medical science syllabus 2016 major subjects · medical science . syllabus 2016 ( major...

MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major SubjectsStudent Affairs Division Graduate School of Medicine Kobe University General Sublects here

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Page 1: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General



(Major Subjects)

Student Affairs Division

Graduate School of Medicine

Kobe University

General Sublects ↓ here

Page 2: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General

-Major Subjects-

Physiology and Cell Biology

Membrane Dynamics 1

Cell Physiology 2

Cellular and Molecular Medicine 3

Neuronal Signaling 4

Developmental Neurobiology 5

Neural Differentiation and Regeneration 6

Molecular Brain Science 7

Vascular Biology 8

Genetics 9

Comparative Pathophysiology 10

Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine 11

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Biochemistry 12

Molecular Biology 13

Membrane Biology 14

Molecular and Cellular Signaling 15

Pathogenetic Signaling 16

Signal Transduction 17

Pharmacology 18

Pharmacokinetics 19

Integrated Drug Discovery Sciences 20


Pathology 21

Diagnostic Pathology 22

Molecular Medicine & Medical Genetics 23

Page 3: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General

Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Microbiology 24

Clinical Virology 25

Vaccinology 26

Infectious Disease Control 27

Infectious Disease Pathology 28

Infectious Diseases Therapeutics 29

Infection and Immunology(Virus Infection) 30

Social/Community Medicine and Health Science

Hygiene 31

Food and Drug Evaluation Science 32

Epidemiology 33

Internal Medicine

Cardiovascular Medicine 34

Arrhythmia 35

Gastroenterology 36

Respiratory Medicine 37

Diabetes and Endocrinology 38

General Internal Medicine 39

Nephrology 40

Rheumatology & Clinical Immunology 41

Neurology 42

Oncology/Hematology 43

Hematology 44

Internal Related

Radiology 45

Radiation Oncology 46

Functional and Diagnostic Imaging Research 47

Molecular Imaging 48

Endovascular Therapy 49

Pediatrics 50

General Pediatrics 51

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Developmental Pediatrics 52

Dermatology 53

Phychiatry 54

Laboratory Medicine 55

Metabolomics Research 56

Palliative Medicine 57

Pharmaceutics 58

Translational Research for Biologics 59

System Patho-biology 60


Gastro-intestinal Surgery 61

Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery 62

Breast Surgery 63

Cardiovascular Surgery 64

Thoracic Surgery 65

Pediatric Surgery 66

Surgery Related

Orthopaedics 67

Rehabilitation Medicine 68

Neurosurgery 69

Ophthalmology 70

Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 71

Urology 72

Obstetrics and Gynecology 73

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 74

Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine 75

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 76

Disaster and Emergency Medicine 77

Page 5: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Research report and attendance

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Toshiaki Sakisaka

Theme and ObjectivesWe teach new knowledge, experimental techniques, and paper writing concerning brainfunctions. Our current lectures are as follows:(1) Molecular mechanism of neurite outgrowth(2) Molecular mechanism of synapse formation(3) Molecular mechanism of neurotransmitter release

We teach fundamental knowledge and experimental techniques concerning membrane trafficand its molecular mechanism. Our current lectures are as follows:(1) Molecular mechanism of vesicle budding(2) Molecular mechanism of vesicle targeting(3) Molecular mechanism of vesicle docking and fusion

Physiology and Cell Biology

Membrane Dynamics

Details will be announced in class.

Research report and attendance

Theme and ObjectivesWe teach reserch paper reading activity and understanding brain function Our current lecturesare as follows:(1) Molecular mechanism of neurite outgrowth(2) Molecular mechanism of synapse formation(3) Molecular mechanism of neurotransmitter release

Membrane Dynamics

Theme and Objectives

Research report and attendance

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report


Page 6: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

The percentage of attendance and the result of oral test.In somecases, research report will be required.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

The percentage of attendance and the result of oral test.In somecases, research report will be required.

Theme and ObjectivesIn addition to Special Lectures I & II, through Seminar it is of importance to developone'sscientific ability to present his or her own findings clearly and logically and todiscussimportant biological issues with other scientists. One can also learn how to readandunderstand scientific papers reported by others through Seminar and can develop furtherone'sability to write his or her own papers with high quality.

The percentage of attendance and the result of oral test.In somecases, research report will be required.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Y. Minami, M. Nishita, M. Endo, M. Hayashi

Theme and ObjectivesCell polarity signaling plays important roles in regulating cellular differentiation andinmaintaining stemness of tissue stem cells (or cancer stem cells) and/or progenitor cells.Theaim of Special Lecture II is to learn advanced knowledge of molecular and cell biology withaparticular emphasis on the roles of cell polarity signaling in cellular differentiationandmaintenace of stemness, and to acquire advanced technique to perform well-designedexperiments to unveil important and difficult biological questions. Through SpecialLecture II, itis of importance to learn how to write a scientific paper.

Cell polarity and migration are regulated elaborately during developmental morphogenesis,andtheir aberrant regulation is associated with cancers and various inflammations. The aimofSpecial Lecture I is to learn basic knowledge of cell biology, in particular the regulation ofcellpolarity and migration under physiological and/or developmental conditions, and toacquireprinciple molecular and cell biological technique to examine cell polarity and migrationunderphysiological and pathological conditions. We will also present basic knowledge andtechnique tounderstand and monitor gene regulation under physiological and pathologicalconditions.

Physiology and Cell Biology

Cell Physiology

Details will be announced in class.

Cell Physiology (regulation of cell polarity and migration)

Theme and Objectives


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Achievement of the objectives.

Theme and ObjectivesTheme:Reporting and discussing ongoing researches and the latest research papers.Objectives:1) To report research progress in English.2) To make intelligible presentation with intelligible explanatory materials.3) To make appropreate answers to corresponding questions.4) To participate in discussion and express constructive comments.

Achievement of the objectives.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Achievement of the objectives.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Kohtaro Minami, Tadao Shibasaki

Theme and ObjectivesTheme:Understanding the latest findings of acquirement and failure in exocytotic function in endocrinecells and writing research papers of your own research.Objectives:1) To read and understand the latest papers regarding mechanisms of regulated exocytosis.2) To understand principles of confocal microscpy, TIRF microscopy, and cell sorter to usethese apparatuses.3) To logically interpret and explain data obtained.4) To write research papers.

Theme:Understanding mechanisms of exocytosis in endocrine cells and learning basic techniques forthe study of exocytosis.Objectives:1) To explain intracellular signals involved in regulated exocytosis.2) To explain roles of key molecules participate in exocytosis.3) To understand priciple of ELISA for quantification of hormones.4) To collect blood samples from and adminster drugs to mice and rats.

Physiology and Cell Biology

Cellular and Molecular Medicine

Details will be announced in class.

Cellular and Molecular Medicine

Theme and Objectives


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Written Test   ・  Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Evaluation will be done by attendance and knowledge.

Written Test   ・ Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Naoaki Saito, Takehiko Ueyama, Naoko Adachi

Theme and ObjectivesThis lecture aims to help participants understand the characteristic signaling pathways usinganimal models and study their involvement in neuronal diseases. The participants take specialsubjects to acquire a wide range of systematic and interdisciplinary knowledge andmethodologies in neuronal signaling in addition to those nurturing the ability of English writing.

This lecture aims to help participants understand basic mechanisms of intracellular signalingnetwork and characteristic signaling pathways in neuron. The basic techniques for molecularbiology and cell biology are also lectured.

Physiology and Cell Biology

Neuronal Signaling

Details will be announced in class.

Neuronal Signaling

Theme and Objectives

Details will be announced in class.

Evaluation will be done by attendance and knowledge.

Theme and ObjectivesThe participants read recent papers related to neuronal signaling, report their results of theexperiments, and acquire more knowledge and methodologies in neuronal signaling in addition tothose nurturing the ability of English presentation and writing.

Evaluation will be done by attendance and knowledge.

Written Test   ・  Oral Test   ・   Research Report


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Developmental Neurobiology

Theme and Objectives

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Individuals displaying sufficient knowledge in essential embryologyand neuroanatomy will pass this course.

Individuals who can read recent research papers and explaincontents through presentation will pass this course.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Physiology and Cell Biology

Developmental Neurobiology

Satoshi Kikkawa

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

During this course, we teach the participants the theory and practice of (1) methods to labelneural circuit, (2) methods available for birth ate of neurons, (3) methods to identify geneexpression and expression of their transcripts, morphologically. Participants are expected tounderstand functional meanings of genes through the experiments utilizing mutant mice. Wealso teach the methods how to analyze data and to write research papers.

At the end of this course, the participants are expected to understand (1) functions of genesexpressing during the early embryogenesis, (2) development of neural tube and neural crestfrom which CNS and PNS are developed, respectively, (3) differentiation of neural tube intoprimary and secondary brain vesicles and region-specific gene expression, (4) generation ofcerebral cortex from telencephalon and genes related to corticogenesis, and (5) molecularmechanisms underlying formation of neural circuits.

The journal club is designed for the participants to understand the recent progress andtechnical terms in this field. The participants are expected to learn how to read and writeresearch papers in English through the presentation.

Theme and Objectives

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Individuals displaying sufficient knowledge in essential embryologyand neuroanatomy will pass this course.

Theme and Objectives

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.


Page 10: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Based on the degree of understanding found in the researchreport

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Based on the degree of understanding found in the researchreport

Theme and ObjectivesPractial lesson will be held to learn neuroanatomy, molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistryand mouse genetic approaches.

Based on the degree of understanding found in the researchreport

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Hideki Enomoto

Theme and ObjectivesJournal club will be held with the research papers of development, regeneration anddevelopmental disorders of the nervous system.

A series of lectures will focus on the basic knowledge about development, regeneration andpathology of the nervous system toward deeper understanding of the principle and applicationof molecular biology techniques and mouse genetic approaches to tackle the problems in thefield.

Neural Differentiation and Regeneration

Development, Pathology and Regeneration of the NervousSystem

Details will be announced in class.

Development, Pathology and Regeneration of the NervousSystem

Theme and Objectives


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Tatsushi Toda, Kazuhiro Kobayashi, Motoi Kanagawa,Wataru Satake

Theme and ObjectivesBy integrating various research methods including genome analysis, proteomics, cell biology,glycobiology, genetic engineering, and others, students will be given opportunities to participateactively in researches that aim to elucidate pathogenesis of muscular dystrophy andParkinson’s disease, to understand the function of related disease causing genes, to developnovel intervention aiming for personalized medicine, and to identify genetic factors thatdetermine memory and intelligence. Through these studies, students will learn the skills toassemble various experimental methods, interpret data, and summarize data for publication.

The advance of genome science has brought a change in experimental methodology to “systematic andcomprehensive”, through which the entire nucleotide sequence of human genome has been recentlydetermined and the genetic code is now being systematically deciphered (functional analysis). Also it isknown that majority of diseases and biological processes we encounter in our daily lives such aslifestyle-related diseases, higher brain function like memory and intelligence, and others, are affected bygenetic factors, highlighting the immeasurable impacts of genome science on medical and life sciences.The lecture will expose students to current trends, significance, and development in medical applicationof genome technology, systematic genetic polymorphism analysis, systematic gene expression analysis,mouse mutation analysis, proteomic analysis, and other genome science methodologies in current brainresearch field.

Physiology and Cell Biology

Molecular Brain Science

Details will be announced in class.

To master how to make presentation

Theme and ObjectivesStudents will be given opportunities to master the skills to understand the contents and thesignificance of cutting-edge papers on medical and life sciences, summarize important pointsof the papers and make presentation of the papers. Students will learn the skills to presenttheir study in Special Lecture II.

Molecular Brain Science

Theme and Objectives

To perform experiments aiming to fulfill research objectives andto present the results of the study

Research Report

Research Report

To master basic research methods

Research Report

Details will be announced in class.


Page 12: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Ability to read and understand papers in vascular biology and tomake appropriate presentations

Theme and ObjectivesThe vascular system is comprised of hierarchical network and plays a crucial role in tissuehomeostasis by circulating the blood throughtout the body. To gain deep knowledge about thedevelopment of endothelial cells and vascular morphogenesis in vertebrates, tips to read andunderstand representative papers in vascular biology will be instructed.

Acquisition of advanced knowledge and techniques in vascularbiology, and skills of manuscript preparetion

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Acquisition of basic knowledge and techniques in vascular biology

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Masanori Hirashima

Theme and ObjectivesThe vascular system is comprised of hierarchical network and plays a crucial role in tissuehomeostasis by circulating the blood throughtout the body. To investigate the development ofendothelial cells and vascular morphogenesis in vertebrates at the molecular and cellular levels,advanced knowledge and research methods will be instructed through experiments ofendothelial labelling, gene expression analysis, and so on in transgenic mice of vascularmorphogenesis-related genes. Based on up-to-date insights and research methods, how tomake research plan will be instructed. How to write up scientific papers will also be instructed.

