memoir - kachin peace efforts

Kachin Research Journal irst Attempts (1963): The military leader, General Ne Win's Revolutionary Council l seized the state power on 02 March 1962 and claimed to crush the insurgencies within two years in the entire country. In fact, his conventional ways of handling the ethnic insur- gencies had little impact or effectiveness. Soon after realizing that it was not functioning well, Ne Win government changed its strategy, an that was to paci- fy the armed insurgency groups through cooperation with the government, by of- fering cessation of armed hostilities for certain periods of time, rather than to solve the conflict with sincere political means. F In 1963, When Ne Win attempted to engage a constructive dialogue, he appeared ready to talk with rebel forces. The first indication of his sympathetic gesture was the announcement of a general amnesty on 01 April 1963. And a- gain, on 11 June, the RC announced of its willingness to meet representatives of the armed opposition groups with firm guarantees of a ceasefire and safe pas- sage to and from their jungle bases. Thirteen armed opposition forces, inclu- ·86·

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Page 1: Memoir - Kachin Peace Efforts

Kachin Research Journal

irst Attempts (1963): The military leader, General Ne Win'sRevolutionary Councill seized the state power on 02 March 1962and claimed to crush the insurgencies within two years in the entirecountry. In fact, his conventional ways of handling the ethnic insur-

gencies had little impact or effectiveness. Soon after realizing that it was notfunctioning well, Ne Win government changed its strategy, an that was to paci-fy the armed insurgency groups through cooperation with the government, by of-fering cessation of armed hostilities for certain periods of time, rather than tosolve the conflict with sincere political means.


In 1963, When Ne Win attempted to engage a constructive dialogue, heappeared ready to talk with rebel forces. The first indication of his sympatheticgesture was the announcement of a general amnesty on 01 April 1963. And a-gain, on 11 June, the RC announced of its willingness to meet representativesof the armed opposition groups with firm guarantees of a ceasefire and safe pas-sage to and from their jungle bases. Thirteen armed opposition forces, inclu-


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ding Kachin Independence Council 2, interested to join the peace talks in the

capital Rangoon. The peace talks also brought in the other groups from differentparts of the country.

Under such offer, with hope and trust KIC had dispatched its delegatestwice: the first to Mandalay and the second to Rangoon for peace talks. Thefirst KIC team led by Lt. Col. Lama La Ring made the peace talks with RC' srepresentatives in August 1963 in Mandalay. The pioneering KIC peace dele-gates were Lt. Col. Lama La Ring, Maj. Zau Dan, 2/Lt. Zau Htang, Dr.Manam Tu, Mr. CC. Bawk, Mr. Hkun Seng and Mr. Dumhpau La Bung. Thedelegates from the Revolutionary Council were as follows.

1. Col. Hla Han2. Col. Kyaw Soe3. Lt. Col. Thaung Dan4. Lt. Col. Chit Khin.

In the second round, Maj. Zau Dan along with Lt. Malizup Zau Mai, Mr.Hpauyam La, Mr. Sumhka Tu, Mr. Zau Yaw joined the peace talks in Ran-goon. KIC and RC peace talks lasted from 31 August to 15 November 1963.The RC demanded all armed forces to surrender. The peace talks finally brokedown after the RC put forward unacceptable conditions such as: all armedtroops must be concentrated in designated areas, troops must not leave these ar-eas without permission, all organizational work must stop, all fund - raisingmust stop, and the location of armed camp must be disclosed to RC. In re-sponse to the above demands, KIC delegates headed by Maj. Zau Dan and Lt.Malizup Zau Mai argued for an Independent Kachin State with right of secessionand self - determination.

The peace talk was unfortunately broken at 11: 00 AM on 15 November1963. In fact, the root causes of conflict between the KIC and the Ne Win mili-tary government were not exposed during the dialogue by both parties, and sad-

2 Kachin Independence Council = KIC.

During this period, KIC was holding the highe t authority in its administration and KIO (Kachin Independence Organization) posi-

tion was under it.


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ly, it was unsolved.

A Short Ceasefire (1972) : The years 1968 -72 marked the Burma Commu-nist Party 3 greatest ever period of military expansion. The BCP' s main imme-diate target was the Kachin Independence Organization 4 which had already o-verrun most of the Chinese border area in the Kachin State and controlled muchof the Kachin Sub - state region in the northern Shan State. At the height of theBCP' s offensive, the fighting amongst the three sides namely the Kachin Inde-pendence Army 5 , Tatmadaw 6 and BCP broke out intensely in the Kachin Stateand the Kachin Sub - state areas. During this time, contacts for peace talkswere made between Lt. Col. Zau Dan (KIA 4 th Brigade Commander, KachinSub - state, Northern Shan State) and Col. Sein Mya (Burma Armmy - Tat-·madaw No. 99 Division Commander, Lashio, Northern Shan State). In June1972, a three and a half month ceasefire was agreed between the KIA and theNorth - East Command headed by Col. Aye Ko. The RC tried to persuade theKIO to join forces against the BCP. In return the KIO requested supplies fromthe government. However, Brig. San Yu (Vice - Chief of Staff - Tatmadawand Deputy Minister for Defense and Planning) turned down this request. Inthe end the three and a half month long ceasefire agreement disintegrated.

Longer Talks ( 1980): In 1979, the KIO made contact the Burma SocialistProgramme Party 7 central authority through the respected local Kachin leadersfor peace talks. In the following, year, the BSPP made the state announcementfor the general amnesty to all parts of the country. This general amnesty initial-ly allowed for (90) days. But in the case of the KIO, the peace talks was ex-tended to ten months (300 days) .

During the peak rainy season, on 17 - 18 August 1980 the MSL 8 peacemediating delegates from Myitkyina, the Kachin State capital, arrived at

3 Burma Communist Party = BCP

4 Kachin Independence Organization = KIO. The highest authority was transferred to KIO Central Committee from KIC in


5 Kachin Independence Army = KIA

6 Tatmadaw , Burma Military Force

7 Burma Socialist Programme Party = BSPP

8 MSL: ''§,''''"'l\loSC\)SC\)Ii:''201~'' in Burmese tongue means" Burmese Way to Socialism" which equalizes to "Burma

Socialist Programme Party" .

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"Dabak Yang" , from where they communicated with the KIO leaders, and themeeting was held there. "Dabak Yang" located on the Myitkyina - Bhomo mo-tor road became the initial station of peace efforts in 1980.

