me 326 final term paper

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  • 8/21/2019 ME 326 Final Term Paper


    ME 326

    Project Report

    Adjustable Soccer Goals

    Brandon Williams


    [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of

    the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the

    contents of the document.]

  • 8/21/2019 ME 326 Final Term Paper


    Initial Project Proposal:

    This product will offer consumers the opportunity to have a full size soccer goal that they are

    able to assemble quickly with minimal parts and can disassemble after use and eliminate

    potential opportunities for the frame of the goal to be either stolen or damaged. Without

    drawing a sketch of the design, I imagine a 7 piece design with a set of two wheels to make the

    goal easier to move once assembled. Determining on how the sketches of our design turn out,

    the product will have either cylindrical or square pieces for the frame. The goal will have

    adjustments built into it to enable it to size standards for different age groups as well so that

    we dontlimit our consumer group.

    I would market this product to youth teams in urban areas that have open fields yet often no

    resources to play the game of soccer. The product would also appeal to families that have large

    yards and children who like to play soccer. By enabling the frame to adjust to different sizes,

    the families can keep one goal throughout their childs life as opposed to buying new ones as

    they outgrow the old.

    I would set durability and stability as the highest target value for this product due to the fact

    that if we design a product that is unstable, potential injuries could occur and we must be sure

    that if the frame is hit multiple times that it wont be susceptible to breaking easily. The

    product should be made out of a light, yet durable metal that would allow.

  • 8/21/2019 ME 326 Final Term Paper


    Project Scope Statement

    This project will include the design, fabrication and delivery of 4 portable and adjustable soccer

    frames for the Seven Hills Upper School in Cincinnati, Ohio. Due to the large success of the

    varsity soccer programs at the school, the administration seems it is appropriate to allocate

    money to an already successful and continuously growing program. As a private institution, the

    school is always looking to further develop its academics and extra-curricular activities so that it

    can continue to attract the best young students in the Greater Cincinnati area. The institution

    serves students from pre-kindergarten to high-school ages and it is a goal to provide equally for

    all ages. This is a goal that can be met by providing these soccer frames for their student body.

    In addition, the school has limited space and by developing an adjustable soccer frame, it will

    allow for students of all ages to share the same fields while not compromising their desired

    practice environment (realistic goals for their competition level).

    The goals designed for the school will satisfy the regulations set for the two official goal sizes in

    the various leagues that Seven Hills students compete in. As the project manager, I will oversee

    the design and fabrication of these goals and ensure that they are developed and tailored to

    the specific needs of the customer. I will also work with my project team to ensure that while

    we are developing this specific product, we use this as an opportunity to develop a product that

    can be marketed to other schools with similar desires and needs. I will be the main point of

    contact for all external vendors that we use and the consumer as well. It will be my sole

    responsibility that the project runs as smoothly as possible and that the consumer is satisfied

  • 8/21/2019 ME 326 Final Term Paper


    with the final product. Below, I have included the ideal dimensions for soccer goals for various

    age groups.

    Time, Cost, Performance Trade-Off Assessment

    The project will begin on June 2, 2014 and the final product will be delivered to the school no

    later than Aug 15, 2014 which marks the beginning of the high school soccer season. Should the

    project see any delay or the school is not happy with the initial product delivered, we will have

    time to repeat the estimated project cycle of 18 days twice to ensure that the consumer is

    satisfied come the beginning of the season. Any time after August 15th

    will be unacceptable for

    our project. The projects detailed timeframe is included later in the report, including times

    allotted for each task as well as who is assigned which task.

    The cost of the project is estimated to be $6,000 and that cost will be covered by money raised

    by the schools Athletic Boosters. Our main contact for finances will be Jane Doe, the treasurer

    of the Athletic Boosters. A more complete breakdown of costs, both direct and indirect, can be

    found in the Finalized Schedule Section.

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    The project will not involve too many subcontractors as we will only seek out different

    organizations to provide parts, welding and testing. Cooperative efforts from all resources will

    be necessary to ensure that the project is completed efficiently and in a timely manner. We

    hope to limit the amount of work we let out to subcontractors so that our cost does not

    significantly increase and subcontractors are not forced to employ even more people to the

    point that it would drive up our cost and not improve the performance of the final goal posts.

    Work Breakdown Structure

    A Work Breakdown Structure is a hierarchical process designed to subdivide deliverables of the

    project into smaller and smaller work elements. For this project, the main deliverable is to build

    two adjustable soccer frames for the Seven Hills upper School.

