mesoamerican final 2010

8/13/2019 MesoAmerican Final 2010 1/13 Zknanthantk Pfsthj Whjihsjny, Ehlrunry >2, <0>: > Nitdrfpfkfgy ??>< Cny 4, <0>0 EBINK HTNC ^uhstbfi < Zdh dbstfry fe Nzthand, fr Chxband, oukturh bs fih tdnt bs vhry phrsfink tf ch, nij fih tdnt ofitbiuhs tf jrbvh cy jhsbrh nij bithrhst bi nonjhcbo rhshnrod. Efr ch, tdh quhstbfi fe Chxband frbgbis, ns bt rhknths tf Nztkni, bs n kfnjhj fih tdnt onrrbhs wbtd bt lftd sfobfkfgbonk nij sfobfpfkbtbonk lnggngh ift phrtbihit tf tdh oknss, nij tdhrhefrh wbkk ift lh bitrfjuohj dhrh. Dfwhvhr, B wbkk jf cy lhst tf jhkbvhr n sobhitbebo nij jhtnodhj rhspfish tf tdh quhstbfis fe frbgbi, cbgrntbfi, cytd, prfpngnijn, nij bcphrbnkbstbo dhghcfiy tdnt dnvh lhhi futkbihj. Zdh ofiohpt fe Nztkni wns bitrfjuohj tf ch nt ni hnrky ngh wdhi B wns rhnjbig niytdbig nij hvhrytdbig phrtnbibig tf tdh Odbonif cfvhchit fe tdh >250s nij 70s. Nztkni, B khnrihj, wns tdh ‛cytdbonk‒ dfchknij fe tdh Nzthand, nij bi Odbonif bjhfkfgy, bt onch tf rhprhshit tdh knij Chxbof kfst bi tdh Chxboni-Nchrboni Wnr fe >4:4, tdh prhshit jny _futdwhsthri Xibthj _tnths. Eurtdhr rhnjbig rhvhnkhj tdnt tdhrh bs ni figfbig jhlnth ns tf wdhtdhr tdh pknoh hvhr notunkky hxbsthj, nij be bt jbj, wdhrh hxnotky. Njjbig tf tdbs jhlnth nrh nksf tdh vnrybig noofuits fe tdh cbgrntbfi stfry btshke wdbod nkkfw efr eurtdhr jfults fvhr bts notunk dbstfrbobty. Zdhsh jfults dnvh gbvhi nrodhfkfgbsts rffc efr pkhity fe sphoukntbfi nij vnrbhj bithrprhtntbfis, nij fe tdhsh, tdh cfst bithrhstbig fih B dnvh ofch norfss sf enr bs fih nrtbouknthj  ly Hkbznlhtd Dbkk Lffih. Bi hsshioh, dhr nrguchit bs tdnt tdh Nzthand cbgrntbfi stfry bs n efrc fe rbtunkbzhj nij stykbzhj prfpngnijn wrnpphj bi jrncntbo shisntbfinkbsc tdnt gfhs lhyfij tdh

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Page 1: MesoAmerican Final 2010

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Zknanthantk Pfsthj Whjihsjny, Ehlrunry >2, <0>:


Nitdrfpfkfgy ??><

Cny 4, <0>0


^uhstbfi <

Zdh dbstfry fe Nzthand, fr Chxband, oukturh bs fih tdnt bs vhry phrsfink tf ch, nij fih

tdnt ofitbiuhs tf jrbvh cy jhsbrh nij bithrhst bi nonjhcbo rhshnrod. Efr ch, tdh quhstbfi fe

Chxband frbgbis, ns bt rhknths tf Nztkni, bs n kfnjhj fih tdnt onrrbhs wbtd bt lftd sfobfkfgbonk nij

sfobfpfkbtbonk lnggngh ift phrtbihit tf tdh oknss, nij tdhrhefrh wbkk ift lh bitrfjuohj dhrh.

Dfwhvhr, B wbkk jf cy lhst tf jhkbvhr n sobhitbebo nij jhtnodhj rhspfish tf tdh quhstbfis fe

frbgbi, cbgrntbfi, cytd, prfpngnijn, nij bcphrbnkbstbo dhghcfiy tdnt dnvh lhhi futkbihj.

Zdh ofiohpt fe Nztkni wns bitrfjuohj tf ch nt ni hnrky ngh wdhi B wns rhnjbig niytdbig

nij hvhrytdbig phrtnbibig tf tdh Odbonif cfvhchit fe tdh >250s nij 70s. Nztkni, B khnrihj, wns

tdh ‛cytdbonk‒ dfchknij fe tdh Nzthand, nij bi Odbonif bjhfkfgy, bt onch tf rhprhshit tdh knij

Chxbof kfst bi tdh Chxboni-Nchrboni Wnr fe >4:4, tdh prhshit jny _futdwhsthri Xibthj _tnths.

Eurtdhr rhnjbig rhvhnkhj tdnt tdhrh bs ni figfbig jhlnth ns tf wdhtdhr tdh pknoh hvhr notunkky

hxbsthj, nij be bt jbj, wdhrh hxnotky. Njjbig tf tdbs jhlnth nrh nksf tdh vnrybig noofuits fe tdh

cbgrntbfi stfry btshke wdbod nkkfw efr eurtdhr jfults fvhr bts notunk dbstfrbobty.

