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Page 1: MEMPHIS · database. This information is used, among other ways, to populate the church locator features of conference




Updated August 18, 2015

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I. Church Dashboard Introduction

A. Use as Local Church Database

II. My Church’s Login Information

A. Logging Into the Church Dashboard

B. Logging Out of the Church Dashboard

C. Changing Your Church’s Login

III. My Church Dashboard Home Page

IV. My Church Information

V. My Church’s Contacts

VI. My Church’s Leaders

A. Printing or Downloading a Church Leadership List

Thanks to Mary Meyers of Oklahoma Conference and Meredith Earnest of South

Georgia Conference for their original documents from which this guide derived.

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The Memphis Conference Church Dashboard (“Dashboard”) is a web-based feature that

enables local churches to directly update their information into the conference-wide

database. This information is used, among other ways, to populate the church locator

features of conference and district websites, as well as complete conference reporting

requirements. This conference-wide database is a centralized cloud-based hub, shared

by all offices, districts, churches, organizations, boards, committees, agencies and

organizations in the Memphis Annual Conference. The database system is provided by

Brick River Technologies and shared by thirty United Methodist conferences.

By adding contact information for their local leaders directly into the conference

database, churches enhance communication efforts meant to resource ministries. It is

our hope that every local church will use the dashboard so that conference and district

offices may have access to the most up-to-date contact and position information for

church’s leaders. The pages that follow take you through a step-by-step process on how

to use the dashboard.


The Church Dashboard provides an online church database for any church needing this

feature. The church logon info may be shared among church leaders so they can have

access to view or download the most current leadership information for the church. The

downloads are in CSV format, so they can be used by most any spreadsheet program

for sorting, labels, email and other functions.

For more information about the capabilities of our database, please see the Brick River

Knowledge Base at

For more information, please contact please contact

Memphis Conference Associate for Technical Communications,

Rev. Bill Lawson, 270-527-8758 or [email protected]

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There are two ways to access the login screen for the church dashboard.

Option 1: Visit and click on “Dashboard” on the top, right-hand side of

the screen. (See Below).

Option 2: Type into the address bar of your

web browser and go directly to the following screen.

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Log in using the username and password for your church. Each individual church has a

unique login, even if multiple churches are on a charge.

Click “Remember Me” if you are on a trusted computer.

If you cannot recall your login information, please click on the “Need help logging in?”

link and you will be presented with the following screen:

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Enter your church’s e-mail address and click “Submit.” The church email that you use

here MUST match the email address that is listed in our database for your church. If you

are unsure of what email address is recorded for your church, please contact your

district office.

If the email address you entered is the correct email address listed for your church, you

will receive an email with a link to change your password.

Click on the link and you will be prompted to enter your new password and then to

confirm it.

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Once the password is accepted, you will need to go back to the login screen and enter

the new information. Once you have logged in, you will be presented with the home

page of the church dashboard:

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After you are finished working in the Dashboard, always click on “Log-Out.”

You will be returned to the homepage of our Memphis Conference website at

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This area is used to change the login information for your church. As a reminder, this

login relates to the local church, not an individual or a charge. If more than one person

at your church accesses this dashboard, you will need to inform them of any change

made to the church’s login information.

First, choose “My Church’s Login Information” from the menu on the left.

Next, click on the “Update” button,

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And the following screen will appear:

Enter the new username that you want to use, enter the new password and then re-type

the new password to confirm it. Click on “Save”. Put this information in a safe place and

only distribute it to the pastor(s) and church administrator/secretary.

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The church dashboard home page has links that will take you to each section of the

dashboard. This manual will cover each of the sections. The sections are as follows:

● My Church Information

● My Church’s Contacts ● My Church’s Leaders

● Print My Church’s Leaders

● My Church Login Information

● My Church’s Login Information

● Log Out

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This area allows you to update the information for your local church. Click on the “My

Church Information” link and the following screen will display with the information we

currently have in the database for your church.

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Click on the green “Update” button to make changes in any of the displayed fields.

The first field that a church should update is the “Email Address” field. This is the

primary email address for the church. It will be the email address used to reset login

information for the dashboard, should the need arise. Keep in mind that this is the email

address that is visible on the church locator portion of both the conference and district


To upload a Primary Image (current picture of your church), click on the “Browse” button

and navigate to the picture located on your computer. Click on the file name to highlight

it and then click “open.” This will upload your picture to the website.

Phone numbers should be entered in the following format (xxx) xxx-xxxx. It is very

important that you do not put words in the phone number field such as “call first.” Do not

enter words in the phone number field, even if you are indicating an extension. Just

enter the phone number without the extension. Please note: When entering the

addresses for your church, be sure to put the PHYSICAL address for your church in the

appropriate fields. This enables the conference and district websites to show a map to

your church.

