medical statistics joan morris ([email protected]) professor of medical statistics goldsmiths...

Medical Statistics Joan Morris ([email protected]) Professor of Medical Statistics Goldsmiths Lecture 2014

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Page 1: Medical Statistics Joan Morris ( Professor of Medical Statistics Goldsmiths Lecture 2014

Medical Statistics

Joan Morris ([email protected])Professor of Medical Statistics

Goldsmiths Lecture 2014

Page 2: Medical Statistics Joan Morris ( Professor of Medical Statistics Goldsmiths Lecture 2014


• To give a brief description of some different areas of medical statistics

– Folic acid and Neural Tube Defects

– Screening for Heart Disease

Page 3: Medical Statistics Joan Morris ( Professor of Medical Statistics Goldsmiths Lecture 2014

Folic Acid and Neural Tube Defects

Page 4: Medical Statistics Joan Morris ( Professor of Medical Statistics Goldsmiths Lecture 2014

Can folic acid reduce neural tube defects (e.g. spina bifida)?

• MRC Vitamin trial - randomised controlled trial

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Randomised Controlled Trial

• A clinical trial is an experiment in which a

treatment is administered to humans in order to

evaluate its efficacy and safety

• Controlled = a comparison group

• Randomised = allocated to groups on basis of

chance e.g. tossing a coin (ensures fair


Page 6: Medical Statistics Joan Morris ( Professor of Medical Statistics Goldsmiths Lecture 2014

Can folic acid reduce neural tube defects (e.g. spina bifida)?

• MRC Vitamin trial - randomised controlled trial

• Large: 1817 women who had had a previous NTD, 33 centres, 7 countries

Page 7: Medical Statistics Joan Morris ( Professor of Medical Statistics Goldsmiths Lecture 2014

Folic Acid vs Placebo forNeural Tube Defects

Lancet 1991 




    Neural Tube Defects

    Yes No Total

Folic Acid

Yes 6 587 593

No 21 581 602

Risk of NTD in treated group =Risk of NTD in control group =

Relative Risk of NTD in treated group compared to control group =


1%/3.5% = 0.29

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Folic Acid vs Placebo forNeural Tube Defects

RR = 0.29

95% Confidence Interval : 0.10 to 0.76

P = 0.008

Page 9: Medical Statistics Joan Morris ( Professor of Medical Statistics Goldsmiths Lecture 2014

Can folic acid reduce neural tube defects (e.g. spina bifida)?

• Results : Women who did not receive folic acid were 3 times more likely to have a second NTD pregnancy

• Impact : Women are advised to take folic acid PRIOR to becoming pregnant

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Page 11: Medical Statistics Joan Morris ( Professor of Medical Statistics Goldsmiths Lecture 2014

Statisticians Involvement

• Planning the study – how large

• Analysing the results

• Stopping the study early (Independent Data Monitoring Committee)

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What Dose ?

• Women in MRC trial had had a previous NTD pregnancy and were given 4mg folic acid per day

• Current recommendation is 0.4mg folic acid per day

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Dose Folic Acid

Serum Folate Level

Risk of NTD pregnancy


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Page 16: Medical Statistics Joan Morris ( Professor of Medical Statistics Goldsmiths Lecture 2014

Dose Folic Acid

Serum Folate Level

Risk of NTD pregnancy

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00 b


0 2 4 6 8 10Plasma folate (ng/ml)

Folic Acid and NTD Dose Response

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Folic Acid and NTD Dose Response01











00 b


0 2 4 6 8 10Plasma folate (ng/ml)

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• The same proportional increase in serum folate has the same proportional reduction in NTD

• All women benefit from taking folic acid. There is not a threshold effect

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Women planning a pregnancy should take 5mg folic acid tablets daily, instead of the 0.4mg dose presently recommended

(THE LANCET • Vol 358 • December 15, 2001)

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MRC Trial

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Fortification (0.2mg/day)

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Use of Statistics in Screening

Screening is the identification, among apparently healthy individuals, of those who are sufficiently at risk from a specific disorder to benefit from a subsequent diagnostic test, procedure or direct preventive action.