Zdhsh jfults dnvh gbvhi nrodhfkfgbsts rffc efr pkhity fe sphoukntbfi nij vnrbhj

bithrprhtntbfis, nij fe tdhsh, tdh cfst bithrhstbig fih B dnvh ofch norfss sf enr bs fih nrtbouknthj

 ly Hkbznlhtd Dbkk Lffih. Bi hsshioh, dhr nrguchit bs tdnt tdh Nzthand cbgrntbfi stfry bs n efrc

fe rbtunkbzhj nij stykbzhj prfpngnijn wrnpphj bi jrncntbo shisntbfinkbsc tdnt gfhs lhyfij tdh

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Zknanthantk Pfsthj Whjihsjny, Ehlrunry >2, <0>:


sbc pkbstbo ‛rngs tf rbodhs– hxpknintbfis tdnt ftdhrs dnvh hxprhsshj (Lffih >22>). Lffih stnths

tdnt, ‛Bt dns nkk fe tdh trnppbigs nij stykbzntbfis fe n ohrhcfiy, nij B tdbia bt cfst sbcbknr tf n

rbtunk phrefrcnioh– (>22>=><<). Xsbig _pnibsd sfurohs, suod ns tdh Ofjhx Lfrturbib, Ofjhx

Nulbi, nij tdh Cnpn _bguhizn, sdh prfohhjs tf lrbheky rhknth tdh cbgrntbfi noofuit nij tdhi

hxpknbis dhr pfsbtbfi (Lffih <008).

Bi tdh cbgrntbfi noofrjbig tf Lffih (>22>=>::), Wbtzbkfpfodtkb lhofchs tdh ‛jbrhotfr fe

tdh jrncn,– nij sdh nrguhs tdnt, ‛Kbah n phrefrcnioh tdh cbgrntbfi bs obrouknr, dbgdky struoturhj,

nij rbtunkbzhj tf n grhnt jhgrhh.– _dh eurtdhr nrguhs tdnt tdh obrouknrbty fe tdh stfry bs hvbjhiohj

 ly tdh enot tdnt bt lhgbis nij hijs ‛nt tdh bsknij fe Nztkni/Zhifodtbtkni,– cnabig lftd pknohs fih

nij tdh snch (>22>=>::). Dhr obrouknr nrguchit hqunths Zhfafkwnani wbtd Afkwnani nij

Afnthpho wbtd Odnpukthpha1 Zfkkni, lhbig bi tdh cbjjkh fe tdh stfry nij tdh pknoh wdhrh tdh

 prftftyph efr Zhifodtbtkni wns ofistruothj, lhofchs ‛n ofisobfus rhekhotbfi fe tdh pfbits fe

 lhgbiibig nij hijbig– (Lffih >22>=>:8). Nktdfugd, bt cnahs efr ni bithrhstbig nrguchit nij

tfpbo efr jbsoussbfi, dhr tdhfry bs eknwhj, nij wbkk lh njjrhsshj knthr. Nkk bithrprhtntbfis nsbjh,

wh jf aifw tdnt n cbgrntbfi foourrhj, nij ly tdhbr fwi njcbssbfi, wh nksf aifw tdnt tdh

Chxband whrh Inwntkntfn Odbodbchand. Zdh notunk cbgrntbfi rfuth bs nksf n ofithitbfus tfpbo,

 lut sodfknrs ngrhh tdnt tdhy bijhhj onch bi ofitnot wbtd tdh rubis nt Zfkkni nij lhonch wdfkky

hincfrhj wbtd Zfkthand nrtbstbo nodbhvhchits. Zfkkni wns tdh pfwhr shnt fe tdh Zfkthand, tdhbr

gfj ‛^uhtznkofntk…bs orhjbthj wbtd tdh orhntbfi fe nrts nij ornets,– nij dhiohefrtd ‛tfkthoon–

 lhonch syifiycfus wbtd cnsthr ornetschi (Lhrjni <008=?>).

Ns tdh Chxband trhaahj tdrfugd Ohitrnk Chxbof bi shnrod fe tdhbr prfcbshj knij, tdh

Pfst-Oknssbo Zfkthand nij tdh Oknssbo Zhftbwnand cnjh n trhchijfus bcprhssbfi fi tdhc. Ofh

nij Affitz (<004=><5) lhkbhvh tdnt n rhnsfi efr tdh Zfkthand obty fe Zfkkni‒s rnrbty fe gfj

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Zknanthantk Pfsthj Whjihsjny, Ehlrunry >2, <0>:


bofifgrnpdy oni lh nttrbluthj tf ‛Nztho ofkkhotbig hxphjbtbfis,– uijhrsofrbig tdh Chxband

neebibty efr Zfkthand oukturh. _fusthkkh (>228=>4?) hxpknbis tdnt rfynk kbihngh wns trnohj

cntrbkbihnkky nij tdnt ‛Bkniouhbtk lrfugdt tdh Zfktho kbihngh fe Ofkdunoni tf Chxbof, tdus

nkkfwbig tdh Nztho jyinsty tf oknbc jhsohit erfc tdh encfus kbih fe ^uhtznkofntk.– Ns n rhsukt fe

tdhsh oknbcs, tdh hchrgbig Chxband iflkhs lhgni tf shh tdhcshkvhs ns tdh jbrhot dhbrs fe tdh

Zfkthand trnjbtbfi nij hqunthj tdhcshkvhs wbtd tdh Fkchand, n grfup tdnt dnj ihvhr lhhi

 lnrlnrbo nij wdf whrh ‛ihvhr onkkhj Odbodbchos– (_fusthkkh >228=<<0). 

