medical education in technological era


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Post on 20-Jan-2017




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Dr.T.V.Rao MD

With advancement of Information Technology, and faster communication skills, one wonders do we need Medical Teachers as we live in a complex, and rapidly changing world, the answer is certainly yes as true education should deepen our concern for a suffering soul rather than mere concern for physical body. Centuries of Indian Philosophy had taught, there is supreme power beyond physical body and mind that is soul. With time cultures, altitudes and concern for society may change, but the words of the great teacher of the century Dr. S. Radhakrishnan can not be forgotten "The function of the teacher is of vital importance, committed to faith in future of man, humanity11. No teacher can progress unless he has faith-in humanity that is his pupil. A question is posed by the society weather all we do as a teacher, is correct, certainly not, it is said in Upanishads "do not do all things which your teachers do, only follow the blameless acts, but not others". Basic philosophy of any living conscious individual is to be happy, healthy and fearless, nobody wishes to have pain," suffering and misery. It is only conscious teachers can bring in change and mold in early days of Medical Education, the value of preserving the human life and art of consoling the suffering soul, and not mere trading of our knowledge for material gains. The recent advances in Information Technology can load the people with mere facts on Science and Medicine to be understood as new modality of leaning and not a substitute for a teacher.The purpose of better-informed, communicated and skilled person is to posses a better moral, kind, generous and selfless attitude to co-humans. The ideal teachers should strive to be a model to enrich human life and dignity. Good teaching will continue to be foundation of the Nations economic and social progress. With all the advanced modalities of teaching^ students still believe there is no substitute for a sincere and faithful teacher to the changing needs of the students. The study conducted at University of

Pittsburg proved the following are great concern, which the students are interested to receive from a teacher.1. Clarity of teaching2. Arousal of students3. Use of examples to face the realities of the world4. Depth of the knowledge in the subjectIt reminds that when Mac Carlyle was asked the secret of successful teaching he replied back "Be what you would have pupil be, all other teaching is unblessed mockery and apery. Our first and best teacher is the mother, yet no computer has replaced a true mother. A true teacher conscious to the needs of the students can never be compared with heartless machines. The great words of Plato purpose of education are not to fill the empty vessel but to turn the eye of soul towards the

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light.Let us not forget that computer and e-education cannot provide a human touch, as they are better tools to serve the humanity for quicker and efficient delivery of knowledge. We need more and more self-conscious teachers in all fields to bring in value based Medicine as part of fast falling moral and ethical values towards to our co humans.

Dr.T.V.Rao MD Professor of Microbiology Freelance writer