The vascular system is comprised of hierarchical network and plays a crucial role in tissuehomeostasis by circulating the blood throughtout the body. Basic knowledge and researchmethods will be instructed about the development of endothelial cells, vascular morphogenesis,and structure of hieralhycal vascular network in vertebrates.

Physiology and Cell Biology

Vascular Biology

Details will be announced in class.

Vascular Biology

Theme and Objectives


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Yasuhiro Minami

Theme and ObjectivesAcquiring the ability to study the molecular basis of cell-cell communication in tissue growthregulation by extending the knowledge and skills learned in "Special Lecture I" as well as bylearning the research skills in biochemistry and molecular biology. Also, learning the ability towrite research papers.

Learning the basic knowledge of tissue growth, homeostasis, and deseases caused byderegulation of tissue growth/homeostasis in multicellular organisms. Understanding thecutting-edge researches in the field of cell-cell interactions and acquiring the genetic skills forstudying the molecular basis of cell-cell communications.

Physiology and Cell Biology


Details will be announced in class.


Theme and Objectives

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Level of achievement in the subject described above

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Level of achievement in the subject described above

Theme and ObjectivesLearning the ability to give a presentation for discussing research papers on genetic analysesof tissue growth regulation. Also, acquiring the ability to give a presentation in English.

Level of achievement in the subject described above

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Attainment of the purpose

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Tell students in the classs

Tell students in the classs

Attainment of the purpose

Theme and ObjectivesTheme and Objectives< Theme > Discussing the progress of the research project and understanding the latestresearch papers about cardiovascular disease< Objectives >1. Explaining own experimental data logically and discussing them with research stuff2. Understanding questions correctly and replying them appropriately on presentation of ownresearch data3. Proposing new research projects based on the results of own study

Attainment of the purpose

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Masashi Shiomi, Tomonari Koike (Institute for ExperimentalAnimals)

Theme and Objectives< Theme > Understanding of the latest knowledge about cardiovascular disease and preparingown research manuscript< Objectives >1) Understanding the latest research papers about cardiovascular disease2) Evaluating rabbit cardiac function using data of electrocardiogram and echocardiogram3) Explaining own experimental data logically4) Presenting own study at scientific meeting(s) and preparing manuscript(s)

< Theme > Understanding species differences in lipoprotein metabolism and atheroscleroticlesions, and acquiring basic techniques for researches.< Objectives >1) Understanding species differences in lipoprotein metabolism and atherosclerotic lesions,and fundamental concept of studies using animals2) Acquiring basic techniques about animal experimentation3) Monitoring electrocardiogram and echocardiogram using rabbits4) Preparation of histopathological sections of coronary atherosclerosis of rabbits

Physiology and Cell Biology

Comparative Pathophysiology

Tell students in the classs

Comparative Pathophysiology about cardiovascular disease

Theme and Objectives


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Masatoshi Takeichi

Theme and ObjectivesJournal club will be held with the research papers of preimplantation development, stem cellbiology, genome biology and epigenetics.

A series of lectures will focus on the basic techniques of molecular biology to understandingdevelopmental biology and regenerative medicine, particularly in relation to preimplantationdevelopment, stem cell biology, genome biology and epigenetics.

Physiology and Cell Biology

Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine

Details will be announced in class.

Degree of understaning found in the research report

Theme and ObjectivesPractical lesson wiill be held in basic molecular biology techniques to understand theirprinciples.

Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine

Theme and Objectives

Degree of understaning found in the research report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Degree of understaning found in the research report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.


Page 16: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Evaluate collectively both by attedance and by research reports.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Evaluate collectively by both the attedance and research reports.

Theme and ObjectivesSeminar is intended to obtain up-to-date knowledge on signal transduction research throughjournal club routinely held in Biochemistry division. Students are encouraged to make theirprogress reports in English so as to get discussion ability useful in the international scientificconferences, meetings, etc.

Evaluate collectively by both the attedance and research reports.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Shun-ichi Nakamura

Theme and ObjectivesBased on knowledge and skills acquired in Special Lecture I, this course is programmed tomaster fundamental requirements, i.e ., making hypotheses, prove them through experimentalprocesses and study each step necessary for the publication in the international journals.

Human bodies comprise almost 50 trillion cells, which are highly differentiated and formtissues and organ with a fine tune of collaborate networks which enables a variety of eventsincluding motor function, digestion, immunity and memory formation. Disruption of suchnetworks, i.e., gain or loss of function of key molecules in the regulation, may cause a varietyof disorders in motor, metabolism, immunological and brain functions. This course is intendedfor students to become familiar with from basic to up-to-date knowledge on signaltransduction and to master fundamental skills necessary for cell signaling researches.

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Details will be announced in class.


Theme and Objectives


Page 17: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester1st through2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester1st through2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Medical Science Syllabus 2016


Theme and ObjectivesThe aim of Special Lecture Ⅱ is to acquire the advanced knowledge and techniques inmolecular biology, and the ability to prepare a scientific paper. Through lectures and practices,students will learn the advanced knowledge on intracellular signaling mechanisms controllingcell growth and differentiation and their abnormalities leading to carcinogenesis as well as theadvanced experimental techniques on recombinant DNA technology, protein chemistry, cellculture, etc . In addition, students will get individual lessons for preparation of a scientificpaper.

The aim of Special LectureⅠis to acquire the basic knowledge and techniques in molecularbiology. Through lectures and practices, students will learn the basic knowledge on thestructure and function of the genes, proteins, cells, etc ., and the basic experimentaltechniques on recombinant DNA technology, protein chemistry, cell culture, etc .

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Molecular Biology

Details will be announced in class.

Molecular Biology

Theme and Objectives

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Evaluation will be done based on the degree of mastery of thebasic knowledge and experimental skills in molecular biology.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Evaluation will be done based on the degree of mastery of the ability tounderstand research papers and to make effective presentations.

Theme and ObjectivesThe aim of Seminar is to acquire the ability to understand scientific papers in the molecularbiology field and to nurture communication skills for conveying his/her thought to others.Through lectures, practices and individual lessons, students will learn practical knowledge andskills for attaining a deep understanding of research papers and for making effectivepresentations.

Evaluation will be done based on the degree of mastery of the advanced knowledge andexperimental skills in molecular biology as well as of the paper-writing skills.


Page 18: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Toshiki Itoh, Hideyuki Mukai, Kazuya Tsujita

Theme and ObjectivesThe state-of-art techniques will be introduced for the visualization of morphological changes in biologicalmembranes in cells; including optical systems for the visualization of intracellular trafficking that utilizevarious fluorescent protein tags or fluorescent chemicals. Students will be also trained for techniquesthat enable recapitulation of morphological changes in biological membrane in vitro, by using fluorescent,differential interference and electron microcopies. Further, biochemical methods for the quantification ofmolecular interactions between proteins and lipids will be introduced. In the course, the students willmaster the above methodologies of membrane biology, as well as coordinate their own research projectsin the field; including membrane morphogenesis, cell migration, and intracellular membrane traffic. Theprojects will be aimed for publications of their own research papers.

To restrain free diffusion of soluble molecules is necessary for establishment and maintenanceof biological system. Cells that constitute our body achieve such a limitation by separatingtheir inner space from outer environment by biological membranes. Thus, the regulatorymechanisms of membrane dynamism are important for a variety of physiological eventsincluding cell growth, differentiation, immune response, and neurotransmission. In this course,the students will study the basic principles in the field of membrane biology, as well as betrained for tissue culture and genetic transformation techniques.

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Membrane Biology

Details will be announced in class.

Evaluations will be made according to the degree ofaccomplishment in the above subjects.

Theme and ObjectivesThe biological membrane is one of the most fundamental cellular constituents involved in variousphysiological events such as intracellular vesicular trafficking, cell division and cell migration. The keyfeature of the membrane is the significant physical flexibility that supports its dynamic morphologicalchanges. Involved in this process is a group of cytosolic proteins that reversibly interact with lipidbilayer, creating unique curvature thus shape of the membrane. Recent research by many laboratorieshas revealed necessary roles of such proteins in endocytosis, thus is gathering increasing attentionsfrom the scientific community. In this course, students will be trained to understand and follow up thescientific topics not only in this particular research field, but also cell biology in general. Through theintensive discussions, it is aimed that the students will become able to find a creative solution forpossible obstacles in their own research projects.

Membrane Biology

Theme and Objectives

Evaluations will be made according to the degree ofaccomplishment in the above subjects.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Evaluations will be made according to the degree ofaccomplishment in the above subjects.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.


Page 19: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special ResearchⅠ 6 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Research II 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Evaluation will be based on reports.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Takashi Matozaki, Yoji Murata, Yasuyuki Sito, Takenori Kotani

Theme and ObjectivesAims of this training course will further develop the knowledge and experimental techniquesacquired by students in “Special Research I”, and make the students understandfundamentals of, and the latest progress in signaling mechanisms of bioactive substances,such as hormones, growth factors and differentiation factors. Students can learn the basicknowledge and the latest progress of this research area using progressive research papers asteaching materials. Furthermore, based on the basic knowledge, instructors give studentsspecific guidance on how to plan actual experiments, to process or evaluate experimentaldata, and to work up the results into a scientific paper.

A variety of bioactive substances acts on cells in vivo to evoke diverse array of intra- andinter-cellular signaling pathways, and thereby regulates various biological responses. In thistraining course, each student carries out research experiments to understand fundamentalsof, and the latest progress in signaling mechanisms of bioactive substances, such ashormones, growth factors and differentiation factors. Under the guidance of instructors, eachstudent carries out biochemical, molecular biology, and cell biology experiments, which requirespecial techniques and knowledge.

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Molecular and Cellular Signaling

Details will be announced in class.

Molecular and Cellular Signaling

Theme and Objectives

Details will be announced in class.

Evaluation will be based on presentation with a question andanswer session in this seminer.

Theme and ObjectivesIn this seminar, to understand fundamentals of signaling mechanisms of bioactive substances,such as hormones, growth factors or differentiation factors, students read the latest scientificpapers regarding this research area under the guidance of instructors. Through this process,students specifically learn how to set up hypotheses, to plan actual experiments and to carryout the experiments. Furthermore, based on the basic knowledge, students are trained for aresearcher who can make plans for actual research experiments and report findings of theresearch in oral presentations.

Evaluation will be based on reports.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report


Page 20: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st and 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st and 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st and 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Based on contents of the research reports.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Instructions are given during the classes.

Instructions are given during the classes.

Based on contents and an attitude of the presentation, andaccuracy of their reply to the scientific questions at laboratorymeetings.

Theme and ObjectivesStudents are instructed to read research papers in the field of cell adhesion molecules tolearn reading skills, way to set up proper experimental plans, and methods to evaluateresearch results for deeper understanding of the molecular mechanism by which cell adhesionmolecules regulate cell movement, proliferation, adhesion, and polarization. In addition,students are required to present contents of the research articles on a regular basis at ajournal club to improve oral presentation skills.

Based on contents of the research reports.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Yoshimi Takai

Theme and ObjectivesIn this class, students learn methods to analyze and evaluate roles and modes of action of celladhesion molecules in cellular functions, such as cell movement, proliferation, adhesion, andpolarization. For this purpose, students need to learn state-of-art experimental procedures inbiochemistry, molecular biology, and cell biology, by expanding knowledge and researchtechniques taught in the Special LectureⅠ. We aim to publish the research results asresearch articles.

Cellular signaling pathways and their crosstalk, which are associated with cell movement,proliferation, adhesion, and polarization, strictly regulate ontogeny and organogenesis.Dysregulation of the signaling pathways results in a variety of pathological conditions, such astransformation, invasion and metastasis of cancer cells, as well as neuropsychiatric disorders,and atherosclerosis. In this class, students learn basic concepts and experimental methods tounderstand the roles of cell adhesion molecules in regulation of cell movement, proliferation,adhesion, and polarization.

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Molecular and Cellular Signaling

Instructions are given during the classes.

Pathogenetic Signaling

Theme and Objectives


Page 21: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

A comprehensive evaluation by attitude to research and report.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Instruct during lecture.

Instruct during lecture.

A comprehensive evaluation by oral test.

Theme and ObjectivesAt our division seminars, choose academic papers related to our research field, understandtheir contents, and present them to us. Deepen your understanding of global affairs andunresolved issues of research, and learn how to plan a specific experiment, how to evaluateresearch method, and how to learn a technique to improve their oral presentation skils.

A comprehensive evaluation by attitude to research and report.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Yoshiyuki Rikitake

Theme and ObjectivesDeepen the knowledge about abnormal signaling specific to each disease, and perform a studyby incorporating a new approach from a technical standpoint to improve the research level.

Learn about research methods and basic knowledge of signal transduction abnormalitiesobserved in many diseases, including cancer and lifestyle-related diseases. Understand andperfrom experiments to learn the techniques required for analysis of what signalingmechanisms work within the cells that make up our body so that cells normaly function, howand why abnormal signal transduction occurs, and how the abnormal signaling is involved indiseases.

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Signal Transduction

Instruct during lecture.

