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RPL Assessor Kit MEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade Editable version Skills First RPL Assessor Kits are developed by the State of Queensland (Department of Education, Training and the Arts) and are based on the Skills First philosophy of providing client focussed, streamlined, and flexible RPL. The State of Queensland (Department of Education, Training and the Arts) is the copyright owner of material contained within the original RPL Assessor Kit. Permission is given to Registered Training Organisations to use, reproduce and adapt this RPL Assessor Kit for their organisation’s RPL assessment purposes, provided such use, reproduction or adaptation is for non-commercial purposes. The State of Queensland (Department of Education, Training and the Arts) disclaims any liability for any damage resulting from the use of the material (in either original or modified format) and will not be responsible for any loss, howsoever arising, from use of, or reliance on this material. The original version of this RPL Assessor Kit is available free of charge at resources/index.html If you would like any further information, please email [email protected]

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication TradeEditable version

Skills First RPL Assessor Kits are developed by the State of Queensland (Department of Education, Training and the Arts) and are based on the Skills First philosophy of providing client focussed, streamlined, and flexible RPL.

The State of Queensland (Department of Education, Training and the Arts) is the copyright owner of material contained within the original RPL Assessor Kit.

Permission is given to Registered Training Organisations to use, reproduce and adapt this RPL Assessor Kit for their organisation’s RPL assessment purposes, provided such use, reproduction or adaptation is for non-commercial purposes.

The State of Queensland (Department of Education, Training and the Arts) disclaims any liability for any damage resulting from the use of the material (in either original or modified format) and will not be responsible for any loss, howsoever arising, from use of, or reliance on this material.

The original version of this RPL Assessor Kit is available free of charge at

If you would like any further information, please email [email protected]

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade


This RPL Assessor Kit is divided into sections to allow you to easily access only those sections you require at any given time. These sections are:

SECTION A – Assessor Information

You need to read this information before conducting an assessment. It outlines the intent and processes surrounding this RPL assessment and how it differs from assessment undertaken following formal training.

SECTION B – Candidate Information and Forms

You give this information to the candidate. It tells them about the assessment process as well as containing simple forms for the applicant to fill out. From the information provided by the candidate on these forms, you will be able to gain a general understanding of the skills and experience the candidate may have, as well as potential referee contacts.

SECTION C – Competency Conversation

You use this section to determine and record candidate competency via a competency conversation. In other words, these questions guide your conversation with the applicant and assist in your assessment of their competence. The notes you take about this conversation are important evidence for assessment.

SECTION D – Practical Assessment and Observation Recording Sheets

You use this section to assess competencies through a practical demonstration of the candidate’s skills. It contains practical tasks/scenarios on the outcomes required to determine competency and a place to record your observation. The notes you take are important evidence for assessment.

SECTION E – Resources for Assessment Tasks

You use this section to access required resources for performing practical tasks and scenarios.

SECTION F – Third Party Verification

You give this section to the referees to confirm the candidate’s skills and experience in this qualification/occupation. The referees may fill out the appropriate form and return to you to confirm your judgement. You may be able to complete this part of evidence gathering in person while at the workplace.

SECTION G – Assessment Tables

You use this table as a reference tool to see at a glance how units/elements of competency are assessed within the tool. All the elements and performance criteria within the competency units are cross-matched in this table with a corresponding assessment question/task/scenario. This allows you to validate the assessment process against the qualification.

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SECTION AAssessor Information

It is VITAL you read this information prior to commencing your RPL assessment. It provides generic information on assessment, as well as an overview of this streamlined RPL assessment process.

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade


This RPL Assessors Kit streamlines the RPL assessment process for MEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade by taking a practical approach to RPL and increasing the use of on-site questioning and observation. This will assist in developing a “picture of the candidate’s skills and knowledge”. This picture can then be compared with industry standards enabling a determination of whether the candidate has achieved the required outcomes.


A sound knowledge of assessment and the qualification is essential

It is important to have a good understanding of the competencies and qualification/s appropriate to the candidate’s goals.

Assessing a single unit of competency is rarely cost or time effective. Where possible, effort should be made to assess several units at the same time taking advantage of any commonality in content. This means looking at the whole picture of a particular job role as it happens in industry and assessing holistically. This saves valuable time in the assessment process.

Assessment involves judgement

This tool encourages the use of a “competency conversation” to maximise the candidate’s opportunities to demonstrate competence. This is NOT an oral exam. It is about using the two or three holistic questions provided to start a conversation with the candidate which draws out their actual individual experiences and relevant skills. In other words, it is about the assessor probing the candidate through a conversation to draw out further information on the candidate’s experience which may not be forthcoming due to nerves or confusion over technical terminology.

The tool also provides observable tasks to allow candidates to demonstrate skills.

Authentication/verification is integral to RPL assessment

It is critical information gleaned from the interview and observation be confirmed with those who can vouch for the candidate’s skill over time. Supervisors would generally perform this role. Authentication may also be done through conversation but it cannot be stressed enough that it is essential assessors take careful notes to back up and record their judgement.

Recording assessment is critical

Keep careful records of all aspects of conversations, skills demonstration or documentation viewed that support the claim of prior learning. Remember – the record is the document that makes sense of the assessment and why a particular judgment was made. Keeping detailed notes about the candidate’s response is vital, as is the rationale for judgement.

The assessment record is a legal document and must be signed, dated and stored according to requirements of the State Training Authority and the AQTF Standards for Registered Training Organisations.

Assessor summaries and other quality assurance documentation from your own Registered Training Organisation will also be required. For examples of assessment summary documentation, please see Assessment Guide Number 1: Training Package Assessment Materials Kit:

To access further information on the principles assessment and dimensions of competency, you can visit Assessment Guide Number 1: Training Package Assessment Materials Kit.

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To access further information on the Australian Qualifications Framework, you can visit:

Assessment of Prerequisite Units

The Metal and Engineering Training Package units of competency are built on a structure of accumulated skills and knowledge. This means that there are hierarchies of skills and knowledge that are built up from a range of competencies. Any units of competency that underpin others are listed as prerequisites. The use of the term ‘prerequisite’ has been used for many years in the Metal and Engineering units of competency. In terms of training delivery and assessment, the term ‘prerequisite’ means that a person cannot be deemed ‘competent’ in the higher level unit until they are competent in the prerequisite units. An RTO may choose an integrated assessment approach. In this case the actual assessment of prerequisites may occur concurrently with other units.

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MEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

Qualification Structuring Rules

The minimum requirements for achievement of the Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade are:

completion of all of the Mandatory units of competency listed below, and completion of Fabrication Trade stream units from the group list below to the value of at

least 40 points, and completion of Specialisation units to bring the total value of Fabrication Trade stream and

specialisation units to at least 76 points.

Note: This RPL Assessor Kit contains only a small selection of the possible units that are available in the endorsed Training Package Fabrication Trade Stream.

Additional Units

Points associated with prerequisites count towards the total. Note that up to 15 points value of units of competency may be drawn from other endorsed Training Packages where those units are available for inclusion at Certificate III. Only select units that would be suitable for occupational outcomes in a, fabrication trade environment.

The following Competencies are contained within this RPL Assessor Kit:


Unit Code Unit Title Questions Practical

MEM12023A Perform engineering measurements *GC

MEM12024A Perform computations *GC

MEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment


MEM14004A Plan to undertake a routine task *GC

MEM14005A Plan a complete activity *GC

MEM15002A Apply quality systems *GC

MEM15024A Apply quality procedures *GC

MEM16006A Organise and communicate information *GC

MEM16007A Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment


MEM16008A Interact with computing technology

MEM17003A Assist in the provision of on the job training

* GC = Generic component assessed across a number of tasks

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Unit Code Unit Title Points Questions Practical

MEM09002B Interpret technical drawing 4

MEM18001C Use hand tools 2

MEM18002B Use power tools/hand held operations 2

Welding competencies:

MEM05051A Select welding processes 2

MEM05052A Apply safe welding practices 4

MEM05004C Perform routine oxy acetylene welding 2

MEM05012C Perform routine manual metal arc welding 2

MEM05015C Weld using manual metal arc welding processPrerequisites: MEM05012C, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B


MEM05049B Perform routine gas tungsten arc welding

MEM05019C Weld using gas tungsten arc welding processPrerequisites: MEM05049B, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B


MEM05050B Perform routine gas metal arc welding 2

MEM05017C Weld using gas metal arc welding processPrerequisites: MEM05050B, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B


MEM05006B Perform brazing and/or silver soldering 2

MEM05047B Weld using flux core arc welding processPrerequisites: MEM05050B, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B


MEM05022C Perform advanced welding using oxy acetylene welding processPrerequisites: MEM05004C, MEM05007C, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM09002B, MEM18001C, MEM18002B


MEM05016C Perform advanced welding using manual metal arc welding processPrerequisites: MEM05007C, MEM05012C, MEM05015C, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM09002B, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B


MEM05018C Perform advanced welding using gas metal arc welding processPrerequisites: MEM05007C, MEM05017C MEM05050B, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM09002B, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B


Other fabrication units:

MEM03003B Perform sheet and plate assemblyPrerequisites: MEM18001C, MEM18002B


MEM05005B Carry out mechanical cuttingPrerequisites: MEM12023A, MEM18001C


MEM05007C Perform manual heating and thermal cutting 2

MEM05008C Perform advanced manual thermal cutting, gouging and shapingPrerequisites: MEM05007C


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Unit Code Unit Title Points Questions Practical

MEM05010B Apply fabrication, forming and shaping techniquesPrerequisites: MEM05037B, MEM09002B, MEM12023A, MEM12024A, MEM18001C


MEM05011C Assemble fabricated componentsPrerequisites: MEM05005B, MEM05007C, MEM05012C, MEM05015C, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM09002B, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B


MEM05036C Repair/replace/modify fabricationsPrerequisites: MEM05005B, MEM05007C, MEM05011C, MEM05017C, MEM05050B, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM09002B, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B


MEM05037B Perform geometric developmentPrerequisites: MEM09002B, MEM12023A, MEM12024A


MEM12007C Mark off/out structural fabrications and shapesPrerequisites: MEM12023A


MEM10001C Erect structuresPrerequisites: MEM05007C, MEM05017C MEM05050B, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM09002B, MEM12007C, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B



Unit Code Unit Title Points Questions Practical

MEM11011B Undertake manual handling 2 *GC

MEM10010B Install pipework and pipework assembliesPrerequisites: MEM09002B, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B


* GC = Generic component assessed across a number of tasks


See Skills First RPL Assessor Kit for MEM30205 Certificate III in Engineering – Mechanical Tradeavailable at

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OVERVIEW OF RECOGNITION PROCESS FORMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

This kit has been developed to streamline the application for recognition of prior learning.

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Step 1:Analyse the application.

Identify links between any documents applicant provides

and competency units.Identify any key questions for

competency conversation.

Step 5:Identify any practical activities required to confirm competency

Observe practical activity

Step 7:Identify areas where 3rd party

verification is needed and inform candidate.

Confirm / Verify 3rd party reports

Step 3:Conduct competency


Step 2:Record results of analysis in table

at end of application

Step 4:Complete the Record of

Conversation sheets during the competency conversation

Step 6:Complete Practical Assessment

Tasks Observation Sheets

Step 8:Receive completed Third party


* Remember RPL assessment is an accumulative process of collecting evidence.

Complete assessment sign off & file documentation.

Issue qualification / advise of gap training as appropriate

Assessment Activity Record keeping Activity

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1. Complete application

The candidate completes the application forms in SECTION B. It is important candidates provide as much information of their previous experience in the engineering industry as is available.

Documents that may be available include but are not limited to:

any licences brief CV or work history certificates/results of assessment indentures/trade papers certificates/results of assessment – interstate/overseas, universities, vendor training

courses, in house courses, workshops, seminars, symposiums results/statements of attendance/ certificates – club courses e.g. first aid, officials, surf

life saving, etc tickets held eg forklift, crane, etc photographs of work undertaken diaries/task sheets/job sheets/log books site training records site competencies held record membership of relevant professional associations hobbies/interests/special skills outside work references/letters from previous employers/supervisors industry awards any other documentation that may demonstrate industry experience

Candidates also need to provide contact details for one or two referees who can confirm their industry skills in context and over time.

To have skills formally recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework, you must ensure the candidate’s skills meet industry standards.

2. Interview about candidate’s documentary information

Review the information provided by the candidate and arrange a time for both you and the candidate to discuss. Begin alignment of documentation and skills to the following qualification:

MEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

The candidate will have the opportunity to discuss and identify previous experience with you. The available documents are step one in collecting information and you will need to determine which units of competency, if any, are fully covered at this stage. You use your own or your RTO’s assessment recording forms to record this stage of the assessment.

There may be instances where the candidate has little, or no, documentary information of industry experience. This is not a barrier to gaining recognition. This will just require you to rely on the questioning, practical assessment and referee validation phases of the RPL process.

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3. Questions for the Competency Conversation

The bank of questions in SECTION C is the next phase in collecting evidence for the RPL process. The questions are designed to enable you to have a “competency conversation” with the candidate to further gain evidence of their past experience. REMEMBER, the primary focus is on the candidate’s experience.

Each question has “key points” to look for in responses. You may use the list of key points to formulate questions of your own if you wish, or contextualise the question to the candidate’s particular work situation. The Record of Conversation sheets indicate relevant content that should be sought. Place a tick next to each key point as you hear this topic being discussed during the conversation. You should read the “industry requirements” of each competency before the candidate answers the questions posed. You may also target the assessment to those aspects that present the greatest risk in the industry. Questions are aligned with the relevant unit/s of competency in SECTION G.

It is not intended every question for all competencies is asked, only those competencies the initial interview about the candidate’s documentary evidence has failed to fully address. The question bank covers most but not all units in the kit. Units without questions are covered in the practical assessment/scenario section.

4. Practical assessment tasks

It is important that you use both Steps 3 (Questioning) and 4 (Practical Assessment) in doing this assessment. The RPL process is a streamlined RPL process which does not rely solely on practical assessment but uses a combination of questioning and practical to provide evidence of candidate competence.

This is the third phase in collecting evidence. A practical skills test is then conducted by you at the candidate’s workplace or another suitable venue. Appropriate permission must be sought before entering workplaces.

This is a further opportunity for candidate to demonstrate competence. It is expected the practical assessment will comprise only those competencies the candidate is still unable to demonstrate knowledge/experience in after documentary review and questioning have been applied. These assessments contain the practical skills and application of knowledge for the qualification. A number of holistic practical assessments are included in this kit (SECTION D) to assist you with tasks suitable for observation on the job.

You decide if the response to questions and practical assessment tasks fulfils the requirements of the standard and may choose to pursue the issue further for a determination to be made. The assessment is a conversation/observation, not an exam, and you are encouraged to assist candidates to focus responses toward relevant issues.

Assessing through observation and questioning, particularly on the job, will speed up and streamline the RPL assessment process.

NOTE: Where candidate’s documentation and questions meet the assessment requirement, it is still strongly recommended the candidate undertake one practical assessment so you are confident in making a judgement of “competent”. The practical assessment selection should be negotiated between you and the candidate.

Recording sheets for candidate information, questioning and the practical assessments have been included in SECTION D. You may use other recording mechanisms provided these also keep a

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complete record of assessment and justification of judgement. Candidate responses, observations of skills demonstrated and documents presented as evidence must be noted in enough detail so anyone external to the process (e.g. a fellow assessor, auditor, lawyer, etc) can read the record and retrace your judgement.

5. Gap training

RPL is an assessment process designed to show areas of competence and to identify IF a candidate has gaps in skills and knowledge against a whole qualification.

Not all candidates will have skill/knowledge gaps.

If a candidate has skills gaps, a pathway to complete training in the outstanding units can be negotiated to assist the client to gain the full qualification.

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Recognition of prior learning outcomes (both Granted and Not Granted) are now funded nationally and as such will be included in National AVETMISS audits. NCVER have stipulated evidence recording requirements for RPL assessments as a minimum requirement for passing an AVETMISS audit. The following “Evidence Review” proforma has been approved by NCVER as covering AVETMISS audit requirements for RPL recorded outcomes. It also gives you an opportunity to track a student’s assessment progress at a glance.

It is expected that this “Evidence Review” summary sheet (or similar) would be attached to each participant’s evidence compiled during the RPL assessment process

(Place a tick in the appropriate evidence collection method column for each unit of competency. Place a line through those units not examined as part of this RPL assessment.).

