meditations on unity in duality

Meditations On Unity In Duality Mystical Consciousness! qu'est ce que c'est? you might say! THE CONTEMPLATIVE FREEMASON, Walking The Mosaic Pavement With Faith In Deity. "It is the internal and not the external quality that Freemasonry Regards". "All that man has here in multiplicity is, ONE. Here, all blades of grass, wood and stone... All Things Are, ONE. This Is The Deepest Depth." Meister Eckart, 1260 A.D. - 1329 A.D. "Stopping The Internal Dialogue, Becoming More Internally Focused & Mindful" Copyright © 2013 RWB Wesley F Revels We - complacently caught in our particular view of the world - are compelled to feel and act as if we knew everything about the world. And so, before we can begin meditation or contemplation on the symbols and lectures of Freemasonry, it is of upmost importance to remove this complacency made up of exterior impressions that make up our accumulated thoughts, feelings, sensations Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, calls the Archetypes of the self - those aspects of our selves that form the superfluous exterior individual character disconnected from the Inner True Self that unites the individual with all life called the collective consciousness. Mystics call it stopping the internal dialogue that is influenced by the individual's exterior circumstances, and they are convinced that it is the 1st and single most important technique to learn when beginning a meditative or contemplative study. Alchemists call it

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Meditations On Unity In Duality

Mystical Consciousness! qu'est ce que c'est?

you might say!

THE CONTEMPLATIVE FREEMASON, Walking The Mosaic Pavement With Faith In Deity.

"It is the internal and not the external quality that Freemasonry Regards". "All that man has here in multiplicity is, ONE.

Here, all blades of grass, wood and stone... All Things Are, ONE. This Is The Deepest Depth."

Meister Eckart, 1260 A.D. - 1329 A.D.

"Stopping The Internal Dialogue,

Becoming More Internally Focused & Mindful" Copyright © 2013 RWB Wesley F Revels

We - complacently caught in our particular view of the world - are compelled to feel and act as if we knew everything about the world. And so, before we can begin meditation or contemplation on the symbols and lectures of Freemasonry, it is of upmost importance to remove this complacency made up of exterior impressions that make up our accumulated thoughts, feelings, sensations Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, calls the Archetypes of the self - those aspects of our selves that form the superfluous exterior individual character disconnected from the Inner True Self that unites the individual with all life called the collective consciousness. Mystics call it stopping the internal dialogue that is influenced by the individual's exterior circumstances, and they are convinced that it is the 1st and single most important technique to learn when beginning a meditative or contemplative study. Alchemists call it

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uncovering the Alchemist's Stone concealed within the individual's True Self. By recognizing that this complacency over time displays itself as the individual ego, which is the illusion of an individual's outer-self, rather than the individual's inner collective self, as defined by Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, the contemplative Freemason becomes more internally focused and mindful. Becoming more internally focused and mindful, the Freemason studying the inner or contemplative path finds greater harmony and balance in his consciousness. In other words, he becomes more the master of his own consciousness, enabling him to understand the symbols and lectures of Freemasonry with greater clarity. An important lecture on the study of archetypes and their cause and effect on consciousness was from the Spiritual Master from India, Maher Baba. Maher

Baba, taught that the phenomenal or exterior world is an illusion, that the universe is a holographic creation or mirror of the soul, and that each person's soul (Oversoul) is really a reflection of God, passing through the universe realizing its divine Self. In this way there is a collective consciousness making the entire universe a conscious entity. And in the author's opinion, in light of the research of Max Planck, Louis De Broglie, and the more recent research of

Paul A. LaViolette's subquantum kinetics, this may in fact be the supreme being religions refer to when speaking of God as Deity. In the 1930s through 1950s Maher Baba, wrote several Discourses, with a focus on the search for truth and spiritual advancement. The following excerpt comes from “Mastery of Consciousness, An Introduction and Guide to Practical Mysticism and Methods of Spiritual Development", compiled and edited by Allan Y. Cohen. Impressions, [termed archetypes by Dr. Carl Gustav Jung], are the contents of consciousness, one’s accumulated thoughts, feelings and sensations, like layers of dust on a perfect mirror. Human beings do not have self-illumination because their consciousness is shrouded in the accumulated imprinting of past experiences. Accumulated imprints, is the "will-to-be-conscious" with which evolution started and succeeded in creating consciousness from birth. But it does not arrive at the knowledge of the Oversoul; because the individual soul is impelled to use consciousness for experiencing these accumulated imprints, instead of utilizing it for experiencing its own True Nature as the Oversoul. The Oversoul, is that which is the transcendent, infinite and eternal consciousness.

