mechanism of modulation of pkr activity by the adaptor...

Characterization of the interaction between the adaptor protein Nck and the protein kinase PKR By: Afnan Abu-Thuraia Department of Medicine Division of Experimental Medicine McGill University Montreal, Quebec, Canada A thesis submitted to McGill University in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Science © Afnan Abu-Thuraia, October 2010

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Page 1: Mechanism of Modulation of PKR Activity by the Adaptor of the interaction between the adaptor protein Nck and the

Characterization of the interaction between the adaptor protein Nck and the protein kinase PKR

By: Afnan Abu-Thuraia

Department of Medicine Division of Experimental Medicine

McGill University Montreal, Quebec, Canada

A thesis submitted to McGill University in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Science

© Afnan Abu-Thuraia, October 2010

Page 2: Mechanism of Modulation of PKR Activity by the Adaptor of the interaction between the adaptor protein Nck and the



Tight regulation of the double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-activated

protein kinase (PKR) is critical for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis

due to its potent inhibitory role on general translation. Previously, we have

identified the adaptor protein Nck-1 as a novel cellular regulator of PKR

activation through its interaction with PKR. In this study, we further

confirmed that Nck-1 limits PKR activation under normal conditions.

However, we demonstrate that the control of PKR activation by Nck-1 is

reversible, since significant levels of dsRNA override Nck-1’s negative

control of PKR activation and induce dissociation of Nck-1 from PKR. Our

data show that Nck-1 needs to be in full length to interact and modulate

PKR. In addition, we observed that the interaction of Nck-1 with PKR is

independent of any functional Src-homology domains of Nck-1, but our

findings showing that Nck-1 interacts with both the N- and C-terminus of

PKR challenge this concept. Nonetheless, we uncovered that upon

significant levels of dsRNA, dissociation of Nck-1 from PKR is due to the

activation of the catalytic activity of PKR rather than to competition by

dsRNA binding or change of PKR conformation during its activation.

Finally, we provided further evidence supporting the occurrence of Nck-1

phosphorylation by PKR in vivo. Hence, Nck-1 not only buffers PKR

activation but appears to be a substrate of PKR. Therefore, we propose

that PKR-mediated phosphorylation is part of the mechanism that

promotes Nck-1 dissociation from activated PKR. Taken together, our data

confirm Nck-1 as a novel cellular modulator of PKR that limits PKR

activation under physiological conditions.

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La protéine kinase PKR, activée par l’ARN double brins (ARNdb), est

connue pour jouer un rôle inhibiteur de la traduction des protéines. La

régulation de PKR est donc critique pour le maintien de l’homéostasie

cellulaire. Nous avons précédemment identifié la protéine adaptatrice

Nck-1 comme étant un potentiel régulateur de l’activation de PKR, suivant

son interaction avec PKR. Dans la présente étude, nous avons été en

mesure de confirmer que, dans des conditions physiologiques, Nck-1 peut

limiter l’activation de PKR par l’ARNdb. Cependant, le contrôle qu’exerce

Nck-1 sur PKR est réversible puisque, lorsque la quantité d’ARNdb

dépasse une certaine concentration, PKR est activée et alors Nck-1 se

dissocie de PKR, l’empêchant ainsi de limiter son activation. Nos données

démontrent également que Nck-1 doit être dans sa forme native pour

interagir et moduler l’activation de PKR. De plus, il semble que l’interaction

entre Nck-1 et PKR ne nécessite pas que les différents domaines

homologues de Src (SH2 et SH3) présents chez Nck-1 soient

fonctionnels. De plus, nous avons observé que Nck-1 interagit à la fois

avec les domaines N- et C-terminaux de PKR. Nous démontrons

également que lorsque les niveaux d’ARNdb atteignent un niveau seuil,

Nck-1 se dissocie de PKR non pas à cause d’une compétition avec

l’ARNdb, ni à cause d’un changement de conformation de PKR ou son

autophosphorylation, mais est plutôt dû à l’activation du domaine

catalytique de PKR. De plus, il semble que Nck-1 puisse être phosphorylé

par PKR in vivo. Nck-1 est donc non seulement un modulateur de

l’activation de PKR mais peut également servir de substrat pour PKR.

Ceci nous amène donc à proposer que la phosphorylation de Nck-1 par

PKR activée soit responsable du mécanisme de dissociation entre Nck-1

et PKR. En conclusion, nos résultats confirment Nck-1 comme étant un

nouveau modulateur cellulaire de PKR, en limitant son activation dans des

conditions physiologiques.

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This thesis was entirely written by me with editorial comments and

corrections by my supervisor, Dr. Louise Larose and the French

translation of my abstract by our Post-Doc, Dr. Julie Dusseault.

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Abstract ..................................................................................................................II Résumé................................................................................................................ III CONTRIBUTION OF AUTHORS ..................................................................... IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page.................................................................................................................................V LIST OF FIGURES Page .......................................................... VI ACKNOWLEDGMENTS..................................................................................VIII CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION AND LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................. 1 1.1 Cellular Stress Response .................................................................... 2

1.1.1 Overview ................................................................................................. 2 1.1.2 Stress Induced-Cell Death .................................................................... 3 Apoptosis........................................................................................ 3 Autophagic Cell Death................................................................. 4 Necrosis .......................................................................................... 5

1.1.3 Stress and Survival Pathways .......................................................... 6 The Heat Shock Response ......................................................... 6 DNA Damage Response.............................................................. 9 The Unfolded Protein Response............................................. 12

1.2 eIF2α Kinases ............................................................................................. 15 1.2.1 Heme-Regulated Inhibitor (HRI) ..................................................... 18 1.2.2 General Control Non-derepressible-2 (GCN2)............................ 21 1.2.3 PKR (RNA-dependent protein kinase)-like ER kinase (PERK)23 1.2.4 RNA-dependent Protein Kinase (PKR) ......................................... 26

1.3 Nck Adaptor Proteins ............................................................................... 32 1.3.1 Nck gene and proteins...................................................................... 32 1.3.2 Nck interaction partners and functions ....................................... 33 1.3.3 Role of Nck in regulating eIF2α phosphorylation and cell response to stress ....................................................................................... 35

CHAPTER II ........................................................................................................ 38 HYPOTHESIS AND PROJECT OUTLINE .................................................... 38 CHAPTER III....................................................................................................... 41 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES .................................................................. 41 CHAPTER IV ...................................................................................................... 47 RESULTS ............................................................................................................ 47 CHAPTER V ....................................................................................................... 65 DISCUSSION...................................................................................................... 65 REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 74

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CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION AND LITERATURE REVIEW Figure 1: Induction of heat shock proteins inhibits apoptosis and promotes

cell survival ................................................................................................ 8

Figure 2: DNA Damage Response ......................................................... 11

Figure 3: ER stress and the Unfolded Protein Response ...................... 14

Figure 4: Regulation of eIF2 ................................................................... 16

Figure 5 a, b: a) Protein kinases, PKR, HRI (heme-regulated inhibitor),

PERK and GCN2 are activated by different stress conditions; b) Domain

structure of protein kinases, PKR, PERK, HRI and GCN2....................... 17

Figure 6: HRI balances heme and globin synthesis by sensing

intracellular heme concentrations ............................................................ 19

Figure 7: Domain Structure of HRI ......................................................... 19

Figure 8: GCN2 pathway of activation .................................................... 22

Figure 9: Model for activation of PERK in response to ER stress........... 24

Figure 10: Signalling pathways involving PKR........................................ 27

Figure 11: Schematic representation of PKR activation ......................... 30

Figure 12: Modular composition of Nck adapter proteins........................ 33

Figure 13: Schematic model of the regulation of translation by Nck-1

during ER stress ...................................................................................... 36

CHAPTER II: HYPOTHESIS AND PROJECT OUTLINE Figure 1: Nck-1 reduces PKR activation induced by dsRNA……………..39


Figure 1: Endogenous PKR co-immunoprecipitates with HA-Nck-1…….48

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Figure 2: Nck-1-PKR interaction is independent of Nck-1 functional SH


Figure 3: SH3 mutated Nck-1 reduces (A) PKR activation and (B)

phosphorylation of eIF2α induced by dsRNA……………………………….51

Figure 4: SH2 mutated Nck-1 reduces (A) PKR activation and (B)

phosphorylation of eIF2α induced by dsRNA……………………………….52

Figure 5: Nck-1 full length binds PKR………………………………………53

Figure 6: Loss of Nck-1 binding upon PKR activation by dsRNA………..54

Figure 7: Nck-1 binds to Dominant negative-PKR…………………………56

Figure 8: Nck-1 binds inactive PKR independently of dsRNA……………57

Figure 9: Nck-1 binds PKR N-terminus and inactive C-terminus


Figure 10: Nck-1 binds the N-terminus domain of PKR independently of


Figure 11: Nck-2 binds PKR………………………………………………....61

Figure 12: Nck-1 is phosphorylated in MEFs PKR+/+ and in HEK 293 cells

over-expressing wild type PKR……………………………………………….63

CHAPTER V: DISCUSSION Figure 1: Model of mechanism of PKR’s regulation by Nck-1……………67

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Many individuals have been instrumental through out the course of

this project. Many thanks go to my supervisor Dr. Louise Larose, to whom

I am indebted and grateful for the endless support, guidance and

encouragement she has provided me with for the last two years. I do

appreciate the great opportunity she has given me to work in her

laboratory which made these two years an unforgettable experience.

Special thanks also go to all present and past members of Dr. Larose

laboratory such as Eric Cardin, Geneviève Bourret, Lama Yamani, Hui Li

and Julie Dusseault. I would also like to thank everyone else at the

Polypeptide Laboratory (PPL) for their help whenever it was needed and

their friendship. My thanks also go to my thesis committee meeting for

their great advice and support: Dr. Stephane Laporte, Dr. Arnold Kristof

and my academic advisor, Dr. Jun-Li Hui.

Words are not sufficient to express my feelings of gratitude towards

my family. I want to thank my parents, Mr. Nabil Abu-Thuraia and Mrs.

Awatef Al-Khatib for being there for me all the time. I extend a heartfelt

thank you to my family and friends and specially my very good friend,

Kathy Malas, for the endless stream of love and care that nourished my

success and allowed me to excel in my studies. Of course, my greatest

gratefulness goes to Allah, the most merciful and most generous, for

everything that I am blessed with in my life.

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1.1 Cellular Stress Response

1.1.1 Overview

Cellular stress can be defined as the threat of damage to

macromolecules. Hence, the main essence behind cellular stress

response, once a cell is exposed to environmental conditions that

significantly perturb its’ homeostasis, is the protection of macromolecules.

Cells respond to cellular stress in many ways ranging from activation of

survival pathways to eliciting programmed cell death which eliminates

damaged cells. The initial response a cell takes upon stress is geared

toward fighting the stress stimuli and recovering the cell from this insult. If

the cell is unable to recover from this stress, then the death signaling

pathways are activated in order to abolish damaged cells. The stressed

cells’ fate is determined upon the interplay the stressed cell has between

these two responses. Hence, a cells’ survival depends on the ability to

initiate an appropriate response towards environmental or intracellular

stress stimuli. A rapid and transient stress response is required for the cell

to reestablish cellular homeostasis (1). Moreover, this reaction is highly

conserved throughout evolution due to its’ extraordinary significance for

many areas in biology and medicine. For example, antioxidant defense

mechanisms against oxidative injury and stress proteins such as heat-

shock proteins exist in lower organisms, as well as in mammals (2).

There are many different types of stress a cell can encounter.

Depending on the type and level of the stress, the cell mounts different

responses to deal with these conditions. For example, protective

responses such as the unfolded protein response against accumulation of

unfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum, to enhance protein folding

by increasing chaperones protein activity, counteracts the stress and

promotes cell survival. Hence, the cells mount different responses to

promote survival; if stress is not resolved, then cell death programs are


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1.1.2 Stress Induced-Cell Death Apoptosis

Cell death comes in many forms and types. Cell death research has

attracted much attention in the last two decades, mainly due to its

relevance to several diseases and cancer. The term programmed cell

death refers to controlled or regulated form of death associated with a

series of biochemical and morphological changes (3). Programmed cell

death, nowadays, is synonymous with apoptosis. The term apoptosis was

first used to describe a particular morphology of cell death common to the

vast majority of physiological cell deaths (4). During the 1980s, apoptosis

became the focus of attention in the field of cell death. The discoveries of

Bcl-2 family of proteins (5-7), death receptors (8), caspases (9),

mitochondrial cytochrome-c release (10), and a role for the endoplasmic

reticulum (11) in apoptosis were just a few major milestones in the history

of the cell death field. Several types of cellular stress stimuli are known to

trigger apoptosis, such as chemotherapeutic agents, irradiation, oxidative

stress and ER stress. Cysteine proteases, known as caspases, are

common death effector molecules in apoptosis. During apoptosis,

caspases are activated by different mechanisms. Death receptors of the

tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor family or TNF-related apoptosis

inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptors are stimulated with their respective

ligands and agonistic antibodies, leading to receptor aggregation and

recruitment of the Fas-associated death domain (FADD) and procaspase-

8, forming death inducing signaling complex (DISC) (12). Upon

recruitment, caspase-8 is cleaved and activated to further cleave

downstream caspases (12). The release of cytochrome-c and other

apoptogenic factors into cytosol from mitochondrial intermembrane space

leads to activation of caspase-3 through the formation of cytochrome-

c/Apaf-1/caspase-9-containing apoptosome complex (13). Caspases

activation must be tightly controlled due to their potential detrimental

effects on cell survival if they are inappropriately activated. Inhibitors of

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apoptosis proteins (IAPs) represent a group of endogenous inhibitors of

caspases (14). Among the IAP family, XIAP is the most potent inhibitor of

caspases and blocks apoptosis by binding to active caspase-3 and

caspase-7 and by blocking activation of caspase-9 (14). In addition to

IAPs, apoptosis is regulated by anti-apoptotic proteins, such as Bcl-XL,

Bcl-2 and Mcl-1 and pro-apoptotic proteins such as Bax, Bak and BH3

domain only molecules (15). Moreover, apoptosis sensitivity is controlled

through the regulation of additional signaling cascades, for example, NF-

κB, JNK, TNFR, and the ubiquitin/proteosome pathway (14, 17). Autophagic Cell Death

Autophagy, or self eating, is a catabolic process where a cell eats

its own components through the lysosomal machinery. It is characterized

by the vesicular sequestration and degradation of long-lived cytoplasmic

proteins and organelles (18). When cells are exposed to metabolic and

therapeutic stresses, such as growth factor deprivation, inhibition of the

receptor tyrosine kinase/ Akt/ mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)

signaling, shortage of nutrients, ischemia/reperfusion, inhibition of

proteasomal degradation, the accumulation of intracellular calcium and

endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, autophagy is typically observed (19-

22). Under most cellular conditions, autophagy functions as a stress

adaptation that prevents cell death, and in some circumstances, it

constitutes an alternative route to cell death, hence the functional

relationship between autophagy and cell death is complex. In addition to

that, this complex interrelationship implies these responses are linked at a

molecular level.