Unit Code Unit Title









3rd P










MEM12023A Perform engineering measurements

MEM12024A Perform computations

MEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment

MEM14004A Plan to undertake a routine task

MEM14005A Plan a complete activity

MEM15002A Apply quality systems

MEM15024A Apply quality procedures

MEM16006A Organise and communicate information

MEM16007A Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment

MEM16008A Interact with computing technology

MEM17003A Assist in the provision of on the job training


MEM09002B Interpret technical drawing

MEM18001C Use hand tools

MEM18002B Use power tools/hand held operations

Welding Group of units

MEM05051A Select welding processes

MEM05052A Apply safe welding practices

MEM05004C Perform routine oxy acetylene welding

MEM05012C Perform routine manual metal arc welding

MEM05015C Weld using manual metal arc welding processPrerequisites: MEM05012C, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B

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Unit Code Unit Title









3rd P









MEM05049B Perform routine gas tungsten arc welding

MEM05019C Weld using gas tungsten arc welding processPrerequisites: MEM05049B, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B

MEM05050B Perform routine gas metal arc welding

MEM05017C Weld using gas metal arc welding processPrerequisites: MEM05050B, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B

MEM05006B Perform brazing and/or silver soldering

MEM05047B Weld using flux core arc welding processPrerequisites: MEM05050B, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B

MEM05022C Perform advanced welding using oxy acetylene welding processPrerequisites: MEM05004C, MEM05007C, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM09002B, MEM18001C, MEM18002B

MEM05016C Perform advanced welding using manual metal arc welding processPrerequisites: MEM05007C, MEM05012C, MEM05015C, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM09002B, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B

MEM05018C Perform advanced welding using gas metal arc welding processPrerequisites: MEM05007C, MEM05017C MEM05050B, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM09002B, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B

Other fabrication units

MEM03003B Perform sheet and plate assemblyPrerequisites: MEM18001C, MEM18002B

MEM05005B Carry out mechanical cuttingPrerequisites: MEM12023A, MEM18001C

MEM05007C Perform manual heating and thermal cutting

MEM05008C Perform advanced manual thermal cutting, gouging and shapingPrerequisites: MEM05007C

MEM05010B Apply fabrication, forming and shaping techniquesPrerequisites: MEM05037B, MEM09002B, MEM12023A, MEM12024A, MEM18001C

MEM05011C Assemble fabricated componentsPrerequisites: MEM05005B, MEM05007C, MEM05012C, MEM05015C, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM09002B, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B

MEM05036C Repair/replace/modify fabricationsPrerequisites: MEM05005B, MEM05007C, MEM05011C, MEM05017C, MEM05050B, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM09002B, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B

MEM05037B Perform geometric development

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Unit Code Unit Title









3rd P









Prerequisites: MEM09002B, MEM12023A, MEM12024A

MEM12007C Mark off/out structural fabrications and shapesPrerequisites: MEM12023A

MEM10001C Erect structuresPrerequisites: MEM05007C, MEM05017C MEM05050B, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM09002B, MEM12007C, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B


MEM11011B Undertake manual handling

MEM10010B Install pipework and pipework assembliesPrerequisites: MEM09002B, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B

Assessor’s Name:

Assessor’s Signature:


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SECTION BCandidate Information and

Application Forms

You give this information to the candidate for them to read about the RPL process and to complete the appropriate forms.

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Today’s engineering tradesperson uses tools, machines, equipment and engineering techniques to modify, fabricate, repair, assemble, and install boilers, and a range of light or heavy fabrication assemblies. Some tasks may include:

marking off, cutting, shaping, assembling and joining metal components

building, erecting, repairing, testing and maintaining all types of boilers, tanks and pressure vessels

performing all types of structural and plate work

lay-out plate, sheet steel or other heavy metal and locate and mark bending and cutting lines

shape the metal using metalworking machines such as shears and drill presses

fit, tack and weld parts together using electric arc welding equipment

cut marked metal sections using hand tools or flame cutting torches or by setting up and operating metalworking machines

shape and bend sections and pipes using hand and machine tools such as vices, hydraulic presses and rolling machines

assemble parts and structures by positioning and lining up parts and joining them by welding, bolting or riveting and, if large, with the aid of cranes and other equipment

repair and maintain metal products

A number of fabrication tradesperson can specialise in specific areas such as light fabrication, heavy fabrication, boilermaking, sheet metal working, casting and moulding, maintenance, patternmaking, surface finishing or welding.

The Certificate III qualification requires the completion of: 11 mandatory units, and Mechanical Trade Stream Units to the value of at least 40 points, and Specialisation Units to bring the total value of Mechanical Trade stream and Specialisation

units to at least 76 points.

An engineering tradesperson will have the following qualities: mechanical ability and good eye-hand coordination technical aptitude in following plans and diagrams physically fit and healthy with the stamina to work with heavy equipment good vision, hearing and sense of smell to diagnose problems able to think logically and keep up with changes in technology able to analyse and diagnose malfunctions

“If you are doing these roles in your job, then don’t write off your skills – consider getting them recognised.”

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To have skills formally recognised in the national system, assessors must make sure you have the skills and knowledge to meet the industry standard. This means you must be involved in a careful and comprehensive process that covers the content of all unit/s or qualification/s you can be recognised for.

Assessment happens in a variety of ways. Being prepared can save you valuable time and hassle and make the recognition process stress-free for you.

Here are some tips and hints for you:

1. Be prepared to talk about your job roles and your work history. Bring a resume or jot down a few points about where you have worked, either paid or unpaid, and what you did there.

2. Bring your position description and any performance appraisals you have from any engineering industry shops or facilities you have worked in.

3. Consider the possibilities for workplace contact. Are you in a workplace that is supporting your goals to get qualified? Would you feel comfortable to have the assessor contact your workplace or previous workplaces so your skills can be validated?

4. Think about who can confirm your skill level. Think about current or recent supervisors who have seen you work in the past 18 months and will be able to confirm your skills. The assessor will need to contact them. You may also have community contacts or even clients themselves who can vouch for your skills level.

5. Collect any certificates from in-house training or formal training you have done in the past.

6. You can speak with your training organisation about other ways you can show your skills in the engineering industry. These could be letters from employers, records of your professional development sessions, employers or clients in related industries or government agencies, acknowledgements, workplace forms (as long as they don’t show client details) or other relevant documents.

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Step 1 – Provide Information of your skills and experience

Complete the attached forms and provide as much information of your previous experience in the engineering industry as you can. This is your first opportunity (and not the last) to provide proof of your variety of experience in the industry. Here you can supply examples of your work history which could include:

any licences brief CV or work history certificates/results of assessment indentures/trade papers certificates/results of assessment – interstate/overseas, universities, vendor training

courses, in house courses, workshops, seminars, symposiums results/statements of attendance/ certificates – club courses e.g. first aid, officials, surf

life saving, etc tickets held eg forklift, crane, etc photographs of work undertaken diaries/task sheets/job sheets/log books site training records site competencies held record membership of relevant professional associations hobbies/interests/special skills outside work references/letters from previous employers/supervisors industry awards any other documentation that may demonstrate industry experience

Depending on the industry you have worked in, you may or may not have documentary evidence available. This should not deter you from seeking RPL as the Assessor will work with you during the RPL process.

You will also need to supply contact details of one or two work referees who can confirm your skills in the industry.

Step 2 – Conversation with Assessor

An assessor will review the information you have provided (usually with you) and begin to match up your skills to the units/subjects in the qualification. At this point, you will have the opportunity to discuss and identify your previous experience with the assessor who will understand your industry experience and conduct a competency conversation with you. You will be required to answer engineering industry related questions to identify your current skills.

Step 3 – Practical Demonstration of your Skills

The assessor will conduct a practical skills test at your workplace (if appropriate) or at another suitable venue. This, again, is an opportunity to demonstrate your level of competence. This assessment will be focussed on skills that are required in the qualification. Your assessor will identify the skills that he/she will want you to demonstrate.

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Further Steps

After the assessment, your assessor will give you information about the skills that have been recognised and if you have gained the full qualification. If you do have skill gaps, these may be addressed through flexible training.

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APPLICATION – Self Assessment QuestionnaireMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

Candidate Name: Date Completed:

Please identify your level of experience in each competency. Remember you are comparing your skills with the tradesperson level. There is no benefit to be gained by claiming competency in areas you cannot verify

Unit Code Unit Title I have performed these tasksFrequently Sometimes Never


MEM12023A Perform engineering measurements

MEM12024A Perform computations

MEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment

MEM14004A Plan to undertake a routine task

MEM14005A Plan a complete activity

MEM15002A Apply quality systems

MEM15024A Apply quality procedures

MEM16006A Organise and communicate information

MEM16007A Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment

MEM16008A Interact with computing technology

MEM17003A Assist in the provision of on the job training


MEM09002B Interpret technical drawing

MEM18001C Use hand tools

MEM18002B Use power tools/hand held operations

Welding group of units

MEM05051A Select welding processes

MEM05052A Apply safe welding practices

MEM05004C Perform routine oxy acetylene welding

MEM05012C Perform routine manual metal arc welding

MEM05015C Weld using manual metal arc welding process

MEM05049B Perform routine gas tungsten arc welding

MEM05019C Weld using gas tungsten arc welding process

MEM05050B Perform routine gas metal arc welding

MEM05017C Weld using gas metal arc welding process

MEM05006B Perform brazing and/or silver soldering

MEM05047B Weld using flux core arc welding process

MEM05022C Perform advanced welding using oxy acetylene welding process

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Unit Code Unit Title I have performed these tasksFrequently Sometimes Never

MEM05016C Perform advanced welding using manual metal arc welding process

MEM05018C Perform advanced welding using gas metal arc welding process

Other fabrication units

MEM03003B Perform sheet and plate assembly

MEM05005B Carry out mechanical cutting

MEM05007C Perform manual heating and thermal cutting

MEM05008C Perform advanced manual thermal cutting, gouging and shaping

MEM05010B Apply fabrication, forming and shaping techniques

MEM05011C Assemble fabricated components

MEM05036C Repair/replace/modify fabrications

MEM05037B Perform geometric development

MEM12007C Mark off/out structural fabrications and shapes

MEM10001C Erect structures


MEM11011B Undertake manual handling

MEM10010B Install pipework and pipework assemblies

Candidate Signature: Date:

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Applicant Details:

1. Occupation you are seeking recognition in

2 Personal Details


Preferred Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss)

First Name/s

Any other name used

Home Address

Postal address if different from above

Telephone Numbers Home: Work:

Mobile: Fax:

Date of Birth / /



Are you a permanent Resident of Australia


3 Current Employment

Are you currently employed?

If Yes, in which occupation are you currently employed?

Who is your current employer?




4. Armed Forces details (If Applicable)

Branch of Service

Trade classification on discharge

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5. Further Training

Have you undertaken any training courses related to the occupation applied for?


If Yes

What occupation were you trained in?

Training completion Date (month, year)

Country where you trained

Name of course and institution (if applicable)

6. Is there any further information you wish to give in support of your application

7. Professional Referees (relevant to work situation)




Phone Number

Mobile Number

Email Address










Phone Number

Mobile Number

Email Address







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Name, Address and Phone number of Employers

Period of Employment(DD/MM/YYYY)

Position Held Full TimePart-timeCasual

Description of Major Duties

From To





Attach additional sheet if required

If you are including documents in your application, please provide a brief description below

Document Description(e.g. resume, photos, awards etc)

Office Use Only – Assessor to use this section to align documents to specific units of competency and identify key questions for competency conversation


I declare that the information contained in this application is true and correct and that all documents are genuine.

Candidate Signature: Date

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SECTION CCompetency Conversation

This section assists the assessor in documenting the competency conversation.

Do NOT give this section to the candidate.

Once you have assessed the candidate’s documentary information and determined which competencies you still require more information/evidence on, you use the question bank and Record of Conversation sheets in this section to document evidence of past experience. It is not intended that every question for all competencies be discussed during the conversation, only those competencies the initial documentary review has failed to fully address.

Each question has “key points” to look for in responses. You may use the list of key points to formulate questions of your own if you wish, or contextualise or rephrase the suggested question to the candidate’s particular work situation. The questions are not intended to be a formal ‘script’ for the assessor to follow, but to provide guidance in exploring the range of the candidate’s skills, knowledge and experience in performing a particular task or function.

The Record of Conversation sheets indicate relevant content that should be sought. Place a tick next to each key point as you hear this topic being discussed during the conversation. In doing so, you are making a statement of fact about what you hear the candidate say during the competency conversation. Use the Comments section to provide further detail about the context of the discussion or briefly outline any examples discussed by the candidate. You may also use the Comments section to make a brief analysis of the responses or summary judgements about the quality of the candidate’s responses in relation to the requirements of the competency standard.

Remember, the notes you take about this conversation are important evidence and should be retained in the candidate’s assessment record.

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Note to Assessors: Refer to “Record of Conversation” sheets

Unit of Competency Question



Perform engineering measurements

1: Give examples of (4) different types of measuring devices you have used in your workplace and the application of each.

2: Discuss the types of measurements and calculations you have made from freehand sketches in order to determine the quantities of materials required for a job.

3: Explain how do you handle, store and maintain measuring devices in your workplace?


Perform computations

4: Explain the process you follow when performing calculations – for example: calculating speeds, volume, area, pressure

5: Explain the concept of percentage, ratio and proportion and how you have used them in your work.

6: Give four (4) examples of types of information that you have derived from a chart or graph.


Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment

7: What are the main OH&S considerations that you employ at your place of work and why do you employ these?

8: What are some of the hazards you need to consider when working in an engineering shop, and what action do you take to control these hazards?

9: In the event of an emergency, explain what the emergency procedures are in your workplace?


Plan to undertake a routine taskMEM14005A

Plan a complete activity

10: Describe the steps you have taken to prioritise and plan a routine task in your workplace.

11: What planning techniques have you used to schedule activities to ensure the job is completed on time?

12: What variations can you make to a job, for example, in the case of machine breakdown, or unavailability of components? Give an example of where you have had to alter your work pattern for an unforseen event.

13: How do measure the effectiveness of the work plan?


Apply quality systemsMEM15024A

Apply quality procedures

14: What do you ensure the quality of your work? 15: Why is it important for an organisation to have a total quality system

in place?


Organise and communicate information

16: Where can information, specifications or job requirements be accessed for job tasks carried out in the workplace?

17: Discuss three examples of how you have analysed and interpreted this reference information in order to complete your tasks?

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Unit of Competency Question


Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment

18: Choose an example of a task that you have completed with others, and explain how you have worked within the team.

19: How did the team monitor their activities to ensure the job would be completed on-time?

20: What attributes do you consider are important in order to work effectively in a team environment?


Interact with computing technology

21: Describe the types of computer technologies you are familiar with in your work environment and how you use them.


Assist in the provision of on the job training

22: Describe a situation where you have provided on-job training to a fellow worker.

23: What were the skills that the trainee achieved at the end of the training program/session?



Interpret technical drawings

F1: Describe the types of technical drawings used in your workshop and the sorts of information that can be found in these drawings that apply to your daily tasks.


Use hand toolsMEM18002B

Use power tools/hand held operation

F2: Using examples from your experience, explain how you have identified and selected hand and power tools to prepare for a job task.

F3: When using tools, what are some of the safety actions you observe?F4: How do you care for, and maintain, the tools you use?



Select welding processes

F5: Discuss how you have decided on a particular welding process and what type/s of welding processes you have used.

F6: Describe how you have set up and prepared for a welding job. (Prompts: Where did you get information about the job? What type of materials and equipment were required? How did you set up and adjust the equipment and settings?)


Apply safe welding practices

F7: Discuss risks and hazards involved in welding and how you have reduced those risks and hazards. (Prompts: What are some fire risks and how do you reduce them? What measures do you take to reduce electrical shock?)

Generic components:

General welding competencies

F8: Briefly explain the welding process.F9: Explain what distortion is. How do you prevent distortion prior to,

during and after welding? F10: What do you do after welding to ensure the weld is sound?

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Unit of Competency Question


Perform routine OXY acetylene welding

F11: What are a range tools and PPE equipment you have used in oxy acetylene welding?

F12: Discuss your understanding of 4 possible hazards associated with oxy welding as well as the precautions to remove or reduce the risk of injury or poor workmanship?

F13: Explain what may affect the quality of an oxy welding application.


Perform routine manual metal arc weldingMEM05015C

Weld using manual metal arc welding process

F14: Describe some of the instances where you have performed MMAW.F15: Provide some examples of where you have welded mild steel and

stainless in different positions to AS1554.F16: What is your understanding of the relationship between amperage,

electrode and material in MMAW welding?


Perform routine gas tungsten arc weldingMEM05019C

Weld using gas tungsten arc welding process

F17: What materials, consumables and equipment have you used when performing GTAW?

F18: Discuss your understanding of the gas properties and their application.

F19: Discuss some fillet and butt welds you have performed on a range of materials (eg. carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminium) using GTAW.


Perform routine gas metal arc weldingMEM05017C

Weld using gas metal arc welding process

F20: Discuss what work you have done using MIG.F21: What are some of the variables you have had to modify during the

welding process or when using the MIG handpiece?F22: Describe your experience in welding using the gas metal arc process

and provide examples of fillet and butt welds in vertical, horizontal and overhead positions.


Perform brazing and/or silver soldering

F23: Outline examples of brazing and silver soldering you have completed. Explain the process you have followed to complete the job.

F24: What do you look for when inspecting a completed joint?


Weld using flux core arc welding process

F25: Describe some of the key aspects of the flux core arc welding process. (Prompts: What are the properties of gases used in this type of welding? What filler metals do you use and in what situations? How to you maintain arc control? How do you identify and correct weld problems?)

F26: Discuss some examples of where you have carried out Flux Core Arc welding. Outline the steps you followed to complete the job.

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Unit of Competency Question

Generic components:

Advanced welding competencies

F27: Outline your understanding of Australian Standard 1554 and Australian Standard 3992.

F28: What are some of the defects you have encountered in welding? What defect testing have you performed? What measures did you employ to rectify defects?

F29: Outline some of the joint configurations you have produced in general fabrication applications. Talk about two of them in detail.

F30: Discuss what information you have completed on job weld sheets?


Perform advanced welding using oxy acetylene welding process

F31: Outline some advanced oxy acetylene welding jobs you have completed for general fabrication.


Perform advanced manual metal arc welding

F32: Describe the different aspects of welding cast iron, low alloy steel and stainless. Use examples to illustrate your response.


