medieval 2010

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Medieval Studies2010

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Berg Publishers • I.B.Tauris • Manchester University Press • Pluto Press • Zed Books

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Medieval Studies 2010

The New Middle Ages

Medieval Literature

Medieval History

Religion & Philosophy

The Renaissance & Early Modern Period


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Table Of COnTenTS THe neW MIDDle aGeS

Page 3: Medieval 2010


The LeTTers of heLoise and abeLard

A Translation of Their Collected Correspondence and Related WritingsTranslated and Edited by Mary Martin McLaughlin with Bonnie Wheeler

The letters of Heloise and Abelard will remain one of the great romantic and intellectual documents of human civilization while the writers themselves are probably second only to Romeo and Juliet in the fame accrued by trag-ic lovers. Here for the first time is their collected correspondence with helpful and accessible commentary. The New Middle Ages2009 / 386 pp. ISbn: 0-312-22935-6 / ISbn-13: 978-0-312-22935-1$85.00 HC. (C$103.00)

Geoffrey ChauCer haTh a bLoG

Medieval Studies and New MediaTo be announced

“[a] welcome reminder of language’s delight in itself and its ability to communicate that enchantment.”—The Guardian

Geoffrey Chaucer Hath a Blog presents all of the most memorable posts of the medievalist internet phenomenon “Geoffrey Chaucer Hath a Blog,” along with essays on the genesis of the blog itself, the role of blogs in medieval scholarship, and the unique pleasures of studying a time period full of plagues, schisms, and assizes. New material explores connections between Chaucer’s literary and historical background and the obsessions of contemporary popular culture. “Le Vostre GC” and eminent medievalists Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Robert W. Hanning, and Bonnie Wheeler draw new conclusions on the ways medieval studies are perceived, the connec-tion between the past and the present, and the historical roots of popular culture. The New Middle AgesMaY 2010 / 224 pp. ISbn: 0-230-10506-8 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-10506-5$85.00 HC. (C$103.00)ISbn: 0-230-10507-6 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-10507-2$25.00 pb. (C$30.00)

on farTinG

Language and Laughter in the Middle AgesValerie Allen

“fascinating and witty...the strength of On Farting is its playful and evocative treat-ment of a number of scatological authors and episodes”—Times Higher Education Supplement

With wit and imagina-tion, Allen chronicles the fart in medieval culture from folklore, to popu-lar and canonical liter-ary works, to the upper reaches of Aristotle and Dante. Waste emerges as an aesthetic category and intersects with the contemporary study of the body. The New Middle AgesMaY 2010 / 256 pp. ISbn: 0-230-10039-2 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-10039-8$26.00 pb. (C$31.00)

Women and WeaLTh in LaTe medievaL europeEdited by Theresa Earenfight

Thirteen scholars take a fresh look at women, money, wealth, and power in the European Middle Ages. These essays, empirically grounded and theoreti-cally engaged, prompt a reconsideration of long-held assumptions about medieval economic history, political culture, and gender relations.The New Middle Ages2010 / 300 pp. / InCluDeS 3 pGS IlluS ISbn: 1-4039-8432-8 / ISbn-13: 978-1-4039-8432-6$85.00 HC. (C$103.00)

findinG sainT franCis in LiTeraTure and arTEdited by Cynthia Ho, Beth A. Mulvaney, and John K. Downey

Contributors demonstrate how the tools of various intellectual disciplines can be used to examine what we now know about the story of Saint Francis in his own era and how that story has been appropriated in our period. The New Middle Ages2009 / 240 pp. ISbn: 0-230-60286-X / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-60286-1$90.00 HC. (C$109.00)

Table Of COnTenTS THe neW MIDDle aGeS


Page 4: Medieval 2010


ConsTruCTinG ChauCer

Author and Autofiction in the Critical TraditionGeoffrey W. Gust

This book examines the scholarly construction of Geoffrey Chaucer in dif-ferent historical eras, and challenges long-standing assumptions to enhance the theoretical dialogue on Chaucer’s historical reception. The New Middle Ages2009 / 300 pp. ISbn: 1-4039-7643-0 / ISbn-13: 978-1-4039-7643-7$95.00 HC. (C$115.00)

visuaL poWer and fame in rené d’anjou, Geoffrey ChauCer, and The bLaCk prinCeSunHee Kim Gertz

“Gertz is a true comparatist . . . [she] brings together the three major figures of this book, René d’anjou, Chaucer, and the father of Richard II, in ways that continu-ally surprise us.”—David bevington, phyllis fay Horton Distinguished Service professor emeritus in the Humanities, university of Chicago

Reading semiotically against the backdrop of Arthurian narratives, this study examines how these canonical medieval texts explore fame’s visu-al power. The New Middle Ages2010 / 248 pp. / InC. 2 pGS IlluS. ISbn: 1-4039-7053-X / ISbn-13: 978-1-4039-7053-4$85.00 HC. (C$103.00)

Queens in sTone and siLver

The Creation of a Visual Imagery of Queenship in Capetian FranceKathleen Nolan

The first study to juxta-pose medieval effigy tombs and personal seals, the two forms of cultural patron-age through which royal women crafted a visual imagery for queenship in twelfth- and early thir-teenth-century France.The New Middle Ages2009 / 300 pp. ISbn: 1-4039-6990-6 / ISbn-13: 978-1-4039-6990-3$85.00 HC. (C$103.00)

berenGueLa of CasTiLe (1180-1246) and poLiTiCaL Women in The hiGh middLe aGesMiriam Shadis

This study casts new light on the women in the family that ruled thirteenth-cen-tury Castile and the ways in which they used maternity, familial and political strat-egy, and religious and cul-tural patronage to secure their power. The New Middle Ages2009 / 272 pp. ISbn: 0-312-23473-2 / ISbn-13: 978-0-312-23473-7$85.00 HC. (C$103.00)

juLian of norWiCh’s LeGaCy

Medieval Mysticism and Post-Medieval ReceptionEdited by Sarah Salih and Denise N. Baker

This detailed study is the first to outline Julian of Norwich’s reception throughout history, from the extant manuscripts to the present day.The New Middle Ages2009 / 232 pp. ISbn: 0-230-60667-9 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-60667-8$90.00 HC. (C$109.00)

The posT-hisToriCaL middLe aGesEdited by Elizabeth Scala and Sylvia Federico

This collection of origi-nal essays repositions medieval literary studies after an era of intensive critical historicism largely indebted to Marxist and materialist theory. The New Middle Ages2009 / 252 pp. ISbn: 0-230-60787-X / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-60787-3$90.00 HC. (C$109.00)

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mainTenanCe, meed, and marriaGe in medievaL enGLish LiTeraTureKathleen E. Kennedy

An exploration of the struggle for authors and other contemporary observers to describe and critique marriage through discussions of the devel-oping notion of an impar-tial legal profession.The New Middle Ages2009 / 200 pp. ISbn: 0-230-60666-0 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-60666-1$85.00 HC. (C$103.00)

sTranGe beauTy

Ecocritical Approaches to Early Medieval LandscapeAlfred K. Siewers

This book provides a new perspective on early Celtic stories of the Otherworld and their relevance to today’s ecological con-cerns, arguing for a con-temporary re-reading of the Otherworld trope in relation to physical expe-rience.The New Middle Ages2009 / 240 pp. ISbn: 0-230-60664-4 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-60664-7$85.00 HC. (C$103.00)

medievaLism, muLTiLinGuaLism, and ChauCerMary Catherine Davidson

In new readings of medi-eval language attitudes and identities, this book argues that multilingual-ism informed masculinist discourses, which were aligned against the ver-nacular sentiment tra-ditionally attributed to Langland and Chaucer.The New Middle Ages2009 / 224 pp. ISbn: 0-230-60297-5 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-60297-7$90.00 HC. (C$109.00)

marGareT pasTon’s pieTyJoel T. Rosenthal

Drawing on a close reading of nearly forty years’ worth of personal letters and her will, Margaret Paston emerges from this study as the best example we have of how lay piety was negotiated and integrated into daily medieval life.The New Middle AgesauGuST 2010 / 272 pp. ISbn: 0-230-62207-0 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-62207-4$85.00 HC. (C$103.00)

maGnifiCenCe and The subLime in medievaL aesTheTiCs

Art, Architecture, Literature, MusicEdited by Stephen Jaeger

These essays recover the lively discussions on the topics of “magnificence” and “the sublime” in the art and literature of antiquity, the Renaissance, and the ages following, and apply them to the Middle Ages to draw excit-ing new conlusions. The New Middle AgesnOveMbeR 2010 / 272 pp. ISbn: 0-230-61898-7 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-61898-5$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