Signal Transduction

Theme and Objectives


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st and 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st and 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Medical Science Syllabus 2016


Theme and ObjectivesIn this lecture series, students will learn how genetic susceptibilities and environmental factorsalter functions of neural molecules, thereby affecting cognitive and emotional behaviors andprecipitating psychiatric disorders. Students will also learn how to use preclinical models,especially acute and chronic stress models in rodents, and how to analyze associatedmolecular, cellular and neural circuit changes. Validity and limitations of these models will alsobe discussed. Learned as well as newly developed methods will be employed to identify novelmolecular, cellular and neural-circuit mechanisms underlying cognitive and emotional behaviorsas well as these dysfunctions. Given their own results, students will learn how to assembleexperimental results and write an original paper.

Neuropsychopharmacology aims to understand actions of psychotropic drugs and functions ofneural molecules as their targets, thereby contributing to pharmaceutical development forpsychiatric disorders. In this lecture series, students will learn roles and functions of neuralmolecules underlying cognitive and emotional behaviors, such as neurotransmitters, growthfactors and inflammation-related molecules, in relation to structures and functions of neuralcircuits and neuron-glia interactions. Students will also learn methods of analyses of neuralfunctions at molecular, cellular, neural circuit and behavioral levels with spatiotemporallyspecific manipulation of gene expression and neuronal activity.

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Details will be announced in class.


Theme and Objectives

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Based on attendance at the lectures and the outcome of oralexaminations. Research reports are occasionally requested.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Based on the quality of oral presentations and oral examinations.

Theme and ObjectivesStudents will present their own experimental results and learn how to develop discussions.The following points will be discussed: Whether the aim of research is appropriatelydetermined, whether the results are obtained in an unbiased manner with proper controls andsufficient sample sizes, whether experimental results are logically interpreted, what additionalexperiments need to be performed, whether the results are unique and conceptually advanced,what is the next question in the field. In addition, students will introduce a qualified researchpaper related to neuropsychopharmacology. Students are encouraged to learn backgroundliterature and to provide the history of a pertinent research field as well as its futureperspective

Based on attendance at the lectures and the outcome of oralexaminations. Research reports are occasionally requested.


Page 23: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Midori Hirai, Mitsuhiro Ohta, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Tsutomu Nakagawa

Theme and ObjectivesThe current research projects are as follows;(1) Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs(2) Tailor-made pharmacotherapy based on genotyping(3) Drug metabolizing enzyme and transporter systems in the drug disposition(4) Development of drug delivery systems and optimization of gene therapyCreate a paper based on the research results.

The goal of our research is to elucidate clinical applications for the optimalpharmacotherapy.The aim of this research is to acquire basic knowledge and skills fordeveloping the effectiveand safe pharmacotherapy by means of validating the genotype as wellas various medical andmolecular bio informatics available.

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Details will be announced in class.


Theme and Objectives

Written Test   ・  ○Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・  ○Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Oral test for asessment of the basic knowledge.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・  ○Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Evaluate the reminor report.

Theme and ObjectivesTo establish the basic knowledge for our research projects, fostering the comprehensionofresearch papers.Attend the seminor or workshop for development of the communicationskills with otherhealthcare professionals.

Make a compreensive assessment through research reports.


Page 24: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester r 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester r 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester r 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Oral Test and Research Report

Oral Test and Research Report

Achievement will be evaluated based on both knowledge andtechnical acquirement

Oral Test and Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Achievement will be evaluated based on both knowledge andtechnical acquirement

Theme and ObjectivesIn this seminar, recent papers and presentations on certain drug discovery project will be pickup for learning about the background and experimental methods used in the studies.Furthermore, many papers and presentations related to the study pick up at first will becarefully followed up to study the changes and improvements in sciences and technologiesutilized in drug discovery research. Additional efforts will be made to translate the knowledgeacquired in the Special Lecture I and II into the practical ability enabling efficient drugdiscovery. Furthermore, case-base teaching will be given to develop comprehensive ability foreffective discussion, report preparation and oral presentation, using student's own researchproject as an actual case.

Achievement will be evaluated based on both knowledge andtechnical acquirement

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Yoichi Kurebayashi

Theme and ObjectivesThis course is designed to provide broad knowledge and experimental skills that are necessaryto carry out actual drug discovery research, and understanding of analytical methods tomeasure productivity of pharmaceutical research and development, as well. Focus will be puton advanced, cutting-edge technologies, including pathophysiology-based target validation,highthroughput screening, structure-base virtual screening, computer-aided drug design, etc. Inaddition, lecture will be given to develop ability to analyze and understand the mechanism ofaction and metabolism of drug from a view point of interaction between drug and target

l l

This course is designed to provide basic knowledge about most updated sciences andtechnologies that are utilized in modernized drug discovery research. The major purpose ofthe special lecture I is to develop deep understanding of the process and issues ofpharmaceutical research and development, and cutting-edge science and technology that areenabling state of the art evaluation of drug efficacy, safety, metabolism andpharmacodynamics,and physico-chemical properties.

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Integrated Drug Discovery Sciences

Details will be announced in class.

Advanced Drug Discovery Sciences

Theme and Objectives


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes


Theme and Objectives1) Students will be able to classify and describe the pathologic changes of organs, tissues and cellsaccording to (1) regressive changes, (2) progressive changes, (3) metabolic disturbances, (4)circulatory disturbances, (5) inflammation, (6) neoplasia and (7) malformation and discuss theiretiology and pathogenesis.2) Students will be able to explain the morphologic and functional characteristics of variouspathologic status in each organ.3) Students will be able to analyze the pathobiology of whole organs in diseased individual.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016



YOKOZAKI, Hiroshi; KOMA, Yu-ichiro; SHIGEOKA, Manabu, NISHIO, Mari

Evaluate the levels of achievements of above educational objectives accordingto the 5-level grading system of Kobe University (S, A, B, C and F) . Grades S,A, B and C are the passing marks.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and Objectives1) Students will understand the principles of common procedures of molecular pathology.2) Students will be able to select the appropriate techniques of molecular pathology(immunofluorescence, immunohistochemistry, histochemistry, in situ hybridization, Western blotting,Northern blotting, Southern blotting, polymerase chain reaction) for the analysis of specimens frompatients.3) Students will be able to overview the recombinant DNA experiments necessary for the molecularpathological analysis.

Evaluate the levels of achievements of above educational objectives accordingto the 5-level grading system of Kobe University (S, A, B, C and F) . Grades S,A, B and C are the passing marks.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and Objectives1) Students will be able to describe the morphological changes of diseased individuals, tissues andcells with appropriate pathological diagnosis.2) Students will master the conventional histopathological methods.3) Students will master the molecular pathological methods (immunofluorescence,immunohistochemistry, histochemistry, in situ hybridization, Western blotting, Northern blotting,Southern blotting, polymerase chain reaction) for the analysis of diseased specimens.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Evaluate levels of the ability for the diagnosis of surgical, biopsy andautopsy materials.

Theme and Objectives1) Students will be able to perform autopsy according to the established method of Rokitansky orVirchow, then constract proper macroscopic as well as histopathological diagnoses.2) Students will be able to handle surgical and biopsy materials, describe the morphologicalalterations according to the concept of general pathology then place the accurate histopathologicaldiagnoses.3) By conducting the practices described in 1) and 2), students will be able to reach the level ofpathological diagnosis to pass the board examination by the Japanese Society of Pathology.

Evaluate the levels of achievements of above educational objectives accordingto the 5-level grading system of Kobe University (S, A, B, C and F) . Grades S,A, B and C are the passing marks.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Diagnostic Pathology, immunohistochemistry

Theme and ObjectivesDiagnostic pathology is one of the most important fields in medicine. To recognize the basic ofthe morphology of the diseases is essential for the various researches. In our department,there is a number of experts of various organs and special diseases. Various studies are ongoing with combination of morphology, immunohistochemsitry, and the other special studies.

 Oral Test  

 Oral Test   

Details will be announced in class.

The results will be graded by the degree of the achievement ofthe preset aims.

Theme and ObjectivesDiagnostic pathology is one of the most important fields in medicine. To recognize the basic ofthe morphology of the diseases is essential for the various researches. In this lecture, we willlecture about the grossing practice, diagnostic practice using advanced microscopic system,and the skills about immunohistochemistry.

The results will be graded by the degree of the achievement ofthe preset aims.

 Oral Test   

Theme and ObjectivesDiagnostic pathology is one of the most important fields in medicine. To recognize the basic ofthe morphology of the diseases is essential for the various researches. In this seminar, welecture about the basics of the pathology, and aim for the improvement of your skills on thereading and recognition of the medical articles and textbook, and the communication.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016


Diagnostic Pathology

Tomoo Itoh, Yasuhiro Sakai, Shigeo Hara, Fumi Kawakami,Takashi Yamasaki, Keiichiro Uehara

The results will be graded by the degree of the achievement ofthe preset aims.

Theme and ObjectivesDiagnostic pathology is one of the most important fields in medicine. To recognize the basic ofthe morphology of the diseases is essential for the various researches. Based on the variousstudies regarding morphology, immunohistochemistry, and the other things, the researcherswill describe articles on the top-ranking journals.

The results will be graded by the degree of the achievement ofthe preset aims.

 Oral Test   

Details will be announced in class.


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Molecular Medicine & Medical Genetics

Theme and Objectives

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

evaluation of ability to understand how to treat with normal andpathological tissues

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

evaluation of ability to understand of genetical approaches withnormal and pathological tissues

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Professor Yoshitake Hayashi

Theme and ObjectivesDivision of Molecular Medicine & Medical Genetics, Department of Pathology is an emergingdiscipline within pathology, and focuses in the study and diagnosis of disease through theexamination of molecules within organs, tissues or bodily fluids. Our class shares someaspects of practice with both anatomic pathology and clinical pathology, molecular biology,biochemistry, proteomics and genetics, and is sometimes considered a "crossover" discipline.It is multi-disciplinary in normal and pathological tissues, and focuses mainly on thesubmicroscopic aspects of disease and unknown illnesses with strange and unrecognizedcauses. In this class, you can learn how to prepare data and how to complete your paper with

i fi di

Pathology is a the most important field that is concerned with the diagnosis of various diseasebased on the gross, microscopic, chemical, immunologic and molecular examination of organs,tissues, and whole bodies. Division of Molecular Medicine & Medical Genetics includes themolecular pathology and diagnostic pathology. The distinction between molecular anddiagnostic pathology is increasingly vague by the introduction of technologies that require newexpertise and the need to provide patients and referring physicians with integrated diagnosticreports. In this class, you can learn what is the pathology and its importance in both practicaland research fields.


Molecular Medicine & Medical Genetics

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

evaluation of ability to make an experimental design andunderstand and make scientific papers

Theme and ObjectivesIn this class, you can learn how to research work through the presentation of your own workand other students' work, and you can understand how to find something important in yourown work through discussion with other students and professors. You can learn recentimportant discovery by reading high-profiled scientific journals with the instruction ofprofessors. By this class, you can learn how to present your own work. And you canunderstand Molecular Medicine, Medical Genetics and Pathology by completing your own workas a scientific paper.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Acquisition status of basic knowledge and basic experimentalskills

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Acquisition status of scientific reading comprehension andpresentation skills

Theme and ObjectivesLearning activities include reading papers related to the Special Research I and II, andpresentation skill training necessary for scientific research.

Acquisition status of advanced knowledge, advancedexperimental skills, and scientific writing skills

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Yasuko Mori

Theme and Objectives Based upon the basic knowledge and techniques acquired from the Special Research I,students will systematically learn the microbial pathogenesis and current concepts indiagnostics, therapeutics and prevention. The Special Research II will allow students toacquire knowledge and experimental techniques at molecular, cellular and animal levels, whichwill be necessary for the development of new diagnostic, therapeutic and preventivemeasures. This course will teach students to make, test, and modify working hypotheses based uponthe experimental data. Students will learn how to write a scientific paper and should be able

bli h h i k

This course is designed for students who want to acquire basic knowledge of microbialgenome structures, gene expression mechanisms, and microbial protein structures andfunctions. Students will learn experimental techniques for analysis of the host-microbeinteractions and the mechanisms of virus proliferation.



Details will be announced in class.


Theme and Objectives


Page 29: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

to acquire the knowledge and technique of Virology, Cellularbiology, Molecular biology and Immunology

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

to acquire how to present the knowledge and technique

Theme and ObjectivesLecture for acquisition of the knowledge and technique of Virology, Cellular biology, Molecularbiology and Immunology Lecture for the way to presenting the knowledge and technique ofVirology, Cellular biology, Molecular biology and Immunology

to acquire how to write the report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Yasuko Mori

Theme and ObjectivesLecture for acquisition of the knowledge and technique of Virology, Cellular biology, Molecularbiology and Immunology Lecture for the way to wrting report about Virology, Cellular biology,Molecular biology and Immunology

Lecture for acquisition of the knowledge and technique of Virology, Cellular biology, Molecularbiology and Immunology

Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Clinical Virology

Details will be announced in class.

