meo 1 - question bank

Ref : IMU/MAE/08/CRSMT/001/10 Revision 01 Indian Maritime University ( A Central University ) East Coast Road, Uthandi, Chennai – 600 119. Phone : (044) 2453 0343/44/45, Fax : (044) 2453 0342 Email : [email protected] Website : Marine Engineering M E O CLASS - 1 (For Chief Engineer Officer) Volume - III (Question Bank)

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Page 1: Meo 1 - Question Bank

Ref : IMU/MAE/08/CRSMT/001/10 Revision 01

Indian Maritime University( A Central University )

East Coast Road, Uthandi, Chennai – 600 119.Phone : (044) 2453 0343/44/45, Fax : (044) 2453 0342

Email : [email protected] Website :

Marine Engineering

M E O CLASS - 1(For Chief Engineer Officer)

Volume - III(Question Bank)

Page 2: Meo 1 - Question Bank


Question Bank For



East Coast Road, Uthandi, Chennai 600 119.

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1. SOLAS Convention is generally regarded as the most important of allInternational treaties concerning the safety of merchant .ships. Illustrating itsbrief history commencing from the first version give chronologically itsevolution towards formation of International convention for the Safety ofLife at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS). Explain its amendment procedures as detailed inthe Article VIII of the said convention. What is meant by 'Amendments byconference'? When these amendments enter into force? What does'Accelerated Amendment' mean?

2. What is the main objective of the SOLAS Convention 1974? Under the saidconvention state the responsibility and control provisions of flagstates/contracting Governments. Briefly describe the coverage as detailed bytwelve chapters of SOLAS.

3. State the objective behind Protocol of 1978 of SOLAS Convention 1974.Underlining its date of adoption and entry into force, describe the number ofimportant changes to Chapter I of SOLAS. Also describe 1981 amendmentsas made in Chapter II-1 and II-2.

4. Illustrating date of adoption and entry into force in each case, describe theamendments and protocols as made to SOLAS Convention 1974 in (i) 1983(ii) 1988 (iii) 1989

5. Illustrating date of adoption and entry into force in each case, describe theamendments and protocols as made to SOLAS Convention 1974 in (i) 1990(ii) April 1992 (iii) December 1992. What all codes were amended in thoseamendments?

6. Describe the amendments as made for Chapter IX of SOLAS by May 1994Conference and to make mandatory a code as adopted by IMO in November1993 (Assembly resolution A.741 (18)). State the main objectives of the saidcode. Also highlight the amendments made to Article VIII and Chapter X ofSOLAS by the said amendments

7. Highlight the amendments made to Chapter XI of SOLAS by May 1994Amendment Conference. Under the said measure emphasize the specialregulations that were added and entered into force under tacit acceptance on1 str January 1986. What reference does the said conference made/stressed toRegulation A.742 (18), adopted in November 1993 for SOLAS?

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8. Describe the new regulations that were added to Chapter V of SOLAS underthe May 1994 amendments. What improvements the said amendments madeto Regulation 15 in Chapter II-2? Enlist the different codes that wereamended in the said conference/ Illustrate 'clear grounds' as defined in theAnnex of Resolution A-742 (18) adopted in November 1993 by May 1994amendments.

9. Underlining the date of adoption and entry into force describe December1994, May 1995 and November 1995 amendments as made to SOLAS 1974.Highlight these amendments made on (I) Ship's routing system (ii) Stabilityof Ro-Ro Passenger ships (iii) Lifesaving appliances and arrangements.

10. Describe the different Chapters of SOLAS that were amended and its salientfeatures as amended by amendments made in (i) June 1996 Conference (ii)December 1996 Conference. Illustrate their date of adoption and entry intoforce in both cases. Highlight the codes that were amended under theseamendments. What new Regulation that were added in Chapter II-1 underDecember 1996 amendments?

11. Underlining date of adoption and entry into force, Illustrate the changes June1997 and Nov, 1997 amendments conference to SOLAS 1974. What newregulation to comply with the regulation adopted in Nov, 1995 for Ro-RoPassenger ships was adopted in June 1997 Amendment Conference? Whatobservations by International Association of Classification Societies (IACS)was taken into account in Nov. 1997 Amendment?

12. Under provisions of May 1998 amendments to SOLAS, what provisions inthe amendment has been made to Regulation 14 of SOLAS in Chapter II-1?Also include the changes made to Chapter IV and Chapter VI of SOLASunder said Conference. Illustrate the new regulation on 'Position Updating'has been introduced in context with above.

13. Illustrate the May 1999 amendments to SOLAS 1974 including its date ofadoption and entry into force. State the classes the ships carrying INF cargoare assigned with under this amendment. What specific changes to adoptedamendments on Nov. 1997 has been included in May 1999 amendments?What is meant by the said amendment being under 'tacit acceptance*?

14. Highlight the amendments as included in SOLAS Chapter V under Dec.2000amendment. State the new regulation in SOLAS Chapter II-1 and differentamendments made to SOLAS Chapter V. Fire and Test Procedure Code(FTP), IBC Code, BCH Code and ISM Code as made by the said conference(Dec. 2000 amendments).

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15. State the salient amendments made to SOLAS 1974 by amendments underJune 2001 and May 2002 amendment conferences. Which one of these isunder 'tacit acceptance'? What changes to 1978 protocols have been initiatedin May 2002 amendment? What impact does May 2002 amendmentconference have on IMDG Code?

16. State the salient clauses of amendments made to SOLAS 1974 by Dec. 2002amendment conference? What modifications to Chapter V and Chapter XI ofSOLAS has resulted under this amendment. Discuss the new Regulation XI-1/5 and new chapter XI-2 that have been added to SOLAS on the basis ofthis amendment. Also state the requirement/modifications made toRegulation XI-2/3 enshrining International Ship and Port facilities SecurityCode (ISPS Code)

17. Explain the procedure and the role played by main bodies/organs of IMOtowards adopting a convention from the suggestion from one of thecommittees of IMO. How much time is allowed for the convention to beopen for signature by attending states? Explain the term (i) Signature (ii)Ratification as followed by a state to express its consent to be bound by atreaty.

18. Discuss the procedure of entry into force of a convention after its adopting?State the provision and its importance towards entry into force of theconvention. For a convention of important technical nature sate the generalrules/conditions observed by the states for its entry into force. Explain theterms (i) Accession (ii) Signature subject to Ratification, acceptance orapproval.

19. With reference to IMO conventions discuss (i) Amendment (ii) TacitAcceptance (iii) Enforcement should an offence occur by a ship within thejurisdiction of another state, state the provisions kept under the 'enforcement'of conventions to counter the offence.


20. What are the general considerations in international maritime law? What arethe general considerations in regard towage and salvage? Explain life salvageand time for suit.

21. What are the basic criteria in cargo carriage under bills of lading and relateddocuments? Explain the procedure towards issue of bill of lading. What arethe obligations of the carrier and shipper under bill of lading? What happensin case of a part of cargo getting lost or damaged?

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22. Under maritime law in case of a collision, explain (i) apportionment ofdamages (ii) proportionate fault (iii) collision liabilities (iv) presumptions offault (v) jurisdiction in collision cases.

23. What are the various collision liabilities under international maritime law?How the economic laws in ship collisions are assessed? Highlight your viewson 'collision and conflicts of law'?

24. What are the principles of modern salvage law? What is general average ?Explain with context to general average (i) Entitlement (ii) Artificial (iii)Adjustment (iv) Contestation

25. What do you understand by state controlled salvage? In context to salvageexplain the key issues of 'The 1994 York/Antwerp Rules' and 'The Nordicand Chinese Maritime Codes'

26. What are the liabilities of a ship owner in carriage of passengers onboardships? Explain the importance and relevance of 'Pre-Athens ConventionLegislation" and 'The Athens Passenger Convention 1974' .


27. A vessel is required to be registered at a specific port in India. List thedocuments that will be required for such registration detailing related flowprocess thereof.

28. An Indian Shipping Company is running at considerable loss for consecutiveyears and desires to put some of their vessels in mortgage. Identify theparties to whom the vessel can be mortgaged and in extreme measure whenthe shipping company fails to repay the mortgaged loan, describe themodalities for recovering.

29. Under 'Indian Merchant Shipping Act’, explain (i) Indian Courts and theirprocedures towards a major casualty on a foreign flagship (ii) Arrest ofMaritime property (iii) Arbitration.

30. In case of a death of a crew member on an Indian ship at Indian coast,describe the necessary provisions as laid out in 'Indian Merchant ShippingAct'. What provisions made by the same Act towards seaman's documentsand stowage?

31. With Indian Merchant Shipping Act 1958, discuss (i) Indian Courts and theirprocedures (ii) Arrest of maritime property (iii) Liens (iv) Arbitration

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32. Describe the salient considerations leading to first United NationsConference on The Law of the Sea. When it was provisionally accepted andwhen it entered into force? What is meant by Arvid Pardo and the - CommonHeritage of Mankind-Principle?

33. In addition to the provisions of UNCLOS, state the coastal zonal divisionmade by coastal resources management authority. Differentiate betweendifferent categorization of 'sandy beaches' under US Maritime Law.

34. Explain 'Estuaries' and 'Water shades' as defined by US Maritime Law andits significance on implementation of UNCLOS.

35. What are the UNCLOS provisions concerning ship's flag and nationality? Inobservation of UNCLOS what are the duties of flag states and how it isenforced?

36. As a Chief Engineer on a vessel scheduled to make a voyage from India tothe U.S. Coast, list the salient items you will inspect, machinery-installationsyou will ensure for satisfactory operation and documents you will keephandy for making a satisfactory voyage. Give reasoning in each case.

37. State Maritime Declaration of Health and the requirements of InternationalHealth Regulations for persons employed on board for sailing. An EngineRoom personnel being traced of suffering from a contagious disease (E.g.Tuberculosis, AIDS etc.,) while on a voyage, state the steps taken by you asChief Engineer on board.

38. Give a brief history and the necessity towards formation of UNCLOS? Whatare its important highlights? Under context explain (i) Territorial Sea (ii)Contiguous Zone (iii) Exclusive Economic Zone (iv) Continental Shelf (v)High Seas/

39. Explain the key features of the United Nations Convention. On the Law ofthe Sea? When this convention was opened for signature and when it enteredinto force? How many articles and annexes it contains? Enumerate the areascovered under this convention?

40. Give a brief background of ILO, its inception and its fields of mandate forMaritime Labour Development. Name three-conventions/protocol of ILOconcerning maritime labour, which has come in force in 1996.

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41. How many maritime labour conventions been in force concerning seafarers?Highlight Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) 1976 and its protocoland its contribution to uplifting the working condition of seafarers on board.

42. State the number of articles present in Merchant Shipping (MinimumStandards) Convention 1976 and briefly explain the purpose of each article.

43. Address the salient issues as underlined in the Health Protection and MedicalCare (Seafarers), 1987 convention of ILO. As a Chief Engineer comment itscontribution to the improvement of medical care of seafarers on board ships.

44. Explain (i) WHO International Health Regulations (ii) ITU InternationalTelecommunication Regulations; What impact these treaties have on modernshipping?

45. What are the liabilities of a ship owner in carriage of passengers onboardships? Explain the importance and relevance of 'Pre-Athens ConventionLegislation' and 'The Athens Passenger Convention 1974'


46. Give a brief history of P&I Clubs highlighting its inception, and growth. It issaid 'Rebirth of P&I Clubs is due to growth of Third Party Liabilities'-Elucidate.

47. What is a P&I Insurance? How these clubs operate worldwide? Connectedwith P&I Clubs, explain control, dividends, scope of cover and letters ofundertaking.

48. Illustrate the present service philosophy of P&I Clubs and how they work ona day-to-day basis world-wide? How is it controlled?

49. With reference to P&I Club, explain:

50. (a) International group (b) Re-Insurance (c) Representative Function

51. What are the salient differences of a Marine Insurance with a shore basedinstallation Insurance? With respect to Marine Insurance explain:

(a) Agreed Value and ACV Policies (b) P&I Liability(b) Water craft Liability (d) Hull Coverage

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52. A serious fire has taken place in the bridge of a vessel arising out of shortcircuit. Describe the type of insurance coverage the ship is entitled to andwhat type of policy will cover the maximum damage recovery? What isuninsured boater coverage?

53. Define Marine Insurance. Highlight the importance of Marine Insurancecover requirements for owners and Shippers. Underline the risks/liabilitiesinvolved in cargo transportation for a ship not covered under insurance.

54. Specify the related bodies and their objectives in Marine Insurance market.Highlight the purpose and objective of P&I club insurance. What are it'slimitations?

55. State the different types of Marine Insurance Policies that could beundertaken by owners, shippers or other related parties. Explain the salientliabilities and exclusions related with each case for an insurer.

56. Underlining Marine Insurance Cover, explain (i) Hull & Machinery cover,(ii) P & I Insurance (iii) Cargo Insurance (iv) Pollution Liability Insurance.

57. Explain losses & it's categories with respect to Marine Insurance. Why andwhere particular average and general average are of importance in LossClaims?

58. Explain Hull Claims and Cargo Claims related with Marine Insurance. Statethe related documents and information required from the ship in this regardhighlighting their validity.

59. What are the main statutes of marine insurance? Explain with reference tomarine insurance (i) Direct Action (ii) Re-insurance (iii) Marine insuranceand conflict of laws.

60. With reference to Marine Insurance, write short notes on (i) Actual cashvalue policies (ACV) (ii) Protection and indemnity liability (iii) Water craftliability.

61. With reference to P&I club, write short notes on (i) Medical paymentcoverage (ii) Uninsured Boater coverage (iii) Towing coverage.

