· web viewthe nine bridges benefice newsletter st andrew’s, northborough, st...

The Nine Bridges Benefice Newsletter St Andrew’s, Northborough, St Benedict’s, Glinton, St Pega’s, Peakirk, St Peter’s, Maxey and St Stephen’s, Etton OCTOBER 2020 Welcome to our Newsletter. Due to restrictions on leaflets and books in churches there will be no paper copies available in church this month. A thought for October As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” Genesis 8 v22 Sunday Worship in the Benefice DATE SERVICE St Andrew’s Northboroug h St Benedict’s Glinton St Pega’s Peakirk St Peter’s Maxey St Stephen’s Etton 4 Oct Trinity 17 Holy Communion 9.00 M-A Holy Communion 10.30 M-A Evensong M-A 6.00 No Service Parish Praise 10.00 MH HARVEST 11 Oct Trinity 18 All Age Praise FS 10.30 Parish Praise MH 10.30 Holy Communion M-A 10.30 All Age Holy Communion M-A 9.00 No service 18 Oct Trinity 19 Luke the Evangeli st Holy Communion M-A 9.00 Holy Communion M-A 10.30 Morning Prayer DH 10.30 10.00 Family Service Village Hall FS and MH Holy Communion M-A 8.00 25 Oct Trinity 20 Last Family Communion Praise 10.30 Parish Worship 9.30 DH Parish Worship 10.30 DH Holy Communion BCP M-A No service

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Page 1: · Web viewThe Nine Bridges Benefice Newsletter St Andrew’s, Northborough, St Benedict’s, Glinton, St Pega’s, Peakirk, St Peter’s, Maxey and St Stephen’s,

The Nine Bridges Benefice NewsletterSt Andrew’s, Northborough, St Benedict’s, Glinton, St Pega’s, Peakirk,

St Peter’s, Maxey and St Stephen’s, Etton OCTOBER 2020

Welcome to our Newsletter. Due to restrictions on leaflets and books in churches there will be no paper copies available

in church this month.

A thought for October As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and

winter, day and night, shall not cease.”Genesis 8 v22

Sunday Worship in the Benefice

DATE SERVICE St Andrew’sNorthborough

St Benedict’sGlinton

St Pega’sPeakirk

St Peter’s Maxey

St Stephen’sEtton

4 Oct Trinity 17Holy

Communion 9.00M-A

Holy Communion


EvensongM-A 6.00

No Service Parish Praise 10.00MH


11 Oct Trinity 18All Age Praise


Parish PraiseMH


Holy Communion


All Age Holy Communion


No service

18 Oct Trinity 19Luke the


Holy Communion


Holy Communion


Morning PrayerDH


10.00Family Service

Village HallFS and MH

Holy Communion


25 Oct Trinity 20Last after



Family Communion



Parish Worship9.30 DH

Parish Worship10.30DH

Holy Communion

BCP M-A9.00

No service

Compline at 9pm (21.00) every SundayRev Mark-Aaron will lead Compline, live streaming on the Benefice Facebook page. It will also be uploaded to YouTube.

Page 2: · Web viewThe Nine Bridges Benefice Newsletter St Andrew’s, Northborough, St Benedict’s, Glinton, St Pega’s, Peakirk, St Peter’s, Maxey and St Stephen’s,


4th OctoberTrinity 17

Almighty God, you have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you: pour your love into our hearts and draw us to yourself, and so bring us at last to your heavenly city where we shall see you face to face; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

11th OctoberTrinity 18

Almighty and everlasting God, increase in us your gift of faiththat, forsaking what lies behind and reaching out to that which is before, we may run the way of your commandments and win the crown of everlasting joy; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

18th OctoberTrinity 19

Almighty God, you called Luke the physician, whose praise is in the gospel, to be an evangelist and physician of the soul: by the grace of the Spirit and through the wholesome medicine of the gospel, give your Church the same love and power to heal;through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

25th OctoberTrinity 20

Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: help us so to hear them, to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them that, through patience, and the comfort of your holy word, we may embrace and for ever hold fast the hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.