Clinical Virology

Theme and Objectives


Page 30: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   ○Research Report

Status of the students to learn basic technologies

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・  ○Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Masanori Kameoka

Theme and ObjectivesBased on the basic knowledge and technology obtained through "Special Lecture Ⅰ",students will learn (1) further advanced strategies for vaccine construction, (2) methods forevaluating their efficacy and (3) technologies including analytical methods required for theirdevelopment from various aspects. Students will construct a new strategic candidate vaccineand learn the process of vaccine develpment. Further, students will obtain abilities to compiletheir data into papers by their presentation and publishment.

Students will learn (1) medical and social significance of vaccination and (2) methods fordeveloping new strategic vaccines and evaluating their efficacy. Students will (1) constract acandidate vaccine by manipulating genes of pathogens using recombinant technology, (2)analyze expression products by the gene in vitro and (3) learn basic knowledge and technologyfor evaluating vaccine-induced immune responses in experimental animals.

Microbiology and Infectious Diseases


Details will be announced in class.

Vaccine Development

Theme and Objectives

Details will be announced in class.

Status of the students to obtain abilities to read academic papersand to present these papers

Theme and ObjectivesStudents will obtain abilities to read academic papers relating to "Special Lecture Ⅰ" and"Special Lecture Ⅱ" and to present these papers in a well understandable fashion.

Status of the students to learn applied technologies and theability to construct paper

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   ○Research Report


Page 31: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Acquisition status of basic knowledge and basic experimentalskills

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Acquisition status of scientific reading comprehension andpresentation skills

Theme and ObjectivesLearning activities include reading papers related to the Special Research I and II, andpresentation skill training necessary for scientific research.

Acquisition status of advanced knowledge, advancedexperimental skills, and scientific writing skills

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Ikuo Shoji

Theme and Objectives Based upon the basic knowledge and techniques acquired from the Special Research I,students will systematically learn the microbial pathogenesis and current concepts indiagnostics, therapeutics and prevention. The Special Research II will allow students toacquire knowledge and experimental techniques at molecular, cellular and animal levels, whichwill be necessary for the development of new diagnostic, therapeutic and preventivemeasures. This course will teach students to make, test, and modify working hypotheses based uponthe experimental data. Students will learn how to write a scientific paper and should be able

bli h h i k

This course is designed for students who want to acquire basic knowledge of microbialgenome structures, gene expression mechanisms, and microbial protein structures andfunctions. Students will learn experimental techniques for analysis of the host-microbeinteractions and the mechanisms of virus proliferation.

Infectious Disease Control


Details will be announced in class.


Theme and Objectives


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Infectious Disease Pathology

Theme and Objectives

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

evaluation of ability to understand how to treat with normalandpathological tissues

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

evaluation of ability to understand of genetical approaches withnormal and pathological tissues

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Professor Yoshitake Hayashi

Theme and ObjectivesThe mission of this class on infectious disease pathology is to acquire, advance, anddisseminate knowledge in the fields of infectious diseases that will help identify, control andprevent human and animal disease and/or contribute to public health. You can learn infectiousdiseases through the discussion with other students and professors. In this class, you canlearn how to prepare data and how to complete your paper with recent important findings. Andby this class, you can understand our mission to control the infectious diseases which is atrue threat to our society.

Our research focus is on viral infected hepatitis and hepatology. Main project is to establishthe international network against world-wide spread of emerging and reemerging infectiousdiseases, in systematic and politico-economical as well as Medical and scientic researchaspects. As an education for PhD students, molecular and genetic analysis of infectiousdiseases, particularly epidemiologic study and genotype analysis of Hepatitis B virus, HepatitisC virus and Hepatitis E virus (various patient groups in various geographical areas) are beingcarried out. Diagnostic and clinicopathological studies of liver diseases are also beingresearched. In this class you can learn how to research on infectious diseases, particularlyviral hepatitis

Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Infectious Disease Pathology

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

evaluation of ability to make an experimental design andunderstand and make scientific papers

Theme and ObjectivesIn this class, you can learn how to research work of infectious diseases through thepresentation of your own work and other students' work, and you can understand how to findsomething important in your own work through discussion with other students andprofessors.You can learn recent important discovery by reading high-profiled scientificjournals with theinstruction of professors. By this class, you can learn how to present yourown work. And you can understand overviews of various infectious diseases by completingyour own work as a scientific paper.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Overall knowledge and understanding on clinical infectiousdiseases.

Theme and ObjectivesLearning how to manage infections and fever of unknown origin.

We evaluate the ability to evaluate patients' condition, reasonabletherapeutic decision making, and understanding of patientevaluation.

○Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・ ○Research Report

Written Test   ・ ○Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Studies on therapeutics: Antimicrobials, non-antimicrobials, evaluation of therapy outcomes.

We evaluate the quality of studies on diagnostics.

Theme and Objectives Clinical reasoning, patients evaluation, choice of treatment, treatment evaluation.

Theme and Objectives

We evaluate the quality of studies on diagnostics.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・  ○Research Report

Infectious Diseases Therapeutics

Theme and Objectives Studies on diagnostics: epistemology, symptomatology, interpretation of test results,evaluation of safety and cost effectiveness about examinations, Evidence Based Medicine(EBM), production of severity scores and their validation. Also one may participate indevelopment of novel or modified tests such as automated Gram staining machine.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases Therapeutics

Kentaro Iwata, Goh Ohji


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Acquisition of basic knowledge and basic experimental skills

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Acquision of ability to reading and presentation skills

Theme and ObjectivesThis class aims to obtain the abilities to read academic journals regarding microbiology andimmunology and persuasively present their contents.

Acquisition of advanced knowledge and experimental skills, andscientific writing skills

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Jun Kunisawa

Theme and ObjectivesThis class aims to extend knowledge and experimental skills for the advanced and cutting-edge studies in the field of microbiology and immunology. Also, students are expected topublish their own data in the academin international journals.

This class aims to obtain basic knowledge and experimental skills about microbiology andimmunology.

Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Virus Infection

Details will be announced in class.

Infectious Immunology

Theme and Objectives


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Masato Fujisawa, Junya Konishi

Theme and ObjectivesYou understand the latest finding about hygiene based on the basic knowledge and skill thatyou learned in "Special Lecture I", and extract problems and learn methods such as studyplan drafting and the results interpretation. Furthermore, we stand in the internationalstandpoint and inspect technique to improve the disease prevention of the nation and medicalquality in foreign countries particularly developing countries. Also, we instruct an articlemaking technique and train the ability that can make an article.

In hygiene, we study the effect that heredity, an infection, environments, and social factorsgive to a human body for prevention of disease, maintenance and an increase of the health,prolongation of the life, and it is intended that we actually apply this. You learn basicknowledge about this hygiene.


Medical and Healthcare systems, Hygiene

Details will be announced in class.


Theme and Objectives

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Results of oral test

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Results of oral test

Theme and ObjectivesFor acquisition of the ability for presentation in English , we train by discussion and questionsand answers in English based on the presentation you made.

Results of oral test

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016


Theme and ObjectivesAdvanced information analysis techniques are essential for constructing scientific evidencesregarding effects and side effects of supplements and functional foods.The objectives of this lecture are to learn information gathering techniques such asbibliographic retrieval, data mining for analizing large quantities of data, and meta-analysis forbuilding scientice evidences.

Supplements and functional foods are very popular with people becoming health-conscious.However effects and side effects of some of such foods and drugs are not wellanalyzed and known.The objectives of this lecture are to know frequently used supplements and functional foodsand to understand their functional mechanism, effects, and side effects.

Social/Community Medicine and Health Science

Food and Drug Evaluation Science

Details will be announced in class.

Adequate understanding of bibliographic retrieval, data mining,and meta-analysis

Theme and ObjectivesIn this seminar, acquisition of documents regarding effects or side effects of a typicalsupplement or functional food, meta-analysis on them, and construction of scientificevidences are conducted.

Food and Drug Evaluation Science

Theme and Objectives

Adequate understanding of bibliographic retrieval, data mining,and meta-analysis

Research Report

Oral Test

Adequate understanding of effects and side effects of frequentlyused supplements and fuctional foods

Oral Test

Details will be announced in class.


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Theme: Genetics and oncologyObjectives:

To write a short paper on the molecular analysis of the genetic disorders. (Nishio, Shima)

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Social/Community Medicine and Healthcare Science


Hisahide Nishio, MD, PhD Ai Shima, PhD


Theme and Objectives

Theme: Genetics and oncologyObjectives:

(1) To understand the advanced research on the genes associated with the development of genetic disorders. (Nishio、Shima) (2) To understand the outlines of analytical methods of the gene mutations and their

effects. (Nishio、Shima)

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   ○Research Report

The research reports will be graded on the basis of their content,organization, and quality of writing (or oral presentation).Attendance and class participation will be figured in the finalgrading.

Details will be announced in class.

Theme and Objectives

Presentation and participation in the discussion will be figured inthe final grading.

Details will be announced in class.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   ○Research Report

The research reports (= the papers written in this course) will begraded on the basis of their content, organization, and quality ofwriting.

Details will be announced in class.

Theme and Objectives

Theme: Genetics and oncologyObjectives:

To present your own ides on how the defective molecular machineries of spinal muscular atrophy lead to the loss of the motor neuron. (Nishio, Shima)

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   ○Research Report


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Based on the knowledge of Special Lecture I, the graduate students perform medical researchprojects that are associated with cardiovascular diseases and write scientific papers.

To master the scientific thinking about the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases.

Theme and Objectives

One have to master the basic and clinical skill to examine,diagnose, and treat cardiovascular diseases.

Theme and Objectives Objectives are to take part in the team medical treatment and to master the clinicalknowledge and ability in cardiovascular diseases. Another objectives to develop newdiagnostics and therapies associated with cardiovascular diseases.

One can present one's data and discuss them.

Details will be announced in class.

Theme and Objectives

To learn the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and novel therapies of cardiovascular diseases,especially ischemic heart disease, heart failure, and arrythmia. Recent progresses in therapiesof cardiovascular diseases were remarkable and graduate students should catch up with them.Another aim of this program is to acquire the ability to present one's research results, tocomunicate and discuss in English, and to write a research and clinical papers.

Theme and Objectives

One can write a research paper in English and give scientificconsideration to medical problems.

Details will be announced in class.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Medicine

Cardiovascular Medicine/Arrythmia

Kei-ichi Hirata, Tatsuro Ishida, Toshiro Shinke, TomoyaYamashita, Hidekazu Tanaka, Hiromasa Ohtake, Naoto Sasaki,Shumpei Mori

One can refer some medical papers and write a research paperin English by oneself.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Cardiovascular Medicine

Details will be announced in class.


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Details will be announced in class.

One have to master the basic and clinical skill to examine,diagnose, and treat cardiovascular diseases.

Theme and ObjectivesObjectives are to take part in the team medical treatment and to master the clinicalknowledge and ability in cardiovascular diseases. Another objectives to develop newdiagnostics and therapies associated with cardiovascular diseases.

One can present one's data and discuss them.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

One can refer some medical papers and write a research paper inEnglish by oneself.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesBased on the knowledge of Special Lecture I, the graduate students perform medical researchprojects that are associated with cardiovascular diseases and write scientific papers.

One can write a research paper in English and give scientificconsideration to medical problems.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesTo master the scientific thinking about the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Cardiovascular Medicine

Theme and ObjectivesTo learn the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and novel therapies of cardiovascular diseases,especially arrythmia. Recent progresses in therapies of cardiovascular diseases wereremarkable and graduate students should catch up with them.Another aim of this program is to acquire the ability to present one's research results, tocomunicate and discuss in English, and to write a research and clinical papers.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Medicine

Cardiovascular Medicine/Arrythmia

Ken-ichi Hirata, Koji Fukuzawa, Kunihiko Kiuchi, KensukeMatsumoto, Kazuhiko Nakayama, Seimi Satomi-Kobayashi


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes


Theme and ObjectivesTo understand pathophysiologic mechanisms,diagnosis,and treatments of infectiousdiseases,inflammatory diseases,and cancers in the field of gastroenterology.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Medicine


Takeshi Azuma,Masaru Yoshida,Yoshihiro Yano,NamikoHoshi,Atsuhiro Masuda,Hideyuki Shiomi,Yoshinori Morita

The degree of achievement about a report of research

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesTo solve pathophysiologic mechanisums of infectious disease,inflammatory disease,andcancers in the field of gastroenterology.To develop advanced medicine in the field of gastroenterology.

The degree of achievement about a report of research

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesStudents will introduce scientifically important papers and present their own research results.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

The degree of achievement about a report of research

Theme and ObjectivesTo obtain medical skills and develop advanced medicine in the field of gastroenterology.

