measuring the impact of digital inclusion at scale (shlb may 2014)

Scale & Impact Helen Milner, @helenmilner 8 May 2014 Tinder Foundation makes these good things

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My presentation at SHLB May 2014, describing the evaluation metrics and methodologies we use at TInder Foundation and UK online centres. Ranging from: large scale data collection from our MOOC Learn My Way; online and telephone surveys (in the field 52 weeks a year); and deep dive evaluation and volumetrics. Using these three methodologies we've proven that we've saved the UK Government at least £232.4m (more than $1bn) in the past three years - proving digital inclusion does help the bottom line for countries struggling with recession.


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Scale & Impact

Helen Milner, @helenmilner8 May 2014

Tinder Foundation makes these good things happen:

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Tinder Foundation

We are a staff-owned mutual and social enterprise

Vision: A better world for everyone through the use of digital technology

Purpose: We make good things happen through digital technology

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Scale FreeOptimised for mobile learning


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UK online centres: community centres, public libraries, cafes, schools, housing, places of worship, fish & chip shop, …. a barn

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Three ways of measuring impact• Learning Data: automated from Learn My Way, learners,

learning activity, viewed at centre and UK-wide level

• Surveys: Learner demographics (online survey) and Impact data (telephone) for progression to learning and employment, use of Government websites, information around confidence and wellbeing. In field 52 weeks a year.

• Further impact evaluation: applying volumetrics to economic impact for Government; regular research projects eg social inclusion and digital inclusion, innovative health and digital outcomes

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1. Data

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Learner, learning, course data• Learn My Way

• Learners: personal planner, bookmarks, progress, badges

• Centres: totals and per learner• National/Aggregated data

• 135,320 people last 12 months, 12,930 in March• Logins: 141,789• Favourite courses: 94,961 Online Basics, 66,376

email course• Website visits: 1m

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2. Surveys: online and telephone

A monthly online learner survey among registered users of Learn My Way

>7000 respondents per year

Among those who opt in from the above, a telephone progression survey one month later

>1200 interviews per year

Measures the learner profile • Including the % of socially excluded learners

Customer satisfaction • Including to what extent users felt the service

helped them learn about computers/the internet or increased their confidence

Evidence of impact and outcomes

• Progression into formal / informal learning • Progression into employment• ‘Quality of Life’: impact on skills and

behaviour • Access to public services online and average

no. of contacts shifted

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D2=1Education level: 1 to 4 GCSEs or O Levels at any grade, Foundation GNVQ, NVQ Level 1 or equivalent Education

D2=5 Education level: No qualifications

D6=3 Do you: Live in a house rented from the council or housing association

HousingD6=5 Do you: Live in sheltered accommodation

D6=6 Do you: Have no current home

D5=1 Whether receive benefits: Jobseekers Allowance


D5=2 Whether receive benefits: Employment and Support Allowance

D5=3 Whether receive benefits: Income Support

D5=4 Whether receive benefits: Working Tax Credit

D5=5 Whether receive benefits: Housing Benefit

D5=6 Whether receive benefits: Carers’ Allowance

D5=7 Whether receive benefits: Council Tax Benefit

D5=8 Whether receive benefits: Disability Living Allowance

D5=9 Whether receive benefits: Pension Credits

D5=10 Whether receive benefits: Child Tax Credits

D5=11 Whether receive benefits: Other

D4=1 Income: Up to £9,999 Income

D3=4 Current main activity: Unemployed UnemployedS

ocial E



Definition of Social Exclusion (>7000 surveys)

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80% Socially Excluded

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B1_C Searched for jobs

Job search & prospects

B1_E Written a CV

B1_G Applied for jobs

B1_I Been for job interviews

B1_K Improved job prospects

B4_A More interesting work

Improvement at work

B4_B More job satisfaction

B4_C Better job security

B4_D Pay & promotion prospects

Employment Progression

B1_J Started full or part time workEntered employment

B1_J Started voluntary work Voluntary work

C1_1 Learning towards formal qualification

Further LearningC1_2 Learning without formal qualification

B1_A Sought/received careers advice

Learning Progression





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Impact on employment and learning(>1,200 interviews a year)

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Any Positive Outcome:

Quality of Life

Employment Progression

Learning Progression

Base: All learners (1,270)

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3. Other

Volumetrics, Financial impact, Deep evaluation

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Moving people to online public services• No-one’s ‘spark’ to get digital skills is to interact

with Government online (except to get a job)• After gaining digital skills via UK online centres

(March 2014 data):• 81% visited central/local Government websites• 56% moved at least one (average 3.8) face-to-face or

telephone contact to an online contact with Government• Calculation of £232.4m for 1.2m people (2010 – present)

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B1_C Searched for jobs

Job search & prospects

B1_E Written a CV

B1_G Applied for jobs

B1_I Been for job interviews

B1_K Improved job prospects

B4_A More interesting work

Improvement at work

B4_B More job satisfaction

B4_C Better job security

B4_D Pay & promotion prospects

Employment Progression

B1_J Started full or part time workEntered employment

B1_J Started voluntary work Voluntary work

C1_1 Learning towards formal qualification

Further LearningC1_2 Learning without formal qualification

B1_A Sought/received careers advice

Learning Progression





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Impact on employment and learning (>1,200 interviews a year)

Survey data leads to measurement of economic impact: (1) Entered employment, (2) Started voluntary work, (3) Further learning, (4) Started a formal qualification

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A Leading Digital Nation by 2020

With current efforts there will still be 6.2m people in 2020 without basic online skills.

The total investment required to equip 100% of the UK adult population with the Basic Online Skills they need to regularly

use the internet for themselves by 2020 is £875 million. 

We suggest investment might be split equally between Government; the private sector, and the voluntary and community sector.

 The investment required to ensure a nation with 100% Basic Online Skills

will be £292 million for each sector.

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6.2 million people left behind in 2020 and we know who they will be

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5% of 16-64s left to reach

In 2020 if carry on at pace and impact of present time (in UK)

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PEOPLE make good things happen

People becoming a volunteer when he’s

93 years old as his mates aren’t getting

the benefits of the web

People helping job seekers to

look for work online when they’ve not had a job for 10 years

People helping patients to use digital in the ward and take it home with them

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Thank You

[email protected]@helenmilner on