medtronic case questions 2014

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  • 8/10/2019 Medtronic Case Questions 2014


    Medtronic Case Questions: Medtronic Inc. 2014 Annual Report

    Below are a series of questions to answer connected with Medtronics 2014 annual report. Youshould use the financial statements and footnotes directly obtained from the Medtronic annualreport (i.e., not Mergent, Yahoo! Finance or other sources) as other sources may not be accurate.

    1. Revenue Recognition

    How many days does it currently take Medtronic to turn products into cash? Part of Medtronicsrevenue is recognized when a medical device is actually implanted in a patient (see Footnote 1).

    Suppose management wishes to reduce the average inventory holding period to 140 days in orderto improve its cashflow management. Management believes this can be achieved by changingthe revenue recognition policies so that revenue is recorded when the medical device is deliveredto the hospital rather than being implanted in a patient.

    Assuming no change in 2014 COGS or 2013 ending inventory, what would the 2014 endinginventory balance need to be in order to achieve this goal? Would this change in revenuerecognition improve the stated goal of decreasing the time required to turn a product into a cashcollection? Explain your answer.

    2. Inventory

    The Company currently uses the FIFO inventory method (see Footnote 1). Suppose the endingLIFO inventory values are $1,575 million and $1,612 million for 2014 and 2013, respectively.Management is interested in whether they should adopt LIFO and has asked you for yourrecommendation. Prepare an analysis of whether LIFO would benefit shareholders. Youranalysis should consider both the impact on COGS and net income as well as cashflows. Whichmethod do you recommend the Company use and why?

    (Note: net income is an after tax number. Using the terminology of the course, net income isearnings before taxes less income taxes. )

    3. Property, Plant and Equipment

    For a company like Medtronic, an adequate capital budget is crucial for maintaining the capitalbase of the Company. Below are a series of questions to help determine the average age of theCompanys capital base and capital budget plan. Does Medtronic use straight-line or anaccelerated depreciation method for reporting purposes? How can you tell? What is thedepreciation expense for reporting purposes for 2013 and 2014? Where did you get thesenumbers? Using this information, calculate the average age of the PPE for 2013 and 2014. Whatare capital expenditures for property, plant and equipment for 2013 and 2014?

  • 8/10/2019 Medtronic Case Questions 2014


    4. Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

    The Company sells to customers on credit. For Fiscal 2014, the Company has reported $3.811billion as the amount for accounts receivable. What does this amount represent? What is theactual amount in the accounts receivable account? Where did you get this information? Supposemanagement is worried about the potential credit worthiness of its customers and determines thatthe allowance account should have been $250 million at the end of Fiscal 2014. What would theimpact of this change be on net income and basic earnings per share?

    5. Intangibles and Intellectual Property

    Footnote 4 details acquisitions that Medtronic has made. In fiscal 2014 the company acquiredanother company called Cardiocom. What was the purchase price? What percentage of thispurchase price is represented by intangible assets? Please explain how this transaction affectedthe 2014 income statement as well as various assets and liabilities on Medtronics Balance Sheet.

    6. Footnotes 6 and 7 provide details on goodwill amounts. What was the total amount ofgoodwill on the balance sheet in 2014? What was the total amount of goodwill impairmentreported by Medtronic?

    7. Taxes

    For 2014, what is the provision for income taxes (or tax expense per books)? What part arecurrent taxes and what part are deferred taxes? The cumulative effects of the individualdifferences between taxes per book and per tax return are summarized in Footnote 13. Explainhow a deferred tax asset is created when the Company records an estimate for credit losses.

    8. Contingencies

    Footnote 1 deals with disclosures for contingencies and commitments. Because of its products,the Company has significant obligations for product warranties. Based on the informationprovided in the footnote, what was the total amount paid for warranty claims in Fiscal 2014?What is the outstanding balance that has been set aside to pay for future claims?

    9. Financing

    Footnote 8 details the financing arrangements that the company has engaged in. Whatproportion of the companys debt is short-term and what proportion is long term? Describe thechange in the debt structure of the company during 2014. What adjustment would the company

    have to make if they were to convert the operating leases to capital leases (see footnote 15)?

    10. Investments

    Medtronic has a substantial investment portfolio. What portion of 2014 securities (includingOther Assets) is held with the intent to sell the securities in the near future, but not to activelytrade in the securities? What are the net gains/losses on this portion of the portfolio? What

  • 8/10/2019 Medtronic Case Questions 2014


    proportion of all securities being valued at fair value have had their values determined usingprices obtained from identical securities trading in an active market?