Bi ofivhitbfink tdfugdt, bt npphnrs tdnt tdh Nzthand-Ododbchand, fr prh-Chxband

 Inwntkntfn, dnj if rhnk aifwkhjgh fe Zhftbwnani‒s prhvbfus gkfry ihnrky sbx duijrhj yhnrs

hnrkbhr, yht bt khet n prfefuij bcprhssbfi fi tdhc. _fusthkkh (>228=xv) stnths tdnt, ‛Zdhbr

aifwkhjgh fe tdh pnst whit lnoa if cfrh tdni n ehw duijrhj yhnrs1 efr tdhc tdh pyrncbjs fe

Zhftbdunoni…whrh lubkt ly tdh gfjs nt tdh lhgbiibig fe tdh wfrkj.– Bt ofukj lh nrguhj tdnt tdbs

stnthchit sugghsts tdnt jurbig Zhftbwnani‒s suprhcnoy, tdh Nzthand-Ododbchand whrh ifwdhrh

ihnr ohitrnk Chxbof fr wbtdbi bts phrbpdhry, nij ifr whrh tdhy nwnrh fe Zhftbwnani‒s hxbsthioh

nij dnj tf dnvh lhhi nt khnst ns enr ifrtd ns tdh prhshit jny X._.-Chxbof lfrjhr. Be tdbs bs truh,

tdhi tdh bjhn tdnt Nztkni wns kfonthj sfchwdhrh bi fr ihnr tdh _futdwhst lhgbis tf dnvh cfrh

chrbt tdni tdh noohpthj sbth fe Chxonktbtkni (Zknpfynwn <00<=7). Bithrprhthj jbeehrhitky, bt ofukj

 lh nrguhj tdnt tf tdh Chxband, ‛Zdh Obty fe tdh Gfjs– rhprhshithj tdhbr grhnt efrhentdhrs fe yfrh,

sbcbknr tf tdh Whsthri flshssbfi wbtd tdh Grhhas ns tdh grhnt efuijhrs fe bts oukturh.

Bi trnjbtbfink Chxbonibst tdfugdt, tdh Chxband jhpnrthj erfc Nztkni nij whrh khj ly n

wnrrbfr prbhst inchj Chxbdtkb-Wbtzbkfpfodtkb, n khnjhr sf rhvhrhj tdnt dh wfukj knthr lhofch

tdhbr prbiobpnk jhbty nij pntrfi gfj fe wnr. Jurbig tdh cbgrntbfi Chxbdtkb dnj n vbsbfi, nij dh

‛prhjbothj tdnt tdh vbsbfi‒s npphnrnioh wfukj rhvhnk tf tdhc n ihw dfchknij– (Zknpfynwn

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Zknanthantk Pfsthj Whjihsjny, Ehlrunry >2, <0>:


<00<=2). Nethr Chxbdtkb, tdhrh wns n suoohssbfi fe khnjhrs, suod ns Aunudtkhahzab, Nanzbtkb, nij

Zhifod, nij uijhr tdbs knst fih tdh Chxband wbtihsshj ‛tdh sbgi tdhy dnj lhhi wnbtbig efr, nij n

scnkk shttkhchit wns hstnlkbsdhj fi tdh bsknijs– fe Knah Zhxafaf (Zknpfynwn <00<=>:->7).

Ns tdhy lhonch strfighr nij biorhnsbigky biekuhitbnk, tdh Chxband sfugdt wnys tf fltnbi

khgbtbcnoy nij ofisfkbjnth pfwhr, prfcptbig tdhc tf bithr-cnrry ncfig tdh Zfktho jbnspfrn

nkfig tdh sfutdhri sdfrhs fe Knah Zhxafaf (Dnijfut >:). Nancnpbodtkb, tdh ebrst feebobnk

Zkndtfnib, wns lfri fe n ‛Ihf-Zfktho Ofkdun– cftdhr nkkfwbig dbc tf oknbc ‛jhsohit erfc

^uhtznkofntk– nij bi heehot bibtbntbig tdh rfynk kbih (Dnijfut >5). Nethr n shrbhs fe encbky ehujs,

nssnssbintbfis, nij pkfts subtnlkh efr n sfnp-fphrn, tdh Chxband frodhstrnthj nij khj wdnt wh

dnvh ifw ofch tf aifw ns tdh Nztho Zrbpkh Nkkbnioh (Khoturh Ifths).

Bi njjrhssbig cy prflkhc wbtd Lffih‒s tdhfry, B wbkk odniihk tdh knth sodfknr Jr. Ubih

Jhkfrbn Mr. _uspbobfus fe nrodhfkfgbsts, Jhkfrbn (>228) hxpknbihj tdnt tdhy kbahj tf pkny wbtd

ebijbigs nij cnthrbnk sfurohs uitbk tdh jntn subthj tdh purpfshs fe tdhbr nrguchits. Bi tdh snch

wny, Lffih odffshs tf bgifrh sfch bcpfrtnit stfps nkfig tdh Chxband cbgrntbfi noofuit

 lhonush tdhy jf ift ebt ibohky bitf dhr tdhfry. Efr hxncpkh, sdh enbks tf chitbfi Odbafcfztfa, n

 pknoh ohitrnk tf tdh cbgrntbfi lhonush bt bs tdhrh wdhrh tdhy whrh khgbtbcnthj ly Zfkthand khnjhrs

nij ohnshj lhbig chrh Odbodbchand (Dnijfut >8). Zknpfynwn (<00<=>0) thkks us tdnt, ‛Nt

Odbafcfztfa QtdhyS hxphrbhiohj tdhbr ebrst cnmfr jbvbsbfi Qnij tdntS tdfsh enbtdeuk tf tdh frbgbink

 prfpdhoy rhcnbihj kfynk tf Chxbdtkb-Wbtzbkfpfodtkb…Zdhsh efkkfwhrs whrh nifbithj wbtd tdh

inch —Chxband‒.– _fusthkkh (>228=>) suppfrts tdbs stntbig tdnt ‛Chxbtk QwnsS niftdhr inch efr

Xbtzbkfpfodtkb.– Bi cy fpbibfi, tdh hpbo noofuit fe Chxband cbgrntbfi, duclkh lhgbiibigs, nij

tdhbr sulshquhit rbsh tf pfwhr bs n suphrl ofclbintbfi fe dbstfry, cytd, nij prfpngnijn.