The degree of achievement about a report of research

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Division of Respiratory Medicine deals with respiratory diseases, including bronchila asthma,COPD, sleep apnea, infectious diseases, cancers and interstitial pneumonia. Main objective inthe graduate course is to study pathophysiology of respiratory disease; Diagnosis andtreatment; New imaging technology; New biochemical assays; and New medication.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and Objectives

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Medicine

Respiratory Medicine

Yoshihiro Nishimura, MD, PhD

Respiratory Medicine

Theme and Objectives

Introduction to Paper Writing

Clinical Skill

Theme and ObjectivesFollowings have been extensively carried out in our division:1) Development of new technology and therapy against resoiratory diseases2) Chemo- and/or radiotherapy against thoracic malignancies3) Pariative care in patients with malignant diseases4) Sleep study using polysomonograph in patients with sleep apnea, cardiac diseases, andmetabolic diseases.

Research Presentation

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesThe students will present research results in our research meetngs and the both domesticand international academic conferences to improve the presentation skills.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Paper Writing

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Division of Respiratory Medicine focuses on pathophysiology of respiratory diseases and thedevelopment of new technology: Molecular biology and molecular genetic approaches; Geneticdiagnosis. The students will read a lot of research papers and prepare for writing papers.


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

List problems based on clinical examination, their assessment,and make clinical plans to solve the problems.

Theme and ObjectivesReceive training to become specialists in diabetes and/or endocrine diseases in clinicalpractice as follows: 1. Learn about various clinical tests to assess pathophysiological states ofdiabetes and endocrine diseases. 2. Perform clinical test on actual cases and assess theresults, and draw the problems. 3. Make clinical plans to solve the problems.

Understanding of papers and presentation

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and Objectives1. Read and understand important papers on diabetes and endocrinology, and share thesepapers with the lab members. 2. Develop communication skills through presentation of dataand clinical assessment.

Details will be announced in class.

Submission of manuscript in English

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Theme and Objectives1. Learn up-dated findings of pathogenesis and pathophysiology clarified by state-of-artmethodology. 2. Learn how to translate basic finding to clinical setting. 3. Perform researchbased on the leading-edge knowledge and technology, analyze the data produced, and write apaper.

Evaluated by the knowledge and skills learned.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Diabetes and Endocrinology

Theme and Objectives1. Gain basic knowledge of the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of diabetes and endocrinediseases. 2. Learn basic methodology necessary for analyses of the pathogenesis andpathophysiology of diabetes and endocrine diseases.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Medicine

Diabetes and Endocrinology

Wataru Ogawa, Yoshiaki Kido, Yutaka Takahashi, Kazuhiko Sakaguchi, GenzoIguchi, Yushi Hirota, Hidenori Fukuoka


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

You search the manuscripts concerned with lifestyle-related illness and vesseral function, andassess the validity and its adaptation. You also present the summary of each manuscripts.

Theme and Objectives

submission of manuscript

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Medicine

General Medicine

Kenji Kanazawa

General Medicine

Theme and Objectives

understanding of CONSORT statement and interpritation of thevalidity of selected manuscripts

Theme and ObjectivesYou understand the CONSORT statement. You pick up the medical problems of out/inpatients and search the manuscripts related with them. You teach the information about themto medical students and make the students understand the validity and adaptation in clinicalsituation.

evaluation of understanding about clinical validity, medicalmorality and adaptation

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

You will research the interventional trial of lifestyle-realated illness evaluated by above threemethods and establish the manuscript about the relationship of the result and clinicalparameter of lifestyle-related illness.

confirmation of basal technical skill of above three methods

Theme and Objectives

You have to understand the cause and clinical significance of large vessel disease andarteriosclerosis in the lifestyle-related illness and learn about the meaning of following method,1) carotid intima-media thickness measured by ultrasonography, 2) endothelial functionmeasured by flow-mediated dilation, 3) degree of arteriosclerosis measured by pulse wavevelocity.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes


Theme and ObjectivesOur goal is to perform basic and clinical studies concerning the resolution ofpathophysiologicalmechanism and development of treatment. Our main subjects are resolutionofpathophysiological mechanism regarding bone-mineral disorders, cardio-renalsyndromeassociated with chronic kidney disease, glomerulonephritis and rejection inkidneytransplantation. It is important to understand the basic knowledge on above themes andlearnthe essential techniques using animal models and human materials.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal MedicineNephrologyDivision of Nephrology and Clinical Immunology

Shinichi Nishi, Hideki Fujii, Kentaro Nakai, Keiji Kono, Mikiko Yoshikawa

Achievement states of related skils

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesThrough the basic and clinical learning, you have to learn the method of data analysis onyourown research and how to describe scientific articles.

Achievement states on research meeting and conference, article

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesYou have to learn basic knowledge to be able to understand the contents concerningownresearch theme published in articles and presentation on academic conferences.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Achievement states of qualification

Theme and ObjectivesYou strive to get qualification of certifying physician and specialist physician onnephrologyfield and related fields. For examples, you must to try the qualification of certifyingphysicianin Societies of Nephrology, Dialysis treatment, Kidney transplantation andHypertension.

Achievement states of related skils

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Evaluation Criteria includes the daily activities and an oral test.

Theme and ObjectivesIn this course, students are expected to learn and participate in the daily practice in the fieldof Rheumatology. Based on the knowledge acquired in the above courses, students areexpected to become highly skilled person in their field.

Evaluation Criteria includes the daily activities and an oral test.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Evaluation Criteria includes an original paper and/or oralpresentation at a scientific meeting.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesThe objectives of this course is to learn advanced knowledge and techniques in the field ofRHeumatology and clinical immunology. Also how to write a scientfiv paper will be lectured.The goal of the course is to present the data in a scientific meeting and to write an originalpaper.

Evaluation Criteria includes the daily activities and an oral test.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesThe objectives of this course is to learn how to present your own data in an oral and posterpresentation. Also how to communicate with other people in a meeting wiil be learned.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Rheumatology / Clinical Immunology

Theme and ObjectivesThe objectives of this course is to learn basic knowledge and techniques in the field ofRheumatology and clinical immunology. The course includes how to read scientific articles,how to design experiments, and how to interpretate the experimental results.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Medicine

Rheumatology & Clinical Immunology

A. Morinobu, Y. Kogata, G. Kageyama, A. Ohnishi


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Theme and ObjectivesTo study clinical neurology and to improve skills for diagnosis and treatment, the participantswill be expected to take part in seeing patients in neurology ward and outpatient clinics. Theparticipants are supposed to become a board-certificated neurologist.

Research ReportEvaluated by degree of advancement including being board-certificated

l i tDetails will be announced in class.

Research Report

Research Report

Evaluated by degree of advancement

Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Evaluated by degree of advancement

Theme and ObjectivesThe participants will be studying current methods of diagnosis for neurological disorders, suchas neuroimaging and genetic diagnosis, through lectures and reading articles of milestone inneurology. The participants will be also required to improve skills of presentation anddiscussion based on these issues.

Evaluated by degree of advancement

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Tatsushi Toda, Fumio Kanda, Hisatomo Kowa, Kenji Sekiguchi, Takehiro Ueda, NorioChihara, Hisatsugu Tachibana

Theme and ObjectivesThe participants will be receiving lectures on neurodegenerative diseases, neuroimmunology,cerebrovascular diseases and other neurological problems by designated guest lecturers andare supposed to understand pathomechanisms of neurological disorders. The participants alsowill be expected to discuss possibilities of disease modifying therapy on these diseases.

To conduct productive and originative studies, there are many processes to be consideredincluding setting a designated goal, information gathering by reported articles, making andcarrying out a definite plan, evaluating your results and writing a report. The participants willbe mastering all these steps and will be supposed to submit at least one original article to amajor journal.

Internal Medicine


Details will be announced in class.


Theme and Objectives


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Theme and ObjectivesThe primary goal is to gain insight into the clinical principles and practice of medical oncologyand hematology based on curricula developed by the Japanese Society of Medical Oncologyand the Japanese Society of Hematology. Students should understand the rationale forengaging drug therapy against cancers in multiple organ systems and learn basic oncology,including molecular biology. Students should also obtain basic knowledge and methodology forclinical research and acquire skills of translational research necessary to solve clinicalquestions by basic research.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and Objectives

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Medicine

Medical Oncology/Hematology

Hironobu Minami

Medical Oncology/Hematology

Achieve competence level

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Objectives are to learn methods for clinical research in medical oncology and hematologybased on knowledge of clinical pharmacology and advanced anticancer drug therapy, to performpharmacological research using knowledge of molecular target drugs and their mechanism ofaction and resistance, and to obtain the ability to investigate leukemogenesis and newapproaches for stem cell transplantation. Final goal is to publish results from these basic andclinical research.

Theme and ObjectivesGoals are to obtain skills for critical reading of publications, to achieve competency to evaluatethe strength of evidence, and to develop skills necessary to incorporate evidence-basedmedicine into oncology practice. Students should improve their capability for accurate andeffective presentation at case conferences and research conferences.

Achieve competence level

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Achieve competence level

Theme and ObjectivesLearn how to diagnose and treat various cancers in multiple organ sytems includinghematological malignancies. Gain experience with a sufficient number of cases necessary tosuccessfully take certification examinations for medical oncologists and/or hematologistsauthorized by the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology or the Japanese Society ofHematology, respectively. Obtain skills to manage toxicities of stem cell tranplantation. Learnmanagement of oncology patients including supportive therapy, palliative care, andcommunicaton skills to deliver bad news. Students should function as active members of theoncology team and assume a prominent role in the multidisciplinary treatment of cancers.

Achieve competence level

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Medicine


Yoshio Katayama, MD, PhD

To obtain the skill to deeply understand scientifically important papers. The students willpresent research results in our research meetings and the both domestic and internationalacademic conferences to improve the presentation skills.

active participation in the research and the outcome

Theme and ObjectivesExperimental Medicine: To proceed experiments and learn molecular biology, biochmistry, cellbiology, and genetics. Clinical reserach: To learn how to make a clinical study design whichcan be approved by Internal Review Board (IRB), and proceed through patient care. Bothexperimental and clinical research: To learn data analysis and medical statistics, and writingpapers.

active participation in the research and the outcome

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Theme and Objectives

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.


Theme and ObjectivesTo acquire basic skills to extract essential questions through the careful observation ofpatients with hematologic diseases. To learn how to appproach those questions clinically andscientifically, including the assessment of published papers, laboratory activity, and patientcare.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

active participation in the practice and the outcome

Theme and Objectives1) To obtain the skills to care patients with molecular targeted drugs, chemo/immunotherapy,cell therapy together with supportive cares, which require for approved hematologist.2) To understand how important it is to care patients in an IRB approved clinical study.3) To be clearly aware of ethics/morals because many hematologic diseses are lifethreatening.

active participation in the seminar and the outcome

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report


Page 49: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st

2) To learn X-rays dissection and pathologic anatomy for diagnostic imaging


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd

1) To learn the imaging of various organs and the progress of the imaging in those organs2) To learn the latest finding of the diagnostic imaging in various organs3) To learn the clinical inspection method and clinical application of the utility in the imaging4) Preparation of manuscripts for submission to international and top journals in this field


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 2nd

1) To apply diagnostic imaging techniques in routine clinical practice and clinical study2) To aquire image interpretation skills in clinical practice


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Related


Kazurou Sugimura, Satoru Takahashi, Junya Konishi, Takaki Maeda, HisanobuKoyama

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.


Theme and Objectives

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and Objectives

Results of oral test

We conduct the systematic lecture along the following objectives and make use of it in thebedside teaching in the 2nd semester.

3) To learn the representative cases of the imaging in various diseases and build the basics ofclinical studies

1) To learn an imaging device and the imaging principle becoming basic of various imagediagnostics

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and Objectives

Results of oral test

Level of research report

Theme and Objectives

Level of research report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

1) To learn presentation skill for research results at international meeting2) To learn discussion and debate skills for research results presentation at internationalmeeting

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Radiation Oncology

Theme and ObjectivesPurpose:Understanding the basic theories of radiation oncology.Understanding curative and palliative radiation therapy.Outiline: To understand the basic theories of radiation oncology, radiation biology and radiationphysics, and to understand the tolerance dose of organs at risks as well as curative dose oftumors based on diagnostic imaging.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Related

Radiation Oncology

Ryohei Sasaki, Yasuo Ejima, Kenji Yoshida, Daisuke Miyawaki,Takeaki Ishihara

Evaluation according to students knowledge about individualizedtreatment planning

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesPurpose:Understanding radiation therapy for each disease specifically.Outiline: Learn about the indication, dose/fractionation and radiation dose of each disease,such as head and neck cancers, lung cancers, esophageal cancers qand brain tumors.

Evaluation according to students knowledge about basics ofradiation oncology

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesPurpose:Understanding the basic methods of radiation treatment planning.Outiline: Practicing three dimensional treatment planning including image fusion, treatmentverification and dose calculation. The goal is to complete radiation treatment planningsaccurately tobe applied in daily clinical practice.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Evaluation of research reports

Theme and ObjectivesPurpose:Understanding the indication of radiation therapy by participating in multidisciplinaryconferences. Outiline:Attend conferences of radiation oncology, head and neck cancers, esophageal cancers andpancreatic cancers. The goal is to present students own opinions about indication,dose/fractionation, irradiation field and dose prescription for individual tumors.

