menergy event manual


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Menerg y 2014 Fire I n the Belly…What does that mean?  ........................................................................................ 4 

First Men’s Gathering?  ............................................................................................................................................. 4 

Experienced Men .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 

Housekeeping & Tips .................................................................................................................................................... 4 

Name Badges................................................................................................................................................................ 4 

Tribal Groups................................................................................................................................................................. 4 

Confidentiality ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 

Meal Times .................................................................................................................................................................... 5 

Meal Clean-ups ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 

Mobile Telephones ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 

Smoking ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5 

First Aid Officer.............................................................................................................................................................. 5 

Emotional First Aid ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 

Bump Out ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5 

Post-Gathering .............................................................................................................................................................. 5 

Feedback ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 

The Organising Committee ............................................................................................................................................... 6 

Menergy 2014............................................................................................................................................................... 6 

Map ................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 

Tribal Groups..................................................................................................................................................................... 8 

Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................... 8 

Confidentiality ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 

“I” Language .................................................................................................................................................................. 8 

Respect ......................................................................................................................................................................... 8 

Trust and Support Men to find their own solutions........................................................................................................ 8 

Be Present and Real ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 

Cross-Talking ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 

Talking Stick .................................................................................................................................................................. 8 

Rescuing ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8 

Touch ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9 

 All Feelings are OK ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 

Leaving the Circle ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 

It’s OK to Pass............................................................................................................................................................... 9 

Some final points: ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 

Workshops ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10 

Work Shop Etiquette ................................................................................................................................................... 10 

1. Whoever comes are the right people ................................................................................................................. 10 

2. Its all about the timing; ....................................................................................................................................... 10 

3. Whatever happens is the only thing that could have happened ......................................................................... 10 

4. When it is over, it is over .................................................................................................................................... 10 

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5. The law of two feet ............................................................................................................................................. 10 

EVENT TIMETABLE: ...................................................................................................................................................... 11 

Saturday ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12 

Sunday ........................................................................................................................................................................ 13 

Monday ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14 

Facilitators: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15 

"Kensan" - Creating groups in flow ............................................................................................................................. 15 

Nonviolent Communication: An introductory workshop on the core principles of nonviolent compassionate

communication. ........................................................................................................................................................... 15 

Hakomi (mindfulness & body centred) therapy "Feeling Whole & Being Alive to our Authentic Presence. ............... 16 

Life Mechanics: Group coaching session. .................................................................................................................. 16 

The Hero Warrior's Journey through Tarot ................................................................................................................. 17 

Dealing with Difficult People – the Work of Byron Katie ............................................................................................. 17 

Procrastination and Distraction: Playing with our Power ............................................................................................ 17 

Open Heart Meditation ................................................................................................................................................ 18 

Men - Reclaiming Anger .............................................................................................................................................. 18 

Financial sabotage ...................................................................................................................................................... 19 

Break free of pornography .......................................................................................................................................... 19 

Befriending the Body ................................................................................................................................................... 19 

Primal Dance and Mask-"Primal dance of earth, fire, air water and spirit. ................................................................. 20 

Fire in the Belly meets the Labyrinth ........................................................................................................................... 20 

Narrative Yoga ............................................................................................................................................................ 21 

Empathy for Partners and Parents .............................................................................................................................. 21 

Qi Gong for health: An introduction to Qi Gong. ......................................................................................................... 22 

Giving It All You've Got - A Guide to Full-Bodied Action ............................................................................................. 22 

Men in relationship ...................................................................................................................................................... 23 

Boys and Their Toys ................................................................................................................................................... 23 

The Crossroad: Conflict or Connection ....................................................................................................................... 24 

Drumming Workshop .................................................................................................................................................. 24 

Balls in the Air: Juggling! ............................................................................................................................................. 25 

Tai Chi Qi Gong  From beginners to masters, it's all about the doing. ................................................................... 25 

 Accept AND Challenge! .............................................................................................................................................. 25 

Humandala. ................................................................................................................................................................. 25  

Morning Grounding ..................................................................................................................................................... 26 

Men@Dance ............................................................................................................................................................... 26 

Nonviolent Intervention - No longer silent ................................................................................................................... 26 

Drugs, Alcohol and Masculinity ................................................................................................................................... 27 

Mens Wellbeing ............................................................................................................................................................... 27 

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Menergy 2014 Fire I n the Belly…What does that mean?

For many men, the pressures of family, finance, society and parental upbringing have extinguished or

doused their inner fire, their vitality, their passion for life, love and career. How to hold onto and balance

this potency without letting it ‘burn down the house’ and destroy things is the conflicting nature of being a


That’s why the theme for this year’s event is “Fire in The Belly” which is our collective stand to supportmen to reclaim their power and passion in themselves, their relationships, their work and their whole lives.

But don’t get the idea this is some kind of a fix fest for the broken hearted. It’s not. It’s about men

gathering together to share and support each other, to discuss and explore what it means to be a man in

the 21st century, in an environment that acknowledges and understands the unique problems men face.

This is an incredible opportunity to meet and get to know other men interested in growth,

empowerment and finding ways to be the best husbands, fathers, friends, partners, lovers… the best all-round blokes they can be.

First Men’s Gathering?  

If this is your first time, then you may be feeling a little on edge, anxious, excited, nervous or a combination of them

all. From our experience, this is totally normal and a lot of experienced men still get these feelings, so know that you

are not alone.

At Menergy, it's all about choice. You choose what you want to do —be it a workshop, relaxing, talking in the Chai

Lounge, taking some quiet personal time for reflection or spending time making new friends. It's totally up to you.

We recommend that on first arrival that you take some time to feel comfortable in the surroundings, get your bedding

sorted and join the crew of men setting things up.

Experienced Men

This year your Organising Committee urges all returning men to consciously support, assist and welcome the men new

to our community. Step up and to hold the space for men starting their journey this weekend. We have heard the

calls from experienced men for a deeper gathering and believe this is the answer—by supporting their brothers,

experienced men will gain a much deeper involvement.

Housekeeping & Tips

There are a few things that you can help us with to make sure that this weekend is the best it can be for every man.