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Zknanthantk Pfsthj Whjihsjny, Ehlrunry >2, <0>:


^uhstbfi :

Zdh htdifdbstfrbo sfurohs thkk us tdnt erfc tdhbr duclkh lhgbiibigs, tdh Chxband

cninghj tf efrgh n vnst hcpbrh knrghky sustnbihj ly trbluth, ofiquhst, ofistnit wnrenrh, nij

ducni snorbeboh. Nlfvh, B jbsousshj dfw tdh Chxband okhvhrky khgbtbcbzhj tdhbr pfsbtbfi ly

nssucbig Zfkthand jhsohit nij heehotbvhky trnisefrcbig tdhcshkvhs erfc rhmhots tf iflkh

suprhcnoy. Zdh efkkfwbig wbkk jbsouss sfch fe tdh enotfrs tdnt khj tf tdhbr ihxt cnmfr

trnisefrcntbfi ‟  erfc sbcpkh obty-stnth tf n whkk fbkhj bcphrbnkbstbo hithrprbsh ‟  nij sfch enotfrs

tdnt enobkbtnthj nij hinlkhj tdbs whkk offrjbinthj pfwhr grnl ly Chxband khnjhrsdbp.

Bi frjhr tf uijhrstnij tdh ofcpkhx Nzthand gfvhrichitnk bistbtutbfis nij tdh cbkbtnry

struoturh fe tdhbr sfobhty, wh sdfukj lhgbi ly kffabig nt tdh nkthphtk  ofiohpt, fr obty-stnth.

Lhrjni (<008=>05) stnths tdnt ‛tdh prhvnbkbig cfjh fe pfkbtbonk frgnibzntbfi bi ohitrnk  Chxbof

jurbig nt khnst tdh efurthhitd tdrfugd tdh hnrky sbxthhitd ohiturbhs– wns tdh obty-stnth. _dh eurtdhr

njjs tdnt ‛tdh surrfuijbig jbstrbots whrh pfkbtbonkky nij cbkbtnrbky jhphijhit…prfvbjbig

ofisbjhrnlkh ncfuits fe trbluth bi gffjs nij shrvbohs– (Lhrjni <008=>05). Bt npphnrs tdnt tdh

Chxband quboaky ofrihrhj tdh obty-stnth ‛cnraht– nij gnbihj tdh upphr dnij ly tdh cbj ebethhitd

ohitury. Zdhbr suprhcnoy dnj tdhc higngbig bi sabrcbsdhs nij grhnt lnttkhs bi frjhr tf cnbitnbi

tdhbr pfwhr, nooruh cfrh whnktd, nij shourh onptbvhs efr tdh purpfrthj snorbebohs (Oknss Ifths).

Bt dns kfig lhhi dhkj tdnt wnrenrh nij ofiquhst wns hxtrhchky hsshitbnk tf tdh Chxband

 lhonush tdhy shrvhj tf cnbitnbi n sthnjy suppky fe onptbvhs efr snorbeboh nij ftdhr rbtunks. Bi bts

cfst rbtunkbzhj efrc, Chxband wnrenrh wns aifwi ns Tfodbynfyftk, fr tdh ‛Ekfwhry Wnr,– 

wdbod wns snbj tf dnvh lhhi efr cbkbtnry trnbibig nij tnabig onptbvhs efr ofishquhit snorbeboh1 bt

dns hvhi lhhi sugghsthj tdnt tdh onptbvhs whrh nksf rbtunkky oniiblnkbzhj nij ushj ns n sfuroh fe

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Zknanthantk Pfsthj Whjihsjny, Ehlrunry >2, <0>:


 prfthbi, n ofithitbfus tfpbo tdnt wbkk lh jbsousshj knthr. Lhrjni (<008=>07), efkkfwbig tdh khnj fe

sodfknrs lhefrh dhr, jfhs ift quhstbfi tdh trnjbtbfink hxpknintbfi fe tdh Tfodbynfyftk, nij sdh

wrbths tdnt bt ‛trnbihj tdh ofclntnits nij prfvbjhj ducni vbotbcs tf lh snorbebohj tf tdh gfjs.– 

Zf lh enbr, sdh jfhs chitbfi tdnt tdh Chxband cbgdt dnvh dnj n jbeeboukt tbch trybig tf jfcbinth

tdh Zknxankthand, n prflnlkh rhspfish tf Bsnno (>24?) wdf orbtbquhj dhr efr ift lhbig cfrh

orbtbonk fe tdh Chxband hxpknintbfi ushj tf ofiohnk tdhbr binlbkb ty tf sulmugnth tdh ‛Zknxonkni–

nij tdh ftdhr bijhphijhit stnths kucphj tfghtdhr uijhr tdh snch thrc (Lhrjni <008=>>4).

Zdh thrc Zknxonkni, ushj bi hnrky _pnibsd sfurohs, shhcs tf dnvh lhhi ni nkk

hiofcpnssbig thrc efr n iuclhr fe ftdhr stnths nitngfibstbo tfwnrjs tdh Chxband. Efr hxncpkh,

Bsnno (>24?=:>2) lhkbhvhs tdnt Jurni‒s usngh fe tdh wfrj wns ‛phrdnps n sdfrtdnij efr tdh tdrhh

abigjfcs bi tdh nrhn,– rhehrrbig tf tdh Zknxankthand, Odfkukthand, nij Whxftzbiand. Fe nkk tdhbr

fppfihits, bt bs snbj tdnt be n Chxband wnrrbfr onpturhj ‛erfc tdh Zknxonkkn-Duhxftzbiof, dh

gnbihj grhnt rhifwi nij pr hstbgbfus gffjs– (Lhrjni <008=>>4). Wdhtdhr tdhy whrh n efrcbjnlkh

ghfpfkbtbonk njvhrsnry, ns Bsnno (>24?) jhsorblhs, fr wbkkbig pnrtbobpnits jurbig tdh Tfodbynfyftk,

wh jf aifw tdnt tdh Zknxonknis pknyhj ni bcpfrtnit rfkh bi Chxband dbstfry, lftd lhefrh nij

nethr tdh enkk fe tdh hcpbrh.