Although it is not clear if autophagy plays a protective or toxic role

in the cell, there is evidence that it plays a beneficial role in the heart

under physiological and pathological conditions (23). Constitutive

autophagy in the heart under baseline conditions is a homeostatic

mechanism for maintaining cardiomyocyte size and global cardiac

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structure and function, and that upregulation of autophagy in failing hearts

is an adaptive response for protecting cells from hemodynamic stress (23).

Consistent with this, rapamycin, which induces autophagy by inhibiting

mTOR, protects myocardium against ischemia/reperfusion injury (24).

However, it has been shown that down-regulation of transcription factors

such as activating transcription factor 5 or 7 (ATF5 or ATF7) using siRNA

prevents stress-induced cell death (25, 26). Hence, what is critical for

deciding the fate of the cell is the timing and level of autophagy. Moreover,

there is some evidence of crosstalk between apoptosis and autophagy at

the molecular level, and accumulating evidence have shown that inhibition

of apoptosis induces cell death that is dependent on or associated with

autophagy. The anti-apoptotic proteins from Bcl-2 family have also been

shown to inhibit autophagy and autophagic cell death (27-29). Thus, Bcl-2

not only functions as an anti-apoptotic protein, but also as an anti-

autophagy protein via its inhibitory interaction with Beclin 1, an autophagy

protein (28). This anti-autophagy function of Bcl-2 may help to maintain

autophagy at levels that are compatible with cell survival, rather than cell

death. Necrosis

Necrosis is the term used for accidental cell death, implying it is an

unregulated process within a multicellular organism. It is known to be

associated with inflammation and is said to occur in severe forms of injury

(30). Necrosis results from the additive effect of a number of independent

of biochemical events that are activated by depletion of cell energy stores

(30). Moreover, the inflammation observed in necrosis, is mostly evidence

of the phagocytosis of cell debris produced by the necrosis process.

Morphologically, necrosis is characterized by an increase in cell volume,

swelling of organelles, and plasma membrane rupture (2). In the

propagation of necrotic cell death, several signaling cascades have been

shown to be involved. The serine/threonine kinase RIP1 has been shown

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to be one of the key mediators of necrotic cell death in the case of death

receptors or Toll-like receptors (31, 32). Studies have revealed the

requirement of RIP1 for death receptor-induced necrosis (33, 34) and

lipopolysaccharide-induced cell death of macrophages (35). In addition,

molecules known as inhibitors of RIP1 kinase were reported to protect

against ischaemic brain injury in an in vivo model of necrosis (36-38).

Another serine/ threonine kinase RIP3 has shown a critical role in necrotic

cell death in response to TNF stimulation and during virus infection (39-


Other mediators are known to be involved in the propagation of

necrotic cell death, such as ROS and calcium (42, 43). Mitochondria are

known to promote ROS generation from oxidative phosphorylation

stimulated by mitochondrial calcium (42, 43). Hence, both ROS and

calcium lead to the damage of macromolecules and organelles

contributing to the loss of cell integrity. Furthermore, the stimulus that

drives necrosis has shown to inhibit apoptotic machinery. Caspases

inactivation and cleavage are mediated by calcium-dependent activation of

calpain (44) and ROS rendering caspases inactive (45).

1.1.3 Stress and Survival Pathways The Heat Shock Response

Upon exposure to cellular stress, depending on the type and level

of stress, a cells’ response can be manifold. If the stress level is not very

severe, then the cell can cope with it by promoting one of its survival

pathways to ensure its survival. One of the main prosurvival pathways a

cell can mount upon stress is the heat shock response (46). The main

stress this response was known originally to be activated upon was mild

heat stress; however other stresses like oxidative stress and heavy metals

are now known to activate this response (46). One of the main

consequences of these stresses is protein damage leading to the

accumulation and aggregation of unfolded proteins (46). During the initial

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phase of heat shock response, gene transcription and protein translation

are halted in order to lessen the aggregates of unfolded proteins in the cell

(46). However, in these conditions, some transcription factors known as

heat shock factors (HSFs) are selectively activated or expressed (56).

Many forms of HSFs exist in veterbrates, the most famous being HSF1

which is essential for heat shock response (56). Studies have shown that

mice lacking HSF1 are more sensitive to stress and unable to induce heat

responsive genes upon heat shock (57-59). HSF1 is maintained inactive in

the cytoplasm by binding to Hsp90 and co-chaperones (60, 61). When

cells are exposed to stress, unfolded proteins are accumulated and

compete with HSF1 for Hsp90 binding. HSF1 monomer is released and

forms a homotrimer, which is translocated to the nucleus to activate heat

responsive genes (Figure1). HSF1 binds to upstream sequences (heat

shock elements) of its’ target genes leading to the expression of heat

shock proteins (Hsps) (Figure 1).

The genes encoding Hsps are highly conserved and are grouped in

families on the basis of sequence homology and molecular weights:

Hsp110, Hsp100, Hsp90, Hsp70, Hsp60, Hsp40 and small Hsp families

(46). Hsps are known to function as molecular chaperones (46). Usually

Hsps work as oligomers, if not as complexes of several different

chaperones, co-chaperones and/or nucleotide exchange factors (46).

Their interaction with chaperones is responsible mainly for (a) maintaining

Hsps’ partner proteins in a folding-competent, folded, or unfolded state; (b)

organellar localization, import, and/or export; (c) minimizing the

aggregation of non-native proteins; and (d ) targeting non-native or

aggregated proteins for degradation and elimination from the cell (46).

Some Hsps are known to be stress-inducible, such as Hsp27 and Hsp70

(62). Hsp27 is regulated by phosphorylation and dynamic

association/dissociation into multimers (63). However, Hsp70 is regulated

by DnaJ cochaperones. DnaJ stimulates Hsp70 to hydrolyze ATP, a key

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step that closes its substrate-binding cavity and thus allows stable binding

of substrate (268).

Figure 1: Induction of heat shock proteins inhibits apoptosis and promotes cell survival (2)

Copyright © 2010 Simone Fulda et al.

Hsp27 and Hsp70 are known to protect the cell against stress-

induced cell death including apoptosis (64) and necrosis (65-67). These

effects are achieved by promoting prosurvival activities and inhibiting cell

death pathways. They promote prosurvival pathways by binding to the

unfolded proteins to aid in their refolding, thereby preventing protein

aggregation (68). In specific, Hsp70 is also known to interact with actin to

maintain the integrity of the cytoskeleton (55). In addition, they inhibit

apoptosis by modulating the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways and

interfering with caspase activation (49-51). In specific, Hsp27 and Hsp70

have been reported to block the release of pro-apoptotic factors, such as

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cytochrome c from mitochondria (52-54). Hsps in the cytosol are also

known to block the activation of caspases and the formation of

apoptosome. Hsp70 can interact with and inhibit apoptosis-inducing factor

(AIF), therefore inhibiting apoptotic nuclear changes (47, 48). Overall,

Hsps can be activated or induced by a number of stresses to protect the

cell by influencing a variety of cellular processes which determine the

cells’ fate. Hsps are, in general, prosurvival and anti-apoptotic molecules. DNA Damage Response

Several stressors such as chemotherapeutic agents, irradiation,

and environmental genotoxic agents such as ultraviolet light are known to

cause DNA damage (69, 70). Upon sensing key lesions such as double-

stranded breaks (DSBs) and single strand breaks (SSBs) in the DNA (72),

several processes are initiated. Cell cycle checkpoints are activated to

arrest cell cycle progression to allow time for repair before the damage is

passed on to daughter cells. In addition to checkpoint activation, the DNA

damage response leads to induction of transcriptional programs and

enhancement of DNA repair pathways. If the level of damage is too severe

and irreversible, the stressor is transmitted by the cellular stress response

to the activation of effector systems to mediate cell death and hence

apoptosis (71). All of these processes are carefully coordinated so that the

genetic material is faithfully maintained, duplicated, and segregated within

the cell.

Moreover, once DSBs are generated directly or indirectly by many

anticancer drugs, ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) kinase is recruited

by the MRE-11-Rad50-NBS1 (MRN) complex to sites of broken DNA to

phosphorylate downstream substrates such as checkpoint kinase 2 (Chk2)

and p53 (73). p53 can then transcriptionally activate cell cycle regulatory

protein p21. The accumulation of p21, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor,

suppresses Cyclin E/Cdk2 kinase activity thereby resulting in G1 arrest

(73). On the other hand, upon SSBs, ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3

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related (ATR) kinase is the kinase that gets activated to phosphorylate

Chk1. Chk1 in turn phosphorylates and inhibits Cdc25c, a

tyrosine/threonine phosphatase which is a mitotic inducer, to mediate

G2/M arrest or alternatively phosphorylates and inhibits Cdc25a, required

for the progression from G1 to the S phase, to promote S-phase arrest

(73, 74).

Several DNA repair pathways are reported to be initiated once a

cell is experiencing any DNA damage. Direct reversal is the simplest

pathway where direct reversal of the highly mutagenic alkylation lesion O6-

methylguanine (O6-mG) by the product of the MGMT gene (O6-

methylguanine DNA methyltransferase) takes place (76). The alkyl group

is transferred from a guanine to a cysteine residue since the O6-mG is

extremely detrimental to the cell. Another pathway for DNA repair is the

base excision repair (BER) which corrects non-bulky damage to bases

resulting from oxidation, methylation, deamination or spontaneous loss of

DNA base itself (77). Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is another method

known to be the most flexible DNA repair pathway (75). The most

significant lesion it acts upon is pyrimidine dimmers caused by the UV

component of sunlight. Other NER substrates include bulky chemical

adducts, DNA intrastrand crosslinks and some forms of oxidative damage

(75). All these lesions share a common feature in which they all cause a

helical distortion of the DNA duplex and a modification of the DNA

chemistry (75). The DNA mismatch repair (MMR) pathway is another

method which plays a role in the correction of replication errors. Mispairs

generated by the spontaneous deamination of 5-methylcytosine and

heteroduplexes formed following genetic recombination are also corrected

via MMR. Lastly, DSB repair is the last method of DNA repair. DSBs are

the most serious form of DNA damage because they pose many problems

for transcription, replication, etc. This damage is caused by a variety of

sources including exogenous agents such as ionizing radiation and certain

genotoxic chemicals. Overall, coordination between the highly complex

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methods of DNA repair pathways and the repair surveillance mechanisms

linked to cell cycle checkpoints as well as cell death pathways is required

to have an accurate genome transmission. Failure in DNA repair will lead

to the activation of cell death pathways.

Figure 2: DNA Damage Response

Pathway diagram reproduced courtesy of Paterson Institute of Cancer Research, Inc.

( Response to Oxidative Stress

At cellular homeostasis, pro-oxidant species and antioxidants

defense mechanisms are at equilibrium. The disturbance of this

equilibrium by the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as

superoxide anion (O2•-), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), singlet oxygen,

hydroxyl radical (OH•), peroxy radical, as well as the second messenger

nitric oxide (NO•) which can react with O2•- to form peroxynitrite (ONOO−),

leads to oxidative stress (2). Antioxidant defense mechanisms constitute

of ROS-metabolizing enzymes including catalase, glutathione peroxidase,

and superoxide dismutases (SODs) and other antioxidant proteins such as

glutathione (GSH). ROS are usually generated intracellularly from the

mitochondrial electron transport chain and are dealt with SODs, enzymes

of defense against oxygen toxicity (2). In addition to the physiological

sources of ROS, exogenous agents can contribute to the intracellular

production of free radicals. Excess ROS can cause damage to major

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biological macromolecules such as nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates,

and lipids (2). Furthermore, when the cell antioxidants are overwhelmed

and are unable to clear the ROS, ROS can induce cell death. Cytotoxic

agents induce ROS such as peroxide and O2•-, which can lead to

apoptosis (78). Peroxide lead to the release of cytochrome c from

mitochondrial intermembrane space into cytosol and activate nuclear

transcription factors like, NF-κB, AP-1 and p53 (79), which play a role in

up-regulating death proteins or down-regulating survival proteins. Different

proposed models have been reported of how ROS induce cell death.

Firstly, peroxide induction of apoptosis could be through up-regulation of

Fas-FasL system leading to activation of caspase-8 and downstream

caspases (80, 81). Another model could be that NO• induces apoptosis by

inactivating antioxidant enzymes and by the generation of ceramide which

leads to caspase activation, induction of mitochondrial permeability and

activation of Fas system (82-84). Several studies have reported that anti-

apoptotic proteins have antioxidant roles and that Bcl-2 reduces the

generation of reactive oxygen species by preventing the loss of

cytochrome c from the mitochondria (85). In addition to that, separate

studies have shown that Bcl-2 over-expressing cells have higher levels of

GSH (86).