62. List the differences of a Marine Insurance compared to a General Insuranceat shore. Discuss its applicability in a new ship and an old ship procurement.

63. What do you understand by state controlled salvage? In context to salvage

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explain the key issues of "The 1994 York/Antwerp' rules and 'The Nordicand Chinese Maritime Codes'.


64. A QMS is to be developed on board under ISO. State the steps initiated byyou with the co-operation of senior management members on board andshore office to implement the same within a targeted date.

65. list the objectives of an Internal Audit of a ship? How an Internal Audit helpin External Audit of a vessel? Name the salient issues addressed in theInternal Audit and the persons responsible to carry out the same.

66. You have joined as Chief Engineer on an old sailing vessel which has beenrecently procured by the owners. State the documents you will need forimmediate sailing under ISM Codes and how this can be achieved within ashort targeted span?

67. Illustrating differences between major and minor nonconformity and nearmiss situations, show with examples steps taken by you as Chief Engineer ineach case for successful handling of the situations.

68. For an ISM certification, explain the key clauses which is needed to becomplied with? To have SMS onboard to be successful, state the factors andtheir importance to be the commitment from a Chief Engineer and shoreoffice.

69. Under ISM codes define 'Company'. How the identity of the company maybeasserted under reference to the said code? Enumerate the objectives of 'ISMcode' and 'Safety Management System'.

70. Identifying the clause under ISM code, enumerate Master's responsibility andauthority. Specifying the clause of the code, enlist the requirement of keyoperations and responsibilities as detailed towards development of plans forshipboard operations by (i) Shipping Company (ii) Ship operating Staff.Enumerate also the key shipboard operations.

71. With reference to ISM Codes explain (i) Non Conformity (ii) Accident (iii)Hazardous Occurrence (iv) Disclaimer. What are the salient features andobjective of SMS Documentation? What are Software and Hardwareconsiderations for meeting objective under the Code?

72. Under ISM certification explain (i) DOC (ii) Short term DOC (iii) Interim

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DOC (iv) Full Term DOC (v) SMC (vi) Short term SMC (vii) Interim SMC(viii) Full Term SMC. Briefly explain the significance of issuance of eachcertificate stated above, specifying the condition for all

73. State the action taken by a survey society towards handling of an ISMCertificate incase (i) When a major non conformity is found (ii) When nonconformities are found (iii) When extension of the certificate is requested for(iv) When revision of an entry for a certificate is requested for. Under whatcircumstances may SMC and DOC be invalidated.

74. Classify the type of ISM Audits conducted for a shipping company and of aship emphasizing its timing. Explain what is meant by follow up audit.

75. Explain shipboard audit highlighting initial audit, intermediate audit,intermediate audit, renewal audit and additional audit. What are the auditprocedures when a shipboard audit could not be completed due to a changeof ships departure time.


76. Detail the inspection that you as the new Chief Engineer of a passenger ship,would make on vehicle decks. The following headings are suggested: (i)Stability (ii) Damage control (iii) Fire Fighting (iv) Machinery Givereasoning in each clause of your inspection.

77. You have been appointed as Chief Engineer to a Dry cargo vessel recentlypurchased by your shipping company. The company requests that youexamine the vessel with a view to increase its deadweight capacity withoutaltering ships length. Outline the suggestions that you would make justifyingyour proposals.

78. Underline the factors, which is required for quantitative evaluation of ship'sintact stability. On a ship where you are appointed as Chief Engineer,describe the procedure you will adopt for computing intact stability of thevessel. Conclude your assessment with some realistic data.

79. What is parametric rolling of a ship? How it originated? Under whatconsideration it has become important in today's scenario? Considering aPost Panamax Container vessel carrying a load of 1300 containers isovertaken by a hailstorm. Enlist the effects on the ship due the conditionunder parametric rolling. Justify your answer with reasons.

80. Differentiate between static and dynamic stability? Can a ship high on GM be

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low on stability? Justify your answer with reasoning. Enlist the governingfactors you will inspect while taking over anew ship in shipyard as ChiefEngineer for having optimum stability in both categories. Substantiate youranswer with reasons.

81. Explain damage buoyancy and damage stability. Highlight "Onecompartment" standard for ships towards damage control. "Ships carryingliquid cargo are at hazard from groundings and explosions, but their sinkingfrom collisions is very rare" - Justify the statement with reasoning.

82. Explain "Ship Squat" and its relevance on super tankers or OBO vessels.What are the factors governing ship squat? Using relevant diagrams explainyour answers.

83. Enlist the factors of capsizing of a vessel. Give your observation withreasoning that a smaller vessel is more prone to capsize than a bigger one.State the actions that can undertaken for improving resistance of a vesselagainst capsizing?

84. Explain transient flooding phenomenon. Underline the risk involved withtransient flooding. Considering that transient flooding condition may lead tocapsizing of a vessel, explain the phases of ship's movement from upright tooverturn position due to transient flooding?

85. State the effect of increasing beam and freeboard on stability with referenceto a stability curve for a particular vessel in-a particular condition of loading.How to reduce the maximum range of stability under conditions in thesecases?

86. A box shaped vessel is 50m long and is floating on an even keel at 4m draft.The compartment amidships is 10m long and is empty. Find the increase indraft if this compartment is bilged. (Ans. lm)

87. A box shaped vessel 150m x 20m x 12m is floating on an even keel at 5mdraft. A compartment amidships is 15m long and contains timber of relativedensity 0.8 and stowage factor 1.5m3/t. Calculate the new draft if thiscompartment is now bilged. (Ans.5.085m)

88. State the factors on which damage stability of the vessel is dependent. Statethe principle consequences of flooding ships hull. Defining floodable length,illustrate how a floodable length curve can be used to test the locations of thesubdivision bulkheads in a ship.

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89. A box shaped vessel 40m long, 8m wide and 6m deep floats in salt water onan even keel at 3m draft. GM=lm, find the new GM if an emptycompartment 4m long and situated amidships is bilged. (Ans. GM2 = 0.99m)

90. A ship of 50001 displacement has the righting levers as follow; Angle of heel10° 20° 30° 40°GZinm 0.21 0.33 0.40 0.43 Calculate the dynamic stabilityat 40° heel.. (Ans. 1026.5 meter tones)

91. Suggest with reasons, why each of the following courses of action areappropriate if a ship begins to wallow in heavy seas : (a) frequently sound allhold bilges (b) frequently sound bilges in chain locker, peak tanks,cofferdams and other void spaces (c) sound all fuel, fresh water and ballasttanks (d) if satisfied with (a), (b) and (c) trim ship by the stern and correctany list (e) reduce speed of the main engine

92. In order to determine optimum stabilization devices for roll damping ofships, express your comments on: (i) Hull shape effect on bilge keelcomponent (ii) Forward speed effect on bilge keel component (iii) Non lineareffect on hull lift component (iv) barge/flat ship with sharp corners (v) Flatplanning craft.

93. A ship of 6000 tones displacement enters a dry dock trimmed 0.3 m by stem.KM=7.5M, KG=6m. MCTC=90 tones m. The center of floatation is 45mfrom aft. Find the effective meta centric height at the critical instant beforethe ship takes the blocks overall. (Ans.: New GM=1 .425m)

94. A ship of 5000 tones displacement enters a dry dock on an even keel.KM=6m. KG=5.5m. T[C=50 tones. Find the virtual loss of meta centricheight after the ship has taken the blocks and the water has fallen another0.24m. (Ans. : Virtual loss=l .44m)

95. To ensure an adequate standard of damage stability protection following anumber of accidents involving Ro-Ro ferns, amendments have been made by(i) IMO to 1974 SOLAS Convention (ii) by IACS on flood control doors,bow doors and fitting to these doors. Describe above with sketches asnecessary and give your conclusive comments.


96. Differentiate between Rules, Regulations, Protocol, Act, tacit acceptance andConvention as adapted in IMO. Describe the process by which a Draftproposal gets converted into a Rule administered by a maritime membercountry?

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97. List the date of entry into force/Convention or Code of IMO in the year2002. On what basis as towards implementation of IMO'S Conventions 1stJanuary 2002 and 1st July 2002 is important?

98. List the amendments to the existing Conventions of IMO to come in force inthe year 2003 briefly giving a description of each. What changes are likely tobe foreseen on ship operation world wide on implementation of theseamendments?

99. Expanding the following abbreviations/word, write a short note on thefollowing mentioning their initiation and the Amendments made thereof tilldate:


100. As per STCW convention 78 and Code of 95, state to which branch do thefollowing sections refer to (a) Section A-III/1 (b) Section A-TIT/2 (c)Section A-III/3 (d) Section A-III/4

101. Underline the importance of IMO Convention concerning minimumstandards merchant ships, 1976 (No.147) and its protocol 1996. Also give abrief description of other relevant IMO Conventions.

102. Eate the influences of a Charterer on operation of propulsion and othershipboard machineries during a voyage. A ship on a time-charter if met withseveral unforeseen machinery breakdowns due to which the scheduled datecannot be met with, state the different options and actions a Chief Engineeron-board should undertake?

103. Highlight the following amendments to IMO Conventions and its effect inship operation thereof. Mention their date of entry into force

(c) CLC and Fund Conventions


104. Highlighting the importance of the dates shown below as towards entry intoforce of IMO Conventions/ Codes/ Amendments, describe the effect it willhave on maritime ship operation worldwide -

(a) 1st Jan 2003 (b) 1st May 2003 (c) 27th Sept.2003 (d) 1st Sept. 2002

105. Piracy of ships and robbery of valuable goods have become issues of concernin maritime trade under current scenario, Highlight the IMO Convention

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related to these issues and the proviso a Chief Engineer has to encounter suchincidents successfully under International Legislation.

106. Describe the responsibilities of a Chief Engineer under the relevantrequirements of the International Convention on Load Lines. In case of adebate arising out of tonnage calculation for a ship in transit through a canal,describe the modalities a Chief Engineer can adopt.

107. List the methods and aids to prevent pollution of the environment by shipsunder IMO Conventions and steps you can take for its successfulimplementation on a ship prior its voyage, where you have joined as ChiefEngineer.

108. Under SOLAS, state the responsibilities of a Chief Engineer for safety of lifeof personnel on board in :

(a) In general (b) In emergency situations



109. Describe the amendments made in SOLAS chapter II-1 Parts A, B and B-ltowards consideration of trim in the calculation of attained subdivision A.What are the provisions made thereof for passenger ships? What provisionsmade against intermediate stages of flooding?

110. Describe the definition of collision bulkhead as documented by IMO? Alsogive provisions/amendments made in existing SOLAS Regulations againstbottom damage and grounding protection of a vessel? Also highlight thelength definition issue for application of damage stability requirements.

111. When International Convention of Maritime Search and Rescue was adopted,and when it was amended? Describe the salient features of revised annex asentered into force since 1st Jan 2000. How many chapters is contained in therevised annex.

112. State the date of adoption and entry into force of International Convention onStandards of Training, Certification and watch keeping for Seafarers. Give abrief introduction of the convention highlighting its purpose, articles related,different chapters contained and their area of coverage.

113. State the resolutions adopted by 1978 Convention on STCW. What is the

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amendment procedure of the said convention?

114. When the amendments to the STCW annex will normally enter into force?State the amendments made on to the said convention underlining its date ofadoption and entry into force since 1991.

115. What is meant by "White List" of member countries of IMO? The countriesnot falling under the "White List" of IMO are faced with what allinconveniences? Describe an important procedure concerning the exercise ofstate that has been followed off from Chapter I of STCW convention. Underthe said chapter also highlight technical innovations and provisions or copingof fitness standards of seafarers as detailed specifying the regulation andsection of STCW Code.

116. Underlining the date of adoption and entry into force, give a brief descriptionof the objectives towards convention on the International Maritime Satellite .What is meant by IMSO? What are its entitles? Also give a brief descriptionon subsequent amendments made to the said convention in (i) 1985 (ii) 1989(iii)1994 (iv) 1998

117. Give the reasons and importance leading to International Convention for SafeContainers, 1972 (CSC) ? What are its goals? Stating its date of adoption andentry into force explain the different technical annexes included thereof andsubsequent amendments made in (i) 1981 (ii) 1983 (in) 1991 (iv) 1993


118. Describe the Annexes as included in COLREG 1972. Also give a briefdescription of the subsequent amendments made in (i) 1981 (ii) 1987 (iii)1989 (iv) 1993

119. Highlighting the objective of COLREG 1972 Convention, describe the 2001amendments underlining its date of adoption and entry into force? State thenumber of rules that were amended in the said amendment briefly giving anecessity of such amendment related to wing-in-ground craft (WIG)?

120. State the objective ofl972 Convention designed to replace CollisionRegulations of 1960. What is the most important innovation in 1972COLREG? State the technical provisions highlighting its different sectionand Annexes.

121. Under technical provisions of 1972 convention on COLREG, state the

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objective of all its sections. Underlining the total number of rules in the saidconvention discuss (i) Rule 5 (ii) Rule 6 (iii) Rule 9

122. What are the technical provisions made under general rules of 1972conventions on COLREG ? Discuss Rule 10 in detail. Explain the term "notto impede". Also detail any amendment made thereof?

123. Specify the number of rules included under Section II and Section III ofCOLREG 1972. Giving a brief description of the rules, highlightingobjectives of Section II and Section III of the said.

124. Describe the Special Trade Passenger Ships agreement, 1971 and Protocol onSpace Requirements for Special Trade Passenger Ships, 1973. Also give abrief description of Protocol on space requirements for Special TradePassenger Ships, 1973. Give the date of adoption and entry into force in bothcases of the above.