At Dabak Yang meeting, those who came from Myitkyina were:

1. Ex - Capt. Hkun Seng (on behalf of MSL Party and Council) ,2. Ex - Maj. Ubyit Tu (delegate of the Kachin veterans) ,3. Duwa Lawang Li (on behalf of the Kachin politicians) ,4. Rev. Fr. Lawhkum Lawt Naw (representative of Roman Catholic

Church) ,5. Rev Lahtaw Saboi Ium (Baptist Church representative) .

KIO team consisted of:

1. Brig. Malizup Zau Mai,2. Maj. Hkangsau Kam Htoi,3. Maj. Nbangbum Sinwa Naw ,4. Maj. Banma Zau Hpang.

At the meeting of Dabak Yang, the mediation team brought the followingmessages for the KIO: "the KIO' s 20 years of prolonged revolutionary resist-ance does not yield a good result, which means people are suffering from sever-al kinds of troubles as far as the KIO hopefully depended on People's Republicof China for military supplies, it is not possible to procure what the KIO needs;the BCP will not help KIO sufficiently (the BCP will not make the KIO greaterthan them) ; it is not possible to establish an Independent Kachin State; there-fore come all together into the constitutional frame and join in the developmenteffort for the Kachin State as well as for the Union of Burma. When the generalamnesty period ends, the MSL government will launch offensive intensively inthe KIO areas, the KIO and the people will be unnecessarily miserable becauseof the attack of Tatmadaw. As for the sake of peace and welfare of the public,the peace should be sought together" .

The explanation responded by KIO were: "the general amnesty does notclearly bring about the political solution, instead it seems like forcing us to sur-

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render, therefore the KIO headquarters is not in a position to accept the generalamnesty, MSL offers. However, instead of the Independent Kachin State, KIOdemands the autonomy with self - determination within the Union of Burma" .

At the conclusion of Dabak Yang meeting, the peace mediators earnestlyencouraged the KIO to negotiate with MSL authority for more meaningful dia-logue if the KIO abandoned its Independent Kachin State position. Then, theyall returned to Myitkyina to report the latest situation of the KIO to the MSL au-thority.

As regards the connection of the prev.ious Dabak Yang meeting, the peacemediation team diligently reached the KIO headquarters on 26th September1980. They informed the KIO leaders that MSL authority needed to know clear-ly what the KIO meant about the autonomy with self - determination. Here,MSL and KIO had different political agenda. MSL authority desired the KIO tocome first into the constitutional frame and then, negotiate the matters con-cerned. Contrary to that, the KIO wished to negotiate the matters first andthen, if satisfied that it met its interests, they would enter into the frame of theMSL. In explanation of the above matters, the KIO says that "it is unaccepta-ble what the MSL suggests, it means us to surrender to them, and it dose nothave the political meanings". As for the self determined autonomy already ex-plained in Dabak Yang meeting, the KIO elaborated again that their self - de-termination meant the greater control over State administration as well as politi-cal rights, security, economics and social affairs. The agreement treaty be-tween the BCP and the KIO was also indicated to them.

On 6th October 1980, the peace mediators reported about the" MSL consti-tution of 1974" to the KIO Central Committee and disclosed that the generalamnesty of MSL - 2/80 is extendible if required. On the next day, KIO Chair-man Mr Maran Brang Seng demanded the following three points to them: 1. toextend the MSL - 2/80 general amnesty period, 2. not to make any further de-mand since ~l had been already forwarded to MSL higher authority completely,3. to include more persons in the peace negotiation team.

Without wasting much time, the peace mediation team rushed back t~ theKIO area and reported the message from the MSL to the KIO higher authority on


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13rd October 1980. As a result, the KIO delegates were invited to join thepeace talks in Rangoon by the government of the Socialist Republic of the U-nion of Burma. On 16th October 1980, KIO delegation comprising:

(1)(2)(3)( 4) Dr Manam Tu Ja (KIOCC Chairman's medical caretaker)

were helicoptered in from Dabak Yang to Rangoon, the former capital city ofBurma.

Mr Maran Brang Seng (KIOCC 9 Chairman)Mr Lanyaw Zawng Hra (KIO CC - General Secretary) ,Mr Gauri Zau Seng (KIOCC - member) ,

·91 .9 Kachin Independence Organisation Central Committee = KIOCC

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RGN. 001. Above:L-+R: Mr Ne Win, Mr Maran Brang Seng ]

The President of the Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma and the KIO Chairmangreeting each other with a smile and a handshake in exchange of recognition.

Rangoon, October, 1980.


RGN. 002. Above:[ L-+ R: President Ne Win, Mr Lanyaw Zawng Hra, Chairman Maran Brang Seng ]

Friendly greetings at the beginning of talks.. Rangoon, October 1980 .

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RGN. 003. Above:[ L•• R: Mr. Maran Brang Seng , Gen. Tin 00 (MIS 10 - Chief)

A welcome handshake at the beginning of talksRangoon, October, 1980.


RGN. 004. Above:[L •• R: Mr. Gauri Zau Seng, Gen Tin 00 (MIS - Chief) ]

Welcome greetings as the talks beginRangoon. October 1980.

10 MIS: Military Intelligence Service


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The KIO delegation led by Chairman Maran Brang Seng arrived III Ran-goon the same day they departed from Dabak Yang. At Rangoon, the MSL topleaders, namely, President Ne Win, Mr. San Yu, Mr. Maung Maung Kha,Mr. Kyaw Htin, Mr. Than Hlaing, Col. Lahpai Hkun Nawng extended them awarm welcome.RGN.005

RGN. 005 Above:[L •• R: Mr. Lanyaw Zawng Hra, Mr. Gauri Zau Seng ,

Col. Lahpai Hkun Nawng (wearing white Taikpone jacket) ]KIOCC - General Secretary greetings Co1. Lahpai Hkun Nawng

who was the principal of DSA ll, Myamyo.

October 1980. Rangoon.RGN.006

RGN. 006. Above:[L •• R: Mr. Lanyaw Zawng Hra, Col. Lahpai Hkun Nawng,

Dr. Manam Tu Ja (center) ]KIOCC member greeting Co1. Lahpai Hkun Nawng with a warmly Handshake.

Rangoon. October, 1980.

