media technologies


Upload: lewisryan37

Post on 03-Aug-2015




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BLOGGERThis is where I uploaded all of my research and planning, and also where I placed my final products for my A2 Media Coursework. This website was really helpful because it ensured that all of my work was in the same place and kept it organised so that I could edit posts if I needed to and could also check what needed to be uploaded as regularly as I wanted to. It also allowed me to create a poll, which helped me in the first stages of creating my product. This is because I was able to ask questions and have multiple answers to them, helping me to gather ideas before doing any filming for my music video.

I created this poll on my profile on Blogger and asked people on different social media sites (Facebook and Twitter) to answer it to get an idea of the type of video people wanted to see. I gave the option to tick multiple choices because not many existing music videos can be categorised into one section.



Photoshop was the product that I used to create the ancillary texts and the magazine advert, as this is the largest editing software in the world; it is the industry standard in graphics editing. After taking the images for my product, I used Bridge to look through them and select which ones I wanted to edit. This was a great programme to use because it was easy to understand and navigate, and is also really quick; this made the process of creating my digipak and magazine advert as efficient as possible. I used Photoshop to create my products because it is the best software available and creates the highest standard of work possible. This is quite a complex programme to use but, as I study Photography alongside media and also used Photoshop in my first year of media when creating my magazine for my coursework, I feel that I am quite good at using it and find it fairly easy to use. I used a lot of tools when creating my products, and am going to go into detail about why I used certain tools to achieve specific outcomes and how I think this helped me when creating my products.



PHOTOSHOP TOOLSTo remove any imperfections on the photos I took and used for my digipak, I used the ‘Spot Healing Brush’ and clicked on parts I didn’t want on my image to erase them and make them look better. This supports Richard Dyer’s Star Theory, as the artist is not being represented in a fair way and has been manipulated and edited in Photoshop so that she looks perfect. I didn’t overuse this tool though, I simply used it to remove any spots that the artist had so that the product looked that little better; these would cause the digipak to look unappealing and therefore the artist and institution would lose out on maximum profits.I used this tool specifically on the

images that I wanted to remove the background on. I used this on one of the image behind the discs because I wanted to use three separate images, and thought that this was the best way to do it because it was really simple to use and achieved the results that I was aiming for.


Layers are a very important thing to understand within Photoshop. I think this may be the most important part of the whole process because, if you don’t understand layer and use them incorrectly, the whole product that you create will not be as effective as intended. Layers are similar to sheets of paper; the ones at the top are the ones that are visible, so ordering these in particular ways really help to create a product that is successful. As you can see from this screenshot of my magazine advert, I also decided to name each layer that I added to the product because this meant it was easier for me to understand where everything was if I wanted to move anything around or remove any parts I didn’t like or didn’t think was appropriate for the product I created.

I used levels when creating my product because this helped with making the images look more appealing and made them look more professional by ‘bringing them to life’. This was a really helpful tool because it ensured that the products I achieved and the outcomes I received were of a high standard and to the best they could be. I also really liked using this tool because it helped me with creating drama, as I could intensify the shadows that appeared on an image (as the picture to the left of this box illustrates).

I used this tool to simply remove anything that I didn’t want from the images I had taken and edited. I also used this tool to smooth down the edges of some of the images I had edited because I had removed the background from them and therefore had been left with quite a rough edging. I think that the results I ended up with after using this tool looked a lot better and more professional than the previous images I had; due to it being less obvious that the artist had been cut out of the image and placed onto another background.

This tool was only used to place text on my ancillary products. I searched on for some fonts and decided on which ones I liked best for my product and then downloaded them so that I could use them on my ancillary texts. This was quite a long process because I had to install each font that I wanted to use individually, but I think it was worth it because my products look like the industry standard and reflect a professional product.

These are the tools that I used to create the image to the right, which is a photo of the artist that I used as a Polaroid-style print in the video. I wanted to extremely manipulate the image to illustrate a specific meaning; I wanted to show how the artist is aiming for a ‘perfect’ look and wanted this to look fake. To achieve the image I altered the settings on each of these different editing techniques drastically, so that the artist looked bright, a really fake-tanned/orange colour and fake. I think this is really effective as an image because it demonstrates how she has changed herself to fit into a particular social group. This demonstrates Tessa Perkins’ Stereotype Theory because it shows how the artist believes that changing herself to be like someone else will allow her to fit into the group she wants to be in. It also supports the Star Theory created by Richard Dyer, because it shows an unrealistic and untrue version of the artist, but is done to create a particular message in the music video.