CrafTinG jeWishness in medievaL enGLand

Legally Absent, Virtually PresentMiriamne Ara Krummel

Cataloguing and explicating the complex depictions of semitisms to be found in medi-eval literature and material culture, Krummel argues that Jews were always present in Medieval England, and it is only in rereading the historical record that it has been consid-ered Judenrein—without Jews.The New Middle AgesDeCeMbeR 2010 / 256 pp. ISbn: 0-230-61870-7 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-61870-1$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

anTimerCanTiLism in LaTe medievaL enGLish LiTeraTureRoger A. Ladd

This study explores the relationship between ideology and subjectivity in late medieval lit-erature, documenting the trajectory of antim-ercantile ideology against major developments in economic theory and practice in the later Middle Ages.The New Middle AgesSepTeMbeR 2010 / 240 pp. ISbn: 0-230-62043-4 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-62043-8$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

THe neW MIDDle aGeS THe neW MIDDle aGeS

FORTHCOMING IN T h eN e w M i d d l e Ag e s SERIES

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medievaL and earLy modern devoTionaL objeCTs in GLobaL perspeCTive

Translations of the SacredEdited by Elizabeth Robertson and Jennifer Jahner

These fourteen essays create an interdisciplinary conversation about the nature and function of sacred and devotional objects across the globe during the medieval and early modern period.The New Middle AgesnOveMbeR 2010 / 256 pp. ISbn: 0-230-61604-6 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-61604-2$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

LaTe medievaL jeWish idenTiTiesCarmen Caballero-Navas and Maria Esperanza Alfonso

Taking the Jewish community as a focal point, this book thoroughly explores the various

“borders”—geographical divides, religious affilia-tions, gender boundaries, genre divisions—that ruled the lives and intellectual production of late medieval Jews.The New Middle AgesnOveMbeR 2010 / 256 pp. ISbn: 0-230-60833-7 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-60833-7$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

ouTLaWry in medievaL LiTeraTureTimothy S. Jones

Drawing on new historicist principles, this book examines literary and historical narratives, legal statutes and records, sermons, lyric poetry, and biblical exegesis circulating in England between the 11th and 16th centuries. Jones theorizes the figure of the outlaw in medieval England and uncovers the legal, ethical, and social assump-tions that underlie the practice of outlawry.The New Middle AgesnOveMbeR 2010 / 256 pp. ISbn: 1-4039-7616-3 / ISbn-13: 978-1-4039-7616-1$80.00 HC. (C$102.00)

Gender and poWer in medievaL exeGesisTheresa Tinkle

After establishing a feminist-historicist perspec-tive on the tradition of biblical commentary, Tinkle develops in-depth case studies that situ-ate scholars reading the bible in three distinct historical moments, and in so doing she exposes the cultural pressures that medieval scholars felt as they interpreted the bible.The New Middle AgesSepTeMbeR 2010 / 208 pp. ISbn: 0-230-10435-5 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-10435-8$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

The Revels Plays

a humorous day’s mirTh

by George ChapmanEdited by Charles Edelman

This play is the English theatre’s first “com-edy of humors,” in which the attitudes, behavior, and social pretensions of contem-porary men and women are satirized. Charles Edelman’s is the first fully annotated, mod-ern spelling edition of this long-neglected play. In his extensive introduction and com-mentary, Edelman discusses the intellectual, philosophical and theatrical background to Chapman’s comedy, and shows that An Humorous Day’s Mirth would delight the readers and audiences of today as much as it did those in 1597.The Revels Plays2010 / 224 pp. / 1 b/W IlluS. ISbn: 0-7190-7574-2 / ISbn-13: 978-0-7190-7574-2$75.00 HC. (nCR)ManCHeSTeR unIveRSITY pReSS

a kinG and no kinG

Beaumont and FletcherEdited by Lee Bliss

“bliss provides the play with much needed breathing space in her fine introduction . . . an edition of a fascinating play to the Revels play’s usual high standards”

—elliott Kendall, TLS

Accompanying this newly edited text, an introduc-tion explores the play’s sources, both literary and dramatic, and offers a thorough reconsidera-tion of its relation to its social and political con-text, and contemporary issues of royal absolutism, good governance, and the political role of the aristocracy. In addition, the introduction provides the fullest avail-able account of A King and No King’s stage history, tracing the shifts in cultural mores that eroded its popularity and ultimately consigned it to the study rather than the stage. This fully annotated edition encour-ages an appreciation of the play’s very real virtues.The Revels Plays2009 / 208 pp. / 1 b/W IlluS. ISbn: 0-7190-8042-8 / ISbn-13: 978-0-7190-8042-5$23.00 pb. (nCR)ManCHeSTeR unIveRSITY pReSS

THe neW MIDDle aGeS | MeDIeval lITeRaTuRe MeDIeval lITeRaTuRe


FORTHCOMING IN T h eN e w M i d d l e Ag e s SERIES

Page 7: Medieval 2010


Taboo and TransGression in briTish LiTeraTure from The renaissanCe To The presenTEdited by Stefan Horlacher, Stefan Glomb, and Lars Heiler

“The collection is ground-breaking in its expansion of traditional definitions and its broad historical sweep.” —Ronald Corthell, professor and Chair, Department of english, Kent State university

This comprehensive volume develops a sophisticated and innovative overview of the interdisciplinary theoretical approaches to cultural taboo. 2010 / 280 pp. ISbn: 0-230-61990-8 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-61990-6$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

The enGLish renaissanCe in popuLar CuLTure

An Age for All TimeEdited by Greg Colón Semenza

Despite the explosion of scholarship on Shakespeare in popular culture, too little attention has been paid to the Renaissance itself as an imagined historical period. This book considers popular culture’s confronta-tions with the history, thought, and major figures of the English Renaissance through an analysis of “period films,” television produc-tions, popular literature, and punk music.Reproducing Shakespeare2010 / 242 pp. / InCluDeS: 13 pGS IlluSTRaTIOnS ISbn: 0-230-10028-7 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-10028-2$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

essays in LaTer medievaL frenCh LiTeraTure

The Legacy of Jane H. M. TaylorEdited by Rebecca Dixon

Over the course of a career spanning five decades, Jane Taylor has shown a commitment to the rehabilitation of the more neglected aspects of later medieval French literature. This volume brings together original contributions from schol-ars who have worked alongside Taylor and directly or indirectly benefitted from her example. Durham Modern Languages Series2010 / 176 pp. / 7 b/W IlluS. ISbn: 0-7190-8192-0 / ISbn-13: 978-0-7190-8192-7$90.00 HC. (nCR)ManCHeSTeR unIveRSITY pReSS

performanCe, CoGniTive Theory, and devoTionaL CuLTure

Sensual Piety in Late Medieval YorkJill Stevenson

This innovative work uses cognitive theory to explore the layperson’s physical encounter with live religious performanc-es in late medieval York. By revealing the remark-able resonance between cognitive science and medieval visual theories, Stevenson demonstrates how understanding medieval culture can enrich the study of performance generally.Cognitive Studies in Literature and PerformanceMaY 2010 / 256 pp. ISbn: 0-230-10319-7 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-10319-1$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

byron and The rheToriC of iTaLian naTionaLismArnold Anthony Schmidt

This book recreates Byron’s intellectual milieu during his Italian years and makes previously untranslated texts available in English. Nineteenth-Century Major Lives and LettersJune 2010 / 224 pp. ISbn: 0-230-61600-3 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-61600-4$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

performinG bodies in pain

Medieval and Post-Modern Martyrs, Mystics, and ArtistsMarla Carlson

In contemporary discourse, torture is a hot-button issue. In late-medieval France, the Black Death, the Hundred Years’ War, and civil strife ravaged the populace. Performing Bodies in Pain analyzes the cultural work of spectacular suffering during these two peri-ods, reading recent dramatizations of torture and performances of self-mutilating concep-tual art against late-medieval saint plays.Palgrave Studies in Theatre and Performance HistoryauGuST 2010 / 240 pp. ISbn: 0-230-10386-3 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-10386-3$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