U Defence Service Academy = DSA

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•.. .•.~.,..-~"fn lh' f!'C\R n

RGN. 007. Above:[L •• R: Mr. San Yu, Mr. Ne Win, Mr. Maran Brang Seng,

Mr. Lanyaw Zawng Hra, Mr. Gauri Zau Seng ]President Ne Win ice - breaking talks with Chairman Maran Brang Seng

at Rangoon Peace Parley. Rangoon, October, 1980.


RGN. 008. Above: [ Mr. San Yu, Mr. Ne Win, Mr. Maran Brang SengJThe peace talks lasted for 5 days from 18th - 20th October

between the KIO delegates and the MSL top leaders.Rangoon, October 1980.


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RGN. 009. Above:The top ranking leaders of the MSL, KIO representatives, and peace mediators ]

Meeting for peace talks. Rangoon, October 1980.


Rgn. 010. Above:[L •• R: Mr. San Yu, Mr. Maran Brang Seng , President Ne Win;

behind the KIO chairman, those standing are Ex - Minister Wabaw Zau Rip,Ex - Maj. Ubyit Tu, Ex=- Capt. Hkun Seng, Ex - Minister Duwa Lawang Li,

Rev. Lahtaw Saboi Jum , Rev. Fr. Lawhkum Lawt Naw. ]The president hosts a dinner at government house attended by the KIO leaders.


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RGN. OIl. Above: [ Tatmadaw leaders, Kachin peace mediators and KIO delegation:Mr. Maran Brang Seng (sitting in the center of the first line) ,

Mr. Lanyaw Zawng Hra, Mr. Gauri Zau Seng, Dr. Manam Tu Ja]Together in front of the government guest house where they took rest during the peace talks.

Rangoon, October 1980.


RGN. 012. Above:[L. R: President Ne Win, Chairman Maran Brang Seng, Mr. Lanyaw Zawng Hra,

Mr. Gauri Zau Seng, Dr. Manam Tu Ja ]Meeting: working hard on peaceful solution.

Rangoon, October 1980.

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RGN. 013. Above: [ Tatmadaw leaders, Mr. Lanyaw Zawng Hra ( fourth from theleft) , Mr. Maran Brang Seng (fifth from the right) , Mr. Gauri Zau Seng (third from

the right) , Dr. Manam Tu Ja (far right) ]All together in front of the government guest house.

Rangoon, October 1980.


RGN. 014. Above:[L-+R: Mr. Maran Brang Seng, Mr. Lanyaw Zawng Hra,

Mr. Gauri Zau Seng , Ex - Capt. Hkun Seng ]Meeting for peace talks.Rangoon, October 1980.


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RGN. 013. Above: [ Tatmadaw leaders, Mr. Lanyaw Zawng Hra ( fourth from theleft) , Mr. Maran Brang Seng (fifth from the right) , Mr. Gauri Zau Seng (third from

the right) , Dr. Manam Tu Ja (far right) ]All together in front of the government guest house.

Rangoon, October 1980.


RGN. 014. Above:[L-+R: Mr. Maran Brang Seng, Mr. Lanyaw Zawng Hra,

Mr. Gauri Zau Seng , Ex - Capt. Hkun Seng ]Meeting for peace talks.Rangoon, October 1980.


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RGN. 015. Above:[L~R: Mr. Hpawyu Hka (Kachin State Chairman),

Gen Aye San (Northern Division Commander) , Gen Tin 00 (MSL - CentralCommittee General Secretary - 2, Col. Lahpai Hkun Nawng (Myamyo DSA Principal) ,

Mr. Mawng Mawng Kha (Prime Minister) ]Meeting for peace talks. Rangoon, October 1980.



RGN. 016. Above:[L~R: Mr. San Yu, Mr. Maran Brang SengJ

Together at the State dinner.

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Rangoon. October 1980.


RGN. 0l7. Above:[Lo+R: Mr. Maran Brang Seng, Mr. Lanyaw Zawng Hra , Mr. Gauri Zau Seng,

Dr. Manam Tu Ja ]KIa leaders attending the meeting for its proposal.

Rangoon. October, 1980.


RGN. 018. Above: [Lo+R: Ex -Maj. Ubyit Tu, Ex -Minister Wabaw Zau Rip,Ex - Brig. Lazum Tang Ji , Ex - Minister Duwa Zau lawn, Duwa Maran Hkun Hpung ,

Ex - Minister Duwa Lawang Li, Ex - Capt. Hkun Seng (centre in the back line) ]Kachin peace mediators together with Tatmadaw leaders in front of the government guest hou

Rangoon, October 1980 .

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Having negotiated for peace at Rangoon for (5) days, the KIa delegatesarrived back at Dabak Yang on 23rd October 1980, the place they had beguntheir peace odyssey. On the next morning (24 th, October 1980) , they held apublic meeting at Dabak Yang school and in the evening it was again held at JaPu. On 25 th they reached the KIa Headquarters at Hpalap Bum. But, the longtime sought peaceful reconciliation had yet to be settled.


RGN. 019. Above: [ Mr. San Yo, Mr. Maran Brang Seng ]Shaking hands after leaving the peace talks meeting room.

e President Ne Win went to Peking, China as unscheduled trip for an emergency meetingwith Chinese leaders Deng Xiao Ping and Huo feng and the BCP Chairman Mr. Ba TheinTin. So that the peace with the KIO leaders, which had just started, could continue, he

handed over discussions to Brig. San Yu and MIS - Chief Gen. Tin 00. )Rangoon. October 1980.

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K. 020 Above:A crowd of Kachin people waiting for the KIO delegates as they return from the

Rangoon Peace Parley. ]The thought in everyone's mind was "Will this lead to meaningful peace?"

Kachin State, 1980.K.021

K. 021. Above: [ KIA Army, Tatmadaw Army]Shaking hands with each other. , A KIA soldier with M -16 Rifle, raises his right hand and

cries out "Peace ! Peace !". All await the results of the talks anxiously.

War frontline of Kachinland, 1980.

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After KIO Chairman Maran Brang Seng' s team returned from the Rangoonmeeting, the KIO Headquarters despatched its delegation again, consisting ofMr. Lanyaw Zawng Hra , Maj. Gauri Zau Seng, Maj. Dauje Seng Hpung andMaj. Nbangbum Sinwa Naw to Myitkyina for a second round of peace efforts.The main issue to negotiate with the government authority was to include KachinState autonomy with self - determination right into the 1974 constitution of theSocialist Republic of the Union of Burma.MKA.022


MKA. 022. Above:[L •• R: Duwa Ndu Zau Tawng , Maj. Gauri Zau Seng , Maj. Dauje Seng Hpung ]

Myitkyina meeting, November 1980.


