megger formfiller · pdf fileinstallation condition report pat test certificate ... 10 megger...

Megger FormFiller User Guide

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Megger FormFiller

User Guide

Page 2: Megger FormFiller · PDF fileInstallation Condition Report PAT Test Certificate ... 10 Megger FormFiller   Test ... partially complete it and save it as a template
Page 3: Megger FormFiller · PDF fileInstallation Condition Report PAT Test Certificate ... 10 Megger FormFiller   Test ... partially complete it and save it as a template Megger FormFiller i

ContentsOverview 1

Megger FormFiller Software 2

Installation Requirements .................................................................................................................................2

Install Megger FormFiller ..................................................................................................................................2

Uninstall Megger FormFiller..............................................................................................................................2

Activation and Deactivation .............................................................................................................................2

Activate .........................................................................................................................................................2

Deactivate .....................................................................................................................................................3

Data Back-up ...................................................................................................................................................4

User Information ..............................................................................................................................................4

Upload a Custom Logo ....................................................................................................................................5

Main Menu 6

Certificate Menu 7

Test Certificates 8

Create and Save a Certificate ...........................................................................................................................8

Export Certificate as a PDF ...............................................................................................................................9

Installation Test Certificates Only ......................................................................................................................9

Add / Delete a Page .......................................................................................................................................9

Notes on Certificate Completion ....................................................................................................................10

Saved Certificates 11

Open a Saved Certificate................................................................................................................................11

Edit a Saved Certificate ..................................................................................................................................11

Export a Saved Certificate as a PDF ................................................................................................................12

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OverviewMegger FormFiller is a manual entry electrical certification and portable appliance documentation software tool.

The package is fully compliant with:

� BS7671: 2008 17th Edition Wiring Regulations (Amendment 3:2015), Appendix 6 Model Forms

� IET 4th Edition Code of Practice for In-service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment

and also incorporates BS7671 certificates (IET approved record keeping) for:

� Electrical installations and minor works

� Portable Appliance tests

Features include:

� Simple operational interface

� Storage of completed certificates, and retrieval by certificate type or client

� Export to PDF

� Multi page Schedules of Test Certificates for larger installations

� Drop down fields for fast completion

Megger FormFiller contains Certificates, Registers and Reports, for the purpose of this User Guide all documents are referred to as Certificates.

Megger Instruments Limited cannot accept responsibility for any loss of data or incurred costs from the use of this application.

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Megger FormFiller Software

Megger FormFiller Software

Installation Requirements

� Windows operating system

� Minimum Java 8. If Java is not installed, download from

� Minimum 1 GB RAM

� Minimum recommended screen resolution: 1280 x 960

� A Megger account is required to download Megger FormFiller. Create a Megger account before access to the download page is possible

Install Megger FormFiller

1. Open the Megger FormFiller installation program:

� Load the application from the supplied CD, or

� Download the application can be found at under Products/Electricians testers/software for testing and maintenance/formfiller

2. Follow the installation prompts:

� Default install location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Megger Instruments Limited\FormFiller

� Program group created in Start Menu > All Programs > Megger Instruments >

Uninstall Megger FormFiller

1. Go to Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features > .

2. Select FormFiller.

3. Click Uninstall. Follow the on-screen prompts.

Activation and Deactivation

When Megger FormFiller is opened for the first time, or after it has been deactivated, it must be activated.

Important: When Megger FormFiller is opened for the first time it can take a significant time to open. This is because the computer security software will scan the database files.

Important: When Megger FormFiller is opened for the first time it asks for some default details. These default details can be entered later, but they are used to auto-fill some fields in certificates to save time.


1. Open Megger FormFiller (Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features > ).

2. Enter these details:

� Name: [your name]

� Company: [your company name]

� Activation code: For the activation code can be found at under Products/Electricians testers/software for testing and maintenance/formfiller

Note: The activation code can be upper or lower case

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Megger FormFiller Software

The Name and Company Name can be changed in the Settings window at any time.

3. Click .


1. Click .

2. Read:

3. Click .

4. Click .

The Megger FormFiller Activate window opens.

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Megger FormFiller Software

Data Back-up

Data saved in Megger FormFiller does not guarantee that the data is backed up. It is recommended that the Megger FormFiller data folder is routinely backed up to a separate location for increased data security.

Default location of the Megger FormFiller certificate data folder:

� C:\Program Files (x86)\Megger Instruments Limited\FormFiller

User Information

Before Megger FormFiller is used, user details should be entered. These details will automatically populate new certificates generated by Megger FormFiller.

The Name and Company fields are already completed as detailed in Activation and Deactivation (page 2).

1. Open Megger FormFiller (Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features > ).

2. Click on .

3. Add personal details as required:

� Position

� Qualification

� Telephone Number

� Address

4. Enter serial numbers as required:

� 17th Edition Instrument Serial Number

� PAT Instrument Serial Number

Tip: If multiple PAT Instruments are used enter each serial number separated by a colon (:), for example, 101469851:101469678:101469345.

