media advisory: at&t and the u of m enhance game day experience

 For more information, contact:  AT&T University of Minnesota Mark Giga Jake Ricker 612-206-0193 612-625-4802 [email protected] [email protected] AT&T and University of Minnesota to Announce Major Wireless Investment at TCF Bank Stadium  A T&T In ves tment P r ovi des A ddi tion al Wi r eles s C apa ci ty for F ans on G ame D ays MINNEAPOLIS, Wednesday, September 3, 2014    AT&T and t he Univer sity of Minn esota w ill hold a p ress conference tomorrow, Thursday, September 4, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. to announce an investment by AT&T that will enhance the wireless game day experience for football fans at TCF Bank Stadium this fall.  AT&T Minneso ta State President Pa ul Weirtz w ill join University of Minnesota Associate Ath letics Direct or Scott Ellison in making the announcement. The press conference will be held on the plaza outside TCF Bank Stadium. The announcement is part of AT&T’s continuing network investment in Minnesota through the company’s Project Velocity IP (VIP). From 2011 through 201 3, AT&T invested over $525 million in its best-in-class wireless and wired networks in Minnesota. NO TE : Medi a tours will be ava ilabl e a fter the event of the new AT& T wir eles s technolo g y locat ed within the s ta dium. Who: University of Minnesota Associate Athletic Director Scott Ellison  AT&T Minnesota State President Paul W eirtz What:  Announcement of AT&T network enhancements at TCF Bank Stadium When: Thursday, September 4, 2014 10:00 a.m. Where: TCF Bank Stadium Plaza (outside stadium) (see map below for location) University of Minnesota 420 SE 23rd Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55455  

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AT&T and the University of Minnesota will hold a press conference this morning, Thursday, September 4, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. to announce an investment by AT&T that will enhance the wireless game day experience for football fans at TCF Bank Stadium this fall.


  • For more information, contact:

    AT&T University of Minnesota Mark Giga Jake Ricker 612-206-0193 612-625-4802 [email protected] [email protected]

    AT&T and University of Minnesota to Announce Major

    Wireless Investment at TCF Bank Stadium

    AT&T Investment Provides Additional Wireless Capacity for Fans on Game Days

    MINNEAPOLIS, Wednesday, September 3, 2014 AT&T and the University of Minnesota will hold a press

    conference tomorrow, Thursday, September 4, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. to announce an investment by AT&T that

    will enhance the wireless game day experience for football fans at TCF Bank Stadium this fall.

    AT&T Minnesota State President Paul Weirtz will join University of Minnesota Associate Athletics Director

    Scott Ellison in making the announcement. The press conference will be held on the plaza outside TCF

    Bank Stadium.

    The announcement is part of AT&Ts continuing network investment in Minnesota through the companys

    Project Velocity IP (VIP). From 2011 through 2013, AT&T invested over $525 million in its best-in-class

    wireless and wired networks in Minnesota.

    NOTE: Media tours will be available after the event of the new AT&T wireless technology located

    within the stadium.

    Who: University of Minnesota Associate Athletic Director Scott Ellison AT&T Minnesota State President Paul Weirtz What: Announcement of AT&T network enhancements at TCF Bank Stadium

    When: Thursday, September 4, 2014

    10:00 a.m.

    Where: TCF Bank Stadium Plaza (outside stadium) (see map below for location) University of Minnesota 420 SE 23rd Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55455

  • Location of press conference Metered parking is available on Oak Street in front of the stadium and next to Mariucci arena.