4th OctoberTrinity 17

Isaiah 5.1–7Philippians 3.4b–14Matthew 21.33–end

11th OctoberTrinity 18

Isaiah 25.1–9Philippians 4.1–9Matthew 22.1–14

18th OctoberTrinity 19

Acts 16.6–12a2 Timothy 4.5–17Luke 10.1–9

25th OctoberTrinity 20

Nehemiah 8.1–4a [5–6] 8–12Colossians 3.12–17Matthew 24.30–35

Collects and Readings for Harvest ThanksgivingEternal God, you crown the year with your goodness and you give us the fruits of the earth in their season: grant that we may use them to your glory, for the relief of those in need and for our own well-being; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Creator God, you made the goodness of the land, the riches of the sea and the rhythm of the seasons; as we thank you for the harvest, may we cherish and respect this planet and its peoples, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Readings Deuteronomy 8.7–182 Corinthians 9.6–endLuke 12.16-30

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Additional ServicesMorning PrayerRev Mark-Aaron will lead Morning Prayer, live-streaming on the Benefice Facebook page. 8.00 Daily Monday – Friday9.00 Saturday

Services on YoutubeA weekly Holy Communion Service will be uploaded to Youtube after the service.Go to YouTube, search for Benefice rector and click on the Nine Bridges icon.

Our ServicesAll are welcomed to our services but please be mindful that all Track and Trace, social distancing and hygiene requirements will be in place. In all churches the seating arrangements have been considered carefully and are arranged in ones, twos and family groups. You will be asked to sit in certain seats and not to move seats or change the seating arrangements! Please do not gather or stand in the aisles and we are asked not to stay for conversations in the church building at the close of the service.

Prayer and ReflectionPlease see church notice boards for times of when our churches are open for Private Prayer and Reflection.

Th4Th Th4Th will continue to be circulated via the Benefice Facebook page and via a Benefice email every Thursday.Th4Th for October 1st Some people don’t miss going to a church, to a worship service; I used to make every effort, even while in the Army, to attend a service, even in the ruined Ice Palace of Sarajevo in 1996.  It may not always have choirs, candles or choruses, but gathering with other Christians, even strangers bound only by credal formulas, presents a powerful and poignant presence of God: Father, Son & Holy Spirit, no matter where we assemble. Come and join with us, as we gather together to give glory to God and respect our redemption, really!

All Souls Services November 1st and 2nd All Souls' Day, year on year in our Benefice, we remember the ones we've loved but have lost, particularly over the previous 18-24 months; we read their names out loud, as well as thank God that we ever knew them & for the memories we still treasure in our hearts.  Though 2020AD has been particularly challenging, this year will be no exception when it comes to honouring the souls' who've gone before us in the faith of Christ.However, in a concession to the pandemic, we are holding two smaller services, this year, instead of one larger one; the first is to be held at St. Pega's Church, Peakirk, on 1 November 2020 at 1800hrs, with the second on 2 November 2020 at St. Peter's Church, Maxey for 1400hrs.  Since we have VERY LIMITED space, this year, personal invitations will go out to the immediate family members of those in the Benefice who died over the past two years and for whom services were taken within the Benefice or at the Crem.Additionally, and crucially, each parish will collect names of loved ones lost, as we've done in the past, to be read out in church services on 1 Nov 20, throughout the Benefice.  By doing so, we pray that we can honour our lost loved ones, while offering the most recently bereft a more personal service, where not only the names are read aloud, but where candles to be lit are offered, prayers said and collective

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silence may be kept.  Please allow us to minister to as many of you as possible in this way; if you cannot join us for the Sunday morning worship, nor the All Souls' Service(s), please still pray for your loved ones' soul, for yourselves...and for all of us.  God bless you!Mark-Aaron+

Our Church FamilySEPTEMBER

Baptism Welcome to our church familyMilo W. Rudd at St. Pega's ChurchMillie J. Piggott at St. Andrew's ChurchCharlie Jones at St. Stephen's Church