5. Click .

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Megger FormFiller Software

Upload a Custom Logo

A custom logo can be uploaded and used on created certificates.

Note: For best quality results make sure the logo is 225 x 50 pixels. Larger logos are resized automatically but Megger FormFiller does not have the graphical processing capability of standard Windows editors.

1. Click .

2. Click .

3. Search for and select the required logo.

4. Click .

5. Click .

6. Click to revert back to the default Megger logo, if required.

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Main Menu

Main MenuThe Main Menu is the same for each window in Megger FormFiller.

Icon Description

View all Installation Test certificate templates. See Test Certificates (page 8)

View all PAT certificate templates. See Test Certificates (page 8)

Retrieve, edit, save and export to PDF. See Saved Certificates (page 11)

Megger FormFiller settings, see:

Activation and Deactivation (page 2)

User Information (page 4)

Upload a Custom Logo (page 5)

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Certificate Menu

Certificate MenuThe menu for Installation Test certificates and PAT certificates is the same, except that pages can be added to the Installation Test certificates.

Icon Description

Close a certificate (save or do not save options)

Save a certificate. See Create and Save a Certificate (page 8)

Export Certificate as a PDF (page 9)

Delete a certificate (no undo)

Add a Schedule of Tests Results page. See Installation Test Certificates Only (page 10)

Remove an added Schedule of Tests Results page. See Installation Test Certificates Only (page 10)

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Test Certificates

Test CertificatesThe following test certificates are available:

Installation Test certificates PAT certificates

Installation Certificate (Multiple Signature) PAT Test Certificate (compact)

Installation Certificate (Single Signature) PAT Test Certificate (landscape)

Installation Condition Report PAT Test Certificate (multi-line)

Minor Works Certificate PAT Test Certificate (single)

Test Instrument Register Appliance Repairs Certificate

Appliance Register

Test Instrument Register

Faulty Equipment Register

Megger FormFiller contains Certificates, Registers and Reports, for the purpose of this User Guide all documents are referred to as Certificates. All documents are created the same way.

Create and Save a Certificate

1. Click:

� Installation Test certificates, or

� PAT certificates

2. Double-click on the required certificate.

3. Complete the certificate as required (see Notes on Certificate Completion (page 10).

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Test Certificates

4. Save the certificate.

To save a certificate a Client Name and Certificate No. (or a Report Date on some certificates) must be entered.

Note: A new certificate saved with the same certificate number as an existing certificate, does not overwrite the older certificate. Two certificates can have the same certificate number.

Tip: It is recommended to do a save at regular intervals.

5. Click .

6. Click .

The certificate is saved in the Megger FormFiller software.

If the certificate can not be saved this window will show:

When saved, the original certificate will stay available in Megger FormFiller. It can be modified and exported as a PDF, as required (see Saved Certificates (page 11).

Export Certificate as a PDF

A certificate can be exported to PDF at any time.

1. Click .

2. Select a location to save the PDF:

3. Click .

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Test Certificates

Installation Test Certificates Only

Add / Delete a Page

Note: Up to 10 additional Schedule of Test pages can be added.

� Add a Schedule of Test Results page:

� Click .

A new Schedule of Tests Result page is added after page 5.

� Delete a page:

� Click on the tab of the page to be deleted.

� Click .

Only added Schedule of Test Results pages can be deleted

Notes on Certificate Completion

The following types of data entry are used in all certificates:

� Free form text boxes: Alpha numeric characters from the keyboard

� Drop down boxes: Click the down arrow to open a predefined list of options

� Check boxes: Check or un-check as required

� Navigation of the certificate can not be done with the Tab and Arrow keys

� Click in the relevant field and use the Delete or Back keys to delete text

� Copy and Paste works between data fields

� It is not possible to open a certificate, partially complete it and save it as a template

Note: If the text string length in a field is exceeded, the field will show red and prevent the certificate from being saved:

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Saved Certificates

Saved Certificates

All saved certificates are stored in Megger FormFiller. Click the icon on the main menu to view saved certificates.

Open a Saved Certificate

1. Click .

2. If required filter the search results:

� Form (Certificate) Type

� Test Client

Note: The filters are populated automatically when a certificate is saved.

Note: Only one certificate can be selected.

Tip: It is not recommended to always leave the filters set to All. Over time, there will be an increasingly large number of certificates and it difficult to find the required certificate.

3. Click .

4. Double click the required certificate to open.

5. Edit, save or export to PDF as required.

Edit a Saved Certificate

1. Search for the required certificate. See Open a Saved Certificate (page 11).

2. Make changes as required.

� All fields can be updated

� Changes will over-write the current certificate

Important: If the certificate number is changed it will over-write the current certificate with a new certificate number. It will not create a new certificate.

3. Click .

4. If the certificate is OK to save:

5. Click .

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Saved Certificates

Export a Saved Certificate as a PDF

1. Search for the required certificate. See Open a Saved Certificate (page 11).

2. Click .

3. Select a location to save the PDF:

4. Click .

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F +1 214 331 7399

[email protected]

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