THe neW MIDDle aGeS | MeDIeval lITeRaTuRe MeDIeval lITeRaTuRe

Page 8: Medieval 2010


exTramuraL shakespeareDenise Albanese

Informed by debates about high and low cul-ture and drawing upon transdiciplinary methods, this study argues that Shakespeare can now be understood as part of public culture. Thanks to the emergence of mass education in the twen-tieth century, Albanese argues that Shakespeare has become a shared property, despite the depiction of his texts as

“elite” cultural objects in the film industry.Reproducing ShakespeareSepTeMbeR 2010 / 208 pp. / InCluDeS: 5 pGS fIGSISbn: 0-230-10513-0 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-10513-3$75.00 HC. (C$91.00)

The LaTer middLe aGes

A SourcebookCarolyn Collette, Harold Garrett-Goodyear and Steven Matthews

More than a hundred primary documents offer students of later medieval English liter-ature, society, and history intriguing original perspectives through which to understand the literary texts of the period 1350-1500 as well as the culture which created and received them. Complete with a substantial introduction, annotations and a timeline.Palgrave SourcebooksOCTObeR 2010 / 320 pp.ISbn: 0-230-55135-1 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-55135-0$95.00 HC. (C$115.00)ISbn: 0-230-55136-X / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-55136-7$32.00 pb. (C$38.00)

The poWer of ToLkien’s prose

Middle-Earth’s Magical StyleSteve Walker

Addressing the “lack of discussion of Tolkien’s style” in scholarly interrogations of that writer, this book uncovers the multifaceted appeal of Tolkien’s prose style.2009 / 224 pp.ISbn: 0-230-61992-4 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-61992-0$80.00 HC. (C$102.00)


Poetry, History, and CultureJonathan Hart

Veteran scholar Jonathan Hart explores notions of “text” and “context” in Shakespeare’s work, highlighting the nuanced social and historical com-mentary that imbue The Bard’s work.2009 / 288 pp.ISbn: 0-230-61677-1 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-61677-6$80.00 HC. (C$102.00)

reforminG The humaniTies

Literature and Ethics from Dante through Modern TimesPeter Levine

Through an analysis of Dante’s story of Paolo and Francesco, this book com-bines contemporary ethi-cal theory, literary inter-pretation, and historical narrative to defend the humanities as a source of moral guidance.2009 / 256 pp.ISbn: 0-230-62144-9 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-62144-2$80.00 HC. (C$102.00)

shakespeare and The insTiTuTion of TheaTre

The Best in this KindErica Sheen

In this book, Erica Sheen rethinks an approach that has been central to Shakespearean stud-ies since the rise of New Historicism in the 1980s. Challenging the prevailing orthodoxy that the institutional form of early modern theatre was that of a market, she takes her starting point from sixteenth-century devel-opments in the law of property, and offers innovative readings of Shakespeare’s plays. This imaginative study will encourage its readers to change the way they think about hitherto familiar plays and critical problems.Palgrave Shakespeare Studies2009 / 256 pp.ISbn: 0-230-52480-X / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-52480-4$75.00 HC. (C$91.00)

MeDIeval lITeRaTuRe MeDIeval HISTORY



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Cross-Gender shakespeare and enGLish naTionaL idenTiTy

Wearing the CodpieceElizabeth Klett

This book examines contemporary female portrayals of male Shakespearean roles and shows how these perfor-mances invite audiences to think differently about Shakespeare, the English nation, and themselves.2009 / 220 pp.ISbn: 0-230-61632-1 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-61632-5$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

shakespeare’s WidoWsDorothea Kehler

“fills a major void in Shakespeare criticism.”—Choice

“The only comprehensive treatment of Shakespeare’s widows, the book challenges many received ideas of past and current scholarship, making an important contribu-tion to feminist criticism of Shakespeare and to the history of the early modern period.”—James Schiffer, Dean, College of liberal arts and Sciences, SunY, new paltz

Using a variety of approaches from new historicism to perfor-mance criticism, Kehler offers a detailed, femi-nist study of the thirty-one widow characters of Shakespeare’s plays. 2009 / 256 pp.ISbn: 0-230-61703-4 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-61703-2$85.00 HC. (C$103.00)

Queenship and Power

eLizabeTh i

The Voice of a MonarchIlona Bell

“bell is the only scholar out there who is able to tackle the complexities of elizabeth’s written and reported spoken discourse with the full literary attention that it deserves...bell has the potential to change the way we think about elizabeth’s place in the histories of gender, politics, religions, diplo-macy—ultimately in history itself.”—John Watkins, professor of english, university of Minnesota

This groundbreaking book combines literary interpretation, gender analysis, and cultural, political, and diplomatic history to examine how Elizabeth I used the dis-course of love to estab-lish her political power, assert her right to marry or not, and rule the country herself either way. Queenship and PowerJune 2010 / 240 pp.ISbn: 0-230-62105-8 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-62105-3$85.00 HC. (C$103.00)ISbn: 0-230-62106-6 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-62106-0$26.00 pb. (C$31.00)

eLizabeTh of yorkArlene Naylor Okerlund

“This work aims to rescue the queen from the perception that she was a merely mar-ginal player in the establishment of the Tudor dynasty. forced to negotiate complex family relationships while maintaining a lov-ing relationship with her husband and king, Okerlund’s elizabeth emerges as a figure central to the accomplishments of the first Tudor court, so much so that her early death produced a catastrophe from which Henry never recovered. Okerlund’s biography pro-duces a lively narrative and a credible por-trait of the queen’s character together with a meticulous reassessment of the available evidence.”—Gordon Kipling, professor of english, university of California, los angeles

This book tells the story of the woman whose marriage to King Henry VII ended the Wars of the Roses and inaugurated the 118-year Tudor dynasty. Queenship and Power2009 / 288 pp.ISbn: 0-230-61827-8 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-61827-5$85.00 HC. (C$103.00)

MeDIeval lITeRaTuRe MeDIeval HISTORY

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Learned Queen

The Image of Elizabeth I in Politics and PoetryLinda Shenk

The first book to examine Elizabeth I as a learned princess, Learned Queen examines Elizabeth’s own demonstrations of eru-dition alongside literary works produced by such political luminaries as Sir Philip Sidney and Robert Devereux, earl of Essex. Queenship and Power2009 / 276 pp.ISbn: 0-230-61562-7 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-61562-5$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

The faCe of Queenship

Early Modern Representations of Elizabeth IAnna Riehl

“Riehl’s brilliant and sophisticated book shows that elizabeth’s portraits were as carefully constructed in her time to deal with questions of state policy and personal vanity as Hollywood’s image has been for our consumption. This is an original book for scholars of english literature, art, and social history.”—Sander l. Gilman, Distinguished professor of the liberal arts and Sciences, emory university

The Face of Queenship investigates the aesthet-ic, political, and gender-related meanings in rep-resentations of Elizabeth I by her contemporaries. By attending to eyewit-ness reports, poetry, por-traiture, and discourses on beauty and cosmetics, this book shows how the portrayals of the queen’s face register her contemporaries’ hopes, fears, hatreds, mock-eries, rivalries, and awe. In its application of theories of the meaning of the face and its exploration of the early modern representa-tion and interpretation of faces, this study argues that the face was seen as a rhetorical tool and that Elizabeth was a master of using her face to persuade, threaten, or comfort her subjects. Queenship and PowerMaY 2010 / 266 pp.ISbn: 0-230-61495-7 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-61495-6$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

Tudor Queenship

The Reigns of Mary and ElizabethEdited by Anna Whitelock and Alice Hunt

This book brings togeth-er a selection of recent, cutting-edge research which, for the first time, challenges commonplace arguments about Mary and Elizabeth’s relative sucesses or failures in order to rethink Tudor queenship.Queenship and PowerauGuST 2010 / 288 pp.ISbn: 0-230-61823-5 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-61823-7$85.00 HC. (C$103.00)

The deaTh of eLizabeTh i

Remembering and Reconstructing the Virgin QueenCatherine Loomis

This book surveys a large and rarely examined body of early modern poems, plays, and prose works written to commemorate Queen Elizabeth I. Queenship and PowerauGuST 2010 / 208 pp.ISbn: 0-230-10412-6 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-10412-9$75.00 HC. (C$95.50)