Name Badges

Connecting with men is a major part of men’s festivals. Be sure to wear your name badge during the festival to make

meeting other men easier.

Tribal Groups

These will be led by experienced men in our community and will be formed as part of the opening ceremony. They are

a proven way for each man to speak, be heard, and to listen to what is happening for other men. We ask you to attend

all tribal group meetings and to please be there on time.

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This is an area of importance when engaging with Workshops and Tribal Groups. To create a space where men can

feel safe to share and be authentic, we ask that no man’s name or his experience is to be spoken of outside of this

weekend. Of course, your experience is yours to speak of as you wish.

Meal Times

Our gatherings are well known for their healthy and wholesome meals. You will be alerted to when meals are being

served and we request you to be punctual. Meal-times are a great time to catch up and a forum for announcements.

Please be sure to listen out for them!

Meal Clean-ups

Each tribal group will be rostered to help with clearing tables, tea & coffee and washing up. Please be sure all of your

group work together, as many hands make light work and this aids the smooth running of the weekend.

Mobile Telephones

Please consider turning off your mobile phone and if you really need to, just check it occasionally. If you need to make

a call, please do so in the car park away from the hub of the gathering. This weekend is a great opportunity to relax

without the sound of phones ringing. We ask that you really consider how urgent it is to turn yours on.

SmokingIf you are a smoker, we ask that you cut right back or consider going without. We understand that this is a big ask and

so if you do need to smoke, please do so in the car-park away from the gathering.

First Aid Officer

First Aid Officers will be announced on the opening night. Please familiarise yourself with them in case of emergencies.

Emotional First Aid

Sometimes at Gatherings, personal issues can arise. Please seek support. Our emotional first aid officers are the men

to see. These are experienced men who will lend a compassionate ear. These men will be introduced at the opening


Bump OutAs the cliché goes, many hands make light work. When packing up on Monday we would like to ask every man to be

involved in helping to pack up the gathering prior to the closing ceremony. Thank you in advance for your assistance

in this.


In the weeks after Menergy, you will receive an email advising you that Men’s Wellbeing members list has been

updated with all attendees and their photographs taken at registration. We recommend that you make a commitment

to keep in contact with at least one new other man to keep the benefits flowing and to help build our community


To help the 2015 Menergy Committee put together next year’s festival, please complete the feedback form you will

be emailed after the weekend.

This year’s Menergy will provide experienced men plenty of opportunity to go deeper, to co-create and to be involved

with this amazing community of men, including providing support and leadership to all men, especially those new to

Menergy. Men come to Menergy for lots of reasons. It is a strong community and for many men it is the opportunityto come back and connect with good conscious men in the unique environment that these gatherings are. For new

men we know you will be welcomed and find acceptance and new friendships among this community. 

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The Organising Committee

The organising committee for Menergy 2014 















General Support 

Opening & Closing

Ceremonies, Marketing, 

Order and Beauty 


AV Tech 

Tribal Group Leader

Coordinator Auction 












Budget Management 



Venue. resources, Logistics

& setup 

Tribal Groups, Workshops,

Program, Conch Master 

Marketing & Printing



Dale Stephens  Richmond


Venue.resources, Logistics &setup, Menergiser (OG) 


Not Pictured: Dale Stephens Richmond Heath

For the first couple of days we will wear the gathering t-shirt to help identify us. Feel free to come up and say hello

and connect at any time. We are happy to share what it is like to be involved in organising a gathering like Menergy

and might even encourage you to consider stepping forward as part of the organising committee for Menergy 2015.

We are also very happy to share our experiences with the men from any of the other gathering organising committees.

The committee also gratefully thanks two men who have given their generous time and support to the Committee

over the past 12 months – Scott Grimmett-Mens Wellbeing and Jeremy Shub- The man with a vision.

Menergy 2 14 

Organising this gathering is a yearlong journey for a group of a dozen or so men to undertake; for personal growth and

challenge. It is also a lot of fun bonding as a team.

As part of the closing ceremony a new committee will be formed. You have something to offer, so seize the challenge

and step forward.

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Tribal Groups


An important part of this event is the Tribal Group you will help create. Your Group Leader will be a skilled group

facilitator from our community. The meetings will be a place where you can ‘check-in’ and share about your

experiences, progress, challenges or realisations that have come up, and it’s also a great way to connect regularly and

deeply with a group of men.Tribal Groups have been a part of these events for over 10 years and there are some things we know assist the groups

to work well. Your Group Leader will run through the items below plus any other approaches they like to use and of

course you will have opportunity to contribute to this if you feel the need.


Confidentiality and integrity are critical elements in the group. What you see and hear is not yours to own. No other

man’s name and story is to be repeated outside the group. You can however share your exper ience, how you felt,

what came up for you. This is ultimately all your loved ones may want to hear anyway.

“I” Language 

We encourage you to use ‘I’ instead of ‘you’. For example saying; “You know when your woman is angry and you get

pissed off’ is much better stated ‘when my woman gets angry, I get pissed off’. This will greatly assist you in taking full

ownership of your experience. “I feel”; “I think”; “I want”; “I will” are phrases that may help now and in the future. 


Create a space of respect for yourself, others & the environment. Turn up on time and listen fully when each man is

speaking. One man speaks at a time, holding the talking stick. Trust the words will come to you when it’s your turn,

rather than mentally rehearsing your ‘speech’. Your unrehearsed words are often more honest.

Trust and Support Men to find their own solutions

Giving advice is not encouraged and is rarely appropriate. Feedback is only offered by seeking permission first, and

then speaking from your own experience. Please avoid “You should” or “If I were you I would”. 

Be Present and Real

Discussing philosophies or moralising often keeps groups from being grounded & real. Please consider if there is a way

to discuss your interests in a more personal way, or at least save these discussions for time outside the group.


Do not Cross-Talk. Give everyone the opportunity to speak uninterrupted. Watch your own inner stirrings when

another man speaks, they are gold and yours to explore!

Talking Stick

When each man is holding the talking stick, all that is asked is that you listen. When speaking, please speak into the

circle, include the centre and all the men around it.

