media audiance profiling

Gender: PREDOMITNLY WOMEN ALSO MEN I have chosen a woman for my gender type as within my thriller opening sequence, the characters within are going to be girls. Therefore choosing an audience with the same gender type will enable this audience type to be able to relate to the opening sequence in a way that males might not be able to. Epically within thriller films, women are seen to react to stereotypical scenes in a different way to men (screaming) so the reactions can be more relatable to that of a woman audience rather then men. Therefore the message or entertainment purposes that are meant to be displayed may not be that obvious to a male gender type. Although males will also be included within my target audience as they will be attracted to the ‘Male Gaze theory’ and the use of voyerism which is typical within thrillers will be used within my opening sequence to appeal to both male and female audiences. Age: 15-21 I have chosen my age range to vary from the age of 15 to 21. This is mostly for the reason that the characters displayed within my thriller opening sequence will be within this chosen age range. I have chosen this specific age range as at the age of 15 the guidelines for such a film will enable me to include, strong violence, frequent strong language etc. that a 21 year old is still able to relate to. At 15 the use of maturity that is perceived at this age enables me to use more mature language that will enable me to target the age of 21 as well as 15. Within this age gap for most women reactions to parts of particular thriller films (causing screaming, jumping) is not normally different within this age gap, as within society today, it is perceived that we do not believe that we are as old as we are. Sexuality: HETROSEXUAL My target audiences sexuality will most likely be heterosexual, as this type of sexuality – even though society is so diverse and more excepting then ever - is still seen as most common within society. The characters within my thriller will be heterosexual, therefore making my audience more able to relate to their lifestyle more then someone that is homosexual. Even though homosexual audiences will be still targeted within a way , as sexuality is not seen as an issue that particularly effects who can watch my thriller opening sequence. Race: My chosen race is that of a British culture , this is because my thriller opening sequence will include characters that have lived within the UK and are culturally adapted to the UK culture. Others that do not have an understanding of the UK culture will be less likely to understand the stereotypical cultural conventions that the UK have, so things that are seen in thrillers may not effect a culturally diverse audience in the same way as a British one will be effected. Socio – Economic Group: D My target audiences social economic group will mostly come under the category D as those characters within my opening thriller sequence will also come under this social group. This means the audience are able to relate to the characters life within the opening sequence and this will give them a better experience of the film. Geographical : UK My target audience will be based in the UK this is because my thriller opening sequence will be produced within the UK and will include settings and characters are based in the UK and on British culture that only a UK audience will be able to understand. Psychographic Group: EXPLORER My chosen psychographic group is the Explorer because this is the description of a typical teenager that is a student. They are seen to be the first to try new brands and this includes watching the latest films.

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Post on 10-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Media audiance profiling

Gender: PREDOMITNLY WOMEN ALSO MENI have chosen a woman for my gender type as within my thriller opening sequence, the characters within are going to be girls. Therefore choosing an audience with the same gender type will enable this audience type to be able to relate to the opening sequence in a way that males might not be able to. Epically within thriller films, women are seen to react to stereotypical scenes in a different way to men (screaming) so the reactions can be more relatable to that of a woman audience rather then men. Therefore the message or entertainment purposes that are meant to be displayed may not be that obvious to a male gender type. Although males will also be included within my target audience as they will be attracted to the ‘Male Gaze theory’ and the use of voyerism which is typical within thrillers will be used within my opening sequence to appeal to both male and female audiences.

Age: 15-21I have chosen my age range to vary from the age of 15 to 21. This is mostly for the reason that the characters displayed within my thriller opening sequence will be within this chosen age range. I have chosen this specific age range as at the age of 15 the guidelines for such a film will enable me to include, strong violence, frequent strong language etc. that a 21 year old is still able to relate to. At 15 the use of maturity that is perceived at this age enables me to use more mature language that will enable me to target the age of 21 as well as 15. Within this age gap for most women reactions to parts of particular thriller films (causing screaming, jumping) is not normally different within this age gap, as within society today, it is perceived that we do not believe that we are as old as we are.

Sexuality: HETROSEXUALMy target audiences sexuality will most likely be heterosexual, as this type of sexuality – even though society is so diverse and more excepting then ever - is still seen as most common within society. The characters within my thriller will be heterosexual, therefore making my audience more able to relate to their lifestyle more then someone that is homosexual. Even though homosexual audiences will be still targeted within a way , as sexuality is not seen as an issue that particularly effects who can watch my thriller opening sequence.

Race:My chosen race is that of a British culture , this is because my thriller opening sequence will include characters that have lived within the UK and are culturally adapted to the UK culture. Others that do not have an understanding of the UK culture will be less likely to understand the stereotypical cultural conventions that the UK have, so things that are seen in thrillers may not effect a culturally diverse audience in the same way as a British one will be effected.

Socio – Economic Group: DMy target audiences social economic group will mostly come under the category D as those characters within my opening thriller sequence will also come under this social group. This means the audience are able to relate to the characters life within the opening sequence and this will give them a better experience of the film.

Geographical : UKMy target audience will be based in the UK this is because my thriller opening sequence will be produced within the UK and will include settings and characters are based in the UK and on British culture that only a UK audience will be able to understand.

Psychographic Group: EXPLORERMy chosen psychographic group is the Explorer because this is the description of a typical teenager that is a student. They are seen to be the first to try new brands and this includes watching the latest films.

Page 2: Media audiance profiling

ChangesAfter going into more thought about what my opening sequence is going to be about, and as my choice of characters who are going to be featured in it has changed I have decided to change my target audience. Although the previous target audience of 15-21 is still going to be within my target audience age range I am going to make it broader and include the older ages of the mid 30+ as these are the types of people I am going to be featuring within my opening sequence. Firstly my gender is going to be more equal between men and women now, even though before it was predominantly women. The reason for this is because my main character is going to be based on a male rather than a female and therefore this means that males will be attracted to watching the dominant male as they may believe that it will reflect themselves. Also through my research I have found that males watch thriller films more than females do, this makes me take a different target at men more then women. Secondly my age range is changing to 15-40, even though this is a large age range, all of then main characters featured fit within both ends of the spectrum and therefore this means that this is befitting to make the range of target audience higher. The reason why I have also chosen the lower age of 15 is because this is the main age group that go to cinemas and watch films so I still need to appeal it mostly to a younger audience. My socio-economic group is also slightly changing, it is still going to include D, but now it is including C2 as well, this is because as I am not aiming at a higher age range for my audience, they are more likely going to have developed jobs and this means that they most probably will be skilled within their job at this age. Also the characters within my opening sequence are going to have skilled jobs so this means that my target audience will find the film more relatable. Finally my psychographic group is going to be slightly changed, I am still keeping the Explorer group as the majority of people that will view this film will most probably still be students as they are the biggest group of people that go to the cinema. I am not joining the Mainstreamer in as well, as they believe in value for money ‘family’ brands and as the people I am aiming at are most likely going to have a family and the characters within my film are a family this makes the film more relatable.