Screening for Heart Disease

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Relative odds of major IHD event by fifths of the distribution of haemostatic and lipid markers for all men (•——•) and for men free of IHD at baseline examination ( ––– ).∘ ∘

Yarnell J et al. Eur Heart J 2004;25:1049-1056

The European Society of Cardiology

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Biomarker : ZZ

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Screen negative Screen positive

Biomarker : ZZ

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Screen negative Screen positive

Biomarker : ZZ

False positives

False negatives

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Risk Factor

Unaffected Affected

Good test

Screening for a medical disorder

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Risk Factor

Unaffected Affected

Poor test

Screening for a medical disorder

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Is Cholesterol any good for screening ?





.2 .4 .6 .8fol


Risk screen


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Detection Rate

False Positive Rate

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4.2mm Hg

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7.5mm Hg

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Page 38: Medical Statistics Joan Morris ( Professor of Medical Statistics Goldsmiths Lecture 2014

• Are there any good screening tests ?

Antenatal screening for Down’s syndrome

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Quadruple test markers

0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8 16

Maternal serum total hCG (MoM)

0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8 16

Maternal serum inhibin-A (MoM)

Total hCG Inhibin-A

0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8 16

Maternal serum AFP (MoM)

0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8 16

Maternal serum uE3 (MoM)


Down’s syndrome

Unaffected Down’s syndrome


Down’s syndrome

Down’s syndrome

Unaffected Unaffected

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01:108 1:106 1:104 1:102 1:1 102:1 104:1

Down’s syndrome


Distribution of risk in Down’s syndrome and unaffected pregnancies using AFP, uE3, total hCG and inhibin-A

measured at 14-20 weeks (+ maternal age)

Risk of a Down’s syndrome pregnancy at term

Page 41: Medical Statistics Joan Morris ( Professor of Medical Statistics Goldsmiths Lecture 2014

Method : Monte Carlo Simulation

•Generate a population of 500,000 people aged 0-89 years. [Use Office for National Statistics Population Data for England and Wales]

•Assign risk factors (eg diabetes, smoking, blood pressure) [Use Health of the Nation Survey]

•Calculate a persons risk [Use Framingham risk equations]

•Assign deaths according to people’s risks

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Page 43: Medical Statistics Joan Morris ( Professor of Medical Statistics Goldsmiths Lecture 2014


• Age is as good at predicting heart disease as measuring conventional risk factors

• Therefore treatment should be offered on the basis of age

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Treatment to Prevent Heart Disease

• Blood Pressure Lowering Drugs– What dose– Which drug

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Several studies looking at the same thing

• Each study may be relatively inconclusive because of too much uncertainty (too small)

• Meta-analysis : statistical method of combining and presenting results from several studies

• Can indicate more robust results

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Blood pressure reduction (mmHg)

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Major influence for prescription of combination therapy as first line of action

1 Drug

Standard dose

3 Drugs

Half standard dose

1 Drug

Standard dose

3 Drugs

Half standard dose

7 mm Hg

20 mm Hg 10%


Reduction in blood pressure People reporting side effects

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BMJ 2009;338:b1665

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Page 53: Medical Statistics Joan Morris ( Professor of Medical Statistics Goldsmiths Lecture 2014

• A reduction in blood pressure of 20mm Hg halves the risk of a CHD event or stroke regardless of the person’s original blood pressure or their level of cardiovascular risk .

• This means that everyone at sufficient cardiovascular risk will benefit from a reduction in blood pressure, even if they don’t have a high blood pressure. For example all people with diabetes should be offered treatment.

BMJ 2009;338:b1665

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Page 57: Medical Statistics Joan Morris ( Professor of Medical Statistics Goldsmiths Lecture 2014

Involvement of Statistician

• Study design for clinical trial

• Analysing data from clinical trial

• Meta analysis from several trials

• Monte Carlo simulation using results above

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As much about collection, interpretation and presentation as calculation

Making sense out of uncertainty