mega pixle pitch


Upload: rhsmediastudies

Post on 21-Jan-2018




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Page 1: Mega Pixle pitch
Page 2: Mega Pixle pitch

What is our final film idea?

Our final film idea is basically a pregnant 17 year old girl who receives a

text saying that she is going to get attacked by a gang, unknown to her her

boyfriend is part of this gang. The next day the gang turns up to her house,

she ignores them however they break in pushing her to the floor, she sees

an opportunity and runs into an ally, the gang blocks her in, she sees a

knife and goes to stab a member but misses, she is knocked out from

behind and wakes up in the bathroom in her house. She screams

constantly begging for help. Her boyfriend is told to murder her by the lead

gang member. He stabs her in the bed while blood splats everywhere. At

the end she wakes up in the bed realizing it was a dream then receives a


Page 3: Mega Pixle pitch
Page 4: Mega Pixle pitch
Page 5: Mega Pixle pitch
Page 6: Mega Pixle pitch
Page 7: Mega Pixle pitch
Page 8: Mega Pixle pitch
Page 9: Mega Pixle pitch