I used this type of editing on my product to give the impression that part of the artist’s personality is irrelevant and that she has forgotten about it. I think this type of editing looks really effective because it represents the message of how she is no longer trying to fit into a particular mould and has realised that she just needs to be herself to be liked. I used this type of blur named ‘Motion Blur’ because I looked at some other different types of blur but thought that this one looked the best and gave me the effect that I wanted to have. I had to also experiment with the amount of blur that the image had because I wanted the artist to still be distinguishable, and had to alter the direction of the blur so that it looked how I wanted it to.

This is the image that I achieved by using this technique on my product, which I think looks really good because of the message it represents. I used this editing to demonstrate the idea that I have mentioned above; how she has tried to fit into the ‘popular’ crowd but has decided against this and is being true to herself. After a lot of time editing this image, I am really happy with how it turned out and think it works well within the digipak I have created.

When creating my product, I used Microsoft PowerPoint to insert images and text about feedback I received from anyone, as this allowed me to change the format of the file and therefore allowed me to publish the slideshow onto Slideshare and YouTube. This was mostly helpful when doing the planning and research for my product as it was an easy way to display my work. I also used this when analysing existing products because I could add as many slides as I needed to, and was a nice way of presenting my in depth analysis. I also used Word a little when doing the planning stage of creating my music video because it enabled me to paste any text I wanted to save as a picture and upload it to my Blogger page. I used this programme when analysing the lyrics of the song I chose because I could easily paste them from an online source (I found the lyrics from the website after searching into Google the phrase ‘White Teeth Teens lyrics’). I also used PowerPoint to present my work in the evaluation stage of making the video. This allowed me to post the slideshow onto various platforms online, making the work looks a lot more appealing because I didn’t want my evaluation to be written like an essay straight onto Blogger. I was also able to save PowerPoint presentations as JPEGs so I could upload them as images.



This was the only product I used to create my music video; I had the choice to use either Adobe Premier Pro or iMovie. I decided that Premier Pro would be the best choice because I knew that the Mac room at college was used quite often for lessons and this would disrupt my video and would cause trouble if I needed to edit my music video. I felt that this programme was quite easy to use and understand as I didn’t want to create a product that was too technically advanced, so the tools available here were the ones that I needed and was able to use. I am going to go into detail about how and why I chose specific tools to achieve a particular outcome on the next slide. I didn’t use too many edits on my product as I wanted it to look quite simple and reflect a relaxed feeling; the same message I wanted to create with the digipaks I have made. For some parts of the video I was unsure of how to do particular things and had to ask Ben, the IT Technician, to help me. He was a great help and tried to explain things to me in detail, but simple enough that I would be able to do it again if I needed to.



Simply, I used this tool to change the speed of my shots. For a few shots, I wanted to create the illusion that what was happening in the shot was going faster than the rest of the video. This demonstrated how time was passing by quickly and as the cars were moving really quickly. I also used this type of editing on the shot with the artist in town because I wanted to show how the artist was isolated from everyone and everyone was ignoring her and not giving her any attention.


I also used this type of editing to slow down some shots as I wanted to have the effect of time going slower than it actually is; I didn’t use this a lot because I think using it a lot would make the video look slow as a full product – which would ultimately make the video feel really long and would look unappealing to an audience. I really like the slow motion used in this shot because it I wanted to demonstrate how the artist has taken a lot time to get ready, and this emphasises this idea. I used this editing also to reverse a shot in my video, because I thought it looked really interesting. I used this because it represents how the artist has two opposing ideologies; these cause her to be unable to make a conscious decision, thus causing her to move forwards and backwards – unable to decide which direction to choose. I also asked the artist to hit the fence with a stick as she skipped by it to represent a slightly child-like nature, as this will be something the audience may be able to relate to, and also demonstrates how the decision isn’t very important and that people shouldn’t care what others think about them as children don’t.

I used this effect on a part of the video that I liked the idea behind but didn’t like the way it looked. I then added this effect to it and I think this makes the shot look so much better because it blurs it and makes it distorted which makes it look more interesting. I think it also makes it appeal to the target audience because it looks different and looks like a conventional edit that would be used by indie artists, as it has quite an alternative quality. Although I didn’t intend to use this type of editing, I think it fits in well with the rest of my music video because it demonstrates how she feels that she is irrelevant within society and doesn’t feel that she is good enough and wants to be like the ‘popular’ girls in the video.