Queenship and voiCe in medievaL norThern europeWilliam Layher

This book examines female lordship and the power of the political voice in medi-eval Northern Europe, focusing on three prominent, foreign-born queens of medieval Scandinavia—Agnes of Denmark (d. 1304), Eufemia of Norway (d. 1312) and Margareta of Denmark/Sweden (d. 1412)—who acted as cultural mediators and initiators of politi-cal change.Queenship and PowerSepTeMbeR 2010 / 288 pp.ISbn: 0-230-10465-7 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-10465-5$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)



Page 11: Medieval 2010


Goddesses, eLixirs, and WiTChes

Plants and Sexuality throughout Human HistoryJohn M. Riddle

“based on meticulous research and familiar-ity with his subject, the author takes us back to the origins of agriculture and forward through the ages, vividly relating how lore grew and changed. It is both a valued refer-ence and a page-turner.”—anne van arsdall, Institute for Medieval Studies, university of new Mexico

This book offers a fascinating look at the tangled history of plant life and reproductive medicine, from antiquity to the present.2010 / 224 pp. ISbn: 0-230-61064-1 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-61064-4$80.00 HC. (C$102.00)

The paLGrave aTLas of byzanTine hisToryJohn Haldon

This unique and complete mapping of the history of the Byzantine Empire, fea-turing over 100 specially designed maps, charts the history and key aspects of the political, social and economic history of a medieval empire which bridged the Christian and Islamic worlds from the late Roman period into the late Middle Ages.2010 / 200 pp. / 125 MapS ISbn: 0-230-24364-9 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-24364-4$29.00 pb. (C$35.00)

Queenship in briTain 1660-1837

Royal Patronage, Court Culture and Dynastic PoliticsEdited by Clarissa Campbell Orr

This book looks at the lives of succes-sive Queens, Princesses of Wales and royal daughters, and considers how they used their powers of patronage and operated within the confines of royal family politics. With contributions from an international group of scholars this book brings together new approaches in gender history and court studies to present a re-evaluation of this previously neglected area in the study of the British monarchy.2010 / 312 pp. / 26 b/W IlluS. ISbn: 0-7190-5770-1 / ISbn-13: 978-0-7190-5770-0$32.95 pb. (nCR)ManCHeSTeR unIveRSITY pReSS

The ChiLdren’s Crusade

Medieval History, Modern MythistoryGary Dickson

The Children’s Crusade was possibly the most extraordinary event in the history of the crusades. The first modern study in English of this popular crusade sheds new light on its history and offers new perspectives on its supposedly dismal out-come. Its richly re-imagined history and mythistory is explored from the thirteenth century to present day.2010 / 264 pp. / blaCK anD WHITe IlluSTRaTIOnS ISbn: 0-230-24887-X / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-24887-8$22.00 pb. (C$26.00)

The LasT vikinGs

The Epic Story of the Great Norse VoyagersKirsten A. Seaver

“a fascinating investigation into one of the most elusive mysteries of the far north. Kirsten Seaver brings to life a wonderful cast of Saga heroes, the norse at their most outlandish and compelling.” — Joanna Kavenna, author of The Ice Museum

Drawing on her deep knowledge of the culture and history of the region as well as the most up-to-date evidence from archaeology, medieval history and the evoca-tive Sagas, Seaver weaves together a compelling and authoritative history. Alongside their spectacu-lar achievements and discoveries, she also vividly evokes the last Vikings’ daily lives and explains why their apparent departure from Greenland in 1500 was not quite such a dramatic schism in the historical record as is often assumed. This compelling history of a people living at the fringes of the known world offers an illuminating entree into the world of the Norse Greenlanders.JulY 2010 / 288 pp. / 16 HalfTOneS ISbn: 1-84511-869-3 / ISbn-13: 978-1-84511-869-3$30.00 pb. (C$36.00)I.b.TauRIS




Page 12: Medieval 2010


Manchester Medieval Sources

monasTiCism in LaTe medievaL enGLand, C.1300-1535Edited by Martin Heale

Supported by an extend-ed and accessible intro-duction, this collection of documents gives an unri-valled insight into the last phase of monastic life in medieval England. The first section surveys the internal affairs of English monasteries, including recruitment, the monas-tic economy, standards of observance and learning. The second part looks at the rela-tions between monasteries and the world, exploring the monastic contribution to late medieval religion and society and lay atti-tudes towards monks and nuns in the years leading up to the Dissolution. Manchester Medieval Sources2009 / 256 pp. ISbn: 0-7190-7174-7 / ISbn-13: 978-0-7190-7174-4$80.00 HC. (nCR)ISbn: 0-7190-7175-5 / ISbn-13: 978-0-7190-7175-1$30.00 pb. (nCR)ManCHeSTeR unIveRSITY pReSS

eLevenTh-CenTury Germany

The Swabian ChroniclesI.S. Robinson

Three of the most impor-tant chronicles of elev-enth-century Germany were composed in the south-western duchy of Swabia. The chronicles reveal how between 1049 and 1100 the cen-tripetal attraction of the reform papacy became the dominant fact of intellectual life in German reformed monastic circles. This book is the only available English translation of three of the most important Latin chronicles of eleventh-century Germany. The Swabian chronicles are an indispensable resource to the student of the changing loyalties and conflicts of eleventh-century Germany.Manchester Medieval Sources2008 / 416 pp. ISbn: 0-7190-7733-8 / ISbn-13: 978-0-7190-7733-3$94.00 HC. (nCR)ISbn: 0-7190-7734-6 / ISbn-13: 978-0-7190-7734-0$33.00 pb. (nCR)ManCHeSTeR unIveRSITY pReSS

CourT and CiviC soCieTy in The burGundian LoW CounTries C. 1420-1520Andrew Brown and Graeme Small

This book is the first ever attempt to unite and translate some of the key texts which informed Johan Huizinga’s famous study of the Burgundian court in The Waning of the Middle Ages, a work which has never gone out of print. It combines these texts with sources that Huizinga did not consider, those that illuminate the wider civic world that the Burgundian court inhabited, and the dynamic interaction between court and city. Manchester Medieval Sources2008 / 400 pp. / 1 b/W IlluS. ISbn: 0-7190-5619-5 / ISbn-13: 978-0-7190-5619-2$89.00 HC. (nCR)ManCHeSTeR unIveRSITY pReSS

faLLinG from GraCe

Reversal of Fortune and the English Nobility 1075-1455J. S. Bothwell

“Falling from Grace is an innovative and illuminating study, providing a new dimen-sion to our understanding of the mentali-ties of the medieval nobility. Investigating the neglected concept of secular sin and redemption in the Middle ages, it ranges widely over the theme of noble disgrace from the norman Conquest to the Wars of the Roses. bothwell has drawn together an imaginative range of sources and themes in political and cultural history to create a book of considerable significance and lasting worth.” —Mark Ormrod, university of York

Based on extensive research in chronicle, administrative, artistic and other interdis-ciplinary sources, Falling from Grace spans almost four centuries, from the Earls’ Revolt of 1075 to the beginning of the Wars of the Roses, and will be of considerable interest to both academic and general audiences.SepTeMbeR 2010 / 288 pp. / 15 b/W IlluS. ISbn: 0-7190-7522-X / ISbn-13: 978-0-7190-7522-3$30.95 pb. (nCR)ManCHeSTeR unIveRSITY pReSS



Page 13: Medieval 2010


musiC, sChoLasTiCism and reform

Salian Germany 1024-1125T. J. H. McCarthy

This is the first book in English devoted to music and its intellectual context in the elev-enth and twelfth centuries. Drawing on a rich body of theoretical literature and manuscript sources, this book paints a detailed picture of the study of music in eleventh-and early twelfth-century Germany. It focuses on the activity of a group of prominent intellectu-als based in the monastic and cathedral schools of the German Kingdom, charting their sources and shared concerns, while subtly examining their reception and modi-fication of each others’ ideas. Distilling a considerable amount of German scholarship, it situates music in its proper place among other intellectual developments that took place in eleventh-century Germany. Manchester Medieval Studies2009 / 288 pp. / 14 b&W IlluS. ISbn: 0-7190-7889-X / ISbn-13: 978-0-7190-7889-7$89.95 HC. (nCR)ManCHeSTeR unIveRSITY pReSS

earLy medievaL europe, 300-1000Roger Collins

This third edition of a classic textbook history of early medieval Europe is fully updated, rebalanced and revised to take account of the latest scholarship. Collins provides even greater treatment of the period 500-1000 and expands the geographical coverage of the book. Maps also feature in this new edi-tion.Palgrave History of EuropeauGuST 2010 / 624 pp. / MapS ISbn: 0-230-00672-8 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-00672-0$95.00 HC. (C$115.00)ISbn: 0-230-00673-6 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-00673-7$34.00 pb. (C$41.00)

