medieval literature notes ii


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Page 1: Medieval Literature Notes Ii


Canterbury Tales

Page 2: Medieval Literature Notes Ii

Objectives: Students will be able to.. identify historical events that changed the landscape

of England and they will be able to explain how the literature of the time period reflects that

Analyze the effects of a feudal system and why the language of English developed the way it did and lasted throughout the ages

Define what a pilgrimage was in the Medieval times and compare it to modern pilgrimages

Identify specific ways that the language changed from Middle English to English

Define and apply characterization both indirect and direct

Apply the characteristics of Chaucer’s life and analyze it’s influence to his work Canterbury Tales

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1066 Norman Invasion

Normans invaded because William was angry that Harold was chosen to be King


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Norman Invasion

WILLIAM defeats Harold

Normans controlled government and suppressed A.S. nobility and remade England on their terms by instituting feudalism.

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Feudalism: Exchange of property for personal service.

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Henry II came to the throne

Founded royal house and became one of England’s most ablest kings

Had problems with the church and appointed his friend, Thomas Beckett as Bishop of Canterbury, hoping that this would lessen the tension

B. F.F.’s

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Poor Thomas Beckett

Instead, Thomas Beckett sided with the Pope instead of the King on an issue

Henry’s soldiers misunderstood his wrath about this incident and killed Beckett.


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Let’s make a pilgrimage

Henry quickly condemned the crime and tried to atone for it by making a pilgrimage to Beckett’s tomb

Pilgrimages to Beckett’s shrine became very common as a means of religious devotion

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Think, Pair, Share

What sort of pilgrimages do people make today? With a partner come up with at least five places people make pilgrimages to and the reasons they make those journeys.

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Medieval Literature

Medieval Drama: Church sponsored plays

Morality plays – depicted the lives of ordinary people

Mystery plays- retold stories from the Bible or saints

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That is one great invention!

Johan Gutenberg perfect printing from movable type

Caxton set up the first printing press- England

One of Caxton’s first projects was printing of Geoffrey Chaucer’s work, in Middle English

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Geoffrey Chaucer

Father was a merchant Teenage years he

entered an aristocratic household

Apprenticeship led to a career in which he served the nobility as a capable administrator

He was just below aristocracy gave him the best point to observe people

FUN FACTS: “Famous People Watcher”

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Canterbury Tales

shows keen observation of people

Exchange of tales among pilgrims as they journey to the shrine of martyr Thomas Becket at Canterbury

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Canterbury Tales continued… Themes of love

and knightly adventure dominated

He only completed 22 of the 120 tales

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Cantebury Tales in Middle English

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Let’s compare, with a partner write down words that are familiar When in April the

sweet showers fall, And pierce the drought of March to the root, and all the veins are bathed in liquor of such power, As brings about the engendering of a flower, When also Zephyrus with his sweet breath, Exhales an air in every grove and heath

Whan that Aprill with his shoures soote, The droghte of March hath perced to the roote, And bathed every veyne engendred is the flour; Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth, Inspired hathin ever holt and heet…

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Literary Terms to remember when reading Canterbury Prologue Characterization- techniques of

revealing character Direct characterization- presents

direct statements about a character, such as Chaucer’s statement that the Knight “followed chivalry,/Truth, honor”

Indirect characterization- uses actions, thoughts, and dialogue to reveal a character’s personality.

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Characterize your partner!

As POLITELY as possible, let’s practice characterization!

Write down two examples of indirect characterization and direct characterization for your partner.

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So what is Canterbury Tales about??

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