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Maher Baba states, "The power and effect of accumulated imprints or archetypes that make up the individual's outer-self, can hardly be overstated. An archetype is solidified Might, and its inertness makes it immobile and durable concealing the individual True Self.… The mind contains many heterogeneous archetypes and, while seeking expression in consciousness, they often clash with other archetypes because they are not a part of the collective self - the Self that exists in humanity in unity. The clash of archetypes is experienced in consciousness as a mental conflict… Experience can become truly harmonious and integral only when consciousness is emancipated from these archetypes… The problem of de-conditioning the mind through their removal is therefore extremely important. And for the individual who studies the symbols of Freemasonry the archetypes of the outer-self "Ego" is emancipated from these conflicts through meditation and contemplation. This de-conditioning process, the release from binding archetypes, takes place in five ways. (1) First, is the cessation of new impressions. This consists in putting an end to the ever-renewing activity of creating fresh impressions. If the formation of impressions is compared to the winding of a string around a stick, this step amounts to the cessation of the further winding of the string. (2) Second, is the wearing out of old impressions. If impressions are withheld from expressing themselves in action and experience, they are gradually worn out. In an analogy of the string, this process is comparable to the wearing out of the string… (3) The Third cessation, is unwinding past impressions. This process consists in annulling past impressions by mentally revisiting the process which leads to their formation. Continuing our analogy, it is like unwinding the string. (4) The fourth cessation, is the dispersion and exhaustion of some impressions. If the psychic energy which is locked up in impressions is subliminated and diverted into other channels, they are dispersed and heaved and tend to disappear. (5) The fifth cessation, is the wiping out of impressions. Completely annihilating impressions. In the analogy of the string, this is comparable to cutting the string with a pair of scissors. The final wiping out of impressions can be effected only by the grace of a master through initiation and lessons, which includes experience in a practicum of meditation and contemplation."

What then is Meditation? What Is Contemplation? Meditation is an inward outward movement between our outer surface levels of consciousness and our inner deeper levels of consciousness. As there is a most

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outward physical reality of life there is also a most inward reality of life. The physical (manifest) and inward (unmanifest) realities of life exist simultaneously and are present in all life everywhere. A “knowing” that these two realities in life exist simultaneously while understanding how they complement each other brings about a greater awareness that liberates us from the confines of experiencing only the finite, physical manifest reality of life. As a result of this liberation one experiences more balance, harmony, and wholeness in life. When meditating alert and in a waking state of consciousness, the conscious mind expands to embrace deeper levels of thinking. During meditation, thoughts are realized and released to make way for new thoughts that occur randomly as a result of memories or impressions collected in the mind associated with the surface finite manifest reality of life. Releasing thoughts that surface randomly without concentrating or analyzing them during mediation eventually quiets the mind and it becomes calm. As the mind becomes more calm there are moments when it realizes there are periods of no thoughts. As more thoughts are released and the mind experiences and becomes more aware of the times when there is no thought, the mind becomes more aware of its inward (unmanifest) reality of life and realizes its True Infinite Self. For some the experience is unsettling at first because having only consciously experienced the awareness of the outward or manifest reality of life, the mind is only programmed and imprinted to experience life relative to the emotions caused by the memories or impressions attached to the finite outward physical reality of life. While alert and awake during meditation, as the mind experiences no thoughts during meditation, one experiences the unmanifest reality as a vacuum of silence that is timeless. Experiencing this vacuum of silence, one

experiences the Inner True Self, the individual's collective consciousness, at One with the universe. As the conscious mind experiences the unmanifest reality of life, it's consciousness increases in potential and results in increased energy and awareness. Meditation may be defined as turning attention inwards towards the subtler levels of thought until the mind transcends the experience of thought associated with the physical reality arriving at the source of one's thoughts. This experience expands the conscious mind and at the same time brings the mind in contact with an awareness that integrates the outer and inner realities of life.

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There are many different types of meditations used for many purposes. The one described in this Introductory is the one taught by Patanjali as the foundation of all meditations. Contemplation is that which is experienced consciously and then reflected upon with both the absolute and finite conscious mind. When we contemplate we analyze certain states of mind by concentrating upon an object. The object creates an impression causing certain feelings or emotions. We contemplate by reason and the experience draws forth understanding using both infinite and finite conscious thought as a reference.

Meditation 1 "Tao gives birth to one. One gives birth to two. Two gives birth to three.

Three gives birth to ten thousand things. Ten thousand things find harmony by combining the forces of

positive and negative…"

One can explain this meditation using axioms of science. "A force on a charged particle moving with velocity creates induction and therefore becomes inverted from a direct current to an alternating current. A direct current applied to a coil creates an alternating current causing an induction or magnetic flux density". The aphorism is thus:

“F” (Tao) is force or “Cause” “qv” (Giving Birth) is a charged particle moving with velocity

“B” (Giving Birth to Two) is magnetic induction “F=qv x B (Ten Thousand Things) = Magnetic Inversion (Creation)

"Electromagnetic potential that exists in all of life through alternating currents.

Ten thousand things find harmony, By combining the forces of positive and negative,

there is "Unity In Duality".

Through the science of today we know that we live in a universe where there is symmetry in life not necessarily intersecting as Euclidian plane geometry would explain it. (Explain the traditional theory of E=MC2, and Fibrnmocci), By this I mean that there is more to life than what we experience or witness with our

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physical senses. And there seems to be an underlying “cause” or pre-manifest existence that we could also experience daily if we look toward a greater understanding of our inner-selves. Unfortunately however, humanity's greatest strength become its greatest doom. Obsessed with attachments to the physical world, we doom ourselves to endless suffering. The great challenge for the Freemason on the inner or contemplative path therefore, is to become more aware of this cause or purpose that integrates our consciousness so that we experience life with greater quality, harmony, balance and wholeness. As all of us live on different paths of consciousness in a quantum rather than linear universe, there are many ways or methods to accomplish this integration. One path or method used by one Freemason may not be suitable or useful to another. But we can be certain that with an integration of both our outer and inner levels of awareness there is greater understanding in life. We seem to become our own greatest obstacle and we doom ourselves by our own works. Yes, it is through our own actions that we doom ourselves to endless suffering. Yet, as we follow our path of integration we live in this hope that we will indeed return to our Spiritual home. Any redemption we receive from our actions comes not through our works but rather through a higher awareness working through us living in peace and reconciliation with all of life.