RescuingWe are not here to rescue, fix or solve problems for other men in the group.

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If a man is in deep process, he is not to be touched, as it may cut it short. Consider why you need to touch/console

this man. Is this something you cannot hear? Whose process is it?

All Feelings are OK

Sadness, Fear, Anger and Happiness are all normal emotions. You have a right to them, try to own and identify them.

If you are not feeling OK then say so.

Leaving the Circle

Please don’t leave the circle once it is formed. If you need to leave, please speak before doing so, go in silence and

remember to walk around the circle rather than across it. If you need a pee break just ask and the group will hold the

circle in silence until you return.

It’s OK to Pass 

You have the right to share and speak at the level at which you are comfortable. There may be a time when you wish

to pass, this will always be respected.

Some final points:

> Stay in your body, in the present moment. Breathe!

> This is not a performance, there is no-one to impress. You are here for yourself.

> The Tribal Group Leader will be the guardian of the guidelines and may gently remind people of them when they are

 forgotten. This is not a criticism but an effort to maintain the safe form of the circle. This way of speaking may be new

 for many. 

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Workshop details will be promoted by the facilitator during the course of the day. 

Each workshop will be assigned a Tribal Group Leader or Elder to help the group’s process with their experience so all

men contribute fully.

Work Shop Etiquette

1. Whoever comes are the right people

This principle acknowledges that the only people really qualified or able to do great work on any issue are those who

really care, and freely choose to be involved. 

2. Its all about the timing;

This principle recognises that spirit and creativity does not run by the clock however please recognise that turning up

or finishing on time is respectful to other participants. We have a lot on over the weekend so appreciate your

 punctuality where required. So while we are here, we will all keep a vigilant watch for great ideas and new insights

which can happen anytime. 

3. Whatever happens is the only thing that could have happened

 Allows everyone to let go of the “could haves, would haves and should haves” so that we can give our attention to the

reality of what IS happening, is working and is happening right now. 

4. When it is over, it is over

 Acknowledges that one never knows how long it will take to deal with any given issue. It reminds us that getting the

 job done is more important than sticking to an arbitrary schedule. 

5. The law of two feet

You know men, where you can learn and contribute the most Open Space encourages you to use your two feet to go

where you need to go, when you need to go and do and say and hear what you need to.  

Enjoy, and may this process be powerful and heart opening for every man. 

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EVENT TIMETABLE:(May be subject to Alterations- Check Chalk board for most up-to date info)

Time Friday Time Saturday Sunday Time Monday

6.00am Morning Programs Morning Program 6.00am Morning Program

7.00amBreakfast Breakfast


Facilitators Intro's Facilitators Intro's Facilitators Intro's

8.00am Free Time Free Time8.00am


10.00am Morning Tea

10.30amMorning Tea Morning Tea


Faciltator Intro's Facilitator Intros

11.00am11.00 12.30 pm Tribal Group Checkout

12.00pm Committee set up12.30pm


Lunch Lunch1.00 - 1.30pm

3.00pm Welcome Desk set up Facilitator Intro's Facilitator Intros

3.00pmTGL Meeting

Workshop Faciltators Meeting 2.00pm

3.00pm Registration

3.00pm Welcome 4.30pm  Afternoon Tea Afternoon Tea 3.00pm Event Leave

3.00pm 5.00pm Tribal Group Leaders Tribal Group Leaders

6.00pm Dinner Dinner

7.30pmFree Time Free Time

7.30pmHeart Space Caberet


10.00pm Supper Supper  



Opening Ceremony


Free Time

Menergy 2014 Event Timetable


Free Time Free Time


Pack Bags

Closing Ceremony

Site Bump Out


Workshops Workshops




Tribal Group Meeting

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Facilitator Description Room

Time Saturday Trevor Cohen Morning Grounding Ritchie

6am SATW1 Morning Programs Ragnor Men At Dance Main Room

Breakfast Jason Stevens Befriending the BodyChai Tent or


Facilitators Intro's

8.00am Free Time

Facilitator Description Room

Morning Tea Dayle Life Mechanics Ritchie

Faciltator Intro's Nic Morrey Men in Relationships Main Room

Mark Healy Fire in the Belly meets the Labyrinth Breeze Easy

David Mollet Open Heart Meditation Chapel


Facilitator Intro's

Facilitator Description Room

4.30pm  Afternoon Tea Lars Richter Narrative Yoga Breeze Easy

5.00pm Tribal Group Leaders Kitsiri Primal Dance & Mask Games Room

6.00pm Dinner David Nailor Procrastination and Distraction: Playing

with our Power Ritchie

7.00pm Free Time Greg Brady ? Chapel

Heart Space

9.30 pm Supper 

Facilitator Description Room

 Alistair Non violent communication Games Room

 Amon Woulfe "Kensan" - Creating groups in flow Chapel

Shane Anderson Nonviolent Intervention - No longer silent Ritchie

Peter Siahna Wadham The Crossroad: Conf lic t or Connection Breeze Easy


Saturday Timetable

6.00am Workshops SATW1

8.30 am Workshops SATW2

11.00 am Workshops SATW3


Free Time

2.30 am Workshops SATW4

SATW2 Workshops

SATW3 Workshops

SATW4 Workshops

10.00 pm






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Time Sunday Facilitator Description Room

6.00am SUNW1 Morning Programs Lars Richter Narrative YogaBreeze Easy or

Games Room

7.00amBreakfast Michael Ryan QiGong

Chai tent or


Facilitators Intro's Trevor Cohen Morning Grounding Main Room

8.00am Free Time


10.30amMorning Tea Facilitator Description Room

Faciltator Intro's Trevor Cohen Accept & Change Main Room

11.00amLen WARD Empathy for Partners and Parents Chapel

Hugh Martin Break free of pornography Ritchie

Lunch Kitsiri Desilva Primal Dance & Mask Breeze Easy

Facilitator Intro's


4.30pm  Afternoon Tea Facilitator Description Room

5.00pm Tribal Group Leaders David Nailor  Dealing with Difficult People – the Work of