Perform advanced gas metal arc welding

F33: Provide some examples of where you have carried out GMAW to a range of structural sections (or plate or pipe) for general fabrication.



Perform sheet and plate assembly

F34: Describe components or a product you have assembled and what was involved in the assembly process.

F35: What type of assembly equipment did you need for the job?F36: What are some of the joining techniques you have used, and their



Carry out mechanical cutting

F37: Discuss some mechanical cutting machines you have used? How did you set up the machines ready to perform a job?

F38: What procedures do you follow to ensure measurements and tolerances were maintained correctly and that cut edges were finished to the required standard?


Perform manual heating and thermal cutting

F39: Describe the selection and equipment assembly process for an oxygen/acetylene or plasma cutting plant.

F40: Explain how the oxygen/fuel gas or plasma process works.


Perform advanced manual thermal cutting, gouging and shaping

F41: Describe a complex internal or external profile you have produced and the method used to cut, shape or gouge the item.

F42: Discuss the process you followed to produce the profile.

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Unit of Competency Question


Apply fabrication, forming and shaping techniques

F43: Describe the set up procedures for forming/bending equipment such as presses, rollers, pan – breaks, bar and pipe benders.

F44: Explain the operational procedures required for forming/bending machines you have used.


Assemble fabricated components

F45: What assembly methods and tools have you used to assemble fabricated items?

F46: Why is it important consult drawings and material lists prior to, during and on completion of an assembled fabricated item?

F47: Identify the critical elements associated with assembling a fabricated article.


Repair/replace/modify fabrications

F48: Discuss - in detail - an example of a fabrication you have repaired, modified or replaced. Talk about the task requirements, how you prepared the materials, undertook the repair/modification, and how you finished the job to specifications


Perform geometric development

F49: Outline the processes that you have used in developing patterns and templates from detailed drawings/sketches?

F50: Discuss your experience in using parallel line, radial line and triangulation development methods. Use an example of each to illustrate your response.

F51: What allowances for fabrication do you routinely apply in your development work?


Mark out/off structural fabrications and shapes

F52: What process have you used to transfer dimensions from drawings and templates to the work surface?

F53: What are three (3) ways of checking to ensure accuracy when marking out?

F54: What are the advantages of using templates?


Erect structuresF55: Name two (2) types of structures you have erected at work and explain

how they were erectedF56: In inspecting and preparing a site to erect a structure, how have

ensured it was the right location, dimensions and that it was level? What levelling techniques did you use? What have you done when the site was not correctly prepared?

F57: Discuss the safe work practices and procedures you have followed when erecting a structure.



Undertake manual handling

S1: Prior to moving heavy or large items of material between locations, what manual handling factors do you routinely consider?

S2: Outline some of the manual handling techniques you routinely apply when shifting small loads.

S3: Describe situations where you have used lifting equipment and tools to shift materials where more than one person was needed to complete the operation. What process did you follow?

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Unit of Competency Question


Install pipework and pipework assemblies

S4: Explain why proper planning is important when completing pipework fabrications and installations.

S5: Provide some examples where you have installed pipework assemblies. How have you tested pipework once it has been installed?

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RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM12023A Perform engineering measurements


Question 1: Give examples of (4) different types of measuring devices you have used in your workplace and the application of each.

Question 2: Discuss the types of measurements and calculations you have made from freehand sketches in order to determine the quantities of materials required for a job.

Question 3: Explain how do you handle, store and maintain measuring devices in your workplace?

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted

Question 1Standard Operating Procedures

Workplace documentation

Job specifications

Mathematical literacy

Discusses a range of measuring devices and how each is used: eg protractors combination squares set squares dial indicators thermometers tapes rules micrometers vernier scaled measuring equipment other

Understands how to adjust and/or ‘zero’ devices

Question 2

Asks questions if not sure of sketches

Takes measurements in more than on place

Takes accurate readings from devices

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted

Makes standard allowances eg. clearances

Identifies factors relevant to the measurements and calculations

Accurately measures and records particulars for the job (eg length, perimeter, area, mass, volume)

Performs calculations, applies formulas (+, -, x, /,)

Applies ratios, percentages

Applies rounding to measurements as required

Able to covert metres into millimetres, and square meters into square millimetres

Potentially able to convert imperial measurements into metric

Understands tolerances

Question 3

Follows manufacturers instruction and workplace procedures for maintenance

Validates devices using zeroing or scale adjustments

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RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM12024A Perform computations


Question 4: Explain the process you follow when performing calculations – for example: calculating speeds, volume, area, pressure

Question 5: Explain the concept of percentage, ratio and proportion and how you have used them in your work.

Question 6: Give four (4) examples of types of information that you have derived from a chart or graph.

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted

Question 4Standard Operating Procedures

Workplace documentation

Mathematical literacy

Obtains data from relevant sources

Determines the required calculation method / formula

Substitutes correct numerical values into formula

Estimates expected results, including rounding off

Applies calculation method correctly

Obtains correct answer

Checks answer against initial estimation

Question 5

Discusses percentages (expressing a number as a fraction of 100) and how they are used in the workplace

Discusses ratios (proportional amount or magnitude of one quantity relative to another) and how they are applied to tasks performed

Discusses proportions (equation with a ratio on each side) and how they are applied to tasks performed

Question 6

Discusses information obtained from a chart or graph, eg: cost per unit comparison time per unit timelines profit and loss analysis other

Routinely uses charts or graphs such as pie charts, bar charts, histograms, etc in work tasks

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RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment


Question 7: What are the main OH&S considerations that you employ at your place of work and why do you employ these?

Question 8: What are some of the hazards you need to consider when working in an engineering shop, and what action do you take to control these hazards?

Question 9: In the event of an emergency, explain what the emergency procedures are in your workplace?

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted

Question 7OHS legislation and work safety practices

Standard Operating Procedures

Workplace documentation

Manufacturer’s instructions for materials and equipment

Demonstrates understanding of workplace procedures for hazard identification and risk control (SOP, MSDS, labels, load safety, personal well-being and safety)

Understands safety hazards (risks to self, others, materials and equipment)

Appreciates the value of using PPE to minimise risks

Has knowledge of the need to report incidents and injuries

Question 8

States a number of site hazards eg - other workers and persons; other structures and equipment; machinery; hot metals; hazardous materials; noise; dust; heat; fumes; gases; dangerous goods; chemicals; waste; rubbish; inadequate lighting; electrical hazards; lifting and carrying; heavy loads; moving vehicles; tools and equipment

Routinely identifies and avoids obstacles

Erects barricades and signage

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted

Applies correct manual handling / uses machines for heavy loads / considers load carrying capacity

Takes emergency/defensive action for controlling loads eg. emergency shutdown of equipment

Uses and maintains personal protective equipment

Uses guards on equipment

Uses high visibility clothing/reflective vests

Inspects equipment for damage or worn parts; retires defective equipment

Routinely uses MSDS

Keeps work area tidy and free of obstruction

Maintains personal health

Seeks/administers first aid when required

Question 9

Recounts documented workplace proceudres

Isolates area of emergency

States location of emergency equipment

Names emergency personnel, safety representatives, first aid officers and how to contact them in an emergency

Follows directions of emergency personnel

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RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM14004A Plan to undertake a routine task

MEM14005A Plan a complete activity


Question 10: Describe the steps you have taken to prioritise and plan a routine task in your workplace.

Question 11: What planning techniques have you used to schedule activities to ensure the job is completed on time?

Question 12: What variations can you make to a job, for example, in the case of machine breakdown, or unavailability of components? Give an example of where you have had to alter your work pattern for an unforseen event.

Question 13: How do measure the effectiveness of the work plan?

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted

Question 10Standard Operating Procedures

Workplace documentation

Work safety practices

Time management

Effective communication

Assesses job requirements

Reads work instructions or job order, plans, drawings or designs, specifications

Identifies task outcomes

Identifies timeframes

Identifies quality requirements

Breaks job into smaller tasks

Sequences tasks

Identifies and orders materials, components, parts

Identifies and selects tools and equipment (makes modifications to tools as required by the job)

Selects appropriate PPE and safety measures

Sets-up work area

Question 11

Routine uses time management techniques: scheduling prioritising setting goals

Question 12

Uses contingency planning

Negotiates delivery timeframes with supervisor

Sources components from alternative suppliers

Repairs, services, replaces tools and equipment parts to prevent tool failure on the job

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted

Follows authorised changes to schedules

Discusses an example of when work pattern has been adjusted / altered

Question 13

Reviews work plan against specifications and task requirements

Meets quality, quanity, timeliness and cost requirements

If necessary, revises plan to better meet specifications and task requirements

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RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM15002A Apply quality systems

MEM15024A Apply quality procedures


Question 14: What do you ensure the quality of your work?

Question 15: Why is it important for an organisation to have a total quality system in place?

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted

Question 14Quality Assurance System

Standard Operating Procedures

Workplace documentation

Work safety practices

Waste minimisation

Follows standard operating procedures

Follows work plans, instructions, specifications

Seeks clarification when unsure

Applies Australian Standards / industry standards

Checks working condition/accuracy of equipment

Monitors output; inspects product at each control point

Completes workplace documentation at each stage of process

Reports process breakdowns / product defects

Contributes to process improvement

Takes corrective action / resolve issues

Question 15

Understands the importance of producing quality products that meet customer requirements

Understands the consequences of increased customer satisfaction > possible repeat business > long-term customer relationship

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted

Takes pride in the reputation / industry standing of the business

Understands the cost-quality relationship

Follows quality processes to minimise wastage and inefficiency

Understands that quality Increases business competitiveness

Understands that quality systems ensures organisations keep up with technology

Understands quality processes increase job satisfaction for staff

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RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM16006A Organise and communicate information


Question 16: Where can information, specifications or job requirements be accessed for job tasks carried out in the workplace?

Question 17: Discuss three examples of how you have analysed and interpreted this reference information in order to complete your tasks?

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted

Question 16Codes and Standards

Standard Operating Procedures

Workplace documentation

Effective communication

Discusses various sources of information: workshop supervisor technical manuals technical drawings Australian Standards job instructions, specifications, standard operating

procedures drawings, sketches computers (data, documents)

Question 17

Understands and interprets technical information and general engineering terminology

Measures relevance of information to task at hand

Applies information to achieve task outcomes

Clarifies information or consults with supervisor or workplace expert

Completes reports from information accessed

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RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM16007A Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment


Question 18: Choose an example of a task that you have completed with others, and explain how you have worked within the team.

Question 19: How did the team monitor their activities to ensure the job would be completed on-time?

Question 20: What attributes do you consider are important in order to work effectively in a team environment?

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted

Question 18Standard Operating Procedures

Workplace documentation

Effective communication

Understands common goals and objectives of team

Establishes roles and responsibilities of each person

Plans and organises tasks, allocates roles to each person

Draws on expertise of others

Allocates timeframes to each task

Sets ground rules

Performs tasks

Works to agreed goals

Question 19

Applies mutual planning and allocation of work within team

Coordinates with others: eg where tasks are interdependent

Reviews progress against plan

Identifies and resolves problems

Adapts and adjusts process as needed

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted

Question 20:

Listening skills

Communication skills – clear, concise and honest

Establishing relationship with supervisor and work team

Understanding group dynamics and how to reach agreement

Contributing to group goals and planning, offer opinions

Participating enthusiastically: collaborate, cooperate, share responsibility

Ability to respect others opinions and diversity

Supporting others, giving feedback

Being open to new ideas and innovation

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RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM16008A Interact with computing technology


Question 21: Describe the types of computer technologies you are familiar with in your work environment and how you use them.

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted

Question 21Standard Operating Procedures

Workplace documentation

Work safety practices

Effective communication

Manufacturer’s instructions for materials and equipment

Information technology literacy

Describes computer technologies used: word processing, spreadsheets or databases customised engineering and manufacturing

applications material resource planning (MRP) warehousing inventory applications predictive reliability and maintenance applications production data management applications other

Uses software, functions and commands to manipulate data, images, information to produce the required format

Enters or retrieves data using appropriate software applications

Uses software menus, functions and commands

Enters, changes or deletes data

Uses help programs when required

Saves changes

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RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM17003A Assist in the provision of on the job training


Question 22: Describe a situation where you have provided on-job training to a fellow worker.

Question 23: What were the skills that the trainee achieved at the end of the training program/session?

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted

Question 22Codes and Standards

Standard Operating Procedures

Workplace documentation

Work safety practices

Effective communication

Understands purpose, scope of training to be delivered

Identifies the key people involved – trainee, self, supervisor, other workers

Plans the training: location, resources, materials and equipment; safety considerations, timing, duration

Uses a suitable training method – eg. explanation, demonstration, simulation, observation

Uses feedback techniques to support and encourage

Monitors progress against learning outcomes

Reports on progress to supervisor

Question 23

Discusses the success of the program – were the outcomes were achieved. If not, why not?

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RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM09002B Interpret technical drawings


Question F1: Describe the types of technical drawings used in your workshop and the sorts of information that can be found in these drawings that apply to your daily tasks.

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F1Engineering references –specifications, plans, drawings

Standard Operating Procedures (incorporating AS1100)

Workplace documentation

Identifies a range of drawings and their use in day to day tasks

Identifies information such as version number, special fabrication/welding notes, dimensions and material lists

Identifies a range of features: geometry dimensions tolerances finishes

Interprets line styles: visible hidden centre cutting plane section

Interprets multiple views and projections: orthographic section detail isometric auxiliary projection

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Checks drawing’s details against job requirements

Checks material lists and parts lists

Interprets relationships of the views contained within the drawing

Interprets objects depicted in drawings

Interprets welding symbols and fabrication notes

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MEM18002B Use power tools/hand held operation


Question F2: Using examples from your experience, explain how you have identified and selected hand and power tools to prepare for a job task.

Question F3: When using tools, what are some of the safety actions you observe?

Question F4: How do you care for, and maintain, the tools you use?

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F2Engineering references –specifications, plans, drawings

Standard Operating Procedures

Workplace documentation

Work safety practices

Effective communication

Manufacturer’s instructions for materials and equipment

Uses a range of:Hand tools: Hacksaws, hammers, punches, screwdrivers, sockets, wrenches, scrapers, chisels, gouges, wood planes and files of all cross-sectional shapes and typesPower tools: Electric or pneumatic/hydraulic drills, grinders, jigsaws, nibblers, cutting saws, sanders, planers, routers, pedestal drills and pedestal grinders

Selects the most ergonomic and efficient tool for job at hand (eg. to produce the required finish, tension, size or shape etc

Inspects tools for usability and identifies and reports faulty equipment

Understands limitation of the tool

Sharpens and shapes tools

Uses support or tool positioning brackets as required

Selects appropriate power supply (mains, battery pack, compressed air)

Question F3

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Selects appropriate PPE (eg gloves, safety glasses, footwear)

Checks switches and guards

Chooses correct settings before use

Disconnects power tools before making adjustments

Checks for trailing power cords; unravels cords before use

Clamps materials securely before using hand tools

Switches power tools off when not in use

Use tools for proper use

Question F4

Cleans and stores tools after use

Regularly tests tools and equipment

Tags power tools for electrical testing if required

Rolls up leads neatly

Maintains equipment log book

Repairs damaged tools immediately

Keeps tool storage area clean, safe, dry and tidy

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RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM05051A Select welding processes


Question F5: Discuss how you have decided on a particular welding process and what type/s of welding processes you have used.

Question F6: Describe how you have set up and prepared for a welding job. (Prompts: Where did you get information about the job? What type of materials and equipment were required? How did you set up and adjust the equipment and settings?)

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F5Work safety practices

Australian Standards

Standard operating procedures

Material safety data sheets

Work notes and plans

Product labels

Manufacturers’ specifications

Waste minimisation

Identifies materials, equipment and tools to be used

Identifies characteristics and uses of materials used

Applies appropriate welds: fusion (electric arc, gas (oxy-fuel), thermit welding) pressure welding (resistance, fire or forge, friction,

explosive) low temperature processes (soldering, brazing) ultrasonic welding electron beam welding

Question F6

Determines weld requirements from work instructions, job sheets, or drawings

Ensures the equipment is in good condition and suitable for the job at hand

Selects appropriate welding machine: checks and adjusts settings selects correct welding electrodes ensures equipment is in good condition conducts tests to ensure there are no leaks eg soapy

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

water corrects and adjusts working pressures undertakes test run, flushes pipes to prevent


Assembles consumables

Sets up jigs, clamps

Cleans and prepares materials (cleans materials of any rust, mill scale, grease, paint or oil)

Assembles and aligns materials – measures with rulers and squares

Prepares and measures joints

Makes edge preparations, and cleans edges

Places assembly and alignment markings on items prior to welding.

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RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM05052A Apply safe welding practices


Question F7: Discuss risks and hazards involved in welding and how you have reduced those risks and hazards. (Prompts: What are some fire risks and how do you reduce them? What measures do you take to reduce electrical shock?)