LaTe medievaL franCeGraeme Small

“a very good book which deals with its sub-ject in a clear, thorough, well-organized, and distinctive manner.” — Jonathan boulton, university of notre Dame

This book provides a fresh introduction to the political history of late medieval France duing the turbulent period of the Hundred Years’ War, taking into account the social, economic and religious contexts. Graeme Small considers not just the monarchy but also prelates, noble networks and the emerg-ing municipalities in this new analysis.European History in Perspective2009 / 256 pp. ISbn: 0-333-64242-2 / ISbn-13: 978-0-333-64242-9$75.00 HC. (C$91.00)ISbn: 0-333-64243-0 / ISbn-13: 978-0-333-64243-6$31.00 pb. (C$33.95)

Library of Middle East History

The aLmohads

The Rise of an Islamic EmpireAllen J. Fromherz

“This is an intelligent and well researched account of the origins of the almohad empire. There is no other full length account of this important movement in english.”

—Hugh n Kennedy, professor of arabic, School of Oriental and african Studies (SOaS), university of london.

This work draws on medieval Arabic and Berber sources, analyzes the myth and his-tory surrounding the rise of the Almohad Empire. He shows how Muhammad Ibn Tumart, the son of a minor Berber tribal chief, set off on his mission to reform Islam, then at a low point in its history, battered by the crusades, having lost Jerusalem and been undermined by weak spiritual and political leadership. Library of Middle East HistoryJulY 2010 / 288 pp. ISbn: 1-84511-651-8 / ISbn-13: 978-1-84511-651-4$92.50 HC. (C$112.00)I.b.TauRIS

dipLomaCy in The earLy

isLamiC WorLd

A Tenth-Century Treatise on Arab-Byzantine RelationsMaria Vaiou

“Dr vaiou succinctly characterizes the text’s nature and purpose...although her approach is primarily that of a historian, vaiou pro-vides full coverage of the treatise’s rich cultural background...The text will be of very great interest to historians of Islam, both cultural and political historians, and also to byzantinists and medievalists in general.”

—Jonathan Shepherd, Oxford university

In the only medieval Arabic work which exists on the conduct of messengers and their qualifications, the author Ibn al-Farri rejects jihadist policies in favor of quiet diplomacy and a pragmatic outlook of con-structive realpolitik. Rusul al-Mulik is an extraordinarily important and original con-tribution to our understanding of the early Islamic world and the field of International Relations and Diplomatic History. Library of Middle East HistorySepTeMbeR 2010 / 288 pp. ISbn: 1-84511-652-6 / ISbn-13: 978-1-84511-652-1$92.50 HC. (C$112.00)TauRIS aCaDeMIC STuDIeS



Page 14: Medieval 2010


ireLand and The enGLish WorLd in The LaTe middLe aGesEdited by Brendan Smith

This volume extends the “British Isles” approach pioneered by Robin Frame and Rees Davies to the later middle ages. Through examination of issues such as frontier formation, colonial identities and connections with the wider world it explores whether this period saw the bonds between the British Isles weaken, strengthen, or simply alter.2009 / 256 pp.ISbn: 0-230-54289-1 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-54289-1$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

WaLLed ToWns and The shapinG of franCe

From the Medieval to the Early Modern EraMichael Wolfe

“This book covers much new ground in relat-ing the history of france’s town-walls and fortifications to the general history of the country.”—David buisseret, university of Texas at arlington

This book focuses on the development of towns in France, taking into account military technol-ogy, physical geography, shifting regional networks tying urban communities together, and the emer-gence of new forms of public authority and civic life.2009 / 272 pp. ISbn: 0-230-60812-4 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-60812-2$84.95 HC. (C$103.00)

CroaTia from The middLe aGes and The renaissanCe

A Cultural SurveyEdited by Ivan Supercic

This is the second volume of the series covering Croatian art and architec-ture from royal times up to the present and incu-des many buildings still extant from this period.2009 / 700 pp. / 400 COlOR IlluS. ISbn: 0-85667-624-1 / ISbn-13: 978-0-85667-624-6$110.00 HC. (C$134.00)pHIlIp WIlSOn publISHeRS

beauTy and The maLe body in byzanTium

Perceptions and Representations in Art and TextMyrto Hatzaki

This book looks into physical beauty in Byzantium, and reveals a quality with an unmistakable dark side. It aims to unravel in a way that affects our perception of the (male) body in Byzantium and of beauty in the Byzantine world.2009 / 240 pp. ISbn: 0-230-00715-5 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-00715-4$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

The haunTedA Social History of GhostsOwen Davies

The Haunted is the first truly comprehensive social history of ghosts. Using fascinating and entertaining examples, Davies places the history of ghosts within their wider social and cultural context and examines why a belief in ghosts continues to be vibrant, socially relevant and historically illuminating.2009 / 312 pp. / 12 b/W pHOTOS ISbn: 0-230-23710-X / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-23710-0$19.95 pb. (C$23.00)

The LasT kniGhT erranT

Sir Edward Woodville and the Age of ChivalryChristopher Wilkins

Drawing on original research throughout Europe, Christopher Wilkins restores Sir Edward Woodville to his rightful place at the heart of power in 15th-century England and represents him as a true hero whose reputa-tion suffered at the hands of that genius of propaganda, Richard III.2009 / 272 pp. / 16 b/W IlluS. ISbn: 1-84885-149-9 / ISbn-13: 978-1-84885-149-8$59.00 HC. (C$70.99)I.b.TauRIS

WiTChCrafT and masCuLiniTies in earLy modern europeEdited by Alison Rowlands

Men and masculinities are still inadequately incorporated into the historiography of early modern witch trials, despite the fact that 20-25% of all accused ‘witches’ were male. This book redresses this imbalance by mak-ing men the focus of the gender analysis and also covers the issue of regional variation in the gendering of witch persecution.2009 / 256 pp. ISbn: 0-230-55329-X / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-55329-3$85.00 HC. (C$103.00)



Page 15: Medieval 2010


International Library of Historical Studies

The femaLe mysTiC

Great Women Thinkers of the Middle AgesAndrea Janelle Dickens

“This readable introduction is the perfect primer for the religious studies or gender studies classroom and has ample scholarly apparatus to encourage further study.”

—Mary e Hunt, Co-director, Women’s alliance for Theology, ethics and Ritual (WaTeR), Silver Spring, Maryland

Designed for the use of undergraduate student and general reader alike, this attractive survey provides an introduction to thirteen remarkable women and sets their ideas in context.International Library of Historical Studies2009 / 272 pp. / 15 HalfTOneS, 1 Map ISbn: 1-84511-640-2 / ISbn-13: 978-1-84511-640-8$94.00 HC. (C$114.00)ISbn: 1-84511-641-0 / ISbn-13: 978-1-84511-641-5$34.00 pb. (C$41.00)I.b.TauRIS

an inTroduCTion To medievaL jeWish phiLosophyDaniel Rynhold

“all credit to the author for producing a textbook that will be found clear and use-ful by lay readers, as well as students and scholars of religion, Jewish studies and medi-eval philosophy.”—Stefan C Reif, emeritus professor, university of Cambridge

Structured around themes that form the common “syllabus” of medieval Jewish philoso-phy, each chapter builds a debate around a partic-ular topic and in so doing utilizes the arguments of the chief philosophical figures of the medieval era. Explaining all concepts in a clear, non-technical fashion, the book also provides suggestions for further reading at the end of each chapter. International Library of Historical Studies2009 / 272 pp. ISbn: 1-84511-747-6 / ISbn-13: 978-1-84511-747-4$94.00 HC. (C$114.00)ISbn: 1-84511-748-4 / ISbn-13: 978-1-84511-748-1$34.00 pb. (C$41.00)I.b.TauRIS

deGrees of exCeLLenCe

A Fatimid Treatise on Leadership in IslamEdited and Translated by Arzina R. Lalani