MKA. 023. Above:[L •• R: Mr. Lanyaw Zawng Hra, Maj. Dauje Seng Hpung, Maj. Gauri Zau Seng]

KIO delegacy leader Mr. Lanyaw Zawng Hra discussing the matters concerned at the meeting.

Myitkyina, November 1980

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K. 024. Below: [L - R: Tatmadaw Army officer raising his right hand enthusiasticallyand smiling, Du kaba Gauri Zau Seng garlanded with flowers and facing the public,

Sara kaba Rev. Lahtaw Saboi Jum ]People greet those involved in the peace efforts.

Kachin State, 1980.


Hg.026. Above. [ Tatmadaw officers KIO officers Kachin ladiesfrom Hukawng valley]

Dum Bang village on the Ledo Road connecting India - Burma - chinaHugawng Valley, 1980.

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On 14thDecember, 1980 the KIO Headquarters sent its third round peace dele-gation headed by Mr. Lanyaw Zawng Hra to Myitkyina. Besides Mr. Lanyaw Zawngilia, there were Brig. Larmmg Tu [ai , Maj. Gauri Zau Seng and Maj. NbangbumSinwa Naw in his team. When they arrived Myitkyina on 16thDecember, they werewarmly received by Northern Division Commander Gen. Aye San, the Kachin State

1 g cChairman Hpauyu Hka, Regional Party General Secretary (G3::DOI0') 3d06c:GQ:¥ll:)

La - ung Yaw, MSL party member Ndu Zau Tawng and Mr. Peter Lasang Gawng.The third round of peace talks were held on 17th to 24th December 1980. In themeeting, mainly regarding the KIO' s demand, the enactment of autonomous rightsin the 1974 constitution, was rejected by saying that since the 1974 constitution hadbeen adopted by referendum, the Burmese Socialist Programme Party ( MSL Party) had no right to acceded to the demands which had not been accepted by the voteof the people. There was also another obstacle. Article 11 of the 1974 constitutionwhich says : "The State shall adopt a single - party system. The Burma SocialistProgramme Party is the sole political party and it shall lead the state. " However,the KIO delegates firmly demanded the autonomous right to be accepted as a poli-cy. The government authority replied that it was not possible to accept officially asa policy. Further reasons they gave were that since it belonged to procedure section( 8) it was not agreeable within the 1974 constitution of the Socialist Republic of theUnion of Burma. The KIO also asked to place an " Ethnic Affairs Minister

o ('~(C\j{~l:o( G61:E>f>°~e3:) in the governing body of the Union of Burma. The MSLparty stated that they would need to take time to consider their reply. They agreedto fix the next fourth round meeting on 16thFebruary 1981.

On 28th - 29th December 1980, there was a large public gathering at DYang to where people from near and far came to express their own opinion. In here.the Kachin Public opinion was clearly to obtain "An entirely Sovereign, indepeent state" and if this was not possible, at least not to step down from the "Automous Rights" position. It was the public's strong desire and opinion.

Although they had fixed the date of the next meeting of peace talks on 1February at Myitkyina, the KIO delegates were only able to leave the KIO Hquarters, Hpalap Bum, on rr: February. They reached Myitkyina on 01 st

1981. This time also, Mr. Lanyaw Zawng Hra was the KIO team leader alongBrig. Lamung Tu Iai , Maj. Gauri Zau Seng. The fourth round peace talks mwere held from 03rd to io" March 1981. The KIO delegates again continued tomand autonomous rights. They also negotiated about the ceasefire to be dec1ficially. The KIO team expressed its stance that a political solution could onb

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chieved through peaceful means and by talking across the table. The MSL, pointedout two things mainly: 1. It had nothing more to say about the autonomous rights,which has already been mentioned in the previous meetings; 2. Regarding the nego-tiating meeting and the ceasefire announcement, it would make the decision whenthe KIO peace delegates arrived Myitkyina. Both parties had agreed in it and signedon it.MKA.029

MKA. 029. Above:[ Peace Mediators: Ex - Maj. Ubyit Tu, Duwa Lawang Li, Ex - Capt. Hkun Seng,

Rev. Fr. Lawhkum Lawt Naw, Rev. Saboi Ium ,MSL Government Authority: Duwa Ndu Zau Tawng' s group,KIO Delegates: Mr. Lanyaw Zawng Hra, Brig Lamung Tu Jai,

Maj. Gauri Zau Seng (centre, holding the news journal) ]Myitkyina, 1981.


MKA. 030. Above:[ L•• R : Maj. Gauri Zau Seng, Kachin State MSL Party (G3::Dold5)

General Secretary Mr. La - ung Yaw]Myitkyina, 1981.

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MKA. 031. Above: [ R•• L : Kachin State Chairman Mr. Hpauyu Hka,

Mr. Lanyaw Zawng Hra, Northern Div. Commander Gen. Aye San, Brig. Lamung Tu Jai,

Maj. Gauri Zau Seng, Maj Nbang Bum Sin Wa Naw and those standing behind the

frontline are Kachin Youths ]o DCState Guest House (8CD0>61o:::>..y:)

Myitkyina. 10 March 1981.

1. they desired pace2. but the KIO Central Committee meeting needed to be held3. unable to meet the date fixed by MSL (time would be too limited for

KIO)4. wanted to extend to 15th May 1980 .

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The Kachin peace mediators and KIO delegates met for discussions atDabak Yang on 16 th April 1981. In the peace mediation team were Ex - Capt.Hkun Seng, Ex - Maj. Ubyit Tu, Ex - Minister Duwa Lawang Li, Rev.Lahtaw Saboi Jum, while those who represented the KIO were Brig. Lamung TuJai, Maj. Banma Zau Hpang and Maj. Lagai Tang Lai. At the Dabak Yangmeeting, through peace mediators, KIO delegates passed the massages sayingthat

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They agreed to extend the date up to 151h May 1981. In order to achieve u-nanimous decisions, the 71h KIO Central Committee Meeting was held urgentlyat KIO Headquarters, Hpalap Bum, on 23rd to 281h April 1981. The partici-pants of the KIO Central Committee members were:

1. Mr. Maran Brang Seng2. Brig. Mali Zup Zau Mai3. Mr. Lanyaw Zawng Hra4. Brig. Lamung Tu Jai

(KIOCC Chairman)(KIOCC Vice - Chairman )(KIOCC General Secretary) ,( Chief of Department of GeneralAdministration)(Finance Dept. )(2nd Bde. BC)(151 Bde. BC)(SP)(S - Div. 0)(E -Div. 0 )( E - A. Div. 0)( 4 th Bde. BC)(151 Bde. BM).

