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  • 8/10/2019 mercury-neptune




    These contacts are indicative of good-nature, benevolence and mildness of temper. There

    is seldom much originality, but the mind is active, acute and frequently industrious, the intelligence

    being as a rule considerably above the average, especially in book-learning. The religious views are

    vague and general, and there is more natural piety than formal devotion. Sometimes there is a

    rather mild skepticism, with an equally mild optimism, but it is an aspect which avoids religious

    difficulties and is often little concerned with problems of this sort.

    It is not ambitious, and can even verge to the unpractical, easily satisfied, and easy-going

    type, with a certain amount of imprudence and lack of forethought. The pleasures are often of an

    artistic or intellectual kind, and in this direction there may be considerable proficiency.

    The self-assurance that sometimes goes with the Inharmonious aspects is rare, and there is

    more often a quiet, modest and retiring attitude.

    In a material way it confers benefits through both Jovian and Mercurian things, but it is rare

    that it seeks for itself so far as worldly objects are concerned: it is more often addicted to a simple

    and frugal mode of life and is wrapt up in intellectual interests. The chief difference between the

    favourable and unfavourable Mercury-Jovian contacts lies in the results from a material point of

    view. The Harmonious contacts operate less eccentrically and are more often profitable in terms of

    cash. Even so, the aspects of Jupiter, in themselves, are seldom energetically ambitious. In fact, I

    should not call it a good combination for worldly success. There seems to be a distinct element of

    self-undoing in it, as a perusal of the ensuing examples will show. Even if this may be traced to

    other elements in the map, yet it is plain that the good aspects of Mercury and Jupiter do not prevent


    This is not negated by the fact that several well-known modern astrologers have good

    aspects of Mercury and Jupiter, for Astrology at this period has to be practiced professionally

    beneath the frown of the law and in a semi-surreptitious manner, conferring, in a worldly sense,

    much more blame than credit.


  • 8/10/2019 mercury-neptune


    This is a powerful position, and one that usually causes the native to be considerably above

    the average of intelligence. Yet I found it difficult to collect examples of it, perhaps because the

    people whose nativities are published, who are for the most part either famous or notorious, are

    unlikely to have this Conjunction, for, like the Harmonious aspects, it often leads to a quiet and

    uneventful life perhaps that of a learned recluse.

    Probably the native is more original and investigatory that those with the good aspects

    usually are.

    There is the same good-nature and kindliness, and often there is a definite propensity to

    philanthropic pursuits.

    It brings success, of a quiet kind, in all matters coming under the planets, such as religion,

    law, literature, art or music.

    It is said sometimes to be conceited, and not infrequently there is a spice of self-will and

    stubbornness. It is not favourable for exact thought or patient, detailed work, unless Saturn is also