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F7Work safety practices

Australian Standards

Standard operating procedures

Material safety data sheets

Work notes and plans

Product labels

Manufacturers’ specifications

Waste minimisation

Discusses a range of hazards: gas leakages – eg acetylene, oxygen contamination with grease or oil failure of regulators fire and explosion electrical shock

Reduces risk:

Always uses PPE

Uses correct colour and type of hoses and fittings recommended by the manufacturers

Never uses copper on acetylene lines as substances which may spontaneously detonate are formed

Fits flashback arresters to all oxy-acetylene equipment to overcome the danger of flashback

Ensures oxy-acetylene equipment is not left near hot equipment or metals which could burn the leads

Tests gas leaks by using soap and water

Maintains equipment to prevent accidents

Ensures welding area is a no-smoking zone (ensures own lighter not in pocket)

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Ensures area is well ventilated

Erects signage to warn others of danger

Follows correct manual handling practices

Reduces potential electrical shock: never attempts to connect or change welding cables

before switching off the power at the mains first installs the welding machine as near as possible to

the power point keeps the welding machine terminals and cable

connections clean and tight - only uses welding cables that are fully insulated throughout their entire length

works on a well insulated floor wears rubber insulated shoes wears dry gloves when handling equipment that is

live gets a qualified electrician to do any electrical repairs

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

RECORD OF CONVERSATIONGeneric components: General welding competencies


Question F8: Briefly explain the welding process.

Question F9: Explain what distortion is. How do you prevent distortion prior to, during and after welding?

Question F10: What do you do after welding to ensure the weld is sound?

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F8Work safety practices

Australian Standards

Standard operating procedures

Material safety data sheets

Work notes and plans

Product labels

Manufacturers’ specifications

Waste minimisation

Response demonstrates understanding of: how electricity is used for welding how weld is formed principal components of the welding equipment and

their function work safety practices

Question F9

Explains distortion: mismatch of thermal expansion in the weld and surrounding material

Prior to welding: identifies potential distortion uses tacks, jigs, presetting or clamps to prevent


During welding: balanced welding back stepping chain stitching

After welding mechanical pressing spot heating to correct buckling line heating to correct angular distortion in fillet weld wedge-shaped heating to straighten plate consolidations

Question F10

Cleans welds – etching, grinding, wire brushing, arc gouging, thermal cutting, chemical additives, anti-corrosion treatments

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Visually checks and measures weld size, excess weld metal, penetration, undercut, profile and finish

Checks quality of weld

Understands dangers of faulty welds and consequence of failure

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RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM05004C Perform routine OXY acetylene welding


Questions F8 to F10 also apply. (These apply to all welding units, but need only be asked once during the competency conversation)

Question F11: What are a range tools and PPE equipment you have used in oxy acetylene welding?

Question F12: Discuss your understanding of 4 possible hazards associated with oxy welding as well as the precautions to remove or reduce the risk of injury or poor workmanship?

Question F13: Explain what may affect the quality of an oxy welding application.

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F11Work safety practices

Australian Standards

Standard operating procedures

Material safety data sheets

Work notes and plans

Product labels

Manufacturers’ specifications

Waste minimisation

Selects and fits PPE equipment: long sleeve overalls, safety boots with steel caps, leather apron, leather gloves, leather spats, gas welding goggles, hat or cap, respirator if required

Uses a range of tools: various cutting tips, tip cleaners, roller guide, circle guide, cutting attachments, angle grinder and bench grinder jigs and fixtures, cutting station, protective barriers and signs, non flammable covers

Question F12

Discusses backfire: cools the tip operates at correct distance from the molten material ensures there is sufficient gas working pressure to

maintain the flame

Discusses flash back: ensures flash back arrestor is installed/engaged to

stop a flame from travelling beyond the hoses and to the cylinders where an explosion could occur

Discusses leaking connections: checks connection prior to using oxy plant (eg soapy

water test or pressure test on the equipment where working pressure is dropping

adjusts working pressure turns off cylinders monitors pressure readings over a period of time

Discusses volatile gas: treats gas cylinders with respect ensures gas cylinders do not become overheated

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

uses and stores gas cylinders correctly (upright position)

Discusses combustion: recognises risks created by an oxygen enriched

environment where combustion may readily occur

Question F13

Discusses impact of coatings eg galvanising, zinc or alloy material as well as colour bond coatings

Understands that melting or mixing of the coating removes the qualities and can at times give off harmful gaseous material

Discusses alternatives eg. braze welding or brazing where less heat is involved and the coating or quality of the parent material is not affected

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RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM05012C Perform routine manual metal arc welding

MEM05015C Weld using manual metal arc welding process


Questions F8 to F10 also apply. (These apply to all welding units, but need only be asked once during the competency conversation)

Question F14: Describe some of the instances where you have performed MMAW.

Question F15: Provide some examples of where you have welded mild steel and stainless in different positions to AS1554.

Question F16: What is your understanding of the relationship between amperage, electrode and material in MMAW welding?

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F14Work safety practices

Australian Standards

Standard operating procedures

Material safety data sheets

Work notes and plans

Product labels

Manufacturers’ specifications

Waste minimisation

Identifies a range of MMAW welding jobs completed

Candidate’s response indicates understanding of: properties and characteristics of materials and

consumables understanding of weld characteristics correct application of MMAW processes

Question F15

Uses only low and mild carbon steel or similar for welds

Understands properties and characteristics of materials and consumables

Examples provided demonstrate a range of applications in light or heavy fabrication activities

Question F16

Explains the process to determine or demonstrate setting for correct amperages of the following electrodes: cellulose rutile low hydrogen full iron powder

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM05049B Perform routine gas tungsten arc welding

MEM05019C Weld using gas tungsten arc welding process


For MEM05019C, please tick this box to indicate all prerequisites for these units have been met. Pre-requisites MEM05049B, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B

Questions F8 to F10 also apply. (These apply to all welding units, but need only be asked once during the competency conversation)

Question F17: What materials, consumables and equipment have you used when performing GTAW?

Question F18: Discuss your understanding of the gas properties and their application.

Question F19: Discuss some fillet and butt welds you have performed on a range of materials (eg. carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminium) using GTAW.

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F17Work safety practices

Australian Standards

Standard operating procedures

Material safety data sheets

Work notes and plans

Product labels

Manufacturers’ specifications

Waste minimisation

Materials (mild and low carbon steel)

Consumables (tungsten electrodes, filler wire, shielding gas)

Equipment (hoses, welding leads and gas shrouds, electrodes, gas regulator, liners, contact tips, machine settings)

Question F18

Explains gas types and their purpose used the various materials eg aluminium, mild steel, stainless steel

Protects weld from contamination exposed to atmosphere

Aids weld penetration

Smoother weld face finish

Argon, helium, argon/CO2 or CO2

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F19

Examples provided indicate that appropriate techniques are used and that the candidate routinely: interprets weld requirements and

specifications/procedures applies knowledge of properties and characteristics

of a wide range of materials uses hand and power tools to prepare and weld

materials performs welding to AS1554 SP corrects weld faults to AS3992

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM05050B Perform routine gas metal arc welding

MEM05017C Weld using gas metal arc welding process


For MEM05017C, please tick this box to indicate all prerequisites for these units have been met. Prerequisites: MEM05050B, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B.

Questions F6 to F10 also apply. (These apply to all welding units, but need only be asked once during the competency conversation)

Question F20: Discuss what work you have done using MIG.

Question F21: What are some of the variables you have had to modify during the welding process or when using the MIG handpiece?

Question F22: Describe your experience in welding using the gas metal arc process and provide examples of fillet and butt welds in vertical, horizontal and overhead positions.

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F20Work safety practices

Australian Standards

Standard operating procedures

Material safety data sheets

Work notes and plans

Product labels

Manufacturers’ specifications

Waste minimisation

Identifies a range of applications where MIG has been used

Question F21

Discuss modifications to variables: current and voltage settings gas flow rates wire diameters wire feed speed

Demonstrates understanding of impact of changing variables and the result achieved/produced by those changes

Question F22

Examples provided confirm candidate’s knowledge of: types of gases and their uses the relationships between amperage/wire feed,

voltage, gas flow, electrode and material the application of weld metal transfer (short arc,

spray etc.) correct welding machine, leads, hand pieces and

electrodes electrode classification causes of distortion for materials safe welding practices

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM05006B Perform brazing and/or silver soldering


Question F23: Outline examples of brazing and silver soldering you have completed. Explain the process you have followed to complete the job.

Question F24: What do you look for when inspecting a completed joint?

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F23Work safety practices

Australian Standards

Standard operating procedures

Material safety data sheets

Work notes and plans

Product labels

Manufacturers’ specifications

Waste minimisation

Discusses a range of examples in which brazing / silver soldering has been performed

Prepares materials, heating equipment and consumables

Preheats materials

Applies consumables (describes techniques for this)

Applies jointing material

Normalises temperature

Question F24

Excess jointing materials

Unwanted solder bridges between adjacent joints

Low joint strength

Imperfections due to use of incorrect technique

Fractured joints

Cold joints when too little heat was applied

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM05047B Weld using flux core arc welding process


Competency in this unit cannot be claimed until all prerequisites have been satisfied. Prerequisites: MEM05050B, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B Please tick this box to indicate all prerequisites for these units have been met

Question F25: Describe some of the key aspects of the flux core arc welding process. (Prompts: What are the properties of gases used in this type of welding? What filler metals do you use and in what situations? How to you maintain arc control? How do you identify and correct weld problems?)

Question F26: Discuss some examples of where you have carried out Flux Core Arc welding. Outline the steps you followed to complete the job.

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F25Work safety practices

Australian Standards

Standard operating procedures

Material safety data sheets

Work notes and plans

Product labels

Manufacturers’ specifications

Waste minimisation

Explains the affect on weld quality of: polarity electrode classifications gas combinations welding position

Discusses the properties and uses of inert gases reactive gases shielding gas mixes

Identifies variables that can directly affect weld quality welding current and voltage type of shielding gas/flux diameter and type of filler metal type and condition of equipment welding technique

Identifies problems common to out of position welding

Describes corrective actions to avoid: surface porosity subsurface porosity lack of fusion burn through lack of penetration coldlapping

Question F26

Provides a range of examples of flux core welding

Checks job specifications, drawings, etc

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Identifies weld requirements from drawings

Selects consumables and machine settings

Interprets relevant codes and standards

Ensures materials are clean and free of rust, mill scale, grease, point and oil

Makes edge preparations

Makes alignment markings prior to weld

Identifies material type and thickness

Selects appropriate machine settings

Identifies and selects correct welding electrodes

Uses tacks, jigs, presetting or clamps to prevent distortion

Uses balanced welding, back stepping or chain stitching to prevent distortion

Applies distortion correction – peening, pressing, stress relieving

Checks completed weld

Grinds and re-welds to fix defects

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

RECORD OF CONVERSATIONGeneric components: Advanced welding competencies


Question F27: Outline your understanding of Australian Standard 1554 and Australian Standard 3992.

Question F28: What are some of the defects you have encountered in welding? What defect testing have you performed? What measures did you employ to rectify defects?

Question F29: Outline some of the joint configurations you have produced in general fabrication applications. Talk about two of them in detail.

Question F30: Discuss what information you have completed on job weld sheets?

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F27Work safety practices

Australian Standards

Standard operating procedures

Material safety data sheets

Work notes and plans

Product labels

Manufacturers’ specifications

Waste minimisation

AS1554 General Purpose of structural steel welding, recommended to AS1554 standard using MMAW and GMAW processesApplications – horizontal, flat, overhead, verticalMaterials – mild steel, stainless steel, low alloys

AS3992 – covers oxy acetylene welding at the intermediate level

Question F28

Discusses defects encountered: porosity slag inclusions cracking discontinuities lack of penetration or fusion undercut misalignment overrollDiscusses testing performed: makes visual observation and assessment of welds

in workshop situations performs destructive tests where required performs non-destructive tests refers to laboratory for further testing if required (eg

Xray, ultrasound testing, etc)

Discusses correction methods: applies peening, pressing, stress relieving checks complete weld against drawing and weld

codes and Recognition of Welding Faults

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

fixes defects by grinding and re-welding cleans weld and applies post-weld treatments

Question F29

Produces a range of welds: square butt welds flange welds lap welds single v-butt welds fillet welds double v-butt welds outside corner welds

Question F30

Operators name

Type and size of electrode

Type and thickness of material

Joint preparation used

Amperage used

Weld sequence

Pre-heat/post heat

Joint position

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM05022C Perform advanced welding using oxy acetylene welding process


Please tick this box to indicate all prerequisites for these units have been met. Prerequisites: MEM05004C, MEM05007C, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM09002B, MEM18001C, MEM18002B

Questions F27-to F30 also apply.

Question F31: Outline some advanced oxy acetylene welding jobs you have completed for general fabrication.

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F31Work safety practices

Australian Standards

Standard operating procedures

Material safety data sheets

Work notes and plans

Product labels

Manufacturers’ specifications

Waste minimisation

Examples provided indicate that advanced techniques were used, and that the candidate routinely: interprets weld requirements and

specifications/procedures uses hand and power tools to prepare and weld

materials performs welding to AS1554 corrects weld faults to AS3992 uses measurement and numeracy skills for advanced

oxy acetylene welding enters information on to proformas and standard

workplace forms

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM05016C Perform advanced manual metal arc welding


Please tick this box to indicate all prerequisites for these units have been met. Pre-requisites: Prerequisites: MEM05007C, MEM05012C, MEM05015C, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM09002B, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B

Questions F27 to F30 also apply.

Question F32: Describe the different aspects of welding cast iron, low alloy steel and stainless. Use examples to illustrate your response.

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F32Work safety practices

Australian Standards

Standard operating procedures

Material safety data sheets

Work notes and plans

Product labels

Manufacturers’ specifications

Waste minimisation

Explains the differences in behavioural patterns of fluxes from: cast iron stainless steel low carbon/low alloy steels

Examples provided indicate that advanced techniques were used and that the candidate routinely: interprets weld requirements and

specifications/procedures applies knowledge of properties and characteristics

of a wide range of materials uses hand and power tools to prepare and weld

materials performs welding to AS1554 SP corrects weld faults to AS3992 uses measurement and numeracy skills for advanced

welding enters information on to proformas and standard

workplace forms

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM05018C Perform advanced gas metal arc welding


Please tick this box to indicate all prerequisites for these units have been met. Prerequisites: MEM05007C, MEM05017C MEM05050B, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM09002B, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B.

Questions F27 to-F30 also apply

Question F33: Provide some examples of where you have carried out GMAW to a range of structural sections (or plate or pipe) for general fabrication.

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F33Work safety practices

Australian Standards

Standard operating procedures

Material safety data sheets

Work notes and plans

Product labels

Manufacturers’ specifications

Waste minimisation

Examples provided indicate that advanced techniques were used and that the candidate routinely: interprets weld requirements and

specifications/procedures applies knowledge of properties and characteristics

of a wide range of materials uses hand and power tools to prepare and weld

materials performs welding to AS1554 SP corrects weld faults to AS 3992 uses measurement and numeracy skills for welding

preparation applies welder identification systems such as

numbering, bar coding, paint coding, letter stamps enters information on to proformas and standard

workplace forms

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM03003B Perform sheet and plate assembly


Competency in this unit cannot be claimed until all prerequisites have been satisfied. Pre-requisites: MEM18001C, MEM18002B Please tick this box to indicate all prerequisites for these units have been met

Question F34: Describe components or a product you have assembled and what was involved in the assembly process.

Question F35: What type of assembly equipment did you need for the job?

Question F36: What are some of the joining techniques you have used, and their limitations?

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F34Work safety practices

Standard operating procedures

Work notes and plans

Safe handling of equipment and tools

Assembly tests/checks

Assembly/product handling and storage

Discusses suitable examples of assembly:eg white goods, appliances, electrical cabinets, metal furniture, cladding, shelving, ductwork and other sheet and plate assemblies

Follows correct sequence of operations

Prepares the surface for joining

Joins assemblies/fabrications

Tests/checks assembly meets job requirements

Stores assembly/fabrication safely

Question F35

Uses a range of equipment:jigs, fixtures, hand tools, power tools, safety/protection gear, welding/soldering/brazing

Question F36

Discusses joining techniques used: seaming bonding riveting welding

Discusses limitations of each technique and correct application

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM05005B Carry out mechanical cutting


Competency in this unit cannot be claimed until all prerequisites have been satisfied. Pre-requisites: MEM12003B, MEM18001C Please tick this box to indicate all prerequisites for these units have been met

Question F37: Discuss some mechanical cutting machines you have used? How did you set up the machines ready to perform a job?

Question F38: What procedures do you follow to ensure measurements and tolerances were maintained correctly and that cut edges were finished to the required standard?

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F37Work safety practices / PPE

Standard operating procedures

Relevant codes and standards

Work notes and plans

Safe handling of equipment and tools

Waste minimisation

Identifies a range of machines used:Eg guillotines, croppers, cold saws, band saws, automatic saws etc

Selects tooling to match job requirements

Installs tooling correctly

Sets up and adjusts machine

Sets and adjusts stops and guards

Secures material and correctly positions using measuring equipment

Follows correct starting and stopping process

Operates machine to cut/hole material to specifications

Question F38

Obtains measurement information from job sheets

Selects appropriate method/machine to meet specifications

Loads and adjusts machine for operation consistent with

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.


Checks material against specification

Adjusts machine and/or tooling prior to commencement

Carries out in-process adjustments

Cuts/holes material to within workplace tolerances

Uses material is in most economical way

Observes codes and standards

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM05007C Perform manual heating and thermal cutting


Question F39: Describe the selection and equipment assembly process for an oxygen/acetylene or plasma cutting plant.

Question F40: Explain how the oxygen/fuel gas or plasma process works.