Congratulations and every blessing on their marriageLaura J. Morris to Matthew A. Leylad at St. Peter's ChurchSophie Young to George S. Wallis at St. Benedict's ChurchK. Rachael Stevenson to Timothy C. Hopma at St. Pega's Church

Bereavements, Funerals and Internment of Ashes. Rest in peace and rise in glory Diana M. Garfield (RIP) at The Crematorium    Bernard & Phyllis Wright (RIP) Burial of AshesAnthony Smith (RIP) Burial of AshesChristopher Purlant (RIP) Burial of AshesMarian J. Hunnables (RIP) at The Crematorium

Our PrayersWe pray for : Those who have been baptised, who have married and who have recently died. We pray that you will bless their families in their celebrations and give your comfort in their grief.

Those who are ill, in body, mind or spirit. We pray that you will your healing hands upon them and give them peace.

Those who are struggling to come to terms with the on-going situation across the country; those who are fearful because of the rise in infection rates; those who are anxious because of a fall in or lack of income; those seek work and those without work; those who are increasingly isolated and anxious as the seasons change and they are confined indoors.

Our world leaders, our country’s leaders and our local leaders. May they be given clear vision in the decisions they are taking at this time.

Citizens across the world, in our own country and in our own locality. May we all be supportive and mindful of each other as we face this pandemic together.

Those in countries where there is unrest; where people struggle to have their voice heard; where people are imprisoned for their beliefs and opinions; where violence has replaced dialogue.

All in our parishes; those who are part of our worshipping congregation; those who we meet in our streets; those who work and come to school in them and those who

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travel through them each day. Especially remember our Benefice Messy Church; for all those involved and those children and families who may attend.

Forthcoming EventsSaturday October 3rd 9BBies 2020 Quiz via Zoom4.00 to 6.00 (16.00 to 18.00) Rev Mark-Aaron will be sending out the Zoom invitation to all 9BBies. Don’t forget to send him your five questions.

Sunday 4th October at 10.00Harvest Festival at St Stephen’s, Etton

Monday October 12th at 7.30pmOn-line Home Group led by Freda. (see below)

Tuesday@10 Tuesday October 13th 10amAs we will not be able to meet in person, there will be a virtual Zoom coffee morning from 10.00 to 10.40. Do join in if you are able. If you need help to connect to Zoom, please let me know.Scone of the Month Home Delivery Service

Sadly, it looks as though it will be a number of months before we will be able to meet together at Tuesday@10. If you are missing the Scone of the Month, during the week of Tuesday@10 in October (Mon 12th to Fri 16th), for a donation to Tuesday@10, packs of 2 or 4 scones can be

delivered to your door. If you are interested or for further information, please email Jane at [email protected].

NewsCelebrations in SeptemberBirthday congratulations to :Sheila, Derek and all others who celebrated birthdays during September.Congratulations to Mark and Janet as they welcome their first grandchild into their family.If you know of anyone who would like a personal mention in the Newsletter for a celebration, birthday or anniversary, let me know.

Online Home GroupIt is not too late to join the Online Home Group. The next Zoom session will be on Monday October 12th at 7.30pm. and we will be having a further look at Bread and its significance in our walk with God.

   For further details please get in touch with Freda Skillman

01778 380903 [email protected]

9BBies Litter Picking. Gosh it was cold…..On the 26th September some of the 9bbies got together and did a litter pick. We met at St Benedict’s Church and we walked from Glinton to Peakirk. It was quite chilly but we were determined to help the community and pick up litter. We each split up and took a side of the road each. We collected a lot of litter but as we got nearer to

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Peakirk it was very clean and tidy as Peakirk litter team had already beaten us to it and tidied up the village themselves!! We had a pit stop in Peakirk by kind invitation of Richard - warming hot drinks and snacks that Jane was trying to get rid of before they reached their use by date! We had a long catch up as we hadn’t seen each other in 6 months. We prayed together before setting off on the very cold and exhausting journey back to Glinton. We are planning to meet again via Google meet to do a fun quiz all about the ups and downs of this year. Rhiannon

Harvest Celebration at St Pega’s PeakirkHarvest was celebrated in a beautifully decorated St Pega’s with a full (socially distanced) congregation. Joseph provided wonderful harvest pictures and William, helped by Sally-Ann and his Granddad, received the harvest produce. As in all the churches in the Benefice,

the harvest donations were taken to the Food Bank.

