mendeley seminar

21 m Tonia Dousay [Mendeley Advisor] GREPIT University of Georgia October 21, 2011

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Presentation on using Mendeley presented to GREPIT at the University of Georgia on October 21, 2011.


  • 1.www.mendeley.comTonia Dousay[Mendeley Advisor] GREPIT University of Georgia October 21, 2011

2. Agenda1. What is Mendeley?2. Creating your library3. Managing your documents & references4. Inserting citations & generating bibliographies 3. Mendeley? isWhat 4. What is Mendeley?Mendeley is free academicsoftware (Win, Mac & Linux)to manage, share, read,annotate and cite yourresearch papers......and a research network tomanage your papers online,discover research trends andstatistics, and to connect tolike-minded researchers. 5. library yourCreating 6. Mendeley DesktopSetup and Library; displays all Details or notes manageof the articlesabout individualcollections within a collectionarticlesFilter displayed articles by author, keywords,tags, or publication 7. Adding Articles1. Add single files2. Add a folder3. Watch a Folder to auto import files4. Add article details manually5. Drag & drop articles into MD Mendeley will attempt toextract document details automatically Other options: 1. Add EndNote/BibTeX/RIS databases 2. Sync with other ref mgmt apps (Zotero) 3. Use the Mendeley Web Importer button 4. Add from the Mendeley Research Catalog 8. Looking up Article Details by IDMissing details are automaticallypopulatedEnter the DOI, PubMed, or ArXiv ID and click on themagnifier glass to startlookup 9. Looking up Article Details by Title Missing details areautomatically populatedEnter the article title andclick Search by Title to start lookup 10. Tips for Looking Up ArticlesMark an Double article as check all Needs details for Review to accuracy force the process 11. Managing Your LibraryOpen attached PDFfiles in the integratedviewer Mark documents asread or unread Star your favorite articles 12. Mendeleys PDF ViewerSearch for words or phrasesHighlighttext Annotate 13. Organizing FilesCheck to select howand where files are Access by going toorganized Tools >> Options >>File Organizer 14. references sharingCiting & 15. Selecting Citation StyleAccess by going to View>> Citation Style >> [Select Style] 16. Inserting a CitationInsert cursor at citationpoint >> Press Alt-M >> begin typing authorsname or article title 17. Using the MS Word RibbonClick on the References tabInsert a complete bibliography of citationswithin a documentInsert a citation 18. Tips for Looking Up Articles Click Go You can You canTocite edit anMendeley multiple insertedif youarticles per citation toneed help insertionmatchlocating yourthequotationarticle(s) style 19. Mendeley Demo 20. Finding Help Email Tonia [email protected] Mendeley Feedback Forum 21.