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F39Work safety practices / PPE

Standard operating procedures

Relevant codes and standards

Work notes and plans

Safe handling of equipment and tools

Cutting processes appropriate to various materials

Waste minimisation

Identifies factors that determine selection of process such as oxy/fuel gas or plasma

Explains light up procedures for oxy/fuel gas

Explains set up for plasma cutting process

Sets up equipment as per SOPs

Makes kerf allowances

Identifies cutting variables

Identifies faults and correction methods

Question F40

Discusses the advantages of using a plasma arc cutting system

Describes the plasma arc process in relation to arc formation cutting gas cooling dross formation

Identifies and describes the purpose and parts of a plasma arc cutting system

Describes the appropriate method to:

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

start an arc set standoff distance control the kerf

Identifies good practice for oxy/fuel gas and plasma including defect identification

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM05008C Perform advanced manual thermal cutting, gouging and shaping


Competency in this unit cannot be claimed until all prerequisites have been satisfied. Pre-requisites: MEM05007C Please tick this box to indicate all prerequisites for these units have been met

Question F41: Describe a complex internal or external profile you have produced and the method used to cut, shape or gouge the item.

Question F42: Discuss the process you followed to produce the profile.

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F41Work safety practices / PPE

Standard operating procedures

Relevant codes and standards

Work notes and plans

Safe handling of equipment and tools

Cutting processes appropriate to various materials

Waste minimisation

Safe assembly/disassembly of plant and equipment

Produces a range of profiles: shape size surface finish

Uses a range of methods: oxy acetylene oxy/hydrogen plasma carbon arc

Question F42

Selects cutting process appropriate to material

Selects and assembles accessories and equipment

Starts-up equipment correctly and safely; performs operational checks

Cuts material suitable to shape/profile/surface finish

Identifies and corrects cutting defects

Removes material with minimum loss of sound metal

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM05010B Apply fabrication, forming and shaping techniques


Competency in this unit cannot be claimed until all prerequisites have been satisfied. Prerequisites: MEM05037B, MEM09002B, MEM12023A, MEM12024A, MEM18001C Please tick this box to indicate all prerequisites for these units have been met

Question F43: Describe the set up procedures for forming/bending equipment such as presses, rollers, pan – breaks, bar and pipe benders.

Question F44: Explain the operational procedures required for forming/bending machines you have used.

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F43Work safety practices / PPE

Standard operating procedures

Planning and sequencing

Work notes and plans

Safe handling of equipment and tools

Cutting processes appropriate to various materials

Waste minimisation

Fault identification and correction methods

Selects appropriate machine

Ensures machines are in good operational condition

Ensures machine guarding is in place

Makes allowances for material thickness

Identifies machine controls and adjustors

Question F44

Identifies when cold or hot forming is necessary

Identifies methods of loading material into forming machines

Identifies methods of checking fabrication for conformance

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM05011C Assemble fabricated components


Competency in this unit cannot be claimed until all prerequisites have been satisfied.Prerequisites: Path 1 - MEM05005B, MEM05007C, MEM05012C, MEM05015C, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM09002B, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B Please tick this box to indicate all prerequisites for these units have been met

Question F45: What assembly methods and tools have you used to assemble fabricated items?

Question F46: Why is it important consult drawings and material lists prior to, during and on completion of an assembled fabricated item?

Question F47: Identify the critical elements associated with assembling a fabricated article.

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F45Work safety practices / PPE

Standard operating procedures

Planning and sequencing

Work notes and plans

Safe handling of equipment and tools

Waste minimisation

Assembly methods

Uses a range of assembly methods and tools: jigs layouts templates

Ensures initial preparations and set up prevents distortion

Question F46

Prior to fabrication > identifies components from drawings and material lists and interprets codes/standards from drawings

During fabrication > positions components in accordance with drawings

After fabrication > checks for compliance with drawing

Question F47

Selects appropriate equipment

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RPL Assessor KitMEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Applies correct method for datum points, jigs, fixtures and measuring devices

Identifies and applies fixing/joining techniques

Identifies effects of distortion and ways of controlling distortion during the assembly process

Checks position of all assembles components visually and dimensionally

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RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM05036C Repair/replace/modify fabrications


Competency in this unit cannot be claimed until all prerequisites have been satisfied.Prerequisites: Path 2 - MEM05005B, MEM05007C, MEM05011C, MEM05017C, MEM05050B, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM09002B, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B Please tick this box to indicate all prerequisites for these units have been met

Question F48: Discuss - in detail - an example of a fabrication you have repaired, modified or replaced. Talk about the task requirements, how you prepared the materials, undertook the repair/modification, and how you finished the job to specifications

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F48Work safety practices / PPE

Standard operating procedures

Planning and sequencing

Australian Standards

Work notes and plans

Safe handling of equipment and tools

Waste minimisation

Reads and interprets job sheets, specifications, drawings, standard operating procedures, manufacturer documentation, etc

Inspects fabrication for defects, faults

Assesses material and equipment requirements

Prepares and marks out materials and components

Cuts, bends, rolls, shapes and forms materials

Positions and clamps materials for welding

Sets up and adjusts welding equipment

Undertakes pre-welding/tacking

Welds to all relevant codes, and specifications

Cleans and finishes fabrication

Checks modification against specifications

Completes reports and workplace documentation

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RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM05037B Perform geometric development


Competency in this unit cannot be claimed until all prerequisites have been satisfied. Prerequisites: MEM09002B, MEM12023A, MEM12024A, Please tick this box to indicate all prerequisites for these units have been met

Question F49: Outline the processes that you have used in developing patterns and templates from detailed drawings/sketches?

Question F50: Discuss your experience in using parallel line, radial line and triangulation development methods. Use an example of each to illustrate your response.

Question F51: What allowances for fabrication do you routinely apply in your development work?

=KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F49Work safety practices / PPE

Standard operating procedures

Planning and sequencing

Work notes and plans

Safe handling of equipment and tools

Waste minimisation

Transfers dimensions from a detail drawing to work

Reads and interprets specifications and job requirements

Establishes and marks out datum points

Selects appropriate materials for template (steel plate, perspex, timber, cardboard, paper etc.)

Produces templates applying relevant standards, codes and symbols

Estimates materials and quantities from drawings

Stores and labels templates correctly

Question F50

Describes procedures to lay out cylindrical and conical shapes

Applies parallel and radial line development processes to produce cylindrical and conical patterns

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=KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Calculates the inside, outside and mean diameter of a cylindrical component

Identifies the correct formula to calculate the allowances for seam and edges

Describes materials which are most malleable and are used in the production of cylindrical and conical shapes

Applies triangulation principles to produce a transition pattern

Uses triangulation to develop a pattern for an object whose sides are not parallel.

Question F51

Makes allowances for: thickness bend pitch angle circumference perimeter

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RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM12007C Mark out/off structural fabrications and shapes


Competency in this unit cannot be claimed until all prerequisites have been satisfied. Prerequisites: MEM12023A Please tick this box to indicate all prerequisites for these units have been met

Question F52: What process have you used to transfer dimensions from drawings and templates to the work surface?

Question F53: What are three (3) ways of checking to ensure accuracy when marking out?

Question F54: What are the advantages of using templates?

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F52Work safety practices / PPE

Standard operating procedures

Planning and sequencing

Work notes and plans

Safe handling of equipment and tools

Waste minimisation

Plans task

Establishes datum points

Identifies transfer methods used such as marking mediums and templates using datum points and appropriate tooling and templates

Transfers dimensions from engineering drawings/plans to engineering components

Applies correct method and sequence of marking out

Makes templates if required

Marks out

Checks work

Question F53

Uses appropriate checking methods: diagonals, 3,4,5, templates square

Refers to supervisor or other worker to aid in checking

Question F54

Discusses advantages: long lasting and accurate when labelled properly can be used readily instead

of making new patterns can be used as a double check method when


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Competency in this unit cannot be claimed until all prerequisites have been satisfied.Prerequisites: Path 1 - MEM05007C, MEM05012C, MEM05015C, MEM05051A, MEM05052A, MEM09002B, MEM12007C, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B Please tick this box to indicate all prerequisites for these units have been met

Question F55: Name two (2) types of structures you have erected at work and explain how they were erected

Question F56: In inspecting and preparing a site to erect a structure, how have ensured it was the right location, dimensions and that it was level? What levelling techniques did you use? What have you done when the site was not correctly prepared?

Question F57: Discuss the safe work practices and procedures you have followed when erecting a structure.

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Question F55 Work safety practices / PPE

Standard operating procedures

Work notes and plans

Safe handling of equipment and tools

Structure/site and materials specifications

Erection sequence

Structure conformance

Legislative and regulatory guidelines

Reporting and site documentation

Discusses structures erected: eg. metal frameworks, portals, stairways, walkways, vessels, tanks, platforms, conveyors and moving lines – including railings

Checks site for correct location, dimensions, levels

Makes any adjustments, corrections, alterations to site as required

Prepares surfaces and materials/components (ferrous and non-ferrous)

Prepares components in order of erection sequence

Erects components

Fixes components

Checks and adjusts the completed structure

Completes necessary documents/reports

Question F56

Checks against specifications

Checks and measurements site

Checks with appropriate authority if necessary

Follows procedure

Levels and aligns using plumb bob, plumb lines, levels

Reports site non-compliance to appropriate authority

Makes minor alterations, corrections and adjustments with approval

Question F57

Ensure site is prepared and inspected correctly

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted.

Controls hazards

Wears personal protective equipment

Follows procedure

Follows correct lifting and moving procedures

Checks structure for conformance and safety

Checks structure for load bearing capability

Adjusts structure to conform, ensures safety

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RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM11011B Undertake manual handling


Question S1: Prior to moving heavy or large items of material between locations, what manual handling factors do you routinely consider?

Question S2: Outline some of the manual handling techniques you routinely apply when shifting small loads.

Question S3: Describe situations where you have used lifting equipment and tools to shift materials where more than one person was needed to complete the operation. What process did you follow?

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted

Question S1OHS / PPE / work safety

Codes of practice

Industry standards

Standard operating procedures

Manufacturers’ specifications

Identifies materials to be moved – type, quantity

Identifies risks (damage to materials, self)

Determines weight, shape, dimensions, points of balance, power supply (for mechanically aided lifting)

Considers manual handling issues - is assistance of others is required?

Determines if lifting equipment if required; calculates safety loads

Calculates required clearances and plans route

Selects tools and equipment

Identifies storage locations (source and destination)

Question S2

Has regard to: own load bearing capacity distance load has to be lifted twisting frequency of lifting load placement clearance load shape and composition off-centre loads how easy the load is to grip how far the load has to be carried terrain, slopes, stairs load balance – centre of gravity, weight distribution capacity of other person in two-handed symmetrical

lifting tasks

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KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted

Question S3

Identifies and follows advisory standard for team lifting

Team leader nominated

Tasks of team members identified

Lifting technique identified

Predicts and plans for potential difficulties

Follows planned process and route

Uses appropriate tools for task described

Familiar with use of mechanical lifting aids

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RECORD OF CONVERSATIONMEM10010B Install pipework and pipework assemblies


Competency in this unit cannot be claimed until all prerequisites have been satisfied. Prerequisites: MEM09002B, MEM12023A, MEM18001C, MEM18002B Please tick this box to indicate all prerequisites for these units have been met

Question S4: Explain why proper planning is important when completing pipework fabrications and installations.

Question S5: Provide some examples where you have installed pipework assemblies. How have you tested pipework once it has been installed?

KEY POINTSThe candidate’s response should evidence the following

INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTSThese must be evidenced in the

candidate’s response

Indicate if response addresses KP and IR

COMMENTSRecord other key points and examples from conversation.

Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted

Question S4OHS / PPE / work safety

Codes of practice

Industry standards

Standard operating procedures

Manufacturers’ specifications

Plans work to ensure specifications, timelines, quality and proper sequencing

Includes ancillary items in the planning – e.g.: flanges, hangers, enclosures, stand-offs and support systems

Question S5

Discusses a range of examples of installing pipework assemblies

Performs installation in sequence

Cleans, purges, caps and seals pipework

Installs enclosures/hangers/support systems

Performs leak tests

Performs pressure testing and other non destructive testing methods

Tests all joints – welded and bolted

Installs ancillary devices

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SECTION DPractical Tasks and

ObservationRecording Sheets

You use this section to assist you in determining a candidate’s competency in those areas where they have not yet successfully demonstrated their skills, knowledge and prior experience. Therefore, candidates are not required to complete all tasks. You select tasks after considering available evidence collected through previous phases and according to context and needs of each candidate.

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Candidates are not required to complete all tasks. The assessor is to select tasks after considering available evidence collected through previous phases and according to context and needs of each candidate.

TASK 1 – Advanced OXY acetylene welding processMEM05022C Perform advanced welding using oxy acetylene welding process

Also assessed: MEM05051A Select welding processesMEM05052A Apply safe welding practicesMEM12023A Perform engineering measurementsMEM12024A Perform computationsMEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environmentMEM14004A Plan to undertake a routine taskMEM14005A Plan a complete activityMEM15002A Apply quality systemsMEM15024A Apply quality proceduresMEM16006A Organise and communicate informationMEM16007A Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environmentMEM09002B Interpret technical drawingMEM18001C Use hand toolsMEM18002B Use power tools/hand held operationsMEM11011B Undertake manual handling

This task requires you to perform an advanced weld using an oxy acetylene welding process in your workplace or simulated environment. Source a weld procedure specification from your workplace or discuss a weld procedure you can perform with your assessor. Complete your normal steps for preparation and then complete the welding process.

After you have demonstrated preparing for, completing and inspecting the weld, demonstrate or discuss with your assessor your workplace requirements for recording the weld. Also discuss the purpose of the weld and how it meets Australian Standards 1554 SP and 3992.

TASK 2 – Advanced MMAW welding processMEM05016C Perform advanced welding using manual metal arc welding process

Also assessed: MEM05051A Select welding processesMEM05052A Apply safe welding practicesMEM12023A Perform engineering measurementsMEM12024A Perform computationsMEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environmentMEM14004A Plan to undertake a routine taskMEM14005A Plan a complete activityMEM15002A Apply quality systemsMEM15024A Apply quality proceduresMEM16006A Organise and communicate informationMEM16007A Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environmentMEM09002B Interpret technical drawingMEM18001C Use hand toolsMEM18002B Use power tools/hand held operationsMEM11011B Undertake manual handling

This task requires you to perform an advanced weld using a manual metal arc welding process in your workplace or simulated environment. Source a weld procedure specification from your workplace or discuss a weld procedure you can perform with your assessor – for example: butt joint welds, flat v-groove butt joints. Complete your normal steps for preparation and then complete the welding process.

After you have demonstrated preparing for, completing and inspecting the weld, demonstrate or discuss with your assessor your workplace requirements for recording the weld. Also discuss the purpose of the weld and how it meets Australian Standards 1554 SP and 3992.

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TASK 3 – Advanced GMAW welding processMEM05018C Perform advanced welding using gas metal arc welding process

Also assessed: MEM05051A Select welding processesMEM05052A Apply safe welding practicesMEM12023A Perform engineering measurementsMEM12024A Perform computationsMEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environmentMEM14004A Plan to undertake a routine taskMEM14005A Plan a complete activityMEM15002A Apply quality systemsMEM15024A Apply quality proceduresMEM16006A Organise and communicate informationMEM16007A Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environmentMEM09002B Interpret technical drawingMEM18001C Use hand toolsMEM18002B Use power tools/hand held operationsMEM11011B Undertake manual handling

This task requires you to perform an advanced weld using a gas metal arc welding process in your workplace or simulated environment. Source a weld procedure specification from your workplace or discuss a weld procedure you can perform with your assessor – for example: fillet and butt welding on mild steels or horizontal single vee-butt joint welds. Complete your normal steps for preparation and then complete the welding process.

After you have demonstrated preparing for, completing and inspecting the weld, demonstrate or discuss with your assessor your workplace requirements for recording the weld. Also discuss the purpose of the weld and how it meets Australian Standards 1554 SP and 3992.

TASK 4 – Sheet and plate assemblyMEM03003B Perform sheet and plate assembly

Also assessed: MEM12023A Perform engineering measurementsMEM12024A Perform computationsMEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environmentMEM14004A Plan to undertake a routine taskMEM14005A Plan a complete activityMEM15002A Apply quality systemsMEM15024A Apply quality proceduresMEM16006A Organise and communicate informationMEM16007A Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environmentMEM09002B Interpret technical drawingMEM18001C Use hand toolsMEM18002B Use power tools/hand held operationsMEM11011B Undertake manual handling

This task requires you to show you assessor how you assemble pre-fabricated/formed components. Discuss with your assessor an appropriate job to complete either in your workplace or in a simulated environment:

a) select the equipment you require for the job

b) demonstrate how you use this equipment

c) perform the joining techniques required to assemble the components

d) test and/or check the end result

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TASK 5 – Thermal cutting, gouging and shaping

MEM05008C Perform advanced manual thermal cutting, gouging and shaping Also assessed: MEM12023A Perform engineering measurements

MEM12024A Perform computationsMEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environmentMEM14004A Plan to undertake a routine taskMEM14005A Plan a complete activityMEM15002A Apply quality systemsMEM15024A Apply quality proceduresMEM16006A Organise and communicate informationMEM16007A Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environmentMEM09002B Interpret technical drawingMEM18001C Use hand toolsMEM18002B Use power tools/hand held operationsMEM11011B Undertake manual handling

This task requires you to perform advanced manual thermal cutting, gouging and shaping to produce and complex internal or external profile in your workplace or a simulated environment. Source specifications in your workplace to complete the task or discuss with your assessor shape, size and surface finish of a profile you can produce without specifications.