Wdhi tdh Chxband whrh ift ebgdtbig tdh Zknxonknis, tdhy whrh lusy ncnssbig tdh vnsthst

hcpbrh hvhr aifwi bi Chsfnchrbon up uitbk tdnt pfbit, nij tdhbr cfst heehotbvh strnthgy bi

ahhpbig bcphrbnk ofitrfk wns tdh jbvbsbfi fe tdh sulmhot prfvbiohs bitf twf typhs, trblutnry nij

strnthgbo (Dnijfut >7). _trnthgbo prfvbiohs, kbah Zhphnono, shrvhj ns lueehr zfihs tdnt whrh ushj

ns lfuijnrbhs nij prfvbjhj cbkbtnry suppfrt efr tdh stnth1 ly ofitrnst, trblutnry prfvbiohs whrh

 prbcnrbky rhspfisblkh efr suppkybig tdh gffjs jhcnijhj fe tdhc ly tdh Zrbpkh Nkkbnioh (Oknss

ifths). Zdhsh gffjs ofisbsthj fe enioy okfnas, kfbi okftds, wfchi‒s tuibos, wnrrbfr‒s ofstuchs,

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Zknanthantk Pfsthj Whjihsjny, Ehlrunry >2, <0>:


 pnphr luijkhs, lfwks, lhnis, cnbzh, prhobfus ehntdhrs, mnjh, turqufbsh, gfkj, ononf, nij (Lhrjni

<008=:>), fe wdbod tdh Chxband tffa tdh grhnthst sdnrh.

Xijhr Btzafntk, tdh efurtd Chxband Zkndtfnib, n cnmfr foourrhioh tnahs pknoh bi tdh Lnsbi

fe Chxbof. Bt bs nt tdbs tbch tdnt tdh Zrbpkh Nkkbnioh bs efrchj lhtwhhi Zhifodtbtkni, Zhxafaf,

nij Zknofpni, wbtd tdh Chxband nij Btzafntk nt bts dhnj. Btzafntk bs nksf rhspfisblkh efr shvhrnk

sbgibebonit odnighs suod ns tdh hxpnisbfi fe thrrbtfry1 odnighs bi tdh sfobnk, khgnk, nij

njcbibstrntbvh struoturh1 nij tdh luribig fe hxbstbig thxts nij rhwrbtbig fe dbstfry (Dnijfut >5).

Zknanhkhk, nppfbithj shofij bi ofccnij ly Btzafntk, wns pknohj bi odnrgh fe tdh jhstruotbfi fe

tdh dbstfrbonk rhofrjs nij frjhrhj tdhc rhwrbtthi bi n prfpngnijbstbo ensdbfi (Oknss ifths). Bi

njjbtbfi, nrt nij hjuontbfi lhonch dbgdky ofitrfkkhj ly tdh stnth, nij Wbtzbkfpfodtkb wns

hkhvnthj tf suprhch jhbty ‟  nssfobnthj wbtd wnrenrh, tdh sui, nij ducni snorbeboh (Dnijfut >5).

Zdhrh nrh iuchrfus enotfrs tdnt nrh lhkbhvhj ofitrbluthj tf tdh bjhfkfgbonk prfcbihioh fe

ducni snorbeboh. Zdhy rnigh erfc tdh ofivhitbfink bjhn fe ifurbsdbig Wbtzbkfpfodtkb wbtd erhsd

dhnrts efr dbs mfurihy tdrfugd Cbatkni, tf tdh cfrh ofithcpfrnry jhlnth fvhr wdhtdhr tdhrh

hxbsthj n prfthbi jhebobhioy bi Chsfnchrbon tdnt ofitrbluthj tf tdh prnotboh fe snorbeboh nij

oniiblnkbsc. Dnrrbs (>277=>02->>0) nrguhs tdnt lhonush tdhrh wns n sdfrtngh fe knrgh knij

nibcnks, ducni snorbeboh lhonch ni bistbtutbfinkbzhj nij rhkbgbfusky sniotbfihj wny fe noqubrbig

 prfthbi nij hsshitbnk ncbif nobjs, nij tdnt tdh prbhsts hsshitbnkky whrh sabkkhj lutodhrs. _ndkbis

(>274) odnkkhighs tdbs ly hxpknbibig tdnt tdhrh wns pkhity fe chnt tf gf nrfuij bi tdh efrcs fe

qunbk nij turahy1 dh nksf stnths tdnt nethr onkoukntbig tdh pfpukntbfi sbzh bi tdh Lnsbi fe Chxbof

wbtd tdh iuclhr fe pfssblkh snorbebobnk vbotbcs, tdh ncfuit fe notunk ducni ekhsd phr onpbtn

wfukj dnvh lhhi nlfut fih pfuij n yhnr phr phrsfi, n trbvbnk ncfuit fe prfthbi sfuroh.

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Phrsfinkky, uitbk B shh sfch dnrj, pdysbonk, nij uijbsputnlkh hvbjhioh fe oniiblnkbsc, B

wbkk ofitbiuh tf quhstbfi bts prhsuchj wbjhsprhnj prnotboh. Hvhi tdh htdifdbstfrbo rhofrjs shhc

tf ofitrnjbot tdhcshkvhs fi tdbs cntthr. Bi tdh noofuit fe tdh _pnibsd sbhgh fe Zhifodtbtkni,

Lhrjni (<008=><:) qufths Cfithkknif stntbig tdnt jurbig tdh sbhgh, ‛phfpkh whrh stnrvbig fi tdh

strhhts nij hntbig niytdbig erfc njflh tf khntdhr, lut ducni lfjbhs kny nkk nlfut, uihnthi.– Be

bijhhj tdh Chxband whrh oniiblnks, tdhi stnrvntbfi wfukj dnvh efrohj tdhc tf hnt tdhbr fwi.

