medical billing

Doctors Have a Big Problem Only have two sources of income: Insurance Patients nd Both Are Usually Slow to Pay If They Ever Pay at All!

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Post on 20-Jun-2015




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A Full Service Medical Billing Company


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Doctors Have a Big Problem

Only have two sources of

income: Insurance


And Both Are Usually Slow to Pay…If They Ever Pay at All!

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Innovative Services

Patient Payment Plan

Electronic Medical Claims

Profit Recovery Services

Patient Well Care Program

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Innovative Services

Electronic Medical Claims

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“Some doctors spend more time filling out forms than taking care of patients.”

Dr. C. Everette Koop, Former Surgeon General

It’s Not Just You…

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Problems with Paper Filing

1. SLOWTurn-around up to 58 days

2. High Rejection RateNational Rejection Rate is 35%

3. High CostNational Average of $12 per claim*

* American Medical Association Survey

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The Electronic Solution

Reduced Rejection Rate• Less than 2%

Lower Billing Costs• Save up to 50% by outsourcing

Faster Payment of Claims•Average of 14 days

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You Have Two Options

1. Invest thousands of dollars in hardware, software, training and support


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Problems with In-House Electronic Filing

•Computer Setup is Complex•Staff Learning-curve is high•Initial Costs are expensive• On-going Costs• New Staff Training•Constant Updates to Software• On-going Support

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Here’s How It Works

Patient and Claims data is picked up, faxed or entered by office staff

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Step Two

Claims are submitted within 24 hours


Insurance Companies

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Step Three

Payments from insurers are sent directly to you

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Final Step

You verify claims status online We invoice you for claims filed

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Innovative Services

Patient Payment Plan

Electronic Medical Claims

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Collecting from Patients Can be a Nightmare

The average healthcare provider only collects 49% of what patients owe

Even the patients that DO pay are EXTREMELY SLOW!

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How Do YOU Deal With Slow-Pays?

Collection Agency? Up to 50% of whatever they collect May damage patient/doctor rapport

In-house Financing? You become a banker! Payments trickle in over 60-120 days

Write it off? How much are you losing each year?

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Ask Yourself...

What would it be worth for you to get the money that you have already earned ...on the same day of the month, every month… without having to send a single invoice?

Our clients will tell you… It’s worth thousands!

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Patient Payment Plan ™

Benefits to you… The ability to to extend credit with

assurance of payment Filters out bad credit risks Staff can concentrate on patient care Increases your cash-flow

Process used by…– Insurance Companies– Health Clubs– Mortgage Companies, etc.

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Patient Payment Plan ™ Testimonial

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Innovative Services

Patient Payment Plan

Electronic Medical Claims

Patient Well Care Program

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We Can Help The Doctor See More Patients

Automated Cards and letters can be sent out to remind patients of:

AppointmentsPhysicalsMammogramsCheck upsOther Well Care Programs

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Examples of Mailers

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Innovative Services

Patient Payment Plan

Electronic Medical Claims

Profit Recovery Services

Patient Well Care Program

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We Can Recover YourLost Profits

We use technology to collect your past due accounts

We are NOT a collection agency Collection rate averages 41% of

money owed, even after 120 days

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Profit Recovery

Letters are From you, on your letterhead Imply Credit Bureau Reporting Mention Collection Agency

intervention Suggest Intensive Attorney

intervention All payments sent directly to you

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Series of Increasingly Demanding Letters

Letters from an Attorney sent when there is no response

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How Can We Help You?

Patient Payment Plan

Electronic Medical Claims

Profit Recovery Services

Patient Well Care Program

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