After you have demonstrated how you assemble a plant and equipment, select the equipment settings you will use and the consumables you will require to complete the task. Complete the task and then show your assessor how you disassemble plant and equipment.

TASK 6 – Erect structures

MEM10001C Erect structuresAlso assessed: MEM12023A Perform engineering measurements

MEM12024A Perform computationsMEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environmentMEM14004A Plan to undertake a routine taskMEM14005A Plan a complete activityMEM15002A Apply quality systemsMEM15024A Apply quality proceduresMEM16006A Organise and communicate informationMEM16007A Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environmentMEM09002B Interpret technical drawingMEM18001C Use hand toolsMEM18002B Use power tools/hand held operationsMEM11011B Undertake manual handling

This task requires you to demonstrate and/or discuss the skills and knowledge required to erect a structure. You may currently be erecting or preparing to erect a structure on a work site and can demonstrate the key criteria of this task as outlined below.

If you are not currently working on a structure at work, discuss the following options with your assessor:

A: visiting a site with a structure you have previously erected and stepping through the key criteria of this task

B: provide a photograph of a structure you have erected and stepping through the key criteria of this task

C: sourcing specifications for a structure to be erected or has been erected and discussing the steps involved in the key criteria of this task

(continued over…)

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Key criteria to demonstrate:

When working through the key criteria demonstrate or discuss the equipment/materials and methods/techniques required to carry out each stage of the structure erection:

1. site preparation/inspection and ensuring locations, dimensions and levels are correct

2. reporting non-compliance with specifications

3. making alterations, corrections or adjustments

4. preparing the surfaces and materials/components

5. sequence of erecting the structure and the safety requirements to follow

6. erecting and fixing components to erect the structure

7. personal protective equipment requirements

8. control of hazards during the erection

9. inspecting the structure and making adjustment to meet specifications

10. ensuring safe use of the structure reporting on the completed structure

TASK 7 – Geometric development

MEM05037B Perform geometric developmentAlso assessed: MEM12023A Perform engineering measurements

MEM12024A Perform computationsMEM09002B Interpret technical drawingMEM18001C Use hand toolsMEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environmentMEM14004A Plan to undertake a routine taskMEM14005A Plan a complete activityMEM15002A Apply quality systemsMEM15024A Apply quality proceduresMEM16006A Organise and communicate informationMEM16007A Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment

Using a variety of geometric development techniques and computations, develop a series of patterns utilising the techniques of triangulation, parallel line and radial line and estimate material quantities. (Patterns are to be negotiated with assessor and could include: Square to rounds, transitions, Tee pieces, elbows). The patterns should contain at least three (3) of the following; triangulation, parallel line, radial line.

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NB: The skills listed below must be verified by a competent assessor through observed demonstration either in the candidate’s workplace as part of the candidate’s normal work duty OR as part of a practical assessment/demonstration set by the assessor.

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Observable behaviours in task Industry Requirements Assessor’s comments Date assessed

Task 1 - MEM05022C Perform advanced welding using oxy acetylene welding process Selects equipment and consumables

Ensures welding hazards are minimised

Prepares, assembles and aligns welding materials, measuring with rulers and squares

Makes edge preparations and cleans edges

Assembles welding equipment

Places assembly and alignment markings on items prior to welding

Interprets instructions, symbols, specifications correctly

Performs weld

Inspects weld joints

Corrects/removes defects

Records weld

Maintains records

Company policies and procedures

OH&S procedures

Reinforcing procedures

Methods and procedures for welding


Australian Standards (1554 SP and 3992)

Correct manual handling

Task 2 - MEM05016C Perform advanced welding using manual metal arc welding process Clears work area of all combustible materials

Selects equipment and consumables

Prepares welding materials

Prepares surfaces for welding

Assembles welding equipment

Interprets instructions, symbols, specifications correctly

Positions weld correctly

Adjusts equipment to coincide with the electrode, weld

Work safety practices

Australian Standards

Standard operating procedures

Material safety data sheets

Work notes and plans

Product labels

Manufacturers’ specifications

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Observable behaviours in task Industry Requirements Assessor’s comments Date assessed

and metal thickness

Demonstrates welding skills in flat, horizontal and/or vertical positions using a variety of weld types, joints, electrode and thickness of mild steel

Inspects weld joints

Prepares welds for testing

Performs a non-destructive test where appropriate

Corrects/removes defects

Records weld

Maintains records

Waste minimisation

Correct manual handling

Task 3 - MEM05018C Perform advanced welding using gas metal arc welding process Clears work area of all combustible materials

Selects consumables and equipment

Apply safe work practices and procedures / PPE

Maintains a clean and tidy work area

Demonstrates safe tool/material handling and storage techniques

Selects the appropriate wire type, size and feed rate, current, shielding gas type and flow rate

Prepares and cleans surfaces to be welded

Properly position metal for welding

Performs maintenance required for wire drive systems and gun assemblies

Performs safe GMAW techniques

Identifies problems and out of position welds

Inspects weld joints

Work safety practices

Australian Standards

Standard operating procedures

Material safety data sheets

Work notes and plans

Product labels

Manufacturers’ specifications

Waste minimisation

Correct manual handling

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Observable behaviours in task Industry Requirements Assessor’s comments Date assessed

Prepares welds for testing

Performs a non-destructive test where appropriate

Corrects/removes defects

Records weld

Maintains records

Task 4 - MEM03003B Perform sheet and plate assembly Reads and understand instructions

Selects correct equipment for the job

Uses/handles equipment safely

Produces assembly in correct sequence

Uses appropriate joining technique

Tests/checks job meets instruction requirements

Stores safely and from damage

Operations procedures

OH&S procedures

Safe handling of equipment and tools

Assembly tests/checks

Assembly/product handling and storage

Correct manual handling

Task 5 - MEM05008C Perform advanced manual thermal cutting, gouging and shaping Clears work area of all combustible materials

Sources and selects appropriate cutting procedures

Selects tools and equipment for a given cutting operations

Safely uses of oxyfuel equipment to cut straight edges and bevels, curves or holes in mild steel plate, as required by the task specification

Safely uses plasma arc to cut straight and curved cuts, holes in ferrous and non-ferrous metals

Safely uses carbon arc gouging equipment

Inspects cut and determine ways to improve the

Work safety practices / PPE

Standard operating procedures

Relevant codes and standards

Work notes and plans

Safe handling of equipment and tools

Cutting processes appropriate to various

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Observable behaviours in task Industry Requirements Assessor’s comments Date assessed

quality of the cut

Cuts material suitable to shape/profile/surface finish

Identifies and corrects cutting defects

Removes material with minimum loss of sound metal

Disassembles plant and equipment safely


Waste minimisation

Safe assembly/disassembly of plant and equipment

Correct manual handling

Task 6 - MEM10001C Erect structures

1 Site preparation Reads job specifications and/or instructions

Determines appropriate method of erection

Inspects and prepares site

Performs site levelling

Prepares temporary supports and staging

2. Reporting non-compliance with specifications Reports site non-compliance to appropriate authority

Makes minor alterations, corrections and adjustments with approval

3. Alterations and corrections Inspects components for damage occurring during


Corrects/removes bends, kinks twists etc

Rectifies damaged parts on site

Conducts field drilling or reaming as required (with approval)

Identifies minor missing items and replaces/fabricates as required

Work safety practices / PPE

Standard operating procedures

Work notes and plans

Safe handling of equipment and tools

Structure/site and materials specifications

Erection sequence

Structure conformance

Legislative and regulatory guidelines

Reporting and site documentation

Correct manual handling

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Observable behaviours in task Industry Requirements Assessor’s comments Date assessed

4. Preparing surfaces and materials/components Tests all erection equipment, tools, tackles, ropes, etc

Prepares surfaces and materials/components (ferrous and non-ferrous)

5&6. Erection / erection sequence Erects structure using temporary bracing where


Secures anchor bolts

Uses temporary guys and/or tie rods to plumb and square structure

Performs alignment in sequence and at different stages as required

Checks initial setting out of structure against plans

Ensures structure is plumb, square, straight and true prior to finishing all connections

Keeps to stated tolerances

Ensures minimum damage to structure while erection is in progress

Temporarily bolts or clamps all field connections while adjusting structure and making permanent connections

Fits all connections allowing for expansion/contraction

Performs final structural alignment

Welds joins as required

Performs final levelling and alignment immediately after completion of each section of the structure

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Observable behaviours in task Industry Requirements Assessor’s comments Date assessed

Removes temporary supports

Cleans and tidies site after work is completed

7. PPE requirements Wears personal protective equipment

Follows site safety procedure

8. Hazard control Controls hazards

Follows correct lifting and moving procedures

Ensures safety equipment conforms to standards

Carries out erections with the help of maximum mechanisation

Ensures erection equipment, tackles, ropes etc for load carrying capacity

Visually inspects loading equipment prior to use

Uses temporary bracing where required

Ensures erected parts of the structure remain stable during all stages of erection

9. Inspecting the structure Checks structure for conformance and safety

Checks structure for load bearing capability

Makes adjustments as required

Repairs areas where finish has been abraded, damaged, or burned and all field welds, bolts, nuts, and washers

10. Reporting

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Observable behaviours in task Industry Requirements Assessor’s comments Date assessed

Completes workplace documentation

Completes inspection documentation

Completes compliance reports

Task 7 - MEM05037B Perform geometric development Determines specifications and work requirements Plans task and sets up work area and selects tools

and equipment Carries out development to specifications or standard

operating procedures Establishes and marks datum points Uses parallel line, radial line and triangulation

development methods Makes allowances for fabrication and assembly and

transfers to pattern Applies parallel and radial line development processes

to produce cylindrical and conical patterns Calculates the inside, outside and mean diameter of a

cylindrical component Identifies the correct formula to calculate the

allowances for seam and edges Applies triangulation principles to produce a transition

pattern Uses triangulation to develop a pattern for an object

whose sides are not parallel Interprets standards/codes and symbols Produces templates to specification Labels and stores patterns Identifies materials and quantities Estimates expected results including rounding off Correctly applies calculation methods or formulae to

Work safety practices / PPE

Standard operating procedures

Planning and sequencing

Work notes and plans

Safe handling of equipment and tools

Waste minimisation

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Observable behaviours in task Industry Requirements Assessor’s comments Date assessed

produce result Checks computations against initial estimation Correctly transposes data produce charts or graphs

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SECTION EResources for Practical


You use this section to access any resources required by the candidate to undertake the practical task/s or scenario/s. They are suggested resources only. You may wish to modify or use other resources for the assessment tasks.

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Nil supplied.

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SECTION FThird Party Verification

The preferred approach in gaining third party validation is to take the forms in this section to the candidate’s previous employers or referees to gain confirmation of the candidate’s skills against the required competencies. This would be done during a conversation or interview with these people.

It may be beneficial to make contact with the employers/referees early in the recognition process to make appointments, particularly if you have to travel some distance to visit them. This may be done on the same day as a practical assessment in the workplace if appropriate

It is recommended that verification be obtained from one or two referees who can confirm the candidate’s industry skills in context over time.

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To whom it may concern,

RE: skills in/as (insert candidate name) (insert industry/job title)

I certify that the above named person has:

worked at for a period of years

regularly undertaken the following activities within the workplace since commencing employment with this organisation:

Initial those skills/ competencies (below) that the candidate has or can successfully perform in the workplace

performs engineering measurements using simple measuring tools,

performs workplace computations to solve arithmetical problems

follows workplace health and safety requirements, including manual handling

plans routine tasks and activities

applies quality systems and procedures

organises and communicates workplace information accurately

works well with others

uses computers or a range of other computing technology, including inputting and storing data

assists in the provision of on the job training to others

interprets technical drawing across a full range of applications

uses hand and power tools

follows safe welding practices to perform:

oxy acetylene welding ( routine, advanced)

manual metal arc welding ( routine, advanced)

manual metal arc welding process ( routine, advanced)

gas tungsten arc welding ( routine, advanced)

brazing and/or silver soldering

flux core arc welding process

welding to Australian Standards 1554 SP and 3992

performs mechanical cutting and sheet and plate assembly

perform advanced manual thermal cutting, gouging and shaping to produce complex internal and external profiles

forms, shapes and assembles fabricated components

repairs/replaces/modifies fabrications as required

performs geometric development of templates using geometrical layout techniques

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marks off/out structural fabrications and shapes including transferring the dimensions from the detail drawing to work, and estimating quantities of material from drawings

inspects and prepares sites to erect structures

performs manual handling safely

install pipework and pipework assemblies

If you would like any further information or would like to discuss any of the above, I can be contacted on

Yours sincerely

SignaturePrint Name and Position

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SECTION GAssessment Tables

You use these tables as a reference tool to see at a glance which units/elements of competency are within the qualification.

Question numbers refer to those found in SECTION C of this kit.

Practical assessment/scenarios numbers refer to those found in SECTION D of this kit.

It is important to note that this section is used for validation purposes only. Any mapping should be done after questions and tasks have been selected.

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Elements Performance Criteria Questions Practical Tasks

MEM12023A Perform engineering measurements1. Select appropriate device or

equipment1.1 Measurement requirements are determined from specifications.1.2 Appropriate device or equipment is selected according to standard operating procedures, to achieve required outcome.

1, 2, 4, 141, 2, 14

Assessed across all


2. Obtain measurements using a range of measuring devices

2.1 Correct and appropriate measuring technique is used.2.2 Measurements are accurately obtained.2.3 Dimensions are determined or verified using basic calculations, where required.

1, 2, 141, 2, 14

1, 2, 4, 14

3. Maintain measuring devices 3.1 Routine care and storage of devices is undertaken to manufacturers’ specifications or standard operating procedures.3.2 Routine adjustments to devices are made and checked.

3, 143, 14

4. Communicate measurements as required

4.1 Measurements are accurately recorded, where required.4.2 Freehand sketch which depicts required information is prepared, as required.

2, 142, 14

MEM12024A Perform computations1. Determine work requirement 1.1 Required outcomes are established from job instructions.

1.2 Data is obtained from relevant sources and interpreted correctly.1.3 Required calculation method is determined to suit the application, including selection of relevant arithmetic operations

and/or formulae.1.4 Expected results are estimated, including rounding off, as appropriate.

4, 14, 16, 174, 5, 6, 16, 17

1, 5, 16, 174 Assessed

across all tasks

2. Perform calculations 2.1 Calculation method is applied correctly.2.2 Correct answer is obtained.2.3 Answer is checked against estimation.

4, 14, 174, 14, 174, 14, 17

3. Produce charts and graphs from given information

3.1 Data is transposed accurately to produce charts or graphs.3.2 Charts or graphs accurately reflect data on which they are based.

6, 176, 17


MEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment1. Follow safe work practices 1.1 Work is carried out safely and in accordance with company policy and procedures and legislative requirements.

1.2 Housekeeping is undertaken in accordance with company procedures.1.3 Responsibilities and duties of employees are understood and demonstrated in day-to-day actions.1.4 Personal protective equipment is worn and stored according to company procedures.1.5 All safety equipment and devices are used according to legislative requirements and company/manufacturers’

procedures.1.6 Safety signs/symbols are identified and followed as per instruction.1.7 All manual handling is carried out in accordance with legal requirements, company procedures and National Occupational

Health & Safety Commission guidelines.1.8 Emergency equipment is identified and appropriate use is demonstrated.

7, 14, 177, 14, 177, 14, 177, 14, 17

7, 8, 14, 16, 17

7, 8, 14, 16, 177, 8, 14, 16, 17

7, 8, 9, 14, 16, 17

Assessed across all


2. Report workplace hazards and accidents

2.1 Actual and foreseeable workplace hazards are identified during course of work and reported to appropriate person according to standard operating procedures.

7, 8, 9, 14, 17 -

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Elements Performance Criteria Questions Practical Tasks

2.2 Accidents and incidents are reported according to workplace procedures7, 8, 9, 14, 17 -

3. Follow emergency procedures

3.1 Appropriate personnel and emergency services and means of contacting them in the event of an incident can be identified.

3.2 Emergency and evacuation procedures are understood and carried out where required.3.3 Company evacuation procedures are followed in case of an emergency.

7, 9, 14

7, 8, 14, 16, 177, 9, 14, 17



MEM14004A Plan to undertake a routine task1. Identify task requirements 1.1 Instructions and procedures are obtained, understood and where necessary clarified.

1.2 Relevant specifications for task outcomes are obtained, understood and where necessary clarified.1.3 Task outcomes are identified.1.4 Task requirements such as completion time and quality measures are identified.

10, 14, 16, 1710, 14, 16, 1710, 14, 16, 1710, 14, 16, 17

Assessed across all


2. Plan steps required to complete task

2.1 Based on instructions and specifications provided, the individual steps or activities required to undertake the task are understood and where necessary clarified.

2.2 Sequence of activities is identified.2.3 Plan is checked to ensure it complies with specifications and task requirements

10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17

10, 11, 14, 1711, 13, 14, 17

3. Review plan 3.1 Effectiveness of plan is reviewed against specifications and task requirements.3.2 If necessary, plan is revised to better meet specifications and task requirements.

13, 14, 1713, 14, 17

MEM14005A Plan a complete activity1. Identify activity

requirements1.1 Activity outcomes and objectives are identified and clarified with appropriate persons.1.2 Activity requirements, including resources, overall timeframe, quality requirements and criteria for acceptable completion

are identified and clarified.1.3 Relevant specifications and procedures are obtained and clarified.