You will also notice that certain fields are view-only and may not be edited through the

dashboard. If you have any questions or updates to view-only fields, please contact

your district office.

When you have finished updating the information for your church, click on “SAVE.” The

following screen will display, and you should then click “Return to Dashboard.”

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This area is used to maintain correct contact information for each of your local church

leaders. Click on “My Church’s Contacts” and the following screen will be displayed.

Please note: Even though you can add or take away a leadership assignment to a

clergy person’s record, his or her contact information is not editable through the

dashboard. If you feel something is incorrect, or you have an update, please notify your

district office as soon as possible.

Click on “Edit” and verify that the mailing address, email address, phone number, etc.

are correct. Make any necessary changes and hit “Save”.

If someone should be removed from your church contact list, please use the “Remove

from my Church” button.

You may use the Download Contacts button to download all the current Contact

information in Excel format for everyone in your church. This feature enables the

conference database to serve as a small church database for each congregation.

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The following screen will display after you hit “Save.” Then, click on “Return to church


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This area allows you to input your local church leaders into the conference database so

that the conference and district offices can contact your leaders with important

information about their ministry. This also satisfies the annual charge conference

leadership list requirement.

The dashboard will also allow churches to easily print lists and download contact

information for their leaders. Click on “My Church Leaders” and the following page will


In this area, you can enter/edit all of your church’s leadership assignments. To edit an

assignment for an existing leader that is already listed, click on “Edit” and the following

screen will come up.

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If a currently listed leader has been re-elected to the same position, all you need to

change on this screen is the end date. If you leave it at 12/31/2015, as the example

above shows, the assignment will automatically expire at the end of the year and you

will no longer see this person in this leadership assignment after 12/31/2015.

However, if you change it to 12/31/2016, this person’s record will reflect the assignment

until that date. If the person has been elected to a different leadership assignment, put

an end date on this record and hit “Save”. Don’t select a different leadership assignment

on this record.

After you click on “Save”, the return screen will display a few seconds then return to

“Church Leaders.” If not, then just click to return.

Each charge conference season, you will enter the leadership with an end date

set to the last day of the following calendar year (December 31). New leaders

normally begin on 1/1/<new year>.

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If an existing leader or contact is elected to a new assignment position, click on “Add

new assignment.”

The following screen will appear: Click on “Give Assignment” next to the person’s name

that has a new assignment position.

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The following screen will appear:

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Choose the start and end date of the assignment, then click on the dropdown box and

select the Assignment Position. Click “Save.”

The “Return to Church Leaders” screen will then display:

If the person that’s been elected to fill a leadership assignment in your local church is

not already listed as a leader, click on “Add New Assignment,” then click on “Add a new


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Enter the person’s last name and hit “Search”.

The screen shows any records found. If one of these records is the person you were

looking for, click on “Give assignment to this person.” Otherwise, continue.

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The following screen will appear. Choose the start and end date of the assignment, then

click on the dropdown box and select the Assignment Position. Click “Save.”

After you click “Save”, the “Return to Church Leaders” screen will appear.

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If the person you searched for was not in the list of names displayed after you

entered the last name and hit search, you will see the following screen. Confirm that

you spelled the last name correctly. If the person is NOT already in the Memphis

Conference database, click on “Add a brand new person to our database.”

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Enter as much information as you have available. A minimum amount of information is

required to save a contact in the database: First Name, Last Name, and Mailing

Address. If you don’t know the mailing address for the person, please enter the church’s

mailing address.

Once you have entered all information possible, click “Save.”

After you hit “Save”, “Return to Church Leaders” screen will appear.

You are now back at the Church Leaders screen.

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The following screen will display. You should now see the person you just added. Click

on “Give Assignment”.

Click on “Add New Assignment”

The following screen will display. Choose the start and end date of the assignment,

then click on the dropdown box and select the Assignment Position. Click “Save.”

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After you click “Save,” the “Return to Church Leaders” screen will appear.

Continue editing/adding assignments until you have all of your future leadership

entered. If leadership assignments for required positions are not entered, a red warning

box will display.

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Click on this link to display a printable list of all your church leaders.

You may choose to print either your current calendar year’s leaders, or future year’s

leaders by toggling through the buttons at the top of the page. Future leaders are those

leadership assignments with end dates after the end of the current calendar year.

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You can then choose to print the list as it’s displayed, or download the list. Print the

“Future Leaders” list to satisfy annual charge conference reporting requirements

(“Leadership List”).

Downloads may also be made with either the current or future leader option.

Thank you for using the Memphis Conference Church Dashboard!