The take-away activity included writing a harvest

prayer and making popcorn. It looks as though it was enjoyed in at least one home!

It’s back!! The Benefice Quiz

Terry and Amelia will be hosting the first of the Winter Season of Benefice Quizzes on Monday October 26th

starting at 7pm. Look on the Nine Bridges Facebook page for more information. Do sign up for a fun evening. There may even be prizes this


Nine Bridges Benefice Messy Church


Page 7: · Web viewThe Nine Bridges Benefice Newsletter St Andrew’s, Northborough, St Benedict’s, Glinton, St Pega’s, Peakirk, St Peter’s, Maxey and St Stephen’s,

Our first Messy Church Service will take place on Sunday November 1st in Peakirk Village Hall starting from 3.30 to 4.15 (doors open at 3.15). Messy Church is an Act of Worship - a service with activities, interaction, participation, fellowship and celebration. It is a service open to all, young and old – children bring their parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents with them.All appropriate guidance regarding Covid-19 will be followed and precautions taken.For the safety of everyone, we will be limited to six tables and places will need to be booked in advance. If more people are interested than there are places available, we will keep names on a waiting list in case anyone drops out and also provide a Messy Church Take-Away bag. If you would like more information, please contact Jane at [email protected] . As we start on this new venture, and take a step forward in faith, please pray for all those involved and those children and families who may attend.Also, you can help by becoming a volunteer, helping with activities, hospitality and worship – please contact Jane at [email protected] if you would like to help in this way.Donations towards providing resources and materials for the activities will also be gratefully received.

Running the Marathon!On the 4th October 2020 Ram Singh and myself will attempt to run the Virtual London Marathon. This is officially recognised as the 40th London marathon complete with T shirt and medal. We are running for NHS Charities Together (again this is official). Our combined age is 122 years. We found out about the race just last month and with shielding I've just started training. Ram has hardly trained at all. With God’s help we will make it. We have a Just Giving page ' RAM SINGH with mike connor' if anyone feels moved to support us.The route starts at Helpston crossing passes along the A15 through Glinton before passing through Church street Werrington, Newborough and back into the benefice at Peakirk past St Benedict’s, North Fen road to Northborough, past St Andrew’s to Deeping Gate, then loops round the Deepings to finish at (or near) The Bull hopefully before closing time.Any help, support, on the day or in spreading the word is appreciated.Mike Connor Mike can be contacted at [email protected]

What’s happening on Bungalow Farm

September 27th

As Joseph rightly says, all the combinable harvest has been gathered in and we are now busy preparing the land for drilling Wheat, Barley and Oats for next year.  We don’t grow Oil Seed Rape anymore as we suffer from the cabbage stem flea beetle which we can no longer control as the insecticide has been banned.  By the end of October we will have started to get our Sugar Beet lifted and sent off to the sugar beet factory at Wissington, where it will be processed to become Silver Spoon sugar, it could be Granulated, Caster, Brown or Demerara. The residue from the sugar process is then turned into dried sugar beet pulp, which is used for animal feed. So very little is wasted, even the soil which is washed off the

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beet is resold as landscaping soil.  The potato harvest is now well under way, so jacket potatoes are now on the menu!!Ann Harris

Christmas CardsLooking for Christmas cards with a religious theme? The Bible Reading Fellowship has some very attractive designs and its brochure is attached. BRF is the driving force behind Messy Church. It is a charity which would appreciate your support.