NEGATIVE EFFECTI used this type of editing in my music video to go alongside the lyrics ‘We got the glow in our mouths’ as the editing looks as though that specific part of the video is glowing; reflecting the lyrics. I think this shot works well, although I think it could possibly be seen as childish because it is quite a basic technique.

For one of the shots, I decided to use the green screen to film the part where the artist walks up to the actresses to try and talk to them, but then the actresses walk away from her; leaving her alone and unwanted. I had to take an image of a brick wall to replace the green part of the wall and I used the chroma key tool to remove the green screen. This was really difficult to do because it was hard to remove the green screen fully and justhave the artist and actresses left, so don’t think the green screen part of my video has worked as well as itcould have – you can see the green.



To allow for two videos to be seen at once, I have used the opacity tool to change how visible a video is over an other. I have used this quite a lot in my video, mainly for lip-syncing parts. I think this looks really professional and interesting because it uses two videos at once overlapping to create a different meaning.


TIMELINE This was one of the most important things I used when creating my music video (similarly to layers in Photoshop) because this was how I figured out which clips needed to go where and also enabled me to see if any shots needed to be added or removed.

4 OF SAME IMAGEFor my video, I wanted to have a shot where the artist appeared 4 times because I thought this would look interesting as it would be very different to the other shots in my video. After showing my music video to my teacher and getting feedback on it, she said that this was one shot she didn’t really like and asked me to place the actresses in this shot to demonstrate how they are always on the artist’s mind. I think this shot works really well and I am really happy with the outcome – I especially like the way the colours of the backgrounds are different because this illustrates that they have different ideologies.

YOUTUBE CONVERTERI used this website to get the song for my video. I simply went onto YouTube and typed ‘White Teeth Teens’, into the search bar and chose this video to get the audio from. I then simply had to copy the URL into the YouTube Converter website to download to audio. I then saved it onto my hard drive so that I could copy it across to the computer at college. I then imported it into the Premier Pro file I was editing on so that I could use it in my music video. This was really easy to do and was also really quick as there wasn’t much to do for it.


iMOVIEAlthough I didn’t use this programme to create my music video, I did use this programme to edit together some videos I had filmed of behind the scenes when filming my music video. This was simply because, on the days that I wanted to edit and upload them, the Macs were available so I used them because I didn’t want to do anything fancy with the videos. I only wanted to edit the small clips together to create a little montage of them all which illustrated how I had set up the camera, the locations and also whoever I had with me on the day (e.g. the artist and the actresses). It was really easy to use and I think that the products I created with it are really good quality; after editing them together I uploaded them to YouTube so that I could embed them onto my Blog.


SLIDEONLINEI didn’t use this in the process of creating my products; the ancillary texts and the music video, but I used this in the preparation for my exam and part of my evaluation. I used this to upload my PowerPoint presentations onto of some theories we had done in lesson and then embedded them onto my Blogger account. This is another way in which I could present my work because I wanted to have as many different ways as possible so that my blog was interesting to watch and to look at. I also used this website because I liked the way the presentation showed up on the screen, as it allows whoever is viewing it to either click through each slide or choose a particular section of the presentation, meaning that the viewer has full control over what they are viewing; making them an active audience. One thing I didn’t like about this website and the reason I didn’t use it very much is the time it took for the document to upload and be converted, because there was a queue for uploads.



This is one of the many ways I presented my work. I used this website quite a lot when researching existing products, as it is a really fun and interesting way to present my research and analysis of the products. It enables its users to put text and images onto a presentation and moves from section to section in a way that makes it look like a flowing presentation. I decided to use this website because it has lots of space to put information into, and also I think it generally looks aesthetically pleasing as it is entertaining to watch and is an interesting way of displaying information. I also used it in my evaluation stage because, again, it was a really easy way to place a lot of information into one place and also gave the option to embed the presentation onto my Blogger. This was really helpful because it means that I could have the Prezi presentation on my blog and whoever wanted to view it wouldn’t have to go to a different page and would be able to view it from the same page they are on.