^uhstbfi 8

Zdh sbhgh fe Zhifodtbtkni sbginkhj tdh bihvbtnlkh jhehnt fe tdh Chxband ly tdh _pnibsd

nij tdhbr bijbghifus nkkbhs nkcfst twf yhnrs nethr Ofrthz nij dbs chi knijhj ihnr ]hcpfnkn bi

Muih >8>2, nt n pknoh tdhy inchj Kn Ubkkn \bon jh kn Uhrn Oruz, nij nethr n twf yhnr wnr nij tdh

hbgdty jny sbhgh, tdh Chxband ebinkky surrhijhr fi Nugust >?, >8>2. Zdh usunk quhstbfi nsahj bs

dfw hxnotky wns bt pfssblkh efr tdh _pnibsd tf noofcpkbsd tdh jhehnt fe tdh grhnt Chxband wdf

dnj ofch tf jfcbinth fvhr cfst fe ohitrnk fe Chxbof bi khss tdni twf ohiturbhs6 Cfst fe tdh

survbvbig thxts ofch tf us erfc tdh _pnibsd wdf whrh wrbtbig cniy yhnrs knthr, bi sfch onshs up

tf ebety yhnrs, fr erfc intbvh sorblhs wdf wrfth bi rhtrfsphot, uijhr suphrvbsbfi, nij biekuhiohj

 ly Odurod jfotrbih. Zdbs dns hiofurnghj Chxbonibsts tf quhstbfi tdh trutdeukihss fe tdh

htdifdbstfrbo rhofrj nij tf prhss efr n rhvbsbfi fe tdh ofivhitbfink bithrprhtntbfis.

Efrtuinthky efr us, tdhrh nrh ourrhit sodfknrs wdf nrh lhgbiibig tf jfult tdh feebobnk nij

 pfpuknr noofuits fe tdh Hurfphni bivnsbfi fe Ninwna. \hstnkk quhstbfis shvhi pfpuknr cytds fe

tdh hiofuithr bi ni bcpnrtbnk nij ihutrnk chtdfj. Fih suod cytd wns cnjh encfus ly tdh

ibihthhitd ohitury dbstfrbni Wbkkbnc Prhsoftt1 ‛Zdh Ofiquhst fe Chxbof…wns —tdh sulvhrsbfi

fe n grhnt hcpbrh ly n dnijeuk fe njvhiturhrs‒ – (<00?=?). Bi tdh yhnrs efkkfwbig tdh _pnibsd

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Zknanthantk Pfsthj Whjihsjny, Ehlrunry >2, <0>:


‛ofiquhst,– noofuits whrh grfssky bieknthj wbtd binoournobhs, bgifrbig tdh enot tdnt tdhsh

‛dnijeuk fe njvhiturhrs– ofukj ift dnvh nodbhvhj tdhbr vbotfry wbtdfut tdh dhkp fe tdhbr

bijbghifus nkkbhs nij wbtdfut tdh ush fe trhnodhry, ns wh sdnkk shh lhkfw.

Efr hxncpkh, wh aifw tdnt tdh _pnibsd whrh dhkphj trhchijfusky ly tdh Zftfinand nij

tdh Zknxankthand, tdh efrchr whrh upsht fvhr tdhbr sulmhot stntus nij tdh kntthr whrh nrjhit

hihcbhs fe tdh Chxband nij kbahky hivbfus fe tdhbr pfwhr, biekuhioh, nij whnktd. \hehrhiobig

\fss Dnssbg, \hstnkk (<00?=:7) thkks us tdnt ‛tdh ebink sbhgh nij nssnukt fi tdh Chxband onpbtnk

wns onrrbhj fut wbtd <00,000 intbvh nkkbhs.– Zdnt cust dnvh lhhi n vhry bcprhssbvh ncfuit fe

bijbghifus wnr rbfrs nt Ofrthz‒ jbspfsnk, ofcpnrhj tf tdh npprfxbcnthky 5,000 dh bibtbnkky dnj

wdhi tdhy whrh fusthj erfc Zhifodtbtkni fi tdh Ibgdt fe Ubotfry. Pfrtbkkn snbj bt lhst, ‛Fi

shvhrnk foonsbfis tdh Nzthos prflnlky ofukj dnvh wbphj fut tdh _pnibnrjs tf tdh knst cni ‟  tdhbr

 lhst odnioh fe nkk wns fi tdh Ibgdt fe _frrfws ‟  lut tdh ohrhcfibnk hkhchits bi tdhbr nttbtujh

tfwnrj wnr prhvhithj tdhc erfc tnabig eukk njvnitngh fe tdhbr fppfrtuibtbhs (>22<=xkbbb).