And talking of Christmas … and keeping connectedUnder current regulations, our Christmas celebrations in our churches will be different this year. We WILL be able to celebrate the birth of Christ but perhaps in different ways than we have in previous years. As Summer turns to Autumn (and it seems more like winter at the moment) keeping connected will be so important. Many of us have been separated from loved ones for a long time and the prospect of dark nights, cold days and little or no company will be a daunting one. Let us remember and support our neighbours.Keeping in touch across the Benefice will be important too and the Newsletter is a good way of keeping in touch and perhaps making people smile. Please do let me have your news, comments, anecdotes, stories, photos, quizzes – anything that may help to cheer us up over the winter months. Communication by YouTube, Facebook and video platforms like Zoom and Facetime may be more important than ever to us all through the next few months. If you have difficulties accessing this technology and would like help to get connected, please contact Jane at [email protected] . There are a number of techno-expects in the Benefice who would be happy to help you.Facebook pages.Facebook is an excellent way of spreading the word as to what is going on in our Benefice. There are facebook pages for Nine Bridges Benefice as well for our individual churches. If you are on facebook, do check them out.Facebook posters are :For Northborough : Alison ButlerFor Peakirk : Sheila Lever For Maxey : Mandy LovederFor Glinton : Mark-Aaron and Aimee NeaversonFor the Benefice : Mark-Aaron and Laura Hodges

Rhyming Bible

Have you listened to :

Trumpets and Jars and TorchesHair, hair, everywhereSomebody’s calling my name!

Have you seen the new title page? – a doodly produced by Simon. This month look out for :When my fears are giant sized.Swallowed

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Dark and Damp and Deep

Look on the Benefice Youtube page – Search Benefice rector

Postcard from your ‘Staycation’ or ‘Awaybreak’

Visits to the Lake District

Skegness and Cliveden

During October - Not going away? Or venturing further afield? Why not send a ‘postcard’ to your friends in the benefice? Send a photo and caption to [email protected] and it will be posted in our next newsletter.

Thoughtful colouringEnjoy a few moments of relaxation with thoughtful colouring on the theme of Creation.

Derek’s Cryptic Crossword CluesHere are last month’s solutions (with explanations)1 POTIPHAR – (Egyptian captain) POT (marijuana) followed by (after) and anagram (messed with) of “Harp I”.2 JORDAN – An anagram (swimming together) of Jan and Rod (Janet and Rodney shortly)3 CHILION – (Son of Naomi – Ruth 1.2) CHI(p)” (accompaniment to fish) without “p” (no papa, the NATO alphabet word for P) LION (king of beasts).4 MAHLON – Brother of Chilion (brother of 3 - clue no. 3) Marlon (Brando) with “h” (height) in place of (exchanges) “r” (right).5 CENTURION - (Roman officer) URI (Spoon bender Geller) follows (is after) CENT (one percent of a dollar) plus “on” from the clue.

I’m taking a break from Cryptic clues for a month or two. However, here are a few questions to get your minds ready for Terry’s magnificent Benefice Quiz starting on October 26th. Do join in, it’s great fun. Derek1 Who was the eldest of Jacob’s sons?2 Whose husband was Boaz?3 Who was the Roman Emperor at the time of Christ’s birth?

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4 Which priest, along with Nathan, the prophet, anointed Solomon king?5 Which disciple’s name means “rock”?

Please remember : In receiving this Newsletter, you are agreeing to your emails being sent BCC (blind copy) via the 9bridges email account.

The next newsletter will be sent out by email before the first Sunday in November. Our newsletter is what we make it! It needs input from us all to make it successful. As

always, any news or contributions for the newsletter can be sent to Jane at [email protected].

If you need to get in touch :

Rector : Rev Mark-Aaron Tisdale01733 [email protected]

Communications Co-ordinator :Jane Harris01733 [email protected]

Readers :Derek Harris 01733 574311Mark Hotchkin 01778 347847Freda Skillman 01778 380903

Church Wardens : St Andrew’s NorthboroughPolly Beasley 01778 380849Jane Knott 01778 345101

St Benedict’s GlintonVeronica Smith 01733 252019

St Pega’s PeakirkSheila Lever 01733 252416Pauline Cooke 01733 253116

St Peter’s MaxeyMandy Loveder 01778 343100

St Stephen’s Etton

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Anne Curwen 01733 253357Maggie Warren 01733 253863