EMAZEThis is another website that I used to present my work, similarly to Prezi. I used this website because the layout of it and the design is completely different to the way Prezi is made. This made it a lot more entertaining to watch as the website also has images that users can place on their presentation to make it look more appealing. I used these to make the presentation entertaining and great to watch so that it wasn’t boring. It allows the user of the website to also embed YouTube videos so was a great website to use when analysing videos and writing what I liked about them. I also used this website to show what the back cover of my product looks like and why I made it look how I did as part of the evaluation process because it allowed me to place both text and images on the presentation. This is a really easy website to use and I really liked how the presentations that I created on it turned out.


SLIDESThis is another way of presenting my work in a neat and organised place. This is very similar to in the way that it is a place that enables users to create presentations very similar to PowerPoint and makes them look interesting and entertaining. I used this because I wanted to have lots of different ways to present my work and this is another way that I am able to do this. In the evaluation process, I used this website to display my work and part of the digipak I have created because it is really simple to use and navigate through and it allowed me to make a presentation that looks appealing and fun because of how it allows the presentation to go both right and down, thus having presentations that are always different because of their varying designs.


SLIDESHAREThis is what I used to upload my PowerPoint presentations to, and then embedded these onto my Blogger profile. I used PowerPoint firstly to do my research because this is a really simple way to display it and is simple to use because of how well set out it is and easy to read and follow. I also used this site as a way of doing some of my evaluation questions because it is easy to use and the design is really simple, so therefore I have been able to place the products from my digipak I have created on PowerPoint and put them all together in one place so that I can use one presentation to show each section.



When creating my music video, digipak and magazine advert, I decided to use my own camera. This was because I knew that not everyone had one to use and therefore the ones from college would be in high demand. This would have proven to be a problem because I may have wanted to film on a specific day or weekend and then there may not have been any spare cameras, meaning that my filming would have to be put off and rescheduled to work around this. I did, however, borrow a tripod from the media department at college to help with my filming. This was because I wanted the shots to look professional so wanted them to stay as still as I could keep them; the tripod helped with this immensely due to it being really sturdy so not even the wind moved it and caused any disturbances within filming. Also, as the girl I asked to be in my music video asked me to also be in hers, we ended up filming on the same days quite a lot to make filming more efficient and so we used our time the best we possibly could; this meant that we only needed to book one tripod out at a time because we alternated with who was using it on the day which was really helpful because then we didn’t have lots of equipment to carry and it made sense to only borrow one so someone else that needed to film could use the other.



SD CARDS, EXTERNAL MEMORY AND LIGHTINGWhen filming my music video, I had to use SD Cards to store the videos onto when recording the footage I needed. This was how I stored all of the videos during the day, and then copied them across to either a memory stick or my Seagate hard drive to keep them all in one place. One problem I occurred when filming was the memory filling up quite quickly; this was due to me using this card for my Photography work too. I had to delete a lot of image whilst on location filming but this wasn’t an issue because I knew that I had these saved on another device, so prevented loss of work.. This was helpful to use because I could then transfer all of my videos safely and easily to the computer at college, copy them across to my folder and then edit my video together. In my video, I used lighting to make the shots that I filmed look professional and like a real product that would be released into the music industry. This was mainly a factor when I was doing the lip-syncing parts of my video because this was done on a white background and otherwise the shot wouldn’t look very interesting. The lighting was also used when creating the images for my digipak to ensure they had a professional quality, but this proved to be an issue because the lighting caused shadows which was really difficult to try and erase when taking the photos. I worked around this and I think that the images I created were really effective and are professional-looking.



MOBILE PHONEI used my phone quite a lot before going out filming because it was how I communicated between the artist and the actresses from my video. I used the Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat applications on my phone to interact with the artist and actresses because I know that these applications are some that they all use regularly so was a great way to message them and organise when to film and where I need to meet them, and also any outfits that I need them to wear. I also used my phone to text the people that are in my video because this was the easiest way to contact them as I knew that they would get these straight away, as they may not check their social media as often as they do their messages. I also used my phone to take some pictures of locations that I was filming at and the set up I had of my camera and tripod to upload to Blogger as I had the Blogger application on my phone so I could upload anything I needed to instantly. I was also able to get the Slideshare app for my phone, which made the research process a lot easier because I could look at other people’s research and then research anything that they had written to see if it had changed and could use it as a template for my work.


