invited  into  the  Year  6  classrooms  on  Friday  24th  June  to  see  all  of  the  students'  work  on  their  Exhibition  subject  -­‐  essay  and  bibliography,  Art  piece  and  reflection  on  its  creation,  posters,  videos,  "caligrammes",  models...  The  Year  6  students  showed  great  imagination  in  their  presentations  and  adapted  beautifully  to  speaking  to  parents  and  young  Class  3  students.  Congratulations  to  them  all  for  a  very  successful  morning!

Year 6 Classe Verte


Of all the class trips, the one to Verbier is always remembered fondly by former Primary School students, and this year’s trip is sure to be no exception. Our week-long stay in the beautiful surroundings of Verbier saw the Year 6 students enjoying a wide range of activities and visits. The activities included a beautiful (yet very challenging!!) nature hike, fun on the slides and shoots at Aquaparc, a need for a good head for heights as we climbed through the trees

at Acrobranche and a whole range of fun outdoor and indoor games that were run by the excellent team from Les Elfes. We also took a train deep inside the mountains to visit a salt mine, and nobody wanted to miss out on the opportunity to stroke one of Switzerland’s famous Saint Bernard dogs, when we visited the Saint Bernard Museum.

Primary School Student Council

A HUGE thank you goes to the Student Council representatives and their substitutes this year for all their hard work and enthusiasm for the many successful projects they have undertaken. They have had many great ideas (not all of which we have been able to implement, but we can always try again next year!) and have worked hard to ensure these are a success. The main highlights of this year have been the Toy Collection at Christmas, the Copper Coin Collection (counting all of these coins was a mammoth task!), the Bake Sale and the Playground Equipment for the Primary School playgrounds. I trust the students enjoyed their experience in the Student Council this year, and hope to see some of them perhaps again next year!

The  Primary  School  were  rewarded  with  some  extra-­‐special  end-­‐of-­‐term  treats  during  the  last  week  of  June.  On  Monday  27  June,  Mrs  Hogan's  Yr4/5  after-­‐school  Drama  Club  presented  Rumplestiltskin  on  the  5th  floor,  and  on  Tuesday  28  June,  Ms  Brees'  and  Ms  Cook's  Yr5/6  after-­‐school  Drama  Club  presented  101  Dalmatians  in  the  Learning  Hub.  The  performances  were  warmly  received  by  teachers  and  students  alike.  The  actors  spoke  out  clearly  and  with  expression,  and  ably  demonstrated  all  their  hard  work  over  the  year.  A  special  thank  you  goes  to  the  students  who  bravely  stood  in  for  absent  friends  -­‐  they  did  a  great  job.    Thank  you  very  much  to  the  hard-­‐working  teachers  who  made  all  of  this  possible  -­‐  I  am  sure  there  will  be  many  candidates  for  the  Drama  Clubs  next  year!

Year 6 Wayne Thiebaud inspired ‘Pop Art’ Year 6 students are currently creating ‘pop art’ style paintings of food in the style of Wayne Thiebaud. Wayne Thiebaud (1920 - ) was born in Mesa, Arizona and moved to California when he was 9 years old. In High School he began drawing cartoons and ended up working at the Walt Disney Studios, drawing ‘in-between’ frames for cartoons such as ‘Goofy’ and ‘Pinocchio’. He was an artist and cartoonist in the army and then he became a commercial artist and illustrator in Los Angeles. At the age of 29, he returned to college and took degrees in Art, Art History and Education. He began teaching at college and became a serious painter. He painted popular consular goods that reminded him of his childhood.

I would really think of the bakery counters, of the way the counter was lit, where the pies were placed, but I wanted just a piece of the experience. From when I worked in restaurants . . . [it was] always poetic to me."

His paintings were extremely popular in New York and he sold lots! He also painted landscapes and portraits and sold these too! He eventually left teaching in 1990 and continues to paint in California today.


Year 4 Mosaics Learning Objectives:

 1.To design a modern mosaic using either mosaic tiles or other materials, such as buttons, sequines etc.  2.To develop an original mosaic design from being inspired by Roman mosaics.  3.To experiment with shape and colour using line and pattern.    These Elements of Art should appear in these art works:  Shape, Line, Texture, Pattern and Value (dark and light tones of colour)


In  Year  5,  the  students  learned  how  to  draw  a  Spanish  Mackerel  fish  and  use  watercolours  to  make  its  form  (3D  shape).  They  also  mixed  tones  and  shades  of  colour  to  create  perspective.  This  project  was  in  conjunction  with  their  Year  5  Learning  Unit:  ‘Our  Planet’.

This hedgehog helmet was designed by pupils from 4A and 5C, for LikeBike, June 2016. It was sold at an auction, raising money for La Fondation Albert II Monaco Aide & Presence et Peace and Sport.

James Page (Year 5) took part in the Surrey County Cricket trials in England in May and we are very pleased to announce that he has been selected to play for the Surrey County Cricket Under 10s squad. Well done, James!!