Moreover, ROS can also interfere with apoptosis and adopt the

cells to use an alternative mode of cell death, necrosis. This is achieved

by inactivation of caspases (87) and reduction in levels of ATP (88, 89).

Studies have also illustrated that ROS can provide a link between cellular

stress and the initiation of autophagy, a strategy to ensure the cells’

survival (90). The Unfolded Protein Response

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the cellular organelle where

secretory and membrane proteins are post-translationally processed by

glycosylation, disulfide bond formation, correct folding and oligomerization

Page 21: Mechanism of Modulation of PKR Activity by the Adaptor of the interaction between the adaptor protein Nck and the


(2). For all these processes to take place effectively, the ER environment

has to be monitored. If the influx of nascent, unfolded polypeptides

exceeds the folding and/or processing capacity of the ER, the

physiological function of the ER is perturbed (91). ER perturbation leads to

more accumulation of unfolded proteins in the ER, creating ER stress.

This results in the activation of signaling pathways that form the unfolded

protein response (UPR) (91, 92) (Figure 3). UPR involves the activation of

ER resident transmembrane proteins: Inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1),

double-stranded RNA activated protein kinase (PKR)-like ER kinase

(PERK), and activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6). Once they are

activated, their signaling pathways lead to the transcriptional regulation of

specific UPR target genes including, molecular chaperones, folding

catalysts, ER-associated degradation molecules (ERAD) and antioxidant

genes (91).

ATF6 is a type II transmembrane protein containing a basic leucine

zipper (bZIP) transcription factor in its cytosolic domain (93). Upon ER

stress, ATF6 is translocated to the Golgi complex. Site-1 protease (S1P)

cleaves ATF6 in the luminal domain and the N-terminal membrane

anchored half is cleaved by Site-2 protease (S2P). These proteolytic

reactions release the cytosolic (bZIP) domain, which translocates to the

nucleus to activate transcription of genes (93). Furthermore, IRE1 and

PERK are type I transmembrane proteins that dimerize to promote auto-

phosphorylation and activation upon ER stress (2). IRE1 is a

transmembrane protein with a cytosolic kinase and endoribonuclease

activities, and an ER luminal dimerization domain (94). Once IRE1 is

dimerized and auto-phosphorylated, its RNase domain is activated (95).

IRE1 cleaves mRNA that encodes a transcription factor X-binding protein-

1 (XBP-1) to produce XBP-1s (96, 97), which in turn activates the

transcription of UPR target genes. On the other hand, PERK, a ser/thr

protein kinase, once activated leads to the phosphorylation of the alpha

subunit of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2α), hence

Page 22: Mechanism of Modulation of PKR Activity by the Adaptor of the interaction between the adaptor protein Nck and the


translational attenuation (98). PERK-induced signaling pathway also leads

to the transcriptional activation of UPR target genes through up-regulation

of the CAP-independent translation of a transcription factor ATF4 (99).

PERK activation also leads to the phosphorylation of bZIP cap’ n ‘collar

transcription factor NF-E2 related factor (Nrf2), which contributes to

cellular redox homeostasis by inducing the expression of antioxidant

genes (100, 101).

Figure 3: ER stress and the Unfolded Protein Response (2)

Copyright © 2010 Simone Fulda et al.

Upon failure of UPR signaling to overcome ER stress, cells die

through ER stress-induced apoptosis. Three different pathways have been

found to be involved. One of which is caspase-4/caspase-12 pathway

where caspase-12 (103) is expressed in mice and caspase-4 (104) in

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humans. Caspase-12 has been shown to cleave caspase-9 without

activation of the Apaf-1/cytochrome c pathway (102). Another pathway

involved is the C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP) pathway, where CHOP

transcription factor induced downstream of PERK and ATF6 leads to the

suppression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 expression (105) and induction of Bim

expression (106). The last mode involved in ER stress-induced apoptosis

is the activation of JNK through IRE1 by binding to Traf2 and ASK1 (107,

108). In addition, glucose-regulated proteins (GRPs) induced by glucose

starvation are also transcriptionally induced by ER stress (109, 110).

GRPs include molecular chaperones of the ER such as GRP78/Bip,

GRP94, etc. GRPs promote cell survival to various stresses such as

ischemia (111), glutamate excitotoxicity (112) and neurodegeneration

(113). GRPs also play important roles in survival during early mammalian

development (112). Interestingly, recent studies have revealed the

existence of small compounds that mimic the function of GRPs and those

that induce endogenous GRPs to prevent protein aggregation and protect

cells against stress-inducing conditions such as ischemia or


1.2 eIF2α Kinases

Eukaryotic cells recognize and process diverse stress signals to

cope with the cellular damage or alternatively, induce cell death. An

important contributor to the alleviation of cellular injury is the family of

protein kinases that phosphorylate the α subunit of eIF2 on Ser51 residue.

In normal conditions, eIF2 is known to bind to initiator Met-

tRNAiMet (aminoacylated initiator methionyl-tRNA) and GTP, and

participate in ribosomal scanning for the start codon (114). After joining of

the small and large ribosomal subunits, GTP complexed with eIF2 is

hydrolysed to GDP, and eIF2-GDP is released from the translation

machinery. The GDP-bound eIF2 is recycled to active GTP-bound eIF2 by

a reaction catalyzed by the guanine nucleotide exchange factor eIF2B

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(114). When the cells are exposed to different stress conditions, eIF2α

kinases phosphorylate the α-subunit of eIF2 at Ser51 (Figure 4). This

phosphorylation changes the translation factor, eIF2, from a substrate to

an inhibitor of eIF2B by increasing its affinity to and sequestering eIF2B.

By lowering the levels of eIF2-GTP, general translation is attenuated

(114). Hence, this allows cells to have sufficient time to correct the stress

damage and selectively enhance gene-specific translation, such as the

transcription factor ATF4 (122-125), which plays an important role in

stress adaptation.

Figure 4: Regulation of eIF2 (126)

Pathway diagram reproduced courtesy of Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human

Development (

In this family, four kinases have been identified in mammals and

each contains its own regulatory regions to recognize different sets of

stress conditions (Figure 5). Heme-regulated inhibitor (HRI) or EIF2AK1 is

one of the eIF2α kinases which is activated by heme deprivation and

oxidative and heat stresses in erythroid tissues (119, 120). General control

non-derepressible-2 (GCN2) or EIF2AK4 is activated upon amino-acid

Page 25: Mechanism of Modulation of PKR Activity by the Adaptor of the interaction between the adaptor protein Nck and the


deprivation (115, 116). EIF2AK3 or PERK ((RNA-dependent protein

kinase)-like ER kinase) is activated in response to misfolded proteins in

the ER as described above (117). Lastly, RNA-dependent protein kinase

(PKR) or EIF2AK2 is induced by interferons and by viral dsRNA following

viral infections (118).



Figure 5 : A) Protein kinases, PKR, HRI (heme-regulated inhibitor), PERK and GCN2

are activated by different stress conditions; B) Domain structure of protein kinases, PKR, PERK, HRI and GCN2

Adapted from reference (127), Generated by Afnan Abu-Thuraia ©

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1.2.1 Heme-Regulated Inhibitor (HRI)

Iron and heme play a very important role in hemoglobin synthesis

and erythroid differentiation. The majority of iron in a human body is

present in heme iron. In addition, the most abundant hemoprotein,

hemoglobin, contains as much as 70% of total iron content in a healthy

body. Heme is not only a prosthetic group of proteins required for oxygen

transport and storage, respiration, and biosynthetic pathways, it is also

required for the regulation of gene expression by virtue of its ability to bind

Bach1, a transcription factor that functions in association with Maf proteins

(128, 129). Moreover, heme is also required for the control of translation in

erythroid precursors by modulating the eIF2α kinase activity of Heme-

regulated inhibitor (HRI) kinase (130). This regulation by heme of HRI

kinase is essential to repress translation of globin proteins in anemias due

to iron deficiency (131), erythropoietic protoporphyria, and β-thalassemia

(132). HRI has been discovered in reticulocytes under conditions of iron

and heme deficiencies. Later on, HRI was shown to be a heme-regulated

kinase that phosphorylates the α-subunit of eIF2 at Ser51. Under iron and

heme deficiencies, protein translation is halted at initiation with

disaggregation of polysomes. HRI, which senses intracellular heme

concentration, gets activated by multiple autophosphorylation upon heme

deficiencies (134). The first autophosphorylation reaction, happening once

HRI is newly synthesized, stabilizes HRI and prevents its aggregation.

This makes HRI an autokinase, but not yet an eIF2α kinase. The second

autophosphorylation reaction is required to form a stable HRI that can

dimerize and is heme-regulated (133). Under heme abundance, heme is

bound to HRI and keeps it inactive (135) (Figure 6). Upon heme

deficiency, the third stage of autophosphorylation takes place on Thr485

leading to its’ eIF2α kinase activation and hence phosphorylation of

eIF2αSer51 and attenuation of protein synthesis (Figure 6). HRI is

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inhibited following heme repletion and HRI that is no longer heme-

regulated is then degraded (136).

Figure 6: HRI balances heme and globin synthesis by sensing intracellular heme

concentrations Adapted from reference (137)

Previous studies have revealed the importance of HRI in vivo in

regulation of protein synthesis in erythroid precursors. Using hri-/- mice,

they demonstrated that hri-/- reticulocytes had higher rate of globin protein

synthesis compared to hri+/+ reticulocytes (131), hence its essence in

ensuring balanced synthesis of globins and heme. Due to its important

role in differentiation of erythroids, the regulation of HRI is tightly

controlled. The autophosphorylation and eIF2α kinase activities of HRI are

inhibited by hemin with an apparent inhibition constant Ki of 0.2µM (131,

140). Once hemin is bound to HRI, it blocks the binding of ATP to HRI in a

concentration dependent manner (141).

Figure 7: Domain Structure of HRI


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Adapted from reference (137) HRI contains two regions where heme molecules bind, one in the N-

terminus and the other in the kinase insert (Figure 7). Heme-binding

region in the N-terminus is nearly saturated with stably bound heme and is

co-purified with HRI, while the other binding region is available for

exogenous heme and is reversible (140). The second site is responsible

for the down-regulation of HRI kinase activity. In addition to that, the N-

terminus is required for achieving higher eIF2α kinase activity, although it

is not essential for the kinase activity of HRI. N-terminus is also required

for the highly sensitive heme regulation of HRI. Histidine residues 75 and

120 in the N-terminus (Figure 7) were shown to be respectively proximal

and distal heme ligands (138, 139). Their mutation to Alanine further

underscored the significant importance of heme in the N-terminus for the

down-regulation of HRI activity.

Other HRI activators have also been identified. These include

arsenite-induced oxidative stress, osmotic shock and heat shock (134).

Arsenite-induced activation of HRI involves reactive oxygen species and

requires molecular chaperones such as hsp70 and hsp90 (134). NO was

also shown to activate HRI whereas CO was shown to prevent its

activation (142). NO activation of HRI requires HRI N-terminus domain to

be loaded with heme (139).

Additional studies have shown that in iron-deficiency anemia, HRI is

critical in determining red blood cell size, cell number and hemoglobin

content per cell. In addition, HRI is also responsible for the adaptation of

microcytic hypochromic anemia in iron deficiency (137). In the case of

erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) and β-thalassemia (132), studies have

indicated that HRI may be a significant modifier gene contributing to EPP

disease severity, particularly in the development of hepatic pathology

(143, 144).

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1.2.2 General Control Non-derepressible-2 (GCN2)

During times of energy deprivation, the mammal goes through

complex metabolic responses to promote survival. Some of these

responses include the usage of triglycerides storage from adipose tissue

to provide energy in the form of fatty acids and ketone bodies (145). In

addition to that, protein degradation rates are increased in order to

increase the levels of amino acid precursors (145). These will provide

continued availability of essential amino acids that can be used to

synthesize essential proteins that are required to cope with the stress of

energy deprivation. In liver, the pathways that regulate lipid balance upon

energy deprivation have resulted in enhanced glycogenolysis,

gluconeogenesis, fatty-acid oxidation and ketone body formation (145).

Many responses of organisms and cells to amino acid deprivation have

also been characterized. Several studies have shown that GCN2 protein is

the main regulator of cellular responses to amino acid deprivation (154).

GCN2 was first identified in yeast, as a ser/thr protein kinase that

phosphorylates the α-subunit of the translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2) at

Ser51 (155-157). GCN2 eIF2α kinase is activated by uncharged tRNAs

which accumulate following amino acid deprivation (152, 155). Upon

phosphorylation of eIF2α on Ser51, global translation is attenuated to

ensure that sufficient amount of amino acids are available to support cell

growth and function (Figure 8). However, transcription and translation of

stress-inducible genes is up-regulated by the modification of eIF2α (148).

Upon GCN2 activation, translation of GCN4 is up-regulated in yeast.

GCN4 is a transcription activator of genes involved in amino acid

biosynthesis to ensure that cells have an adequate supply of amino acids

for protein synthesis during times of stress (152).

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Figure 8: GCN2 pathway of activation (145)

Reprinted from reference 145 with permission Copyright © Elsevier

Mechanisms of GCN2 activation upon amino acid deprivation were

studied. GCN2 contains a domain homologous to histidyl-tRNA synthetase

(HisRS), an enzyme responsible for charging histidyl-tRNA with histidine

(150). This domain in GCN2 lacks the synthetase activity and some

residues that are critical for histidine-specific binding (150). It has been

proposed that in yeast, uncharged tRNA that are accumulated upon amino

acid limitations, bind to this HisRS-related domain in GCN2 and lead to the

activation of its catalytic domain (152, 153) (Figure 8).