10, 14, 1610, 12, 14, 16

10, 14, 16Assessed across all


2. Plan process to complete activity

2.1 The individual components of the activity are identified and prioritised.2.2 Planning tools and techniques are selected and used according to the needs of the activity.2.3 The plan is checked for accuracy and conformance to instructions and requirements.

10, 14, 16, 1710, 11, 12, 14, 1711, 12, 13, 14, 17

3. Modify plan 3.1 The plan is referred to and modified as necessary to overcome unforeseen difficulties or developments that occur as work progresses.

3.2 The results of the activity are reviewed against the plan, and possible future improvements to plan are identified.

12, 13, 14, 17

13, 14, 17

MEM15002A Apply quality systems1. Work within a quality system 1.1 Instructions and procedures are followed and duties are performed in accordance with requirements of quality

improvement system.1.2 Conformance to specifications is ensured.1.3 Defects are detected and reported according to standard operating procedures.1.4 Performance of operation or quality of product or service is monitored to ensure customer satisfaction.

14, 17

14, 1714, 1714, 17

Assessed across all


2. Engage in quality 2.1 Current performance is assessed. 14 -

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Elements Performance Criteria Questions Practical Tasks

Improvement 2.2 Established performance measures are identified.2.3 Specifications and standard operating procedures are identified.2.4 Defects are detected and reported according to standard operating procedures.2.5 Process improvement procedures are participated in.2.6 The improvement of internal/external customer/supplier relationships is participated in.2.7 Performance of operation or quality of product or service is monitored to ensure customer satisfaction.

14144, 1714, 17

14, 15, 1714, 15, 1714, 15, 17


MEM15024A Apply quality procedures1. Take responsibility for own

quality1.1 Concept of supplying product or service to meet the customer requirements (internal and external) is understood and

applied.1.2 Responsibility is taken for quality of own work.

14, 15

14, 15, 17 Assessed across all

tasks2. Apply standard procedures of workplace quality to own job

2.1 Quality system procedures are followed.2.2 Conformance to specifications is ensured.

14, 15, 1714, 15, 17

MEM16006A Organise and communicate information1. Access information and/or

records1.1 Information requirements of tasks are determined and relevant information is accessed from a range of sources.1.2 Workplace terminology is correctly recognised.

16, 1716, 17

Assessed across all


2. Organise and analyse information

2.1 Information is interpreted and organised in accordance with enterprise and work requirements.2.2 Information is analysed according to enterprise and work requirements.


3. Communicate organised information using established workplace methods

3.1 Information is communicated using established workplace methods. 17

MEM16007A Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment1. Identify roles and

responsibilities1.1 Own role and responsibilities are identified.1.2 Relationships within immediate group and with employees performing related/interdependent activities are identified.

18, 1918, 19

Assessed across all


2. Plan activities 2.1 Common goals, objectives and task requirements are identified and clarified with appropriate persons.2.2 Individual tasks are determined and agreed on according to workplace procedures.

16, 18, 1916, 18

3. Work with others 3.1 Effective interpersonal skills are applied to interact with others and to contribute to activities and objectives.3.2 Assigned or agreed tasks are performed in accordance with agreed requirements, specifications and workplace

procedures.3.3 Work progress is reviewed and modified as agreed to complement the work of others.3.4 Agreed reporting lines are followed using standard operating procedures.

17, 18, 19, 2017, 18, 19, 20

17, 18, 19, 2017, 18, 19, 20

MEM16008A Interact with computing technology

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Elements Performance Criteria Questions Practical Tasks

1. Determine job requirements 1.1 Nature and scope of task requirement are identified.1.2 Information/data required to be accessed, input or stored is identified.1.3 Source of information/data is identified.

10, 16, 2110, 16, 2110, 16, 21


2. Access information/data 2.1 Access procedures are followed.2.2 Technology is navigated to find the required information/data.2.3 Relevant software application menus, functions and commands are used to locate required information/data.2.4 Information/data is retrieved using organisational procedures.2.5 Information/data is checked for relevance to job requirements.

10, 14, 212121

10, 14, 16, 2113, 14, 21


3. Input information/data 3.1 Relevant software menus, functions and commands are used to manipulate information/data.3.2 Information/data is entered, changed, or removed as required.

17, 2112, 13, 14, 17, 19, 21


4. Store information/data 4.1 Data/files are saved following standard procedures prior to exiting the application.4.2 Data output is produced as required.4.3 Procedures for shutting down/logging off/exiting computing technology are followed.

14, 2113, 14, 16, 17, 2113, 14, 16, 17, 21


5. Access assistance as required

5.1 Appropriate personnel are identified and consulted as required.5.2 Manuals, online help and other reference materials are identified and used as required.

19, 2016, 21


MEM17003A Assist in the provision of on the job training1. Determine role of on the job

training1.1 Objectives of training and role of on the job training are identified in consultation with team leaders or other appropriate

personnel.10, 14, 16, 18, 22 -

2. Provide on the job training 2.1 Training is conducted using learning methods appropriate to the training objectives and learner.2.2 Trainee progress is monitored and feedback is provided appropriate to the learning outcomes.

14, 17, 20, 22, 2314, 13, 19, 20, 22, 23


3. Report on trainee performance

3.1 Trainee's progress is reported according to standard operating procedure. 13, 14, 17, 22, 23 -

MEM09002B Interpret technical drawing1. Select correct technical

drawing1.1 Drawing is checked and validated against job requirements or equipment.1.2 Drawing version is checked and validated.

F1, 10, 14F1, 10, 14

Assessed across all


2. Interpret technical drawing 2.1 Components, assemblies or objects are recognised as required.2.2 Dimensions are identified as appropriate to field of employment.2.3 Instructions are identified and followed as required.2.4 Material requirements are identified as required.2.5 Symbols are recognised in the drawing as appropriate.


MEM18001C Use hand tools1. Use hand tool 1.1 Hand tools are selected appropriate to the task requirements. F2 Assessed

across all

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Elements Performance Criteria Questions Practical Tasks

1.2 Hand tools are used to produce desired outcomes to job specifications which may include finish, tension, size or shape.1.3 All safety requirements are adhered to before, during and after use.1.4 Unsafe or faulty tools are identified and marked for repair according to designated procedures before, during and after

use.1.5 Routine maintenance of tools, including hand sharpening is undertaken according to standard operational procedures,

principles and techniques.1.6 Hand tools are stored safely in appropriate location according to standard operational procedures and manufacturers’


F2F3, 7, 8F4, 7, 8

F4, 8

F4, 8


MEM18002B Use power tools/hand held operations1. Use power tools 1.1 Power tools are selected appropriate to the task requirements.

1.2 Power tools are used for a determined sequence of operations – which may include clamping, alignment and adjustment to produce desired outcomes – to job specifications which may include finish, size or shape.

1.3 All safety requirements are adhered to before, during and after use.1.4 Unsafe or faulty tools are identified and marked for repair before, during and after use according to designated

procedures.1.5 Operational maintenance of tools, including hand sharpening, is undertaken according to standard workplace procedures,

principles and techniques.1.6 Power tools are stored safely in appropriate location according to standard workshop


F3, 7, 8F4, 7, 8

F4, 8

F4, 8

Assessed across

Tasks 1 to 6

MEM05051A Select welding processes1. Identify properties of

commonly used metals1.1 Materials to be welded are identified.1.2 Characteristics and properties of commonly used materials are identified.1.3 Uses and purposes of commonly used materials are identified.1.4 Basic metallurgical characteristics are considered.

F5, 10F5, 10F5, 10


Assessed across

Tasks 1 to 3

2. Identify and provide for welding contingencies

2.1 Information relevant to welding processes is sourced as required.2.2 Potential contingencies are identified and solutions are considered.

F5, 10, 14F5, 10, 12

3. Identify appropriate welding processes

3.1 Welding processes are identified and selected to achieve specified outcomes with selected metals.3.2 Effects of welding processes on materials are identified.3.3 Distortion prevention measures are identified.3.4 Alternative joining methods for job are identified and assessed for relevancy.

F5, F6, F8F5, F6, F8F5, F6, F9

F6, 10

4. Identify cleaning and preparation requirements

4.1 Processes for cleaning and preparing metals are identified.4.2 Role of contaminants in welding flaws is explained.4.3 Safety requirements for chemicals and other materials are identified and utilised in accordance with manufacturers’

specifications and legislative requirements.


F6, F7

MEM05052A Apply safe welding practices1. Access and interpret OH&S 1.1 OH&S information is obtained and interpreted. F7, 7, 8, 16 Assessed

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Elements Performance Criteria Questions Practical Tasks

information 1.2 Relevant OH&S legislation is identified.1.3 Work related safety information is obtained and interpreted.

F7, 7, 8, 16F7, 7, 8, 16

across Tasks 1 to 3

2. Identify risks associated with welding

2.1 Pollutants formed by welding processes are identified.2.2 Occupational diseases and injuries which may be associated with welding are identified.2.3 Factors associated with increased risk are identified.2.4 Exposure levels for pollutants are identified.2.5 Risks and potential health effects associated with specific metals are identified.2.6 Risks and potential health effects associated with gases in welding are identified.2.7 Other hazards of welding are identified.


3. Reduce risks associated with welding

3.1 Manual handling techniques are used.3.2 Personal protective equipment is used correctly.3.3 Procedures to control hazards are implemented.3.4 Workplace safety procedures are implemented.3.5 Workplace safety non-compliances are reported in accordance with workplace procedures.

F7, 7, 8F7, 7, 8F7, 7, 8F7, 7, 8F7, 7, 8

MEM05004C Perform routine oxy acetylene welding1. Identify weld requirements 1.1 Weld requirements are identified from job instructions.

1.2 Location of welds is identified in accordance with standard operating procedures and job specifications.F6, 10, 14, 16

F6, 16, 17--

2. Prepare materials for welding

2.1 Materials are cleaned and prepared ready for welding. F6, F11, 10 -

3. Prepare equipment for welding

3.1 Welding equipment is set up correctly.3.2 Settings and consumables are selected.

F6, F12, 10F6, F12, 10


4. Perform routine welding using oxy acetylene

4.1 Safe welding practices are applied.4.2 Materials are welded to job requirements.4.3 Welds are cleaned in accordance with standard operating procedures.

F7, F12, 7, 8F6, F13, 14

F6, F10


MEM05012C Perform routine manual metal arc welding1. Identify weld requirements 1.1 Weld requirements are identified from job instructions.

1.2 Location of welds is identified in accordance with standard operating procedures and job specifications.F6, 10, 14, 16

F6, 16, 17--

2. Prepare materials for welding

2.1 Materials are cleaned and prepared ready for welding. F6, F14, 10 -

3. Prepare equipment for welding

3.1 Welding equipment is set up correctly.3.2 Correct electrodes are selected to suit application and settings.

F6, F14, 10F6, F14, 10


4. Perform routine welding using MMAW

4.1 Safe welding practices are applied.4.2 Materials are welded to job requirements.

F7, F14, 7, 8F6, F14, 14


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Elements Performance Criteria Questions Practical Tasks

4.3 Welds are cleaned in accordance with standard operating procedures. F6, F10 -

MEM05015C Weld using manual metal arc welding process1. Prepare materials for

manual metal arc welding (MMAW)

1.1 Weld requirements are identified from specifications and/or drawings.1.2 Materials are correctly prepared.1.3 Materials are assembled/aligned to specification, where required.

F5, F6, 10, 14, 16F5, F6, 10

F5, F6, 10, 14


2. Select welding equipment 2.1 Welding equipment and electrodes are identified. F6, F8, F14, F16, 10 -

3. Assemble and set up welding equipment

3.1 Welding equipment is assembled and set up. F6, F8, F14, F16, 10 -

4. Minimise and rectify distortion

4.1 Appropriate distortion prevention measures are selected.4.2 Distortion is rectified.

F9, F14F9, 14


5. Weld to job specification using MMAW

5.1 Weld deposit is to specification.5.2 Joints are cleaned to specifications.

F14, F15, 14F10, F14, F15, 14


6. Ensure weld conformance 6.1 Defects are rectified with minimum loss of sound metal using correct techniques and tools.6.2 Weld joints are visually inspected for conformance to specifications.

F28, 14F14, F28, 14


7. Where required, maintain weld records

7.1 Where required, weld records are completed correctly. F30, 14 -

MEM05049B Perform routine gas tungsten arc welding1. Identify weld requirements 1.1 Weld requirements are identified from job instructions.

1.2 The locations of welds are identified in accordance with standard operating procedures and job specifications.F6, 10, 14, 16

F6, 16, 17--

2. Prepare materials for welding

2.1 Materials are cleaned and prepared ready for welding. F6, F17, F18, 10 -

3. Prepare equipment for welding

3.1 Welding equipment is set up correctly.3.2 Settings and consumables are selected to suit application.

F6, F17, 10F6, F17, 10


4. Perform routine welding using GTAW

4.1 Safe welding practices are applied.4.2 Materials are welded to job requirements.4.3 Welds are cleaned to standard operating procedures.

F7, F18, 7, 8F6, F19, 14F6, F10, 14


MEM05019C Weld using gas tungsten arc welding1. Prepare materials for gas

tungsten arc welding (GTAW)

1.1 Weld requirements are identified from specifications and/or drawings.1.2 Material is correctly prepared.1.3 Materials are assembled/aligned to specification, where required.

F5, F6, 10, 14, 16F5, F6, 10

F5, F6, 10, 14


2. Select welding machine components

2.1 Welding machine settings, accessories and consumables are identified. F6, F8, F17, 10 -

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Elements Performance Criteria Questions Practical Tasks

3. Assemble and set up welding equipment

3.1 Welding equipment is assembled and set up. F6, F8, F17, 10 -

4. Minimise and rectify distortion

4.1 Appropriate distortion prevention measures are selected for weld and material type.4.2 Distortion is rectified.

F9, F19, 10, 14F9, F19, 14


5. Weld to job specification 5.1 Weld deposit is to specifications using GTAW 5.2 Joints are cleaned to specifications.

F19, 14F10, F19, 14


6. Ensure weld conformance 6.1 Defects are removed with minimum loss of sound metal using techniques and tools appropriate to the defect, material and process.

6.2 Weld joints are visually inspected for conformance to specifications.

F28, F19, 14

F14, F28, 14



7. Maintain weld records as required

7.1 Weld records are completed correctly. F30, 14 -

MEM05050B Perform routine gas metal arc welding1. Identify weld requirements 1.1 Weld requirements are identified from job instructions.

1.2 Locations of welds are identified in according to standard operating procedures and job specifications.F6, 10, 14, 16

F6, 16, 17--

2. Prepare materials for welding

2.1 Materials are cleaned and prepared ready for welding. F6, F20, 10 -

3. Prepare equipment for welding

3.1 Welding equipment is set up correctly.3.2 Settings and consumables are selected to suit application.

F6, F20, 10F6, F20, F21, 10


4. Perform routine welding using GMAW

4.1 Safe welding practices are applied.4.2 Materials are welded to job requirements.4.3 Welds are cleaned to standard operating procedures.

F7, F22, 7, 8F6, F22, 14F6, F10, 14


MEM05017C Weld using gas metal arc welding process1. Prepare materials for gas

metal arc welding (GMAW)1.1 Weld requirements are identified from specifications and/or drawings.1.2 Material is correctly prepared.1.3 Materials are assembled/aligned to specification where required.

F5, F6, 10, 14, 16F5, F6, 10F5, F6, 10


2. Select welding components 2.1 Welding machine settings accessories and consumables are identified. F6, F8, F21, F22, 10 -

3. Assemble and set up welding equipment

3.1 Welding equipment is assembled and set up. F6, F8, F21, F22, 10 -

4. Minimise and rectify distortion

4.1 Distortion prevention measures are selected appropriate to material and process.4.2 Distortion is rectified.

F9, F22, 14F9, F22, 14


5. Weld to job specification 5.1 Weld deposit is to specifications using GMAW 5.2 Joints are cleaned to specifications.

F22, 14F10, F22, 14


6. Ensure weld conformance 6.1 Weld joints are visually inspected for conformance to specifications. F28, F22, 14 -

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6.2 Defects are removed with minimum loss of sound metal using correct and appropriate techniques and tools.F14, F22, 14


7. Maintain weld records as required

7.1 Weld records are completed correctly. F30, 14 -

MEM05006B Perform brazing and/or silver soldering1. Prepare materials and

equipment1.1 Job requirements are determined from specifications and/ or instructions.1.2 Materials are correctly prepared using appropriate tools and techniques.1.3 Materials are correctly assembled/aligned to meet specifications as required.1.4 Distortion prevention measures are identified and appropriate action is taken as required.1.5 Heating equipment is assembled and set up safely and correctly in accordance with standard operating procedures.1.6 Correct and appropriate consumables are selected and prepared.1.7 Test run is undertaken and verified as required.

F5, F23, 10, 14, 16F6, F8, F23, 10F6, F8, F23, 10F9, F23, 10, 14

F6, F8, F23, 10, 7, 8F6, F8, F23, 10F6, F8, F23, 10


2. Braze and/or silver solder 2.1 The correct process is selected to meet specifications.2.2 Materials are preheated as required.2.3 Consumables are applied using correct techniques.2.4 Jointing material is applied correctly and in appropriate quantities to meet job/specifications.2.5 Material temperature is normalised using correct and appropriate techniques.