125. Give the history of requirement leading towards International Convention OnLoad lines, 1966, underlining its date of adoption and entry into force. Whatspecial provisions were included in the said convention in comparison to firstInternational Convention on Load lines adopted in 1930 ? Describe itsdifferent chapters highlighting their area of coverage and related Annexes.

126. Illustrate the different amendments to the International Convention onl Loadlines, 1966 as amended in (i) 1971 (ii) 1975 (iii) 1979 (iv) 1983. What wasthe primary requirement towards adoption of 1988 protocol to the saidconvention ? Describe its 1995 amendments and revision of Load lineconventions thereof.



127. Underline the objectives of ISM Codes and Safety Management (SMS).Enumerate the different components of a planned management programmefor a propulsion engine of a ship. While assimilating repair and spare partsdata what are the factors to be taken into consideration?

128. Define a 'Company' and its obligation under ISM CODES TOWARDSSAFESHIPBOARD OPERATIONS. Enumerate the key shipboardoperations, which should be maintained by a company of successful onboardoperation of a ship under ISM Codes.

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129. Illustrate (i) Maintenance Plan (ii) Repair Plan (iii) Spare Part ProcurementPlan as required under Planned Maintenance. State the activities requiredtowards establishing a spare part history. Highlight the related ISM clausesand discuss how at best they could be implemented for the best advantage ofa 'Engine room Planned Maintenance System'.

130. As a Chief Engineer you have joined a vessel which is about to undertake asix month round voyage. Underline and describe the key issues that you willinspect, check, prepare, establish and maintain towards proper PlannedMaintenance of Engine Room and associated areas under ISM Codes.

131. Explain the objectives of a responsible company as required under ISMCodes. Explain with reasons, why existing maintenance plan threatens ISMCertification and increases risk of Port State control detention.

132. Give the specific requirements under ISM Codes defining (i) CompanyObjectives (ii) Designated persons (iii) Resources and personnel (iv) Reportsand analysis of non conformities, accidents and hazardous occurrences (v)Documentation (vi) Company verification, review and evaluation. Establishthe relation between above mentioned factors with respect to maintenance ofthe ship and its equipments.

133. Explain the associated key factors and activities to ensure successful PlannedMaintenance programme onboard ships under ISM Codes with the followingterms (i) Corrective action process (ii) Developing and improvingmaintenance procedures (iii) Systematic approach to maintenance (iv)Maintenance intervals (v) Inspections



134. Give a list of the properties or test by which distillate and blended fuels maybe specified or decisions be made on their fitness for use. Name theproperties or constituents that may be found in a blended fuel having a highviscosity and high carbon content. Explain how they may cause problems inengine operation.

135. With reference to the layout diagram and relationship between engine powerand ships speed establish the conclusions that may be drawn towardsoptimum use of fuel oil for main engines. How the relationship is drawnbetween ship speed and engine performance and state what consequentinference that can be established towards optimum use of fuel oil for

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propulsion engine.

136. With respect to economic fuel oil consumption for main engine, explain theimportance of the following (i) Conventional VIT System (ii) Super VITSystem (iii) FQS

137. State from the different circumstances of running of propulsion engine andthe engine behavior, how best a plan for economic use of fuel can bedeveloped onboard from (i) Indicator diagrams (ii) Draw cards (iii) Lightspring diagram

138. Discuss the influence the following properties / contents have on fuelcharacteristics and its economic use (i) viscosity (ii) density (iii) ignitionquality (iv) VIT (v) compatibility (vi) carbon residue (vii) controlcombustion period

139. With reference to maintenance of plant efficiency, discuss energy audit ofmain engine, boilers and auxiliary engines. How such audit help ineconomizing fuel oil consumption

140. Discuss FQS as applied to main engines to improve its performance. How itsapplication can be best utilized for optimum economic use of fuel oil?Highlight the relationship between FQS and VIT and suggest ways so thatboth can be ideally balanced with a view to fuel oil consumption and MCR.

141. Explain the influence of flowing external factors in higher consumption offuel oil and how at best they could be controlled? (i) Ships hull condition (ii)Weather condition (iii) Maintenance of different elements in fuel oil system

142. Develop a programmed for conservation and optimum use of fuel oil onboard ship highlighting (i) storing of fuel oil (ii) degradation of fuel oil, itssymptoms and prevention (iii) measures against undesired loss of fuel oil inthe engine room.

143. Illustrate mean piston speed, its significance on consumption of fuel oil.Explain how mean piston speed is related to r.p.m. and ideal combustion.Joining an old ship as Chief Engineer, formulate a methodology by whichyou can ascertain optimum use of fuel oil against desired mean piston speed.


144. Learn to familiarize with the different engine behaviour and performancegraph related with combustion like stroke cycle, cylinder pressure/fuel

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pressure, angle behaviour etc.,

145. Study the effect of change of fuel oil properties on engine behaviour andperformance. Learn to identify the related changes.

146. Study the change of engine behaviour/parameter due to changes in injectioncharacteristics and overload.

147. Study the different faults like cutting of a cylinder, turbochargermalfunctioning etc. and its influence on engine performance.

148. Study the analysis of different combustion curve under different faultcondition.

149. Study of different alarms related to running of main engine.

150. Study the fuel oil characteristics and optimization of available fuel oilconsumption with respect to rated power.

151. Study the change of engine behaviour with respect to VIT and FQS setting.

152. Study the changes in turbocharger performance due to change in FQS.

153. Study the analysis of changes in Engine Parameters, behaviour andperformance and locate the associated faults.

154. Any other tasks related with Engine performance/fuel consumption/insertedfault etc.



155. Illustrate the salient factors for 'onboard training' and standard of competenceas laid out in STCW 95 Chapter III. Underline the specific roles a ChiefEngineer needs to perform towards satisfactory training of engine roompersonnel under the parameter. What will be the criteria for evaluatingcompetence for onboard training by a Chief Engineer?

156. With reference to Section A-V/3 and training to engine room personnel,illustrate the role of a Chief Engineer in (i) Crowd management training (ii)Familiarization training (iii) Safety training for personnel providing directservice to passengers in passenger spaces (iv) Crisis management and human

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behaviour training.

157. With reference to Section A-VI /l of STCW 95 enlist the minimumrequirements for familiarization, basic safety training and instruction to allseafarers. Underline the importance of the role of Chief Engineer of a ship inenforcing these elements of STCW training.

158. You have joined a vessel as Chief Engineer recently. Outline a programmedthat you will implement in training of Engine Room staff for (i) Fireprevention and fire fighting (ii) Pollution prevention (iii) Safe workingpractices. Enlist the related STCW Codes for each of them.

159. As a Chief Engineer on a ship, how you would conduct a trainingprogrammed for safe working practices in (i) Welding (ii) Ballast watermanagement (iii) Pollution prevention.

160. Describe a procedure to establish a training programmed appropriate for thetraining need of Engine Room personnel on board, where you have joined asChief Engineer. Illustrate the measures you will undertake in view of asection of Engine, Room personnel not adopt in attaining the standard withina specified time period.

161. Discuss the contribution of the following factors on ship in identification ofproper training for a specific task performed (i) Internal Audits (ii)Emergency drills (iii) Previous training and experience (iv) Familiarizationwith new equipment.

162. Highlight the salient measures of a training programmed that you willundertake on joining a vessel as Chief Engineer in pursuance of SOLASguidance and as underlined in (i) May 1999 Amendments (ii) May 2002Amendments (iii) Chapter IX of SOLAS

163. With reference to training onboard ships and emergency drills discuss theprocedure and importance of (i) testing of emergency fire pump andemergency bilge pump (ii) operation of remote shutoff valves and remotestop switches (iii) operation of fire flaps.

164. As a Chief Engineer on a ship where you have joined recently, develop atraining programmed for shore related activities of a vessel. Highlight thespecific training needs for engine room personnel in case of (i) overloading(ii) fire (iii) explosion, when the ship is in dry dock.

165. Outline the salient points of a training need that is required for engine room

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personnel in ship related emergency situations like (i) Collision (ii)Grounding (iii) Flooding (iv) Heavy weather damage.

166. As a Chief Engineer onboard draw up an appropriate training plan for engineroom personnel towards successful handling of (i) major fire in engine roomand wheelhouse (ii) Pollution involving cargo/bunkers.

167. Develop an appropriate training programmed for engine room personnel forsuccessfully encountering machinery related emergency situations like (i)Main engine/auxiliary engine failure (ii) automation failure of main engine inUMS vessels (iii) Steering failure (iv) Electrical failure.

168. With respect to training ship operation discuss the procedures and importanceof (i) conducting management meetings to train officers and crew in engine,deck and catering department (ii) purpose of onboard training and itsadvantages.


169. Illustrate the key issues in new ship building contract negotiations. How toestimate 'risk analysis' and how to reduce your exposure? State the contractterms which really matte and the pitfalls to avoid in such negotiations.

170. Explain Conversion Contracts. 'Conversion contracts are known to bedifferent and of greater risk but still have some over-riding advantages overother contracts' — Substantiate the statement with due reasoning. State theparticular problems associated with such contracts.

171. Enlist the salient requirements by the new BIMCO Repair form. Highlight (i)Evolution and its purpose (ii) BIMCO style and format (iii) Commercialbalance (iv) Distinctive features (v) Availability.

172. With respect to key issues in ship repair contracts, illustrate (i) Paymentterms (ii) Ambit of the specification -and additional works (iii) Contractperiod, liquidated damages and force majeure (iv) Guarantees and insurance(v) Termination events.

173. With reference to engineering economics, explain (i) Time value of money(ii) Present worth comparisons (iii) Rate of return calculations (iv)Replacement analysis. How best these terms are related to ship repair/shipbuilding?

174. With reference to ship repair/shipbuilding, and engineering economics

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explain the terms (i) Risk analysis (ii) Brake even analysis (iii) Sensitivityanalysis (iv) Multi stage sequential analysis (v) Multi attribute decisionmaking

175. With reference to project cost estimation towards a major ship repair withmultiple activities, explain (i) Cost Groups (ii) Cost parameters (iii) Workbreakdown structure (WBS). How best in your opinion these modules assisttowards an optimum ship repair cost estimation?

176. Illustrate ship repair management and its objectives. Enlist the list of servicesunder ship repair management and highlight with (i) Assessment of shiprepair quotations (ii) supervision during repairs (iii) Coordination withclassification society and flag Administration (iv) attendance of necessarytrials and testing (v) Full report on actual repairs effected for recordpurposes.

177. With reference to key ship repair processes, as a chief engineer on a shipundergoing major repairs, discuss the following (i) Non destructive testing(ii) Steering gear, rudder survey and repairs (iii) Ship conversions. Explainthe due care, precautions and safety measures undertaken during aboveworks.

178. With respect to engine room man management enlist the key issues you willaddress with proper justification in the following areas (i) incentiveprogrammes (ii) Long term personnel development concept (iii) Humanresources quality assurance (iv) attitude and motivation development (v)Emergency response.

179. A ship on which you have joined as Chief Engineer is scheduled to be put inactive service after major lay-up and necessary repairs. State the surveyinspections and trials to be made by the surveyor in presence of ChiefEngineer and Master.

180. You have been appointed as the Chief Engineer of an older vessel which is indry dock and recently been purchased by your shipping company. Describein a letter addressed to Engineering Superintendent, your inspection to ensurethat the conditions of assignment are satisfactorily complied with.

181. The vessel on which you are posted as a chief engineer is scheduled for dry-docking. Illustrate with reasoning. What all due care you will undertaketowards preparation of a defect list due to be sent to the head office? Alsowhat all inspections you will make and documents you will keep ready priorentering dry dock for successful utilization of time and conduction of

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necessary repair/survey and dry docking activities?

182. Your vessel where you are posted as chief engineer is about to enter a drydock. State the coordination and information exchange necessary with themaster of the vessel for successful entry. Also list the necessary preparationsyou would make along with earmarking division of duties to the engineers ofthe vessels. Enlist the inspections and co-ordinations you will make with thedry dock authorities for successful coming out of the dry dock.

183. During inspection of propellers in the dry dock a surface crack has beennoticed on one of the blades. State the steps taking by you as chief engineerfor successful handling of the situation. Also if some surface cracks arenoticed on the key way of a tail-end shaft, state the steps taken by you fortackling the problem.

184. Foreign going vessels are required to possess a valid safety equipmentcertificate renewed at intervals after survey of safety equipment.

(a) Compile a list of items that are contained in the safety equipmentsurvey.

(b) From the list compiled in (a) above, select two ship systems, explainhow they would be examined and identify possible defects.

185. Define non-destructive testing and its purpose. Under context and withreference to ships machineries, discuss (i) dye penetrant testing (ii) leaktesting (iii) magnetic particle testing (iv) radiographic testing (v) Ultrasonictest (vi) visual test. Underline the method of interpretation of results by thesetests.

186. On a ship where you have joined as a Chief Engineer, pumps shafts andimpellers of the ballast pumps are suspected to be out of balance. Describethe process of balancing you will undertake and results you will interpret fornecessary repair, use realistic data.

187. What are the different types of defects that could be tested by vibrationmonitoring and analysis technique for the engine room machinery of a ship?Discuss spectrum analysis and define how at best it could be used to locatesevere vibration of tail end shaft and interpret the result.

188. Describe the different types of defects/faults that could be diagnosed by lubeoil analysis. Describe (i) drop test and its interpretation (ii) detection ofmechanical degradation in bearings (iii) degradation of oil condition.

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189. Illustrate the provision kept towards establishing procedures to identify andtesting of 'critical' equipments under ISM Codes. Enlist the shipboarditems/operations subjected to inspection and test under ISM codes. How thelist of critical equipment and systems are made and on what factors they aredependent.


