media evaluation 1

My Name Is Jon Sam Adamson Billy Bass Mason Stanley

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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My Name Is Jon

Sam Adamson

Billy BassMason Stanley

Magazine Cover

The image we decided to use had a very sinister look to it just like many thriller images and we edited it to make it look even more dark and sinister. We followed the forms and conventions for a thriller image by having a shadow in the background which relates to the character and using props such as glasses.

Magazine Cover

Like any other magazine cover we have a main image which promotes the main story of the magazine issue which in this case is our film ‘My Name Is Jon’. Most main images are in the centre but our image is off to the right just like the magazine we based it on, this makes it different from most magazines and fits the role of our character who isn't normal.

Magazine CoverWe followed all other magazines by having a main cover line on the cover which linked to the main image. Every magazine has to have one because it promotes the magazine by letting readers know what is inside.

We added a masthead that belongs to Sight And Sound because we thought that our film relates to most of the films that feature in Sight and Sound magazines so we copied their masthead. We followed the conventions of a sight and sound magazine cover where we put the logo on top of the image which sight & sound do on all of their covers unlike a magazine like empire that allow the image to overlap the name.

Magazine CoverWe followed most of the conventions of a magazine cover using rule of thirds. Most magazine covers follow the rule of thirds by putting the main image in the middle which covers all rows and columns. We copied Sight & Sound and they place the main image to the right which is only in the 2nd and 3rd columns.

The cover lines are located in the bottom row and the main cover line is usually located in the left column and middle row which ours is except it overlaps a bit.

Magazine Cover

We think that our magazine cover follow standard forms and conventions as a thriller magazine cover because it is very similar to the actual issue that we based ours on, including all the text, images, cover lines, pugs etc.

Teaser Poster

Teaser Poster

We used the same image that we used for the magazine cover because we thought that this is the best picture we took and without even editing it, it creates a sinister atmosphere which we intended to do. The sinister atmosphere links to the thriller genre and the fact that you don’t get a lot from the poster shows that it is only a teaser poster.

Teaser Poster

Teaser posters don’t give a lot away simply because the fact that they are a teaser poster and not a full feature poster. Just like any other typical teaser poster we didn’t add too much information. We only chose to have the title and the rough date it is going to be released. We also decided to add the website which allows the audience to find out little more if they wish. The fact that we didn’t have a billing blocks tells the audience it is a teaser poster because it is so early on and the film is still in development so we don’t know all of the cast involved.

The reason the title is static and doesn’t have any effects added to it is because we wanted it to look the same as our teaser poster and magazine cover. We had to create it using ribbet and them import the image into Adobe Premier Pro CS5

Teaser Trailer Title

We based our trailer on a film called Michael so we got the title idea from there. Instead of using the child's name we used the abductors name.

We used a flat in a residential area because it is different from what you would expect. In an abduction thriller the victim is normally held in a remote location but we decided to mix it up and have it in quite a public place. This is just to be different and not follow the conventions

Teaser Trailer Location/Setting

Teaser Trailer

In this scene the main character is wearing very basic clothing and a woolly hat. You can also see that he is wearing glasses, we based our trailer on a film called Michael. As you can see he is wearing the same type of clothing, you cant see but in our shot “Jon” is carrying shopping bags as well. We thought these props work well because he just blends into society and doesn’t stand out.


Teaser Trailer Camera Work

We chose to use a low-angle shot to create the feeling that he is always dominant and in charge. We also think this shows a good position of the child because the child is always looking up to him, even though this isn't a Point of View shot.

This is one of the first shots that is in the trailer and we use this so audience can try and identify who this mysterious character is and work out what type of film its going to be. By not showing the main character straight way creates an atmosphere.

Teaser Trailer Breaking Continuity

In nearly every shot the main character is wearing a different piece of clothing and doing something completely different. This is breaking continuity and showing the audience and this is a teaser trailer and not a scene from the film. We didn’t follow a ‘3 part structure’ because our film isn't packed with action and it just wouldn’t fit our type of film. Usually in a trailer the second part is where all of the action is and is known as the peak but because of the type of film we are dealing with.

Teaser Trailer Genre

Not showing the character in the first few shots creates a sinister atmosphere. Typical thriller characters are unique just like “Jon”

The film is dealing with a very serious matter so that immediately rules out a lot of genres.

Teaser Trailer Key Character Traits

This shot shows that the main character is very quiet and enjoys time to himself. He lives in a small flat which he enjoys his own company but when he gets lonely he turns to abducting someone instead of going out to socialise.

Voiceovers/Length Teaser Trailer

We aimed for the film to be about a minute but once we inserted all of our shots and voiceovers it lengthens out to 1 minute and 21 seconds but we agreed this amount of time is ok even though a typical teaser trailer is no longer than 1 minute whereas others are longer then 2.

When the shots fade out and the screen goes black the main character “Jon” starts to speak which enables the audience to hear him. This makes the audience wonder what causes him to carry out these actions because he sounds normal.