Byron KatieChapel

6.00pm Dinner Gero von Aderkas Men - Reclaiming Anger Ritchie

Free Time Michael CannGiving It All You've Got - A Guide to Full-

Bodied ActionBreeze Easy

7.30pm Alistair McKinnon Nonviolent Communication Games Room

10.00pm Supper 

Facilitator Description Room

Simon Lewis Drumming Fire Circle

 Adam Forbes Drugs Alcohol & Masculinity Ritchie

Team Henderson Balls in the Air Games Room

Gordon Funk Financial sabotage Chapel

SUNW4 Workshops -Drumming


Free Time11.00pm

11.00 pm Workshops SUNW3

2.30 pm Workshops SUNW4

Heart Space

Sunday Timetable

6.00am Workshops SUNW1

8.30 am Workshops SUNW2

SUNW2 Workshops

SUNW3 Workshops

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Time Monday6.00am MONW1 Morning Program

Facilitator Description Room

7.00amBreakfast Team Henderson Tai Chi Qi Gong Chapel

Facilitators Intro's Ragnar Men Dance Main Room


Michael Ryan QiGongBreeze Easy or Games


10.00am Morning Tea


11.00am Tribal Group Checkout

12.30pm Lunch Facilitator Description Room

 Aladdin jonesHakomi (mindfulness & body

centred) therapy


Hugh Martin Break free of pornography Ritchie

Gordon Funk Financial sabotage House

 Adam Forbes Drugs Alcohol & Masculinity Games room

3.00pm Event Leave

Monday Timetable

MONW2 W orkshops

Pack Bags

Site bump

Closing ceremony

6.00 am Workshops MONW1

8.00 am Workshops MONW2



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Facilitators:(Subject to change-Apologies if not all bios and details printed)

Amon Woulfe

"Kensan" - Creating groups in flow

What has been your experience of groups, whether that be family, work or play? Has it been harmonious, supportive

and innovative, or has it been competitive, aggressive and suppressing?

I was never shown how to be in group, but from the day I was born I l ived in group. Someone just assumed I knew

how, and I just assumed they knew too. Nothing was further from the truth.

Group environments are often a battleground of rampant energy stealing, and nothing can 'put the fire out' or even'put the fire out of control' quicker than a hostile group.

Learn to cultivate 'group mindfulness' techniques that move a group from disharmony to flow. Learn what dynamics

are really at play under the surface, and how we can move to a far more harmonious way of being in group.

 Amon is a group mindfulness trainer, facilitator and coach and the founder of Collective Mind, teaching people how

to experience 'groups in flow'. Passionate about Kensan and Collective Wisdom, his aim is to build a bridge that

combines the gifts of Eastern group wisdom and Western management culture, to re-imagine a new way of creating

harmonious groups. He believes that teaching groups to access the Group Mind is the key to unlocking the greatest

 potential for peace and prosperity for our planet. Amon is also a staff member for Rites of Passage programs in QLD

with Powerhouse Programs, has been the Masculine Energy Holder for The Joining gathering in 2012, a tribal group

leader at Manhood, has facilitated Men's Groups, is a trainee Bioenergetics Grounding Teacher and has held space

 for a variety of groups, gatherings and festivals around the world. 

Alistair McKinnon

Nonviolent Communication: An introductory workshop on the core principles of nonviolent

compassionate communication.

This process for communication has been applied in many conflict situations all around the world for over 30 years

and is applicable not just to intimate relationships but also to communities and the workplace.

 Alistair has been training people in nonviolent communication for three years and now incorporates these principlesin his work with intimate couples, supporting the creation of loving relationships. He brings a capacity to hold a safe

space for couples to create a deeper sense of connection and warmth.

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Alladdin Jones

Hakomi (mindfulness & body centred) therapy "Feeling Whole & Being Alive to our Authentic


What does it take to keep in authentic relationship and present with our self and another? As men, how can we stay

open, connected and attuned with our body senses, feelings, thoughts and spirit energy. Can we allow our

wholeness to be embodied and realised?

This workshop will draw on Hakomi, a mindfulness and body centred therapy that is influenced by Buddhist and

Taoist principles and practices while incorporating cutting-edge neuroscience and developmental understandings.

This workshop will have an experiential approach while providing some useful tools and theory to support the


“I look forward to the time with you. Bring your self, your whole self , and nothing but your self, just as you are."Facilitator : Aladdin Jones C.H.T. AABCAP. NZAC. M.ed (Social Ecology -current), Adv. Dip Psychotherapy. Dip

Integrated Psychology.

 Aladdin is a certified Hakomi Therapist & brings a love of creativity and fostering transformative learning experiences

to this workshop. He has a 20 year interest and practice in Mindfulness Meditation in the Insight and Zen traditions

as well as ecotherapy and men’s work. For the past decade he has worked as a therapist and group work facilitator

with men as well as children, adolescence, women and families in NZ & Aus. He has a small private practice in

Melbourne as a therapist and works as a trainer, facilitator and gardener. He is passionate about a whole person

approach that is integrative, nourishing and enjoyable. Aladdin has a love of playing music, gardening and being in

wild places. He is a father of two girls with his beloved partner, Tess.

Dayle Hunt

Life Mechanics: Group coaching session.

I take the group through some goal setting exercises, levels of thinking, levels of love and the Six human needs

psychology exercise. As I go through these topics everyone is asked to take part by making notes and some will

share their outcomes with the group getting discussions going about how we live our life. I take one person through

an 'emotions are something that we do' exercise. The key being that if we focus on that which is in our control and

quiet the stories of 'I can't because...' we can have the life we deserve.

Born and bred in Christchurch, spent much of my life making people happy as a hobby. But of course all the while

working a 'normal job' to pay the mortgage until our lives were flipped on its head by earthquakes. Broken house,

loss of job and life of turmoil and I realised I didn't want what I had, I wanted to lift people so the last 3 years have

been an energetic journey of discovery. Which includes studying Chinese Medicine, Healing Touch, Trauma Release

Exercises, RMT Strategic Intervention. All of which culminates in my new business Life Mechanics Ltd.

