meeting of the horizon 2020 review, monitoring and research sub-group (athens, 9-10 october 2008)...

Meeting of the Horizon 2020 REVIEW, MONITORING AND RESEARCH SUB-GROUP (Athens, 9-10 October 2008) Indicators for Horizon 2020 Monitoring A first MAP proposal

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Page 1: Meeting of the Horizon 2020 REVIEW, MONITORING AND RESEARCH SUB-GROUP (Athens, 9-10 October 2008) Indicators for Horizon 2020 Monitoring A first MAP proposal


(Athens, 9-10 October 2008)

Indicators for Horizon 2020 Monitoring A first MAP proposal

Page 2: Meeting of the Horizon 2020 REVIEW, MONITORING AND RESEARCH SUB-GROUP (Athens, 9-10 October 2008) Indicators for Horizon 2020 Monitoring A first MAP proposal


Horizon 2020 priorities

Support the identification, prioritisation and implementation of the most significant pollution reduction projects tackling major pollution sources, focusing mainly on:

Industrial emissions

Municipal waste

Urban waste water  

Obvious link with existing Mediterranean set of indicators, such as :

MSSD and mainly the chapter 2.7. “Promoting sustainable management of the sea and coastal zones and taking urgent action to put an end to the degradation of coastal zones”

Medpol Indicators (Marine Pollution Indicators-MPI)

Page 3: Meeting of the Horizon 2020 REVIEW, MONITORING AND RESEARCH SUB-GROUP (Athens, 9-10 October 2008) Indicators for Horizon 2020 Monitoring A first MAP proposal


MSSD Issues and Indicators : 4 priority coastal SDI

2.7. Promoting sustainable management of the sea and coastal zones and taking urgent action to put an end to the degradation of coastal zones

Push back urbanization to prevent artificialization of coasts.Avoid linear and continuous urbanization.

23 Share of artificialised coastline

Eliminate operational pollution from ships by 2025.

24 Operational pollution from ships

Reduce pollution from land-based sources.Halve by 2015 the number of coastal urban inhabitants with no access to sanitation.

25 Proportion of coastal urban population connected to a sanitation network

Bring at least 10% of the marine and coastal surface under some form of protection.

26 Surface of protected coastal and marine areas

MSSD follow-up and indicators

Page 4: Meeting of the Horizon 2020 REVIEW, MONITORING AND RESEARCH SUB-GROUP (Athens, 9-10 October 2008) Indicators for Horizon 2020 Monitoring A first MAP proposal


MSSD follow-up : fact sheets

Page 5: Meeting of the Horizon 2020 REVIEW, MONITORING AND RESEARCH SUB-GROUP (Athens, 9-10 October 2008) Indicators for Horizon 2020 Monitoring A first MAP proposal


Horizon 2020 Indicators : Industrial emissions

Ind_01 Releases of BOD and nutrients from industrial sites

Ind_02Releases of toxic substances and nutrients from industrial sites

Ind_03 Industrial releases into water

Horizon 2020 Indicators

Page 6: Meeting of the Horizon 2020 REVIEW, MONITORING AND RESEARCH SUB-GROUP (Athens, 9-10 October 2008) Indicators for Horizon 2020 Monitoring A first MAP proposal


Horizon 2020 Indicators : Waste

Waste_01Total production of household waste in the coastal cities

Waste_02 Number of landfills on the coast

Waste_03 Collection rate of household waste (costal)

Horizon 2020 Indicators

Page 7: Meeting of the Horizon 2020 REVIEW, MONITORING AND RESEARCH SUB-GROUP (Athens, 9-10 October 2008) Indicators for Horizon 2020 Monitoring A first MAP proposal


Horizon 2020 Indicators : Waste water

WW_01Share of population with access to an improved sanitation system (total, urban, rural)

WW_02Proportion of coastal urban population connected to a sanitation network

WW_03Share of waste water collected and treated by the public sanitation system

WW_04Wastewater treatment rate before sea release for coastal agglomerations over 100 000 inhabitants

WW_05 Microbiologic bathing water quality

WW_06 Nutrients concentration of in coastal water

WW_07 Chlorophyll-a concentration in coastal water

Horizon 2020 Indicators

Page 8: Meeting of the Horizon 2020 REVIEW, MONITORING AND RESEARCH SUB-GROUP (Athens, 9-10 October 2008) Indicators for Horizon 2020 Monitoring A first MAP proposal


Horizon 2020 Indicators : Others

Oth_01 Production of hazardous waste

Oth _02 Import and export of hazardous waste

Oth _03 Production of industrial solid waste

Oth _04 Percentage of ports with deballasting station

Oth _05 Existence of monitoring programs concerning pollutant inputs reporting to MEDPOL

Oth _06 Hazardous substances in marine organism

Oth _07Release of oil from refineries and offshore installations

Oth _08 Accidental and illegal discharges of oil at sea

Horizon 2020 Indicators

Page 9: Meeting of the Horizon 2020 REVIEW, MONITORING AND RESEARCH SUB-GROUP (Athens, 9-10 October 2008) Indicators for Horizon 2020 Monitoring A first MAP proposal


Horizon 2020 Indicators : Others

Global_01 Population density in the coastal regions

Global_02Population growth rate in the Mediterranean coastal regions

Global_03 Urban population growth rate

Global_04 Urban rate

Global_05 Population Growth in coastal cities

Global_06 Share of artificialized coastline

Global_07 Number of tourist nights per km of coastline

Horizon 2020 Indicators

Page 10: Meeting of the Horizon 2020 REVIEW, MONITORING AND RESEARCH SUB-GROUP (Athens, 9-10 October 2008) Indicators for Horizon 2020 Monitoring A first MAP proposal


Horizon 2020 Indicators : Others

Global_08 Number of moorings in yachting harbours

Global_09 Area of Protected coastal marine zone

Global_10 Protection of marine sites of interest

Global_11 fishing float

Global_12 fish stocks

Global_13 Aquaculture production

Horizon 2020 Indicators