measuring soil texture in the field

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  • 7/31/2019 Measuring Soil Texture in the Field


    Measuring soil texture in the field

    Technical translation II



  • 7/31/2019 Measuring Soil Texture in the Field



    Terminologa del texto


    TRMINO: Field texturing

    CONTEXTO DEFINITORIO: Determination of soil texture: This section describes a

    methodology for field texturing, a useful skill and a source of information for the soil

    characterization database.


    CONTEXTO EXPLICATIVO: Measuring soil texture: Field or hand texturing is conducted by

    moistening and kneading a small handful of soil into a ball slightly larger than the size of a

    golf ball (bolus) and pressing it out to form a ribbon between the thumb and forefinger

    (see photos above). The behaviour of the soil during bolus formation, and the length of

    ribbon produced before it breaks, characterises the field texture.


    EQUIVALENTE: Anlisis de campo de la textura

    CONTEXTO DEFINITORIO: Anlisis de campo de la textura: En el propio campo, puede

    determinarse en forma aproximada la textura de un perfil determinado


    CONTEXTO EXPLICATIVO: Textura en campo: para la determinacin de la textura en el campo se

    utiliza el mtodo de textura a mano. La muestra se humedece y se amasa entre los dedos hasta

    formar una pasta homognea. Posteriormente se toma entre el dedo ndice y el pulgar y se

    presiona sobre este ltimo tratando de que se forme una cinta.



    TRMINO: Weathering Processes

    CONTEXTO DEFINITORIO: Weatheringis a process that physically and chemically destroys

    rock near the earth's surface. There are two main types of weathering--mechanical and

    chemical. Mechanical weathering occurs by only physical means, while chemical

    weathering relies on chemical reactions between the rocks and some outside agent. Under

    each type of weathering there are several weathering sub-categories.
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    CONTEXTO EXPLICATIVO:we need to have an understanding of the processes that cause the

    breakdown of rocks, either to form new minerals that are stable on the surface of the Earth, or to

    break the rocks down into smaller particles. This process is calledweathering, and is also the first

    step in a process that we callerosion. Geologists recognize two categories of weatheringprocesses: Physical Weathering - disintegration of rocks and minerals by a physical or mechanical

    process. Chemical Weathering - chemical alteration or decomposition of rocks and minerals.

    Although we separate these processes, they work together to break down rocks and minerals to

    smaller fragments or to minerals more stable near the Earth's surface.


    EQUIVALENTE: Procesos de Meteorizacin

    CONTEXTO DEFINITORIO: La alteracin y la prdida de la primitiva compacidad y estabilidad del

    material rocoso atacado constituyen las caractersticas ms salientes de la meteorizacin; lo queimplica una fragmentacin mecnica o fsica y una descomposicin qumica que hace perder a las

    masas rocosas su primitiva coherencia.


    CONTEXTO EXPLICATIVO:La variedad de procesos de meteorizacin es enorme. Su estudio dentro

    de esta asignatura es debido a que estos procesos liberan los fragmentos de distintos tamaos e

    incluso los iones que en ambientes adecuados sedimentarn o precipitarn contribuyendo as a la

    formacin de los sedimentos.



    TRMINO: Parent Material

    CONTEXTO DEFINITORIO: How is soil formed? Soil formation occurs on different parent materials

    such as bedrock or recent cover deposits. As rocks become exposed at earths surface they are

    physically and chemically changed through weathering processes.


    CONTEXTO EXPLICATIVO: The soil surveyor uses parent material to develop a model used for soilmapping. Soil scientists and specialists in other disciplines use parent material to help interpret

    soil boundaries and project performance of the material below the soil. Many soil properties

    relate to parent material. Among these properties are proportions of sand, silt, and clay; chemical

    content; bulk density; structure; and the kinds and amounts of rock fragments. These properties

    affect interpretations and may be criteria used to separate soil series. Soil properties and

    landscape information may imply the kind of parent material.

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    EQUIVALENTE: Roca Madre.

    CONTEXTO DEFINITORIO: Los gelogos llaman "roca madre", al tipo de roca sobre el quese asienta el suelo, el terreno, la tierra, despus de quitar todos los elementos y capas

    que conforman ese suelo: primera capa de materia orgnica si es que existe, capa de

    tierra vegetal, diferentes capas de materiales meteorizados, rocas y materiales

    fragmentados, etc, y por ltimo... la roca madre. La ciencia que estudia los suelos se

    llama "edafologa"


    CONTEXTO EXPLICATIVO: El proceso de formacin de un suelo sedenomina edafognesis o pedognesis. La formacin del suelo comienza bien con la

    alteracin de la roca madre in situ, bien por la alteracin de sedimentos procedentes

    de la erosin de otras rocas acumulados en la zona. El proceso de meteorizacin

    origina el regolito que facilita la infiltracin del agua en el terreno y su aireacin. Estos

    fenmenos permiten la colonizacin progresiva del regolito por parte de seres vivos.

    Esta colonizacin se inicia con bacterias, hongos y lquenes como el de la imageninferior, que favorecen la meteorizacin biolgica del regolito.



    TRMINO: Soil Profile.

    CONTEXTO DEFINITORIO:If you look in a soil pit or on a roadside cut; you will seevarious layers in the soil. These layers are calledsoil horizons. The arrangement of

    these horizons in a soil is known as asoil profile. Soil scientists, who are also called

    pedologists, observe and describe soil profiles and soil horizons to classify andinterpret the soil for various uses.


    CONTEXTO EXPLICATIVO: The soil profile is an important tool in nutrient management.

    Understanding the soil profile helps us to understand soil fertility. Soils weather, organic matter

    decomposes and the soil profile changes over time. Weathered, infertile soil usually contains a

    light-colored layer in the subsurface soil where nutrients have leached away; a fertile soil often has

    a deep surface layer that contains high amounts of organic matter. Understanding the soil profile

    helps us predict how a soil will perform under certain nutrient management plans.


    EQUIVALENTE: Perfil del suelo.

    CONTEXTO DEFINITORIO: Si se observa slo la superficie, sta no revela el resto. El perfil consiste de una

    sucesin de estratos ms o menos diferenciados. Estos estratos pueden deberse a la forma de deposicin o

    sedimentacin (suelos elicos o aluviales, en agua) o a procesos internos (pedognesis). En este ltimo caso

    los estratos se denominan horizontes. En esos procesos de pedognesis la vegetacin ejerce su influencia
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  • 7/31/2019 Measuring Soil Texture in the Field


