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Music magazine presentation task Pop Classical and soul

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Music magazine presentation task

Pop Classical and soul

Page 2: Media music cover

Who do you think the core target audience is for this product?

The core target audience for this product is a young girls aged between 11 and 15 still in secondary school. This girl presumably gets a little pocket money each month so she will be able to afford her magazine for only £1.80.

What information can you learn about the lifestyle profile/interests of the core target audience from the front cover?

From this magazine front cover you learn that the target audience that reads this magazine is obviously interested in pop music genre, is a very girly girl, likes to be up to date with the latest gossip and maybe likes to customize their clothes as one of the freebies are mini badges.

What music magazine genre codes and conventions can you identify?

The music magazine genre codes and conventions that you can identify are, the gossip story on the side about the music celebrities who feature in the pop genre, loads of famous singers names included on the front cover, a medium close up of a very famous well know pop celebrity with a story about her, and the masthead including the word pop as suggesting the genre pop music.

What elements of house style can you identify?

The colours that have been used on the front of this magazine are pink and purples to appeal to females, the font used are all as if they have been written in a diary of a young female is girly hand writing, the mode of address used is informal for the younger audience who don’t particularly want to read massive detailed descriptions, but who rather want a short preview of what is inside. And the layout of this magazine is very crowded and bright to keep the females attention as females have a short attention span and are easily distracted.



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Similarities and differences between the mise-en-scene?

The similarities of the mise-en-scene between these two magazines are similar modes of address both being informal and to the point giving you a brief explanation of what is on offer to read inside this issue. The differences of the mise-en-scene of these two magazines are the colours, as mojo has a more sophisticated older target audience, they have used very smart, plain, basic colours. Where as for ‘THE TOP OF THE POPS’ magazine they have used all round very bright, bubbly, girl colours. Also different fonts are used ‘MOJO’ is very classy so they have used printed font almost like the old type writers font, in contrast to the very girly handwriting used on ‘THE TOP OF THE POPS’. Another massive difference between the two magazines is the price, as ‘MOJO’ magazine is very high end, the price £4.50, which isn’t that affordable compared to ‘THE TOP OF THE POPS’ which is £1.80 as it is aimed at younger audience without jobs.

Layout and style of language?

I think the layout of this magazine is very creative and busy as there is text either side of the central image, above the image and across the image as well. The style of language used for this magazine is very basic, to the point only using key words to catch your attention and give you a brief explanation of what’s on offer inside.

Music genre and conventions ? The music genre for this magazine is classical and soul music the conventions of this are the classical colours used, such as the beige, black and white, and also the central image which has been edited to be black and white, making it fit more into this genre. The central image is of an artist which fits into this classical genre. Also the content of what’s been written on the front gives you the impressions that it is a classical/ soul genre.


Classical and Soul

Page 4: Media music cover

Music artists featured and the audience they appeal to?

The music artist featured on the front of ‘MOJO’ magazine is Amy Winehouse. Amy Winehouses style is Soul music, she appeals to the older generation aged 18- 35 mainly females as they can relate to her lyrics, but also men enjoy her music.  Special features and articles in both editions?

Both articles have different representations, the pop magazine is more negative with ‘outrageous’ stories giving the target audience the gossip they want, but ‘MOJO’ is more positive containing articles about the best music this year. But a special feature in both editions are things such as exclusive interviews with a celebrity of the genre the magazine is based on. What overall techniques are used to make you read the complete magazine? Techniques which have been used to make you want to read the complete magazine consist of buzz words such as ‘ultimate’, ‘free’, ‘the best’ these words all lure you in thinking you are getting more for your money making you want to read the complete magazine. Another technique used is the mode of address, it’s simple for the audience to understand and it makes this magazine more relatable for them.

Mode address?

The mode of address on this magazine is informal as it doesn’t go into loads of detail about the what the stories are about, it’s kept simple and straight to the point. Even though this magazine is aimed at the older target audience who would be able to understand a formal mode of address, this magazine however hasn’t used a formal mode of address as the audience of this magazine wouldn’t be looking for detailed articles but more about who is in the top charts and wouldn’t be interested to read a whole paragraph just to find out basic information.


Classical and Soul