5. Maj. Cauri Zau Seng6. Maj. Hkang Sau Kam Htoi7. Maj. Banma Zau Hpang8. Maj. Nbang Bum Sin Wa Naw9. Maj. Hkun Chio10. Mr. Mangshang Ding Bawm11. Mr. Tawng Si12. Maj. Dau Je Seng Hpung13 . Maj. Lagai Tang Lai

At the KIO Central Committee meeting, three main points were agreed:

1. to obtain peace2. to cooperate and to strengthen politically and,3. to make efforts through political means in the negotiation - peace talks

with the MSL authority.

After the Central Committee meeting, KIOCC General Secretary Mr. Lan-yaw Zawng Hra and his team members left Hpalap Bum, KIO Headquarters,for Dabak Yang where they had to meet the Kachin peace mediators comingfrom Myitkyina. They met there on 12nd May 1981. Then, the MSL authorityinvited the KIO Chairman, the General Secretary and other members concernedto come to Rangoon on 191h May 1981. The invitation related to two points,which were:

1. to sign an agreement for peace and co - operation of the country( 0 C ~ Cr:s2c c '1 c c cr::::C Q r;::;: C C co)orC:t3~ tS~:~~:GE;[:~:GO IC:G@Y.)C§rnL3c :::DG::rnOj{~ Ge30C: C\)(D'rcnGE;[:o?:E;[~

2. to announce a ceasefire( C C c: -, r::::C r;::;:r:::: c3doQ)3d6>(DE;[oQ)L3C:Ge3tS0E;[~).

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KIO Chairman Maran Brang Seng and his team members left KIO Headquar-ters, Hpalap Bum, on io" May 1981 and met with the Kachin Peace mediators atDabak Yang. In the meeting, the KIO asked the MSL authority to use the phrase" . th .. (r;2C C C C ~) "b hto contmue e peace negotiations L5~:<tJ~:G~: aomC\)mGoxa:G~:~~, ut w atthe KIO asked was not accepted by the MSL authority. As the result, KIO Chair-man Maran Brang Seng and his team redirected their steps to the KI0 HeadquartersHpalap Bum on is" May 1981. The peace efforts came to an end at " Dabak Yang"from where it had been launched. Peace, a desire long felt, was again put out oftouch.

Ceasefire (1994) : After a decade or so, the light of peace, shimmeredfirst initiated in 1963, then in 1972 and again in 1980 respectively, was en-lightened again in October 18, 1990 at Pangsai, a sleepy border town of Sino -Myanmar, Northern Shan state. The peace - talks between KXOand NWT12 wasable to be initiated on the peace - bridge being connected by peace mediators:former Israel Ambassador Duwa Hpauyam La Wawm, Rev. Lahtaw Saboi Jumand Mr. Lahtaw Hkun Myat.

The KIO team members were Lt. Col. Banma Zau Hpang, Mr. LamaGumhpan, Maj. Manam Tu Ja and Lt. Hpunggan Hkun Nawng. In the NWTteam, led by Col. Tin Win, were Lt. Col. Kyaw Thein, Ma]. Than Aye andCapt. Myint Swe. In order to materialize the peace process again, the Kachinpeace mediators first tried to consult KIO Chairman Mr. Maran Brang Seng.TB.031

TB. 031. Above:[ L•• R : Gen. Phukhar ( Royal Thai Army) and Mr. Maran Brang Seng (KIO Chairman) ,

Mr. Michael Maran Ja La (Special PA to KIO Chairman) ,

Dr. Stephen Morse, wearing army cap]

On the way to KNU headquarters - Manerplaw, Mui River, Thai - Myanmar Border, 1989.

. 109·

12 NWT(",00') / SLORC: State Law and OrderRestoration Council


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TB. 032. Above:[ L•• R : Mr. Gauri Zau Seng (ROKA 13 Chief) , Rev. Saboi Ium ,

former Israel Ambassador Duwa Hpauyam La Wawm, Mr. Lahtaw Hkun Myat]

Somewhere on Mui river, Thai - Myanmar Border, On the way to KNU HeadquartersManerplaw, where KIO Chairman Mr. Maran Brang Seng Had recently arrived from

Europe, 1989.


. 110 •

TB. 033. Above:[ L•• R: Mr. Hkun Myat, Mr. Gauri Zau Seng,

Duwa Hpauyam La Wawm, Rev. Saboi Ium , Ms. Seng Raw(presently Programme Director of Metta Development Foundation,

formerly Liaison Officer of ROKA - Bangkok) ]Peace struggle journey . somewhere on the way to Maesamlep by car from Maesaring ,

Thailand, 1989.

13 ROKA: Representative Office of Kachin Affairs

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[L •• R: KTB. 034. Above:

Chairman Gen. Saw Bo Mya, KIO Chairman Mr. Maran Brang Seng]Discussing the Burma Peace Parley.

KNU Headquarters. Manerplaw, 1990.


TB. 035. Above:[ L•• R: Rev. Lah taw Saboi Iurn , Chairman Maran Brang Seng,

Duwa Hpauyam La Wawm ]

Peace mediators meeting with KIO Chairman, Thailand, February 24, 1990 .

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T. 036. Above:[ L•• R: Maj. Gen. Malizup Zau Mai (Chief of Staff of KIA) ,

Mr. Maran Brang Seng (KIO Chairman) , Gen. Phukhar ( Royal Thai Army) ]During the peace process struggles, seeking constructive ideas

from the neighboring countries of Burma. Thailand, 1989.


. 112 .

T. 037. Below:[ L•• R: Mr. Lahtaw Hkun Myat, Mr. Gauri Zau Seng, Mr. Maran Brang Seng,

Rev. Lahtaw Saboi Jum, Duwa Hpauyam La Wawm,

Ms. Seng Raw (standing behind the group) ]The mediators consulting about the peace talks with KIO Chairman.

Thailand, 24 February 1990 .