Zdbs khnjs us tf quhstbfi tdh cftbvhs fe tdh Chxband nij wdy bt bs tdnt tdhy nkkfwhj tdh

_pnibsd tf ght nwny tf ofch lnoa tf ebgdt niftdhr jny. Jhobjbig enotfrs bi nkk fe tdbs whrh tdh

Chsfnchrbon prftfofks fr wnr, sfch fe wdbod bivfkvhj tdh rbtunk shijbig fe whnpfis nij

sdbhkjs ns ‛gbets– niifuiobig n jhoknrntbfi fe wnr (Oknss ifths). Fi n sbcbknr ensdbfi, tdh

Chxband jbj ift pursuh tdh _pnibsd nij tdhbr nkkbhs ns tdhy ekhj lhonush tdh rukhs fe hignghchit

whrh jbeehrhit erfc tdnt fe tdh _pnibsd wdf whrh ushj tf tdh Hurfphni cfjh fe ofcpkhth

sknugdthr ns fppfshj tf tdnt fe Chsfnchrbon, wdbod whrh jhsbgihj efr tdh onpturh fe hihcy

ofclntnits (Oknss ifths). Lhrjni (<008=>>:) shhcs tf ofuithr tdbs bjhn fe rbtunkbzhj wnrenrh ly

stntbig tdnt ‛hihcy wnrrbfrs whrh erhquhitky hitbohj bitf okhvhr nclusdhs nij trnps,– khnvbig tdh

quhstbfi uiniswhrhj nij knoabig bi gffj hxpknintbfi.

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Zknanthantk Pfsthj Whjihsjny, Ehlrunry >2, <0>:


Zdh stfry fe tdh ofiquhst dns survbvhj bi lftd _pnibsd nij bijbghifus noofuits, nij

Pfrtbkkn‒s lffa, Zdh Lrfahi _phnrs, bs n gffj sfuroh tf ebij lftd vhrsbfis fe tdh snch hvhit. Zdh

noofuits nrh rhkntbvhky tdh snch, fiky jbeehrbig bi cbifr jhtnbks bcpfrtnit tf tdh pnrtbouknr phrsfi

jhsorblbig tdh biobjhit. Fih pfbginit jbeehrhioh ofchs tf us vbn _ndngui‒s biefrcnits wdf whrh

cnbiky Zknkthkfkand. Bt bs okhnr tdnt bi tdhbr heefrts tf pknoh lknch fi tdh futofch fe tdh

‛_pnibsd-Chxbon Wnr– (\hstnkk <00?=5:), tdh ‛nifiycfus nutdfrs fe Zknthkfkof– enukthj tdh

Zhifodand, wdfc tdhy jhsorblhj bi n ofwnrjky nij uiekntthrbig kbgdt wdbkh cnabig tdhcshkvhs

npphnr vnkbnit nij wfrtdy fe rhsphot1 efr bistnioh tdhy snbj, ‛tdh wdfkh tbch wh whrh ebgdtbig

Qtdh lrbgnitbihsS, tdh wnrrbfrs fe Zhifodtbtkni whrh ifwdhrh tf lh shhi– (Pfrtbkkn >22<=>?:).

Bi tdh Ofjhx \ncbrhz, ni noofuit nkkhghjky lnshj fi ni fkjhr nij ifw kfst Inwntk thxt,

Ofrthz bs qufthj ns snybig, ‛Wh dnvh ofch tf yfur dfush bi Chxbof ns erbhijs. Zdhrh bs iftdbig

tf ehnr– (Pfrtbkkn >22<=58). Wh ifw aifw tdnt tdh _pnibsd duighr efr gfkj wfukj rhijhr tdhsh

ofurtky wfrjs chnibigkhss, efr fioh bisbjh Cfthaudzfcn‒s hxtrnvngnit pnknoh, Ofrthz tffa dbc

 prbsfihr uijhr enksh prhthxt, nethr lhbig sdfwi tdh grhnt trhnsurhs fe Zhifodtbtkni (Oknss ifths).

Lhtrnybig tdh trust fe tdh Chxband, Ofrthz cnahs Cfthaudzfcn dbs dfstngh nij tdrfugd dbc

trbhs tf ofitrfk tdh obty. Nethr tdh Cnssnorh fe Zfxantk, Ofrthz efrohs Cfthaudzfcn tf onkc tdh

hirnghj Zhifodand wdf whrh shhabig rhtnkbntbfi efr tdh trhnodhrfus sknugdthr fe tdh phnoheuk

ohkhlrnits. Cfthaudzfcn tdhi bistruots Btzaunudtzbi tf jhkbvhr tdbs chssngh, ‛Wh cust ift ebgdt

tdhc. Wh nrh ift tdhbr hqunks bi lnttkh. Put jfwi yfur sdbhkjs nij nrrfws– (Pfrtbkkn >22<=74). 

Zdh hirnghj orfwj skbigs rfoas nij sdffts nrrfws nt tdhc, nij Cfthaudzfcn suppfshjky jbhs

erfc wfuijs snbj tf dnvh lhhi biekbothj ly dbs fwi phfpkh. Jbnz jhk Onstbkkf stnths tdnt ohrtnbi

Chxboni Onptnbis wdf onrrbhj dbs lfjy fut tf sdfw tdh phfpkh ‛whrh prhshit nt dbs jhntd…nij

tdhy tfkj Oubtknduno…dfw dbs fwi phfpkh abkkhj dbc wbtd lkfws erfc stfihs (>285=?>>). Bt dns

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kfig lhhi dhkj ly sahptbos tdnt Ofrthz abkkhj Cfthaudzfcn, lut tdh enot bs tdnt if fih bs hxnotky

surh dfw dh jbhj (Pfrtbkkn >22<=4?).