F23, 10F23

F23, 14F23, 14



3. Inspect joints 3.1 Excess jointing materials are removed using correct and appropriate techniques.3.2 Inspection of joints is undertaken to standard operating procedures.3.3 Inspection results are reported/recorded using standard operating procedures as required.

F24, 14F24, 14F24, 14


MEM05047B Weld using flux core arc welding process1. Prepare materials for flux

core arc welding1.1 Weld requirements are identified from specifications and/or drawings.1.2 Materials are correctly prepared.1.3 Materials are assembled/aligned to specification where required.

F26, 10, 14, 16F26, 10F26, 10


2. Select welding machine components

2.1 Welding machine settings accessories and consumables are identified. F25, F26, 10 -

3. Assemble and set up welding equipment

3.1 Welding equipment is assembled and set up. F25, F26, 10 -

4. Minimise and rectify distortion

4.1 Appropriate distortion prevention measures are selected4.2 Distortion is rectified.

F9, F26, 14F9, F26, 14


5. Weld to job specification using FCAW

5.1 Weld deposit is to specification.5.2 Joints are cleaned to specifications.

F26, 14F10, F26, 14


6. Ensure weld conformance 6.1 Defects are removed with minimum loss of sound metal using correct and appropriate techniques and tools. F26, 14 -

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6.2 Weld joints are visually inspected for conformance to specifications. F26, 14 -

7. Maintain weld records 7.1 Weld records are completed correctly. F26, 14 -

MEM05022C Perform advanced welding using oxy acetylene welding process1. Select welding equipment

and consumables1.1 Correct welding equipment and consumables are selected from weld procedure specifications. F5, F31, 10, 14, 16

Task 1

2. Prepare welding materials and equipment

2.1 Welding equipment and consumables are prepared according to job requirements.2.2 Welding equipment appropriate to the task is assembled and adjusted correctly and safely. 2.3 Materials are prepared to achieve required weld specification.

F6, F31, 10F6, F7, F31, 10

F6, F31, 10

3. Assemble welding equipment

3.1 Welding equipment, including cylinders, regulators, hoses, torches and tips is assembled and set up safely in accordance with standard operating procedures.

F8, F31, 10

4. Weld joints to Australian Standard 1554 SP or equivalent

4.1 Materials are welded to Australian Standard 1554 SP or equivalent in all positions.4.2 Instructions, symbols, specifications are interpreted correctly including bead size, bead placement, reinforcement etc. and

in accordance with weld procedure sheet, if available, and standard operating procedures.

F27, F31, 14F27, F31, 14

5. Inspect welds 5.1 Weld joints are visually inspected against specifications.5.2 Weld defects are identified.

F10, F31, 14F28, F31, 14

6. Correct faults 6.1 Defects are removed with minimum loss of sound metal using correct and appropriate techniques and tools to Australian Standard 3992 or equivalent.

F28, F27, F31, 14

7. Maintain weld records 7.1 Weld records are maintained in accordance with specifications and standard operating procedures. F30, F31, 14

MEM05016C Perform advanced welding using manual metal arc welding process1. Prepare welding materials

and equipment1.1 Welding equipment is prepared.1.2 Welding equipment appropriate to task requirements is assembled and adjusted correctly and safely.

F6, F8, F32, 10F6, F8, F32, 10, 7, 8

Task 2

2. Weld joints to code requirements using MMAW

2.1 Weld requirements are interpreted correctly.2.2 Welds are deposited correctly to specifications.2.3 Appropriate distortion prevention measures are selected for the weld type and material and distortions are rectified as


F32, 14F32, 14

F9, F32, 14

3. Assess weld quality and rectify faults

3.1 Weld joints are visually inspected against specifications.3.2 Defects are removed using appropriate methods for the given task.3.3 Weld records are correctly completed and maintained.

F32, 14F28, F32, 14F30, F32, 14

MEM05018C Perform advanced welding using gas metal arc welding process1. Prepare welding materials

and equipment1.1 Welding equipment is prepared.1.2 Welding equipment is assembled and adjusted correctly and safely.1.3 Materials are prepared to achieve required weld specification.

F6, F8, F33, 10F6, F8, F33, 10F6, F8, F33, 10

Task 3

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2. Weld joints to code requirements using advanced GMAW

2.1 Weld requirements are interpreted correctly.2.2 Welds are deposited correctly to specifications.2.3 Appropriate distortion prevention measures are selected and distortions are rectified as required.

F33, 10F33, 14

F9, F33, 14

3. Assess weld quality and rectify faults

3.1 Weld joints are visually inspected against specifications.3.2 Defects are removed using appropriate methods for the given task.3.3 Weld records are correctly completed and maintained.

F33, 14F28, F33, 14F30, F33, 14

MEM03003B Perform sheet and plate assembly1. Read and understand job

sheets1.1 Job sheets/instruction are correctly interpreted and followed. 10, 14, 16

Task 4

2. Select and use sheet and plate assembly equipment

2.1 Assembly equipment is selected in accordance with instructions on job sheet.2.2 Equipment is used in a safe manner according to standard operating procedures.

F35, 10F2, F3, F35, 10

3. Assemble fabrications 3.1 Products to be assembled are verified against specifications.3.2 Assembly is produced following correct sequence of operations.3.3 Assemblies/fabrications are joined to specification using specified joining techniques.3.4 Assembly is tested/checked for compliance with job requirements using standard operating procedures

F34, F36, 14F34, 14F34, 14F34, 14

4. Protect assembly from damage

4.1 Assemblies/fabrications are handled and stored according to standard operating procedures and in a safe manner least likely to cause damage.


MEM05005B Carry out mechanical cutting1. Determine job requirements 1.1 Job requirements and specifications are determined from job sheets and/or instructions.

1.2 Appropriate method/machine is selected to meet specifications.1.3 Machine is loaded and adjusted for operation consistent with standard operating procedures.

10, 14, 16F37, 17

F37, F38, 10, 14


2. Select/set up machine tooling

2.1 Tooling is selected to match job requirements.2.2 Tooling is correctly installed using standard operating procedures.2.3 Machine is set up and adjusted using standard operating procedures.

F37, F38, 10, 14F37, F38, 10, 14F37, F38, 10, 14


3. Operate mechanical cutting machine

3.1 Appropriate stops and guards are set and adjusted as required.3.2 Material is secured and correctly positioned using measuring equipment as necessary.3.3 Machine is started and stopped safely to standard operating procedures.3.4 Machine is operated to cut/hole material to specifications using standard operating procedures.

F37, F38, F3, 7, 8F37, F38, 14F37, F38, 14F37, F38, 14


4. Check material for conformance to specification

4.1 Material is checked against specification. Machine and/or tooling is adjusted as required and in process adjustments carried out as necessary.

4.2 Material is cut and/or holed to within workplace tolerances.4.3 Material is used in most economical way.4.4 Codes and standards are observed.

F37, F38, 14

F37, F38, 14F37, F38, 14F37, F38, 14



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MEM05007C Perform manual heating and thermal cutting1. Assemble/disassemble

plant and equipment1.1 Accessories and equipment are correctly selected and assembled for manual heating and thermal cutting F39, 10 -

2. Operate heating and thermal cutting equipment

2.1 Cutting process and/or procedure appropriate for material is selected.2.2 All safety procedures are observed.2.3 Equipment start-up procedures are followed correctly to standard operating procedures.2.4 Equipment adjustments are made correctly using standard operating procedures.2.5 Appropriate cutting allowances are made.2.6 Material is used in the most economical way.2.7 Defects are identified and corrective action is taken to standard operating procedures.2.8 Material is heated and cut to specification.2.9 Shape/size/length is to accepted workplace standards.

F39, F40F39, 7, 8

F39, F40, 14F39, F40, 14


F39, 14F39, F40, 14

F39, F40, F14


MEM05008C Perform advanced manual thermal cutting, gouging and shaping1. Assemble/disassemble

plant, equipment for manual thermal cutting, gouging and shaping

1.1 Appropriate cutting process and procedure for material being worked are selected.1.2 Accessories and equipment are correctly selected and assembled.

F41, F42, 10F42, 10

Task 5

2. Select equipment settings and consumables

2.1 Correct equipment settings and consumables are selected from standard operating procedures. F42, 10

3. Operate hand held thermal cutting and shaping equipment

3.1 All safety procedures are observed.3.2 Equipment start-up procedures are followed correctly to standard operating procedures.3.3 Material is cut to specification with shape/profile/surface finish to accepted workplace standards.3.4 Cutting defects are identified and corrective action is taken to standard operating procedures.3.5 Material is removed with minimum loss of sound metal

F42, 7, 8F42, 14

F41, F42, 14F42F42

MEM05010B Apply fabrication, forming and shaping techniques1. Select and set

upforming/shaping equipment for a specific operation

1.1 Most appropriate tools and equipment are selected.1.2 Equipment is correctly set up and adjusted for operation to standard operating procedures.1.3 Allowances for shrinkage, thickness and inside/outside measurements are correctly made.

F43, F44F43, 14



2. Operate forming/shaping equipment

2.1Machine is safely started up and shut down to standard operating procedures.2.2Material and safety guards are correctly positioned.2.3Equipment is correctly operated and adjusted.

F43, F44, 14F43, F44, 7, 8F43, F44, 14


3. Form and shape material 3.1 Material is levelled, straightened, rolled, pressed or bent to specifications/drawings using fabrication techniques.3.2 Correct hot or cold forming procedures are followed.3.3 Final form/shape is checked for compliance to specification and adjusted as necessary to standard operating procedures.

F44, 14F44, 14F44, 14


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MEM05011C Assemble fabricated components1. Identify assembly method

and construct jigs if required1.1 Method is identified and jigs are constructed from engineering drawings or according to workshop practice.1.2 Distortion prevention/control techniques are correctly applied.

F45, 10, 14, 16F45


2. Ensure all components for assembly are available

2.1 All components are checked against drawings and material list. F46, 14 -

3. Select tools and fixtures for fabrication assembly

3.1 Most appropriate equipment is selected F46 -

4. Assemble fabricated components

4.1 Material and/or fabricated components are correctly positioned.4.2 Jigs, fixtures, tools and measuring equipment are correctly adjusted and applied.4.3 Datum line is correctly determined if necessary.4.4 Assembled components are checked for position including squareness, level and alignment to specification.4.5 Fixing/joining techniques are applied as necessary according to standard operating procedures.4.6 Assembly is checked for compliance with drawing.4.7 Codes/standards are interpreted and applied.

F47, 14F47, 14F47, 14F47, 14F47, 14F47, 14F47, 14


MEM05036C Repair/replace/modify fabrications1. Assess and process repair,

replacement, modification requirement

1.1 Work requirements are determined from job sheet, instruction or visual inspection.1.2 Specifications and drawings are obtained and interpreted where required.1.3 Fabrication is inspected and suitability for repair/replacement/modification determined.

F48, 10, 14, 16F48, 16, 17



2. Assess and process material requirements

2.1 Material requirements are assessed in accordance with relevant codes, manufacturers’ specifications and standard operating procedures.

2.2 Materials are obtained/requisitioned according to standard operating procedures.2.3 Tool and equipment requirements are assessed and obtained, where required, according to standard operating


F48, 10

F48, 10F48, 10



3. Prepare materials 3.1 Fabrication for repair/replacement and/or modification is prepared to specification using acceptable workplace practices, tools and equipment.

3.2 Materials are marked out and prepared to specifications with minimum wastage using correct principles, tools, equipment and procedures.

3.3 Materials are cut, bent, rolled, shaped or formed to specifications using appropriate fabrication techniques/procedures, tools and equipment.

3.4 Where required, items are marked for identification.

F48, 14

F48, F52, 14

F48, F44, 14

F48, 14





4. Repair, replace or modify fabrication

4.1 Using suitable clamping methods, equipment, jigs and fixtures, materials are positioned/clamped for welding.4.2 Pre-tack checks are undertaken and compliance with specifications is determined prior to tack welding in position.4.3 Welding equipment is prepared and settings are adjusted according to requirements.4.4 Immediate work site environment is checked to ensure compliance with safety requirements and procedures.4.5 Material or item is tack welded using appropriate distortion minimisation techniques and procedures.


F48, 7, 8, F7F48, F9


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4.6 Material or item is checked against specifications prior to welding.4.7 Material or item is welded to specifications using techniques and procedures appropriate to job requirements.

F48, F10F48, 14


5. Finish and inspect repair, replacements and/or modification

5.1 Repair, replacement and/or modification is cleaned and finished to specifications using appropriate workplace practices.5.2 Welds are visually inspected to assess weld quality against predetermined specifications.5.3 Completed repair, replacement and/or modification is assessed against specifications.5.4 Maintenance report is prepared and lodged according to standard operating procedures.

F48, 14F48, F10F48, 14F48, 14


MEM05037B Perform geometric development1. Transfer dimensions from a

detail drawing to work1.1 Specifications and work requirements are determined and understood using correct and appropriate calculations.1.2 Development is carried out to specifications or standard operating procedures using appropriate tools and equipment.1.3 Datum points are correctly established and marked appropriate to task requirements.

F49, F50, F51F49, F50, F51, 14

F49, F50, F51Task 7

2. Make templates as required 2.1 Appropriate template material is chosen.2.2 Templates are produced to specification.2.3 Correct storage procedures are followed including labelling and identification to standard operating procedures.

F49, F50F49, F50, F51


3. Develop patterns as required

3.1 Parallel line, radial line and triangulation development methods are chosen and applied.3.2 Allowances for fabrication and assembly are correctly determined and transferred.

F50, F51F50, F51

Task 74. Interpret relevant codes,

standards and symbols4.1 Relevant standards/codes and symbols are interpreted.4.2 Requirements of standards/codes are interpreted and applied to materials and processes.

F49, F50, F51F49, F50, F51

5. Estimate quantities of materials from detail drawings

5.1 Materials are correctly identified.5.2 Quantities are estimated from drawings.5.3 Material wastage is minimised.


MEM12007C Mark off/out structural fabrications and shapes1. Transfer dimensions from a

detail drawing to work or surface

1.1 Specifications and work requirements are determined and understood using correct and appropriate calculations.1.2 Marking out is carried out to specifications or standard operating procedures using appropriate tools and equipment.1.3 Datum points are established.

F52F52, 14



2. Make templates/patterns as required

2.1 Appropriate template/pattern material is chosen when required.2.2 Required templates are produced to specifications.2.3 Correct storage procedures are followed including labelling and identification to standard operating procedures.

F52F52, F53F52, F54


3. Develop patterns and/or transfer measurements to structures

3.1 Most appropriate development and/or measurement sequence is chosen and applied.3.2 Allowances for fabrication and assembly are correctly determined and transferred.3.3 Measurement transfer/layout of components is checked to ensure accuracy/set out.

F52F52, F53F52, F53


4. Interpret relevant codes, standards and symbols

4.1 Relevant standards/codes and symbols are interpreted.4.2 Requirements of standards/codes are interpreted and applied to materials and processes.



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5. Estimate quantities of materials from detail drawings

5.1 Materials are correctly identified.5.2 Quantities are estimated from drawing.5.3 Material wastage is minimised.



MEM10001C Erect structures1. Inspect and prepare

erection site1.1 Site is checked for correct location, dimensions and levels.1.2 Non-compliance with specifications is reported to appropriate authority.1.3 Minor alterations, corrections or adjustments are undertaken with approval of appropriate authority.1.4 All surfaces and materials/components are prepared for use.1.5 Structure components are identified and checked against specifications.

F55, F56, F57F55, F56F55, F56F55, F56F55, F56

Task 62. Erect structures 2.1 All work is carried out safely and in accordance with defined procedures.

2.2 Structure components are prepared for correct sequential erection.2.3 Components are erected and fixed according to specifications.2.4 Structures are adjusted to specifications.2.5 All reports and documentation are completed correctly to required specifications.

F55, F56, F57, 14F55, 10, 14

F55, 14F55, 14F55, 14

MEM11011B Undertake manual handling1. Lift materials manually 1.1 Material weight is determined correctly utilising most appropriate technique, and risks associated with lifting are

assessed.1.2 Lifting techniques are undertaken to National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (NOHSC) and standard

operating procedures. Types of movement, methods, storage, height and position are considered.

S1, S2, S3

S1, S2, S3Assessed

across Tasks 1 to 62. Move/shift materials

manually2.1 Appropriate equipment is selected where required.2.2 Material is placed safely and securely on moving equipment.2.3 Material is relocated ensuring safety of personnel and security of material.2.4 Material is unloaded from moving equipment and placed in a safe and secure manner.

S1, S2, S3S1, S2, S3S1, S2, S3S1, S2, S3

MEM10010B Install pipework and pipework assemblies1. Plan the installation of

pipework and pipework assemblies

1.1 Quantity and type of pipework and pipework assemblies are selected according to specifications.1.2 The appropriate sequence for the installation of pipework and pipework assemblies is determined according to the

installation type and specifications and other applicable factors.1.3 The work area is prepared for installation of pipework and pipework assemblies.





2. Prepare pipework and pipework assemblies for assembly

2.1 Pipework is cleaned to standard operating procedures.2.2 Pipework and assemblies are purged to standard operating procedures.2.3 Pipework and assemblies are capped/sealed.



3. Install pipework and assemblies

3.1 Enclosures/hangers/support systems are installed without damage or distortion to the surrounding environment or other services.

3.2 Pipework and assemblies are installed without damage or distortion to pipework, assemblies or surrounding environment





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or other services.3.3 Pipework is leak tested to standard operating procedures.3.4 All ancillary devices and materials are installed to specification according to standard operating procedures.



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