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T. 038 . Above:[ L•• R: Mr. Lahtaw Zau Bawm, Mr. Lahtaw Hkun Myat, Mr. James Jurnhpawk Lum Dau,

Duwa Hpauyam La Wawm, Chairman Maran Brang Seng, Rev. Lahtaw Saboi Jum ,Ms. Nahpaw Kaw Mai (wife of KIO Chairman) , Mr. Cauri Zau Seng ]

The peace mediators together with KIO Chairman and KIO - ROKA members.Thailand, 1990.


T.039. Above:[ L•• R: Duwa Hpauyam La Wawrn, Chairman Maran Brang Seng,

Rev. Lahtaw Saboi Jum]Writing an official letter to be dispatched to the State Law and Order Restoration Council.

Thailand, February 24, 1990 .

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T.040. Above:[L •• R: Duwa Hpauyam La Wawm, Rev. Lahtaw Saboi lum,Chairman Maran Brang Seng ]

All together perusing the official letter just written, to be forwarded tothe State Law and Order Restoration Council.

Thailand, 24 February 1990.


T.041. Above:[L •• R: Mr. Gauri Zau Seng, Rev. Lahtaw Saboi Ium , Chairman Maran Brang Seng,

Duwa Hpauyam La Wawm, Mr. Lahtaw Hkun Myat ]

Sitting together just having written the official letter to be given to the SLORCThailand, 24 February 1990 .

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T.042. Above:[L •• R: Mr. Gauri Zau Seng, Duwa Hpauyam La Wawm, Mr. Lahtaw Hkun Myat,

Rev. Lahtaw Saboi Jum ]

The peace mediators together with Mr. Gauri Zau Seng (KIO Vice - Secretary andChief of ROKA) at a resort on way to meet KIO Chairman.

Thailand, 1990.


T.043. Above:[L •• R: Duwa Hpauyam La Wawm, Chairman Maran Brang Seng J

Peace mediator willingly reporting the" good - will gesture"from the SLORC to KTO Chairman. Hong Kong, 1990 .

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T. 044. Above:[ L~ R: Chairman Maran Brang Seng, Mr. Lahtaw Hkun Myat, Ms. Nahpaw Kaw Mai,

Duwa Hpauyam La Wawm, Mr. Gauri Zau Seng]

The peace mediation team with KIO Chairman at Shanghai, China, 1990.Hk.045

Hk. 045. Above:[L~R: Mr. Gauri Zau Seng, Duwa Hpauyam La Wawm,

Chairman Maran Brang Seng , Ms. Nahpaw Kaw Mai]During the peace stmggling process, the peace mediation team often come

and meet where the KIO Chairman was.Hong Kong, 1991.

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Hk.046. Above:[ L-+R: Mr. Lahtaw Hkun Myat, Ms. Nahpaw Kaw Mai, Duwa Hpauyam La Wawm,

Chairman Maran Brang Seng ]The peace mediation team with KIO Chairman. Hong Kong, 1991.


Hk.047. Above:[L-+R: Mr. Gauri Zau Seng, Ms. Nahpaw Kaw Mai,

Chairman Maran Brang Seng, Rev. Lahtaw Saboi Ium ]Hong Kong, 1990 .

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T.048. Above: [L •• R: Dr. Michael Baumann (Member of Parliament, Germany) ,Cen. Saw Bo Mya (K U Chairman), Mr. Saw Ba Thin, Chairman Maran Brang Seng,

Gen. Phukhar, ( Royal Thai Army]Meeting for lasting peace in Burma. Thailand, 1991.


T. 049. Above:KIO Chairman held the meeting and in exchange of views with distinguished scholars in

the matter of development of peace effort in Burma.Thailand, 1991 .

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T.050. Above[International supporters at discussion about peaceful reconciliation in Burma]

Thailand, 1991.

T. 051. Above:[ Dr. Michael Baumann (2",1 from the left)

participating in the KIO Chairman's Burma Peace struggle]Thailand, 1991.

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T. 052. Above:[ L. . R: Mr. Gauri ZauSeng, Ms. Seng Raw, Dr. . Michael Baumann,

Chairman Maran Brang Seng ]

Collecting the well - constructive ideas for the establishment of peace in Burma.Thailand, 1991.

La.••hin dc lup hpJ\\ ng ~:I 11,\ maru \1t'\:1 \!ungd.m. \i.I!I!-!,hl \I~ •• 1...1\\n-n .•Wan Dill \1~'" I."~,In tt~rltl:! JI

KIO " Peace talks" Delegates in Wan Din City,border town of Sino - Myanrnar ,

Chinna, 1992.L - R: Mr. Lazing Ii Nawng, Mr. Mangshang Ding Bawm, Mr. Gaun Zau Seng,

Rev. Saboi Iurn , Maji Zau lng, Mr. Hpauyam La Wawm, Chairman Malizup Zau Mai,Mr. Lahtaw Hkun Myat, Dr. Lahkyen La Ja , Mr. Zawng Buk Htan .

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4. Lt. Col. Kyaw Win5. Lt. Col. Kyaw Thein6. Maj. Myint Htwe7. Maj. Tin Maung Win

(M. I) ,(GSO -1, Int. Unit),(G - 2, North East Div, MI ) ,(No. 9 Int. Unit Commander) .

During the meeting, it was agreed that the meeting site was to be shiftedfrom Lashio to Myitkyina, Kachin State, where the "cross - table peace talks"shall be continued. At this time, little more could be decided upon. The Myit-kyina peace meeting was continued by both delegations on 22 January 1993, atMalikha Yiktha. At the Myitkyina peace parley, the delegation strength on bothsides were reinforced and some officers were changed because of shifting the ge-ographical location. The KIO delegation was headed by Brig Lamung Tu Iai(KIC Vice - President) and the SLORC delegates were:

(1) Maj. Gen. Aye Kyaw(2) Maj. Gen. Saw Lwin(3 ) Col. Mawng Bo( 4) Lt. Col. Kyaw Thein( 5 ) Lt. . Col. Thein Tun(6) Lt. Col. Myo Myint(7) Maj. Kyaw Win

( North East Div. Commander)(Northern Div. Commander)(Northern A. Div. Commander)(GSO -1, Dept. of Int. Unit)(Bamaw Strategic Commander )(GSO -1, Northern Div. )(No.8 - Int. Unit Commander)

Maj. Gen. Aye Kyaw ( standing)Myinkyina , 1993

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The meetings were held on 6th March, and then continuously is" - 23rd ofMarch, 1993 in Myitkyina for further more negotiations with SLORC. The KIOhad a number of urgent issues needed to be discussed and to be decided uponamong themselves. Before going further from their present position, KIO Vice- Chairman Malizup Zau Mai called for an emergency meeting of KIO Central

Committee at his residential office on 3151 March 1993.

