menu question tag offering

Menu Menu Question tag Question tag Offering Offering

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Post on 19-Jan-2016




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Menu Question tag Offering. The Healthy Restaurant Salads ($2 each) Bean Tomato green Side dishes Brown rice Boiled potatoes Drinks ($1 each) Orange juice Apple juice Lemon tea. Main courses ($5 each) Steamed fish Vegetarian bean pie Tofu delight - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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MenuMenuQuestion tag Question tag

Offering Offering

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The Healthy RestaurantSalads ($2 each)BeanTomatogreen

Side dishes Brown rice Boiled potatoes

Drinks ($1 each)Orange juiceApple juiceLemon tea

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Main courses ($5 each)Steamed fishVegetarian bean pieTofu delight

Desserts ($2 each)MangoMelonMixed fruit

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1. What is the name of the text above?

a. Menub. Shopping listc. reciped. label

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2. Where do you usually find this kind of


a. At homeb. In the marketc. At the restaurantd. At the supermarket

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3. What is menu ?

a. Direction for preparing the mealb. List of dishes available at a

restaurantc. A set of cooking instructiond. The schedule of dishes at the


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4. What kinds of food have the same price?

a. Salad and main courseb. Drinks and main coursec. Salads and drinksd. Salads and desserts

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5. What should you do if you want to order the food in the menu


a. Write it down on the menub. Underline the name of the food we

orderc. Give ticks to the boxes d. Read the menu carefully

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1. How many kinds of drinks are there in the menu above?

a. Oneb. Twoc. Threed. four

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2. How much will you pay if you buy hot

dog and a cup of coffee?

a. $ 1b. $ 2c. $ 3d. $ 4

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3. What food in the menu above is the

most expensive ?

a. Tacob. Hamburgerc. Saladd. sandwich

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Pertanyaan yang dilekatkan di akhir kalimat.You can come to the party, can’t you?

Andy visited you, didn’t he?

Digunakan untuk menegaskan atau

meyakinkan bahwa pernyataan tadi benar

We will go now, won’t we?

He is a doctor, isn’t he?

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Digunakan untuk mencari kebenaran /persetujuan pernyataan tadi The man is our new teacher, isn’t he? Ostriches are bird, aren’t they?Bila intonasinya naik question tag tersebutmerupakan pertanyaan

You don’t know the answer, do you? Yes, I do No, I don’t

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Bila intonasinya turun question tag

tersebut meminta pembenaran

pernyataan tersebut

You can swim, can’t you?

He likes coffee, doesn’t he?

Bila kalimatnya berbentuk positif,

question tagnya berbentuk negatif

Your mother is a doctor, isn’t she?

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Bila kalimatnya berbentuknegatif,question tagnya berbentukpositif

You don’t like tea, do you?

Selalu menggunakan pronoun (kata ganti) di question tagnyaPronoun : I, You, We, They, He, She,


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Mary : sheMary is your sister, isn’t she?Tony : heTony is at home now, isn’t


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Digunakan untuk menegaskan atau

meyakinkan bahwa pernyataan tadi


We will go now, won’t we?

He is a doctor, isn’t he?

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Mary and Tony : theyMary and Tony came here, didn’t


I and Tina : weI and Tina can go now, can’t we?

The book : itThe book is expensive, isn’t it?

They books : theyThe books are yours, aren’t they?

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• Bila kalimat tersebut mempunyai to be

(is, am, are, was, were)The book is expensive, isn’t it?

Your mother was at the market yesterday, wasn’t she? The boys were there, weren’t they?

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Bila kalimat tersebut mempunyai modalModal : can, could, will, would,

may, might, shall, should, must,

You can swim, can’t you? They will come here, won’t they? The boys mustn't join the contest, must they?

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Bila kalimat tersebut mempunyai auxiliary

have/hasHave /has adalah auxiliary bila diiukutiVerb 3 :

They have eaten, haven't they? She has gone, hasn’t she?

You haven’t finished it yet, have you?

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Bila kalimat tersebut tidak mempunyai to

be, modal atau aux have/has makamembutuhkan kata kerja bantu Kata bantu : do/does, did

-You like apples, don’t you? - Anita goes early every

morning, doesn’t she? - Vita visited you, didn’t she?

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• This is your book, isn’t it?• These are yours, aren’t they?• There is a meeting tonight, isn’t

there?• Everything is OK, isn’t it?• Everyone took the test, didn’t they?• I am invited , aren’t I?• I am not the only one, am I?

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Kalimat yang bermakna negatif ,questiontagnya berbentuk positif

Nothing is wrong, is it?Nobody called you, did they?You’ve never been here before,


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Kalimat perintah/larangan, kalimat ajakan,

Let’s go there, shall we?Open the door, will you?Don’t say that again, will you

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1. Heru : The English teacher gave a quiz this morning.

Irwan : But you could answer the questions, …?

Heru : Yes, some of them

a. Did youb. Have youc. could youd. Couldn’t you

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2. Citra : Dila decided to go there alone.

Risky : she’s been there before, …?

a. Has sheb. is shec. hasn’t she

d. isn’t she

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3. Jenny : Do you know where my ring is?

Tara : it’s on the dressing table last night….?

Jenny : Yes, but it is gone.

a. Is itb. Isn’t itc. Was itd. Wasn’t it

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4. Winda : It’s already ten o'clock. Togar : You’ll leave us now , …?

a. Will youb. Won’t youc. Do youd. Aren’t you

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5. Santi : Is our new headmaster Mr.Handika?

Wawan : Yes, You’ve never met him before , …?

a. Have youb. Haven’t touc. Did youd. Didn’t you