media production company logo drafts

Production Company Logos Abi Jackson

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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Media Production Company Logo Drafts

Production Company Logos

Abi Jackson

Page 2: Media Production Company Logo Drafts

Group Meeting

Today me and my group had a discussion about our production company logo. We have decided that we are remaining settled on the name “relive” because we believe this is modern and memorable, however we decided to go about a different approach to creating the logo. Instead of all working together on one logo, we have decided we will all go off separately and create 3 production company logos each and then come together and chose the one that we believe looks the most professional and appropriate to our genre and narrative.

Page 3: Media Production Company Logo Drafts

Examples of existing media production logos

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My Media Production Company Logos

Page 5: Media Production Company Logo Drafts

Here are my 3 production company logos that I came up with. My logos are quite simple and not too crowded because I found from research of existing media production logos, that they tend to just be one simple image that has relation to the name of the company or what they produce, eg - films. My first logo is a drawing of a camera because this makes it immediately obvious what the company does and produces. My second logo is a clapper board because this again links to filmmaking. My inspiration came from “Video Studio” whose logo features a clapper board, camera and a film reel. My final logo, was inspired by “Nickelodeon.” It has a lot less of a link to films or the title of my company however it is simple and makes the title clearly stand out so this was why I chose to use this.