190. State the different methods on board for ascertain lube oil/fuel oil onboard. Ifyou were to ascertain the 'available' stock of both categories of oil of a shipwhere you have joined as a Chief Engineer. Describe the methodology youwill employ and cross check for accuracy.

191. You have joined an old vessel as Chief Engineer, which has been purchasedrecently by your shipping company. Enlist the methodology you willundertake for ascertaining the stock of lube oil / fuel oil on board and stepsyou will initiate for ordering of optimum quantity of oil requirement for theon coming voyage.

192. Your vessel was bunkering at a port where you are posted as Chief Engineer.Describe the procedure you would employ for ascertaining/receiving correctgrade/quantity of oil from the shore supply authorities. In case of a disputeover lube oil/ fuel oil received on board, describe the actions you will takeunder circumstances.

193. You have joined a vessel, which is due for a long voyage. As a ChiefEngineer describe the methodology / maintenance programmed you wouldemploy during the voyage for the stored oil in the tank. What tests willindicate the stored oil is in good health?

194. The ship on which you are working as Chief Engineer has run around andsome of the double bottom tanks are suspected to be leaky with oil going out.Describe the methods employed by you in the situation for oil stockmanagement and ascertaining the quantity of available oil.

195. Describe the methodology you will practice during taking over /handlingover of your vessel in a foreign port as a ? Chief Engineer towards inventorymanagement of lube oil /fuel oil on board. In case of dispute arising thereof,describe how it can be best solved? During the circumstances how youwould ascertain amount of oil not fit for use?

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196. Your vessel has shown a significant increase of fuel oil, which had been,recently dry docked. Frame a report in the format of an email addressingEngineer Superintendent with the related inspections made, findingsestablished and suggestions for repair if any.

197. Aft structure of a vessel is experiencing certain vibration. From the availableshipboard application programme and analyzing through spectrum analysisforward your findings in a report from to shore office for ascertainingimmediate action.

198. You are to present the Voyage Performance Report in a high level meeting atcompanies headquarter. Suggest the various tools in PowerPoint you willemploy, type of format for presenting text and diagrams you will prefer andhow best you can assimilate a presentation, which will convoy the messagesand inferences with best result within a fixed time of tight schedule.

199. On a ship where are employed as Chief Engineer, the vessel has UMS systemfor controlling engine room and a central scanning and data logging systemfor monitoring. Explain the special attention you will pay to the specific dataand formulate a chart for condition monitoring. Highlights the tools incomputer application you will use for making graphical representation,salient points and trend analysis.

200. You are required to send a Voyage abstract to the heat office containing allsalient data as per regulatory feature. For making the spreadsheet, underlinethe specific computer application tools you will use and formulate a formatfor the abstract, which will show the salient data within available format ofsoftware to the best advantage. Use realistic data.

201. What are the .component parts of a data logger of the type found in theengine room of motor ships? What are their purposes? Enlist and explain thedifferent activities / purposes where computers are used in conjunction withdiesel machinery on ships.

202. "Document File" is a vital tool required during survey. Briefly explain itspurpose, containment and support documentation. What is the process ofidentifying a survey in the "Document File".


203. What planning means for a Chief Engineer being the technical head board

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ships and how he can determine in advance of a personnel programme thatwill contribute to goals established for the vessel?

204. State definition of organizing and its key components. As a Chief Engineeron board perceive how this issue can be best addressed for effective crew andengine room management?

205. Establish relationship between power and control. Underline the variouspotential barriers that must be overcome for successful implementation ofcrew management on board ships?

206. As a team leader and resource manager identify the issues that could beaddressed for maximum utilization of potential of technical personnel onboard ships. Examine the development in compensation and benefit practicesand trends followed thereof?

207. Discuss the effects of legislation, professional standards and unionenvironment on day to day operation of human resource function on boardships during a voyage and how they can be best countered under thesituation?

208. As a Chief Engineer how do you perceive an error committed by an engineroom staff? While classifying an error common onboard ships state amodality to prevent such occurrence?

209. Classify the common type of technical and humane crisis situation prevalenton board ships? In each case as a Chief Engineer how do you propose toplan, manage and handle such situations arising on board?

210. What Is perception and perceived behavior? As a Chief Engineer on boardhow do you foresee such issues can be critical area in man management?

211. Socio - Cultural differences have been an accepted fact in major merchantship vessels around the globe. Explain how such differences generate interpersonal conflict and affect management. How they can be resolved onboard?

212. Perceived threat is a critical issue in al Management. Underline how this issuecan affect the day to day functioning of Engine Room ship and alsoinstability arising out of it. How the situation may be countered?

213. As Chief Engineer on board stress the issue you will address for lack ofmotivation, differences in attitude and to increase sense of competitiveness

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for better management and effective control? Also formulate a flow chart fora work programme to be availed within a target date from a group of EngineRoom Personnel of above mentioned mixed thought processes.

214. Continued physical and psychological stress is a common phenomenon onboard ships. State the salient indicative changes in crew behavior criteria's toidentify such problems and formulate a strategy to best encounter such asituation at sea.

215. Explore the methods by which the behaviour of members of Engine Roomare constrained and influenced? How such problems can be best addressedon board ships?

216. What are the primary strategies for coping with stress affected personnel?How these elements can be best implemented in ships personnel motivatingthem for better team work?

217. State the elements of strategies needed for improving performance from ateam of Engine Room Personnel looked upon as an ? Underline the stepstaken to reduce mutual conflict and clarify their role/ responsibility?

218. Define communication and its importance? How it can be the root of allpersonnel problems arising onboard ships?

219. State the types of communication envisaged on board? How it can be the rootof all personnel problems arising onboard ships?

220. With the advent of information technology there had been a revolution incommunication between ship to shore personnel. Discuss its types, barriers,problems arising thereof and ways of improving such issues?

221. Underline the general procedures followed for flow of information amongships personnel. Considering you being the Chief Engineer on a ship havingmultinational crew how the process of effective information to the team canbe approached by you and also how a certain instruction received by youfrom shore office for engine management can be best utilized?

Why is feedback so important to communication? Considering a commonexample of an incident onboard ships list some guidelines for the effectiveuse of feedback?

222. Briefly summarize the four self’s in the Johari Window. What Implicationsdoes each have for interpersonal conflict onboard?

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223. What are the various kinds of conflict? Explain any one of them experiencedonboard ships and means to prevent the same?

224. Describe the elements in management to counter sources of conflicts in an ?Considering such conflict has arisen on a ship due to cultural and socialdiversity.

225. Considering Engine Room operation as a vital system onboard, discuss theinfluence of human factor in the same? What will be the commoncharacteristics of such a system. Explain with example prevalent on board?

226. What is understood by an open and a closed system? For effectivemaintenance of ships machineries and fruitful teamwork which system youwill prefer and why?

227. "Mechanistic approach to personnel as opposed to Scientific Movement is anevolution from industrial revaluation", which is true for the systems existingonboard ships. Establish with example.

228. A successful voyage for a Chief Engineer is a combination of trouble free runof machineries optimum use of fuel, minimum interpersonal conflicts andless intervention from shore authorities. Considering the ship as on how thiscan be best achieved?


229. Describe the objective for maintaining records onboard. What are itscategories? Enlist the record keeping items under each categoriessubstantiating with reasons. Give an example by which the records generatedby the shipboard maintenance activities may also be seen as a database fromwhich valuable management information can be retrieved.

230. With reference of record keeping onboard, discuss (i) the necessity of properfiling (ii) efficient control of follow up and verification activities (iii)accident investigation.

231. How do distinguish between necessary and unnecessary records on ship?How the control of record keeping maintained onboard? How the old andunnecessary records are identified and dealt with?

232. State the importance of maintaining Log Book records during a watch andvessel's stay in port. Elucidate the procedures involved relating entries madefor the data's during watching-keeping. Which data records concerned with

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main engine you find most important and why?

233. An accident with a ship relates with a grounding while approaching a port.On an inspection made by a team of surveyors, you are to submit the relevantLog book records for formulating an opinion regarding cause of grounding.Taking figures from real life situations present a case study to underline thatmachineries were functioning satisfactory.


234. Name various statutory certificates and documents to be carried on board byall ships giving a reference to the conventions. Apart from these what extranumber of statutory certificates are carried in vessel carrying:

a) Dangerous goods b) Chemical Tankers c) Gas Tankers

state them with their related conventions are justify for their requirement.

235. Differentiate between official log book, supplementary official logs and deckand engine room logs. Highlight their salient-features and differences. Alsoenlist the number of documents which is handed over by chief Engineerduring signing off a vessel.


236. Highlight the role of classification societies in providing set of standards forsound merchant ship construction. Also state the importance of InternationalAssociation of Classification Societies and how they contribute in improvingstandards of hull and machineries.

237. Certain area of inspection of ships is the responsibility of the Government ofthe country. State and justify the concerned fields. In recent yearsClassification Societies have been entrusted with some of the statutorysurveys as well. Name and explain with reasons.

238. What are the Date of Expiry of the various statutory Certificates carried onboard on all ships. List them giving their reference of Conventions. If aperiod of a statutory certificate has just expired of your joining a vessel in aport having inadequate survey facility, state the actions you will take torevalidate.

239. A vessel having continued and repeated crosshead bearing population enginewas allowed to reach the one leg of its voyage with the condition of class. As

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a Chief Engineer describe the action you will initiate for successful return legjourney.

240. Briefly explain on the statutory service undertaken by a classification bodyon behalf of Administration together with its responsibilities and itsobligations in the area of client confidentiality. Illustrate with a case study.

241. Underline the validity of the following statement:

i. Classification body as survey societies

ii. Classification society as neutral third party

iii. Classification society as "Recognized "

iv. Classification society and duty of confidentiality.

242. Emphasis the validity of the statement that "Classification societies areRecognized Institutions (RO). In your view if the statement carries somelimitation highlight them with reasons. List the statutory service undertakenby a classification body on behalf of Administration.

243. As a Chief Engineer on a fully loaded ship you are stranded in an island nearUK coast having no survey facility where the forepeak of the vessel isseverely damaged. Explain your reciprocator actions with reasons and theprocedures to be adopted for making a safe return voyage to India.

244. What is meant by FSQC? How this is maintained by classification bodies?Explain the area of related services as offered by classification bodies in caseof (i) Towing voyage inspection (ii) Equipment approval

245. What are the principal functions conducted by a classification body towardssurvey / management of high speed crafts? In which way these surveys differfrom conventional ship surveys?

246. Apart from statutory surveys, what all other surveys can be undertaken by aclassification body for a ship? What are the limitations for the society inthese cases? Enlist them and emphasis how these cases are taken care of.

247. Differentiate between statutory classification and regulatory service. Listunder these categories the surveys which are to be conducted (i) every sixmonths (ii) every year (iii) every thirty months (iv) every four years & (v)every five years.

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248. Differentiate between annual, intermediate, renewal, damage and repairsurveys. What is the purpose of each survey onboard? Also enlist allstatutory certificates carried onboard, their issuing authority, and the basis ofConventional / Act of such certificates.

249. (a) Define the meaning of the term "Conditional of Assignment" as applied toships.(b) State how conditions of assignment contribute towards water integrity ofships.(c) Give reasons why conditions of assignment need periodic inspection,giving specific instances where they can be found to be less than fullyeffective.

250. What is the purpose of annual surveys? Give a list of items that would beexamined by a surveyor during annual surveys. Also explain Condition ofClass. What impact condition of class has on a ships commercial / technicalaspect?

251. Differentiate between harmonized system surveys and enhanced hull surveysystem. Since when these systems have come in force. What all statutorycertificates are issued under HSSC? List the periodicity of all certificatesissued under HSSC.

252. To ensure that a ship remains worthy of its 100 Al classification, annual andspecial surveys are carried out by classification surveyors. Detail the parts ofthe ship that would be examined during each of the following (a) annualsurvey (b) special survey.

253. Differentiate between continuous hull surveys (CHS) and enhanced hullsurvey system. What advantage CHS provides to the ship owner?Underlining the salient features of enhanced survey program and explain"Planning of Survey", "Close - up Examination" and "Overall Survey".

254. Emphasize computer aided survey and how it helps in monitoring the healthof a ship. Underline its salient purpose, date of implementation and differentdiscipline of activities that could be undertaken. Explain the term "SurveyStatus".

255. Protective coating has come into a lot of debate in recent years. Withreference to seawater ballast tanks how the condition is assessed for paintcoatings and how grading is done by society surveyors. Outline the problemthat occur with self polishing copolymer paints when a vessel is at anchor forlong periods or proceeding at reduced speed.

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256. Enlist the salient items consisting additional survey for tankers. Onexamination of tankers hull in a dry dock some areas covered with paint werefound damaged. Describe a procedure for repair of the said area precautionstaken thereof.

257. Describe the differences and features of hull surveys of a very large crudecarrier compared to a conventional one. Which zone / tanks / .componentsare awarded special precaution while carrying out bulk carrier survey?


258. You are to formulate a Quality Inventory Management Plan for old ship'sstores / spares, where you have joined as Chief Engineer. Describe theprocedures you will adopt and the key issues you will address for successfulcompletion of the assignment within a targeted date.

259. What is meant by "lead time" in inventory management of ship's spares /stores? Explain the terms (i) Average due data (ii) average job tardiness asapplicable in inventory management of ship's spares / stores. As a ChiefEngineer on a ship describe the actions you will undertaken to reduce thelead time in inventory management.

260. Describe method of documentation of recording inventory management andcontrol under Quality system. As a Chief Engineer onboard how would youmaintain a record of spares becoming obsolete and to retrieve informationregarding current strength of spares / stores. Describe the methodology withproper heads and method of record keeping.