Ahmad b. Ibrahim al-Naysaburi (996-1021) lived at the pinnacle of Fatimid rule in Egypt. One of the most distinguished scholars of his time, several important works are accredited to him. However, it is his major treatise - the Kitab Ithbat al-imama—which is of seminal importance in the philosophical development of medieval Muslim thought. It is in this work

—which is here presented in a completely fresh edition and a new translation—that al-Naysaburi daringly uses rational tools to explain and expound his theology, rather than base his assertions exclusively on the authority of the Qur’an and Hadith. Ismaili Texts and Translations2010 / 240 pp. ISbn: 1-84511-145-1 / ISbn-13: 978-1-84511-145-8$45.00 HC. (C$54.00)I.b.TauRIS In aSSOCIaTIOn WITH THe InSTITuTe fOR ISMaIlI STuDIeS

an anThoLoGy of phiLosophy in persia, voLume 3

Philosophical Theology in the Middle Ages and BeyondEdited by Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Mehdi Aminrazavi

Persia is home to one of the few civiliza-tions in the world that has had a continuous tradition of philosophical thought for over two and a half millennia. As Islamic theol-ogy developed in the Middle Ages, many of its schools interacted with existing Persian philosophical currents and evolved into a distinctive philosophical “Kalam” or dogmatic theology. Numerous Persions were among the definitive masters of both Shi’i and Sunni theologians—chiefly Al-Ghazzali and Fakhr al-Din Al-Razi, who are prominently represented in this book. Important selec-tions from both Shi’i and Sunni theological schools (including Mu’tazila and Ash’ariyya) are included in the volume, many of which have never before been available in transla-tion in the West until now.2010 / 390 pp. ISbn: 1-84511-605-4 / ISbn-13: 978-1-84511-605-7$69.95 HC. (C$85.00)I.b.TauRIS In aSSOCIaTIOn WITH THe InSTITuTe Of ISMaIlI STuDIeS


Page 16: Medieval 2010


The renaissanCe

A SourcebookLena Cowen Orlin

“professor Orlin possesses an enviable intel-lectual sharpness and breadth, an under-standing of her audience, and a scholarly acumen. The book covers everything a reader could conceivably want to know about early modern england — religion, the family, philosophy, high culture, trade, everyday life and more. I find it impossible to imagine who could fail to learn from this volume.” —andrew Hadfield, Head of english, university of Sussex

This collection of rare and classic documents pro-vides student with rich source material and con-text for studying the lit-erature of Shakespeare’s age. The documents are supported by substantial editorial matter, includ-ing an authoritative intro-duction which outlines key historical events, movements, and literary and cultural issues of the time. Palgrave Sourcebooks2009 / 344 pp. ISbn: 0-230-00175-0 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-00175-6$100.00 HC. (C$121.00)ISbn: 0-230-00176-9 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-00176-3$33.00 pb. (C$40.00)

The enGLish renaissanCe, orienTaLism, and The idea of asiaEdited by Debra Johanyak and Walter S. H. Lim

“The English Renaissance, Orientalism, and the Idea of Asia offers diverse and richly illuminating essays; it adds historical depth and breadth to our understanding of Renaissance cultural formations in their orientalist engagements.”—Jyotsna G. Singh, professor, Michigan State university

Contributors to this collection examine the complex significations of “Asia” in the liter-ary and cultural production of early modern England. 2010 / 252 pp. ISbn: 0-230-61599-6 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-61599-1$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

Early Modern Cultural Studies

raCe and rheToriC in The renaissanCe

Barbarian ErrorsIan Smith

“Smith compels his readers to recognize that race is not merely a fashionable topic but a key component in Renaissance humanist thought. This bold and innovative study will be essential reading for graduate students and faculty in the field.”

—Dympna Callaghan, Dean’s professor in the Humanities, Syracuse university

This book examines six-teenth-century English representations of the

“barbarous” African and argues that these rep-resentations were a a scapegoating to ease English anxiety regarding its own marginality.Early Modern Cultural Studies2009 / 244 pp. ISbn: 0-230-62045-0 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-62045-2$85.00 HC. (C$103.00)

masCuLiniTy and The meTropoLis of viCe, 1550-1650Edited by Amanda Bailey and Roze Hentschell

“These essays draw on the work of cultural geographers as well as social historians to revise rigid patriarchal narratives and help us rethink early modern masculinity. a well-chosen collection useful for both teaching and research.”—Karen newman, professor of english, new York university

Leading scholars explore a range of male bad behaviors in order to challenge the notion that early modern London was a corrupt city that ruined innocent young men. Early Modern Cultural Studies2010 / 242 pp. ISbn: 0-230-62366-2 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-62366-8$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

THe RenaISSanCe & eaRlY MODeRn peRIOD THe RenaISSanCe & eaRlY MODeRn peRIOD

Page 17: Medieval 2010


mediCaL anaLoGy in LaTin saTireSari Kivistö

Offering fresh readings of numerous Neo-Latin texts, Medical Analogy in Latin Satire provides an introduction to medical issues in the tradition of Latin satire. The book explores what functions physical diseases and peculiarities had in early modern satires and how satire was consid-ered as a form of healing instruction.

2009 / 256 pp. ISbn: 0-230-22812-7 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-22812-2$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

sir phiLip sidney, CuLTuraL iConRichard Hillyer

“an absolutely fascinating subject, and researched with rigor . . . [he] attests brilliantly to something we all believe: that literature from the past is not dead, but is continually and necessarily being remade.”—Michael Schoenfeldt, professor of english, university of Michigan

This study analyzes Sir Philip Sidney’s reputa-tion from his own day to the present by discussing his reception in the work of authors as diverse in time and type as Sir Fulke Greville, Christopher Hill, Charles Lamb, Edmund Waller, and Thomas Warton the elder.2010 / 244 pp. ISbn: 0-230-10238-7 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-10238-5$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

neW direCTions in renaissanCe drama and performanCe sTudiesEdited by Sarah Werner

This collection asks pressing questions about how and why we study performances of Renaissance drama, challenging prevailing views and suggesting new methodologies for the field. How does an emphasis on Shakespeare limit us? What can we learn from non-traditional theatre? Why should we rethink the value of studying what hap-pens onstage?June 2010 / 256 pp. ISbn: 0-230-20530-5 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-20530-7$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

re-visioninG Lear’s dauGhTers

Testing Feminist Criticism and TheoryLesley Kordecki and Karla Koskinen

King Lear is believed by many feminists to be irretrievably sexist. Through detailed line readings of Shakespeare’s original folio edition, Re-Visioning Lear’s Daughters sets out to show that Lear’s daughters can be reconceived as full characters, not flat ste-reotypes of good and evil. Close readings of Shakespeare’s original folio edition prove his text elastic and ultimately above the charges of sexism that have been leveled against it.auGuST 2010 / 256 pp. ISbn: 0-230-10409-6 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-10409-9$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

The inTeLLeCTuaL CuLTure of puriTan Women, 1558-1680Edited by Johanna Harris and Elizabeth Scott-Baumann

This collection of essay by leading scholars in the field reveals the major contribution of puritan women to the intellectual culture of the early modern period, showing that women’s roles with puritan and broader communities encompassed translating and disseminating key texts and producing an impressive body of original writing.Early Modern Literature in HistorySepTeMbeR 2010 / 256 pp. ISbn: 0-230-22864-X / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-22864-1$85.00 HC. (C$103.00)

The paLGrave LiTerary diCTionary of ChauCerMalcolm Andrew

This study, now available in paperback, provides readers with a conve-nient source of reliable and accessible informa-tion on Chaucer’s work, life and times. Topics include Chaucer’s works, major characters, social and political contexts, influences on Chaucer and those influenced by him and people and places of significance in Chaucer’s life.Palgrave Literary Dictionaries2009 / 288 pp. ISbn: 0-230-23148-9 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-23148-1$32.95 pb. (C$39.95)

THe RenaISSanCe & eaRlY MODeRn peRIOD THe RenaISSanCe & eaRlY MODeRn peRIOD



Page 18: Medieval 2010


The CuLTure of usury in renaissanCe enGLandDavid Hawkes

This book examines the ways in which usury was perceived and portrayed as it rose to popularity in Renaissance England. This book then goes onto to look at its depictions in a wide variety of literary media: plays, pamphlets, poems, political econ-omy and parliamentary debates to suggest that a knowledge of such portrayals may help us settle accounts with the vastly expanded form taken by usury in our own time.MaY 2010 / 208 pp.ISbn: 0-230-61626-7 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-61626-4$75.00 HC. (C$91.00)