DAFONTThis was the website that I used to get some ideas for fonts for my digipak products, which I decided to use because I knew that the website had a lot of choice. I looked at a lot of different fonts of varied styles so that I had a lot of options to choose from when making my product, and narrowed it down to my favourites. I posted these fonts onto my Blogger account by taking screenshots of them and wrote what I liked and disliked about them so I could figure out which ones I wanted to use and why. I then had to download these fonts after choosing which ones I wanted and installed them onto Photoshop so that I could use them when creating the different sections of my digipak and also the magazine advert for the album. I used bold fonts for my product because I wanted the text to stand out and be really highlighted. The font I mainly used on my products was entitled ‘Lemon/Milk’ which, as well as being a bold font, also used all capital letters which made it look even bolder and made it stand out more.



This is what the font looks like

This is the font I used for the title of the album: ‘White Teeth Teens’, and as it says on the page that it is free to use, and a license is only needed if it is for commercial use. This means I wouldn’t be able to use this on a product that would be sold but I am only using this for personal use so it is fine.

GOOGLEThis is the website that I used a lot in the research process of creating my products. I used it to research the conventions of the different parts of the products I created so that the products I ended up with reflected a real-life product in the music industry. It is also the most used search engine, so thought that I would use it because it has reliable sources for information on it, and I know it is easy to use and navigate through because it is my search engine of choice always. I also used it to get any images that I needed by choosing the ‘Images’ section on Google.


SOCIAL MEDIAI used social media to place my products on to get feedback on them, to see what people thought about them and to understand what they liked/disliked about them. This was really helpful to me because then this meant that I was able to plan what to do next with my products and make any changes to them if I needed to. I chose to publish them onto Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr because a lot of the people I have as friends on there or follow are of a similar age to me and this is the age I am trying to aim my products at. There are also some people on them that are older than me which gave me a wider range of responses because of how everyone sees things differently and everyone has a different opinion on something. I used social media to link to other places that I wanted my audience to answer things, such as SurveyMonkey and YouTube. I did this so that I got more responses because, if I had just left them on their own websites, they may have not got any responses and this would have made it very difficult to make my products look professional if I didn’t have any feedback – I wouldn’t know what the audience wanted and this could have caused me to make a product that wasn’t appealing or entertaining in any way.



BBC RADIO 1 WEBSITEI used this website to look at the current UK Top 40 for the charts so that I could understand which songs were popular and which weren’t. I looked at the top of the charts but thought that was an unrealistic place to look for where my artist would appear because of how she is a new artist. This was the reason that I looked at the bottom of the charts, due to her not being know by very many people and therefore this is somewhere that my artist is more likely to appear. I have created this screenshot to demonstrate where I think the artist would appear on the charts, which is a realistic expectation because it isn’t at the very bottom but also isn’t very high; making it look real.


White Teeth TeensChloe Jayde

EMAILAs part of my research into finding out what people wanted to see in my product, I decided to send out an email to as many people as I could so that I got the biggest response possible. I had created a survey on and sent an email to my media teacher to send the link to it to everyone in college. I wanted to do this because I didn’t want responses from only media students as this would prove to be a biased outcome and therefore wouldn’t accurately represent the audience I am aiming my product at because it would be from only one perspective. This was a very quick and easy way to receive feedback from a wide range of people around the age that I want my products to be aimed at.


SURVEY MONKEYI used this website to create surveys that I could send out through emails to people, or post on social media. This made it a lot easier to receive feedback because I could send it to multiple people at once whereas, if I made a paper version of a survey, I wouldn’t be able to hand it out to as many people and wouldn’t get much response about my products. Although I did most of my surveys in an email form, I also created one that I could physically ask people to write on for part of my evaluation. I did this because I was visiting a family member’s house and knew that there was going to be quite a lot of people there that could give me feedback on my products. I also gave them to some of my friends that live really close to where I live (shorter than a 5 minute walk to their houses). I asked them if they would too give them to their family members because this would give me as much feedback as I could possibly have.