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Keith Simons

The Hero Warrior's Journey through Tarot

The universal symbols of the Tarot are alive with deep meaning and timeless mysteries. Tarot Arcana is a secret

language that can safely guide the sincere seeker to new vistas of transformational experience and insight. I invite

you on a journey that will shift your consciousness, ignite your imagination and unlock latent energies and potential.


Keith has been working with Tarot and Astrology for over 35 years. He is a writer, poet and author of two books

"Quest: A Mystical Autobiography", and "Portal: Awakening to Being". Based in Warburton, Keith is an active

community leader and inspirational event organiser, coordinating the 2014 Warburton Harmony Festival with visiting

and local spiritual leaders, musicians, dancers and artists sharing cultural and inter- faith harmony. “I have knownKeith for many years and know him to be a person of high integrity and great experience in the realm of personal

growth and transformation. Keith has been there and has a rare ability to share his awareness with others”. (Dr

Robert Proctor)

David Naylor

Dealing with Difficult People – the Work of Byron Katie

This workshop is an introduction to “The Work of Byron Katie”. It is a simple 4-question process that you can apply to

any stress you are facing with another. It’s a simple, yet profound process of self -inquiry that helps to move stuck

patterns and ways of seeing the world, to help us live in better balance with ‘WHAT IS’, without overlaying our own

additional emotional stories. David will explain the theory and demonstrate with practical examples from the


Procrastination and Distraction: Playing with our Power

This workshop explores the subtleties of self-sabotaging our stated plans through any mechanism of procrastinationor distraction. When is it healthy to take a play-break from our mission, and when does it leak our power away?

We will explore reasons why we procrastinate and distract ourselves, both at the conscious and sub-conscious levels.

A psycho-drama role-play process will be offered to help us distinguish between the conflicting voices playing out on

the inside. From this awareness we will dialogue with these voices in order to make clearer decisions in the moment,

and regain our personal power and focus without bringing in the ‘Discipline Police’. Ironically, play is part of the

medicine as well as being part of the problem here.

We will also share collective wisdom from the group around strategies to build a more robust mind-state and

personal energy field that is less prone to distraction.

David Naylor is an inspired facilitator, performer and creative provocateur! He uses theatre games, play and Group

work facilitation to help work teams improve communication, clear creative blocks and have fun achieving their

vision. He is also well known for his comedy character “Guru Dudu” who performs “Happy Yoga” and “Silent Disco

Walking Tours” at festivals and Conferences around Australia.

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David Mollet

Open Heart Meditation

"From the time we are born, we’re conditioned to interpret life through our rational mind and prize rationality over

feeling. Without doubt this has helped mankind make great leaps in scientific achievement. But has there been an

unintended side effect? Could the next phase of our evolution rely upon a shift back towards feeling and a move

away from the domination of thought? Could we live happier, more peaceful & productive lives if we expanded our

capacity to feel our way through things, instead of just think our way through? Could that make you a better

partner, a better father, a better friend, a better man?

The Open Heart Meditation is a non-denominational, non-prescriptive ‘spiritual ‘practice designed to enhance your

ability to feel with your heart. This feeling capacity doesn’t replace thought, it gives you another option and

improves you capacity to feel and think your way through things."

David Mollet is the facilitator of the Men’s Fire Circle in Montmorency, a Men’s Group that draws inspiration from the

traditional men’s practices used in tribal societies. David has been practicing the Open Heart Meditation for nearly

two years and has found, through empirical observation, that it creates real spiritual growth, without the

encumbrance of dogma or the need for any belief system.

Gero von Aderkas

Men - Reclaiming Anger

‘Reclaiming Anger’ is a workshop for any man looking to define, reshape or ‘reality check’ his relationship with hisown inner fire, his anger, his passion and his life force energy. In a safe space we will explore how anger has so far

served or limited us in the expression of who we are, before we compile a ‘new map of anger’ for the future. As a

group we will then move into practical exercises. By supporting each other to connect to, feel and express anger in a

way that serves we anchor this new map into our bodies. In witnessing and holding space for each other,

transformation, bonding and healing can take place. From the fire of my belly I am looking forward to ‘Reclaiming

Anger’ with YOU! 

I am a journeyman....I have lived with many masks and met a lot of expectations in my life. Consequently finding

myself has been the biggest challenge of my life and I am starting to appreciate what I have found. Today, I aspire to

live in the now, present to what is and responsible to what comes. Creating win:win situations is what fuels my

 passion. I want to contribute to an alive, just and sustainable future and I am willing to be challenged by those

around me on how I am doing. Let’s RISE brothers...... 

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Gordon Funk

Financial sabotage

Are you living at the level of financial freedom that you would like? Are you receiving the right money for your

services? Do you make a few strides forward financially, only to see it slip away elsewhere? We will explore our

values and beliefs to see where we might be our own enemy. We just might open to a freer more expansive world

view in the process.

Last year I spent 22 days with a business mentor, including an 8 day retreat at Club Med in Singapore. These session

challenged my beliefs and values in life, as well as provided a wealth of practical knowledge that I've applied to my

 personal business. The results are just starting to show in the material realm, but my internal landscape, as well as

my orientation toward my clients, has totally shifted! I live in the hills with my wife and three growing home-schooledkids, yet am not a hippy. :)

Hugh MartinBreak free of pornography

In breaking free of pornography you get to answer the basic question “how can I be me?” You get to see the

freedom and choose what you really want. You get to break free of the patterns that cause problems to endlessly

reoccur. In the workshop we work to take steps towards wholeness of self, instead of swapping between different

selves we create to fit different expectations of who we think we should be according to others. In the workshop

men realize that they’re not alone in having a pornography addiction. They discover that there are many good men

struggling in exactly the same way.

I am the founder of Man Enough and am an NLP practitioner, transformational therapist and coach. I work with men

to identify and shift shame, allowing access to their true selves.

Jason Stevens

Befriending the Body

"Yogis have known for thousands of years that we have a source of power within. They also saw that part of being

human was having tension in the body which serves to keep us safe, but also keeps us from realizing our true power

and magnificence. My style of yoga serves to bring awareness into the various levels of the body and uses yogic

techniques to begin to clear the energy channels to help men re-member their true power."