A GCN2 ortholog in mammals is also found to be activated upon

amino acid deprivation (146, 147). In addition, the mechanism of

transcriptional activation of GCN4 gene expression seems to be

conserved through out eukaryotic evolution. In mammals, upon amino acid

deprivation, GCN2 is activated and the translation of the transcription

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factor ATF4 is up-regulated. ATF4 activates the transcription of CHOP,

another transcription factor that regulates the expression of stress-induced

target genes (147). Although, GCN2 knockout mice under normal

conditions had no apparent phenotype (148), under amino acid deprived

states, they showed poor adaptation (148). Other studies have revealed

additional conditions activating GCN2 such as serum deprivation (146)

and UV irradiation (149), implicating GCN2 in other stress-induced

pathways. In addition, methylglyoxal, ubiquitous 2-oxoaldehyde derived

from glycolysis, has been shown to attenuate protein synthesis in yeast

through eIF2α phosphorylation mediated by GCN2 (159). Furthermore,

GCN2 eIF2α kinase activity is regulated by a complex formed of

GCN1/GCN20 (158, 161). This complex shows structural similarity to

eEF3, a factor important for the binding of tRNAs to ribosomes (158, 161).

The GCN1/GCN20 complex interacts with GCN2 by binding to its N-

terminus. This binding is proposed to facilitate the transfer of tRNAs from

ribosomal A site to the HisRS-related domain on GCN2 to result in its

activation (158, 161).

1.2.3 PKR (RNA-dependent protein kinase)-like ER kinase (PERK)

Perturbation of the ER homeostasis resulting in accumulation of

unfolded proteins modulates translation initiation by activating the ER

transmembrane ser/thr protein kinase PERK (163-165). Activated PERK,

as member of the eIF2α kinases family, is well known to phosphorylate

eIF2α on Ser51 (162). Concurrently, PERK is also known to induce

specific translation of stress-induced genes, such as the ATF4

transcription factor (166).

PERK has a luminal domain, similar to the ER-stress-sensing

luminal domain of IRE1, which acts as its regulatory domain, and a

cytoplasmic portion that contains a protein kinase domain most similar to

that of the known eIF2α kinases, PKR and HRI (163). Several studies

have shown that PERK oligomerization is critical for its activation by ER

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stress. This is followed by PERK autophosphorylation at different sites,

one being Thr980 in the activation loop, and this results in facilitating the

binding of ATP and eIF2α (167, 168). Moreover, as for IRE1 in unstressed

conditions, PERK is bound to the ER chaperone BiP/GRP78 (169). After

the onset of ER stress, unfolded proteins compete with PERK for BiP

binding which release free PERK allowing its’ dimerization and

autophosphorylation (Figure 9). Once ER stress is over, BiP re-associates

with PERK and results in PERK dephosphorylation/inactivation. Hence,

PERK binding to BiP is dynamic and reversible (169).

Figure 9: Model for activation of PERK in response to ER stress (166)

Reprinted from reference 166 with permission Copyright © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

A central regulator for eIF2α kinases stress response is the

transcriptional activator ATF4 (173). Translation repression by PERK

leads to increased expression of ATF4 in response to ER stress (173). In

addition to ATF4, other genes regulated by PERK activation are known to

be involved in an array of diverse cellular functions, including folding and

processing of secretory proteins, clearance of misfolded secretory proteins

by the ERAD pathway, glutathione biosynthesis and control of the cellular

redox status, mitochondrial function, amino acid synthesis and import, and

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regulation of signaling, apoptosis and transcription (166). PERK then

directs the UPR transcriptional program by mechanisms independent of

ATF4. An example of this is the protein p58IPK encoded by ER stressed

cells. P58IPK, transcriptionally induced by the UPR under the control of an

ER stress-response element (ERSE) in its promoter (172), triggers a

negative feedback mechanism by binding and inhibiting PERK (172). This

will lead to translational recovery and enhancing the expression of genes

to increase the capacity of the ER to process client proteins. Furthermore,

NF-κB activation is induced by PERK-induced phosphorylation of eIF2α in

response to ER stress (170, 174-178). Due to the reduction in global

protein synthesis, the translation of IκBα, an inhibitor of NF-κB, is

significantly reduced and consequently, this leads to an increase in free

and active NF-κB (170, 174-178).

In addition to eIF2α, PERK phosphorylates the transcription factor

Nrf2 (171). In unstressed conditions, Nrf2 is present in the cytoplasm in

complex with Keap1 (171, 179). PERK-dependent phosphorylation of Nrf2

is both sufficient and necessary for Nrf2/Keap1 complex dissociation and

subsequent nuclear import of Nrf2 to activate gene transcription. Nrf2

phosphorylation inhibits its re-association with Keap1 in vitro (171). Hence,

Nrf2 is believed to be an important effector of PERK-mediated cell survival

in response to ER stress.

Finally, PERK is widely expressed with higher expression levels in

pancreas (162). Interestingly, genetic studies have revealed that PERK

deficiency caused by the loss of PERK catalytic activity is the underlying

cause behind the pancreatic insufficiency in Wolcott-Rallison Syndrome,

an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by neonatal or early

infancy type 1 diabetes, epiphyseal dysplasia, and growth retardation

(180). A role for PERK in pancreatic endocrine function has been further

supported by PERK KO mice, in which atrophy of the exocrine pancreas,

as well as loss of the insulin-secreting β-cells of the endocrine pancreas

were observed in the PERK-deficient animals (269).

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1.2.4 RNA-dependent Protein Kinase (PKR)

PKR is a 551 amino acid protein consisting of two RNA binding

motifs (RBMs) at its N-terminus and a ser/thr protein kinase domain at its

C-terminus. In absence of stress, PKR is hypothesized to be kept in a

monomeric latent state due to the auto-inhibitory function of its RBMs,

which occlude the kinase domain and in this manner regulate PKR

activation (211) (Figure 11). As a consequence of viral infection and

accumulation of viral dsRNA (at least 30 bps in length), dsRNA binds to

RBMs leading to PKR dimerization. Dimerized PKR undergoes

conformational changes that relieve the auto-inhibition, induce PKR

activation, and allow substrate recognition and phosphorylation. Upon

dsRNA binding, PKR phosphorylates eIF2α at Ser51 (190, 191), resulting

in attenuation of translation (189). The most characterized role of PKR is

to inhibit translation initiation of viral mRNA through the phosphorylation of

eIF2α at Ser51 (188), a reaction conserved from yeast to mammals.

PKR is induced by interferons (IFNs) and plays a role in the antiviral

defense mechanism as a translation inhibitor (184). IFNs of type I (IFNα/β)

induce the expression of PKR through the activation of a highly conserved

13-bp sequence of the IFN stimulated responsive element (ISRE) on the

PKR promoter (207). In addition to mediating a critical role in response to

dsRNA, thus acting as a sensor of viral infections, PKR is switched on by

a set of other activators, such as proinflammatory stimuli, growth factors,

cytokines, and oxidative stress (192). In agreement with multiple

conditions activating PKR, it integrates and transmits signals to various

factors such as STAT, interferon regulatory factor 1 (IRF-1), p53, Jun N-

terminal protein kinase (JNK), and p38, as well as engaging the NF-κB

pathway (Figure 10). NF-κB is a transcription factor that is retained in the

cytosol by binding to IκBs, inhibitory proteins of NF-κB. Upon activation of

PKR by dsRNA, large IκB kinase (IKK) is activated by phosphorylation,

resulting in phosphorylation of IκB and IκB preferential degradation (202),

releasing NF-κB which is translocated to the nucleus to activate the

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transcription of genes involved in the immune response, inflammatory

response, cell adhesion, cell growth and apoptosis (202).

Figure 10: Signalling pathways involving PKR (227)

Reprinted from reference 227 with permission Copyright © Nature Publishing Group

In addition to eIF2α, PKR phosphorylates the human protein

phosphatase 2A (PP2A) regulatory subunit B56α (215). It was found that

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B56α interacts with PKR in a kinase dependent manner. Upon

phosphorylation of B56α, the activity of PP2A trimeric holoenzyme is

increased (215) and mediates PKR biological effects besides translation

control, such as transcription and apoptosis (215).

PKR has been also implicated in cell growth regulation and

tumorigenesis that rely on control of apoptosis in vivo (204). In fact, over-

expression of PKR in murine cells induces apoptosis in response to

dsRNA, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), serum deprivation or TNF-α treatment

(203, 205). In contrast, cells over-expressing the catalytically inactive PKR

∆6 were completely resistant to dsRNA and TNF-α-induced apoptosis

(206), demonstrating that PKR kinase activity is required. Moreover, PKR

induces expression of tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) family and of

pro-apoptotic proteins such as Bax (206). Hence, PKR mediates

expression of pro-apoptotic genes regulated by dsRNA and probably

functions in interferon-mediated host defense to trigger cell death in

response to virus infection. However, a variety of human malignancies

have developed ways to inhibit PKR activity by expressing or activating

cellular PKR inhibitors, one of which is nucleophosmin (NPM), a

multifunctional nucleolar protein usually over-expressed in a several

malignancies (214) that binds and inhibits PKR (214). In addition, PKR is a

p53 target gene, regardless of viral infection or type I IFN stimulation, and

plays an important role in the tumor suppressor function of p53, in part

through inhibition of translation and induction of cell apoptosis. PKR could

interact directly with the C-terminal part of p53 and phosphorylate p53 on

the Ser392 residue, to induce its activity (228). The ability of p53 to cause

cell cycle arrest and regulate transcription of target genes is impaired in

PKR−/− MEFs. Several other studies have reported that PKR promotes

proteosomal degradation of p53 in association with glycogen synthase

kinase 3 (GSK-3β) and Mdm-2 independently of translational control (208).

These results indicate that p53-induced PKR expression conversely plays

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a role in the feedback down-regulation of p53. This could be considered as

a homeostatic control of p53-mediated PKR enhancements (210).

PKR modulates STAT proteins (signal transducers and activators of

transcription) function. PKR and STAT1 form a complex that is not

dependent on PKR catalytic activity but requires RBMs of PKR (229). It

has been suggested that this interaction leads to the inhibition of STAT1

DNA binding activity. PKR does not phosphorylate STAT1 directly but

seems to control a kinase cascade in which ERK2 is the kinase

phosphorylating STAT1 (230). In addition to that, PKR is shown to

associate with STAT3, leading to full STAT3 activation in response to

PDGF stimulation (231). STAT3 phosphorylation on Tyr and Ser residues,

which is necessary for full activation, is PKR dependent. As proposed for

STAT1, PKR regulates ERK activation ultimately involved in STAT3

phosphorylation (231). Moreover, PKR is an activator of signaling

cascades involved in stress-activated protein kinases and is shown to

mediate JNK and p38 activation in response to specific stimuli (232) where

their full activation is dependent on PKR. As p38 MAPK is a master

regulator that controls several transcription factors, such as NF-κB, ATF-2,

and STAT1, PKR might play an important role in these transcriptional

pathways (233).

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Figure 11: Schematic representation of PKR activation (211)

Reprinted from reference 211 with permission Copyright © American Society for Microbiology

PKR dimerization may be mediated in part through the RBMs,

either through direct protein-protein interactions in this region (196, 197),

or through dsRNA bridging the protein subunits (198, 199). After

homodimerization, PKR undergoes rapid autophosphorylation at Thr446

and Thr451 in the activation loop, stabilizing the dimerization, in turn

increasing PKR catalytic activity (210). Given important roles played by

PKR in various cellular processes, the activity of this kinase must be tightly

regulated. Several viruses have developed mechanisms in order to

repress PKR activity (Table 1). Examples include the adenovirus-encoded

VAI RNA, which forms an inhibitory complex with PKR by functioning as a

competitive inhibitor of dsRNA binding (219). Both retrovirus and rotavirus

encode virus-specific dsRNA binding proteins to sequester dsRNA from

PKR. In addition, the 88-amino acid K3L gene product of vaccinia virus,

K3L, and the tat gene product of human immunodeficiency virus type-1

(HIV-1), physically interact with PKR, resulting in inhibition of PKR kinase

activity during viral infection (212, 220). In fact, K3L was shown to interact

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with PKR catalytic domain to form a complex that interferes with active-site

function and/or substrate association (212). Another gene product of

vaccinia virus, E3L (221), is also known to inhibit PKR by binding to and

sequestering dsRNA. E3L also inhibits PKR by directly interacting with

PKR leading to heterodimer formation (221). Moreover, influenza virus

encoded protein NS1, which has dsRNA binding domains is known to

sequester dsRNA away from PKR to prevent its activation (222). Also,

NS1 interacts with PKR to form an inhibitory complex (223). Recently, it

was uncovered that influenza virus uses a novel mechanism to repress

PKR activity by activating the cellular inhibitor of PKR, p58IPK (224-226).

On the other hand, non-dsRNA molecules including heparin and

polyanions such as, dextran sulfate, chondroitin sulfate and poly (L-

glutamine) have been shown to activate PKR (200). Recently, a protein

named RAX that activates PKR has been identified in mice where its

human orthologue is called PACT (201). It contains three dsRNA binding

motifs (RBMs) where the first two RBMs of PACT heterodimerize with

PKR via its RBMs, leading to PKR activation in absence of dsRNA (201).

