media evaluation q7

Q7.Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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Post on 31-Jul-2015




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Q7.Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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✤ By carrying out a preliminary task it allowed me individually and also us as a whole group to see how everything worked, such as the camera, tripod and also the computers and the editing software that we would use. It allowed me personally to see what we would have to do in the real thing when it came to getting the right shot/angle for that part of the film to look good and have the right impact on the audience. !

✤ The preliminary allowed us to see how we would work together as a group when it came to doing the real thing, it also pointed out the improvements that we would have to make in order for us to work together efficiently without any problems, such as how much we would film/edit and contribute overall to make sure we all had a fair and even input.

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✤ Since I edited the preliminary on my own, when it came to editing our final piece together I let the other 2 members of my group do more than I would so that we all had equal chances, due to the fact that I edited the preliminary I was able to show my group how certain things on the computer and editing software worked, this enabled me to show and tell them so that when it came to their turn they were able to do it themselves, I of course had a turn at editing the final product so that it didn't look like they had done all of the work. !

✤ During the filming part of task, for both products, I mainly did all of the filming purely because I felt more comfortable doing it as I didn't really want to be the focus in either of the products, by doing the filming of the preliminary I learnt how to use the camera and all of its functions, I also discovered how much harder it was to get the right angle/shot that was intended so it took a lot longer to get the desired outcome that we wanted, by also taking the filming under my wing, when the other members of my group started their filming sections I was able to guide them and help them with what they were doing, similar to the editing.

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✤ The photo on the right is showing some of the editing that I did on our final production, for this section of editing I was adding the text onto the clip and messing with the colours to see what looked most effective, when I found one that I liked I discussed it with my group to find their thoughts before I finalised the decision.

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✤ To ensure that our finished product was something that we were all proud of, when it came to adding effects and the soundtrack we made sure that it was a group decision so that no one felt disheartened by what we had produced, since it was a group project and it was important to us that everything done was done with agreement of the three of us. !

✤ Personally I feel like I have contributed an equal amount to our final product as the others in my group, as from the beginning I didn’t want to come across as ‘taking the lead’ or ‘being in control’ as it wouldn't be fair on the others as it was a group task and was important to use individually that we put in as much effort each as possible since we wanted our final production to be a success.

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✤ The comments that we received were very positive, for example "I love the different effects you have used like the distortion at the first scene and the lights" and "the lights add suspense", everyone that viewed it said that it was good and effective and portrayed what we wanted it to so this made us feel happy and proud in what we had produced, personally I think our production could do with a few improvements but what production doesn't? !

✤ The main thing for me that I’d change if we were to do it again would be the time of day in which we shot it, due to the time of year it got dark early so we were limited in the amount of daylight that we had to shoot in, lucking this actually benefitted our production and allowed our audience to see our true intention, but if we were to do it again I’d suggest a more appropriate time to start filming so that we had maximum use of the daylight available.

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✤ Whilst doing our production it really opened my eyes into just how much work and time and organisation goes in to making not just an entire film but also trailers and posters and all the media related to one production as every detail has been thought about in order to make the film a success and appeal to the right audience but also encourage many more people to watch the film they have produced.