Evaluation of research reports

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.


Page 51: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and Objectives1) To learn basic research methods for functional and diagnostic imaging research2) To learn basic research methods for computer-aided diagnosis research3) To learn state of the art for chest and abdominal diagnostic radiology and functional imaging4) To learn state of the art for computer-aided diagnosis5) Preparation of manuscripts for submission to international and top journals in this field

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Related

Radiology/Functional and Diagnostic Imaging Research

Yoshiharu Ohno, Sumiaki Matsumoto, Takeshi Yoshikawa, MizuhoNishio

Functional and Diagnostic Imaging, Computer-Aided Diagnosis

Theme and Objectives1) To learn foundations of image science for diagnostic imaging2) To learn basic mathematical models for functional and diagnostic imaging research3) To learn anatomy and basics for imaging technique

Level of research report

Theme and Objectives1) To apply functional and diagnostic imaging techniques in routine clinical practice and clinicalstudy2) To apply methodologies of computer-aided diagnosis in clinical study and clinical practice3) To apply chest and abdominal diagnostic and functional imaging analysis for clinical study

Level of research report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Results of oral test

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and Objectives1) To learn presentation skill for research results at international meeting2) To learn discussion and debate skills for research results presentation at internationalmeeting

Results of oral test

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.


Page 52: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Clinical skill and team work.

Theme and ObjectivesThe students participate in the clinical research activities regarding molecular imagingperformed in Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation and practice patient procedure,radionuclide handling, PET scanning and other skills.

Presentation and discussion skill.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesThe students participate in the internal conferences of the Division of Molecular Imaging,Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation, and learn to present and discuss researchdata with associates.

Research report, abstract, or full paper.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesThe students learn to design and write a research protocol and participate in the dataacquisition and analysis for molecular imaging research activity to generate a research article.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Molecular Imaging

Theme and ObjectivesThe students learn the basic principles and techniques for visualizing functions of the brain,tumor, and other organs using PET and other molecular imaging methods.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Related

Molecular Imaging / Radiology

Michio Senda

Report on PET basics


Page 53: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd



Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd




Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Writting academic papers in English on previously given topics

Theme and Objectives

Holding oral presentations in English at international academicevents about previously given topic in endovascular therapy

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Objectives:・To become able to perform endovascular therapy and plan clinical research

Theme:・To analize clinical data while actively participating in clinical practice, and conduct clinical

・To participate in surgical endovascular therapy and development of more effective techniques

Acquiring newest knowledge in endovascular therapy

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and Objectives

Acquiring basic knowledge in endovascular therapy

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

1. To learn about newest findings and research methods in endovascular therapy2. To write papers suitable for publishment in major world medical journals

1.To acquire skills for presenting research results and observations in Japanese/English 2. To develop skills for discussing and debating about research results and observations

Details will be announced in class.

Objectives:・To read representative papers on endovascular therapy for various diseases, participate intherapy development and learn research planning

Details will be announced in class.

Theme and Objectives

1.To design effective presentations about research achievments and observations in2. To train in holding active debates and discussions based on presentation contents in English

Endovascular Therapy

Theme and Objectives

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Related

Endovascular Therapy

Koji Sugimoto, Masato Yamaguchi, Yoshikatsu Nomura

Objectives:・ To learn about basic treatment methods and diseases・To practice in treatment planning and image diagnosis neccessary for perfoming・ To learn about pre and post procedural management in endovascular therapyTheme: ・To hold systematic lectures parallel to the above mentioned and apply this knowledge inclinical practice


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Accomplishment of objectives

To read papers on diseases in childrenTo develop communication skill

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Related


Kazumoto Iijima et al.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report


Theme and ObjectivesTo study the diagnosis and treatment on diseases in children

Accomplishment of objectives

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesTo write papers on diseases in childrenTo study clinical trials in children for the development of new therapies

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and Objectives

Accomplishment of objectives

Theme and ObjectivesTo extract problem lists on diseases in children and resolve the problems

Accomplishment of objectives

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report


Page 55: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Accomplishment of objectives

Theme and ObjectivesTo extract problem lists on diseases in children and resolve the problems in the clinical fields

Accomplishment of objectives

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Accomplishment of objectives

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesTo write papers on diseases in childrenTo study clinical trials in children for the development of new therapies

Accomplishment of objectives

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesTo read papers on diseases in childrenTo develop communication skill

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.


Theme and ObjectivesTo study the diagnosis and treatment on diseases in children

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Related

Pediatrics / General Pediatrics

Ichiro Morioka, et al.


Page 56: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester


Evaluation Criteria

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester


Evaluation Criteria

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester


Evaluation Criteria

Title Practice 2 credits Semester


Evaluation Criteria

Theme and ObjectivesTo read papers on pediatric development.To develop cmmunication skills on pediatric development.

Accomplishment of objectives

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Accomplishment of objectives

Theme and ObjectivesTo extract problems on pediatric development.To learn how to resolve problems on pediatric development.

Accomplishment of objectives

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

To study what is normal and abnormal development in children.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesTo study how to write a paper on pediatric development.

Accomplishment of objectives

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Related

Developmental pediatrics/Pediatrics

Noriyuki Nishimura, et al.

Normal and abnormal development in children

Theme and Objectives


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Methods to propose the hypothesis for clarifying unsolved questions in dermatoses and interpretthe results logically will be educated. In addition, the way to write papers using these results will beinstructed.

absolute assessment

absolute assessment

Theme and ObjectivesA way of thinking for making a diagnosis in dermatology and techniques of clinical tests for thediagnosis will be instructed based on clinical experiences.

absolute assessment

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and Objectives

Theme and Objectives

absolute assessment

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Through discussing papers and making presentations of obtained data, an ability of readingcomprehension and a skill of making presentations on the research will be developed.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Theme and ObjectivesThe concept and fundamental knowledge of dermatology will be educated. Methods to clarify itsquestions will be instructed.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Related


Chikako Nishigori, Masahiro Oka, Hiroshi Nagai, Toshinori Bito, HiroshiNagai, Atsushi Fukunaga



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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st and 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes


Theme and ObjectivesWe aim at mastering thatbasic clinical and biological study skills and knowledges aboutpsychiatric disorders. It includes clinical examination skills, interview skills, neurologicalexamination skills and so on.

Written Test   ・  ○Oral Test   ・  ○Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Related


I .Sora, K. Tanaka, A. Hishimoto, T. Hashimoto, T. Kawamata

Archievement of aims

Written Test   ・  ○Oral Test   ・  ○Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesWe aim at mastering that advanced clinical and biological skills and knowledges aboutpsychiatric disorders. We read journal articles, and learn techniques of paper writing.

Archievement of aims

Written Test   ・  ○Oral Test   ・  ○Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesWe aim at mastering that advanced clinical and biological skills and knowledges aboutpsychiatric disorders by reading current journal articles, And practice presentations.

Required readind original English text books and articles

Required reading articles and writing English repots

Required speaking English

Archievement of aims

Theme and ObjectivesThe target of this subject is enhancing the capability to clinical examination techniques.Therefore, we can also choose training in professional medical organization.

Archievement of aims

Written Test   ・  ○Oral Test   ・  ○Research Report

Required writing English reports


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Laboratory Medicine

Theme and ObjectivesThe objectives of this course is to learn basic knowledge and techniques in the field oflaboratory medicine, clinical immunology and blood transfusion. The course includes how toread scientific articles, how to design experiments, and how to interpretate the experimentalresults.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Related

Laboratory Medicine

S. Kawano, J. Saegusa, S. Kasagi

Evaluation Criteria includes an original paper and/or oralpresentation at a scientific meeting.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesThe objectives of this course is to learn advanced knowledge and techniques in the field oflaboratory medicine, clinical immunology and blood transfusion. Also how to write a scientfivpaper will be lectured. The goal of the course is to present the data in a scientific meeting andto write an original paper.

Evaluation Criteria includes the daily activities and an oral test.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesThe objectives of this course is to learn how to present your own data in an oral and posterpresentation. Also how to communicate with other people in a meeting wiil be learned.

Notified at the time of lectures.

Notified at the time of lectures.

Notified at the time of practice.

Evaluation Criteria includes the daily activities and an oral test.

Theme and ObjectivesIn this course, students are expected to learn and participate in the daily practice in the fieldof Rheumatology, blood transfusion and laboratory medicine. Based on the knowledge acquiredin the above courses, students are expected to become highly skilled person in their field.

Evaluation Criteria includes the daily activities and an oral test.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Notified at the time of seminers.


Page 60: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd

theme and Objectives

Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Details will be announced in class.

It will be evaluated by achivement of research report.

Theme and ObjectivesIn this lecture, you understand highly advanced medical technology using the metabolomics,and aim at developing new advanced medical care.

It will be evaluated by achivement of research report.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

It will be evaluated by achivement of research report.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesIn this lecture, you analyze various diseases by omics technology (Metabolomics andProteomics), and investigate the target molecules. The goal is to lead research results toelucidation of novel clinical status and advanced medical technology, and also to prepareyour paper manuscripts based on the research results.

It will be evaluated by achivement of research report.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesIn this lecture, you understand articles about metabolomics, and evaluate the validity of thearticles and their future adaptation. In addition, you aim at developing a communication skill bythe presentation including own study introduction.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Metabolomics Research

Theme and ObjectivesIn this lecture, to understand the omics(Metabolomics and Proteomics) for disease diagnosis,you learn the basic knowledge and skill of the analysis technology using mass spectrometer,and then understand the clinical significance.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2015

Internal Related

Metabolomics Research

Masaru Yoshida


Page 61: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd

theme and Objectives

Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Metabolomics Research

Theme and ObjectivesIn this lecture, to understand the omics(Metabolomics and Proteomics) for disease diagnosis,you learn the basic knowledge and skill of the analysis technology using mass spectrometer,and then understand the clinical significance.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Related

Metabolomics Research

Masaru Yoshida

It will be evaluated by achivement of research report.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesIn this lecture, you analyze various diseases by omics technology (Metabolomics andProteomics), and investigate the target molecules. The goal is to lead research results toelucidation of novel clinical status and advanced medical technology, and also to prepareyour paper manuscripts based on the research results.

It will be evaluated by achivement of research report.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesIn this lecture, you understand articles about metabolomics, and evaluate the validity of thearticles and their future adaptation. In addition, you aim at developing a communication skill bythe presentation including own study introduction.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

It will be evaluated by achivement of research report.

Theme and ObjectivesIn this lecture, you understand highly advanced medical technology using the metabolomics,and aim at developing new advanced medical care.

It will be evaluated by achivement of research report.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.


Page 62: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Instracted during the term

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Related

Palliative Medicine

Hironobu Minami, Yoshiyuki Kizawa, Akihiro Sakashita, TakashiYamaguchi.

Palliative Medicine

Theme and Objectives

Instracted during the term

Objectives・To understand concepts of palliative medicine・To describe the methods for multi-dimentional assessment (bio-psychosocial-spiritualsuffering) and basic management for patients and families facing life threatening illness.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and Objectives・To plan clinical research or survey in palliative medicine based on clinical question・To collect and analyse data for clinical research・To write a paper in palliative medicine

It will be evaluated based on the degree of achievement ofacquiring basic knowledge in palliative medicine.

Theme and Objectives・To acquire skills for critical appraisal of scientific papers and presentation in scientificmeeting in Japanese and English・In the journal club, students are required to introduce important papers based on criticalaprraisal.・In the research meeting, students are required to present a progress in their own researchproject.・Students are required to present their research outcome in scieintific meeting.

It will be evaluated based on reports, presentation or writtenpapers.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

It will be evaluated by clinical observation.

Theme and ObjectivesTo demonstrate multi-dimentional assessment (bio-psychosocial-spiritual suffering) andmanagement for patients and families facing life threatening illness.To demonstrate skills for specialist consultation in palliative medicine.

It will be evaluated by achievement of research reports.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Instracted during the term

Instracted during the term


Page 63: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Make a compreensive assessment through basic andclinicalpractice.

Theme and ObjectivesBasic training for the tailor-made pharmacotherapy. According to genotyping, practiceanddiscuss about the most relevant pharmacotherapy with other health care professionals.

Evaluate the reminor report.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・  ○Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Make a compreensive assessment through research reports.

Written Test   ・  ○Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesThe current research projects are as follows;(1) Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs(2) Tailor-made pharmacotherapy based on genotyping(3) Drug metabolizing enzyme and transporter systems in the drug disposition(4) Development of drug delivery systems and optimization of gene therapyCreate a paper based on the research results.

Oral test for asessment of the basic knowledge.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・  ○Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesTo establish the basic knowledge for our research projects, fostering the comprehensionofresearch papers.Attend the seminor or workshop for development of the communicationskills with physican,nurse and other healthcare professionals.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.


Theme and ObjectivesThe goal of our research is to elucidate clinical applications for the optimalpharmacotherapy.The aim of this research is to acquire basic knowledge and skills fordeveloping the effectiveand safe pharmacotherapy by means of validating the genome as wellas various medical andmolecular bio informatics available.

Written Test   ・  ○Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Related


Midori Hirai, Seigo Iwakawa, Takeshi Hirano


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Translational Research for Biologics

Theme and Objectives It has been a growing need to translate the Biologics from basic research (bench) to clinical(bed). Academia still has been taking a great role in basic research of the field of molecularbiology as a source of biologics. The goal of this special lecture is to understand the overviewof clinical trials ranging from pre-clinical to translational reserach, and to lean the basicknowledge and skills can be applied to their research activities.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2015

Internal Related

Translational Research for Biologics

Toshiro Shirakawa MD, PhD

To evaluate with the attendance and the research report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesTo perform the case studies of actual development of biologics, as well as to acquireadvanced knowledge about the biologics.

To evaluate with the attendance and the result of oral test

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesTo perform Journal club and Laboratory meetings and to discuss the latest academic papersrelated to the Biologics. The goal of this seminor is to cultivate the reading comprehension ofthe scientific paper and the ability of scientific communication through the academic societyand laboratory meetings.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

To evaluate with the attendance and the research report

Theme and ObjectivesTo perform the advanced professional training at the biologics manufacturing facility andclinics. The goal of this practice is to acquire the knowledge and research skills, which arerequired in an exploratory clinical trial of biologics.

To evaluate with the attendance and the research report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Details will be announced in class.

To evaluate with the attendance and the research report

Theme and ObjectivesTo perform the advanced professional training at the biologics manufacturing facility andclinics. The goal of this practice is to acquire the knowledge and research skills, which arerequired in an exploratory clinical trial of biologics.

To evaluate with the attendance and the research report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

To evaluate with the attendance and the research report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesTo perform the case studies of actual development of biologics, as well as to acquireadvanced knowledge about the biologics.

To evaluate with the attendance and the result of oral test

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesTo perform Journal club and Laboratory meetings and to discuss the latest academic papersrelated to the Biologics. The goal of this seminor is to cultivate the reading comprehension ofthe scientific paper and the ability of scientific communication through the academic societyand laboratory meetings.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Translational Research for Biologics

Theme and Objectives It has been a growing need to translate the Biologics from basic research (bench) to clinical(bed). Academia still has been taking a great role in basic research of the field of molecularbiology as a source of biologics. The goal of this special lecture is to understand the overviewof clinical trials ranging from pre-clinical to translational reserach, and to lean the basicknowledge and skills can be applied to their research activities.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Internal Related

Translational Research for Biologics

Toshiro Shirakawa MD, PhD


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

To be announced later.

Progress report of experiments, critical reading of the latest scientific articles, round-readingof new textbooks on epinetics alternately once a week by students, and lectures by outsideresearchers once a month will be open for training communications skills and ability of readingcomprehension and presentation.

To be announced later.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

To be announced later.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Shigetaka Asano, Hirokazu Kurata

Theme and ObjectivesInvestigation will be focused on normal and abnormal molecular mechanisms for proliferationand differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells, functions of their various daugter cells andtheir intercellular matrixes, cell-cell, especially tissue-specific stem cell to stomal cellinteractions initial stages of inflammation and immune responces to enironmental disease-causing factors which are valuable for reaserch and development of diagnostics andtherapeutics for early-stage of diseases.

Toward medical expense reduction and healthy life prolongation, perspective, preventive,personalized and participatory medicine (4P-medicine) based on better understanding systembiology should be promoted. For expanding knowledge relating to this, the lectures includes①process of organ damage and its mechanisms (toxicology), ②lessons from our experienceof research and development of the first generation bio-medical agent, lenograstim, ③problems and solutions in current cell-gene therapy, ④bioethics, as an universal sence ofvalues, necessary to sustainable medical development, ⑤epigenetic control of inflammationand immune reactions of various environmental factors, ⑥probelems and solutions in currentdiagnostic technologies etc

Internal Related

System Patho-biology

Details will be announced in class.

System Patho-biology

Theme and Objectives


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

The first is to extract the problems associated standard diagnostic methods and therapies forthe progress level of digestive malignancy, especially in esophagus, stomach and colon. Thesecond is to acquire the skill of making a presentation at the conference following collectingand analyzing recent findings. The third is to select the surgical management appropriate for aclinical state or staging and design a treatment regimen.

Theme and Objectives

To master the progressive knowlege and the skill aboutpathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment in the field ofgastrointestinal surgery. To make the dissertations.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016


Gastro-intestinal Surgery

Yoshihiro Kakeji

Gastro-intestinal Surgery

Theme and Objectives

To master the essential skill of diagnosis and treatment in thesurgical oncology as an expert of gastroenterological surgery andto understand the meaning of the clinical study.

Theme and ObjectivesThe theme and objectives are to learn the skills and the basic knowledge of surgicaltreatment.We provide three goals to learn. The first is to practice minimally invasive surgery such aslaparoscopic surgery for esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, and colorectal cancer. Thesecond is to master the implication of the multidisciplinary therapy with a focus on surgerycombined with radiation therapy, which includes the ion beam therapy, and chemotherapy bythe use of cytotoxic anticancer and molecular target drugs. The third is to understand clinicaltrials of translational advanced medicine such as immunotherapy and gene therapy

To master the progressive knowlege and the skill aboutpathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment in the field ofgastrointestinal surgery. To make the dissertations.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and Objectives are to research the solution of pathophysiology or the establishment ofthe novel diagnosis and treatment in the field of gastrointestinal surgery. Concretely, in thesurgical oncology focusing on esophageal cancer, gastric cancer and colorectal cancer or inthe surgical therapeutics for inflammatory bowel disease, the solution of pathophysiology andthe progressive knowlege and the skill about diagnosis and treatment are learned.Furthermore, the results of the study are presented at the research conference and thedissertations are delivered.

To master the basic knowlege and the skill aboutpathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment in the field of

Theme and Objectives

The theme and objectives are to study the basic knowlege and the skill about pathophysiologyincluding molecular biology, diagnosis and treatment of the tumor or the inflammation in thefield of gastrointestinal surgery. We encourage the ability to analyze the obtained informationscientifically and to master the basic knowlege and the skill. Furthermore, standard surgicaltreatments of the esophageal cancer, gastric cancer and colorectal cancer are learned.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery

Theme and ObjectivesThe aim of the lectures is to learn the surgical diagnostics and treatments of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic diseases. The lectures are especially focused on learning the clinical anatomy andpathophysiology by comparing with the practical techniques required for the surgery.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016


Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery

Yonson Ku

Report could be also evaluated.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesThe aim of the lectures is to learn liver transplantation, islet/pancreas transplantation,laparoscopic surgery, PIHP and particle beam radiation therapy. It is additionally to learn theregeneration medicine and gene therapy expected to have the potential to treat Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic diseases in the near future. The lectures are especially focused onresearching the pathological conditions and treatments associated with Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic diseases based on the research plans developed in the Special Lecture I/II, andwriting an article.

Report could be also evaluated.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Report could be also evaluated.

Theme and ObjectivesThe aim of the practices is to perform the translational research on the leading-edgetreatments such as liver transplantation, islet/pancreas transplantation, laparoscopic surgery,PIHP and particle beam radiation therapy with a mentor.

Report could be also evaluated.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesThe aim of the seminars is to understand the pathophysiology of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreaticdiseases, to develop the skills to analyze the problems on the novel diagnostics andtreatments by discussing, and to acquire how to evaluate the results and to write an articlewith a mentor.


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Theme and ObjectivesThe aim of the seminars is to understand the diagnoses and treatments procedures of breastcancers, to develop the skills of communication by the case presentations and discussions,and to acquire how to evaluate the results of clinical trials and translational researchs and towrite an article with a mentor.

by the results of oral tests and in the lectures and contents ofwritten papers

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

by the results of oral tests and reports in the practices

Theme and ObjectivesThe aim of the practices is to learn about the commimucation to the patients with breastcancers, the clinical interventions for diagnoses of breast cancers, and the Sentinel lymphnodes biopsy and surgical approarches with curability and cosmesis. It is also to leran howto perform the appropriate drug therapies for each patients with breast cancers and how topractice the team treatment with community cooperation for the patients with metastaticbreats cancers.

by the results of oral tests and reports in the seminar

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016


Breast Surgery

Sintaro Takao, Seishi Kohno

Breast Surgery

Theme and ObjectivesThe aim of the lectures is to learn the diagnostics and treatments of breast diseases. Thelectures are especially focused on learning the multidisciplinary approach to diagnose andtreat the patients with breast cancers.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesThe aim of the lectures is to learn about up-to-date imaging diagnosis procedures for breastdiseases. It is also to aquire the newest oncoplastic surgical procedures with curability andcosmesis cooperated with plastic surgeons. It is to understand development of the newbiomarkers and mechanism of new target therapies. Finally, the lectures give the skills tomake the research plans for breast diseases developed in the Special Lecture I/II, and writingan article.

by the results of oral tests and research reports in the lectures


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Aortic surgery (aortic arch and thoracoabdominal aorta) and endovascular aortic repair mustbe understood and learn the mechanism of spinal cord ischemia. Presentation at researchconference is performed at each semester. Research paper on spinal cord protectoin is mustbe completed at the end of the course

Theme and ObjectivesBasic research on 1 of the following themes is chosen; 1) aortic aneurysm: cerebral ischemiain aortic dissection, spinal cord ischmia in thoracoabdominal surgery, and hemodynamics inaortic root surgery; 2) control release of drugs using hydrogel: strengthen vascular wall andprevent graft degradation; 3) invention of small caliber graft; 4) cardiopulmonary bypass.

present a report at research conference

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

minimum of 50 points

Theme and ObjectivesBasic surgical skills and perioperative care in open heart surgery must be learned.

minimum of 50 points

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesThe aim of this course is to understand general sugery, especially surgical stress andresponse of the body. As for cardiovascular surgery, students must learn about valvular ,ischemic heart , aortic and peripheral artery diseases. In addition, students need tocomprehend the system of cardiopulmonary bypass, which maintains the circulation of bloodand the oxygen content of the body during open heart surgery, and be able to troubleshoot.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and Objectives

Medical Science Syllabus 2016


Cardiovascular Surgery

Yutaka Okita

Cardiovascular Surgery

minimum of 50 points

Details will be announced in class.


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

The achievement is judged comprehensively.

Theme and ObjectivesStudents will learn Multidisciplinary treatment ageinst primary lung cancer in Kobe UniversityHospital and Hyogo Cancer Center.

The achievement is judged comprehensively.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Theme and Objectives

Carrying out the presentation of the newest paper will give you expression, reading, andpersuasive ability.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Gene mutations and their expression disorder in lung cancer are analysed with surgicalspecimens and the relationship with clinico-pathological findings is evaluated.

The achievement is judged comprehensively.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Diagnostic methods and medical treatment for respiratory diseases are lectured.

Theme and Objectives

Theme and Objectives

The achievement is judged comprehensively.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016


Thoracic Surgery

Yoshimasa Maniwa

Thoracic Surgery


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

There must be regular discussions of problems in clinical investigations or experimentalresearch.

Theme and Objectives

We assess the level of achivement comprehensively.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016


Pediatric Surgery

Eiji Nishijima, Chieko Hisamatsu

Pediatric Surgery

Theme and Objectives

We assess the level of achivement comprehensively.

Theme and ObjectivesProgram should be incorporated with: (1) surgical techniques and endoscopic techniques, (2)preoperative and postoperative care.

We assess the level of achivement comprehensively.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Graduate students will research on (1) minimally invasive procedures of thoracic andabdominal surgery, (2) strategy for refractory pediatric disorders (airway disease andoncology), (3) organ transplantation using tissue engineering techniques, (4) development ofartificial internal organ for neonate.

We assess the level of achivement comprehensively.

Theme and Objectives

Graduate students are expected to have a knowledge and understanding of: (1) basicsciences including genetics, embryology, anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, andphamacology, (2) clinical behavior, diagnosis and treatment of diseases in pediatric surgery.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Theme and ObjectivesEtiology, basic science, and treatment for musculoskeletal disorders will be presented, andcorrelations between these diseases and clinical anatomy, physiology, pathology will be alsolectured. Based on the latest insights in the orthopaedics research, contemporary imaginganalysis and surgical techniques will be introduced, and research techniques will be alsopresented.

Evaluation by interview and reports to test the achivement.

Theme and ObjectivesThe aims of this practice are (1) to learn diagnostic methods to evaluate musculoskeletaldisorders and trauma and planning techniques for treatment, (2) to learn indications fororthopaedic surgeries, basic techniques of surgery, post-operative treatment, andrehabilitation.

Evaluation by interview and reports to test the achivement.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesThe aim of this seminar is to learn how the information of a living body can be detected tounderstand the situation of the disease and how the information can be interpreted fortreatment. The students also learn the skills for communication by reading published articlesand performing oral presentation.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and Objectives

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Evaluation by interview and reports to test the achivement.

The aims of this lecture are (1) to learn the latest knowledge and techniques of imaginganalysis and biomechanics to understand correlations between musculoskeletal disorders andpathological changes, (2) to learn editorial techniques of writing a manuscript for presentationof the results.

Evaluation by interview and reports to test the achivement.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Surgery Related


Ryosuke Kuroda, Kotaro Nishida, Takeshi Kokubu, Takahiro Niikura



Page 74: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Evaluation by interview and reports to test the achivement.

Theme and ObjectivesThe aims of this practice are to learn treatment methods to evaluate impairment and toindicate for orthosis, physical, occupational and speech therapy.

Evaluation by interview and reports to test the achivement.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesThe aim of this seminar is to learn how the information of a living body can be detected tounderstand the situation of the impairment, and how the information can be interpreted fortreatment. The students also learn the skills for communication by reading published articlesand performing oral presentation.

Details will be announced in class.

Evaluation by interview and reports to test the achivement.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Theme and ObjectivesThe aims of this lecture are (1) to learn the latest knowledge and techniques of imaginganalysis, electro-physiological examination and biomechanics to understand correlationsbetween impairment and pathological changes, (2) to learn editorial techniques of writing amanuscript for presentation of the results.

Evaluation by interview and reports to test the achivement.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Rehabilitation Medicine

Theme and ObjectivesEtiology, basic science, and treatment for rehabilitation medicine will be presented, andcorrelations between these diseases and clinical anatomy, physiology, pathology will be alsolectured. Based on the latest insights in the rehabilitaion research, contemporary imaginganalysis and electro-physiological examination and evaluation technique will be introduced, andresearch techniques will be also presented.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Surgery Related

Rehabilitaion Medicine

Yoshitada Sakai


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Basic knowledge and skills are obtained for neurosurgicaldiagnostics and treatments.

Theme and ObjectivesImprove diagnostic ability through clinical cases in the neurosurgical ward. Aquire basicmicrosurgical technique in the operating theater.

Appropriate presentation can be done in the conference andjournal club

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Enough advanced knowledge and skills are aquired and scientificpapers are completed.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesLearn advanced knowledge and skills on pathophysiology, diagnostic methods and treatmentmodalities of various neurosurgical diseases. Basic and clinical research work should beperformed to make scientific papers.

Enough basic knowledge and skills are aquired onpathophysiology, diagnostics and therapies

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesCommunication ability is obtained through clinical conference and journal club

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.


Theme and ObjectivesLearn basic knowledge and skills on pathophysiology, diagnostic methods and treatmentmodalities of various neurosurgical diseases. Basic knowledge will be also obtained onmolecular biological or genomic aspects of neurosurgical disorders.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Surgery related


Kohmura E, Hosoda K, Taniguchi M, Sasayama T


Page 76: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester all


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester all


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester all


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester all


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Assesment their clinicall skills and techniques acquired during thecourse

Theme and ObjectivesTo experience and obtain the recent techniques on the diagnosis and the treatment in theoutpatient clinic under the supervison.

The presentation including discussion at the meetings to assessthe level of achievement in the PhD research.

Written Test   ・   ○ Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

The presentation to assess the level of achievement theirunderstanding and knowledge earned about scientific informationon recent progress in the research of ocular diseases.

Written Test   ・Oral Test   ・    ○  Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesOn the basis of the knowledge obtained in Special Lectue I, the experimental design will beconstructed to develop a novel approach. The experimental results should be reported ininternational scientific journals.

The achievement will be evaluated to assess their understandingand knowledge earned about scientific information on recentprogress in the research of ocular disease.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   ○ Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesTo understand the recent progress in the research of ocular diseases and to achieve theskills for their effective presentation.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.


Theme and ObjectivesTo learn the experimental skills to investigate the mechanisms of pathogenesis of oculardiseases and to earn clinical updated knowledge in ophthalmology.

Written Test   ・  ○ Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016


Clinical and basic eye research

Nakamura M, Honda S, Yamada Y, Kanamori A, Kusuhara S


Page 77: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester whole year


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester whole year


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester whole year


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Theme and ObjectivesTheme: Communication Skills and Clinical Reseach in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryObjective: At the completion of this unit, the resident can discuss the nonsurgical andsurgical management of diseases and disorders in general otolaryngology

The student can perform a comprehensive history and physicalexamination, order appropriate laboratory and diagnostic testing,develop a differential diagnosis, and arrive at a diagnosis ofintractable diseases and disorders in Ootolaryngology-Head andNeck Surgery.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

The resident can perform neck dissection, endoscopic nasalsurgery, microlaryngosurgery and mastoidectomy under thementorship of instructors.

Theme and ObjectivesTheme: Surgical Skills in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.Objectives: At the end of the end of this unit, the resident can perform the standard surgicaltechniques for general diseases and disorders in Otolarygology-Head and Neck Surgery.

The resident can present case reports at academic meeting.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Department of Surgery Related

Division of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

Ken-ichi Nibu, MD, PhD

Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

Theme and ObjectivesTheme: General Diseases and Disorders in OtolaryngologyObjectives: At the end of this unit, the student can recognize, assess diagnose and managethe the diseases and disorders in General Otolaryngology.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesTheme: Intractable Diseases and Disorders in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryObjectives: At the end of this unit, the student can recognize, assess diagnose and managethe the intractable diseases and disorders in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.

The student can perform a comprehensive history and physicalexamination, order appropriate laboratory and diagnostic testing,develop a differential diagnosis, and arrive at a diagnosis ofdiseases and disorders in General Otolaryngology


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st, 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Theme and ObjectivesThe purpose of this seminar is to get the presentation skills and paper-writing skills inurological field.


Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report


Theme and ObjectivesYou learn diagnosis, treatment and management of urologic diseses. Topics are "Roboticsurgery", "Laparoscopic surgery", "Artificial reproductive therapy", "Molecular targetedtherapy for renal cancer", "Renal transplantation", and "Laser in urologic field".


Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Surgery Related


Masato Fujisawa


Theme and Objectives"From bed to bench" and "From bench to bed" are the aim of the research in ourdepartment. You learn Urologic oncology, Urolithiathis, Urinry tract infection, ED, Voidingdysfunction, Pediatric urology, Female urology, renal failure, renal transplantation.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesYou learn advanced medicine in urological field. Topics are "Gene therapy for prostatecancer", Cell to cell interaction in testis", and "Mechanism of antimicrobial resistance inurogenital infection".



Page 79: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Theme and ObjectivesTo understand human reproduction and reproductive systems.To learn basic knowledge and skills needed to treat patients in Ob/Gyn field.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Surgery Related

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Hideto Yamada, Hiroya Matsuo, Masashi Deguchi, Yasuhiko Ebina

Judgment of acceptance will be determined by research paperand attitude.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesEndocrinology: To clarify the association between gonadal function and physiopsychicfunction, analyze the efficacy of hormone replacement therapy. Obstetrics: To create novelstrategy for unexplained recurrent miscarriage. To elucidate pathological condition in prenatalinfection. To establish safe Caesarean section in patients with placenta previa. To researchthe diagnostic method for preeclampsia. Gynecologic oncology: To assess clinicopathologicalfactors in patients with gynecologic malignancies. To develop radical surgery with functionalpreservation.

Judgment of acceptance will be determined by research paperand attitude.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesTo review the topics of research, and report the progress of the research regularly.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Judgment of acceptance will be determined by research paperand attitude.

Theme and ObjectivesTo perform medical care in Ob/Gyn ward. To instruct medical students or residents.

Judgment of acceptance will be determined by research paperand attitude.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Theme and ObjectivesTo study of histological assessment in nerve regeneration after the microsurgical anastomosis

acquisition of progressive skill and development of paper

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

acquisition of practical application

Theme and ObjectivesClinical trial of microsurgical method of a nerve transfer between facial and sublingual nerves

acquisition of reading comprehesion and presentation skill

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Surgery Related

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Hiroto Terashi

Plastic Surgery

Theme and ObjectivesTo master the method of microsurgical transfer using wth the neurovascular anastomosis

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesTo clarify the mechanism of repair after the microsurgical transfer

acquisition of basic knowledement and skill


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation CriteriaInformation Regarding Preparation andRelated Classes

Acceptance criteria is:Mastering expert knowledge and skills.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Acceptance criteria is:Mastering expert knowledge and skills.

Theme and ObjectivesThe program develops the students' ability to evaluate and treat the patients withperioperative stress.Theme: Understand that adequate management of stress under anesthesia and intensive careaffects patient's prognosis.Objectives: ① Assess the statement of each patient under anesthesia and intensive careusing several parameters. ② Know that the reaction to medicine is respectively different.

Acceptance criteria is:Mastering expert knowledge and skills.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Refer to Miller's Anesthesia(7th edi.). We indicate others during classes.

We indicate during classes.

Refer to Miller's Anesthesia(7th edi.). We indicate others during classes.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Surgery Related

Anesthesiology and Perioperative MedicineSatoshi Mizobuchi, Yumiko Takao, Shinitiro Izuta, Takuyo Misumi, HitoakiSato, Moritoki Egi


Theme and Objectives

Refer to Miller's Anesthesia(7th edi.). We indicate others during classes.

The program develops the students' ability to evaluate and analyze parameters for biologicalreaction to stress.Theme: Study the mechanisms of protection against stress including operation and infection.Objectives: ① What is stress? Understand the mechanisms of stress. ② Elevate and analyzereactions to stress. ③ Learn technique required in order to obtain the information fromseveral models.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesThe program develops the students' knowledge and skills on preparation and accomplishmentof research with stress animal model.Theme: Observe the changes induced by stress of pain as operation, sepsis, hemorrhagicshock, etc. and protect the fuctions of major organs (brain, lung, liver, heart and kidney).Objectives: ① Prepare instruments for research and learn the technique. ② Learn how tomake animal models. ③ Understand assessments of stress.

Acceptance criteria is:Mastering expert knowledge and skills.

Theme and ObjectivesThe program develops the students' ability to understand and interpret the scientific papers,and to discuss the problem with other reserchers.


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Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Written Test   ・  ○ Oral Test   ・  ○ Research Report

Written Test   ・  ○ Oral Test   ・  ○ Research Report

This course provides advanced knowledge and skills in oral and maxillofacial surgery. At thesame time students are required to write scientific paper.

attendance record, test result

attendance record, test result

Theme and Objectives This course intends to provide operation techniques and skills mainly in major surgery.

attendance record, test result

Written Test   ・  ○ Oral Test   ・  ○ Research Report

Theme and Objectives

Theme and Objectives

attendance record, test result

Written Test   ・  ○ Oral Test   ・  ○ Research Report

Students sre required to read important articles and to give their comments on the problems.Through this course communication skills are formed.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Theme and Objectives This course provides basic knowledge and skills in oral and maxillofacial surgery. The lecturesalso concern anomaly, deformity, injury, mucosal disease, inflammation, cyst and tumor of oraland maxillofacial region.

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Surgery Related

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Komori Takahide, et al.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


Page 83: MEDICAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2016 Major Subjects · MEDICAL SCIENCE . SYLLABUS 2016 ( Major Subjects) Student Affairs Division . Graduate School of Medicine . Kobe University. General


Field of Study


Major Subject

Title Special Lecture Ⅰ 6 credits Semester 1st


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Special Lecture Ⅱ 4 credits Semester 1st,2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Seminar 3 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Title Practice 2 credits Semester 2nd


Evaluation Criteria

Information Regarding Preparationand Related Classes

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Details will be announced in class.

Theme and ObjectivesTo master the communication skills, read and make presentations both on articles regardingDisaster Medicine and Emergency Medicine.

Skills on making up medical articles

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Skills of Primary Care and Treatment, Skill of Response toDisaster

Theme and ObjectivesTo foster some advanced professionals both on Disaster medicine and Emergency Medicine,master the skills of Primary Emergency Care and Treatment on the ER, and Intensive Careand Treatment and Response to mass-casualties should be mastered through the real clinicalsites.

Master of Communication Skills

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Details will be announced in class.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

To master the basic knowledge and skills both on Disaster Medicine and Emergency Medicine.On the Disaster Medicine, Framework of Disaster Medicine, Preparedness, Response,International Medical Relief and Risk Management should be mastered. On the EmergencyMedicine, Framework of Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medical System, Primary EmergencyCare and Treatment and Intensive Care and Treatment should be mastered.

Written Test   ・   Oral Test   ・   Research Report

Theme and ObjectivesTo master the knowledge and skills on making up medical articles through searching advancedpublications and medical ariticles.

Requirement of Basic knowledge and skills

Theme and Objectives

Medical Science Syllabus 2016

Surgery Related

Disaster and Emergency Medicine

Kawashima T, Naoki Okada, Yoshida T, Okashiro M

Disaster and Emergency Medicine