The third RBM of PACT binds weakly to the kinase domain of PKR and

promotes its activation. In contrary, the activity of PKR kinase is regulated

in part by, association with specific inhibitory proteins such as p58IPK, a

cellular protein of the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) family (212). P58IPK is

known to repress the activation and activity of PKR by interacting with the

ATP-binding region of the catalytic domain. Hence, by forming a complex

with PKR, p58IPK interferes with nucleotide binding and autoregulation

(212). Another mechanism negatively regulating PKR involves the catalytic

subunit of protein phosphatase 1α (PP1C) (213). PP1C reduced PKR

autophosphorylation activity by directly interacting with PKR N-terminal

regulatory region regardless of dsRNA binding (213). PP1C reduced PKR

enzymatic activity by promoting PKR dephosphorylation and subsequent

disruption of PKR dimers. Overall, regulation of PKR must be an important

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process due to PKR’s significant role in many cellular processes that could

be detrimental to a cell. Table 1: Viral products that inhibit PKR activation and/or eIF2α phosphorylation

(211) Reprinted from reference 211 with permission Copyright © American Society for Microbiology

1.3 Nck Adaptor Proteins

1.3.1 Nck gene and proteins

A cDNA encoding the non-catalytic region of tyrosine kinase protein

(Nck-1) has been first randomly isolated from a human melanoma library

(234). This cDNA coded for a 377 amino acid protein composed of three

Src-homology 3 (SH3) domains at its N-terminus and one C-terminus Src-

homology 2 (SH2) domain (234). More recently, a second Nck related

cDNA encoding Nck-2 has been identified from a mouse embryonic cDNA

expression library (237). Nck proteins are the products of different genes:

human Nck-1 is localized to the locus q21 of chromosome 3 while Nck-2 to

chromosome 2 at locus q12. Nck-1 and Nck-2 display 68% identity at the

amino acid level (235) (Figure 12) and the amino acid variations fall largely

into the interval sequences between the SH domains. Moreover, Nck-1

and Nck-2 are to some extent functionally redundant and neither Nck-1

nor Nck-2 knock-out mice exhibit an apparent phenotype whereas double

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knock-out mice die in utero (270). Moreover, only a single Nck-like gene

has been identified in several invertebrate species, including Xenopus

(Nck), Drosophila (Dock) (236) and C. elegans (235), suggesting that the

function of Nck might be evolutionary conserved. Mutations in Dock gene

in Drosophila photoreceptor cells (R cells) disrupt axon guidance and

targeting in the developing nervous system (236).

Figure 12: Modular composition of Nck adapter proteins (238)

Copyright © 2009 Lettau et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

1.3.2 Nck interaction partners and functions

Studies over the last few years in mammals and invertebrates have

indicated that the main cellular function of Nck is to link activated cell

surface receptors to actin cytoskeleton reorganization involved in various

biological responses such as axon pathfinding, migration, chemotaxis and

endocytosis. Nck was detected in complexes with PDGF receptor

(PDGFR), VEGF receptor (VEGFR), Hepatocyte growth factor receptor

(HGFR), EGF receptor (EGFR) and Ephrin receptor (EphB1) where the

interaction between Nck-1/Nck-2 and the activated receptor tyrosine

kinases is mediated through the SH2 domain of Nck and a

phosphotyrosine residue in the receptors (239-241). Nck-1 has also been

shown to bind tyrosine phopshorylated proteins such as insulin receptor

substrate-1 (IRS-1) (271), p130-Cas (242) and the GTPase-activating

protein (GAP)-associated protein p62dok (243). All together, these

observations suggest that Nck participates in signal transduction at the

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level of receptors or at the level of proteins recruited downstream in

specific signaling pathways.

Nck also contributes to signal transduction by interacting with

proteins through its SH3 domains, which bind to proline and hydrophobic

rich motifs (246). The Abl tyrosine kinase was the first shown to bind to the

SH3 domains of Nck-1 and this lead to Abl activation (244). A stable

complex between Nck-1 (SH3) and the Ras guanine nucleotide exchange

factor Sos was demonstrated in cells. This suggests a role for Nck-1 in

linking receptor tyrosine kinases to Ras activation (245) for Nck to

participate in the control of gene expression and proliferation. Moreover,

two Nck-SH3-binding proteins, PAK1 (middle SH3) and neuronal Wiskott -

Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP) (third SH3), have been implicated in

signal transduction by Rho GTPases such as Rac and Cdc42, in

regulating actin cytoskeleton (247). N-WASP is known to interact with

GTP-bound Cdc42 and cluster in polymerized actin structures at the

membrane level (248). Evidence supports that Nck plays a role in

translocating N-WASP from the cytoplasm to the plasma membrane, via

its interaction with receptor tyrosine kinases, and then would facilitate

N-WASP interaction with Cdc42 (248). Similarly, PAK1-induced actin

reorganization requires Nck binding (249). Activated PDGFR recruits

PAK1 to the cell membrane via Nck. As described for N-WASP, the role of

Nck is to target PAK1 to the plasma membrane, where PAK1 interacts

with the GTP-bound Rac1/Cdc42 (250), resulting in further increase in

PAK1 kinase activity (251).

Upon PDGF and EFG stimulation, Nck has been reported to be

phosphorylated on serine, threonine and tyrosine residues (240, 261)

mapped in the intervening sequence between the first and second SH3

domains (240). In addition, protein kinase A (PKA) and C (PKC) appear to

phosphorylate Nck on serine residues (240) however, the functional

relevance of Nck phosphorylation has still to be established.

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In T-cells, Nck plays a pivotal role in T-cell receptor (TCR)-

mediated re-organization of the actin cytoskeleton as well as in the

formation of immunological synapses. Upon activation of T-cells, Nck is

recruited to a membrane proximal site via interaction with the tyrosine-

phosphorylated adaptor SLP76, providing a scaffold for the WASP-

dependent actin remodeling machinery (252-254). Nck is also directly

recruited to the CD3ε component of the TCR in an activation-dependent

manner (255), where the interaction between Nck and CD3ε is mediated

by the first SH3 domain of Nck. However, the role of the CD3ε-Nck

interaction is disputed (255-258).

1.3.3 Role of Nck in regulating eIF2α phosphorylation and cell

response to stress

In the past years, our laboratory has uncovered a novel role for

Nck-1 in modulating protein translation through its direct interaction with

an intrinsic component of the translational machinery (263). In fact, we

have shown that Nck-1 directly interacts with the C-terminal region of the

β-subunit of the eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF2β) via its first and third

SH3 domains (263). We detected the complex Nck-1-eIF2β in enriched

ribosomal fractions and shown that the levels of Nck associated with

ribosomes is dynamically regulated by insulin (263). Furthermore, we

demonstrated that over-expression of Nck-1 increases protein translation

through the same domains that it uses to bind eIF2β (263). This suggests

that Nck-1 modulates translation through interaction with eIF2β. In

addition, our work has revealed that the PERK arm of the unfolded protein

response (UPR) induced by ER stress pharmacological drugs like

tunicamycin or thapsigargin treatment that result in phosphorylation of

eIF2α at Ser51 and inhibition of protein translation, is modulated by Nck1

(264) (Figure 13). In addition, we found that Nck-1 over-expression

decreased basal and ER stress-induced eIF2α phosphorylation and

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further induction of ATF4 and CHOP. We identified Nck-1 in a complex

with the serine/threonine protein phosphatase 1c (PP1c) (264). Therefore,

we proposed that Nck-1 contributes to maintain eIF2α dephosphorylated

and then indirectly promotes protein synthesis by recruiting PP1c in close

proximity to eIF2.

Figure 13: Schematic model of the regulation of translation by Nck-1 during ER

stress (260) Copyright © 2004, by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

In parallel, our group has provided strong evidence that Nck-1 also

regulates eIF2αSer51 phosphorylation by other eIF2α kinases, except

GCN2 (265). Given Nck-1 effects on eIF2αSer51 phosphorylation are not

universal to all eIF2α kinases, this suggests that more than one

mechanism could exist. In fact, we discovered that Nck-1 efficiently

prevents PKR activation, suggesting that Nck-1 acts at the PKR level,

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rather or in addition to that of eIF2α (266). This was further supported by

showing that Nck-1 also impaired other PKR-induced signaling pathways

than eIF2αSer51 phosphorylation, where Nck-1 decreased PKR-mediated

p38 MAPK activation and greatly attenuated dsRNA-induced cell death

(266). We showed that the inhibition of PKR activation by Nck-1 was

reversible, since it could be neutralized by significant high levels of dsRNA

achieving a robust activation of PKR (266). Finally, we provided evidence

that upon PKR activation, Nck-1 is released based on the observation that

Nck-1 interacts only with inactive PKR. Combined to the observation that

Nck-1 was phosphorylated by PKR in an in vitro reaction, we proposed the

following model: In normal conditions, Nck-1 is bound to PKR to buffer

PKR activation in order to avoid inappropriate spontaneous PKR activation

and signaling that could be detrimental. In response to viral infection or

any condition that triggers significant PKR activation, Nck-1 is released

from PKR due to PKR change in conformation or alternatively following

PKR-mediated phosphorylation of Nck-1.

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Previously our laboratory has reported that Nck-1 modulates eIF2α

phosphorylation by HRI, PERK and PKR, but not GCN2, demonstrating

that Nck-1’s regulation of eIF2α phosphorylation is specific to a subset of

eIF2α kinases. To delineate the mechanism underlying the effect of Nck-1,

we focused on Nck-1’s modulation of eIF2α phosphorylation by PKR. To

our surprise, we discovered that Nck-1 limits PKR activation induced by

dsRNA (Figure 1) and impairs other PKR downstream signaling events

than eIF2α phosphorylation and also protects cells against dsRNA-

induced cell death (266).

Figure 1: Nck-1 reduces PKR activation induced by dsRNA (266)

In addition, we provided evidence that Nck-1 binds the inactive form of

PKR, and is an in vitro substrate of PKR (266). From these results, we

proposed that Nck-1, in complex with inactive PKR, limits PKR activation

in absence of significant stress (dsRNA), but once PKR is activated by

high levels of dsRNA, Nck-1 dissociates from PKR, allowing full PKR

activation. My hypothesis is that during the process of PKR activation by

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dsRNA, PKR phosphorylates Nck-1 and in this manner, promotes PKR-

Nck-1 dissociation. In this thesis, my research objectives were to a) define

the molecular determinants mediating the interaction between Nck-1 and

inactive PKR; and b) provide evidence that Nck-1 is a substrate of PKR in

vivo. My first objective included classical in vitro pull down and co-

immunoprecipitation assays involving Nck-1 and PKR proteins in their wild

type and/or truncated/mutated forms, with dsRNA stimulation when PKR

activation was required. To achieve my second objective, determining

whether Nck-1 is substrate of PKR in vivo, PKR+/+ and -/- mouse embryonic

fibroblasts (MEFs) challenged with or without dsRNA have been analyzed

for Nck-1 phosphorylation using a novel technology that allow separation

of phosphorylated from non phosphorylated proteins in SDS-PAGE and

western blotting. Using the same approach, I have confirmed Nck-1

phosphorylation in HEK 293 cells over-expressing wild type form of PKR.

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Cell culture and Transfection Cos-7 and Hela cells were grown in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium

(DMEM) (GIBCO™ invitrogen corporation, Grand Island, NY, USA)

supplemented with antibiotics, Antibiotic-Antimycotic (Anti-Anti) (GIBCO™

invitrogen corporation, Grand Island, NY, USA) and 10% heat-inactivated

fetal bovine serum (FBS) (GIBCO™ invitrogen corporation, Grand Island,

NY, USA) at 37ºC in 5% CO2/ 95% O2. 80% confluent cells grown in

60mm dishes were transfected using Lipofectamine-Plus reagent

(Invitrogen™, Carlsbad, CA, USA) according to the manufacturer’s


PKR activation 24 hrs after transfection, PKR was activated by transfecting the cells again

for 2 hrs with synthetic double-stranded RNA (poly I:C, amount indicated

in the figures) (InvivoGen©, San Diego, CA, USA) using Lipofectamine-

Plus reagent according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Cell lysate preparation and Immunoblot analysis Cells were washed once with cold 1x Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS)

and lysed in ice-cold lysis buffer (50mM Hepes (pH 7.5), 150mM NaCl,

10% glycerol, 1% Triton X-100, 1.5mM MgCl2, 1mM EGTA, 10mM sodium

pyrophosphate, 10mM sodium fluoride) supplemented with protease

inhibitors (10µg/mL aprotinin, 10µg/mL leupeptin, 1mM PMSF, 200µM

activated sodium orthovanadate). Cell lysates were centrifuged at 13,000

rpm for 10 min at 4ºC. Supernatants were subjected to Bradford assay

(Bio-Rad® Laboratories, Inc, Hercules, CA, USA) for protein quantification.

Protein concentrations were normalized with lysis buffer and 6X Laemmli

buffer and samples were then heated at 90ºC for 5 min.

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Western Blotting and Antibodies Equal amount of total cell lysate proteins (10-50µg) were resolved by

SDS-PAGE on 10% acrylamide gels and transferred onto polyvinylidene

difluoride (PVDF) membranes (Bio-Rad® Laboratories, Inc, Hercules, CA,

USA) to be immunoblotted with specific antibodies. PKR phosphorylation

was assessed by using the PKR pT446 antibody [E120] (Abcam, Inc®,

Cambridge, MA, USA) and eIF2αSer51 phosphorylation was detected by a

phosphospecific antibody directed against eIF2αSer51 (Invitrogen™,

Camarillo, CA, USA). Total eIF2α (FL-315), HA-probe (F-7)

(immunoprecipitation), HA-probe (Y-11) (western blotting), and PKR (K-

17) were purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc®, CA, USA. To

detect Flag-tagged PKR, an anti-FLAG antibody (M2, SIGMA®, St. Louis,

MO, USA) was used. Anti-Myc antibody (clone 9E10) was purchased from

Upstate® (Millipore™, CA, USA). Nck-1 and Nck-2 specific polyclonal

antibodies were generated in rabbits using a GST-fusion protein encoding

Nck-1 and Nck-2 specific amino acid sequence located between the third



Nck antibody generation was described previously (267). Secondary

antibodies used were goat anti-rabbit, goat anti-mouse or Protein A

conjugated horseradish peroxydase (GAR-HRP, GAM-HRP and Prot A-

HRP) (Bio-Rad® Laboratories, Inc, Hercules, CA, USA). Signal detection

was performed using ECL Plus (Enhanced Chemiluminescence, GE

Healthcare©, Buckinghamshire, UK) according to the manufacturers’


Phospho-affinity polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Phos-tag™ acrylamide (AAL-107; NARD Institute, Amagasaki, Japan) was

prepared at 5 mM in water as stock solutions. The composition of the

resolving phospho-affinity SDS-polyacrylamide mini-gels containing

acrylamide-pendant Mn2+-Phos-tag ligand was the following: 8.25%

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acrylamide, 0.375M Tris-HCl pH 8.8, 50µM Phos-tag™, 100µM MnCl2,

0.15% ammonium persulfate and 0.003% Tetramethylethylenediamine

(TEMED). Stacking gel was prepared according to the protocol used in

usual SDS-PAGE. The gels were run at 90V for 3 hrs and then soaked in

transfer buffer supplemented with 1mM of EDTA for 10min. Subsequently,

gels were washed with transfer buffer with no EDTA for 10min at room

temperature before proteins were transferred to polyvinylidene difluoride

(PVDF) membranes (Bio-Rad® Laboratories, Inc, Hercules, CA, USA) to

be immunoblotted with pan Nck antibody (267) as previously described.