261. Establish relation between implementation of ISM code and emergencypreparedness. Enlist the documented procedures are maintained onboard forpotential emergency situations. Illustrate one such procedure highlighting itsformat, entries and the location where it is maintained onboard.

262. The vessel where you are posted as Chief Engineer is undergoing dry-docking and a serious fire occurs on the deck because of welding work.Illustrate the documented procedures to deal with such emergency and itsadvantage over non documented actions? Explain the different ship relatedcontingencies against which document procedures are maintained underemergency preparedness of ISM Codes. *In case of a major pollution of oilfrom a ship how best the contingency plans in emergency preparedness helpover other actions.

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263. Explain the different machinery related emergency situations that are dealt asdocumented procedures under "emergency preparedness". Underline thesalient actions that are documented in dealing with (i) Main Engine Failure(ii) steering failure (iii) electrical failure (iv) automation failure.

264. Highlight the importance of programmes for drills and exercises underemergency preparedness. What all emergency situations are consideredunder combined drills involving companies and ships personnel and why?

265. State the involvement and responsibility of the office in enforcing'emergency preparedness" procedures for a ship and personnel. Whatadvantage dose it have under ISM codes? Describe the duties of the office in(i) forming the emergency team (ii) emergency situations (iii) maintainingcontact between ship and office (iv) use of ships relevant information.

266. Piracy and terrorism is a fearsome situation for shipboard personnel andfrequent in present shipping activities. As a Chief Engineer onboard and as amember of SMS implementation team, draw an emergency preparednessplan to encounter such situations involving ships personnel. What measurescan be responded by shipboard under contingency plan while the vessel is (i)at port (ii) at sea?

267. Establish relation between SOLAS and "emergency preparedness".Identifying the concerned chanter of SOLAS illustrate how the specificchapter deals with defining emergency preparedness and its list of activities.When this chapter was adopted and when it entered into force.

268. With reference to "emergency preparedness", discuss (i) Search and Rescue(ii) Evacuation of critically injured personnel (iii) Helicopter operations (iv)rescue from enclosed spaces (v) Abandon ship.

269. Underline the importance of "communication" in 'emergency preparedness".Under said head, discuss contingency plans for the office involving (i)contact between ship and the office (ii) communication equipment (iii)dealing with the media (iv) dealing with relevant next of kin.

270. In case of a major fire onboard, explain the salient advantages ofdocumentation under "emergency preparedness" over normal fire fightingprocedures, "before implementation of the said code the fire fightingoperations onboard have successfully carried out in numerous cases" with thecontext of the statement give your recent opinion for requirement ofdocumented plans under "emergency preparedness".

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271. The ship has grounded on shallow waters near a port. Describe the actionsthat would commonly be laid out in a contingency plan under "emergencypreparedness" and its specific advantage over non-follow-up of such system.

272. A ship which was bunkering at a foreign port has met with an accident and asubstantial amount of oil spillage in water has resulted. Draw an emergencypreparedness plan for the incident and how best it could be encounteredunder the provision. Describes its salient advantages.

273. Establish a relation between emergency preparedness, MARPOL 73/78 andNational Administration, how the presence of MARPOL 73/78 and"Administration" help in formulating personnel will have in adhering toprocedures under emergency preparedness?

274. With reference to "emergency preparedness" write short notes on (i) role ofSOLAS 74, MARPOL 73/78 and National Administration (ii) role of office(iii) advantage of drills and exercises (iv) documented procedures.


275. Enumerate the different activities and rights of national coast guard. Withreference to coast guard activity explain (i) controlling vessel traffic /waterways (ii) inspection of flag state and foreign ships (iii) general maritimelaw and treaty enforcement.

276. Enumerate the area of activities / enforcement of coast guard towards (i) Lawenforcement (ii) drug interdiction (iii) port and waterway security.

277. With reference to marine pollution prevention, discuss the role enacted bycoast guard of coastal waters. Briefly explain the action undertaken by coastguard in prevention of marine pollution and its enforcement.


278. In Maritime terms what is :a) Charter Party b) Freight c) Bare of Lading d) Charter Party Clause.

279. Differentiate between Voyage Charter and Time Charter of a vessel.Underline the changes in responsibilities and the scope of activities for aChief Engineer in each case.

280. What are the basic contracts used in Marine Transportation? What are thebasic elements of the Time Charter Party and Demise (Bareboat Charter

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Parties?) In your opinion where lies the conflicts between chartering andMaritime Law?

281. Eate the influences of a Charterer on operation of propulsion and othershipboard machineries during a voyage. A ship on a time charter if met withseveral unforeseen machinery breakdowns due to which the scheduled datecannot be met with, state the different options and actions a Chief Engineeron board should undertake.

282. Differentiate the salient consideration taken during survey of a ship under (i)bare boat charter (ii) voyage charter (iii) time charter. As a Chief Engineeron board explain with reasons which of the three surveys is most demandingand exhaustive and why?

283. During Periodic survey of a crosshead bearing of main engine, a condition ofclass was imposed by the survey authorities and the vessel was allowed tosail under said status till the next port of call. As a Chief Engineer of thevessel enumerate and explain the consequences and actions to bereciprocated of behalf of owner of the ship and also what all penalties areattracted if these are not duly followed up?

284. Your company is planning to buy an old ship stationed at a foreign port andto put the vessel immediately on bareboat charter. On your placement asChief Engineer on the said vessel, enlist and explain the series of inspections/ examinations / inventories you will make towards preparation of suchcharter voyage.

285. What are the basic criteria in cargo carriage under bills of loading and relateddocuments? Explain the procedure towards issue of bills of lading, what arethe obligation of the carrier and shipper under bills of lading. What happensin the case of part of cargo getting lost or damaged?


286. Explain "Port State Control(PSC)". Underline its authority for exercising andthe basis of such inspections. Enumerate the relevant regulations article andannexes of SOLAS 74, LOAD LINES 66, MARPOL 73/75, STCW 78 andTONNAGE 69, which forms the provisions for PSC.

287. Explain the jurisdiction of application of PSC and its control regulations.State the salient clauses from different International Conventions that formsthe basic focus area of PSC.

Page 37: Meo 1 - Question Bank

288. What provisions are kept under PSC towards (i) Certificates issued by nonparty states to their ships (ii) Inspection of ships below convention size and(iii) Amendments to procedures for PSC adopted in 1981.

289. With reference to PSC illustrate the following (i) Regional cooperation /agreements (ii) the goal of future PSC (iii) Technical assistance by IMOunder resolution adopted in Nov. 1991 Conference.

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Question Bank For




East Coast Road, Uthandi, Chennai 600 119.

Page 39: Meo 1 - Question Bank


Function: Marine Engineering at Management Level


M E O. Class I

(Time allowed - 3hours)

India (2005) Morning Paper Total Marks 100

NB : (1) Answer SIX Questions only

(2) All Questions carry equal marks

(3) Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carries weightage

1. List the amendments to the existing Conventions of IMO to come into forcein the year 2005. Briefly describe the amendments. What changes are likelyto be foreseen on ship operation world wide on implementation of theseamendments.

2. Differentiate between "third party liability" and "contractual liability". Whenmay the ship owner seek to limit his liability.

3. List the methods and aids to prevent pollution of the environment by shipsunder IMO Conventions and steps you can take for its successfulimplementation on a ship prior its voyage, where you have joined as ChiefEngineer.

4. What is a general average act? Name the essential features of a generalaverage act.

5. Differentiate between official logbook, deck and engine room log books.Highlight their salient features and differences. Also, enlist the number ofdocuments, which are handed over by relieved Chief Engineer during signingoff from a vessel.

6. Differentiate between annual, intermediate, renewal, damage and repairsurveys. What are the purposes of each survey onboard? Also, enlist allstatutory certificates carried onboard, their issuing authority, and the IMOConvention under which they are issued.

7. A ship on which you have joined as Chief Engineer is scheduled to be put inactive service after major lay-up and necessary repairs. State, the preparationand trials you would conduct prior offering the ship to the surveying

Page 40: Meo 1 - Question Bank

authorities for survey and inspection.

8. Discuss the contribution of the following factors on ship in identification ofproper training for a specific task performed (i) Internal Audits (ii)Emergency drills (iii) Previous training and experience (iv) Familiarizationwith new equipment.

9. A successful voyage for a Chief Engineer is a combination of trouble freerun of machineries, optimum use of fuel, minimum interpersonal conflictsand less intervention from shore authorities. Considering the ship as an , givein detail how can this be best achieved.


Page 41: Meo 1 - Question Bank

EXAMINATION OF MARINE ENGINEER OFFICERFunction : Marine Engineering at Management Level


MEO. Class I(Time allowed - 3hours)

India (2005) Morning Paper Total Marks 100

NB : (1) Answer SIX Questions only

(2) All Questions carry equal marks

(3) Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carries weightage

1. Differentiate between Rules, Regulations, Protocol, Act, tacitacceptance and Convention as adapted in IMO. Describe the processby which a Draft proposal gets convened into a Rule administered by amaritime member country?

2. As a Chief Engineer on a vessel scheduled to make a voyage fromIndia to the U.S. Coast. list the salient items you will inspect,machinery installations you will ensure for satisfactory operation anddocuments you will keep handy for making a satisfactory voyage.Give reasoning in each case.

3. What are the UNCLOS provisions concerning ship's flag andnationality? In observation of UNCLOS what are the duties of flagstates and how it is enforced?

4. With reference to "ISM Code" write short notes on:

(a) Role of company office

(b) Advantage of drills and exercises

(c) Documented procedures

(d) Management Review

5. With respect to engine room man management enlist the key issues

Page 42: Meo 1 - Question Bank

you will address with proper justification in the following areas:

(a) Training programmes

(b) Long term personnel development concept

(c) Attitude and motivation development

(d) Emergency response

6. A successful voyage for a Chief Engineer is a combination of troublefree run of machineries, optimum use of fuel, minimum interpersonalconflicts and less intervention from shore authorities. Consideringthe ship as an Organisation how this can be best achieved.

7. Emphasize the validity of the statement that "Classification Societiesare Recognised Institutions (RO). In your view if the statement carriessome limitation highlight them with reasons. List the statutory serviceundertaken by a classification body on behali of Administration.

8. A second hand single hull VLCC built in 1990 is to be taken over.The vessel is to be registered under Indian flag, as Chief Engineer/Owner representative, what aspects you would look for, with respectto:

(a) SOLAS 74

(b) MARPOL 73/78

(c) Crew accommodation

(d) Machinery/boilers

(e) Previous survey report

9. Differentiate the salient consideration taken during survey of a shipunder

(a) Bare boat charter


Page 43: Meo 1 - Question Bank

EXAMINATION OF MARINE ENGINEER OFFICERFunction : Marine Engineering at Management Level


MEO. Class I(Time allowed - 3 hours)

Morning Paper.India (2005) Total Marks 100

NB : (1)Answer SIX Questions only(2)All Questions carry equal marks(3) Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carries weightage

1. Your vessel where you are posted as Chief Engineer is about to enter adry dock. State the coordination and exchange of informationnecessary with the Master of the vessel for entering the dock. Also, listthe necessary preparations required along with the delegation ofresponsibilities to the engineers of the vessel. Enlist the inspections andco-ordinations you will make with the dry dock authorities forundocking of the vessel.

2. List the methods and aids to prevent pollution of the environment byships under IMO Conventions, and steps you can take for its successfulimplementation on a ship prior its voyage, where you have joined asChief Engineer.

3. For an ISM certification, explain the key clauses, which are needed tobe complied with? State the factors and commitment from a ChiefEngineer and company to have SMS implemented successfully onboard ship.

4. State the different types of Marine Insurance policies that could beundertaken by owners, shippers or other related parties. Explain thesalient liabilities and exclusions related with ach case for an insurer.

5. Explain the key features of the United Nations Convention On the Lawof The Sea? Enumerate the various areas covered under thisconvention?

Page 44: Meo 1 - Question Bank

6. State the elements of strategies needed for improving performancefrom a team of . engine room personnel looked upon as as»Organisation. Underline the steps taken to reduce mutual conflict andclarify their role/responsibility?

7. Illustrate ship repair management and its objectives. List the servicesunder ship repair management and highlight the same with (i)Assessment of ship repair quotations (ii) Supervision during repairs(hi) Coordination with classification society and flag Administration(iv) Necessary trials and testing (v) Full report on actual repairseffected for record purposes.

8. State the action, which will be taken by theAdministration/Classification society towards handling of an ISMcertificate in case,

(a) When a major non-conformity is observed.

(b) When corrective action has not been taken to the non- conformities raised during external audit, within the time period.

(c) What circumstances may Icad to withdrawal of SMC/DOC

(d) When a newly formed shipping company requests for interim DOC certificate.

9. Piracy and terrorism is a fearsome situation for shipboard personneland frequent in present shipping activities. As a Chief Engineeronboard and as a member of SMS implementation team, draw anemergency preparedness plan to encounter such situations involvingships personnel. What measures shipboard personnel can take undercontingency plan while the vessel is (i) in a port (ii) at sea?


Page 45: Meo 1 - Question Bank

EXAMINATION OF MARINE ENGINEER OFFICERFunction : Marine Engineering at Management Level


M E O. Class I (Time allowed - 3 hours)

India (2005) Morning Paper Total Marks 100

N3 : (1) Answer SIX Questions only

(2) All Questions carry equal marks

(3) Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carries weightage

1. (a) What are the various statutory Certificates carried on board oiltanker, and their validity? Mention the Conventions under whichthey are issued, giving the reference of their Conventions.

(b) Explain Harmonization of Statutory Certificates under the SOLAS74/88 Convention. If a period of a statutory Certificate has just expiredand a port is having inadequate survey facility, state the actions youwill take, as per the provision stated in the Protocol of 1998 relating tothe International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974.