On 6 th - 7 th of April, 1993 the meetings were held by both delegates atMalikha Yiktha in which Maj. Gen. Aye Kyaw gave a short opening speechand then, Brig. Lamung Tu Jai and Mr. Lanyaw Zawng Hra both from KIO,gave speeches respectively. Then, both sides mainly discussed about the relo-cation of armed forces. After that, without consuming much time, the peacetalks were again on the table at Malikha Yiktha on 26th _27th May 1993. On 15t

- 6th of July, 1993 both delegates negotiated to reach an agreement about theceasefire between KIA and Tatmadaw in the Kachin State and the northern ShanState areas known as Kachin Sub - state in former times. With the intention ofmaking a ceasefire agreement and peace talks, KIO Chairman Mr. MaranBrang Seng and General Secretary Mr. Lanyaw Zawng Hra , both prepared to

L - R : Maj. Gen. Aye Kyaw, Chairman Malizup Zau Mai, Maj. Gen. Saw LwinMyitkyina ,1993

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come down to Myitkyina. Meanwhile, they dispatched a delegation led by Brig.Lamung Tu Iai to Myitkyina as a point - team. In spite of the fact that the duedate was October zr, on which date KIa Chairman and Gen~ral Secretarywould be arriving at Myitkyina, they could not reach there because of the KIaChairman's failure health. However, Brig. Lamung Tu Iai who had already ar-rived at Myitkyina held a meeting with Northern Div. Commander Maj. Gen.Saw Lwin on 015t January 1994.

During this meeting, Brig. Lamung Tu Jai informed to Maj. Gen. SawLwin that although the ceasefire agreement had not yet been signed due to itsstate of unreadiness the KIa wanted to begin the " Regional Development" intheir own areas. Therefore, at 08: 00 AM on 12nd January 1994, the RegionalDevelopment Programme was discussed in detail at the meeting held at PWT14

conference room in which KIa, NWT and PWT delegates concerned were atten-ding. There were over 50 participants, including 11 KIa delegates.

The meetings held from is" to 24th of February 1994, were more signifi-cant than usual. The SLORC government, however, was prefer to negotiate a-bout the immediate issues such as cessation of hostilities, regional developmentand some other regulations rather than main political issues that causes thearmed conflicts at this moment. Overtly, SLORC leaders expressed that the po-litical issues can be sought and negotiated not with the current military govern-ment, but to the next coming civil government.

Maj. Gen. Aye Kyaw and Maj. Gen. Malizup Zau Mai, both gave speechesat the meetings. After several lengthy negotiations, including about ceasefire,they decided to form the a drafting committee for a ceasefire agreement. Finally,they approved the ceasefire agreement. On 23rd February 1994 at 15: 00 PM, SL-aRC General Secretary 1 Lt. Gen. Khin Nyunt emphatically addressed about theceasefire agreement between KIa and SLORC in some details and gave instruc-tions to all in the meeting room of the Northern Division Command(@~t03[5~o&8(0:G'l:'f~0')-r->:2()G3~:~:G'l:G()'Y.)~~).The KIa delegate - head Maj. Gen.Malizup Zau Mai also expressed the necessities to be negotiated and submittedthem to the higher authority of SLORC. On the evening of that day, to mark thehistoric milestone of a ceasefire agreement in Kachin history, the traditional

14 PWT: Kachin State Law and Order Restoration Council

(.,00> - "§-:>nS~6:dl6:,,,'£~l"~l8)

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come down to Myitkyina. Meanwhile, they dispatched a delegation led by Brig.Lamung Tu Iai to Myitkyina as a point - team. In spite of the fact that the duedate was October zr, on which date KIa Chairman and Gen~ral Secretarywould be arriving at Myitkyina, they could not reach there because of the KIaChairman's failure health. However, Brig. Lamung Tu Iai who had already ar-rived at Myitkyina held a meeting with Northern Div. Commander Maj. Gen.Saw Lwin on 015t January 1994.

During this meeting, Brig. Lamung Tu Jai informed to Maj. Gen. SawLwin that although the ceasefire agreement had not yet been signed due to itsstate of unreadiness the KIa wanted to begin the " Regional Development" intheir own areas. Therefore, at 08: 00 AM on 12nd January 1994, the RegionalDevelopment Programme was discussed in detail at the meeting held at PWT14

conference room in which KIa, NWT and PWT delegates concerned were atten-ding. There were over 50 participants, including 11 KIa delegates.

The meetings held from is" to 24th of February 1994, were more signifi-cant than usual. The SLORC government, however, was prefer to negotiate a-bout the immediate issues such as cessation of hostilities, regional developmentand some other regulations rather than main political issues that causes thearmed conflicts at this moment. Overtly, SLORC leaders expressed that the po-litical issues can be sought and negotiated not with the current military govern-ment, but to the next coming civil government.

Maj. Gen. Aye Kyaw and Maj. Gen. Malizup Zau Mai, both gave speechesat the meetings. After several lengthy negotiations, including about ceasefire,they decided to form the a drafting committee for a ceasefire agreement. Finally,they approved the ceasefire agreement. On 23rd February 1994 at 15: 00 PM, SL-aRC General Secretary 1 Lt. Gen. Khin Nyunt emphatically addressed about theceasefire agreement between KIa and SLORC in some details and gave instruc-tions to all in the meeting room of the Northern Division Command(@~t03[5~o&8(0:G'l:'f~0')-r->:2()G3~:~:G'l:G()'Y.)~~).The KIa delegate - head Maj. Gen.Malizup Zau Mai also expressed the necessities to be negotiated and submittedthem to the higher authority of SLORC. On the evening of that day, to mark thehistoric milestone of a ceasefire agreement in Kachin history, the traditional

14 PWT: Kachin State Law and Order Restoration Council

(.,00> - "§-:>nS~6:dl6:,,,'£~l"~l8)

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L-R : Mr. Lahtaw Hkun Myat, Mr. Hpauyam La Wawm, Maj. Gen. Saw Lwin ,Mr. Mangshang Ding Bawm, Dr. Lahkyen La Ia , Maj. Gan. Aye Kyaw,

Brig. Lamung Tu Iai , Rev. Saboi Ium

L - R , Chairman Malizup Zau Mai, Lt. Gen. Khin Nyunt, Maj. Gen. Saw Lwin

Myitkyina, 23 rd February 1994 .

