media evalutaion question 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups ?

Upload: jesshopee

Post on 25-May-2015




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Page 1: Media evalutaion question 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups ?

Page 2: Media evalutaion question 2

The left image is a print screen of the front cover of KERRANG magazine and on the right is a print screen of the magazine I created. I think that these two images contain some things that are the same, even though they seem different. Both magazines have a skyline including information to win tickets later on in the magazine. The models are both posing differently, the model from KERRANG is tilting his head up but keeping his attention on the camera and the model on my magazine is standing slightly at an angle facing the camera and looking straight at the camera; both these poses give off a strong, powerful affect, making the models seem fierce. WE have used different backgrounds for our pictures KERRANG has used a black background making it lighter as it comes more towards the model, and mine is plain white to draw more attention to my model and the righting. The lighting for our models are the same they both have been done so it creates no shadows on our models or in the background. The way our models have been dressed as well are completely different KERRANG’s model has been dressed in a black leather coat covering all his top half of his body, apart from his neck and head, however my model is wearing a cropped black top with a dark, studded denim jacket. Both our magazines have sell lines at the bottom of our magazine showing more artists that are included in our magazine, and sell lines surrounding our artist. We also have our main cover artists anchorage writing tilted on the left hand side of the magazine. We have also advertised our posters on the front page to engage the readers to buy our magazines for the free products inside the magazine.