2. Explain Hull Claims and Cargo Claims related with Marine Insurance.State the related documents highlighting their validity, and informationrequired from the ships in this regard.

3. Classification societies are Recognized Institutions (RO) and play animportant role in Implementation of national and internationalregulations. State the limitations of the RO highlighting them withreasons. List the statutory service undertaken by a classification body,on behalf of Administration.

4. On a ship where you are employed as Chief Engineer, the vessel hasUMS system for controlling engine room and a central scanning anddata logging system for monitoring. Explain the special attention youwill pay to the specific datas and formulate a chart for conditionmonitoring. Highlight the tools in computer application you wilt use ffor making graphical representation, salient points and trend analysis.

Page 46: Meo 1 - Question Bank

5. Explain the associated key factors and activities to ensure successfulPlanned Maintenance programme onboard ships under ISM Codeswith the following terms:

(i) Corrective action process

(ii) Developing and improving maintenance procedures

(iii) Systematic approach to maintenance

(iv) Maintenance intervals

(v) Inspections

6. With reference to record keeping onboard, discuss (i) the necessity ofproper filing (ii) efficient control of follow up and verificationactivities (iii) accident/incident investigation. Describe a situationonboard, which will highlight the importance of record keeping ofabove three cases.

7. STCW 95 has laid down minimum requirements for familiarization,basic safety training and instruction to all seafarers. Underline theimportance of the role of Chief Engineer of a ship in enforcing theseelements of STCW training.

8. Stress is one of the factor effecting the performance of an individual.What are the primary strategies for coping with stress affectedpersonnel? How these elements can be best implemented in shipspersonnel motivating them for better team work?

9. As per MARPOL Annexe VI 73/78, which came into force from 19May, 2005, all bunker suppliers are required to be registered with theAdministration and bunker supply is to be received from the registeredbunker supplier only. Enumerate the salient features and therequirements set out in Regulation 14 and 18 of MARPOL. Annex VIand the responsibilities of Chief Engineer with respect to retaining ofbunker sample.


Page 47: Meo 1 - Question Bank

EXAMINATION OF MARINE ENGINEER OFFICERFunction : Marine Engineering at Management Level


M E O. Class I (Time allowed - 3hours)

Morning PaperIndia (2005) Total Marks 100

NB : (1)Answer SIX Questions only

(2)All Questions carry equal marks

(3)Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carries weightage

1. During bunkering of a ship at a foreign port, a substantial amount of oilspillage in water has taken place. Draw an emergency preparednessplan for such incidents and how best it could be encountered under thesituation.

2. With reference to "emergency preparedness", discuss (i) Search andRescue (ii) Evacuation of critically injured personnel (iii) Helicopteroperations (iv) Rescue from enclosed spaces (v) Abandon ship.

3. The vessel where you are posted as Chief Engineer is undergoing dry-docking and a serious fire occurs on the deck because of welding work.Illustrate the documented procedures to deal with such emergency andits advantage over non documented actions. Explain the different shiprelated contingencies against which document procedures aremaintained under emergency preparedness of ISM Codes.

4. Explain "Port State Control" (PSC) Inspection. Underline its authorityfor exercising and the basis of such inspection. Enumerate the relevantregulations article and annexes of SOLAS 74, LOAD LINES 66,MARPOL 73/78, STCW 78 and TONNAGE 69 which forms theprovisions for PSC.

5. Illustrate the salient factors for "onboard training" and standard ofcompetence as laid out in STCW 95 Chapter III. Underline the specificrules a Chief Engineer needs to perform towards satisfactory training

Page 48: Meo 1 - Question Bank

of engine room personnel under the Regulation. What will be thecriteria for evaluating competence for onboard training by a ChiefEngineer?

6. Detail the Inspection that you as the new Chief Engineer of a passengership, would make on joining the ship with regard to (i) Stability (ii)Damage control (iii) Fire Fighting (iv) Critical Machinery.

7. What are the primary strategies for coping with stress affectedpersonnel. How these elements can be best implemented in shipspersonnel motivating them for better team work?

8. Socio-Cultural difference have been an accepted fact in majormerchant ships around the globe. Explain how such differencesgenerate inter personnel conflict and affect safety management. Howthey can be resolved on board?

9. Give a brief background of ILO, its inception and its fields of mandatefor Maritime Labour, which has come in force in 1996.


Page 49: Meo 1 - Question Bank

EXAMINATION OF MARINE ENGINEER OFFICERFunction : Marine Engineering at Management Level


M.E.O. Class-1 (Time Allowed - 3 Hours)

Morning Paper

Nov-2006 Total Marks: 100

NB : (1) Answer SIX Questions only

(2) AH Questions carry equal marks

(3) Neatness in Handwriting and clarity in expression carryweightage

1. A second hand bulk carrier built in 1998 is to be taken over. The vesselis to be registered under Indian flag. As Chief Engineer / Ownerrepresentative, what aspects you would look for, with respect to :

2. What are the principles of modern salvage law? What is generalaverage? Explain with context to general average (i) Entitlement (ii)Artificial (iii) Adjustment (iv) Contestation.

3. List the objectives of an ISM External Audit of a ship? How does anInternal Audit help in External Audit of a vessel? Name the salientissues addresses in the External Audit and the persons responsible tocarry out the same.

4. Explain "Port State Control" (PSC) Inspection. Underline its authorityfor exercising and the basis of such inspections. Enumerate the relevantregulations article and annexes of SOLAS 74, LOAD LINES 66,MARPOL 73/78, STCW 78 and TONNAGE 69, which forms theprovisions for PSC.

5. (a) What are P&I clubs? Describe how P&I clubs collect fund from ship-owners, (b) What are the risk that are covered under the term "protection" and 'indemnity'

Page 50: Meo 1 - Question Bank

6. Illustrate the salient factors for "on board training" and standard ofcompetence as laid out in STCW 95 Chapter III. Underline the specificroles a Chief Engineer needs to perform towards satisfactory trainingof engine room personnel under the Regulation. What will be thecriteria for evaluating competence for on board training by a ChiefEngineer?

7. Underline the general procedures followed for flow of informationamong ships person. As a Chief Engineer on a ship havingmultinational crew, state how the process of effective information tothe team can be approached by you and also how a certain instructionreceived by you and shore office for engine management can be bestutilized?

8. With reference to project cost estimation ; awards a major ship repairwith multiple activities, explain (i) Cost groups (ii) Cost parameters(iii) Work breakdown structure (WBS) How best in your opinion dothese modules assist towards an optimum ship repair cost estimation?

9. Write short notes on the following any THREE(a) Lloyd's Open Form(b) Bill of Loading .(c) Treaty, Convention and Protocol.


Page 51: Meo 1 - Question Bank

EXAMINATION OF MARINE ENGINEER OFFICERFunction : Marine Engineering at Management Level


M-E.O. Class -1 (Time Allowed - 3 Hours)

Morning PaperOctober-2006 Total Marks: 100

NB : (1) Answer SIX Questions only

(2) AU Questions carry equal marks

(3) Neatness in Handwriting and clarity in expression carry weightage

1. As a Chief Engineer you have joined a vessel which is about toundertake a six month round voyage. Underline and describe the keyareas that you will inspect, check, prepare, establish and maintaintowards proper Planned Maintenance of Engine Room Machineriesand associated areas, under ISM Codes.

2. With respect to engine room "Resource Management" enlist the keyissues you will address with proper justification in the following areas(i) Incentive programmes (ii) Long term personnel developmentconcept (iii) Human resources quality assurance (iv) Attitude andmotivation development (v) Emergency response.

3. As a Chief Engineer describe the procedure you would employ forbunkering at a port for ascertaining/receiving correct grade/quantity ofoil from the shore supply authorities. In case of a dispute over lubeoil/fuel oil received on board, describe the actions you will take undercircumstances. What are the applicable provisions under MAPOL73/78, Annex VI Regulations

4. What provisions are made under Port State Control (PSC) towards (I)Certificates issued by non party states to their ships (ii) Inspection ofships below conventi9n size and (iii) No mere favorable treatment.

5 Differentiate the salient features during survey of a ship under (j) Bareboat. charter (ii) Voyage charger (iii) Time charter. As a Chief I

Page 52: Meo 1 - Question Bank

Engineer on board explain with reasons which of the three surveys ismost demanding and exhaustive and why?

6. Explain the influence of following external factors in higherconsumption of fuel oil and how at best they could be controlled? (i)Ship's hull condition (ii) Weather condition (iii) Maintenance ofdifferent elements in fuel oil system (iv) Damage to propeller blades.

7. As per the Marine Insurance Act, write short notes on the following :a. Deviationb. Warrantiesc. War Risk Claused. Charterers Contribution Clause.

8. A second hand single hull VLCC built in 1990 is to be taken over. Thevessel is to be registered under Indian flag. As Chief Engineer / Ownerrepresentative, what aspects you would look for with respect to :

a. SOLAS 74b. MARPOL 73/78c. Crew accommodationd. Machinery / boilerse. Previous survey report

9. What are the UNCLOS provisions concerning ship's flag andnationality? In observation of UNCLOS what are the duties of flagstates and how are they enforced?


Page 53: Meo 1 - Question Bank

EXAMINATION OF MARINE ENGINEER OFFICERFunction: Marine /engineering at Management Level


M.E.O. Class- I(Time Allowed - 3 Hours)

Morning PaperSeptem-2006 Total Marks 100

NB : (1) Answer SIX Questions only (4) AH Questions carry equal marks (5) Neatness in Handwriting and clarity in expression carry weightage

1. State the action taken by a Recognized towards handling of an ISMcertificate in case; (i) Evidence of a major non-conformity (ii)Evidence of too many non-conformities (iii) extension of the safetymanagement certificate is requested for (iv) Revision of an entry for acertificate is requested for . Under what circumstances can the SMCand DOC be withdrawn.

2. (a) State the importance of maintaining vessels records at sea and atport. Elucidate the procedures involved relating to entries made for thedata's during watch keeping.

(b) List the records which are maintained with respect to variousinspection carried out in a bulk carrier by the classification society.

3. What is the purpose of annual surveys of ships? Give a list of itemsthat would be examined by the surveyor during annual survey. AJso,explain condition of class (COC). What impact does a COC have on aships commercial/technical aspect?

4. As a team leader and resource manager, identify the issues that couldbe addressed for maximum utilization of potential of technicalpersonnel on board ships. List the methods and aids to preventpollution of the environment by ships under IMO Conventions andsteps you can take for us successful implementation on a ship, prior itsvoyage, where you have joined as Chief Engineer

5. Discuss the procedure of entry in to force of an IMO Convention after

Page 54: Meo 1 - Question Bank

its Adoption State the provision and its importance towards entry intoforce of the convention. For a convention of important technical naturestate the general rules / conditions observed by the states for its entryinto force. Explain the terms (i) Accession (ii) Signature subject toRatification, acceptance of approval.

6. Illustrate ship repair management and its objectives. Enlist the list ofservices under ship repair management and highlight with (i)Assessment of ship repair quotations (ii) Supervision during repairs(iii) Co ordination with classification society and FlagAdministration (iv) attendance if necessary trials and testing (v) Fullreport on a actual repairs effected for record purposes.

7. Describe the methodology you will practice during takingover/handing over of your vessel in a foreign port as a Chief Engineertowards inventory management of lube oil/fuel oil on board. In case ofdispute arising thereof, describe how it can be best solved? During thecircumstances how you would ascertain amount of oil not fit for use9

8. As a Chief Engineer on a ship where you have joined recently, developa training programmed for shore related activities of a vessel. Highlightthe specific training needs and emergency measures for engine roompersonnel in the dry dock in case of (i) transfer of fuel oil from tank totank (ii) fire (iii) explosion in the engine room.

9. Differentiate between Voyage Charter and. Time Charter of a vessel.Underline the changes in responsibilities and the scope of activities fora Chief Engineer in each case.


Page 55: Meo 1 - Question Bank

EXAMINATION OF MARINE ENGINEER OFFICERFunction : Marine Engineering at Management Level


M.E.O. Class - 1 (Time Allowed - 3 Hours)

Morning PaperDec-2006 Total Marks : 100

NB : (1) Answer SIX Questions only (2) All Questions carry equal marks (3) Neatness in Handwriting and clarity in expression carry


1. Discuss the responsibilities of the Chief Engineer of the vessel withrespect to the following.

a. Bunkering and receiving correct quantity of fuel oilb. In case of a dispute over lube oil / fuel oil received on board,actions required under the circumstances.c. Spillage of oil in the water during bunkering.

2. The safety management system requires that company should providefor measures ensuring that the Company's can respond at any time tohazards, accidents and emergency situations involving ships. Underlinethe importance of 'communication' in 'emergency preparedness' andwhat measures are required for the following (i) contact between shipand the office (ii) communication equipment (in) dealing with themedia (iv) dealing with the next of kin.

3. Explain the influence of following external factors in higherconsumption of foe! oil and how they could be controlled? (a)condition of ship's hull (b) weather condition (c) maintenance ofdifferent elements in fuel oil system

4. Discuss the responsibilities of the Chief Engineer with respect to anappropriate training plan for engine room personnel towards successfulhandling of (i) major fire in engine room and wheelhouse (ii)automation failure of main engine in UMS mode (iii) Steering failure(iv) electrical power failure

Page 56: Meo 1 - Question Bank

5. With respect to key issues in ship repair contracts, illustrate (i)payment terms (ii) Amount of the specification and additional works(iii) contract period, liquidated damages and force majeure (iv)Guarantees and insurance (v) Termination events.

6. (a) Explain the salient features of Ballast Water Management (n) Howwould you as Chief Engineer with consultation with the Master of thevessel implement a typical "Ballast Water Management Plan" prior toyour vessel arriving at an USA port.