Immunoprecipitation Cos-7 cells were treated with 2mM of the crosslinker agent

Dithiobis(succinimidyl)propionate (DSP) (Thermo Scientific®, Pierce

Biotechnology, Rockford, IL, USA) for 30 min at room temperature. Cells

were then washed with a Stop buffer (50mM Tris pH 7.4) and lysed in

RIPA buffer (50mM Hepes pH 7.4, 1% Triton X-100, 1% sodium

deoxycholate, 0.1% SDS, 150mM NaCl, 10% glycerol, 1.5mM MgCl2,

1mM EGTA, 10mM sodium pyrophosphate, 100mM sodium fluoride)

supplemented with protease inhibitors (1mM sodium orthovanadate,

10µg/mL leupeptin, 10µg/mL aprotinin, 10µg/mL Pefabloc SC, 10µg/mL

DTT). PKR was immunoprecipitated from 1.3mg of protein extracts using

lysates normalized at 1µg/µl with RIPA buffer and following overnight

incubation at 4ºC with 3 µg of anti-HA antibody. Protein A-agarose beads

(80 µL of 25% slurry solution) were added to the samples and further

incubated with agitation for 1 hr at 4ºC. Further on, beads were collected

by centrifugation (1 min, 13000 rpm at RT°), washed three times with

RIPA buffer and re-suspended in 60 µl of 2X Laemmli. Samples were

heated for 5 min at 90ºC and loaded on a 10% acrylamide gel for

SDS-PAGE and western blotting.

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Pull-down Assay Cos-7 cell lysates were harvested in pull-down lysis buffer (10mM Tris-HCl

pH 7.5, 50mM KCl, 2mM MgCl2, 1% Triton X-100, 10mM sodium

pyrophosphate, 100mM sodium fluoride, 1mM DTT, 17.5mM β-

glycerophosphate, 4µg/mL aprotinin, 2µg/mL leupeptin, 100µg/mL PMSF,

1mM benzamidine). 4.5mg of proteins from lysate were incubated with

recombinant GST (20µg) or GST-Nck-1 proteins (20µg) previously

expressed in bacteria and immobilized on glutathione-agarose beads. This

incubation was done at 4ºC for 2 hrs. Proteins bound on beads were

collected, washed three times using pull-down buffer and re-suspended in

60 µL of 2X Laemmli buffer. Samples were heated for 5 min at 90ºC and

processed for western blotting with appropriate antibodies. Recombinant

protein expression was detected by Ponceau staining the membrane after

western blotting.

PKR plasmid construction Wild type C-terminal segment of PKR (amino acid 249 to 551) and the

mutant K296R C-terminal (amino acid 249 to 551) of PKR were amplified

using the forward primer containing a start codon and a HindIII restriction


primer that lacks a stop codon and has an XbaI restriction site (5’


pcDNA3.1 Flag-PKR wt and GST-PKR K296R mutant, respectively. Wild

type N-terminal (amino acid 1 to 248) of PKR was amplified using the

forward primer containing a start codon and a HindIII restriction site (5’


lacks a stop codon and has an XbaI restriction site (5’


cycles (94ºC 5 min, 94ºC 1 min, 55ºC 40 sec, 72ºC 40 sec) followed by a

final extension at 72ºC for 10 min. PCR products were separated on 1%

agarose gel containing ethidium bromide and PCR products purified using

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QIAquick® PCR purification kit (50) (QIAGEN Sciences®, Maryland, USA).

Purified PCR products along with the vector pcDNA 3.1(+) Myc-His

version B (Invitrogen™, Carlsbad, CA, USA) were then double digested by

HindIII and XbaI at 37ºC for 2 hrs. Digested inserts were gel purified and

ligated with the vector at room temperature for 1 hr at 1:3 vector:insert

ratio. 2 µL of the ligation reaction were used to transform 40 µl of DH5α

electrocompotent cells using electroporation. Electroporation was carried

at 20 µF capacitance, 2.0 kV voltage and 200 ohms resistance. 1 mL of LB

media was added to the electroporated cells and incubated under shaking

at 37ºC for 1 hr. Cells were then plated on LB ampicillin agar plates and

incubated overnight at 37ºC. Colonies were collected and grown in LB-

ampicillin. QIAPrep® Spin Miniprep Kit (250) and QIAGEN® Plasmid Maxi

Kit (25) (QIAGEN Sciences®, Maryland, USA) were used to isolate the

plasmids DNA which were then sent for sequencing for confirmation.

Statistical analyses Statistical significance was determined using Student’s t-test with p values

≤ 0.05 considered as significant. In all tests, two groups with one changed

parameter were compared.

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Nck-1 interacts with PKR independently of functional SH domains Due to the significant role of PKR in important processes such as

development, immune and inflammatory responses, cell adhesion, growth

and apoptosis, the activity of PKR must be tightly regulated. In our lab, we

have observed Nck-1-mediated attenuation of PKR activation by dsRNA.

The question addressed next was whether Nck-1 limits PKR activation by

interacting with PKR. Evidence from our laboratory has shown that Nck-1

binds to PKR in in vitro pull down assay (266). To confirm this in vivo, HA-

tagged wild type Nck-1 was transiently expressed in intact Cos-7 cells to

determine whether Nck-1 and endogenous PKR could be detected in a

common molecular complex. As shown in Figure 1, endogenous PKR was

co-immunoprecipitated with HA-Nck-1 in HA immunoprecipitates.

Figure 1. Endogenous PKR co-immunoprecipitates with HA-Nck-1. Cos-7 cells were

transfected with 1µg of wild type HA-Nck-1. Using an anti-HA antibody, HA

immunoprecipitates were prepared using lysates from Cos-7 cells previously exposed to

the cross linker agent DSP. PKR and HA-Nck-1 proteins in the immunoprecipitates were

detected by Western blotting using specific antibodies. This experiment was performed

three times.

In fact, Nck-1’s interaction with PKR was revealed to be independent of

any functional SH domain (266). Hence, to further confirm this, HA-tagged

wild type/mutants Nck-1 were transiently over-expressed in Cos-7 cells.

The HA-Nck-1 mutants contained point mutations which abrogate the

binding property of the three SH3 domains (3M) or the SH2 domain (2M)

(272, 273). As shown in Figure 2, equivalent amount of endogenous PKR

co-immunoprecipitated with HA-Nck-1 wild type and mutants. Western

blotting of the total cell lysates (TCL) with HA antibody revealed that

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HA-Nck-1 mutated in its SH2 domain (2M) expressed at lower levels

compared to HA-Nck-1 wild type and the SH3 mutant (3M). Overall, Nck-1

interaction with PKR is independent of any functional SH domain.

Figure 2. Nck-1-PKR interaction is independent of Nck-1 functional SH domains.

Cos-7 cells were transfected with 1µg of wild type HA-Nck-1 (WT) or HA-Nck-1 mutants

containing point mutations which abrogate the binding property of all three SH3 domains

(3M) or the SH2 domain (2M). Using an anti-HA antibody, HA immunoprecipitates were

prepared using lysates from Cos-7 cells previously exposed to the cross linker agent

DSP. PKR and HA-Nck-1 proteins in the immunoprecipitated samples were detected by

Western blotting using specific antibodies. This experiment was performed three times.

dsRNA-induced PKR activation is reduced in cells over-expressing Nck-1 mutants Given that increased levels of Nck-1 significantly reduce

dsRNA-induced PKR activation (266) and that Nck-1 mutants still interact

with PKR, we predicted that Nck-1 mutants would also reduce PKR

activation induced by dsRNA. To test this, HA-Nck-1 with all SH3 domains

mutated (SH3M) was transiently expressed in Cos-7 cells and 24 hrs later,

cells were transfected with synthetic dsRNA (poly IC) to activate PKR. Low

concentration of poly IC (0.4 μg/ml) was used to activate PKR given that

robust PKR activation may overcome Nck-1’s effect. In fact, we have

shown previously that Nck-1 binds only to inactive form of PKR,

suggesting that upon PKR full activation, Nck-1 and PKR dissociate. Upon

poly IC stimulation, Nck-1 mutant SH3M significantly reduced PKR

activation and consequently phosphorylation of eIF2α on Ser51 compared

to the empty vector transfected cells (Figure 3). A similar experiment

carried with Nck-1 SH2M mutant revealed that poly IC-induced PKR

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activation was also reduced by Nck-1 SH2M over-expression, as shown in

Figure 4. In agreement with lower levels of PKR activation, we found lower

levels of eIF2α phosphorylation on Ser51 in cells overexpressing Nck-1




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Figure 3. SH3 mutated Nck-1 reduces (A) PKR activation and (B) phosphorylation of eIF2α induced by dsRNA. Cos-7 cells were transfected with 1µg of pRK5 empty

vector (vector) or HA-Nck-1 mutant containing point mutations which abrogate the binding

property of all three SH3 domains (SH3M) prior to be subjected 24 hrs later to a second

transfection with 0.4µg/mL of synthetic dsRNA (poly IC) for 2hrs. Indicated proteins were

detected by Western Blotting of cell lysates (adjusted for protein content) using indicated

specific antibodies (upper panel). Densitometry and statistical analyses (student t-test)

were performed on data obtained from three independent experiments. Results are

reported as the mean ± SEM of (A) the ratio phospho-PKR (p-PKR) over total PKR (lower

panel) and of (B) the ratio phospho-eIF2α (p-eIF2α) over total eIF2α (lower panel). *

p<0.05 relative to vector with poly IC, ‡ p≤0.05 relative to vector with poly IC.


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Figure 4. SH2 mutated Nck-1 reduces (A) PKR activation and (B) phosphorylation of eIF2α induced by dsRNA. HEK-293 cells were transfected with 1µg of pRK5 empty vector (vector)

or HA-Nck-1 mutant containing a point mutation which abrogates the binding property of the SH2 domain

(SH2M) prior to be subjected 24 hrs later to a second transfection with 0.4µg/mL of synthetic dsRNA (poly IC)

for 2hrs. Indicated proteins were detected by Western Blotting of cell lysates (adjusted for protein content) using

specific antibodies (upper panel). Densitometry and statistical analyses (student t-test) were performed on data

obtained from three independent experiments. Results are reported as the mean ± SEM of (A) the ratio

phospho-PKR (p-PKR) over total PKR (lower panel) and of (B) the ratio phospho-eIF2α (p-eIF2α) over total

eIF2α (lower panel). * p<0.05 relative to vector with poly IC, ‡ p<0.05 relative to vector with poly IC.

Nck-1 full length is required to bind PKR Nck-1’s interaction with PKR was found to be independent of any

functional SH domain. Hence, we next asked if truncated Nck-1 molecules

composed of only the SH3 or SH2 domains interact with PKR. For this, we

used in vitro pull down assay, in which different constructs of GST-tagged

Nck-1 were expressed in bacteria and tested to pull down endogenous

PKR from Cos-7 lysates. As shown below in Figure 5, GST-tagged Nck-1

wild type (GST-Nck-1 FL) was the only construct that pulled down

endogenous PKR, whereas the truncated forms of Nck-1 (GST-Nck-1 SH3

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and GST-Nck-1 SH2) did not. The level of expression of PKR in the cells

is shown in the total cell lysate detected by western blotting using PKR

specific antibody. Ponseau staining of the membrane was performed to

demonstrate that the same amount of GST-tagged proteins was used in

each pull down. Overall, Nck-1 needs to be full length to interact with PKR.

Figure 5. Nck-1 full length binds PKR. (A) Pull down of endogenous PKR with

GST-Nck-1 full length (FL) and GST- Nck-1 either SH2 or SH3 domains alone.

Cos-7 cell lysates (4.5mg of protein) were incubated with GST (20µg) or GST-

Nck-1 constructs (20µg) for pull down assays and endogenous PKR was

detected by Western Blotting (WB) using a PKR specific antibody as well as to

probe TCL, total cell lysate. (B) Levels of GST fusion proteins used revealed by

Ponseau staining (indicated by *).

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Nck-1 binds only to inactive PKR Previously, our laboratory has shown that Nck-1 binds to inactive

PKR in vitro. To confirm this in vivo, a co-immunoprecipitation experiment

was carried out from cells transiently transfected with HA-Nck-1 wild type.

Cells were subsequently transfected with high amounts of poly IC (3.0

μg/ml) to induce robust full activation of PKR. Upon poly IC transfection,

interaction between Nck-1 and PKR was abolished, whereas endogenous

PKR was co-immunoprecipitated with HA-Nck-1 in absence of poly IC

(Figure 6). In addition, blotting for eIF2α phosphorylation showed that

upon poly IC treatment, high levels of eIF2α were phosphorylated,

confirming PKR activation. Phosphorylation of eIF2α under basal

conditions, however, decreased in Nck-1 over-expressing cells, confirming

our previous results showing that Nck-1 over-expression reduces the level

of PKR activation induced by dsRNA.