Wounds, fLesh, and meTaphor in sevenTeenTh-CenTury enGLandSarah Covington

“admirably engaging and thoughtful, bring-ing a new perspective to study of the civil wars of the investigation of language at the very basic levels of speech and description, but worked through a very contemporary historiographical nexus that leads to a very satisfying study.”—Times Higher Education Supplement

This book explores the theme of physical and symbolic woundedness in mid-seven-teenth century English literature. Covington demonstrates the ways in which writers attempted to represent the politically and religiously fractured state of the time and re-imagined the nation through language and metaphor in the process. By examining the creative permutations of the wound meta-phor, Covington argues for the centrality of the charged imagery, and language itself, in shaping the self-representations of an age.2009 / 272 pp. ISbn: 0-230-61601-1 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-61601-1$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

The Third voyaGe journaLs

Writing and Performance in the London East India Company, 1607-10Richmond Barbour

“barbour’s volume makes available essential documentation for the history of the east India Company in the critical opening years of its existence. The journals of the first english voyage to reach the Indian subcon-tinent are here fully edited and described for the first time; they are essential for an understanding of the beginnings of the british colonial enterprise...barbour is a gifted expositor and an excellent editor. This is an exciting and important book.”—Ste-phen Orgel, J. e. Reynolds professor in the Humanities, Stanford university

This volume publishes for the first time the collected journals of the East India Company’s Third Voyage (1607-10), England’s first to reach India, which proved pivotal to England’s emergence as a global player.2009 / 296 pp. ISbn: 0-230-61675-5 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-61675-2$75.00 HC. (C$91.00)

ovid and The poLiTiCs of emoTion in eLizabeThan enGLandCora Fox

“an excellent book on a subject that is cru-cial to modern critical theory in the wake of deconstruction, new historicism, and gender studies; a brilliant examination of Ovid and his relation to gender studies. fox’s Ovidian reading of Titus is the most brilliant read-ing of that underestimated play.”—Thomas p. Roche, professor of english, princeton university

Elizabethan English culture is saturated with tales and figures from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. While most of these narratives interrogate metamorphosis and transformation, many tales—such as those of Philomela, Hecuba, or Orpheus—also highlight heightened states of emotion, especially in powerless or seemingly powerless characters. When these tales are translated and retold in the new cultural context of Renaissance England, a distinct politics of Ovidian emotion emerg-es. Through intertextual readings in diverse cultural contexts, Ovid and the Politics of Emotion in Elizabethan England reveals the ways these representations helped rede-fine emotions and the political efficacy of emotional expression in sixteenth-century England.2009 / 200 pp. ISbn: 0-230-61704-2 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-61704-9$75.00 HC. (C$91.00)

THe RenaISSanCe & eaRlY MODeRn peRIOD THe RenaISSanCe & eaRlY MODeRn peRIOD

Page 19: Medieval 2010


vioLenCe aGainsT Women in earLy modern performanCe

Invisible ActsKim Solga

Examining some of the most iconic texts in English theatre history, including Titus Andronicus, The Duchess of Malfi and The Changeling, this book reveals the perni-cious erasure of rape and violence against women in the early modern era, and the politics and ethics of rehearsing these negotiations on the twentieth- and twenty-first century stages.2009 / 248 pp. / up TO 10 b/W In-TeXT ISbn: 0-230-21954-3 / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-21954-0$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

renaissanCe earWiTnesses

Rumor and Early Modern MasculinityKeith M. Botelho

“Contributes fresh insights to the emerging field of early modern aurality studies. The strengths of the book lie in its compelling close-readings of plays by Marlowe, Jonson, Shakespeare, and Cary and its discussion of how these dramatists respond to cultural concerns about the reliability of informa-tion in an age when news is spreading faster than ever before.”—Gina bloom, associate professor of english, uC Davis

Renaissance Earwitnesses examines how maintain-ing masculinity on the early modern stage is intimately tied to “ear-witnessing,” or a sense of “judicious listening,” in plays by Marlowe, Shakespeare, Cary, and Jonson.2009 / 224 pp. ISbn: 0-230-61941-X / ISbn-13: 978-0-230-61941-8$80.00 HC. (C$97.00)

anThony munday and CiviC CuLTure

Theatre, History and Power in Early Modern London 1580-1633Tracey Hill

“Hill provides a useful sense of the com-plex ways in which status was determined and negotiated in early modern england.”

—Studies in English Literature 1500-1900, vol 46, Spring 2006, no 2

Anthony Munday and Civic Culture is a full-scale study of a fascinating but hitherto neglected author set in the context of the city where he was born, lived and worked. Now in paperback, this study of his diverse works throws fresh light on our understand-ing of this significant period. A wide range of Munday’s texts are explored in depth, includ-ing plays, original prose works, translations, Lord Mayor’s Shows, and his editions of John Stow’s Survey of London. Hill employs an interdisciplinary methodology drawing on history, biography, literary criticism and topography. She explores historical sources as well as literary texts.2009 / 224 pp. / 6 b/W IlluS. ISbn: 0-7190-6383-3 / ISbn-13: 978-0-7190-6383-1$26.00 pb. (nCR)ManCHeSTeR unIveRSITY pReSS

iLLeGiTimaTe poWer

Bastards in Renaissance DramaAlison Findlay

Drawing on a wide rage of play texts, Alison Findlay shows how illegitimacy encoded and threatened to deconstruct some of the basic tenets of patri-archal rule. She consid-ers bastards as indicators and instigators of crises in early modern England, reading them in relation to witch craft, spiritual insecurities and social unrest in family and State. The characters discussed range from demi-devils, unnatural villains and clowns to outstanding heroic or virtuous types who challenge officially sanctioned ideas of illegitimacy. The final chapter of the book considers bastards in performance; their relationship with theatre spaces and audiences. 2009 / 288 pp. ISbn: 0-7190-8085-1 / ISbn-13: 978-0-7190-8085-2$26.00 pb. (nCR)ManCHeSTeR unIveRSITY pReSS

THe RenaISSanCe & eaRlY MODeRn peRIOD THe RenaISSanCe & eaRlY MODeRn peRIOD

Page 20: Medieval 2010


postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies

Volume 1, 2010, 3 issues per yearPrint ISSN: 2040-5960 • Online ISSN: 2040-5979

Editors: EILEEN JOY, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, USAMYRA SEAMAN, College of Charleston, USA

Book Reviews Editor:HOLLY CROCKER, University of South Carolina, USA

‘postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies is more than a journal: it’s an event.’- Jeffrey Jerome Cohen,

George Washington University, USA.

postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies is a cross-disciplinary, peer-reviewed journal in medieval studies that aims to bring the medieval and modern into productive critical relation. The journal will work to develop a present-minded medieval studies in which contemporary events, issues, ideas, problems, objects, and texts serve as triggers for critical investigations of the Middle Ages.

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JOuRnalS InDeX

Page 21: Medieval 2010


JOuRnalS InDeX

albanese ................................................................................8


alMOHaDS, THe .............................................................13

andrew ................................................................................17

anTHOlOGY Of pHIlOSOpHY In peRSIa, vOluMe 3, an ............................................................15

anTHOnY MunDaY anD CIvIC CulTuRe ..........19

anTIMeRCanTIlISM In laTe MeDIeval enGlISH lITeRaTuRe .....................................................................5

bailey and Hentschell .....................................................16

barbour ................................................................................18

beauTY anD THe Male bODY In bYZanTIuM ..14

bell ..........................................................................................9

beRenGuela Of CaSTIle (1180-1246) anD pOlITICal WOMen In THe HIGH MIDDle aGeS 4

bliss .........................................................................................6

botelho ................................................................................19

bothwell ..............................................................................12

brown and Small ..............................................................12

bYROn anD THe RHeTORIC Of ITalIan naTIOnalISM ............................................................... 7

Caballero-navas and alfonso ........................................ 6

Carlson ...................................................................................7

CHIlDRen’S CRuSaDe, THe .........................................11

Collette, Garrett-Goodyear and Matthews ............... 8

Collins ..................................................................................13

COnSTRuCTInG CHauCeR ........................................... 4

COuRT anD CIvIC SOCIeTY In THe buRGunDIan lOW COunTRIeS C. 1420-1520 ...........................12