7. Safety of Bulk carriers is a major concern being addressed by IMOState what are the recent additional safeties measures incorporated into SOLAS 74 as amended for Bulk carriers in Ch. XII List out the mainitems under enhanced survey of a 15 years special survey for a Bulkcarrier.

8. Write short notes on

a. World scaleb. Maritime Lienc. B1MCO

9. Describe briefly Port State Control and its role in elimination of sub-standard ships. Is Port State Control effective?


Page 57: Meo 1 - Question Bank

EXAMINATION OF MARINE ENGINEER OFFICERFunction: Marine Engineering at Management Level


M.E.O. Class I(Time allowed - 3hours)

Morning Paper

India (2007) Total Marks 100

NB : (1) Answer SIX Questions only. (2) All Questions carry equal marks (3) Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carry weightage

1. Differentiate between "third party liability" and "contractual liability".When may the ship owe: seek to limit his liability.

2. (a) What are P & I clubs? Describe how ¥ &X clubs collect fund fromship-owners.

(b) What axe the risk that are covered under the term " protection" and"indemnity".

3. Detail the inspection that you as the new Chief Engineer of an OilTanker/ Gas Carrier would make on joining the ship with regard to (i)Stability (u) Damage control (iii) Fire fighting (iv)Critical-Machinery.

4. State the different types of Marine Insurance policies, that could beundertaken by owners, shippers or other related parties. Explain thesalient liabilities and exclusions related with each case for an insurer.

5. Socio-Cultural differences have been an accepted fact in majormerchant ships around the globe. Explain how such differencesgenerate inter personal conflict and affect safety management. Howthey can be resolved on board for better team work

Page 58: Meo 1 - Question Bank

6. Give a brief background of ILO, its inception and its fields of mandatefor 'Maritime Labour: Development. Name .three-conventions/protocol of ILO concerning maritime labour, which ha: come in forcein 1996.

7. With respect to 6ngine room man management enlist the key issuesyou will address with proper justification in the following areas;

(a) Training programmes.(b) Long term personnel development concept.(c) Attitude and motivation development.(d) Emergency response.(e) Copying with stress

8. Explain "Port-State Control" (PSC) Inspection. Underline its authorityfor exercising and the basis of such inspections. Enumerate the relevantregulations article and annexes of SOLAS 74, LOAD LINES 66,MARPOL 73/78, STCW 78 and TONNAGE 69, which forms theprovisions for PSC.

9. Differentiate the salient consideration taken during survey of a shipunder;

(a) Bare boat charter(b) Voyage charter(c) Time charter.

As a Chief Engineer on board explain with reasons which of the threesurveys is most demanding and exhaustive and why?


Page 59: Meo 1 - Question Bank

EXAMINATION OF MARINE ENGINEER OFFICERFunction: Marine Engineering at Management Level


M.E.O. Class(Time allowed - 3hours) Morning Paper

India (2007) Total Marks 100

NB: (1) Answer SIX Questions only.(2) All Question carry equal marks(3) Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carry weightage

1. As a Chief Engineer describe the procedure you, would employ forbunkering- at a port for ascertaining / receiving correct grade/ quantityof oil from the shore supply authorities. In case of a dispute over lubeoil / fuel oil received on board, describe the actions you will take undercircumstances. What are the applicable provisions under MAPOL73/78, Annex VT Regulations?

2. What are the UNCLOS provisions concerning ship's flag andnationality? In observation of UNCLOS, what are the duties of flagStates and how it is enforced?

3. Explain the associated key factors and activities to ensure successfulplanned Maintenance programme onboard ships under ISM Codeswith the following terms;

(a) Corrective action process(b) Developing and improving maintenance procedures(c) Systematic approach to maintenance(d) Maintenance intervals(e) Inspections

Page 60: Meo 1 - Question Bank

4. Briefly discuss the reasons for Bulk-Carrier losses in the last decadeand explain, how provisions detailed in Chapter XII of SOLAS 74 asamended will contribute towards the safety of bulk-carriers?

5. As per the Marine Insurance Act, write short notes on the following:

(a) Deviation(b) Warranties(c) War Risk Clause(d) Charterers Contribution Clause.

6. What are the primary strategies that may be employed for coping withstress-affected personnel? How can these elements be bestimplemented in ships personnel motivating them for better team work?

7. Write short notes on any THREE:

(a) Lloyd's Open Form(b) General Average and Particular Average(c) Bill of Lading(d) Treaty, Convention and Protocol

8. Illustrate the salient factors for "onboard training" and standard ofcompetence' as laid out in STCW 95 Chapter ITI. Underline thespecific roles a Chief Engineer needs to perform towards satisfactorytraining of engine room personnel under the Regulation, What will bethe criteria for evaluating competence for onboard training by a ChiefEngineer-;?

9. Detail the inspection that you as the new Chief Engineer of a passengership, would make on joining the ship with regard to (i) Stability (ii)Damage control (iii) Fire fighting (iv) Critical Machinery.


Page 61: Meo 1 - Question Bank

EXAMINATION OF MARINE ENGINEER OFFICERFunction: Marine Engineering at Management Level


M.E.O. Class I(Time allowed - 3hours)

Morning PaperIndia (2007) Total Marks 100

NB: (1) Answer SIX Questions only(2) All Questions carry equal marks(3) Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carries weightage

1. State the requirement and responsibility of the office in enforcing"emergency preparedness" procedures for a ship and its personnel, asrequired under ISM Codes? Describe the duties of the office in. (i)Formation of the emergency team (ii) During emergency situations (iii)Maintaining contact between ship and office.

2. With reference port State control enumerate on the following (i)Regional cooperation / agreements, (ii) Future of port State control.(iii) Is port State control an effective tool for ship safety?

3. Develop a training programme for activities of a vessel, where youhave joined recently as a Chief Engineer highlighting the specifictraining needs for engine room personal in case of (i) use of life savingappliances (ii) fire in accommodation (iii) explosion in engine room,when the ship is in dry dock..

4. Illustrate the provision kept towards establishing procedures to identifyand testing of "critical" equipments under ISM Codes. How the list ofcritical equipment and systems are made and on what factors they aredependent.

Page 62: Meo 1 - Question Bank

5. Suggest with reasons, why each of the following courses of action axeappropriate if a ship is operating in heavy seas : (a) frequently soundall hold bilges (b) frequently sound bilges in chain locker, fore and aft.peak tanks, cofferdams and other void spaces (c) sound ail fuel, freshwater and ballast tanks (d) if satisfied with (a), (b) and (c) trim ship bythe stern and correct any list (e) reduce speed of the main engine .

6. As Chief Engineer on board, stress the issues you will address for lackof motivation, differences in aptitude and to increase sense ofcompetitiveness for better management and 'effective control?

7. Differentiate between "third party liability" and "contractual liability"When may the ship owner seek to limit his liability.

8. State Maritime Declaration of Health and. the requirements ofInternational Health Regulations for persons employed on board ship.State the steps taken by you as Chief Engineer on board for an EngineRoom personnel suffering from a contagious disease while on avoyage.

9. Why does a ship require Marine Insurance cover. Explain Hull Claimsand Cargo Claims related with Marine Insurance. State the relateddocuments and information required from the ship in this regardhighlighting their validity.


Page 63: Meo 1 - Question Bank

EXAMINATION OF.MAIUNE ENGINEER OKEJCKRFunction; Marine Engineering at Management Level


M.E.'O. Class I(Time allowed - 3hours)

Morning Paper

(India 2007) Total Marks 100

NB: (1) Answer SIX Questions only.(2) All Questions carry equal marks(3) Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carry weightage.

1. As a Chief Engineer you have joined a vessel which is about toundertake a six month round voyage. Underline and describe the keyareas that you will Inspect, check, prepare, establish and maintaintowards proper Planned Maintenance of Engine Room Machineriesand associated areas, under ISM Code.

2. With respect to engine room “Resource Management” enlist the keyissues you will address with proper justification in the following areas(i) Incentive programmes (ii) Long term personnel developmentconcept (iii) Human resources quality assurance (iv) Attitude andmotivation development (v) Emergency response.

3. As a Chief Engineer describe the procedure you would employ forbunkering" at a port for ascertaining / receiving correct grade / quantityof oil from the shore supply authorities. In case of a dispute over lubeoil / fuel oil received on board, describe the actions you will take underthese circumstances. What ore the applicable provisions underMAPOL 73/78, Annex VI Regulations?

4. What provisions ire made under port stale control (PSC) towards (i)

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Certificates issued by non-party States to their ships (ii) Inspection ofships below. Convention size and (iii) No more favorable treatment.

5. Differentiate the salient features during survey of a ship under (i) BareBoat charter (ii) Voyage charter (iii) Time charter, As a Chief Engineeron board explain with reasons which of three surveys is mostdemanding and exhaustive and why?

6. Explain the influence of following external factors in higherconsumption of fuel oil and how at best they could be controlled? (i)Ship's hull condition (ii) Weather condition, (iii)'Maintenance ofdifferent elements in fuel oil system (iv) Damage to propeller blades.

7. As per the Marine Insurance Act, write short notes on the following:

(a) Deviation(b) Warranties(c) War Risk Clause(d) Charterers Contribution Clause.

8. A second hand bulk carrier built in 1990 is to be taken over. Thevessel is to be registered under Indian flag. As Chief Engineer / Ownerrepresentative, what aspects would you look for with respect to;

(a)SOLAS 74(b)MARPOL 73/78(c)Crew accommodation(d)Machinery/ boilers(e)Previous survey report

9. What are the UNCLOS provisions concerning ship's flag andnationality? In observation of UNCLOS what are the duties of flagStates and how arc they enforced?


Page 65: Meo 1 - Question Bank

EXAMINATION OP MARINE ENGINEER OFFICERFunction: Marine Engineering at Management Level


(Time allowed - 3hours)Morning Paper

India (2007) Total Marks 100

NB: (1) Answer SIX Questions only(2) All Questions carry equal marks(3)Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carries weightage

I. Differentiate between "third party liability" and "contractual liability".When may the ship-owner seek to limit his liability?

2. List the methods and aids to prevent pollution of the environment byships under IMO Conventions and steps you can take for its successfulimplementation on a ship prior its voyage, where you have joined asChief Engineer.

3. What is a general average act? Name the essential features of a generalaverage act.

4. Differentiate between official logbook, deck and engine room log'books. Highlight their salient features and difference. Also enlist thenumber of documents, which are handed over by relieved ChiefEngineer during signing off from a vessel.

5. Differentiate between annual, intermediate, renewal, damage andrepair surveys. What arc the purposes of each survey onboard? Also,enlist ail statutory certificates carried onboard, their issuing authority,and the IMO Convention under which they are issued.

6. A ship on which you have joined as Chief Engineer is scheduled to beput in active service after major lay-up and necessary repairs. State,the preparation and trials you would conduct prior offering the ship to

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the surveying authorities for survey and inspection.

7. Discuss the contribution of the following factors on ship inidentification of proper training for a specific task performed (i)Internal Audits (ii) Emergency drills (iii) Previous training andexperience (iv) Familiarization with new equipment.

8. A successful-voyage for Chief Engineer, is a combination of troublefree run of machineries, optimum use of fuel, minimum interpersonalconflicts and less intervention from shore authorities, considering theship as an Organisation, give in detail how can this be best achieved.

9. Your vessel Where you are posted as Chief Engineer is about to enter adry dock. State the coordination and exchange of informationnecessary with the Master of the vessel for entering the dock: Also, listthe necessary preparations required along with the delegation ofresponsibilities to the engineers of the vessel. Enlist the inspections andco-operations you will make with the dry dock-authorities forundocking of the vessel.


EXAMINATION OF MARINE ENGINEER OFFICERFunction: Marine Engineering at Management Level


Page 67: Meo 1 - Question Bank

M. E .O. Class I(Time allowed - 3hours)

Morning Paper

India (2006-2007) Total Marks 100

NB: (1) Answer SIX Questions only.(2) All Questions carry equal marks(3) Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carry weightage

1. You have joined as Chief Engineer on an old vessel, which has beenrecently purchased by the owners. State the documents and records youwill need to check under ISM Code prior to sailing and how this can beachieved within a short period?

2. Differentiate between Voyage Charter and Time Charter of a vessel.Underline the changes in responsibilities and the scope of activities fora Chief Engineer in each case.

3. Give a brief history and the necessity towards formation UNCLOS?What are its important highlights? .Under the context explain (i)Territorial Sea (ii)Contiguous Zone (iii) Exclusive Economic Zone(iv)Continental Shelf (v)High Seas.

4. Apart from statutory surveys, what all other surveys can be undertakenby a classification society for a ship? What are the limitations for thesociety in these cases? Enlist them and emphasize how these cases aretaken care of.

5. With reference to maintenance discuss how can the skill of themaintenance personnel be improved. How will the development ofchecklists, help in improving the maintenance function on a ship.Justify your answer.

6. With reference to inventory, discuss the following;

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(a) Advantages of inventory control(b) Is excess inventory counter-productive?(c) Method of control and Computer database.

7. UNCLOS and SOLAS 74 as amended states that it is mandatory for aflag State to conduct investigation into a marine casualty. Explain indetail with reference to M.S. Act, the authority and responsibilityvested with the Administration.

8. List the IMO Conventions and guidelines dealing with the safety atsea. State how each Convention contributes to the protection of life andproperty at sea.