Figure 6. Loss of Nck-1 binding upon PKR activation by dsRNA. Cos-7 cells were

transfected with 1µg of pRK5 empty vector or wild type HA-Nck-1. Cells were subjected

24 hrs later to a second transfection with 3µg/Ml of synthetic dsRNA (poly IC) for 2hrs.

Using an anti-HA antibody, HA immunoprecipitates were prepared using lysates from

Cos-7 cells previously exposed to the cross linker agent DSP. PKR and HA-Nck-1

proteins in the immunoprecipitated samples and PKR, HA-Nck-1, Nck, p-eIF2α and total

Page 63: Mechanism of Modulation of PKR Activity by the Adaptor of the interaction between the adaptor protein Nck and the


eIF2α proteins in the total cell lysates (TCL) were detected by Western blotting using

indicated specific antibodies. This experiment was performed three times.

To determine whether activation of PKR activity is responsible for the loss

of HA-Nck-1 interaction, we assessed whether HA-Nck-1 binds to kinase

dead PKR molecule. For this we co-transfected Cos-7 cells with plasmids

encoding HA-Nck-1 and either Flag-tagged dominant negative PKR (Flag-

PKR∆6) or Flag-tagged wild type PKR (Flag-PKR WT). PKR∆6 is

dominant negative kinase dead due to the deletion of 6 amino acids in the

kinase domain that prevents PKR catalytic kinase activation, yet

interestingly PKR∆6 can still bind dsRNA, undergo dimerization and

change of conformation associated with the activation process (211). It

behaves as a dominant negative because it dimerizes with endogenous

PKR and prevents its activation. By over-expressing wild type form of

PKR, spontaneous PKR dimerization is induced due to the high levels of

PKR protein and hence is autophosphorylated and activated in the

absence of poly IC as shown by p-PKR (Figure 7). In HA-

immunoprecipitates prepared from cells expressing Flag-PKR WT or Flag-

PKR∆6, only Flag-PKR∆6 co-immunoprecipitated with HA-Nck-1 as

detected by anti-Flag specific antibody. Endogenous PKR was detected to

co-immunoprecipitate with HA-Nck-1 alone and to increase in binding with

Flag-PKR∆6 over-expression, since this dominant negative construct of

PKR dimerizes with and prevents endogenous PKR activation. HA-blotting

of the total cell lysate (TCL) showed that equal amounts of HA-Nck-1 were

over-expressed (Figure 7).

Page 64: Mechanism of Modulation of PKR Activity by the Adaptor of the interaction between the adaptor protein Nck and the


Figure 7. Nck-1 binds to Dominant negative-PKR. Cos-7 cells were transfected with

1µg of wild type HA-Nck-1 and 5µg of wild type Flag-PKR or kinase dead Flag-PKRΔ6.

Using an anti-HA antibody, HA immunoprecipitates were prepared using lysates from

Cos-7 cells previously exposed to the cross linker agent DSP. Flag-PKR, PKR and HA-

Nck-1 proteins in the immunoprecipitated samples and Flag-PKR, PKR, HA-Nck-1, Nck

and p-PKR in the total cell lysates (TCL) were detected by Western blotting using

indicated specific antibodies. This experiment was performed three times.

PKR activation is a multiple step process involving dsRNA binding,

dimerization and autophosphorylation. It was then interesting to determine

at which step Nck-1 dissociates from PKR. To test this, Flag-PKR∆6

construct was used due to its ability to bind dsRNA, dimerize and undergo

change of conformation without experiencing autophosphorylation and full

PKR catalytic activation. We showed that this dominant negative form of

PKR binds Nck-1 in the absence of poly IC (Figure 7), therefore the next

point addressed was whether HA-Nck-1 binds to PKR∆6 in cells treated

with dsRNA. For this, HA-Nck-1 and Flag-PKR∆6 were transiently over-

expressed in cells, followed by poly IC transfection 24 hrs later. As shown

in Figure 8, Flag-PKR∆6 interacts with HA-Nck-1 equally in the absence

and presence of poly IC treatment. Hence, we can conclude that loss of

interaction between Nck-1 and active PKR that is observed above (Figures

6 and 7) is due to PKR catalytic activity and not to dsRNA binding,

Page 65: Mechanism of Modulation of PKR Activity by the Adaptor of the interaction between the adaptor protein Nck and the


dimerization and change of conformation. Phosphorylation of PKR and

eIF2α was shown to increase with poly IC transfection in control cells yet

to decrease in Flag-PKR∆6 over-expressing cells treated with poly IC

since PKR∆6 dimerizes with endogenous PKR and prevents their

activation by poly IC. PKR blotting detected endogenous PKR binding to

and its dissociation from HA-Nck-1 in HA-immunoprecipitates in the

absence and presence of poly IC treatment, respectively. PKR binding to

HA-Nck-1 detected using anti-PKR antibody increased with Flag-PKR∆6

over-expression in the presence and absence of poly IC compared to

lysates without Flag-PKR∆6 over-expression.

Figure 8. Nck-1 binds inactive PKR in the absence and presence of dsRNA. Cos-7

cells were transfected with 1µg of wild type HA-Nck-1 and 5µg of kinase dead Flag-

PKRΔ6. Cells were subjected 24 hrs later to a second transfection with 3µg/mL of

synthetic dsRNA (poly IC) for 2hrs. Using an anti-HA antibody, HA immunoprecipitates

were prepared using lysates from Cos-7 cells previously exposed to the cross linker

agent DSP. Flag-PKR, PKR and HA-Nck-1 proteins in the immunoprecipitated samples

and Flag-PKR, PKR, HA-Nck-1, Nck, p-eIF2α, total eIF2α and p-PKR in the total cell

lysates (TCL) were detected by Western blotting using specific antibodies. This

experiment was performed three times.

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Nck-1 interacts with truncated PKR N-terminal and inactive C-terminal region Thus far, Nck-1 interacts with inactive PKR and dissociates from

PKR once PKR is catalytically active. Also, Nck-1 full length is required to

interact with PKR; since truncated Nck-1, either N- or C-terminal segments

were not able to bind PKR (Figure 5). Therefore, to further understand

Nck-1 and PKR interaction, we investigated which domain of PKR

interacts with Nck-1. For this, several sections of PKR were generated as

Myc-tagged PKR constructs as shown in Figure 9A. Myc-PKR-N-terminus,

Myc-PKR-C-terminus WT or Myc-PKR-C-terminus K296R were transiently

co-over-expressed with HA-Nck-1 in Cos-7 cells to assess their binding

activity to Nck-1. We observed that HA-Nck-1 was able to co-

immunoprecipitate PKR-N-terminus and PKR-C-terminus K296R but not

PKR-C-terminus wild-type (Figure 9B). As shown in Figure 9B, over-

expression of PKR-C-terminus WT induces increased levels of

phosphorylated endogenous PKR. In addition, Nck-1 did not interact with

this construct, confirming that Nck-1 does not bind to catalytically active

PKR. As a control, we showed that transiently over-expressed Flag-

PKR∆6 full length was co-immunoprecipitated with HA-Nck-1 as detected

by anti-Flag antibody blotting. Overall, our data revealed that Nck-1

interacts with both N-terminal and inactive C-terminal domains of PKR.

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Figure 9. Nck-1 binds PKR N-terminus and inactive C-terminus domains. A) Different

domains of PKR were amplified from PKR wild-type or kinase dead and cloned into

pcDNA 3.1(+) Myc-His version B vector. PKR-N-terminal expresses the N-terminus of

PKR (aa 1-248). PKR-C-terminal WT is the catalytically kinase domain of PKR (aa 249-

551) that is constitutively active. PKR-C-terminal K296R is the inactive C-terminal domain

(aa 249-551) of PKR with lysine 296 residue in the catalytic domain mutated to an

arginine. B) Cos-7 cells were transfected with 1µg of wild type HA-Nck-1 and with one of

the following plasmids: 5µg of mutant Flag-PKRΔ6, 5µg of PKR C-terminal wild-type

(Myc-PKR C-term), 5µg of PKR C-terminal mutated at K296R (Myc- PKR C-term K296R)

or 0.5µg of PKR N-terminal (Myc-PKR N-term). With an anti-HA antibody, HA

immunoprecipitates were prepared using lysates from Cos-7 cells previously exposed to

the cross linker agent DSP. Myc-PKR, Flag-PKR and HA-Nck-1 proteins in the

immunoprecipitated samples and Myc-PKR, Flag-PKR, HA-Nck-1, PKR, and p-PKR in

Page 68: Mechanism of Modulation of PKR Activity by the Adaptor of the interaction between the adaptor protein Nck and the


the total cell lysates (TCL) were detected by Western blotting using indicated specific

antibodies. This experiment was performed three times.

To confirm that Nck-1 dissociation is due to catalytic activation of

PKR and not to dsRNA binding, we investigated if PKR-N-terminus

interacts with Nck-1 in the presence of poly IC. Cos-7 cells were co-

transfected with HA-Nck-1 and PKR-N-terminus and treated with or

without poly IC. As shown in Figure 10, in HA-immunoprecipitates, we

observed that Nck-1 interacts with PKR-N-terminal domain and this

interaction is still detected upon poly IC treatment, suggesting that Nck-1

does not compete with dsRNA to bind PKR and does not dissociate from

PKR N-terminus upon dsRNA binding. Phosphorylation of PKR and

subsequently of eIF2α is shown to be induced upon poly IC treatment but

decreased in the presence of the N-terminus of PKR and poly IC due to

the dimerization of the N-terminus of PKR with endogenous PKR,

rendering them inactive. Total cell lysate (TCL) blotting shows the level of

Myc-tagged PKR construct to be equally expressed in Figure 9B and 10.

Figure 10. Nck-1 binds the N-terminus domain of PKR in the absence and presence of dsRNA. Cos-7 cells were transfected with 1µg of wild type HA-Nck-1 and 0.5µg of

Myc-PKR N-terminal domain. Cells were subjected 24 hrs later to a second transfection

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with 3µg/mL of synthetic dsRNA (poly IC) for 2hrs. With an anti-HA antibody, HA

immunoprecipitates were prepared using lysates from Cos-7 cells previously exposed to

the cross linker agent DSP. Myc-PKR N-terminal and HA-Nck-1 proteins in the

immunoprecipitated samples and Myc-PKR N-terminal, PKR, HA-Nck-1, p-eIF2α, total

eIF2α and p-PKR in the total cell lysates (TCL) were detected by Western blotting using

specific antibodies.

Nck-2 interacts with PKR

Nck1 and Nck2 display 68% identity at the amino acid level (235)

and the amino acid variations fall largely into the interval sequences

between the SH domains. To determine whether Nck-2 also interacts with

PKR, HA-Nck-1 and HA-Nck-2 were transiently over expressed in parallel

in Cos-7 cells and immunoprecipitated with anti-HA antibody. As shown in

Figure 11, PKR co-immunoprecipitated with Nck-1 and Nck-2 in HA-

immunoprecipitates. Equal levels of HA-Nck-1 and HA-Nck-2 were over-

expressed as shown by anti-HA, anti-specific Nck-1 and anti-specific

Nck-2 immunoblotting (Figure 11).

Figure 11. Nck-2 binds PKR. Cos-7 cells were transfected with 1µg of wild type HA-Nck-

2 or wild type HA-Nck-1. With an anti-HA antibody, HA immunoprecipitates were

prepared using lysates from Cos-7 cells previously exposed to the cross linker agent

DSP. PKR and HA-Nck proteins in the immunoprecipitated samples were detected by

Western blotting using indicated specific antibodies. This experiment was performed

three times.

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Nck-1 is phosphorylated by PKR in vivo

Earlier studies in our laboratory have shown that Nck-1 gets

phosphorylated in vitro by PKR (266). To assess whether this

phosphorylation event takes place in vivo, PKR+/+ and PKR-/- mouse

embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) were treated with or without poly IC to

activate PKR and Nck-1 phosphorylation was addressed. Nck-1

phosphorylation was assessed using a novel technology called phos-tag

SDS-PAGE that allows the separation of phosphorylated from non

phosphorylated proteins in SDS-PAGE and western blotting. As shown in

Figure 12A, the amount of Nck-1 which showed gel retardation is

increased in PKR+/+ MEFs (indicated by an arrow) compared to PKR

deficient MEFs, suggesting that Nck is directly or indirectly phosphorylated

by PKR in vivo. As expected, PKR and eIF2α phosphorylation in the

absence of poly IC was higher in PKR+/+ in comparison to PKR-/- MEFs

and further enhanced by poly IC treatment. PKR blotting confirmed that

PKR is not expressed in PKR-/- MEFs.

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Figure 12. Nck1 is phosphorylated in MEFs PKR+/+ and in HEK 293 cells over-expressing wild type PKR. (A) Mouse embryonic fibroblasts PKR+/+ and PKR-/- extracts

were transfected with 6µg/mL of synthetic dsRNA (poly IC) for 2hrs. Lysates were then

collected and analyzed by SDS-PAGE and phos-tag SDS-PAGE. Proteins were detected

by western blotting using indicated specific antibodies. (B) HEK 293 cells were

transfected with 5µg of wild type Flag-PKR or pcDNA3.1 empty vector and subjected

24hrs later to a second transfection with 6µg/mL of synthetic dsRNA (poly IC) for 2hrs.

Lysates were then collected and analyzed by SDS-PAGE and phos-tag SDS-PAGE.

Proteins were detected by western blotting using specific antibodies. This experiment

was performed three times.