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"Peace Manau" ceremony was happily celebrated by all the stakeholderssuch as SLORe delegates, the KIO representatives, the Kachin peace media-tors and the local elders, scholars and well - wishers of the Kachin State at theground of MPKh (~()Ol).

After dancing the "Peace Manau" (!S~:~~:G'l:\:IG'Y,)3d(),), all the personsconcerned were offered the Kachin traditional "Magun Shat Lit" J5 of honourand all the participants shared it as the opening mark of momentous chapter ofpeaceful coexistence. On the next day at 02: 10 PM (24th February 1994) forthe sake of people's peace, SLORC and KIO signed the ceasefire agreementofficially at the meeting room of MPKh (Northern Div. Command). Those whosigned were as follows.

SLORC (NWT) Signatory

(1) Maj. Gen. Aye Kyaw( 2) Maj. Gen. Saw Lwin(3 ) Lt. Col. Kyaw Thein

Lt. Col. Kyaw Thein( GSO - 1 Dept. of Int. Unit )

KIO Signatory:

(1) Maj. Gen. Malizup Zau Mai(2) Brig. Lamung Tu Jai( 3 ) Col. Gauri Zau Seng

(KIO Vice - Chainnan)(KIC Vice - President)(KIO Joint General Secretary)

Peace Mediator Signatory:

( 1 ) Duwa Hpauyam La Wawm( 2 ) Rev. Lahtaw Saboi Jum(3) Mr. Lahtaw Hkun Myat

IS Magun shatlit . see ( photo MKA. 056)

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MKA. 054. Above: [ Col. Gauri Zau Seng]

Signing" the ceasefire agreement between KIO and SLORC" ,Northern Div. Command meeting room (MPKh) ,

Myitkyina, 24 February 1994.


MKA. 055. Above: [L •• R: Maj. Gen .. Malizup Zau Mai, Col. Gauri Zau Seng,

Lt. Gen. Khin Nyunt, Maj. Gen. Saw Lwin]

Col. Gauri Zau Seng handing over the official paper to the SLORC Secretary - 1

Lt. Gen. Khin Nyunt. Northern Div. Command meeting room (~OOl) ,Myitkyina, 23«1 February 1994 .

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Mka. 056. Above: [L~R: Lt. Gen. Khin Nyunt, Maj. Gen. Malizup Zau Mai,Maj. Gen. Saw Lwin, Brig. Lamung Tu Jai, Col.. Cauri Zau Seng ] (23, 2,1994)

Magun Shatlits> offered to the dignitaries of SLORC and KIO are also seen.

16 Magun Shatlit means the basket contains eatables such as a pair of steamed sticky lice packages 'Happed up in the

hpawgoi leaf, a pair or two pairs of rice - beer bamboo tubes, a pair or two pairs of earthe n - wares containing rice wine made of

herbal leaven, a pair of steamed or roasted chicken, boiled eggs which should be strictly paired, dry - meat pounded with ginger,

garlic, chil.i, vegetable boiled +-and so on. Trad.itionally the Kachin always utilize the" Magun Shatlit" whenever they have so-

cial function, religious ritual function, political event, even at the war victory. They are of fered the" Magun shatlit" as an hono-

ur. All the people gathered at the function share it together and it strength ems them for the next step. It is what the Kachins be-

lieve and what the Kachins have been practicing traditionally for as long as we can remember

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Mka. 057. Above:[L •• R: Maj. Gen. Saw Lwin , Lt. Gen. Khin Nyunt , Maj. Gen. MaliZup Zau Mai,

Brig. Lamung Tu Iai , Col. Gauri Zau Seng, Col. Banma Zau Hpang]Lt. Gen. Khin Nyunt shaking hands with Col. Gauri Zau Seng.

orthem Div. Command Meeting Room (MPKh) , Myitkyina. 23rd February 1994.


MKA. 058. Above:[SLORC delegates, KIO representatives and Kachin peace mediators]

A group photograph, (~()~), Myitkyina. 23rd February 1994 .

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MKA. 059. Above: [L •• R: Lt. Gen. Khin Nyunt, Rev. Lahtaw Saboi Ium ,Maj. Gen. Malizup Zau Mai, Brig. Lamung Tu Jai , Col. Gauri Zau Seng,

Mr. Lahtaw Hkun Myat, Duwa Hpauyam La WawmJLt. Gen. Khin Nyunt shaking hands with Col. Gauri Zau Seng.

Northern Div. Command Meeting Room ("'06» , Myitkyina.

24 th February 1994


YGN. 060. Above: [L •• R: NDA - K Chairman Zahkung Ting Ying and Mr. Gauri Zau Seng]NDA - K and KIO discussing about National Convention

o 0 0being held at Nyawng Na Pin (G~c'1tDOCL\.), the two Banyan trees) camp.

Yangon. May 2004 .

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YGN. 061. Below:[L~R:Chainnan Zahkung Ting Ying, Mr. Gauri Zau Seng, Dr. Lahkyen La Ja , ]

Discussing and writing the paper to be submitted to the NC being held atNyawng Na Pin camp.

DA - K Chairman Zahkung Ting Ying' s residence.

Yangon, 21 st May 2004

J!ll:i]l!ll:i]I!lUJl!l1:i] L!lUJBUJ I!lUJL!JU] l!l1:i]l!lGJ!a

. 131 .

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uphkang ai mungmasa gawGumrawng Gumtsa re ai lam


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Wunpawng Sawk Dinglik Lik - laikaKachin Research Journal

Uk Laika Numdu © Kachin Research Journal Board.

January, 2009

All rights reserved.

Reproduction in any form without written permission is prohibited.


Lik Laika Numdu ahkaw ahkang n lawm ai sha, laika nkau achyen mi rai rai, buk

ting mi rai rai, bai kahtap dip shabra ai, mahkawng banbang da ai (snr) myihprap lik

laika, ning - raw lik jak, dinghkrai jak, lik rim hku mi rai rai n mai galaw ai.

All income from book sales and all gifts received will be used for

the next publication and the reseach work.