media evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Upload: ellietibby

Post on 21-Jun-2015




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  • 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challengeforms and conventions of real mediaproducts?

2. Genre The genre of my music video is indie rock. The original intention was to have a pop genre video.The typical codes and conventions of an indie rock song are completely different toA pop song, therefore I chose to make an indie rock video so the images I wanted to takeWould fit with the music. 3. = Conventions found in an indie rock music video. 4. Similarities between my music video and other videos already on the market. Myvideo begins with the title and director, as does this video I searched on you tube.Therefore my video is conforming to the codes and conventions of a typical musicvideo already. I have also used similar shots, below is a shot from Rihannas shine likea diamond compared to a shot I have used in my video. I used head and shouldershots as this helps the audience to connect with the characters more than if we wereviewing the story from far away. 5. Costumes and ActorsAnother convention of a music video is seeing pretty girls as sex symbols. I havechallenged this by putting the girls in my video, in dignified summer dresses, that connoteinnocence, but they are still beautiful enough to want to watch. As the girls are representing natural beauty, I chose to put them in natural settings, like the beach and the woods, this helps to back up the natural side of the girls. I also chose the girls to be holding hands and hugging in a couple of scenes to signify friendship. I needed the weather to be sunny as this creates a happy atmosphere for the audience. As the girls are hugging, the audience may mistake this as the girls being in a relationship, and this is not my preferred meaning. I think I made it clear by using the narrative to portray them as just best friends, the end shot helps to explain the story, therefore creating enigma within the video until the end, because I think it explains whats been happening in the video. 6. Inspirations for my Ancillarys Here I have some album covers from the beetles and David Guetta that influenced me to useAndy Warhols famous technique of Pop art for my pieces. 7. Making my ancillary task 8. Making my album coverHere is the making process of my albumCover. I chose to use geometric shapes and coloursTo go with my pop art theme. I really like it because its funkyLoud and eye catching. 9. Representing my ancillary task as areal product I have put my poster, onto a lamppost, to show what it would look like as a real product. I think it really stands out in this street scene, as it is bright, new, current, and eye catching. I chose to use an image of the artist, the same as the album cover, but edited differently, I did this so there is a theme to my ancillaries but they still hold originality. 10. How effective is the combination of all three products? 11. Play me. 12. I have used the same font in my album coverAs my poster, to have them both linking, they both I used the image of the artist on the poster andAlso use different types of pop art. Album cover as he did not appear in the video. As David Guetta does for his tracks. I used Bold tall font as it makes the poster Look classy and professional.I spelt Weezer as Weazer So there arentAny copyright issues with my video orProducts made.I used yellow for the people as yellow connotesI put the album cover in the bottom cornerHappiness and sunshine and this is what my As a small preview of what it will look like.Video is about. 13. Here is my poster compared to a real Weezer poster. They are similar in that they both haveSimple lay outs, one theme of colour running through each one and bold fonts. Weezer is aBand where as I have chosen just to show the lead singer on mine. The main part of my posterIs the art work but the main part of Weezers is the information. 14. What have you learned from your audience feedback? 15. Audience feedback on my videoSome comments I received on FacebookAbout my video. 16. To the left is an audience member answeringquestions about my video and ancillaries, tothe left are the questions. Who do you think my music video relates to? Do you think my ancillaries work well together? Do you think I used audience feedback enough throughout my project? Is there anything you would change about my video? 17. How did you use new media technologies in the, construction,research, planning and evaluation stages? 18. Software, programs and websites I used to make my blog, video ancillary task 19. Play me. 20. Equipment I used to construct my video and ancillaries.