YOUTUBEThis was the website and app I used to upload videos onto that I needed to embed onto my Blogger account. I used this site because it is a really quick way to upload a video and allows users to easily share them with anyone through most things; like Twitter, Facebook and email. I used this in the research part of creating my products because it is a nice way of displaying my findings and is another different way to do this which makes my Blogger page look a lot more interesting and entertaining to look at; there are lots of different websites and formats I used to put my work onto Blogger and this was one of the ones in which there aren’t any buttons to press to make the different slides appear. It simply plays as a video and allows whoever it is watching it to pause and play it whenever they like; this makes it easier to read because they can pause it for however long they need. I used this also in the evaluation stage to make the evaluation look more interesting to read rather than it being written in the form of an essay; this would cause the reader to lose interest very quickly.



iPAD AND LAPTOPWhen filming the lip-syncing parts of my music video, I found it really difficult to find a device to play it off that was loud enough for the artist to hear and be able to sing along to; some of the parts I wanted her to sing to were really difficult to hear because they were sang in a slight whisper. I then decided to use my iPad to play the music and brought it to college to film the lip-syncing parts I needed. This was really helpful when creating my product because it enabled the artist to hear the song and be able to sing along to it; creating a professional-looking and realistic product. Because Prezi has an app for the App Store, I could do some of my research work on my iPad, and could then embed it onto Blogger through the internet. I also used my laptop to do some of my work on. This was because I had Photoshop, Word, PowerPoint and Movie Maker on it so I was able to do some of the work from home. This reduced some of the stress of doing the work because it meant that I could do it from home and could do it in my own time; meaning that the products I created looked the best that they possibly could and were really professional.



GO!ANIMATEI have only used this website once in my A2 Media Coursework because it only allows users to create a 30 second clip, which isn’t long enough to do a full post on my Blogger account. I used this website to introduce the post that I was going to create because it makes it look a little bit more interesting and also makes reading the post more entertaining due to it being an animation rather than plain text as this would make it boring for the person looking at it. The clip that I created only lasted for 7 seconds, and this is because I was simply using it to show what the rest of the post was going to be about and to say what I was going to be writing about.


MOVIE MAKERI used this application to create the animatic for my storyboard of my music video, which was the easiest way to create it because I could simply insert the pictures of each sheet of my storyboard, alter the time each clip lasted, place the song alongside the video and then allowed me to change the format of the video to a YouTube file so I could upload it straight away and then embed it to my blog. Although this was the easiest way to save this video and upload it to YouTube, saving the file in the first place was quite a long process and it took around two hours to save a video that lasted three minutes. This wasn’t too much of a problem, though, because this meant that I could do some other work whilst this was saving; using my time as efficiently as possible.




These two websites were the two that I used to find out the weather for a specific day that I was planning on going out filming. They were really helpful because checking this meant that I could prepare before going out so that the filming was not interrupted by any rain or strong wind. Fortunately when I planned to go out filming, the weather was fine so I could film without any problems. On some of the days that I planned to go out, these websites said that it was going to rain but I luckily was able to film everything that I needed the day before so this didn’t cause any problems for me.

COLLEGE PRINTERFor one of the shots in my video, I needed to have an image of the artist that I had created in the form of a Polaroid print. To do this I used my camera (Canon EOS 1100D) to take the photo and then used Photoshop CS6 to edit it so that the artist looked really fake and plastic, just how people would stereotypically think a popular person would look like. I then used the printer from college to print out the image so that I could use it in my video, which was really simple and quick to do. One problem I faced with this was that the image wasn’t amazing quality due to the printer being quite old and this made the image look grainy which made it look less effective and also unprofessional. I knew that this wouldn’t be an issue because the shot I had planned to do with this picture was an over the shoulder shot and was also at a bit of a distance so the quality wouldn’t be noticed.


PAINTWhen creating my music video on Adobe Premier Pro CS4, I screenshotted quite a lot of parts to upload to Blogger so that I could demonstrate particular effects I used or anything I had done that I wanted to show. Because the computer that I used had two screens, when I screenshotted it it took a picture of both of the screens which isn’t what I wanted as I only wanted a part from the screen on the right. To crop this to the only part of the picture that I wanted I used Paint to paste the screenshot into and then cropped it. This was the only programme that was available for me to do this on the computer I was using as they are mainly used for editing video, but it did what I wanted it to do so I was happy with the outcome.


WINDOWS MEDIA AND QUICKTIME PLAYERWhen I saved the video, this was the application that I could play it on on my laptop (Media Player) and at college I was able to watch it through QuickTime Player. This was really helpful for the evaluation stage of my coursework because it meant that I didn’t need to be connected to the Wi-Fi or any internet source to do my work because I had a file that could play the video without it.