 Jason has journeyed men’s group work for the past 17 years and has come to yoga as a necessary part of his own

healing. He has an intimate knowledge of how trauma exists in people, its symptoms and the path to healing. Alsohaving a background in dance and the creative arts he is dedicated to his role as a healer, and to promoting spiritual

richness in individuals and communities and healing the inherent spiritual poverty of our culture.

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Kitsiri Desilva

Primal Dance and Mask-"Primal dance of earth, fire, air water and spirit.

Each element is an aspect of ourselves. When we move our body in the way of that element, we activate, strengthen

and nourish that aspect of ourselves.

This is a dance of passion. To truly claim, honour and celebrate ALL that we are.

Stomp your groundedness, solidity, animal instinct, ancient energies in EARTH

Unleash the beast, your warrior spirit, healthy aggression, chaos in FIRE

Float free your lightness and playfulness, innocence in AIR

Melt into your sensuality, sexuality and peace in WATER

Surrender to your inner stillness, sacred, sense of expansion and being far more than your physical self in SPIRIT

At the end of the dance, choose which aspect of yourself you would like to nurture, celebrate more and decorate amask to express this.

"Kitsiri has been facilitating primal dance and other creative workshops for 18 years. He has been running these in

WA, QLD, NSW, Bali and America. Every year Kitsiri has been running them at the WA Men's Gathering. He has also

run them at Menergy and Manhood. Kitsiri enjoys engaging with people of all ages and types. He has run workshops

 for mixed adults, boys, teens, people with disabilities. He has also been involved in the Depression and Suicide

Prevention industry running programs. Kitsiri has a great passion for helping people to nourish the magical fire within

themselves, to see their own beauty, by using dance and other forms of creativity. He has had a wonderful time

using: Dance, mask, clay, paint, collage, drawing, storytelling, story writing, body clay, body paint. Kitsiri's attitude to

his workshops is one of total freedom. He brings a playful, yet grounded atmosphere to them. If you're concerned

about how you're going to look, just check him out! Kitsiri's ability to let everything out creates an open, safe, playful

environment where people feel totally safe to feel and express everything they need to."

Mark Healy

Fire in the Belly meets the LabyrinthThe Labyrinth offers the space for deep reflection and transformation. We will journey into what Fire in the Belly is,

to find what this looks, feels, tastes and what it smells like. As we come to these realisations the opportunity to

release what’s holding us back and embody what is present for us is available in the of the Labyrinth. The journey

out from the centre of the labyrinth is taking the first steps to bring your transformation into your life and the world.


Mark is an experienced facilitator who runs a variety of retreats throughout Australia. Actively engaged in the

Tasmanian Men’s Health and Wellbeing Association and in the running of festivals, gatherings and programs that

support men and boys, Mark has a passion for creating retreats that are deeply transformative. A highly experienced

labyrinth designer and builder, Mark has installed labyrinths all across Australia to support ceremonial and healing

spaces. His latest installation will be featured at Australia’s Woodford Folk Festival and forms a key part of the

 festival ceremony.

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Lars Richter

Narrative Yoga

If we want to develop consciousness it is much more effective to let the fine, spiritual impulses influence our practice

as opposed to mainly the physical impulses. We want to work from the fine to the coarse realms, in unison to

universal laws. Not the sense-attached, body-involved consciousness should motivate the practice. The combination

of Yoga and Martial arts techniques have a pleasant effect on your whole being, “upgrading” your nervous system,

strengthen your hormonal functions and aligning your posture. The mind is the driving force of any change: if you

refine your perception the body will follow. In order to engage the mind we work with specific thoughts and

meanings in our physical practice. It is not about getting more out of the practice but giving yourself into it.

Whatever you invest is what you will get out of it. This can support a slow and profound change of priorities in yourlife – less taking, more giving.

Lars is teaching a dynamic style of Hatha Yoga. It has influences from Qi-Gong, martial arts and dance. Postures work

by stretching, bending and twisting the spine. This benefits all the nerves that extend to the internal organs, limbs

and extremities promoting great health and wellbeing. He has been studying Yoga, Qi-Gong and similar energy work

 practices since 1996. He has also been teaching Yoga and Meditation in Germany since 2001 and running workshops

overseas since living in Australia (2007). He holds a diploma in Transpersonal Counselling and has extensive

knowledge and experience in wholesome living.

Founder of Narrative Yoga,Cert. Yoga Teacher (Yoga Vidya Teachers Association, EFYTA, Yoga Alliance), Dip.

Transpersonal Counselling, Ayurveda Marma Massage Therapy, Germany;

ReLogos “Healing through Transformation” Breathwork Prac 


Empathy for Partners and Parents

This workshop will provide an opportunity for you to explore and practice empathy. The focus will be on short

exercises in which one person will share and one will listen with empathy. I hope you will have an experience of how

it feels to be heard with empathy. At the beginning, I will give my understanding of what empathy is and what it is

not, to guide your listening.

For many years I have attended, organised and run men's groups to meet my passion to learn and practice intimacy.

I want to relate to my partner, my child and my friends in a way that they cherish and want more of. If you want this,

then come and practice empathy with me in a group where it is safe to learn and make mistakes. Maybe empathy

with ourselves will give us a way to listen to others that sets our own and their embers alight.

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Michael Ryan

Qi Gong for health: An introduction to Qi Gong.

Qi Gong literally translates as energy work and can be seen as the foundation of Tai Chi. At its simplest it is

essentially a systematized series of exercise incorporating breathing, movement, postural alignment with the

intention of stimulating and harmonizing the flow of chi in the body with the intention of improving health. However

it can have a much more profound effect then simply improving physical health and with the correct intention can

have subtle spiritual influence if engaged as a spiritual meditative practice. It is meditation through movement.