    Soccer GoalFrames




    Construction Testing


  • 8/21/2019 ME 326 Final Term Paper


    Currently, we have just finished the design phase of the project in Creo Parametric, engineering

    design software. With this software, we are able to design and model exactly what the goals

    will look like and assign different materials to different parts included in the product. We are

    also able to calculate where loads will be applied on the frame of the goal to ensure that by

    making it adjustable, we arent increasing its susceptibility to tip over in windy or other adverse

    conditions. While performing the stress tests in the design software, we noticed that the middle

    of the crossbar was bending more than we anticipated and were forced to take two extra days

    to redesign the frame to redistribute the stress more equally across the frame and exploit

    gravity to our advantage.

    The second deliverable is the actual construction of the frame. This will include completing the

    orders for all piping and additional parts required to attach all necessary parts in the frame. In

    addition, we will need to contract a welder to weld the pipe at the necessary joints. This should

    be a relatively simple part of the process as the welders will have our predetermined

    measurements as well as our virtual design.

    Finally, once the frame is completely constructed we will place it in an actual soccer

    environment and analyze how it withstands the elements as well. We will observe the amount

    of time, effort and difficulty it takes for students to adjust the goal to desired sizes. If we

    determine that it is upholding to our desired standards, we can deem the project complete and

    deliver it to the Seven Hills campus for use with all of their soccer teams.

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    Preliminary Schedule

    To help get a better idea of the schedule we foresee and how soon we hope to finish the

    project, we have a network diagram that will illustrate each task as well as the minimum and

    maximum times we envision for each of them.

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    Resource Allocation

    The main resource in this project will be my core group of alumni soccer players from

    the Seven Hills School who are currently studying architecture and engineering at schools

    across the country. There are four of us who will be designing and actually constructing the goal

    frames. Once the frames are loosely put together, we will give the frame to our welding

    contractors so that they can reinforce the frame and finish the product. We have already noted

    and are working to solve a current issue with our resources and ourselves in regards to

    completing the project. As novice project managers, we did not take into consideration that the

    welding contractor has other obligations that may supersede our goal frame so we did not think

    to contact them to schedule an appointment or make him aware of our desired schedule. Due

    to this fact, it has already been accepted that we will be an additional two days behind schedule

    due to this lack of communication. For all purchasing, I will be in charge and design and

    construction is divided up between us all.

    Activity Party Responsible

    Design frame in Creo Two Member Project Team

    Develop Parts List Project Manager

    Order Parts Project Manager

    Construct Frame Four Member Project Team

    Weld Frame Hired Subcontractor-A

    Testing Schools soccer players

  • 8/21/2019 ME 326 Final Term Paper


    Delivery Hired Subcontractor-B

    Despite the scheduling conflict with the welder, we have built enough time into our schedule to

    finish the project on team and still have time to go back and fix any issues should they arise

    before the beginning of the high school soccer season. In addition, it would be tough to assume

    that everyone will finish their duties exactly on time and the testing process may have to be

    extended so that we can get a better idea how the frame holds up in rain or some other

    weather condition.

    Risk Assessment and Response

    Risks in projects are usually more associated with larger projects where there are a lot of

    groups and subcontractors involved. In this particular project, the main risks will center on

    delays in completing tasks and not developing a product that meets the needs of our customer.

    To better understand the impacts of certain risks, see the chart below.

    The main risks that weve already encountered and plan on encountering have already been

    referenced. Additional risks can be seen in the next chart.

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    Risk Event Likelihood Impact Detection





    4 4 3 Throughout Project

    Supplier Mistakes 2 4 5 Ordering parts

    Poor Weather 3 2 2 Construction and




    3 4 2 During


  • 8/21/2019 ME 326 Final Term Paper


    Finalized Schedule

    To approximate the finalized schedule, a new network diagram has been completed that has

    taken into account the delays we have already endured and potential delays that have come to

    light in the early stages of our project.

    The most important task that needed to be completed was the design for the frame in Creo.

    After completing this and generating an adequate design, everything else can almost be set into

    motion simultaneously.

    Financial Requirements

    The major costs for this project will come during the ordering of all piping and materials for the

    frameAfter this paragraph, you will be able to see the

    Managing the Project

    Keys to Success

    Problem Solving

    Revised Project Estimate

    The original completion date for this project

    Management Issues


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    As of writing, the project has endured some challenges but the challenges have resulted in a

    better product and a more efficient and experienced project team. We have not begun

    construction yet so there is the potential that problems will arise