To further support this, we used HEK293 cells transiently co-expressing

Flag-tagged PKR wild type (Flag-PKR) and HA-Nck-1 treated with or

without poly IC. Phosphorylation of Nck-1 was detected by phos-tag SDS-

PAGE and blotting for HA and Nck using anti-HA and anti-pan Nck

antibodies, respectively. As shown in Figure 12B, over-expression of wild

type PKR increased basal eIF2α phosphorylation, which is not further

augmented upon poly IC treatment, suggesting constitutive PKR activation

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by over-expression. In parallel, the amount of HA-Nck-1 retarded in phos-

tag gels (indicated by the arrow) is increased in cells over-expressing wild-

type PKR and was not significantly further increased by poly IC treatment,

suggesting that PKR activation was maximally achieved by PKR over-

expression. Interestingly, when Nck western blotting is used to follow Nck

migration, we could observe that poly IC treatment induced further shift in

Nck-1 migration in both cells overexpressing or not overexpressing PKR.

These results provide evidence supporting Nck-1 as a novel substrate for

PKR in vivo.

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Regulation of eIF2α phosphorylation is essential to maintain global

cellular homeostasis because it controls an important step early in the

process of protein translation (280). This is consistent with the fact that

eIF2α kinases are subjected to multiple complex levels of control

governing their activation. Particularly, the eIF2α kinase PKR, which plays

a significant role in host antiviral defense, is known to be activated by

direct binding of viral dsRNA inducing PKR dimerization and

autophosphorylation. In these conditions, activation of PKR causes

transient inhibition of protein synthesis and apoptosis that altogether

contribute to limit viral production. On the other hand, it is well known that

PKR activity is simultaneously suppressed by inherent viral strategies

during infection. These involve the synthesis of viral proteins that directly

inhibit PKR (282) or recruit/activate a phosphatase that dephosphorylates

and inactivates PKR (285). However, independently of viral infection, only

two mammalian proteins so far, p58IPK and the glycoprotein p67, have

been reported to regulate PKR activation (212, 281).

In this study, we report that the adaptor protein Nck-1, which is

composed only of Src homology domains, restrains PKR activation by

dsRNA. We have demonstrated that Nck-1 functions like a reversible

inhibitor of PKR since its effects are overridden by significant intracellular

levels of dsRNA. To further support this concept, we demonstrated that

Nck-1 was only found in complex with inactive PKR and dissociates from

PKR during the process of PKR activation. We provide strong evidence

showing that the catalytic activation of PKR determines Nck-1 dissociation

from PKR. In fact, we demonstrated that Nck-1 interacts with the

dominant-negative kinase dead PKR (DN-PKR) in presence as well as in

absence of dsRNA, indicating that Nck-1 dissociation from PKR during

PKR activation by dsRNA does not result from dsRNA competition with

Nck-1 for PKR binding since DN-PKR still binds dsRNA (283). Overall, our

findings suggest that the interaction of Nck-1 with PKR under physiological

conditions limits PKR activation to prevent unwanted spontaneous

Page 75: Mechanism of Modulation of PKR Activity by the Adaptor of the interaction between the adaptor protein Nck and the


activation of PKR that could impair protein synthesis required for normal

cellular processes. Whether Nck-1 interaction with PKR is direct or

involves an additional player that acts as a PKR inhibitor has still to be

determined. Nonetheless, our study shows that the interaction between

Nck-1 and PKR requires full length Nck-1, while any of the functional SH

domains of Nck-1 appear to be dispensable. However, this hypothesis is

challenged by the fact that Nck-1 binds independently to the N-terminus

and inactive C-terminal region of PKR, suggesting that more than a unique

mechanism could support Nck-1 interaction and regulation of PKR

activation. Interaction of Nck-1 with the N- or C-terminal regions of PKR

could be driven by individual SH domains of Nck-1 and simultaneous

functional inactivation of all Nck-1 SH domains might be required to totally

prevent its interaction with inactive PKR. Further experiments aiming to

determine whether Nck-1 simultaneously inactivated in all SH domains still

binds to and regulates PKR activation need to be conducted to answer this

question. However, since Nck-1 mutated in its SH2 domain or in all SH3

domains interacts and prevents PKR activation by low concentrations of

dsRNA, this strongly suggests that the effects of Nck-1 on PKR activation

are direct and independent on Nck-1’s recruitment of an intermediary

protein in close proximity to PKR. Therefore, at this point our observations

demonstrating that Nck-1 binds only to inactive PKR and is a PKR

substrate allow us to propose that the interaction between Nck-1 and PKR

is a substrate-kinase interaction. We previously presented this hypothesis

supported by data revealing that Nck-1 was phosphorylated by PKR in

vitro (266). In this study, this hypothesis is further promoted by showing

that Nck-1 phosphorylation, revealed by Nck-1 migration shift in phostag-

containing acrylamide gels subjected to SDS-PAGE, was decreased in

mouse embryonic fibroblasts lacking PKR and increased following PKR

overexpression in human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293).

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To delineate the exact mechanism(s) by which Nck-1 interacts with

and regulates PKR activation, we followed Nck-1 association with DN-PKR

in conditions activating PKR by dsRNA. PKR activation implies several

steps including dsRNA binding, PKR dimerization, conformational change

and finally, autophosphorylation (284). Any of these steps during the

process of PKR activation could induce dissociation of Nck-1 from PKR.

Here, we provide strong evidence in favor that Nck-1 dissociation from

PKR results from increased PKR catalytic activity independently of all

other steps occurring during the process of PKR activation. This comes

from our observation where Nck-1 still interacts with the DN-PKR, which is

kinase dead, in the presence of dsRNA. DN-PKR is known to undergo all

steps of wild-type PKR activation by dsRNA with the exception of the

catalytic activation due to the deletion of 6 amino acids in the kinase

domain that completely abolishes its activity (284). Taking this into

consideration with the fact that Nck-1 appears to be a substrate of PKR,

we proposed the following mechanism by which Nck-1 interacts with and

regulates PKR activation (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Model of Nck-1 and PKR interaction

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In absence of dsRNA, PKR activation is buffered through its

interaction with Nck-1. Once intracellular levels of dsRNA increase over a

threshold level, PKR binds dsRNA, dimerizes, changes conformation, and

undergoes autophosphorylation leading to full activation of PKR catalytic

activity. During these processes, activated PKR phosphorylates Nck-1 and

promotes its dissociation to allow full PKR activation. We propose that

Nck-1 dissociation from PKR is mainly due to charge repulsion that lowers

the affinity of the interaction between Nck-1 and PKR. Interestingly, Nck-1

and PKR interaction could parallel the interaction of Nck-1 with the p21-

activated protein kinase PAK1 (274). In fact, through its direct interaction

with inactive PAK1 via its second SH3 domain, Nck-1 is believed to

translocate PAK1 from the cytosol to the plasma membrane where PAK1

will become activated. Plasma membrane activated PAK1 leads to PAK1-

mediated phosphorylation of Nck-1 and subsequent dissociation of Nck-1

from PAK1 (275). Therefore as for PAK1, Nck-1 only binds to the inactive

conformation of PKR and PKR-induced phosphorylation of Nck-1, during

dsRNA-mediated PKR activation, could promote Nck-1 dissociation from

activated PKR. To determine if the interaction between Nck-1 and PKR

plays a role in PKR sub-cellular localization and appropriate activation, like

it did with PAK1, this has to be further investigated.

Overall the exact mechanism by which Nck-1 regulates PKR activity

is still not completely elucidated. Our findings allow us to propose that

Nck-1 limits PKR activation directly, independent of any other protein.

However, we cannot rule out the possibility that Nck-1, as an adaptor

protein, may control PKR activation by recruiting PKR regulators in close

proximity of PKR. Candidates for such PKR regulators could include the

cellular chaperone p58IPK and the serine/threonine protein phosphatase

PP1c. It would be interesting to investigate whether Nck-1 interacts with

p58IPK and targets it to the catalytic domain of PKR to counteract PKR

activation, but up to now evidence of putative interaction between Nck-1

and p58IPK has never been reported. In contrast, previous work from our

Page 78: Mechanism of Modulation of PKR Activity by the Adaptor of the interaction between the adaptor protein Nck and the


laboratory has shown the participation of Nck-1 in assembling a molecular

complex including PP1c (264) and others have demonstrated that PP1c

down-regulates PKR activity through its interaction with PKR (213). PP1 is

regulated by its interaction with a variety of regulatory subunits that target

the catalytic subunit (PP1c) to specific subcellular localization or protein

substrates. Therefore, Nck-1 may play a role in targeting PP1c to PKR,

similar to other adaptor proteins such as CReP or GADD34 which target

PP1c to eIF2α (276, 277). Additional experiments need to be performed to

determine the molecular determinants which lead to the recruitment of

Nck-1 to a PKR-containing complex to maintain PKR inactive in absence

of significant levels of PKR activators. Moreover, Nck-1 has been shown to

be phosphorylated on serine, threonine and tyrosine residues upon the

activation of numerous growth factor receptors, yet the functional

relevance of its phosphorylation seems to be an unresolved issue. Our

results showing Nck-1 phosphorylation by PKR identifies Nck-1 as a novel

substrate of PKR and this can address the physiological meaning of Nck-1

post translational modification by phosphorylation in the perspective of

cellular response to stress. Hence it is of high interest to pursue the

significance of Nck-1 phosphorylation by PKR further and identify PKR

phosphorylation site(s) on Nck-1 to address their importance in interacting

with PKR and limiting its activation.

Due to the high percentage identity in amino acids (68%) between

Nck-1 and Nck-2, it was of importance to determine whether Nck-1

modulation of PKR activation was shared with Nck-2. In this study, Nck-2

was shown to interact with PKR, suggesting that PKR control is a common

function of both Nck. However, further investigation will determine if Nck-2

can also limit PKR activation and be phosphorylated by activated PKR, as

shown for Nck-1.

Nck-1 regulation of PKR activation could be of significance in many

processes involving PKR. For example, an important role for PKR in the

control of metabolic homeostasis and in specific, insulin signaling has

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been recently uncovered (279). In addition, PKR has been shown to

negatively regulate IRS1, consequently inhibiting insulin signaling (278).

Considering this, it would be of interest to assess whether Nck-1 could

limit PKR activation to improve insulin signaling. By increasing the

threshold of PKR activation, Nck-1 could prevent PKR-mediated inhibitory

phosphorylation of IRS1 on Ser 307 and thus improve insulin signaling.

Furthermore, Nck-1 control of PKR activation could also be significant in

the pathogen sensing role of PKR. Under physiological conditions, Nck-1

bound to PKR limits PKR activation, even in the presence of low levels of

viral dsRNA. However, when a significant amount of viral dsRNA

accumulates upon a viral infection, this overrides Nck-1 control of PKR

and initiates PKR activation, Nck-1 phosphorylation and dissociation to

achieve full PKR activation and prevent virus from replicating. Some

viruses develop specific mechanisms to counteract by dsRNA. There are

viral proteins that interfere with PKR activation at different levels, by

inhibiting PKR activation, sequestering dsRNA, inhibiting PKR

dimerization, synthesizing PKR pseudosubstrates, activating antagonist

phosphatases, or degrading PKR. Therefore, it would be interesting to

assess whether a virus could use Nck adaptor proteins as a mean to

inhibit PKR activation and allow efficient viral replication.

Taken together, data presented in this thesis report that Nck-1

interacts with inactive PKR and limits its activation in normal conditions.

However, in conditions where PKR activators accumulate over a threshold

level, Nck-1 control of PKR is antagonized and PKR is activated. During

the process of PKR activation, Nck-1 dissociates from PKR and this can

be promoted by PKR phosphorylation of Nck-1. The interaction of Nck-1

with PKR can set the threshold at which PKR is activated and its re-

association with PKR determines the temporal of PKR de-activation.

Hence, Nck-1 can be considered as a modulator of PKR activation by

buffering the effects of small concentrations of dsRNA.

Page 80: Mechanism of Modulation of PKR Activity by the Adaptor of the interaction between the adaptor protein Nck and the


Conclusion and Future Perspectives Nck-1 limits PKR activation by interacting with inactive PKR

independently of its functional SH domains. Under significant levels of

stress, PKR is activated and Nck-1 is phosphorylated and dissociated from

active PKR to allow full PKR activation. Nck-1 dissociation from active

PKR appears to result in the catalytic activation of PKR, which we

propose, phosphorylates Nck-1 and promotes Nck-1 dissociation from

PKR. Full length Nck-1 interacts with the N-terminal and the inactive C-

terminal regions of PKR. Furthermore, Nck-2 also interacts with PKR.

Additional investigations are required to clearly understand the mechanism

by which Nck-1 regulates PKR. Nck-1 Null where all SH domains are

simultaneously functionally inactivated should be characterized in its ability

to interact with PKR and control its activation. This will be helpful to

determine whether the SH domains of Nck-1 could act in a cooperative

mode to interact with PKR and regulate its activation. Nck-1

phosphorylation could also be analyzed in P32 metabolically labelled

PKR+/+ and -/- mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) challenged with or

without dsRNA. By following incorporation of radioactive P32 into

immunoprecipitated Nck-1, it would be possible to further confirm in vivo

Nck-1 phosphorylation by PKR. Once in vivo PKR-dependent

phosphorylation of Nck-1 is established, Mass Spectrometry analysis of

immunopurified Nck-1 prepared from unlabelled PKR activated cells

should be performed to identify the exact PKR phosphorylated residue(s)

on Nck-1. Moreover, due to the evidence showing that Nck-2 interacts with

PKR, it is worthwhile to study its effect on PKR activation and to determine

whether it binds only to inactive PKR and is also phosphorylated by PKR.

Finally, the regulation of PKR activation by Nck-1 represents a novel

function for this SH domain-containing adaptor protein. Further

investigation addressing the role of other members of the SH domain-

containing adaptor family like Grb2 and Crk in PKR regulation is significant

to strengthen the specificity of Nck-1 in regulating PKR activation. Finally,

Page 81: Mechanism of Modulation of PKR Activity by the Adaptor of the interaction between the adaptor protein Nck and the


additional experiments are required to determine the biological relevance

of a role for Nck-1 in regulating PKR function in antiviral response, cell

apoptosis and insulin signaling.

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