Nethr Cfthaudzfcn‒s jhntd nij tdh _pnibsd ekbgdt jurbig tdh ‛Ibgdt fe _frrfws,– tdh

_pnibsd nij tdhbr nkkbhs rhturi tf jhehnt tdh Chxband n yhnr knthr. Aunudthcfa, tdh knst Zkndtfnib,

bs stbkk ohkhlrnthj ns tdh knst Chxband dhrf tdnt ofccnijhj tdh ebink rhsbstnioh ngnbist tdh

_pnibsd. Zdh jhehnt khet n jhhp sonr bi Chxbof, nij bts rhphroussbfis nrh stbkk ehkt tfjny. Lhsbjhs

tdh flvbfus odnighs tdnt tffa pknoh, kbah oukturnk nij rhkbgbfus syiorhtbsc, fih fe tdh jhhphst

wfuijs stbkk ehsthrbig tfjny bs tdh sdnch fe dnvbig bijbghifus niohstry. Zdh _pnibsd jhvhkfphj

n ofcpkhx systhc fe lkffj qunituc nij onsths tdnt bigrnbihj tdh bjhn tdnt tdh ‛wdbthr– yfu nrh,

tdh lhtthr fee yfu nrh ns whkk, nij sf tf tdbs jny, onkkbig sfchfih ‛bijbf– bs n dugh bisukt nij

hqunthj wbtd bgifrnioh nij lnoawnrjihss. Zdbs bs wdy cfst Chxbonis prhehr tf onkk tdhcshkvhs

‛chstbzfs,– ns n wny tf noohitunth tdhbr wdbthihss nij jfwipkny tdhbr bijbghifus niohstry.

Bijbghifus phfpkh bi Chxbof nrh stbkk nt tdh lfttfc fe tdh knjjhr, nij tdbs enot wns cnjh

hxpkbobtky nppnrhit fi Mniunry >, >22: wdhi tdh Hmhrobtf ]npntbstn jh Kblhrnobfi Inobfink rfsh

up ngnbist tdh Chxboni gfvhrichit nethr tdh sbgibig fe INEZN. B wns n shibfr bi dbgd sodffk

wdhi tdbs dnpphihj, nij bt cnjh n lbg bcpnot fi cy psyodh1 B lhgni tf wfijhr nlfut cy

bjhitbty. Nethr yhnrs fe rhshnrod, nij tf cy jhkbgdt, B hiofuithrhj cniy kbah cbijhj phfpkh tdnt

whrh bithrhsthj bi tdh fkj trnjbtbfis nij sfugdt tf bcchrsh tdhcshkvhs bi bijbghifus oukturh. B

sffi khnrihj tdnt tdhrh nrh pfoahts tdrfugdfut Chxbof nij tdh _futdwhst tdnt ofitbiuh tf

 prnotboh sfch fe tdh rbtunks nij oustfcs fe tdh ‛niohstfrs,– nij tdnt tdhrh nrh stbkk fvhr n cbkkbfi

 phfpkh tdnt sphna Inwntk tfjny. Jhspbth tdh vbfkhit hiofuithr lhtwhhi _pnbi nij Chxbof, tdh

oukturh dns survbvhj tdrfugd bts effj, oustfcs, nij trnjbtbfis, lut cfst bcpfrtnit fe nkk, tdrfugd

tdh bijfcbtnlkh spbrbt fe bts phfpkh.

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Zknanthantk Pfsthj Whjihsjny, Ehlrunry >2, <0>:



Lhrjni, Erniohs.

<008 Zdh Nzthos fe Ohitrnk Chxbof= Ni Bcphrbnk _fobhty. Dfkt, \bihdnrt, nij Wbistfi, Ihw


Lffih, H.

>22> Cbgrntbfi Dbstfrbhs nij \btunk Phrefrcnioh. Bi Zf Odnigh Pknoh= Nztho \btunk

 Knijsonphs, hjbthj ly Onrrnsof, J. Xibvhrsbty fe Ofkfrnjf Prhss, Ibwft, Ofkfrnjf.

Ofh, Cbodnhk nij \hx Affitz.

<004  Chxbof= Erfc tdh Fkchos tf tdh Nzthos, _bxtd Hjbtbfi. Zdnchs nij Dujsfi, Kfijfi.

Jhkfrbn, Mr., Ubih.

>227 \hj Hnrtd Wdbth Kbhs1 Intbvh Nchrbonis nij tdh Cytd fe _obhitbebo Enot. Eukoruc

Pulkbsdbig, Gfkjhi, Ofkfrnjf.

Jbnz jhk Onstbkkf, Lhrink.

>285 Zdh Jbsofvhry nij Ofiquhst fe Chxbof, hjbthj ly Ghinrf Gnrobn, trnisknthj N. P.

Cnujkny, bitrfjuotbfi ly Brvbig N. Khfinrj. Abigspfrt Prhss, Abigspfrt, ZI.

Dnrrbs, Cnrvbi.

>272 Oniiblnks nij Abigs. \nijfc Dfush, Ihw Rfra.

Bsnno, L.K.

>24? Zdh Nztho ‛Ekfwhry Wnr–= N Ghfpfkbtbonk Hxpknintbfi. Mfurink fe Nitdrfpfkfgbonk

 \hshnrod ?2=:>8-:?<.

Khfi Pfrtbkkn, Cbguhk.

>22< Zdh Lrfahi _phnrs= Zdh Nztho Noofuit fe tdh Ofiquhst fe Chxbof. Lhnofi Prhss, Lfstfi.

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Zknanthantk Pfsthj Whjihsjny, Ehlrunry >2, <0>:


\hstnkk, Cnttdhw.

<00? _hvhi Cytds fe tdh _pnibsd Ofiquhst. Fxefrj Xibvhrsbty Prhss, Ihw Rfra.

_ndkbis, Cnrsdnkk.

>274 Oukturh ns Prfthbi nij Prfebt. Ihw Rfra \hvbhw fe Lffas, Ifvhclhr <?=:8-8?.

_fusthkkh, Mnoquhs.

>228 Jnbky Kbeh fe tdh Nzthos. Zrnisknthj erfc tdh Erhiod ly F‒Lrbni, Pntrboa. Pdfhibx Prhss,


Zknpfynwn, Aurky.

<00< Wh Wbkk \bsh1 \hlubkjbig tdh Chxband Intbfi. Zrneefrj Pulkbsdbig= Ubotfrbn, Oninjn.