Covington ...........................................................................18

CRafTInG JeWISHneSS In MeDIeval enGlanD ........................................................................5

CROaTIa fROM THe MIDDle aGeS anD THe RenaISSanCe ..............................................................14

CROSS-GenDeR SHaKeSpeaRe anD enGlISH naTIOnal IDenTITY ................................................... 9

CulTuRe Of uSuRY In RenaISSanCe enGlanD, THe ............................................................18

Davidson ...............................................................................5

Davies ...................................................................................14

DeaTH Of elIZabeTH I, THe .......................................10

DeGReeS Of eXCellenCe ............................................15

Dickens ................................................................................15

Dickson ................................................................................11

DIplOMaCY In THe eaRlY ISlaMIC WORlD ........13

Dixon ......................................................................................7

earenfight .............................................................................3

eaRlY MeDIeval euROpe, 300-1000 ......................13

edelman .................................................................................6

elevenTH-CenTuRY GeRManY ...............................12

elIZabeTH I ..........................................................................9

elIZabeTH Of YORK ........................................................ 9

enGlISH RenaISSanCe In pOpulaR CulTuRe, THe ................................................................7

enGlISH RenaISSanCe, ORIenTalISM, anD THe IDea Of aSIa, THe......................................................16

eSSaYS In laTeR MeDIeval fRenCH lITeRaTuRe ...................................................7

eXTRaMuRal SHaKeSpeaRe.........................................8

faCe Of QueenSHIp, THe ...........................................10

fallInG fROM GRaCe ..................................................12

feMale MYSTIC, THe .....................................................15

fInDInG SaInT fRanCIS In lITeRaTuRe anD aRT .................................................3

findlay .................................................................................19

fox .........................................................................................18

fromherz .............................................................................13

GenDeR anD pOWeR In MeDIeval eXeGeSIS ......6

GeOffReY CHauCeR HaTH a blOG .......................... 3

Gertz .......................................................................................4

GODDeSSeS, elIXIRS, anD WITCHeS .......................11

Gust ........................................................................................4

Haldon .................................................................................11

Harris and Scott-baumann ...........................................17

Hart .........................................................................................8

Hatzaki .................................................................................14

HaunTeD, THe .................................................................14

Hawkes ................................................................................18

Heale ....................................................................................12

Hill .........................................................................................19

Hillyer ..................................................................................17

Ho, Mulvaney, and Downey ...........................................3

Horlacher, Glomb, and Heiler ........................................7

HuMOROuS DaY’S MIRTH, a .......................................6

IlleGITIMaTe pOWeR ....................................................19

InTelleCTual CulTuRe Of puRITan WOMen, 1558-1680, THe...........................................................17

InTRODuCTIOn TO MeDIeval JeWISH pHIlOSOpHY, an........................................................15

IRelanD anD THe enGlISH WORlD In THe laTe MIDDle aGeS ...............................................................14

Jaeger .....................................................................................5

Johanyak and lim .............................................................16

Jones .......................................................................................6

JulIan Of nORWICH’S leGaCY .................................4

Kehler .....................................................................................9

Kennedy ................................................................................5

KInG anD nO KInG, a ...................................................6

Kivistö ..................................................................................17

Klett ........................................................................................9

Kordecki and Koskinen ...................................................17

Krummel ...............................................................................5

ladd ........................................................................................5

lalani ....................................................................................15

laST KnIGHT eRRanT, THe.........................................14

laST vIKInGS, THe .........................................................11

laTe MeDIeval fRanCe ...............................................13

laTe MeDIeval JeWISH IDenTITIeS ........................... 6

laTeR MIDDle aGeS, THe ..............................................8

layher ..................................................................................10

Page 22: Medieval 2010


leaRneD Queen .............................................................10

leTTeRS Of HelOISe anD abelaRD, THe ................ 3

levine .....................................................................................8


MaGnIfICenCe anD THe SublIMe In MeDIeval aeSTHeTICS ....................................................................5

MaInTenanCe, MeeD, anD MaRRIaGe In MeDIeval enGlISH lITeRaTuRe ............................ 5

MaRGaReT paSTOn’S pIeTY ......................................... 5

MaSCulInITY anD THe MeTROpOlIS Of vICe, 1550-1650 .....................................................................16

McCarthy ............................................................................13

Mclaughlin and Wheeler ................................................. 3

MeDICal analOGY In laTIn SaTIRe .....................17

MeDIeval anD eaRlY MODeRn DevOTIOnal ObJeCTS In GlObal peRSpeCTIve ......................... 6

MeDIevalISM, MulTIlInGualISM, anD CHauCeR .............................................................. 5

MOnaSTICISM In laTe MeDIeval enGlanD, C.1300-1535 .................................................................12

MuSIC, SCHOlaSTICISM anD RefORM ..................13

nasr and aminrazavi .......................................................15

neW DIReCTIOnS In RenaISSanCe DRaMa anD peRfORManCe STuDIeS ..........................................17

nolan ......................................................................................4

Okerlund ...............................................................................9

On faRTInG .......................................................................3

Orlin ......................................................................................16

Orr .........................................................................................11

OuTlaWRY In MeDIeval lITeRaTuRe ..................... 6

OvID anD THe pOlITICS Of eMOTIOn In elIZabeTHan enGlanD .........................................18

palGRave aTlaS Of bYZanTIne HISTORY, THe ..............................................................11

palGRave lITeRaRY DICTIOnaRY Of CHauCeR, THe ...................................................................................17

peRfORManCe, COGnITIve THeORY, anD DevOTIOnal CulTuRe ............................................. 7

peRfORMInG bODIeS In paIn ..................................... 7

pOST-HISTORICal MIDDle aGeS, THe ...................... 4

pOWeR Of TOlKIen’S pROSe, THe ............................. 8

QueenS In STOne anD SIlveR .................................. 4

QueenSHIp anD vOICe In MeDIeval nORTHeRn euROpe..................................................10

QueenSHIp In bRITaIn 1660-1837 .........................11

RaCe anD RHeTORIC In THe RenaISSanCe .......16

Re-vISIOnInG leaR’S DauGHTeRS .........................17

RefORMInG THe HuManITIeS .................................... 8

RenaISSanCe eaRWITneSSeS ...................................19

RenaISSanCe, THe .........................................................16

Riddle ...................................................................................11

Riehl ......................................................................................10

Robertson and Jahner ....................................................... 6

Robinson .............................................................................12

Rosenthal ..............................................................................5

Rowlands .............................................................................14

Rynhold ...............................................................................15

Salih and baker....................................................................4

Scala and federico .............................................................4

Schmidt .................................................................................7


Semenza ................................................................................7

Shadis .....................................................................................4

SHaKeSpeaRe .....................................................................8

SHaKeSpeaRe anD THe InSTITuTIOn Of THeaTRe ...................................................................8

SHaKeSpeaRe’S WIDOWS ..............................................9

Sheen ......................................................................................8

Shenk ....................................................................................10

Siewers ..................................................................................5

SIR pHIlIp SIDneY, CulTuRal ICOn ........................17

Small .....................................................................................13

Smith, b. ..............................................................................14

Smith, I.................................................................................16

Solga .....................................................................................19

Stevenson .............................................................................7

STRanGe beauTY .............................................................5

Supercic ...............................................................................14

TabOO anD TRanSGReSSIOn In bRITISH lITeRaTuRe fROM THe RenaISSanCe TO THe pReSenT ...........................................................................7

THIRD vOYaGe JOuRnalS, THe ...............................18

Tinkle ......................................................................................6

TuDOR QueenSHIp........................................................10

vaiou ....................................................................................13

vIOlenCe aGaInST WOMen In eaRlY MODeRn peRfORManCe ........................................18

vISual pOWeR anD faMe In RenÉ D’anJOu, GeOffReY CHauCeR, anD THe blaCK pRInCe ................................................................4


WalleD TOWnS anD THe SHapInG Of fRanCe ...................................................................14

Werner .................................................................................17

Whitelock and Hunt ........................................................10

Wilkins .................................................................................14

WITCHCRafT anD MaSCulInITIeS In eaRlY MODeRn euROpe ......................................................14


WOMen anD WealTH In laTe MeDIeval euROpe .......................................................3

WOunDS, fleSH, anD MeTapHOR In SevenTeenTH-CenTuRY enGlanD ..................18

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