 An experienced practitioner from Ireland, Michael began practising Qi Gong and Meditation in 2002 and this led him

to a career in Complementary and Alternative Health Medicine. He completed his initial training in Massage therapy

in 2004 and has continued training since. Gaining qualifications in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture,

Remedial Massage, Reflexology, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Energetic Healing and a certificate in Training and Education

among other qualifications. Michael's philosophy and approach to healing is very much founded in his work with The

 Jade Sun School at the Elysium Sanctuary in Ireland where he studied both Solar Sound Healing and Tai Chi/Qi Gong

under his tutor and mentor Gary Collins. Much of this work was based on Spiritual self-development in order to

 facilitate healing in others. The simplest philosophy of the school is One Heartedness. Through One Heartedness

Compassion and Empathy evolve and it is through Compassion and Empathy that we facilitate healing."

Michael Cann

Giving It All You've Got - A Guide to Full-Bodied Action

"You've got the passion. You've got the fire. And if you're like most people, you've got the pain, tightness, fatigue,

soreness and injuries to prove it! So how do you turn your dreams and passions into action without thrashingyourself?” 

In this workshop we will use mindful movement explorations from the Feldenkrais Method to

* distinguish between effort and effectiveness

* sense the difference between intention and ambition

* apply strength without strain, and

* bring full-bodied intentions into full-bodied action."

"Michael is slowly recovering from a life-long strain addiction. His list of achievements is not nearly as long as the list

of things he has cocked up by trying way too hard. His career was a pot-holed road of ill-fitting choices based on

greed, ego and false assumptions until discovering his passion for the Feldenkrais Method about seven years ago. He

is now a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner, a proud husband and father of two beautiful children. He is passionate

about and fascinated by human movement and learning."

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Nic Morrey

Men in relationship

This workshop will touch on themes such as discovering your temperament, attachments style, exit strategies to

intimacy, addiction, leadership, love languages, your archetype, your brain dominance, your communication style

and ways to successfully find and keep the love you want in your life. With the influences of modern integral

psychology, couples relationship therapy, tarot, transpersonal psychology, discover the science of attraction, the

purpose of romantic love and how it can go wrong. We'll talk about sex, passion, safety, pornography, anger, power

and money, childhood wounds and what it means to be a man in western culture with and without energy and fire in

the belly.

Nic Morey: Psychologist BSS Hons; MPsych Child & Family; M.A.P.S Yoga & Zen practitioner, has over 15 years

experience in the Community Health sector & now works privately in Melbourne helping couples heal. Nic is also the

Vic Convener for the Australian Psychological Society’s Transper sonal Psychology Interest Group. Nic runs annual Bali

retreats on the sacred art of relating, PD training open to those working in the helping profession.

Peter Ackland

Boys and Their Toys

"We look at the nature of what inspires boys with toys and how that played out in our own lives. We will also use a

reasonable slab of time to make a toy that will excite boys of all ages including their dads. We will then play with

these toys and test them out.

I am a designer by nature but I also like to 'play', so the work that I am involved in at present (school chaplaincy)

includes a woodcraft club where I help children make their toys. There are some toys that are difficult for a child to

make unless adults are there to help. There are some toys that boys love but are discouraged from owning. It is one

of these toys that we will have a go at making." I started out as a graphic designer but in the 80's landed a job

teaching drawing to RMIT Industrial Design students. Suffice to say that I caught the 3D design bug and have found

nothing that is more fun, especially making toys (often by eights or tens). I have also worked for a stair builder and

have done some bee-keeping along the way. I then did a theology degree as you do when you don't know what else

to do. At present I work as a primary school chaplain and am also a grandfather. I use all that I have gleaned from my

many past lives to make fun stuff for kids both at school and at home.

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Peter Siahna Wadham

The Crossroad: Conflict or Connection

"Here I am at the Crossroad. Right Now! I am tense, defensive and I’m ready to attack. My ego is ready to fight. My

partner’s ego is ready too. This could get ugly. Do I choose conflict? 

OR... Do I drop into what really matters? What is the fire burning in my belly? What does my heart need to express?

If I accept my vulnerability then I will know what I really want to be heard about. Do I have the courage to be present

to my partner’s fire? Can I hear what troubles them? Can I honour their pain? This choice is Connection. The break-

through into deep intimacy...."

Peter Siahna Wadham works as ‘Wonderfeel’ to support deep soul liberation. Wonderfeel produces music to awaken

and sooth the wild spirit. And the Wonderfeel Oracle, a self-help tool to support us to live in holistic consciousness...

Peter has journeyed deeply through men's work and many forms of healing, shamanic and spiritual transformation.

He has learnt from teachers of psychology, ritual, facilitation, philosophy and conscious activism.

Simon Lewis

Drumming Workshop

With more than 15 years of teaching experience Simon is highly regarded as a teacher of world percussion. He has

lived and studied traditional djembe, dundun, balafon and kora in Guinea West Africa with Master drummers Lamine

Soumah, Aliou Sylla and the world famous Les Percussions De Guinea. He is well known for his insightful and

innovative teaching style which is both fun and challenging. With a background in classical and jazz his versatility andbroad knowledge of music gives students a unique entry into the world of African drumming.

Simon has performed in Japan, Europe and has performed at Womadelaide, Woodforde and many other major

 festivals around Australia. Founder and leader of The World Rhythm Ensemble and Zazu Simon is currently

 performing with many of Melbourne’s most dynamic percussion based ensembles including Wassawumba, Asiko, and

The Marabou Project.

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Team Henderson

Balls in the Air: Juggling!

There's always something in the air. From the feel of the balls in your hands to the sight of them tumbling through

the air, juggling is a way into your body. Peripheral vision. Being able to see more than just what you're looking at.

Using scarves, balls, rings, clubs, the joy of juggling with another person is connection, elation and limitless

possibilities. I have been performing since I was 12. I am a stilt walker, juggler, musician, clown. I have been

artist-in-residence at 50 schools. I have taught many people to juggle and am passionate about spreading the joys of


Tai Chi Qi Gong From beginners to masters, it's all about the doing.The practice. Seemingly simple movements are pathways to deep focus and relaxation in the body. Moving

meditations. Connection of breath to the body breathing. Rooted in the earth and suspended in the sky.

I have been studying and practising Tai Chi and Qi Gong for 14 years, and completed the teacher taring in 2013. I

have been teaching 2 weekly classes for the last 12 months.

