mesoscale convective systems in the initiation of the mjo

Mesoscale Convective Systems in the Initiation of the MJO Jian Yuan and Robert A. Houze University of Washington CloudSat/CALIPSO Science Team Meeting Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 16 June 2011

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Mesoscale Convective Systems in the Initiation of the MJO. Jian Yuan and Robert A. Houze University of Washington. CloudSat/CALIPSO Science Team Meeting Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 16 June 2011. The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO): Play important roles in weather and climate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Mesoscale Convective Systems in the Initiation of the MJO

Mesoscale Convective Systems in the Initiation of the MJO

Jian Yuan and Robert A. HouzeUniversity of Washington

CloudSat/CALIPSO Science Team Meeting Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 16 June 2011

Page 2: Mesoscale Convective Systems in the Initiation of the MJO

The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO):

• Play important roles in weather and climate

• Current prediction skill, especially for the initial phase of MJO is very limited

• Cumulus parameterizations in GCMs is the primary limiting factor in MJO simulation and prediction.

(Zhang et al. 2010, DYNAMO)

(Courtesy of US CLIVAR MJO Working Group)

Page 3: Mesoscale Convective Systems in the Initiation of the MJO

MJO initiation processes

Feedbacks between:

•Clouds•Radiative heating•Convection•Precipitation •Ocean

are a key to understanding the MJO.

Fundamental processes related to MCSs that are crucial to understand MJO:

•the diabatic heating structure•convective sensitivity to environmental moisture•cloud microphysics•convective organization

Courtesy of Zhang et al. 2009, DYNAMO After Stephens et al. 2004, “Humidistat Feedback”

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MCSs including both raining and anvil components are identified using A-Train


Yuan and Houze 2010

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MODIS TB11 + AMSR-E (Yuan and Houze 2010)

combined to find“cold centers” & “raining areas”

Use 260 K threshold

Locate 1st closed contour

Use 1 mm/h threshold for rain rate

Associate pixels with nearest cold center

Use 6 mm/h threshold for heavy rain

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MCS Criteria (Yuan and Houze, 2010)

Systems whose largest raining cores have

• Area > 2000 km2

• Min TB11 ≤ 220 K

Must have one dominant core

• with intense cells, and• accounting for >70% rain area56% all tropical rain

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MCSs are further divided to two groups :

1.Separated (40 % rain fall)

1.Connected (>=3 MCSs share the same rain feature, 16% rain fall)• Separated MCS: Frequently found over all

convective zones, especially continents

• Connected MCS: more organized convection, primarily found over warm ocean area

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identifies MCSs obtains the global distribution of MCSs

investigates variability of MCSs in MJO

(EIO:-15-15oN;75-100oE; Composite of 8 phases; Wheeler and Hendon 2004)

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More Connected MCSs observed in MJO

active phases


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Deeper MCSs observed in pre-onset, initial and active phases

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Low level Θe likely determines the Tb_min

(“hot tower” hypothesis)

Phase 1-3

Phase 5-7

Climatology of EIO:

•T150 hp ≈ 205 K

•Θe150 hp≈ 352.6 K

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Moisture effects need to be better understood

Deeper MCSs

Deeper MCSs

Less MCSs; less


More MCSs; more


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Summary and Conclusions

A-Train instruments make it possible to identify MCSs (raining + anvil components) globally

MJO pre-onset phase active phases over EIO:

Deeper MCSs & Warmer low level Θe (both)

Less More MCSs

Relatively Less More organized MCSs

Drier Moister middle troposphere

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MJO activities viewed in OLR

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MCSs Over the Whole Tropics: oceanic conditions favor larger systems

Smallest 25% (<12,000 km2)

Largest 25% (>40,000 km2)