9. (a) Describe the legal significance of certificate of Registry.(b) Enumerate the entries required as per the M.S. Act 1958 amended, to be made in the official logbook



Page 69: Meo 1 - Question Bank

Function: Marine Engineering Management LevelENGINEERING MANAGEMENT

M.E.O. Class I(Time allowed - 3hours)

Morning PaperIndia (2006-2007) Total Marks 100

NB: (1) Answer SIX Questions only(2) All Questions carry equal marks(3) Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carry weightage

1. Describe how ISM code has ensured the "-Role and Responsibility ofship owner" in achieving Safety Management objectives? Whatimportance do you give to the “Owner’s Policy” in SafetyManagement structure of an organization?

2. Describe briefly ILO Maritime Labor Convention 2006 (No. 186)which was adopted in February 2006.

3. What are the main features incorporated under the SalvageConventions? Explain "No Cure No Pay" and how this was amendedby introducing special compensation towards protecting the marineenvironment?

4. What is Bill of Lading? What precautions are to be observed beforesigning a Bill of Lading under voyage charter and time charter?

5. UNCLOS and SOLAS state that it is mandatory for a flag State toconduct an investigation into any "casualty". Explain in detail withreference to MS. Act, the authority vested with the Government ofIndia and the procedures adopted by a marine board of inquiry.

6. (a) Explain the salient features of Ballast Water ManagementRegulations.

(b) What is the role of Chief Engineer in the implementation of the

Page 70: Meo 1 - Question Bank

Ballast Water Management plan prior to your vessel arriving at anAustralian port.

7. Briefly discuss the reasons for Bulk hairier losses m me last decadeand explain, how provisions detailed in Chapter XII of SOLAS 74, asamended, will contribute towards the safety of bulk-carriers?

8. As per the Marine Insurance Act, write short notes on the following:

(a) Deviation(b) Warranties(c) War Risk Clause(d) Charterers Contribution Clause.

9. What are the primary strategies that may be employed for coping withstress affected personnel? How can these elements be bestimplemented in ships personnel motivating them for better team work?


Page 71: Meo 1 - Question Bank

EXAMINATION OF MARINE ENGINEER OFFICERFunction: Marine Engineering Management Level


(Time allowed - 3hours)Morning Paper

India (2006-2007) Total Marks 100

NB: (1) Answer SIX Questions only(2) All Questions carry equal marks(3) Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carry weightage

1. You as Chief Engineer are required to inform your Company withrespect to inspection of propellers in the dry dock during which younoticed a surface crack on one of the blades. State the steps taken byyou as Chief Engineer for successful handling of the situation.

2. Differentiate between Rules, Regulations, Protocol, Act, tacitacceptance and Convention as adapted in IMO. Describe the processby which a Draft proposal gets converted into a Rule administered by amaritime member country.

3. What are the UNCLOS provisions concerning ship's flag andnationality? In observation of/UNCLOS what are the duties of flagstates and how are they enforced?

4. Has "ISM Code" been successful in bringing changes with respect tosafety and environment/protection? With your past experience ofserving on ships having Safety Management System, ease on the same.

5. With respect to engine room man management enlist the key issuesthat you will address, with proper justification, in the following areas;(a) Training programmes

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(b) Long term personnel development concept(c) Attitude and motivation development(d) Emergency response

6. Emphasize the validity of the statement that Classification Societies areRecognized s(RO). In your view if the statement carries somelimitation highlight them with reasons. List the statutory servicesundertaken by a classification body on behalf of Administration.

7. Your company has deputed you to take over a second hand bulkcarrier. The vessel is to registered under Indian flag. As Chief Engineer/ Owner's representative, what aspects would you look for, with respectto;

(a) SOLAS 74(b) MAPPOL 73/78(c) Crew accommodation(d) Machinery/ boilers(e) Previous survey report

8. Differentiate between “third party liability” and "contractual liability".When may the ship-owner seek to limit his liability? List the personsentitled to limit liability and the claims exempted from limitation.

9. Socio-Cultural differences have been an accepted fact in majormerchant ships around the globe. Explain how such differencesgenerate inter personal conflict and affect safety management. Howthey can be resolved on board?


Page 73: Meo 1 - Question Bank

EXAMINATION OF MARINE ENGINEER OFFICERFunction: Marine Engineering Management Level


(Time allowed - 3hours)Morning Paper

India (2006-2007) Total Marks 100

NB: (1) Answer SIX Questions only(2) All Questions carry equal marks(3) Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carry weightage(4) All unused pages of Answer script must be cancelled out by twolines (X) across the page.

1. While approaching a port an accident took place, resulting in groundingof the vessel. A team of surveyors carried out inspection of the vesseland official records. Company has advised you to submit the reportalong with the relevant Log book records for formulating an opinionregarding cause of grounding. In case the grounding was not 4ue tomachinery failure, same may be brought out in the report to underlinethat machineries were functioning satisfactorily.

2. (a) State the circumstances which may lead to Suspension orWithdrawal of Class

(b) Explain the terms used by the classification societies:(i) Period of Class,(ii) Anniversary date,(iii) Survey time window,(iv) Memoranda,(v) Recommendations.

3. Explain the different machinery related emergency situations that aredealt as documented procedures under "emergency preparedness".Underline the salient actions that are documented in dealing with (i)

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Main Engine Failure (ii) Steering failure (iii) Boiler automation failure(iv) Scavenge fire.

4. Illustrate the provision kept towards establishing procedures foridentification and testing of "critical" equipment under ISM Code.How the list of critical equipment and systems are made and on whatfactors are they dependent?

5. Suggest with reasons, why each of the following courses of action areappropriate if a ship is operating in heavy seas:

(a)frequently sound all hold bilges(b)frequently sound bilges in chain locker, fore and aft. peak tanks,cofferdams and other void spaces(c)sound all fuel, fresh water and ballast tanks;(d)if satisfied with (a), (b) and (c) trim ship by the stern and correct anylist(e)reduce speed of the main engine.

6. As Chief Engineer on board, stress the issues you will address for lackof motivation, differences in attitude and to increase sense ofcompetitiveness for better management and effective control?

7. Briefly discuss the reasons for Bulk -Carrier losses in the last decadeand explain, how provision detailed in Chapter XH of SOLAS 74, asamended, will contribute towards the safety of bulk carriers?

8. As per the Marine Insurance Act, write short notes on the following:(a) Deviation(b) Warranties(c) War Risk Clause(d) Charterers Contribution Clause

9. Write short notes on any THREE:

(a)Lloyd's Open Form.(b)General Average and Particular Average.(c)Bill of Lading(d)Treaty, Convention and Protocol.

Page 75: Meo 1 - Question Bank


EXAMINATION OF MARINE ENGINEER OFFICERFunction: Marine Engineering Management Level


(Time allowed - 3hours)Morning Paper

India (2006-2007) Total Marks 100

NB: (1) Answer SIX Questions only(2) All Questions carry equal marks(3) Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carry weightage(4) All unused pages of Answer script must be cancelled out by twolines (X) across the page.

1. The protection of the Marine environment is of utmost importancetoday. Discuss;(a) How would you as a Chief Engineer Officer of a tanker ensureprotection of the environment by compliance with the variousRegulation of MARPOL 73/78 Annex 1 for prevention and control ofpollution at sea?(b) State requirements for compliance under Annex VI of MARPOL73/78.

2. With reference to record keeping onboard,-discuss (i) the necessity ofproper filing (ii) efficient control of follow up and verificationactivities. Describe a situation onboard, which will highlight theimportance of record keeping of above two cases.

3. (a) What are P & I clubs? Describe how P & I clubs collect fond fromship-owners.(b) What are the risks that are covered under the term "protection" and"indemnity"?

Page 76: Meo 1 - Question Bank

4. Highlight the following amendments to IMO Conventions and itseffect in ship operation thereof.Mention their date of entry into force.(a) CLC and Fund Conventions(b)SOLAS-IMDG Code

5. List the objectives of an ISM Internal Audit of a ship? How an InternalAudit helps in External Audit of a vessel? Name the salient issuesaddressed in the Internal Audit and the persons responsible to carry outthe same.

6. Explain the associated key factors and activities to ensure successfulPlanned Maintenance programme onboard ships under ISM Code withthe following terms:(a) Corrective action process,(b) Developing and improving maintenance procedures,(c) Systematic approach to maintenance,(d)Maintenance intervals,(e) Inspections.

7. With respect to engine room man management enlist the key issuesyou will address with proper justification in the following areas;(a)Training programmes,(b)Long term personnel development concept,(c)Attitude and motivation development,(d)Emergency response,(e)Coping with stress.

8. Explain "Port State Control" (PSC) Inspection. Underline its authority^and the basis of such inspections. Enumerate the relevant Regulations,Article and Annexes of SOLAS 74, LOAD LINES 66, MARPOL73/78, STCW 78, and TONNAGE 69, which forms the provisions forPSC.

9. Differentiate the salient consideration taken during survey of a shipunder;(a) Bare boat charter,(b) Voyage charter,(c) Time charter.

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As a Chief Engineer on board explain with reasons which of the threesurvey is most demanding and exhaustive and why?


EXAMINATION OF MARINE ENGINEER OFFICERFunction: Marine Engineering Management Level


(Time allowed - 3hours)Morning Paper

India (2006-2007) Total Marks 100

NB: (1) Answer SIX Questions only(2) All Questions carry equal marks(3) Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carry weightage(4) All unused pages of Answer script must be cancelled out by twolines (X) across the page.(5) All unused pages of Answer script must be cancelled out by twolines (X) across the page.

1. You as Chief Engineer are required to inform, your. Company with:respect to inspection of propellers in the dry dock during which younoticed a surface crack on one of the blades. State the steps taken byyou as Chief Engineer for successful handling of the situation.

2. Differentiate between Rules, Regulations, Protocol, Act, TacitAcceptance and Convention as adapted in IMO. Describe the processby which a Convention gets converted into a Rule administered by amaritime member country.

3. Has "ISM Code" been successful in bringing changes with respect tosafety and environment protection? With your past experience ofserving on ships having Safety Management System, eate on the same.

Page 78: Meo 1 - Question Bank

4. What provisions are made under Port State Control (PSC) towards (i)Certificates issued by non-party States to their ships (ii) Inspection ofships below Convention size and (iii) No more favorable treatment.

5. Explain the influence of following external factors in higherconsumption of fuel oil and how at best they could be controlled? (i)Ship's hull condition (ii) Weather condition (iii) Maintenance ofdifferent equipments in a fuel oil system (iv) Damage to propellerblades.

6. What are the primary strategies for coping with stress affectedpersonnel? How these elements can be best addressed in shipspersonnel motivating them/for better team work?

7. (a) What are the important highlights of UNCLOS with respect toenvironment protection? :

(b) Explain:(i) Territorial Sea,(ii) Contiguous Zone,(iii) Exclusive Economic Zone,(iv) Continental Shelf,(v) High Seas.

8. Eate the influences of a Charterer on operation of propulsion and othershipboard machineries during a voyage. After taking over a ship as aChief Engineer you have been informed that the ship is on a time-charter: and has a history of unforeseen auxiliary machinerybreakdown at sea. State the different options you have and actions youwould take as a Chief Engineer prior to the commencement of voyage?

9. As a Chief Engineer on a UMS vessel scheduled to make a voyagefrom India to the U.S. Coast; list the, salient items you will inspectincluding propulsion machinery to ensure making a satisfactoryvoyage. Also, list the documents the ship will keep ready tosuccessfully undergo port State control inspection on arrival.


Page 79: Meo 1 - Question Bank

EXAMINATION OF MARINE ENGINEER OFFICERFunction: Marine Engineering Management Level


(Time allowed - 3hours)Morning Paper

India (2008) Total Marks 100

NB: (1) Answer SIX Questions only(2) All Questions carry equal marks(3) Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carry weightage(4) All unused pages of Answer script must be cancelled out by twolines (X) across the page.

1. The protection of the Marine environment is of utmost importancetoday. Discuss;(a) How would you as a Chief Engineer Officer of a tanker ensureprotection of the environment by compliance with the variousRegulation of MARPOL 73/78 Annex 1 for prevention and control ofpollution at sea?(b) State requirements for compliance under Annex VI ofMARPOL 73/78.

2. With reference to record keeping onboard, discuss (i) the necessity ofproper filing (ii) efficient control of follow up and verificationactivities.Describe a situation onboard, which will highlight the importance ofrecord keeping of above two cases.

3. (a) What are P & I clubs? Describe how P & I clubs collect fund

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from ship owners.(b) What are the risks that are covered under the term “protection”and “indemnity”?

4. Highlight the following amendments to IMO Conventions and itseffect in ship operation thereof.Mention their date of entry into force.(a) CLC and Fund Conventions(b) SOLAS – IMDG Code

5. List the objectives of an ISM Internal Audit of a ship? How an InternalAudit helps in External Audit of a vessel? Name the salient issuesaddressed in the Internal Audit and the persons responsible to carry outthe same.

6. Explain the associated key factors and activities to ensure successfulplanned Maintenance programme onboard ships under ISM Code with(a) Corrective action process,(b) Developing and improving maintenance procedures,(c) Systematic approach to maintenance,(d) Maintenance intervals,(e) Inspections.

7. With respect to engine room man management enlist the key issue youwill address with proper justification in the following areas:(a) Training programmes,(b) Long term personnel development concept,(c) Attitude and motivation development,(d) Emergency response,(e) Coping with stress.

8. Explain “Port State Control” (PSC) Inspection. Underline itsauthority, and the basis of such inspections. Enumerate the relevantRegulations, Article and Annexes of Solas 74, LOAD LINES 66,MARPOL 73/78, STCW 78 and TONNAGE 69, which forms theprovisions for PSC.

9. Differentiate the salient consideration taken during survey of a shipunder;(a) Bare boat charter,

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(b) Voyage charter,(c) Time charter.As a Chief Engineer on board explain with reasons which of the threesurvey is most demanding and exhaustive and why?