Trevor Cohen

Accept AND Challenge!

How can I hold both? Full acceptance of myself as I am, AND challenge myself to be a better version of myself?

Either I'm good and doing well OR there's something wrong that I wanna fix, so I'm 'bad'. It isn't possible to hold my

goodness and my badness at the same time! I really CAN only focus on one thing at a time. It just isn't possible and

crazy talk, right? One excludes the other. In my experience I was either in self-acceptance OR in change mode. This

powerful workshop is about doing both at the same time. I have learned clear ways to do this and make it work inmy life. I want to share how it's possible to have a balance of both; and it's not multi-tasking and stressy. I invite you

to explore your own place of balance, relief, ease AND vitality.


Are you totally over talking about your issues? Maybe the missing piece is the body! This workshop assisted by Amon

Woulfe is an extended, embodied and experiential workshop designed to release blocks in the body that keep us

from our true potential energy. It is based on Bio-energetics theory, developed by Alexander Lowen about 50 years

ago. If you have talked about your issues and they keep coming back to bite you and for those men who love the

mandala work and have experienced the benefits of being in a dynamic group before, Welcome. And there is more!

For any man who is ready to open up to be the best they can be, by physically moving, running and freeing up the

energy in the body, this work is powerful and fun.

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Morning Grounding

"These early morning sessions set you up for the day. Refresh unblock, loosen-up, relax and energise you ready for

the massive and jam-packed days that Menergy offers. These sessions on Sat, Sun and Mon mornings are a complete

reset of body, mind, spirit and soul. Reconnecting us with our centre.

Each session differs from day to day, depending of the needs of the men who show up. It is a flexible workshop and

we will tailor-make it to your requirements at the time on the day. I am excited this year to be assisted by Amon

Woulfe who is in training as a bio-energetics practitioner. As part of his training, Amon will be leading parts of these


"Trevor has post-graduate training as an integrative body psychotherapist. He has worked in a wide variety of

therapeutic modalities focusing on body, mind and spirit integration. He runs regular groups, workshops and retreats

in various spaces and is an experienced group facilitator. He runs a private counselling practice and teaches yoga in

Brisbane. I am very excited this year to be assisted by Amon Woulfe. Amon is a trainee bio-energetics practitioner.

He is experienced in the work and will be leading some sections of the workshop under my supervision."

Ragnar Haabjoern


Through dance we allow empowerment. Through movement we allow our own medicine to emerge. Through

expression we allow our authentic nature to present itself. By journeying through an ecstatic dance moving

mediation, participants have the opportunity to become acquainted with their passionate selves and Spirit by letting

go to the dance and music. Movers can expect to be sacredly held as they surrender to the experience of dancingthrough an ecstatic wave that will transport them through rhythms ranging from the sublime right through to the

pulsating rhythms of nature and the universe to reach a state of trance to gain inner peace. The ritual space will be

co-facilitated with Gero von Aderkas.

Ragnar Haabjoern has a deep passion for the Sacred and for the human and natural environment connection.

Through a committed journey of environmentalism, Ragnar has developed many skills to connect deeply with nature

and Spirit. His shamanic journey thus far has involved many Deep ecology journeys, a Vision Quest, ecstatic dance

and breathwork facilitation and various modalities of wellness exploration such as raw-food, meditation and mental

health development. His current role as a secondary school teacher has played an important role in guiding his

 passion for creatively unlocking potential and empowering the Self. 

Shane Anderson

Nonviolent Intervention - No longer silent

We've all witnessed violence and aggression. Many of us have sat uncomfortably on the sidelines as an aggressive

situation plays out, thinking we should do something but not knowing what. This workshop aims to explore together

when and how we can intervene in situations and de-escalate violence through nonviolent means.

Shane Anderson is a father of two, activist and connected with many who face issues of homelessness and

marginalisation in Australia. Experience of nonviolent practice includes time spent on the inner city streets ofMelbourne.

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Adam Forbes

Drugs, Alcohol and Masculinity

Drugs, Alcohol and Masculinity Workshop brief description Beers, blokes, barbies, bongs; drug use has been central

to the Australian male identity since colonization. These powerful substances can grip the body and imagination. Are

they a substitute for our lost rituals of initiation and intimacy? We will look at how to sanely approach these issues in

ourselves, our families, and friends in a safe, clear and accepting way.

 Adam has worked at the Buoyancy Foundation for ten years providing Alcohol and other Drugs counselling, and is

currently the Family AOD Counsellor at Uniting CareRegen. He is an experienced facilitator who aims to create a safe

space for deep listening, clear insight and compassionate action to arise. He is also a dancer, musician, shiatsu

 practitioner and Oki-Do yoga teacher.

Mens Wellbeing

Mens Wellbeing Inc is a not-for-profit community organisation. We focus on developing the wellbeing of men to

foster healthy relationships, families and communities. 

As a community, we provide innovative nationwide experiential programs that enable men to support men through

groups, gatherings and online resources. 

Our Patron is Steve Biddulph - internationally renowned family psychologist and best-selling author of Manhood,

Raising Boys and Raising Girls. 

Men’s Wellbeing is a totally self -funded community volunteer organisation providing men’s personal development

groups, weekend men’s gatherings and retreats, support networks and structured facilitator training – all of which

get right to the heart of what it means to be a man in the 21st Century! 

The organisation was founded 21 years ago when counsellors and other men involved in human services noted a

distinct lack of community and government resources providing for the emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing of

men and boys. 

These men formed a volunteer telephone helpline service which ran for six years and benefited more than 18,000

men, leading to the forming of the first men’s weekend gathering on the Sunshine Coast.

Since then the organisation has grown through the motivation and initiative of its members to become one of the key

bodies in Queensland and Australia addressing the social wellbeing factors that help to create self-aware, healthy

men, healthy families and communities. 

Many of our members have grown to lobby and consult with government and service agencies on broader community

and political issues affecting men, their health and wellbeing, families and relationships, and areas of gap in

community services for men. 

Go to for further information.

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Notes/Contact Details: