medical risk register

RISK REGISTER GROUP RISK ASSESSMENT Medical Department Department: Medical Unit/ Section: OPD SN Proce ss Activities Process Owner D / I D R/ NR/E Failur e Mode Hazard Existi ng Contro l Risk Evaluat ion Additi onal Contro l Risk Communicat ion S R Resid ual Risk L S R 1 Out- Patie nt Medic al Care 1. Reception , handling and transport of patients Hospital Attendan ts D R Improp er body postur e & techni que Ergonomic: musculoske letal injuries and cumulative trauma disorders Employe e educati on & Trainin g, Good House keeping , Persona l Hygiene , Proper Job procedu res, PPE, PME 1 3 LR Personal & Group communicat ion, Seminars & Clinical meetings, Failur e to Biological : Employe e 1 3 LR Personal & Group

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Post on 04-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Medical Risk Register


Medical Department

Department: Medical Unit/ Section: OPD


Process Activities Process Owner



Failure Mode

Hazard Existing Control

Risk Evaluation

Additional Control

Risk Communicatio



Residual Risk


1 Out- Patient Medical Care

1. Reception, handling and transport of patients

Hospital Attendants

D R Improper body posture & technique

Ergonomic:musculoskeletal injuries and cumulative trauma disorders

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Failure to wear PPE

Biological:Exposure to infections

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Page 2: Medical Risk Register


Defective equipment

Physical: Accidents & Injury

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

2. Clinical Examination

Medical Officer

D R Failure to wear PPE

Biological:Exposure to infections

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

3. Administration of medicines by injections

Nurse D R Needle- Stick Injury

Biological:Exposure to Blood- borne pathogens HIV, Hepatitis B & C

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 4 HR

Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

4. Dressing & stitching of wounds

Dresser/ Nurse/ MO

D R Failure to wear PPE

Biological:Exposure to infections

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Page 3: Medical Risk Register

Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

Needle stick Injury

Biological:Exposure to Blood- borne pathogens HIV, Hepatitis B & C

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 4 HR

Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

5. Dispensing medicines

Pharmacist D R Contact with medicines due to breakage of bottles

Chemical:Exposure to chemicals

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

6. Computer work

Office Staff/ Medical officer/ Pharmacist/Nurse

D R Long working hours & bad body posture

Ergonomic: musculoskeletal injuries and cumulative trauma disorders

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

D - DirectID - Indirect

R - RoutineNR - Non-RoutineE - Emergency

L - LikelihoodS - SeverityR - Risk

SR - Statutory Requirements LR - Low RiskMR - Moderate RiskHR - High RiskER - Extreme Risk

Page 4: Medical Risk Register



Department: Medical Unit/ Section: IPD


Process Activities Process Owner



Failure Mode

Hazard Existing Control

Risk Evaluation

Addl Contro


Risk Communicatio



Residual Risk


II In- Patient Medical care

1. Handling, Shifting and transport of patients

Hospital Attendants

D R Improper body posture & technique

Ergonomic:musculoskeletal injuries and cumulative trauma disorders

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Failure to wear PPE

Biological:Exposure to infections

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Page 5: Medical Risk Register

Defective equipment e.g. trolleys, wheel chairs

Physical: Accidents & Injury

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

2. Clinical Examination

Medical Officer

D R Failure to wear PPE

Biological:Exposure to infections

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Use of Gloves

Chemical:Latex allergy caused by exposure to natural latex gloves

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

3. Administration of medicines by injections

Nurse/Medical officers

D R Needle- Stick Injury

Biological:Exposure to Blood- borne pathogens HIV, Hepatitis B & C

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures

2 4 HR

Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Page 6: Medical Risk Register


4. Dressing & stitching of wounds

Dresser/ Nurse/ MO

D R Failure to wear PPE

Biological:Exposure to infections

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Needle stick Injury

Biological:Exposure to Blood- borne pathogens HIV, Hepatitis B & C

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 4 HR

Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

5. Nursing Care Nurses D R Substandard conditions: wet floors

Physical:Slips & trips

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Substandard conditions: Faulty

Physical:Electric Shock

Employee education & Training,Good

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,

Page 7: Medical Risk Register

electrical equipment

House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Exposure to chemicals

Chemical:Skin defatting, irritation, and dermatoses because of frequent use of soaps, spirits, detergents &Disinfectants.

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Use of Gloves

Chemical:Latex allergy caused by exposure to natural latex gloves.

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Failure of PPE and faulty technique

Biological:Risk of contracting a communicable disease from the patients.

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

2 4 HR

Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Substandar Biological:Infections due to

Employee education

2 4 H Personal &

Page 8: Medical Risk Register

d practiceNeedle stick injury

the exposure to blood, body fluids or tissue specimens possibly leading toblood-borne diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.

& Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

R Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Awkward body position or overexertion

Ergonomic:Fatigue and lower back pain due to the handling of heavy patients and to long periods of work in a standing posture.

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Shift Work Stress, strained family relations, and burnout due to shift and night work, overtime work, and contact with sick patients, especially accident victims and their relatives.

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

6. House- Keeping including cleaning of wards and bathrooms

Sanitary Workers


R Substandard conditions e.g.Wet floors

Slips, trips and falls

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Page 9: Medical Risk Register


Substandard conditions e.g.Faulty electrical equipment

Electrical shock resulting from work with mechanized and electrical field equipment

Employee education Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Substandard practice Failure to wear PPE

ChemicalBurns- Contact with strong oxidants, especially chlorine compounds used for disinfection

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Substandard practice Failure to wear PPE

Chemical:Dermatitis and eczemas resulting from contact with various oils and solvents used for pest control

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Substandard practice Failure to wear PPE

Biological:Exposure to various microorganisms while working with liquid or solid wastes

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job

2 4 HR

Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Page 10: Medical Risk Register


Substandard practice Failure to wear PPE

Biological:Risk of contracting infectious diseases while working in hospitals

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 4 HR

Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

physical overexertion andawkward posture while carrying and otherwise handling containers and heavy pieces of equipment orby work in confined or awkward spaces

Ergonomic:Acute musculoskeletal injuries and cumulative trauma disorders

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

D - DirectID - Indirect

R - RoutineNR - Non-RoutineE - Emergency

L - LikelihoodS - SeverityR - Risk

SR - Statutory Requirements

LR - Low RiskMR - Moderate RiskHR - High RiskER - Extreme Risk

Page 11: Medical Risk Register



Department: Medical Unit/ Section: Laboratory


Process Activities Process Owner



Failure Mode

Hazard Existing Control

Risk Evaluation

Addl Contro


Risk Communicatio



Residual Risk


III Laboratory Diagnostic Services

1. Collection of samples of blood, urine, & stool, biochemical and microscopic examination and

Laboratory Tecnicians

D R Substandard conditionse.g. faulty electrical equipment

Physical:Electric Shock

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job

1 3 LR

Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Page 12: Medical Risk Register

reporting of results


Substandard conditionse.g. wet floors

Physical: slips and fall

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR

Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Substandard practice e.g. failure to wear PPE

Burns and scalds from flames, hot surfaces, hot gases and liquids

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Substandard practice e.g. failure to wear PPE

ChemicalExposure to an extremely wide variety of chemical substances

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Substandard practice e.g. failure to wear PPE,Needle stick Injury

Biological:Exposure to an extremely wide variety of biological agents including viruses, bacteria, fungi,

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,

2 4 HR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &

Page 13: Medical Risk Register

parasites, etc. Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

Clinical meetings,

Routine work in a fixed positionOverexertionrepetitive manual operations, e.g., in pipetting

Ergonomic:musculoskeletal injuries and cumulative trauma disorders

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,



Department: Medical Unit/ Section: Radiography


Process Activities Process Owner



Failure Mode Hazard Existing Control

Risk Evaluation

Addl Contro


Risk Communicatio



Residual Risk


IV Medical Radiography

1. Preparation for X-ray examinati

X-ray Technician

D R Poor Housekeeping

Physical:Slips and trips and falls in cluttered and

Employee education & Training,Good

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,

Page 14: Medical Risk Register

on , Exposure to Xrays, Washing and developing X-ray films and reporting results

slippery spaces especially in the poorly illuminated Dark Room

House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Substandard condition e.g. Faulty electrical equipment

PhysicalElectric Shock

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Substandard practice e.g. failure to wear PPE

Physical:Exposure to Ionizing Radiation (X- rays) may cause Radiation Sickness & leukemia

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 4 HR

Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Substandard practice e.g. failure to wear PPE

Chemical:Exposure to a wide variety of photographic chemicals and their vapors and fumes maycause skin rashes, dermatitis, irritation of the eyes and mucous

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Page 15: Medical Risk Register

membranes, acute orchronic irritation of the respiratory system

Substandard practice e.g. failure to wear PPE

Biological:Exposure to infections

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

awkward body position or overexertion

Ergonomic:musculoskeletal injuries

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

D - DirectID - Indirect

R - RoutineNR - Non-RoutineE - Emergency

L - LikelihoodS - SeverityR - Risk

SR - Statutory Requirements LR - Low RiskMR - Moderate RiskHR - High RiskER - Extreme Risk

Page 16: Medical Risk Register



Department: Medical Unit/ Section: Operation Theatre


Process Activities Process Owner



Failure Mode

Hazard Existing Control

Risk Evaluation

Addl Contro


Risk Communicatio



Residual Risk


V Operation Theatre Services

1. Handling, Shifting and

Hospital Attendants

D R/E Improper body posture &

Ergonomic:musculoskeletal injuries

Employee education & Training,

1 3 LR

Personal & Group communication

Page 17: Medical Risk Register

transport of patients

technique Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Failure to wear PPE

Biological:Exposure to infections

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR

Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Defective equipment

Physical: Accidents & Injury

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR

Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

2. Operating on patients

Surgeon/ Nurses

D R/ E Substandard practices

PhysicalCuts and stabsFrom sharp objects

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR

Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Page 18: Medical Risk Register

Substandard conditionsFaulty equipmentWaste anesthetic gases

Chemical:Inhalation of waste anesthetic gases (ethyl-ether, ethyl-bromide, ethyl-chloride, halothane,Methoxy-fluorane, nitrous-oxide).

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

2 4 HR

Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Use of latex gloves

ChemicalLatex allergy caused by exposure to natural latex gloves and other medical devices

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Failure of wearing PPENeedle stick injuries

Biological:Infections due to the exposure to blood, body fluids or tissue specimens possibly leading toblood-borne diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 4 HR

Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

shift and night work, overtime work

Mental stress and burnout

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Page 19: Medical Risk Register


excessive standing during the operation

Ergonomic:musculoskeletal injuries Physical stress

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

D - DirectID - Indirect

R - Routine

NR - Non-Routine

E - Emergency

L - Likelyhood

S - Severity

R - Risk

SR - Statutory Requirements LR - Low Risk

MR - Moderate Risk

HR - High Risk

ER - Extreme Risk



Department: Medical Unit/ Section: Emergency Room


Process Activities Process Owner



Failure Mode Hazard Existing Control

Risk Evaluation

Addl Contro


Risk Communicatio



Residual Risk


VI Emergency Patient

1. Handling, Shifting and

Hospital Attendant

D E Improper body posture


Employee education &

2 3 LR Personal & Group

Page 20: Medical Risk Register

Care transport of patients

s & technique l injuries and cumulative trauma disorders

Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Failure to wear PPE

Biological:Exposure to infections

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Defective equipment

Physical: Accidents & Injury

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

2. Clinical Examination and management

Medical Officer

D E Failure to wear PPE

Biological:Exposure to infections

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Page 21: Medical Risk Register

Use of Gloves Chemical:Latex allergy caused by exposure to natural latex gloves

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

3. Administration of medicines by injections

Nurses,Medical officers

D E Needle- Stick Injury

Biological:Exposure to Blood- borne pathogens HIV, Hepatitis B & C

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

2 4 HR

Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

4. Dressing & stitching of wounds

Dresser/ Nurse/ MO

D E Failure to wear PPE

Biological:Exposure to infections

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Needle stick Injury

Biological:Exposure to Blood- borne pathogens HIV, Hepatitis B & C

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures

1 4 HR

Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Page 22: Medical Risk Register


5. Nursing Care Nurses D E Substandard conditions: wet floors

Physical:Slips & trips

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Substandard conditions: Faulty electrical equipment

Physical:Electric Shock

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Exposure to chemicals

Chemical:Skin defatting, irritation, and dermatoses because of frequent use of soaps, detergents &Disinfectants.

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Use of Gloves Chemical:Latex allergy caused by exposure to natural latex gloves.

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical

Page 23: Medical Risk Register

Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME


Failure of PPE and faulty technique

Biological:Risk of contracting a communicable disease from the patients.

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 4 HR

Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Substandard practiceNeedle stick injury

Biological:Infections due to the exposure to blood, body fluids or tissue specimens possibly leading toblood-borne diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

2 4 HR

Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

6. Communicating bad news

Medical officersNurses

D E Poor communication

Emotional upset and violence towards service provider

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

7. Shift work, night work and overtime work

Medical officers/ Nurses/ Attendant

D E Disturbed biological circadian rhythm

Stress,strained family relations and burnout

Employee education & Training,Good

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,

Page 24: Medical Risk Register

s House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Exposure to severely traumatized patients, multiple victims of a disaster or catastrophicevent or severely violent patients

Post-traumatic stress syndrome.

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

D - DirectID - Indirect

R - RoutineNR - Non-RoutineE - Emergency

L - LikelihoodS - SeverityR - Risk

SR - Statutory Requirements LR - Low RiskMR - Moderate RiskHR - High RiskER - Extreme Risk



Department: Medical Unit/ Section: Occupational Health Centre

Page 25: Medical Risk Register

SN Process Activities Process Owner



Failure Mode

Hazard Existing Control

Risk Evaluation

Addl Contro


Risk Communicatio


SR Residual Risk



Occupational Health Services

1. Medical Examinations, Post checkup counseling and report preparation

Medical Officer

D R Failure to wear PPE

Biological:Exposure to infections

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Factories Act 1948 for Periodic Medical Examinations

Use of Gloves

Chemical:Latex allergy caused by exposure to natural latex gloves

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Long working hours on computers & awkward posture

Ergonomic:StressMusculoskeletal injuries

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Page 26: Medical Risk Register


2. Biomedical waste management including collection, segregation and storage of hospital waste

Sanitary workers


R Substandard conditions: wet floors

Physical:Slips, trips & falls

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Bio- medical Waste (management & handling) Rules 1998

Substandard conditions e.g.Faulty electrical equipment

Electrical shock resulting from work with mechanized and electrical field equipment

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Substandard practice Failure to wear PPE

ChemicalBurns- Contact with strong oxidants, especially chlorine compounds used for disinfection

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Substandard practice Failure to wear PPE

Chemical:Dermatitis and eczemas resulting from contact with various oils and solvents used for pest control

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Page 27: Medical Risk Register

Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

Substandard practice Failure to wear PPE

Biological:Exposure to various microorganisms while working with liquid or solid wastes

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 4 HR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Substandard practice Failure to wear PPE

BiologicalRisk of contracting infectious diseases while working in hospital

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

1 4 HR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

physical overexertion andawkward posture while carrying and otherwise handling containers and heavy pieces of equipment orby work in confined or awkward spaces

Ergonomic:Acute musculoskeletal injuries and cumulative trauma disorders

Employee education & Training,Good House keeping,Personal Hygiene,Proper Job procedures,PPE,PME

2 3 LR Personal & Group communication,Seminars &Clinical meetings,

Page 28: Medical Risk Register

D - DirectID - Indirect

R - RoutineNR - Non-RoutineE - Emergency

L - LikelihoodS - SeverityR - Risk

SR - Statutory Requirements

LR - Low RiskMR - Moderate RiskHR - High RiskER - Extreme Risk